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May the Whole Earth Be Happy:

Loka Samastat Sukhino Bhavantu

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Teachings of Vedantic philosophy, developed in India several

thousand years ago, are relevant to today's world. The most re-
nowned script, the Bhagavad Gita, can be viewed as a treatise
on management action. I examine Vedantic creation myths for
their approach to the creation, recursion, and closure of system;
they prefigure these features in contemporary physics. I make a
direct and startling comparison between the Vedantic creation
model and the viable system model of current managerial cy-
bernetics. I examine Vedic mathematics for its relevance to
school teaching and to computers and consider the role of yogic
meditation in management training.

W est Churchman and I have been

friends since we met at the first in-

timal Decision [Churchman 1961], he wrote

a note thanking me touchingly for my crit-

ternational conference on operational re- ical review essay, which had appeared in
search in Oxford in 1957. About 25 years the American journal Philosophy of Science
ago, he stayed at my house in Surrey out- [Beer 1963]. His subtitle to the book was
side London and roamed around my li- Philosophical Issues of a Science of Values.
brary. After he left, I found that he had This is a far cry from the technique-ori-
written on the flyleaves of my copies of his ented aridity that we have since come to
own books. expect under titles concerned with either
In his influential book Prediction and Op- forecasting or optimality. Churchman is
Copyright Co 1994, The Institute uf Management Sciences PROFESSIONALMS/OR PHILOSOPHY

INTERFACES 24: 4 July-August 1994 (pp. 83-93)


surely the outstanding modern philosopher Lokham refers to the worldto Gaia her-
of systems theory, and his concern with self, as we might sayand is taken to in-
ethical questions has never been merely an clude all living species whose habitat is
academic preoccupation. His book ap- here. Sukham. happiness in brief, is close to
peared as the turbulent '60s begana de- what Aristotle later called eudemonia. well-
cade of grave moral disquiet: civil rights, being; but it encompasses the satisfaction
Viet Nam, and free speech were all matters of needs that are not only physical and
that split the American nation. Churchman mental, but spiritual. We can link these an-
the activist emerged from behind the cient Eastern ideals to our (less) ancient
dreaming spire of the Berkeley campanile Greek heritage through the words satyam
to run personal risks that others will cata- (truth), sundaram (beauty), and sivham
logue but I remember. (goodness); these ideals are upheld in both
Towards the end of the decade he pub- cultures as marks of civilization. Our ma-
lished The Systems Approach [Churchman terialistic age takes instead such a measure
1968]: I believe it was equally influential. as the gross national product and divides it
In my copy of this book. Churchman by the population. The statistical fiction
wrote a brief testimonial of friendship that this "GNP per capita" somehow rep-
"without the necessity of frequent feed- resents "quality of life" for the individual
back because of love." And so it has citizen is exposed by the fact that wealth is
worked out between us ever since those heavily concentrated at the top end of the
days. What do we know about any such national spectrum of income. But apolo-
mode of communication? For certain, it has gists for Third World exploitation make
nothing to do with E-mailpsi-mail, sanctimonious reference to improvements
maybe. What do we know about the that are unreal for the ordinary person.
brotherhood of love itself? Very little, it Management as Action
would seem, as we look around at the de- Each of the three lanes approaching my
vastation of our world today. But remote cottage in the Welsh hills runs
Churchman has devoted much of his prac- through a small farm, and each farm is
tical effort to the causes of love and peace. guarded by sheep dogs. As my battered
As the Churchman oeuvre attests. West old truck comes near, dogs rush upon it
is a great expertappropriately enough barking, and as the truck passes by, they
on Western philosophy. In this essay, I put chase it off their territory. They drop off
forward some thoughts based on ancient the chase after 100 yards or so with their
Vedantic philosophy. I transmit them from tails in the air^quite evidently satisfied
East to West in the hope that he may enjoy with a job well done. I was just going
them, in the spirit of his messages to me. It home anyway, fellows, but never mind.
is appropriate that I take as title an ancient Once there was a successful company
invocation [Murthy 1988, p. 3] of which he whose staff constituted a real team. The
would surely approve: "May the whole work force was hard working and well or-
earth be happy." In the Sanskrit: ganized. The company had wonderful re-
Loka samastat sukhino bhavantu. lationships with both suppliers and clients


