You are on page 1of 24

'' ''

'10%' '10%'
'100%' '100%'
'200%' '200%'
'25%' '25%'
'33%' '33%'
'400%' '400%'
'50%' '50%'
'75%' '75%'
'accept' ''
'Access' ''
'Ack' ''
'acked' ''
'Acked' ''
'acked -> down' ' -> '
'acked -> unstable' ' -> '
'acked -> up' ' -> '
'acknowledged' ''
'Acknowledged' ''
'Ack. Timeout' ''
'Action' ''
'active' ''
'Active' ''
'Active Address' ''
'Active Admin' ''
'Active Admins' ''
'Active Host Name' ''
' - Active hours' '- '
'Active MAC Address' ' MAC '
'Activity' ''
'add' ''
'Add' ''
'Add Device' ''
'Add Device Type' ''
'added' ''
'Add Link' ''
'Add Links' ''
'Add Network' ''
'Add Networks' ''
'Add Networks To Auto Scan' ''
'Add New Notification' ''
'Add New Probe' ''
'add note' ''
'Address' ''
'Addresses' ''
'Address List' ''
'Address List Entry' ''
'Address Lists' ''
'address to name' ''
'Add Serviceless' ''
'Add services you want to monitor on this host' ''
'Add Static' ''
'Add Submap' ''
'Admin' ''
'Admin Group' ''
'Admin Group Info' ''
'Admin Info' ''
'Admins' ''
'Admin Settings' ''
'Admin Status' ''
'Advanced' ''
'age' ''
'Age' ''
'agent' ''
'Agent' ''
'Agents' ''
'Align In Arc' ''
'Align In Line' ''
'all' ''
'All' ''
'All Files' ''
'All Image Files' ''
'Allocation Failures' ''
'Allocation Units' ''
'Allowed' ''
'Allowed Address' ''
'Allowed Addresses' ''
'Allowed Networks' ''
'Allowed Protocol' ''
'Allowed Remote Access Networks' ''
'Allowed Web Access Networks' ' web '
'Allow More Than One' ''
'all probes down' ''
'All server configuration will be lost, do you really want this?' '
'all time' ''
'All Unknown' ''
'All Up' ''
'already' ''
'already have line with this source' ''
'already have object with such name' ''
'already have such service' ''
'already logged in' ''
'and' ''
'Antialiased Geometry' ''
'any' ''
'AP' 'AP'
'Appearance' ''
'Appear Only On Tray When Minimized' ''
'Apply' ''
'AP Tx Limit' 'AP Tx '
'Architecture' ''
'Are you sure you want to' ''
'arp' 'arp '
'Arp' 'Arp '
'as' ''
'Ask Confirmation When Removing' ''
'as service' ''
'Assumed Item Height' ''
'Assumed Item Width' ''
'Attention' ''
'Augments' ''
'auth failed' ''
'authing' ''
'Auth Method' ''
'authorization error' ''
'authorize' ''
'Auth Password' ''
'Auto Connect At Startup' ''
'Automatic Updater' ''
'Auto Reconnect If Connection Lost' ''
'Auto Scan' ''
'Available' ''
'Average' ''
'Back' ''
'Background' ''
'backup' ''
'Backup' ''
'bad index' ' index'
'bad value' ''
'bandwidth test' ''
'Bandwidth Test' ''
'Bar' ''
'Base Object' ''
'beep' ''
'best fit' ''
'bgp' ''
'Big Column Size' ''
'Biggest Network Size Allow Hop To' ''
'Big Row Size' ''
'binary' ''
'Bitmap' ''
'bitrate' ''
'Black List' ''
'Body' ''
'boolean' ''
'bootp' 'bootp '
'bootpOrDhcp' 'bootpOrDhcp'
'both' ''
'bottom' ''
'Bottom' ''
'bound' ''
'Bridge' ''
'Bridge Fdb' 'Fdb '
'Broadcast' 'Broadcast'
'Btest Info' 'Btest '
'Btest Request' 'Btest '
'Buffered entries' ''
'Buffered Entries' ''
'Build Time' ''
'builtin' ''
'busy' ''
'bytes' ''
'Bytes' ''
'Cancel' ''
'cannot change builtin' ''
'cannot change data size' ''
'cannot change dynamic' ''
'cannot change last user with full permissions' ''
'cannot modify builtin groups' ''
'cannot remove active outage' ''
'cannot send snmp request' ' snmp '
'cannot upload file' ''
'Cc' 'Cc'
