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Lump Ore Characteristics and their Impact on Blast Furnace

L Lu1, R J Holmes2, J R Manuel3, A Edenton4, M Adam4, R Smyth4 and S Hapugoda5


Lump ore is one of the key ferrous feeds used in the blast furnace AND ITS QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE
ironmaking process, normally accounting for ten to 20 per cent of the FERROUS BURDEN MATERIAL
blast furnace burden. Like other feeds, the characteristics of lump ore
have an important impact on the stable operation and productivity of the The blast furnace is a counter current reactor with the solid
blast furnace. Lump ore is usually assessed chemically, physically and burden, including ferrous feeds and coke, charged from the top of
mineralogically to establish its likely blast furnace performance. The the furnace and oxygen enriched hot air and auxiliary fuel
physical characteristics of lump ore are strongly related to the chemistry, injected through the tuyeres located in the lower part of the
mineralogy and texture of the ore involved. In this paper, the blast furnace furnace. As they descend through the blast furnace, the iron
ironmaking process is reviewed, with particular emphasis on the key oxide agglomerates are dried, heated and reduced by the
quality requirements for the ferrous burden material. A variety of key ascending reducing gas. The counter current principle of the
physical characteristics of lump ore measured using standard and
furnace makes it very efficient in transferring the heat and mass
non-standard methods are then described and subsequently correlated
with the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the ore wherever required to drive the reduction reactions. However, this does
possible. Finally, the impact of these physical characteristics on blast impose a stringent requirement on the permeability of burden
furnace operation is assessed. material in the furnace shaft, ie the stability and productivity of
the blast furnace is heavily dependent on the permeability of the
burden material. To achieve good permeability, the burden
INTRODUCTION material needs to meet specific criteria.
Lump iron ore is cheaper than iron ore pellets, but there have The chemical processes occurring in the blast furnace are very
been long standing concerns about its decrepitation and high complex. From the studies conducted on quenched blast furnaces
temperature properties, which have limited the usage of lump in Japan, five distinct zones have been identified from top to
ore in the blast furnace in the past (Wu, Xu and Tian, 2009). At bottom in the furnace, ie the lumpy zone, the cohesive zone, the
the same time, the gangue minerals in iron ore fines are active zone, the raceway and the hearth and deadman, as shown
increasing, due to the depletion of high-grade iron ore in Figure 1 (Kanbara et al, 1976; Kojima et al, 1976; Sasaki
resources, and this has resulted in a considerable change in
sinter chemistry, in particular, alumina content and basicity (Lu,
Holmes and Manuel, 2007).
Since lump ore usually contains much less alumina than iron
ore fines and is cheaper to prepare compared with iron ore
pellets, its usage is tending to increase to help balance slag
chemistry and contain raw material costs for the blast furnace. A
typical modern blast furnace burden contains about ten to 20 per
cent lump ore. Like other feeds, the characteristics of lump ore
are therefore expected to impact on the stable operation and
productivity of the blast furnace.
In this paper, the blast furnace ironmaking process is first
analysed in terms of its key quality requirements of the ferrous
burden material. The key physical characteristics of lump ore,
measured using standard and non-standard methods are then
reviewed and related to the chemical and mineralogical
characteristics of the ore. Finally, the impact of these physical
characteristics on blast furnace operation is discussed.

1. Stream Leader and Principal Scientist in Iron Ore Agglomeration,

CSIRO Minerals, PO Box 883, Kenmore Qld 4069.
2. FAusIMM(CP), Theme Leader, Iron Ore Maximising Export
Marketability, CSIRO Minerals, PO Box 883, Kenmore Qld 4069.
3. Stream Leader and Senior Scientist in Iron Ore Characterisation,
CSIRO Minerals, PO Box 883, Kenmore Qld 4069.
4. Project Officers, Mineral Processing and Agglomeration, CSIRO
Minerals, PO Box 883, Kenmore Qld 4069.
5. Project Scientist, Mineral Processing and Agglomeration, CSIRO
Minerals, PO Box 883, Kenmore Qld 4069. FIG 1 - Cross-section of a blast furnace (Loo and Bristow, 1998a).