and made steady profits. When the annual characterizes our era. "The world is impri-
general meeting approached each year, the sioned in its own activity," says the Gita
company gave a big party for the press: it (chapter 3, verse 9). Yes, that is how we
had done very well and would be doing lose sight of the concept of social good and
even better next year, announced the man become latter-day Philistines into the bar-
who organized the party. The published gain. "There is no such thing as society,"
accounts confirmed it all and revealed that said Prime Minister Thatcher. So all that is
the party organizer had collected a large left is the individual and selfish desire.
bonus. This was in order because he was "S/he is the slave of his/her own activ-
the CEO. ity," says the Gita (chapter 4, verse 14),
The Bhagavad-Gita [Beer 1962a] says in whose authors had never even seen an ex-
chapter 3, verse 27: ecutive wrestling with the laptop comput-
er's appointments-and-jobs-to-be-done
In reality, action is entirely the outcome of all
the modes of nature's attributes; moreover, only program.
s/he whose intellect is deluded by egotism is so You might think from this that the Gita
ignorant that s/he presumes "I am doing this."
recommends less action or that people re-
This sentence expresses the philosophy of move themselves from the fray altogether.
holism writ large in terms of management On the contrary, the Gita teaches that one
action. Managers, like the farmers' dogs, has a duty to act. But the action must be in
often claim credit for the details of out- harmony with the whole situation, not an
comes that are actually products of the
system, credit from which they are dis-
qualified by Ashby's law of requisite vari- "The world is imprisoned in
ety. When I first offered this quotation in its own activity."
the context of management 30 years ago
[Beer 1966, p. 299], I wrote that it reveals imposition. Above all, it must be disinter-
an insight into the nature of system, secondly ested. The duty to act does not carry rights
into the proliferation of variety, and thirdly into to the fruits of action: only the petty-
the generation of spontaneous control activity.
Thefirstclause, translated directly into cyber- minded work for reward. So much for the
netic jargon instead of English might read: Out- '80s ethic of the first world.
put is a self-regulating black box function of in- Consider a manager who seeks right ac-
put variety. But the sting is in the second
clause. It speaks of the self-determination of the tion for its own sake, and (as the Gita says,
system from its own nature, of the implicit con- chapter 5, verse 10) is like the leaf of a wa-
trol which cybernetics purports to discover in
nature 5,000 years too late to count as original. ter lily that rests unwetted on water: "She/
he rests on action, untouched by action."
Much more than this quotation recom- Such a person will try to refuse the credit
mends the Gita [Prabhavananda and for success, which is difficult; what is even
Isherwood 1944] for management studies; more difficult is to refuse the blame for
this scripture is wholly concerned with the failurewhen the action was right. Our
nature of right action, and it is a monu- hypothetical manager may find it weari-
mental rebuke to the creed of greed that some to operate on so lofty a plane and

