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MARCH 2011 MCQS adc_exams(correct ans yourself)

1. 20 y. O. Woman with ulcerations in the throat, palate and mucosa, temperature of 39C. B IF (THERE is
no herpangina in the options
a) aphtous stomatitis
b) acute herpetic stomatitis
c) pemphigoid

2. Radiopacities in the jaws is mostly:

a) hyperparatireiodism
b) Paget's disease

3. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of HIV:

a) HIV gengitivis
b) Lymphoma out of nodes (tumour extra nodal)
c) Osteosarcoma
d) Carcinoma spinocellular

4. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of Sjogren syndrome:

a) Xerostomia
b) Lung disease
c) Liver disease
d) Sialolithis
e) Cataract

5. Tetany is
a) Hypocalcaemia
b) Caused by anaerobic bacteria
c) Giant cell lesion

6. Child 8 y.o., with 2/3 erupted maxillary central incisor. The most probable cause is:
a) labial frenum
b) supranumerary mesiodens

7. Osteoblastoma is:
a) 1% of oral neoplasms
b) multilocular

8. Descamative gingivitis is

A) pregnancy gingivitis
b) hormonal unbalanced
c) lichen planus

9. Patognomonic of chronic periodontal disease:

A) subgingival calculus
b) apical migration of junctional epithelium
c) mobility
10. Haemophilia:
a) associated to Y cromossome
b) manifested in daughter who inherited from father
c) missing VII factor

11. Oroantral fistula is most likely result from displacement of which root: ?
A) buccal roots of first molar
b) buccal roots of second molar
c) palatal root of first molar
d) palatal root of second molar
e) second premolar

12. The easiest method to treat an oroantral fistula:

a) suture
b) buccal flap
c) palatal flap

13. Palatal root of superior molar appears elongated in the periapical radiograph
a) increased vertical inclination
b) altered vertical inclination
c) mesio distal inclination
d) decreased vertical inclination

14. Woman with nodule in the buccal mucosa for 1 year, asymptomatic, rubbery node in the parotid gland:
a) Benign mixed tumour
b) Encapsulated sialolithis

15. Aspiration of the content of a dentigerous cyst:

a) Nothing
b) Air
c) Blood
d) Cholesterol clefts
e) Keratine

If doubt still exists in the diagnosis of a cystic lesion after Clinical and radiological evaluation aspiration
biopsy could Provide conclusive evidence. Aspiration of the illusion should be Done with wide bore needle
and without contamination with blood.
The aspirated materials could be examined for their colour, Consistency and other laboratory
investigations to aid in the Diagnosis of cystic lesions.

1.Light straw coloured fluid containing cholesterol crystals. Indicates periodontal, dentigerous or fissural
2.Light yellow cheese like material indicates odontogenic Keratocyst. The fluid can be subjected to
electrophoresis for Protein estimation which is always less than 4gms per 100ml in Keratocyst and
identification of keratine under microscope.
3.Presence of blood under pressure indicates aneurysmal bone Cysts.
4.Minute amount of serous liquid indicates solitary bone

16. Pain from an angina

a) Irradiates to the neck
b) Irradiates to the left arm
c) It is central in the chest
d) It is over the heart

Angina may feel like pressure or squeezing pain /discomfort in the chest. This pain may also radiate to your
shoulders, arms, throat, neck or jaw and may even feel like indigestion or heart burn.

Angina may also feel like central chest discomfort or knife like pain across the central chest. Some people
may experience heaviness or pressure on the middle of the chest, like an elephant sitting on the chest. You
may even experience other associated symptoms like difficulty in breathing, feeling dizzy or light headed, or
feeling unw

17. Carcinoma spinocellular in the left posterior border of tongue spreads to

A) Left Submandibular nodule

b) Left Submental nodule
c) Bilateral submandibular nodule
d) Bilateral submandibular nodule

18. Carcinoma in the lower lip spreads to: ?????????

A) Left Submandibular nodule
b) Left Submental nodule
c) Bilateral submandibular nodule
d) Bilateral submandibular nodule

19. Management in a gingival recession with exposed soft cementum

a) Profilaxis with bristle brush and GIC restoration
b) Profilaxis with sodium bicarbonate jet and topic fluoride application

20. Bifid crown, two roots and two canals

a) Fusion
b) Gemination
c) Concrescence
d) Taurodontism
e) Dilaceration

21. Patient presented rash and loss of consciousness after intravenous barbiturate injection. Management should
a) Intramuscular 1000 adrenalin and oxygen
b) Intravenous 2000 adrenalin and hydrocortisone
c) Antihistaminic
d) Atropine