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L LU et al

et al, 1976; Shimomura et al, 1976). The conditions the burden Unlike sinter, which is always produced on site, lump ore often
material is subjected to, such as temperature, gas composition has a higher tumble index, which is needed to resist mechanical
and compressive load, vary widely both vertically and radially. degradation during transportation. The resistance of lump ore to
Different quality requirements therefore need to be imposed on mechanical degradation is believed to be mainly influenced by
the burden material, such as lump ore, in different zones of the the mineralogy and texture of the ore involved. After measuring
furnace. Table 1 summarises the key reactions occurring in the the toughness of three lump ores using a combination of macro-
lumpy and cohesive zones of the furnace and the corresponding and microfracture tests, Dukino et al (1995) concluded that
operational requirements for these two zones, which largely tough lump ores with strong grain boundaries are resistant to
determine the quality requirements for the burden material. degradation, and therefore generate a low proportion of fines.
Below the cohesive zone, the lump ore loses its identity due to Two mechanisms may be responsible for the mechanical
the softening and melting process resulting from heating and degradation of individual lump particles in the blast furnace, ie
reduction, and therefore will not have significant impact on the impact and abrasion. If an individual lump particle is incapable
processes occurring in the zones below the cohesive zone, of accommodating the energy due to impact during charging as
although the gangue minerals from the lump ore will partition to well as the abrasion between particles and between the particles
the slag phase and are expected to change the slag chemistry and the furnace wall, this individual particle is likely to break
slightly. down to generate fines. These fines fill the voids in the packed
First of all, lump ore needs to be strong enough to resist any burden material and reduce the permeability in the furnace shaft.
significant size degradation during the charging operation. Then,
the resistance to decrepitation and disintegration due to release of Decrepitation index (DI)
combined moisture (LOI), thermal shock and reduction in the
upper part of the lumpy zone, and the reducibility of lump ore in As the cold burden lands on the top of the hot burden in the
the lower part of the lumpy zone become important furnace and descends, it is subject to thermal shock, which may
characteristics for stable blast furnace operation. Finally, in the also cause breakdown of the lump particles. To assess this
cohesive zone of the furnace the softening and melting character- behaviour of lump ore, the ISO decrepitation index (DI) is usually
istics of lump ore become important. measured in accordance with ISO 8371. The decrepitation index
quantifies the resistance of lump ore to thermal degradation.
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LUMP ORE The presence of hydrated and carbonate minerals as well as
combined moisture are closely linked to the decrepitation of lump
Standard physical characteristics ore (Tenuta de Azevedo and Cardoso, 1983; Da Silva and Muniz,
2008). It is therefore not surprising that thermally processed ores,
such as fired sinter and pellets, do not decrepitate. Previous
Tumble and abrasion indices (TI and AI) experience has also suggested that ore texture has an important
Ore degradation in transit can significantly reduce the amount of impact on the degree of decrepitation. As shown in Figure 2,
lump ore available for charging into the blast furnace and can porous ore does not decrepitate as much as dense ore even though
have an adverse impact on blast furnace operation if degradation it has a higher LOI content. A high decrepitation index results in
occurs during the charging operation. To assess the resistance to more iron loss through dust generation and has a negative impact
degradation of lump ore during charging, handling and on blast furnace permeability.
transportation, the tumble (TI) and abrasion (AI) indices are
often determined in accordance with ISO 3271. While both Low temperature reduction disintegration index
indices are measured in the tumble test, usually only the tumble (RDI)
index is reported in the literature. Basically the tumble index
demonstrates the resistance of lump ore to mechanical As the burden material descends further in the furnace shaft,
degradation, while the abrasion index gives an indication of the reduction of haematite (Fe2O3) to magnetite (Fe3O4) commences
degree of fines generation. with the increase in temperature and decrease in oxygen

Key reactions, operational and quality requirements of the blast furnace lumpy and cohesive zones.

Zones Description Key reactions Operational Quality requirements Physical properties

Lumpy From stockline to the Preheating and drying Gas permeable Proper size distribution Size distribution and
zone surface of the cohesive Indirect reduction of iron Resistance to breakdown mean particle size
zone ores during charging as well Tumble index
Carbon solution reaction as due to compression in Decrepitation index
the furnace Low-temperature
Resistance to reduction disintegration
decrepitation due to index
thermal shock Reducibility index
Resistance to
disintegration due to low
temperature reduction
High reducibility
Cohesive Starts when the materials Indirect reduction of As narrow as High softening Softening temperature
zone become softened and FeO possible, and the root temperature Melting temperature
deformed, and finishes Carburisation of Fe by of the cohesive zone Low dripping Width of cohesive zone
when liquid starts CO needs to be as low as temperature S value
dripping (softened mass) Carbon solution reaction possible

366 Perth, WA, 27 - 29 July 2009 Iron Ore Conference


5.255 g/cm3, while Fe3O4 has an octahedral spinel structure with

a theoretical density of 5.2 g/cm3. Solid state reduction of
haematite is therefore accompanied both by change in crystal
structure and volume expansion, generating strain. Cracks,
believed to form initially at grain boundaries, then led to
disintegration of ore particles.