'certificate' ''
'Certificate' ''
'Certificates' ''
'change' ''
'Change' ''
'changed' ''
'Chart' ''
'Chart Line' ''
'Chart Lines' ''
'Charts' ''
'checked' ''
'Check Gateway' ''
'Childs' ''
'Choose network map you are willing to link to' ''
'Client' ''
'Client Tx Limit' ' Tx '
'Close' ''
'cloud' ''
'Code' ''
'Color' ''
'Command' ''
'Comment' ''
'commit failed' ''
'Community' ''
'Compare Method' ''
'Completely Down' ''
'compressed' ''
'compressed scalable vector graphics' ''
'configurationReserved' ''
'Confirm' ''
'Connect' ''
'connect as server agent' ''
'connected' ''
'Connected' ''
'Connect failed' ''
'connecting' ''
'Connecting To' ''
'Connection closed' ''
'Connection Interval' ''
'Connection Interval Authetication Failed' ''
'connection problem' ''
'Connection timeout' ''
'Connection Timeout' ''
'Connection to local server failed' ''
'connection to router lost' ''
'Connect Only' ''
'Connect To' ''
'Contents' ''
'convertor' ''
'Copy' ''
'Copy All' ''
'Copy Oid' ' Oid'
'Copy Screen' ''
'Copy Value' ''
'could not probe becouse of local problem' ''
'Counter64' ' 64'
'Counter Value' ''
'Cpu' 'Cpu'
'Crash Report' ''
'Create Data Source' ''
'Create new network map or link to existing' ''
'Create Probe' ''
'Creation Time' ''
'Crypt Method' ''
'Crypt Password' ''
'curved' ''
'Custom Field 1' ' 1'
'Custom Field 2' ' 2'
'Custom Field 3' ' 3'
'Cut' ''
'dashed' ''
'Data' ''
'Data Source' ''
'Data Source Info' ''
'Data Sources' ''
'date' ''
'day' ''
'dead' ''
'Debug' ''
'decimal' ''
'default' ''
'Default' ''
'Default options for Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)' '(SNMP)'
'Default Value' ''
'Default Zoom' ''
'Delay' ''
'Delayed Flush To Disk' ''
'Delete' ''
'delta (difference per period)' ' ()'
'dense' ''
'Density' ''
'dependencies' ''
'dependency' ''
'Dependency' ''
'Dependency Appearance' ''
'dependency loops not allowed' ''
'depends on' ''
'des' 'des '
'Describe here what you were doing when this happened' '
'Description' ''
'Destination' ''
'device' ''
'Device' ''
'Device Appearance' ''
'Device Discovery' ''
'Device Group' ''
'Device Groups' ''
'Device Info' ''
'Device Name Preference' ''
'Devices' ''
'Device Settings' ''
'Device Tree' ''
'Device Type' ''
'Device Type Info' ''
'Device Types' ''
'Device Types To Discover' ''
'dhcp' 'dhcp'
'Dhcp Lease' 'Dhcp '
'diamond' ''
'Dimension Zoom' ''
'dir' ''
'direct' ''
'Direction' ''
'Disable' ''
'disabled' ''
'Disconnect' ''
'disconnected' ''
'Disconnected' ''
'Discover' ''
'Discover Info' ''
'Discover Infos' ''
'Discovery Mode' ''
'Distance' ''
'divide' ''
'DNS Lookup' 'DNS '
'DNS Lookup Interval' 'DNS '
'dns name' 'dns '
'DNS name' 'DNS '
'DNS Name' 'DNS '
'DNS Name List' 'DNS '
'DNS Names' 'DNS '
'DNS Server' 'DNS '
'Domain Name' ''
'done' ''
'dotted' ''
'double field' ''
'down' ''
'Down' ''
'down -> acked' ' -> '
'Down Complete' ''
'downgrading to' ''
'download' ''
'downloading' ''
'Down Partial' ''
'down -> unknown' ' -> '
'down -> up' ' -> '
'Do you want to update to version' ''
'drop' ''
'Dst. Address' ''
'Dst. Port' ''
'Dude' 'Dude'
'Dude agents are other dude servers that can perform probing on behalf of this dude
server, allowing to reach parts of network that are not directly accessible from