July-August 1994 85

may consider withdrawing his or her ef- find approval in the business schools. But
fort. This was exactly the predicament of they would need to follow through. They
Prince Arjuna before the battle of would find that the ultimate meaning of
Kurukshetra, which is the scene of the their new motto lies in the direct experi-
Bhagavad-Gita. He was unhappy to be ence of selfwhich few people ever con-
fighting a battle against his own kith and front. They would also have to face the
kin. However, Arjuna was fortunate to lesson of direct experience in the imple-
have the divine incarnation, Krishna, as his mentation of the techniques of socioeco-
charioteer, and thence flows the philo- nomic management that they teach. This is
sophic discussion of the ethics of right ac- that they don't work.
tion. Not only do you have a duty to act, A school of vedantic management would
but personal disinterest in the outcome teach the eight-fold path to wisdom of raja
must raise you above it; not only must you yoga through direct experience of self. In
not run away from distasteful action, but managerial terms it would come out as the
only action can free you from the obliga- Gita says (chapter 5, verse 5); "The wise
tion to act. That last sentence deserves see knowledge and action as one."
some thought. The Creation, Recursion and Closure
These arguments are of a subtlety and of System
nobility unknown to the creed of greed. All great cultures have supported cre-
Recently there has been a spate of confer- ation myths. Our own is sponsored by
ences on business ethics. It is sad to turn modern physics: the big bang theory. This,
from the Gita to confront the fact that of course, is no more a statement of objec-
these important meetings concern simply tive truth than any others. Its most well-
the prevention of fraud. There should be known exponent, Stephen Hawking
more to business ethics than that. It is sad [1988], himself says: "We see the universe
too that the Gita has sometimes been used the way it is because we exist" (p. 124).
among Hindu extremists to justify vio- And this is a view some physicists take
lencejust because it draws its high dra- even further with the anthropic cosmologi-
matic effect from a scene of battle. But cal principle [Barrow and Tippler 1986],
Krishna is not alone in this misrepresenta- which sees humankind as the center of or
tion. The teachings of another Prince of indeed the reason for the universe. Others
Peace have with equivalent perversity have gone on to "the theory of every-
been manipulated in the cause of a multi- thing" that emerged from the 10-dimen-
tude of heinous crimes in the Christian sional constructs of Superstrings [Peat
world. 1991].
The 4,000-year-old Sankhya philosophy, All the myths, including that of the big
part of the Vedantic tradition, is the basis bang, fundamentally concern the origin
of raja yoga. It teaches that belief is non- and nature of time itself. While our own
sense. Only direct experience counts. This culture uses concepts and measures such
would make a powerful aphorism for as Hawking's, we still have fundamental-
modern management and one that might ists among us who accept the seven days


and seven nights of Genesis, although to more satisfying philosophic outcomes. A

some of those concede that an Old Testa- full treatment of this cybernetic contention
ment day might be longer than the terres- would consider especially the constructivist
trial day. Otherwise, the two myths have theory of Heinz von Foerster and his asso-
much in commonexcept for the order in ciates [Siegel 1986] and the theory of auto-
which the earth and moon appeared. Both poiesis advanced by Maturana and
of these contemporary myths involve not Varela [1980]. In this short paper, I shall
only a primary big bang, but an eventual use illustrations from my own work.
big crunch. The logician Goedel demonstrated that
So does the oldest creation myth in the language is based on a structure that can
book. It is the Vedantic theory of yugas, never be completely closedthat is, it will
the world ages. There are four world ages, always be possible to make some state-
and together they last for 4,320,000 years. ments that are in effect meaningless be-
cause they can be neither proved nor re-
futed. 1 consider that the problems en-
Only the petty-minded work countered in discussing creation, and
for reward. thereafter of its contained created systems,
begin with the logical incompleteness of
It takes a thousand such cycles to account the language in which they are cast. This is
for a day in the life of God (Genesis en- exemplified in physics by asking questions
thusiasts please note). At the end of the about chance and necessity in the universe
day (thus defined) "all matter in the uni- and is epitomized in Einstein's agonizing
verse is reabsorbed into the universal over his belief that "God does not play
spirit" [Hope 1991, p. 91]. During the dice"held in the face of new discoveries
night, which is also some four trillion years in quantum theory that required a random
long, "matter persists only as potential for basis and seemed to imply that He did. It
reappearance" [Hope 1991, p. 91]. All this was exemplified in the context of manage-
refers to one day in a year of 360 days in ment by a discussion of production plan-
the life of Brahma; and he lives for a ning in my first book [Beer 1959, p. 76]. To
hundred years before the big crunch. The deal with this, I offered the principle of
whole of this immense cycle then renews. "completion from without," which pro-
So time is not itself an episode suspended posed to give closure to a Goedelian sen-
in nothing. tence by a device that could not be under-
In short, the Vedantic philosophy of the stoodexcept insofar as it did indeed
yugas is structurally recursive in its treat- make the closure. The managerial cyber-
ment of time, matter, and energy. It exhib- netics I later propounded [Beer 1966] was
its closure, both within its recursivity and based upon this principle. But instead of
also metasystemically beyond it. Modern using my inelegant words, Einstein's spirit
systems theory is better equipped to reflect might be quieted by ostensive definition:
and foment such Vedantic notions in our God IS the dice. The biack box is what it
times than is contemporary physicsand does.