Reducibility index (RI)

Two different types of reduction reactions occur in the blast
furnace. Above the cohesive zone, the iron oxides are reduced
mainly by the reducing gases, including CO and H2, to wstite
(FeO), while further reduction to iron occurs in contact with
solid fuel or coke in and below the cohesive zone. The former is
called an indirect reaction, while the latter is termed a direct
reaction. The reducibility index (RI) is designed to quantify the
FIG 2 - Effect of ore mineralogy and texture on the decrepitation extent to which oxygen can be removed from iron ore within a
index; -25 + 20 mm lump ore particles of highly microporous, fixed period when reduced under conditions resembling those
ochreous goethite (left), microporous martite-goethite (centre) prevailing in the indirect reduction zone of a blast furnace. The
and dense martite-goethite (right), before (top row) and after RI value of lump ore is determined in accordance with ISO 7215,
decrepitation test (bottom row). Images before and after test are ISO 4695 and ISO 7992, which use distinct reducing gas
of the same particles. compositions and reduction temperatures without (ISO 7215,
ISO 4695) or with compression load (ISO 7992).
potential. To assess the performance of lump ore in this zone of High reducibility encourages indirect reduction in the blast
the blast furnace, the low-temperature reduction disintegration furnace, reducing fuel consumption. High reducibility is
index (RDI) is determined using a thermogravimetric method in also expected to decrease the quantity of melt formed during
accordance with ISO 4696-2. The RDI value is designed to the reduction, resulting in improved softening and melting
evaluate the degree of fine particle (-2.8 mm) generation from characteristics. Lump ore with high reducibility is therefore
lump ore when reduced under conditions similar to those desirable for blast furnace operation.
prevailing in the low temperature reduction zone of a blast During indirect reduction, iron oxides are reduced through a
furnace. Low temperature reduction disintegration is a serious solid/gas reaction mechanism. At intermediate temperatures, the
problem for sinter due to the negative effect of increasing reduction rate is likely to be controlled by mixed gas diffusion and
alumina content of iron ore sinter fines (Lu, Holmes and Manuel, chemical reaction on the pore surface of the solid. The porosity of
2007) and has therefore attracted much attention and extensive the solid phase is therefore expected to affect the reaction kinetics,
research in recent times. Compared with sinter, lump ore is as it changes the surface area available for chemical reaction.
generally much less affected by reduction degradation. Figure 3 shows the macro- and micro- structure of typical lump
Detailed mechanisms responsible for this behaviour have been ores. It is clear that lump ore is often less porous, and therefore
reviewed (Dawson, 1993; Loo and Bristow, 1998b, Lu, Holmes lower in reducibility than sinter and most pellets. Comparing the
and Manuel, 2007). Disintegration of lump ore is generally two lump ores in Figure 3, Lump A is more porous than Lump B.
believed to be associated with the volume change due to the However, it is worth mentioning that Lump B has a higher LOI
reduction of haematite to magnetite and the inability of the due to the presence of more goethite (FeOOH), which will
haematite grains to accommodate the strains resulting from generate more secondary porosity upon heating prior to indirection
changes in volume and crystal structure. Fe2O3 belongs to reduction. When reduced, Lump B had a better reducibility of
the hexagonal crystal system and has a calculated density of 84.5 per cent compared with 77.8 per cent for Lump A.


FIG 3 - Reflected optical micrographs showing mineralogical characteristics of two different lump samples (-2 +1 mm fraction of crushed
lump samples): (A) sample A and (B) sample B; H haematite, M martite, G goethite, HY hydrohaematite, S shale, Q quartz.