this server, or to simply offload some work to places closer to polling targets'
'Dude dude dude
'Dude configuration XML export' 'Dude XML '
'Dude configuration XML import' 'Dude XML '
'Dude Server' 'Dude '
'duplicate parents' ''
'Duration' ''
'dynamic' ''
'dynamic size' ''
'Edit' ''
'Edit List' ''
'Edit Networks' ''
'Elements' ''
'email' ''
'email address' ''
'Email notifications will be sent using one of these SMTP servers and Email
address' ' SMTP '
'Empty' ''
'empty response' ''
'Enable' ''
'enabled' ''
'Enabled' ''
'Enable On Localhost' ''
'enchanced metafile' ''
'Enchanced Metafile' ''
'end of mib' ' mib '
'Enter IP address or DNS name' ' IP DNS '
'Enter properties of new network map' ''
'Enter subnet number you want to scan for devices' ''
'Enums' ''
'== (equal)' '== ()'
'error' ''
'Error' ''
'error handling file' ''
'Error in' ''
'error talking to server' ''
'escape sequence string' ''
'Eth. Protocol' ''
'Event' ''
'every day' ''
'every hour' ''
'every month' ''
'every week' ''
'every year' ''
'exact size' ''
'executable' ''
'execute' ''
'execute locally' ''
'execute on server' ''
'expected' ''
'expired' ''
'Export' ''
'Export PDF' ' PDF'
'failed' ''
'false' ''
'fast' ''
'fast mapper' ''
'fast (scan by ping)' '( ping )'
'File' ''
'file download failed' ''
'file download timeouted' ''
'File Manager' ''
'Files' ''
'Files to keep' ''
'Files To Keep' ''
'file upload failed' ''
'file upload timeouted' ''
'Fill Color' ''
'Fill Opacity' ''
'Fill Style' ''
'Filter' ''
'filtered' ''
'Find' ''
'Find In' '...'
'Find In Labels' ''
'Find In Tooltips' ''
'Find Next' ''
'Finish' ''
'finishing' ''
'First Receive, Then Send' ''
'Fit' ''
'fixed point decimal' ''
'flash' ''
'Following DNS servers will be used to look up device names and IP addresses' '
'Font' ''
'Force Upgrade' ''
'format error' ''
'Framing Current Size' ''
'Framing Limit' ''
'Framing Mode' ''
'Frequency' ''
'fri' ''
'From' ''
'Ftp' 'Ftp'
'FTP Server' 'FTP '
'full' ''
'Full Color' ''
'Full Label Color' ''
'function' ''
'Function' ''
'Functions' ''
'fwf' ''
'Gateway' ''
'gauge (absolute value)' '()'
'Gauge Value' ''
'General' ''
'General TCP probe, that can be used for various TCP protocol checking' ' TCP
, TCP '
'generic error' ''
'Getting stuff' ''
'Global values of following settings are used for this map if not specified here or
in items specific appearance settings' '
'going to stop' ''
'Grab' ''
'Gradients' ''
'Graph Bit Rate' ''
'Graph Link Bit Rate' ''
'Graph Poll Times' ''
'Graph Service Poll Times' ''
'Grid' ''
'group' ''
'Group' ''
'Groups' ''
'Group Settings' ''
'Help' ''
'Here you can enable Server on this computer. You can log on to fresh Server
instance with user name admin and no password (hit Enter key)' '
. admin '
'hexadecimal' ''
'hexagon' ''
'hex data' ''
'hidden' ''
'Hidden' ''
'Hide Tray Icon' ''
'high' ''
'Hint' ''
'History' ''
'History Action' ''
'History Actions' ''
'Hop' ''
'Host' ''
'Host Name' ''
'host unreachable' ''
'hour' ''
'ICO' ''
'Icon' ''
'id' ''
'id already in use' ''
'Identification' ''
'Identify Device Type' ''
'Identify Device Types' ''
'Identity' ''
'If return string is empty then service is assumed up' '
'Ignored' ''
'image' ''
'Image' ''
'Images' ''
'Image Type' ''
'IMAP4 Server' 'IMAP4'
'Import' ''
'Import Certificate' ''