July-August 1994 87

Sristi: The Vedantic VSM: The Cybernetic

Creation Model Description Viable System Model

Maha Shakti Is the power behind creation and the establishment System Five
of identity
Maheswari Lays down the large lines of development for the System Four
Mahakali Drives the energies of the autonomous components System Three
and guards them with a powerful vigilance Sytem Three Star
Mahalaksmi Highlights and guides the rhythms of autonomous System Two
components with grace and harmony
Mahasaraswati Presides over the detailed organization and execution System One
of autonomous components

Table 1: A comparison of the ancient creation model, called Sristi. with the modern cybernetic
model known as the VSM. Each model has five component parts, as named. The descriptions
are taken from the ancient text, but are excellent expressions of the modern roles too.

Returning to the most revered of the My account of the five subsystems that
Vedantic scriptures, we find the device in holistically elucidate the VSM is spread
frequent use in the Gita. Among the exam- over three books [Beer 1972, 1979, 1985],
ples comes a dictum of the Lord Krishna two of them very thick, and it is difficult to
(chapter 10, verse 32): "I am the discussion describe them briefly. There are profound
among disputants," or in the poetic trans- reasons for this. In the first place, a viable
lation quoted throughout this paper [Prab- system is not a hierarchical structure; all
havananda and Isherwood 1944]: components are mutually interdependent
"I am the logic of those who debate." The and reflect each other (as it were) holo-
principle has been available for thousands graphically. Any diagrammatic layout, any
of years, had we or Einstein but listing of components, has the appearance
recognized it. of hierarchy: something must be men-
Vedanta and the Viable System tioned first or be drawn above something
During the '50s and '60s 1 was preoccu- else. Second, the characteristics that under-
pied with developing [Beer 1962b] a cyber- write viability are the managerial phenom-
netic model of any viable system (the ena connoted by such words as regulation,
VSM): the created component of a more control, communication, coordinationnot
inclusive viable systemidentically, and to mention the word management itself. But
therefore recursively, defined. This is a ho- the essence of the cybernetic discoveries
listic model involving the intricate interac- embodied in the VSM is that these phe-
tion of five identifiable but not separable nomena are generated by the holistic per-
subsystems. Only recently have I made formance of the entire system. They do not
comparisons between the viable systems reside anywhere at all; least of all can any
model (VSM) and the Vedantic creation one of them be identified with any one
model (Sristi). Table 1 shows the results of subsystem. The nearest that I have come to
this comparison. such specificity is to identify various regu-