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Non-standard physical characteristics (softening Figure 5 shows the softening and melting curves measured for
and melting characteristics) an Australian lump iron ore sample under typical SAM testing
conditions by CSIRO. The softening, melting and dripping
The softening and melting (SAM) test is aimed at simulating the temperatures, as well as the cohesive zone temperature range, are
physical and chemical changes occurring in a small volume of defined below and illustrated in Figure 5:
sample as it descends in a blast furnace, particularly in the
cohesive zone. During the test, the sample is sandwiched Softening temperature (C), TS the sample temperature at
between two layers of graphite or coke particles and subjected to 50 per cent bed compaction. Above this temperature, the
a programmed time-dependent variation of temperature, gas pressure drop across the bed starts to increase rapidly. This
composition and loading conditions. The physical and chemical temperature usually coincides with the temperature at which
changes occurring in the sample during the test are monitored direct reduction starts and is defined here as the start of the
continuously by measuring and recording the changes in bed cohesive zone.
height, pressure drop across the sample bed and sample and melt Melting temperature ( C), Tm the temperature at which the
collector temperatures. As different blast furnaces operate under pressure drop across the sample bed returns to that at TS or
distinct working conditions, and given the complexity of this test, 1550C, whichever is lower. This indicates the end of
there is no standard procedure for the softening and melting test. meltdown and compaction of the bed.
A fully computerised testing facility has been developed at Cohesive zone temperature range (C), T the temperature
CSIRO to characterise the softening and melting characteristics interval between the softening and melting temperatures. It is
of ferrous burden material under realistic conditions similar to important to ensure the temperature difference between
those encountered in the blast furnace. Figure 4 presents a softening and melting of the burden is not too great. A thick
schematic diagram of the CSIRO softening and melting test cohesive zone will result in poor permeability in the furnace
facility. It consists of an induction furnace, a gas distribution burden.
system, a loading system and a data acquisition system. The
induction furnace is capable of heating the test sample at Dripping temperature (C), Td the temperature at which the
required heating rates up to the temperature of 1550C. The gas first drop of molten material is recorded. This is detected by
distribution system enables simulation of the compositions of a thermocouple positioned in the melt collector.
gaseous mixtures of N2, CO, CO2 and H2 that are typically found S value (kPa C), the area under the pressure drop curve,
in blast furnaces. The loading system applies a fixed or variable above the pressure drop at TS and bordered by the softening
load to the surface of the sample bed via an air cylinder and and melting temperatures. This is often referred to as the S
monitors the compaction of the sample bed. The data acquisition value in Japan. The S value indicates the pressure accumulated
system is used to preset the initial values and ramping rates of in the cohesive zone. As shown in the insert in Figure 5, the S
the sample load and gas flow rates, and records the changes in value is calculated using the following equation:
bed height and pressure drop across the sample bed, as well as
sample and melt collector temperatures for analysis. Table 2
summarises the typical testing conditions used in the CSIRO S = (P P )dT
SAM test. Ts

FIG 4 - Schematic diagram of the softening and melting testing facility at CSIRO.

368 Perth, WA, 27 - 29 July 2009 Iron Ore Conference



Summary of typical CSIRO softening and melting testing CHARACTERISTICS ON THE BLAST FURNACE
conditions. OPERATION
Parameter Unit Variation range Typical conditions
of key variables Standard versus non-standard physical properties
Sample mass g - About 500 The phase diagram of the Fe-C-O system (Figure 6) shows the
Sample size mm - -12.5+10 stability fields of Fe and various iron oxides (Ricketts, 2000). On
the same figure, the conditions of various ISO standard physical
Sample bed mm - 65 tests and the working conditions measured for Japanese and
height German blast furnaces are also shown. It is clear that the
Graphite layer mm - 45 bottom relationship between the gas composition and temperature inside
depth the blast furnace does not follow the equilibrium curves for
mm - 40 top
either iron oxides or carbon. The simple standardised tests are
Graphite size mm - -12.5+10 generally conducted at fixed conditions, which often represent
Gas flow l/min Programmable 11.3 the extreme situations encountered by the burden material in the
N2: 0 - 20 furnace. Therefore, the standard physical tests do not provide
CO: 0 - 15 information on the behaviour of the burden material in the blast
CO2: 0 - 10 furnace, particularly in the cohesive zone of the furnace. For this
H2: 0 - 3 purpose, more sophisticated, non-standard physical testing
Gas Vol% Programmable: 30% CO + 70% N2 methods are needed to simulate the working conditions that the
composition four gas mixture of burden material encounters on its descent down the furnace.
varying compositions
Heating rate C/min Programmable ~10 at temperatures
below 1000C
~5 at temperatures
higher than 1000C
Load kN/m2 Programmable 98
0 - 250

P and PT s are the pressure drops across the sample bed at any
instantaneous temperature and at TS, respectively
While many factors, such as composition, pore structure and
mineralogy, can affect the softening and melting characteristics
of the burden material, it is thought that the reducibility of the
material determines the amount of FeO in the sample during high
temperature reduction and therefore the softening characteristics FIG 6 - Phase stability fields of iron and various iron oxides, blast
of the material. On the other hand, the liquidus temperature and furnace working conditions and the conditions of different standard
the amount of slag formed from the burden material determine ISO physical tests: (1) ISO 4696-2, (2) ISO 7215, (3) ISO 4695,
the dripping temperature of the material (Lu et al, 2009). and (4) ISO 7992 (Ricketts, 2000).
400 10
Pr essure Dr op , kpa