'Import File' ''
'Import Image' ''
'Import Mib' ''
'Import Package' ''
'Imports' ''
'Import Sound' ''
' - Inactive hours' ''
'inconsistent name' ''
'inconsistent value' ''
'Index' 'Index'
'Indexes' 'Indexes'
'indirect' ''
'info' ''
'Info' ''
'Insert Above' ''
'Insert Below' ''
'Insert Oid' ' Oid'
'Insert On Left' ''
'Insert On Right' ''
'Insert Variable' ''
'integer in range' ''
'Integer Value' ''
'Interface' ''
'Interval' ''
'invalid' ''
'invalid BODY' ''
'invalid character at' ''
'invalid FROM address' ''
'invalid oid' ' oid'
'invalid TO address' ''
'invalid username or password' ''
'Ip' 'IP'
'IP' 'IP'
'ip address' 'IP '
'ip address and port' 'IP '
'ip address does not match any of received ones' ' IP '
'IP Address List' 'IP '
'ip address range' 'IP '
'IP Address Value' 'IP '
'ip to mac' 'ip mac'
'item' ''
'Item Placement Settings' ''
'Item Type' ''
'Label' ''
'Label Color' ''
'Label Refresh Interval' ''
'Large Column Size' ''
'Large Row Size' ''
'Last Activity' '
'Last Change' ''
'Last IP' ' IP'
'Layer' ''
'Layer 2 Structure' '2 '
'Layout' ''
'Layouter' ''
'Layout Map After Discovery Complete' ''
'learned' ''
'left' ''
'Left' ''
'Legend' ''
'less' ''
'< (less)' '< ()'
'<= (less or equal)' '<= ()'
'Line Color' ''
'Line Colors' ''
'Line Opacity' ''
'Line Style' ''
'link' ''
'Link' ''
'Link Appearance' ''
'Link Full' ''
'Link Full Label' ''
'Link Info' ''
'Link Label' ''
'links' ''
'Links' ''
'Links can be static things on map, or they can show some statistics about some
interface, here you can set how link should be managed' '
'Link Type' ''
'Link Type Info' ''
'Link Types' ''
'List' ''
'list of numbers in range' ''
'list of ranges' ''
'Loading...' ''
'local' ''
'Local' ''
'local arp' ' arp'
'local computer' ''
'localhost' ''
'Local Server' ''
'Locked' ''
'log' ''
'Log' ''
'Log Entry' ''
'Log Filter' ''
'logged in from' ''
'logged out from' ''
'Logic probe, that invokes one or more other probes and then performs logical
operation on results' ''
'Login failed' ''
'Login for fast access to device with Telnet/Winbox' ' Telnet/Winbox '
'login locally' ''
'login remotely' ''
'Login Time' ''
'login via web' ' web '
'Logs' ''
'Log Settings' ''
'log to events' ''
'log to syslog' ''
'Lookup' ''
'Lookup Address' ''
'Lookup Interval' ''
'low' ''
'MAC address' 'MAC '
'MAC Address' 'MAC '
'MAC Addresses' 'MAC '
'MAC Lookup' ' MAC'
'Mac Mapping' 'MAC '
'Mac Mapping Refresh Interval' 'MAC '
'Mac Mappings' 'MAC '
'MAC Telnet' 'MAC Telnet'
'mac to ip' 'mac ip'
'Mail Server' ''
'Make Connection From' ''
'Management Information Base' ''
'manufacturer' ''
'Map' ''
'Maps' ''
'map settings' ''
'Map Settings' ''
'Map specific values of following settings are used for this item if not specified
here' ''
'Mastering' ''
'Mastering Type' ''
'match regexp' ''
'Max Simultaneous' ''
'md5' 'md5'
'Media Oid' ' Oid'
'Message' ''
'Metric 1' ' 1'
'Metric 2' ' 2'
'Metric 3' ' 3'
'Metric 4' ' 4'
'Metric 5' ' 5'
'mgmt' ''
'mib' ''
'Mib Module' ''
'Mib Modules' ''
'Mib Node' ''
'Mib Nodes' ''
'Mibs' ''
'mib value' ''
'minute' ''
'Misc' ''
'Mismatch in client and server versions' ''
'Missing Imports' ''
'Mode' ''
'modify admins and groups' ''
'Module' ''
'Modules' ''
'mon' ''
'month' ''
'more' ''
'> (more)' '> ()'