latory loops. mous components where my original says

The force of such a view derives from "created forms"; but I should be surprised
the neurocybernetic studies [Beer 1962b] in if the (not available) Sanskrit does not
which the VSM has its origins: the local- equally support that reading.
ization of function in the brain is an intrac- According to the VSM, every viable sys-
table topic because of the redundancy of tem contains and is contained in other via-
potential commandand the impediment ble systems; this is why the model is called
applies to all viable systems. Thus I have recursive. Exactly the same is true of the
consistently evaded demands to explain Sristi model. Mahashakti is conceptualized
the five VSM roles, to make them more as a goddess, the divine mother; and she is
understandable, because the cybernetic in- in herself recursive. The great sage Sri
sight is denatured in the process. This is Aurobindo [1970] writes of three modes of
also the reason why I gave the subsystems her being: "the transcendent supreme,
numbers (and paid the price among those original Shakti, who is above the worlds
who insist this implies hierarchy), instead and serves as a link between creation and
of simple but misleading names. It would the still unmanifested mystery of the su-
be equally misleading to nominate the preme; the universal, cosmic Mahashakti,
loudspeaker as the voice in a radio or to la- who creates all beings and contains, pene-
bel the moving piston of the engine as a trates, supports and directs the millions of
vehicle's speed. processes and forces; and, lastly, the indi-
Users of the VSM may wish to consider vidual, who personifies the power of the
the descriptions given in Table 1 given this two most vast aspects of her existence,
background. They are satisfactory in that makes them alive and close to us, and in-
they are highly informative for their terposes herself between human personal-
length, do not fall into the localization ity and divine nature." As Larousse
trap, and are recursively effective via the [Herbert 1965, p. 223] comments, she is
component systems. Yet, I did not write "at the same time, the whole of divine
these descriptions. They are Vedantic power, yet this does not prevent her from
statements, drawn from the ancient cre- being entirely incarnate in the mother of
ation model called Sristi. According to the family of each household, and in the
Sristi, the Great Power, Maha Shakti, is at- Kundalini at the base of the vertebral col-
tended by other magnificent powers, all umn in the case of each human being."
having the prefix meaning great. Each has Similarly, the VSM has been mapped onto
a responsibility, rather than a technique or body cells, the central nervous system, the
an office, which obviously interacts with family, townships, and the country, as well
the other responsibilities. I particularly like as to all kinds of industrial and service en-
Mahalaksmi's wording, which in the inele- terprises worldwide.
gant parlance of VSM System Two, is Of Form and Measure
"anti-oscillatory." I have taken only one Results of the foregoing analysis were
liberty with the Vedantic descriptions deeply surprising to me, despite a lifetime's
[Murthy 1989] in using the term autono- conviction that knowledge is perennial.

July-August 1994 89

Often its expression is contingent on cur- proach to mathematics is frequently coun-

rent technologyand this provokes confu- terproductive, and if many children shy
sion between the two. Worse still, it may away, it could have to do with the denial
brand the notion of transcendental wis- of intuitive (let's say right brain) entry.
dom, which is called prajna in Vedanta, as Perhaps the sudden emergence and subse-
superstition rather than knowledge at all. quent success of set-theoretic pedagogy
Perhaps this applies to ideas about under- owed much to an intuitive component, as
lying forms and energies that are not di- well as to its open university pioneers in
rectly susceptible to empirical investiga- person. A story is told of the great mathe-
tion. Has our own culture lost sight of matician Gauss at the age of about six. The
Empedocles "mixture," and of Aristotle's teacher, seeking respite from a rowdy
"pneuma"; and was the "ether" of a quon-
dam physics so readily to be dismissed? At
any rate, the Chinese "chi" has recently Only direct experience counts.
been admitted to Western society via acu-
puncture and the moving meditation of tai classroom, told the children to sit down
chi chuan. It is hardly surprising that there and add up the numbers from 1 to 100,
is a Vedantic version of all of these in the thinking "that will keep them quiet for a
form of prana, a word used for breath in bit." The juvenile Gauss raised his hand
breathing controlbut that has more pro- and said 5,050. It may not be immediately
found and immaterial connotations in on- obvious how he did it, but it was not by
tology too. the pedestrian route that most "properly
In bridging thought from East to West trained" people adopt.
we need to remember that the word science Earlier this century, Jagadguru
means knowledge, and that knowledge is Shankaracharya created quite a sensation
ageless, not an instant reification of the lat- by writing a book called Vedic Mathemat-
est technological gimmickry. For example, ics. There is of course a technology in-
our contemporary approach to quantifica- volved, and there is no room to explain it
tion is governed by "state-of-the-art" com- here, but essentially results were obtained
puters and the brands of mathematics that by meditation and visualization rather
are most useful in their service, beginning than by reckoning as we normally think of
with binary logic and passing on to the in- it. But remember the story about Gauss.
version of matrices and all kinds of itera- See also the extraordinary history [Kanigel
tive processes. It is algorithmic (dare we 1991] of Srinivasa Ramanujan. He was an
say left-brain?) at root. What of the origins unschooled boy from outside Madras, born
of number in Vedantic mathematics? It is in 1887 and dead at the age of 32. He was
seriously suggested in India that VM, as its installed in Cambridge by the preeminent
protagonists refer to it, might change ap- mathematician G.H. Hardy. Ramanujan
proaches to teaching mathematics to chil- used Vedic visualization and declared that
dren. "an equation has no meaning for me un-
No one can deny that the Western ap- less it expresses a thought of God": this.