22. Local anaesthetic intravenously injected do not cause: ?

A) Tachycardia
b) Elevation of blood pressure
c) Respiratory depression

23. Trismus after inferior alveolar injection result from injection in:
a) Masseter
b) Lateral pterygoid
c) Medial pterygoid
d) Temporal

24. Comparing trigeminal neuralgia and odontogenic pain, what is incorrect: (A& B) are correct ,I THINK
there was another option which is (both can wake up at night) this is incorrect trigeminal disappear by

A) Trigeminal neuralgia has trigger points in facial skin

b) Both pains can be blocked with local anaesthetic

25. 20 y. O. Patient with marked indurated abscess related to a tooth not responding to vital tests. What is your
first line management?
A) Antibiotics
b) Extraction
c) Drainage of abscess and antibiotics
d) Debridment of root canal and antibiotics

1. 20 y. O. Woman with ulcerations in the throat, palate and mucosa, temperature of 39C.
A) aphtous stomatitis
b) acute herpetic stomatitis
c) pemphigoid

2. There was another similar question in the test but the age was 6yo I think, so both of them were B?

2. Radiopacities in the jaws is mostly:

a) hyperparatireiodism
b) Paget's disease

3. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of HIV:

a) HIV gengitivis
b) Lymphoma out of nodes (tumour extra nodal)
c) Osteosarcoma
d) Carcinoma spinocellular

4. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of Sjogren syndrome:

a) Xerostomia
b) Lung disease
c) Liver disease
d) Sialolithis
e) Cataract
5. Tetany is:
a) Hypocalcaemia
b) Caused by anaerobic bacteria
c) Giant cell lesion

6. Child 8 y.o., with 2/3 erupted maxillary central incisor. The most probable cause is:
a) labial frenum
b) supranumerary mesiodens

7. Osteoblastoma is:
a) 1% of oral neoplasms
b) multilocular

8. Descamative gingivitis is:

a) pregnancy gingivitis
b) hormonal unbalanced
c) lichen planus

9. Patognomonic of chronic periodontal disease:

a) subgingival calculus
b) apical migration of junctional epithelium
c) mobility

10. Haemophilia:
a) associated to Y cromossome
b) manifested in daughter who inherited from father
c) missing VII factor

11. Oroantral fistula is most likely result from displacement of which root:
a) buccal roots of first molar
b) buccal roots of second molar
c) palatal root of first molar
d) palatal root of second molar
e) second premolar
12. The easiest method to treat an oroantral fistula:
a) suture
b) buccal flap
c) palatal flap

13. Palatal root of superior molar appears elongated in the periapical radiograph:
a) increased vertical inclination
b) altered vertical inclination
c) mesio distal inclination
d) decreased vertical inclination

14. Woman with nodule in the buccal mucosa for 1 year, asymptomatic, rubbery node in the parotid
a) Benign mixed tumour
b) Encapsulated sialolithis

15. Aspiration of the content of a dentigerous cyst:

a) Nothing
b) Air
c) Blood
d) Cholesterol clefts
e) Keratine

16. Pain from an angina:

a) Irradiates to the neck
b) Irradiates to the left arm
c) It is central in the chest
d) It is over the heart

17. Carcinoma spinocellular in the left posterior border of tongue spreads to:
a) Left Submandibular nodule
b) Left Submental nodule
c) Bilateral submandibular nodule
d) Bilateral submandibular nodule

18. Carcinoma in the lower lip spreads to:

a) Left Submandibular nodule
b) Left Submental nodule
c) Bilateral submandibular nodule
d) Bilateral submental nodule

19. Management in a gingival recession with exposed soft cementum:

a) Profilaxis with bristle brush and GIC restoration
b) Profilaxis with sodium bicarbonate jet and topic fluoride application

20. Bifid crown, two roots and two canals

a) Fusion
b) Gemination
c) Concrescence
d) Taurodontism
e) Dilaceration

21. Patient presented rash and loss of consciousness after intravenous barbiturate injection.
Management should be:
a) Intramuscular 1000 adrenalin and oxygen
b) Intravenous 2000 adrenalin and hydrocortisone
c) Antihistaminic
d) Atropine

22. Local anaesthetic intravenously injected do not cause:

a) Tachycardia
b) Elevation of blood pressure
c) Respiratory depression

23. Trismus after inferior alveolar injection result from injection in:
a) Masseter
b) Lateral pterygoid
c) Medial pterygoid
d) Temporal

24. Comparing trigeminal neuralgia and odontogenic pain, what is incorrect:

a) Trigeminal neuralgia has trigger points in facial skin
b) Both pains can be blocked with local anaesthetic

25. 20 y. O. Patient with marked indurated abscess related to a tooth not responding to vital tests.
What is your first line management?
A) Antibiotics
b) Extraction
c) Drainage of abscess and antibiotics
d) Debridment of root canal and antibiotics

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