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January 15, 2017

The annual meeting opened at 9:05am at the Thornton Beagle with a roll call being completed
all member clubs were represented and President Larry Mazza at the helm.


Larry opened up by letting the membership know the year went well with no major issues to
report out. He then discussed the NEBGF and how they were extending the derby season
through December which has changed from the past where the season ended at the Run-off.

Discussed moving the Annual meeting to December so we could have a better grasp on running
season and also avoid conflict with hunting.

Larry also discussed making some amendments to by laws, specifically changing the wordage
from Winners Stakes- change to and or show, which has been previously written And Show.

Dues perdiem of $75 will stay the same

Entries- currently @ $1 per entry change to a $30 flat fee per club paid with yearly dues

Larry will amend and get out to the clubs for a future vote.

Treasurer Report-

Previous balance is $970.62

Secretary Report-

Minutes from Semi-Annual meeting were read and accepted with a motion by Jason Wiseman
and seconded by Brad Nigro, passed

Field Trial Secretary-

Nothing reported

Unfinished Business-

Nothing to report
January 15, 2017

Election of Officers-

Current Slate-

President- Larry Mazza

V.President- Tippy Willis
Treasurer- D.Bower
Secretary- Mike Santos
FTS- J.Wiseman

New Slate of Officers-

President- Larry Mazza

V.President- Doug Bower
Treasurer- Dave Bourque
Secretary- Mike Santos
FTS- Tippy Willis
FTC- Jason Wiseman

Dave Wood motions to accept officers as reads, seconded by Bubba Sousa, passed. The
secretary than casted one vote to keep officers as discussed, passed

New Business-

Bay State Beagle Club nominates Dave Wood to the Hall of Fame, motioned by Brad Nigro and
Jason Wiseman, vote ensued and he was voted in unanimously.

Each club needs to submit 5 judges for NEBGF trial to Jason Wiseman to be selected and voted
on. This is a change from years past.

Awards for the Banquet are as follows, 4 jackets for High Hounds, 3 FC fleeces or option to add
lettering, runner-ups to receive fleece / hoodies, motion by Art Nigro/ Garypassed
January 15, 2017
Good and Welfare-

$1,550 in account with a motion by Larry and Gary to donate $200 to the kids trial, passed

Motion to adjourn at 12pm by George Faria and Todd Nigro, passed

Respectfully Submitted.

Michael W Santos

Michael W Santos
NEHBA Secretary

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