'More Addresses' ''
'More Networks' ''
'>= (more or equal)' '>= ()'
'More Than One' ' 1'
'move' ''
'Move' ''
'moved' ''
'MTU' ''
'multi mapper' ''
'multiply' ''
'Name' ''
'name error' ''
'Name Preference' ''
'name to address' ''
'Neighbor' ''
'Netbios' 'Netbios'
'netmaps' ''
'netmask' ''
'Netmask' ''
'net unreachable' ''
'network' ''
'Network' ''
'network address' ''
'Network Appearance' ''
'Network Info' ''
'Network List' ''
'Network Map' ''
'Network Map Element' ''
'Network Maps' ''
'Networks' ''
'never' ''
'New' ''
'New Map' ''
'News Server' ''
'Next' ''
'Next Hop' ''
'Next Scan' ''
'Next Scan After' ''
'no' ''
'No' ''
'no access' ''
'no creation' ''
'Node' ''
'no error' ''
'No image selected' ''
'no more than one link between same elements' ''
'none' ''
'non zero ip address' ' 0 ip '
'no packages available' ''
'No preview' ''
'no response' ''
'no router os connection' ''
'no-snmp' '-snmp'
'no such device' ''
'no such oid' ' oid'
'not' ''
'Not' ''
'not a ros device' ''
'not available for' ''
'not connected' ''
'Note' ''
'!= (not equal)' '!= ()'
'Notes' ''
'not found' ''
'Nothing to redo' ''
'Nothing to undo' ''
'Notification' ''
'Notification Info' ''
'Notifications' ''
'Notifications that are performed on service status changes if not specified on
lower level' ''
'Notification Type' ''
'not implemented' ''
'not match regexp' ''
'not true' ''
'not writeable' ''
'Nstreme' 'Nstreme'
'number' ''
'Number' ''
'number in range' ''
'Object' ''
'Object ID' ''
'Object List' ''
'octal' ''
'Off' ''
'offered' ''
'Oid' 'Oid'
'Oid Type' 'Oid '
'OID Type' 'OID '
'Oid Value' 'Oid '
'ok' ''
'Ok' ''
'On' ''
'One of The Dude components has failed, please send following information to
MikroTik, to help making it better' ' Dude MikroTik
'only when local client is running' ''
'On Status' ''
'opaque' ''
'Opaque Value' ''
'open' ''
'Open' ''
'Open Separately' ''
'operated' ''
'Operation' ''
'Operation failed' ''
'operation not permitted' ''
'Oper Status' ''
'or' ''
'Order Object' ''
'ospf' ''
'other' ''
'Outage' ''
'Outages' ''
'Outlines' ''
'oval' ''
'package' ''
'Package' ''
'Packages' ''
'packages unknown' ''
'Packet Count' ''
'packet loss' ''
'Packet Marks' ''
'Packets' ''
'Packet Size' ''
'page' ''
'Panel' ''
'Panel Element' ''
'Panels' ''
'Parent' ''
'Parents' ''
'partially down' ''
'Partially Down' ''
'passthrough' ''
'Password' ''
'Paste' ''
'pdf' 'pdf'
'PDF' 'pdf'
'Percent Zoom' ''
'perform operation on' ''
'Performs custom functions to decide if service is available and up. If up graphs
value of another function' '.'
'physaddr' ''
'Phys Address' ''
'Pie' 'Pie'
'ping' 'ping'
'Ping' 'ping'
'Ping Request' 'ping '
'Platform' ''
'Play' ''
'Please wait while updating' ''
'png' 'png'
'Policies' ''
'policy' ''
'Policy' ''
'Polling' ''
'POP3 Server' 'POP3 '
'popup' ''
'Port' ''
'Portable Document Format' ''
'Portable Network Graphics' ''
'PPP Links' 'PPP '
'Preferences' ''
'Pref. Source' ''
'press to active sorting mode' ''
'press to active strict ordering mode' ''
'Preview' ''
'Primary DNS' ' DNS'
'Primary SMTP' ' SMTP'
'Print' ''
'Printer' ''
'Priority' ''
'private' ''
'Probability' ''
'Probe' ''
'Probe Down Count' ''
'Probe Info' ''
'Probe Interval' ''
'probe interval must be at least 5 seconds' ' 5 '