S Value
350 8
Pressure drop
6 8
Bed compaction (x10,%) and

Dripping Temp ( C)

TS Tm 7

Pressure Drop (kPa)

250 0 6
1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350
Sample Temp, C
200 5

Bed compaction 3
Dripping Temp
Td Tm
0 0
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400

Sample Temp, C

FIG 5 - Softening and melting curves measured for an Australian lump iron ore under typical CSIRO softening and
melting testing conditions. T = Tm Ts .

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L LU et al

After reviewing the burden testing methods available, Chaigneau

et al (2001) suggested that standard physical tests are useful tools
for quality control to ensure consistent quality of the raw
materials, while non-standard physical tests give better
predictions when unfamiliar burden materials are used.

Effect of fines generation from blast furnace

burden material
In a packed bed like the shaft of a blast furnace, fines tend to
occupy the voids between large particles, thereby reducing the
overall void fraction and permeability of the packed bed.
Figure 7 shows the relationship of the TI and RDI indices of
burden material with blast furnace permeability. Lower furnace
permeability is expected for a burden material with lower TI and
higher RDI, as this type of burden material generates more fines FIG 8 - Effect of burden reducibility on blast furnace coke rate
as it descends. This can affect the gas distribution and volume, as (Ranade, 2000).
well as the flue dust generation inside the furnace, and
consequently the productivity and stability of furnace operation. dehydroxylation of goethite. Subsequent brittle deformation
causes reorientation of the ore particles under load and high
Effect of reducibility of blast furnace burden temperature. It is believed that the sample has still retained its
material particle identity, since the reaction gases could still readily flow
through the remaining gaps between ore particles without causing
Reducibility is important to the blast furnace, particularly in the a significant pressure drop. The pressure drop across the sample
lower part of the lumpy zone. It can affect utilisation of the only started to increase rapidly when the sample bed reached
reducing potential of CO and H2 in the furnace shaft and therefore 50 per cent compaction at around 1155C, due to collapse of the
coke consumption of the furnace, as evidenced in Figure 8. A void space between ore particles resulting from plastic
highly reducible ore will also result in less FeO in the burden as it deformation and partial fusion of ore particles at the higher
descends into the high temperature zone and, therefore, will temperature. Therefore it is likely that the softening temperature of
improve the softening property of the burden material. some lump ores has been underestimated, and consequently the
width of their cohesive zones overestimated. In fact, it has been
reported that some of the blast furnaces in China have been
Effect of high temperature properties of blast
running efficiently at 20 per cent of lump ore in their burden (Wu,
furnace burden material Xu and Tian, 2009).
The behaviour of blast furnace ferrous burden during reduction at
high temperatures, or the softening and dripping temperatures, is CONCLUSIONS
believed to determine the configuration and location of the
cohesive zone (Dawson, 1987; Higuchi et al, 2004), which has a The blast furnace ironmaking process is analysed and the key
profound impact on hot metal productivity as well as quality, fuel quality requirements for the ferrous burden material are proposed.
consumption, operational stability and the lining life of the blast The key physical characteristics of lump ore measured using
furnace due to its effects on total gas flow and distribution of gas standard and non-standard methods, including tumble index,
in the furnace burden (Dawson, 1987). decrepitation index, low temperature reduction disintegration
As mentioned earlier, there have been long standing concerns index, reducibility as well as the softening and melting
about the high temperature characteristics of lump ore. As shown properties, are described and subsequently correlated with the
in Figure 5, the lump clearly started to shrink at approximately chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the ore. While the
710C. However, the sample underwent only slow linear shrinkage mineralogical characteristics of ore have significant impacts on
at sample temperatures below 1000C, and no pressure drop was the physical properties of lump ore, chemical composition is also
detected across the sample bed. Therefore the bed shrinkage important to the softening and melting properties of lump ore.
observed at 710C is not due to softening of the sample, but The impact of the physical characteristics on blast furnace
instead is due to the volume change of the lump ore as a result of operation is assessed. By influencing the fines generation and

FIG 7 - Effect of burden tumble index and reduction disintegration index on blast furnace permeability (V/P) (Ranade, 2000).

370 Perth, WA, 27 - 29 July 2009 Iron Ore Conference


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and permission to publish this work. Institute of Japan, 62:570-579.
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