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Computer Networks

Assignment No. 3
Total Marks: 20 Dead line: 28 October, 2014
Do your own work. If two solutions are found similar, no credit will be allocated to any
of the students. Write to the point answer of the following question.

Q.1. Differentiate between Internet and Intranet? [2.5+2.5]


INTERNET:- [2.5]
The Internet is a huge network of computers, which links any different types of
computers all over the world. It is a network of networks, which share a common
mechanism for addressing (identifying) computers, and a common set of communication
protocols for communication between two computers on the network.

INTRANET:- [2.5]
A group/set of communication networks operates/used within an organization
using TCP/IP protocol for the internal communication. It just works like a internet within
the organization or organization may connects its intranet to the global internet.

Q.2. what are the differences between Star and tree topologies? Explain at least one
Advantage and one Disadvantage of Tree Topology? [5+5+5]



In star topology, transmission media is the cables that attach each computer
directly with a central hardware (node). We use HAB as the central node. Each computer
or station attached to a hub through two point to point link. One link is used to transmit
the data and other is used to receive the data.


Tree topology is the form of star topology. In tree topology, the transmission
media is the cables attached to each computer, but these cables have no closed loop. We
can make tree topology by placing the hardware at the point known as headend. We can
attach one or many cables with the headend and each cable may have other cable
branches. We use terminators at the end of every branch which absorbed signals,
removing signals from tree. In tree topology when one station transmits data, every
station receives that data.

The tree topology required less number of wires as compare to the star topology.

First disadvantage of tree topology is if any station transmits any data, all stations can
receive the data. Secondly if one station wants to transmit any data, it will wait until the
media become free for transmission. Thirdly if any cable from any branch cut or disable
then only that branch will no more in the network.

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