'probe loops not allowed' ''
'Probe Port' ''
'Probes' ''
'Probes Down' ''
'Probe Settings' ''
'Probes To Use' ''
'Probe Timeout' ''
'Probe Type' ''
'Problem' ''
'Profile' ''
'Profiles' ''
'Progress' ''
'Proto' ''
'Protocol' ''
'Quality' ''
'Radio Name' ''
'Random Data' ''
'Range' ''
'range in' ''
'Ranges' ''
'raster image' ''
'Rate' ''
'Rates' ''
'raw' ''
'raw string' ''
'read' ''
'Read' ''
'read configuration' ''
'reading failed' ''
'read only' ''
'Reasm Max Size' 'Reasm '
'Reboot' ''
'Receive' ''
'received' ''
'Receive failed' ''
'Reconnect' ''
'rectangle' ''
'Recursive Hops' ''
'Redo' ''
'redoable' ''
'Refresh' ''
'Refresh Interval' ''
'refused' ''
'Registration Table' ''
'regular expression' ''
'reliable (scan each service)' '()'
'Remember Password' ''
'remote' ''
'Remote' ''
'Remote Access Enable' ''
'Remote Action' ''
'Remote Connection' ''
'remove' ''
'Remove' ''
'removed' ''
'Remove Resolved' ''
'Repeat Count' ''
'Repeat Interval' ''
'Reply Size' ''
'Report' ''
'Report Scan Status' ''
'Reprobe' ''
'reprobing' ''
'Required' ''
'Reset' ''
'resolved' ''
'Resolve MAC Address Manufacturer' ' MAC '
'resource unavailable' ''
'Retry Count' ''
'Retry Interval' ''
'rif' 'rif '
'right' ''
'Right' ''
'rip' ''
'ros arp' ' Arp'
'Ros Arps' ' Arp'
'ros dhcp lease' ' Dhcp '
'Ros Dhcp Leases' ' Dhcp '
'Ros Files' ''
'ros interface' ''
'Ros Interfaces' ''
'Ros Ips' ' Ips'
'ros neighbor' ''
'Ros Neighbors' ''
'Ros Packages' ''
'Ros Registrations' ''
'Ros Routes' ''
'Ros Simple Queue' ''
'ros wireless registration' ''
'Round Robin Data' ''
'round trip min/avg/max' '//'
'Route' ''
'Router' ''
'routeros' ''
'RouterOS' ''
'Router OS' ''
'RouterOS Arp' ' Arp'
'RouterOS Devices' ''
'RouterOS Dhcp Lease' ' Dhcp '
'RouterOS File' ''
'RouterOS Interface' ''
'RouterOS IP' ' IP'
'RouterOS Neighbor' ''
'RouterOS Object' ''
'RouterOS Package' ''
'RouterOS Resources' ''
'RouterOS Route' ''
'RouterOS Simple Queue' ''
'RouterOS Torch' ''
'RouterOS Traffic' ''
'RouterOS Version' ''
'RouterOS Wireless Registration' ''
'Routing Mark' ''
'RRDatas' 'RRDatas'
'Rules' ''
'Run Mode' ''
'rx' 'rx'
'Rx' 'Rx'
'Rx Avg. Packet Rate' 'Rx '
'Rx Avg. Rate' 'Rx '
'Rx Bytes' 'Rx '
'Rx Limit' 'Rx '
'Rx Limit Max' 'Rx '
'Rx Packet Rate' 'Rx '
'Rx Packets' 'Rx '
'Rx Rate' 'Rx '
'Sample Text' ''
'sat' ''
'Save' ''
'scalable vector graphics' ''
'Scale' ''
'Scale Mode' ''
'scan' ''
'Scan' ''
'Scan Address' ''
'Scan Interval' ''
'Scan Networks' ''
'scanning' ''
'Scanning' ''
'Schedule' ''
'Scheduled' ''
'scheduled for disable' ''
'scheduled for enable' ''
'scheduled for uninstall' ''
'Scope' ''
'script' ''
'searching...' '...'
'second' ''
'Secondary DNS' ' DNS'
'Secondary SMTP' ' SMTP'
'secure' ''
'Secure' ''
'Secure Mode' ''
'Secure Port' ''
'Security' ''
'Select' ''
'Select Adjacent' ''
'Select All' ''
'Select Columns' ''
'selection' ''
'Select Oid' ' Oid'
'self' ''
'Send' ''
'Send failed' ''
'Separate Panels' ''
'Served Protocol' ''
'server' ''
'Server' ''
'Server Configuration' ''
'server failure' ''
'serverReserved' ''
'Server Running' ''
'Service' ''
'Service Info' ''
'Service polling defaults' ''
'Services' ''
'Services Down' ''
'Service Settings' ''
'Services status will be reported as up with following probability. Useful for
debugging' '.'