then, had to do with the pranas. And al- sights, which would go to very high speeds
though his language was not (shall we call of number processing and would thereby
it) academically correct, this man was improve on number-intensive research in
called "the one superlatively great mathe- AI and pattern recognition. His proposal
matician whom India has produced in the appears on page sata of the cited work,
last thousand years." pleasingly enough; that is to say page 10^.
Although one usually hears it said that Has the computer industry made such a
the Arabs invented calculation modulo ten, huge investment in established equipment
together with the absolute value of zero and operating systems that it cannot
per column, it seems [Pramahans 1991] change? Has AI itself too great an invest-
that they had learned the calculation sys- ment in its own paradigms to countenance
tem from ancient India in the first place. it? Throughout its existence management
The Taittirya-Samita. dating from before science has bemoaned the entrenched po-
1000 BC, gives a Sanskrit name to each or- sitions of management; today it is itself
der of magnitude up to 10''. Other Vedan- vulnerable to its own favorite criticism.
tic sources provide names in groups of five Preparation for Action
orders of magnitude up to 10*. Numbers We began by considering management
were classified [Shukla 1991] into even and as right action, the importance of direct ex-
odd (yugma = pair, and ayugma = not- perience over unfounded belief, and the
pair), and the same classification appears focus in yoga on direct experience of the
in distinguishing between even and odd self. People prepare themselves for most
arithmetic series. We can hardly fail to forms of action, from playing squash to
note that modern physics divides particles climbing mountains, by toning up their
according to discrete, quantized spin val- bodies, by getting into shape, and such
ues, which arise because of their quantum- preparations may even extend to tutored
mechanical nature. The bosons (such as autosuggestion that prepares the mind to
succeed. We hear nothing, however, about
preparation for right action in manage-
"The wise see knowledge and ment.
action as one." I mentioned in passing the eightfold
path, which is founded on the Vedantic
photons) have full spin, while the fermions aphorisms of Patanjali and should be
(such as electrons) have half spin. As I taught as a necessary aspect of any pro-
have suggested before, coincidence is the gram in Vedantic management. The Gita
inability to see what really matters. (chapter 8, verse 12) describes "closing the
As to the possible relevance of all this to gates of the body, drawing the forces of
perennial knowledge, I have already men- the mind into the heart, and by the power
tioned potential new teaching methods for of meditation concentrating vital energy in
children. Sri Abhay Kashyap [1991] has the brain." This is evidently formidable
gone so far as to suggest a new type of preparation for right action.
computer based on Vedic mathematical in- We should pay attention to what is pro-