'Services To Discover' ''
'Services Total/Down' '/'
'Session ended normally' ''
'Session Timeout' ''
'set' ''
'Settings' ''
'sha1' 'sha1'
'Shadows' ''
'Shape' ''
'Should return true if service is available' ''
'Should return value to graph if up' ''
'Signal' ''
'Signal Strength' ''
'Signal Strengths' ''
'Signal To Noise' ''
'simple' ''
'Simple Oid' ' Oid'
'Simple Queue' ''
'Size' ''
'slow' ''
'SMTP server not ready' 'SMTP '
'snmp' 'snmp'
'Snmp' 'Snmp'
'snmp arp' 'snmp arp '
'Snmp Arp' 'Snmp Arp '
'Snmp Arps' 'Snmp Arps '
'Snmp Bridge Fdb Entry' 'Snmp Fdb '
'Snmp Bridges' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Cpu' 'Snmp Cpu'
'Snmp Cpus' 'Snmp Cpus'
'snmp dhcp lease' 'snmp dhcp '
'Snmp Dhcp Lease' 'snmp dhcp '
'Snmp Dhcp Leases' 'Snmp Dhcp '
'snmp interface' 'snmp '
'Snmp Interface' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Interfaces' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Ip' 'Snmp Ip'
'Snmp Ips' 'Snmp Ips'
'Snmp Managed Object' 'Snmp '
'snmp oid' 'snmp oid'
'snmp operation failed' 'snmp '
'Snmp Profile' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Profiles' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Queue' 'Snmp'
'Snmp Queues' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Registration Table Entry' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Route' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Routes' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Speed' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Storage' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Storages' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Trap Rule' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Trap Rules' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Type' 'Snmp '
'snmpwalk' 'Snmp '
'Snmpwalk' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Walk' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Wireless Registration Table' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Wireless Station' 'Snmp '
'Snmp Wireless Stations' 'Snmp '
'Socket failed' ''
'solid' ''
'Some Acknowledged' ''
'Some Completely Down' ''
'Some Device' ''
'some link' ''
'some packages unavailable' ''
'Some Partially Down' ''
'something is missing' ''
'sorting mode' ''
'sound' ''
'Sound' ''
'Sounds' ''
'Source' ''
'Source Device' ''
'Source Type' ''
'sparse' ''
'speak' ''
'Speed' ''
'Split Horizontaly' ''
'Split Vertically' ''
'Src. Address' ''
'Src. Port' ''
'ssh' 'ssh'
'Start' ''
'started' ''
'Start new file' ''
'Start New File' ''
'statement' ''
'static' ''
'Static' ''
'Static Appearance' ''
'Statistics' ''
'Stats' ''
'Status' ''
'Status Bar' ''
'Status Unknown' ''
'Stop' ''
'stopped' ''
'Storage' ''
'straight' ''
'Strength' ''
'String Value' ''
'Style' ''
'Subject' ''
'submap' ''
'Submap' ''
'Submap Appearance' ''
'Subnet' ''
'Subnet info can be extracted from managed links connected to this subnet
automatically when discovering' ''
'Subnets' ''
'sun' ''
'Switch' ''
'syslog' ''
'Syslog' ''
'Syslog Port' ''
'Syslog Rule' ''
'Syslog Rules' ''
'Syslog Server' ''
'Table' ''
'Target' ''
'Target Address' ''
'Target Log' ''
'Target Scope' ''
'tcp' 'tcp '
'Telnet' '(Telnet)'
'terminal' ''
'Terminal' ''
'Terminal Settings' ''
'Test' ''
'testing' ''
'text' ''
'Text' ''
'text with number of symbols in range' ''
'these' ''
'These are the default values for device discovery which are going to be used for
new discoveries' ''
'These are the default values for settings for network maps, which are used in case
they are not overriden in map or maps items specific settings' '
'These settings control servers and access to them with simple IP based firewall'
' IP '
'Thickness' ''
'this' ''
'This probe will get single SNMP OIDs value and perform specified comparison.