July-August 1994 91

found. Already medical people have May the whole earth be happy.
started to recommend meditation as a pal- Note on Gauss
liative for executives who have survived In case the form of the answer failed to
their first infarct. But doing that is not pro- indicate the infant Gauss's visualization of
found. It is simple enough advice and the problem, the pairs 1 and 100, 2 and
likely to help in controlling high blood 99, 3 and 98, and so on, of which there are
pressure. But it is not preparation for right fifty, each equals 101. Thus the total is
action. Raja yoga means the royal road to 5050.
unionwith the cosmos and with oneself. Acknowledgments
Again, modern executives are admon- I am much indebted to P.N. Murthy,
ished to be abstinent: they fret about who heads the Systems Engineering and
weight and cholesterol, calories, and salt, Cybernetic Centre of Tata Consultancy
go jogging, and pump iron. Says the Gita Services in Hydrabad, for rewarding con-
(chapter 2, verse 39): "the abstinent run versations and the gift of lecture tran-
away from what they desire, but carry scripts; also to Ashok Jain, director of the
their desires with them." Contemporary National Institute of Science, Technology
attitudes are a royal road to frustration, and Development Studies in Delhi for in-
anxiety, and probable collapse. viting me to discuss these topics at a staff
There is no space here for me to describe seminar in January 1993.
an integrated plan for teaching Vedantic References
management as an intellectual discipline Barrow, J. D. and Tippler, F. J. 1986, The An-
thropic Cosmologicgl Principle, Clarendon
and yogic practice as the discipline of self.
Press, Oxford, England.
In all religions, prescriptions exist that Beer, S. 1959, Cybernetics and Management, En-
strive for that integral result; Tantric yoga glish Universities Press, London, England.
integrates sexuality too. So, a great deal Beer, S., trans. 1962a, The Bhagavad Gita, un-
published manuscript.
more could be said, if there is interest in
Beer, S. 1962b, "Toward the cybernetic fac-
these preliminary thoughts. At least I have tory," in Principles of Self-Organization, eds.,
evoked an image of a balanced manager. H. von Foerster and G. Zopf, Pergamon
Such a person is calm rather than fre- Press, New York.
Beer, S. 1963, "Prediction and optimal deci-
netic, happy amid all the adversities of our
sion," Philosophy of Science, Vol. 30, No. 1
age. If meditation generates that state of (January).
being, it is not on account of mystical clap- Beer, S. 1966, Decision and Control, John Wiley
trap, but for good scientific reasons that and Sons, Chichester, England.
were understood in the Vedas. Today they Beer, S. 1972, Brain of the Firm, John Wiley and
Sons, Chichester, England.
can be expressed by saying that the eighth
Beer, S. 1979, The Heart of Enterprise, John
step on the yogic path, called samadhi, Wiley and Sons, Chichester, England.
floods the brain with endorphins. You may Beer, S. 1985, Diagnosing the System for Organi-
observe the same characteristic smile on zations, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester,
the painted and sculpted faces of sages England.
Churchman, C. W. 1961, Prediction and Optimal
and saints in every culture in the world as Decision: Philosophical Issues of a Science of
a result. Loka samastat sukhino hhavantu. Values, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New


Churchman, C. W. 1968, The Systems Approach,
Delacorte Press, New York.
Hawking, S. W. 1988, A Brief History of Time,
Bantam Press, London, England.
Herbert, J. 1965, "Hindu mythology," in Lar-
ousse World Mythology, ed., P. Grimal, Ham-
lyn, London, England.
Hope, M. 1991, Time: the Ultimate Energy, Ele-
ment Books, Dorset, England.
Kanigel, R. 1991, The Man Who Knew Infinity,
Washington Square Press, New York.
Kashyap, A. 1991, "Vedic mathematics: Some
ramifications," in Vedic Mathematics, ed.,
H. C. Khare, Rastriya Veda Vidya Pratish-
than, Delhi, India.
Maturana, H. and Varela, F. 1980, Autopoiesis
and Cognition, D. Reidel, Dortrecht, The
Murthy, P. N. 1988, "Towards 2000 and
beyond," 30th Sri Mokshagundam Visvesva-
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July-August 1994 93

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