Service will be decided as up if valid response for given OID is received and
result of comparison yields logical true' ' SNMP OIDS
. OID '
'This probe will send DNS resolve requests with following name to resolve and
optionally check if hosts response contains specified IP addresses. Service will be
decided as up if response contains at least one of them' '
IP '
'This probe will send ICMP echo request message (what ping program does)' '
ICMP ( ping )'
'This tool works only with router os devices' ''
'thu' ''
'Tile' ''
'Time' ''
'Time Added' ''
'Time Down' ''
'time interval in range' ''
'Time Last Down' ''
'timeout' ''
'Timeout' ''
'Time Remaining' ''
'Time Server' ''
'timeticks' ''
'Timeticks Value' ''
'Time Up' ''
'Title Bars' ''
'to' ''
'To' ''
'too big' ''
'Too few elements' ''
'too few parameters for' ''
'Tool' ''
'Toolbar' ''
'Tools' ''
'Tooltip' ''
'Too many connections' ''
'Too many elements' ''
'too many parameters for' ''
'top' ''
'Top' ''
'torch' ''
'Torch' ''
'torchRequest' 'torch '
'Total' ''
'Total Avg. Packet Rate' ''
'Total Avg. Rate' ''
'Total Bytes' ''
'Total Limit' ''
'Total Limit Max' ''
'Total Packets' ''
'traceroute' ''
'Traceroute' ''
'tracing...' '....'
'transparent' ''
'Treat service as available only if up' ''
'Tree' ''
'triangle' ''
'Tries' ''
'true' ''
'TTL' ''
'ttl exceeded' ''
'tue' ''
'tx' ''
'Tx' ''
'Tx Avg. Packet Rate' ''
'Tx Avg. Rate' ''
'Tx Bytes' ''
'Tx Limit' ''
'Tx Limit Max' ''
'Tx Packet Rate' ''
'Tx Packets' ''
'Tx Rate' ''
'Tx Signal Strength' ''
'Tx Size' ''
'Tx Speed' ''
'Type' ''
'Types' ''
'UDP probe, that can be used for various UDP protocol checking' 'UDP
'Unack' ''
'unclosed parentheses' ''
'Undo' ''
'undoable' ''
'undo failed' ''
'Undo Queue Size' ''
'Uninstall' ''
'Unit' ''
'unknown' ''
'(unknown)' '()'
'Unknown' ''
'unknown -> down' ' -> '
'unknown id' ''
'unknown login method' ''
'unknown map' ''
'unknown -> unstable' ' -> '
'unknown -> up' ' -> '
'Unschedule' ''
'Unsigned Integer Value' ''
'unstable' ''
'Unstable' ''
'unstable -> acked' ' -> '
'unstable -> down' ' -> '
'unstable -> unknown' ' -> '
'unstable -> up' ' -> '
'up' ''
'Up' ''
'Updated Before' ''
'Updating' ''
'up -> down' ' -> '
'Upgrade' ''
'Upgrade Status' ''
'upgrading to' ''
'upload' ''
'Upload' ''
'upload failed' ''
'Upload File' ''
'uploading' ''
'upload timeouted' ''
'Uptime' ''
'up -> unknown' ' -> '
'up -> unstable' ' -> '
'Url' 'url'
'Used' ''
'Use Notifications' ''
'User' ''
'User Name' ''
'user not allowed to login from this address' ''
'user not allowed to login locally' ''
'user not allowed to login via tcp' ' tcp '
'user not allowed to login via web' ' web '
'v1-public' 'v1-'
'v2-public' 'v2-'
'Value' ''
'Varbinds' ''
'version' ''
'Version' ''
'version mismatch' ''
'via' ''
'Via' ''
'Volume' ''
'waiting' ''
'Walk' ''
'walking...' '...'
'wants to notify you' ''
'Warning' ''
'WDS' ''
'web' 'web'
'Web' 'web'
'Web Access' 'web '
'Web Access Enable' 'web '
'Web Server' 'web '
'wed' ''
'week' ''
'Welcome to' ''
'What' ''
'winbox' ''
'Winbox' ''
'Windows Computer' 'windows '
'windows metafile' 'windows '
'Wireless Registration' ''
'Wireless Station' ''
'with number of elements in range' ''
'write' ''
'Write' ''
'write configuration' ''
'writing failed' ''
'wrong encoding' ''
'wrong length' ''
'wrong type' ''
'wrong value' ''
'xml date' 'xml '
'xml file' 'xml '
'xml string' 'xml '
'year' ''
'yes' ''
'Yes' ''
'zigzag' ''
'Zoom' ''

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