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Isotopes can be defined as all of atoms that contain equal number of protons, but greater
number of neutrons. The mass of atom, thus, is greater than other atoms.

In The CAMBELL BIOLOGY (2010) scientists utilized radioactive isotopes to record

specific chemical compounds, producing tracer that allow scientists to examine the
process of metabolic and spot the compounds within the organism.

Radioactive racers are used to specify the effects of temperature on rate at which cells
create duplication of their DNA.
The mixture of radioactive racers which contain DNA are added to human cells. One of
the label is radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Total of nine dishes of cells are kept at
different temperatures. Incorporated cells produce new DNA. Secondly, nine incubators
are placed in the tubes. The new DNA becomes remote and unchanged labels of
compounds are removed from the tube.

Scintillation fluid is added to the original tube which contain DNA. As 3H in the newly
made DNA decompose, it releases radiation that triggers the chemicals in scintillation
fluid, generating light. The flashes of lights are recorded by the scintillation counter.

As a result, it is clear that temperature had significant affects of DNA synthesis. The most
DNA was produced at temperature of 35 C.


Electronegativity is when two of the similar elements of electrons are bonded. It has
similar characteristics to covalent bond, because in the properties of water, the negative
charge is attracted to positive charge, creating hydrogen bond. The formation of hydrogen
bond is constantly changing. Although hydrogen bond is only 1/20 as strong bond as a
covalent bond, it is essential part of chemistry (Jane 2010).

Polar covalent bond is when oxygen is joined by two of the hydrogen atoms. Oxygen is
negative than hydrogen. Thus, the electrons of covalent bonds spend more time closer to
oxygen than hydrogen. This inequality of electrons and water make a polar molecule. It
means that change of electrons are irregularly circulated. The oxygen region of molecule
has a slight negative charge and hydrogen has a slight positive charge.

Nonpolar bond is a covalent bond between two atoms of the same element share equal
electrons. Thus, two of the same electrons are at stalemate. .

Fatty acids are characterized into three following categories saturated, monounsaturated,
poly-unsaturated. Each of fatty acids are specified into different characteristics of fatty
acids depending on how many hydrogen atoms are intact to the carbon atoms in the chain.
Molecules of atoms are consolidated by chemical bonds. Carbon atoms contain four holes.
Two on each sides and on the bottom. Methyl group is produced when 3 hydrogen atom is
attached to the top, bottom and on the left side. The rest of the fatty acids are made by
adding carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms to form chain.

Greater the hydrogen atoms the greater saturated fatty acid is contained in the
food(Walter 2005). This essay focuses up on three reasons why unsaturated fat is more
favorable foot to eat than saturated fat.

To begin with, it is fact that margarine is genuine saturated food, because in the food
industry chemists add hydrogen atoms to unsaturated fatty acids. This procedure is
known as hydrogenation, it turn oil such as sunflower oil into a solid fat that can be found
in margarine, cakes, biscuits and in fried foods. A fatty acid with extra hydrogenation
atoms is called a hydrogenated fatty acid. Some hydrogenated fatty acids have large
amount of trans fatty acids. In turn, trans fatty aids are not healthy products(Walter, 2005).
They, considering the fact the those added hydrogen atoms, are more saturated and they
operate like saturated fats blocking arteries and raising level of cholesterol in the blood

However, it is relevant that Mediterranean countries eat more fish than most of the people
eat in the UK. Thus, fish diet countries have lower risks of heart disease.

Consuming fish is a healthier choice. Fish contains unsaturated fat. Fish particularity
salmon or sardines contain rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It serves important roles to reduce
heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acid produce tiny specimens in blood called platelets. It
makes the blood less adhesive, minimizing the likelihood of blood clots and plagues
which could clot the flow of the blood vessels.

Secondly, Omega 3 contributes to lower the level of blood pressure and maintain the
regular heart beat, and improve the level of blood circulation. According to the nutritional
studies conducted by the University of Maryland discovered the 2 omega-3 fatty acids
found in fish oil help reduce the cardiovascular disease. Fish oil lower the levels of death,
heart attack, stroke, and depression.

Primarily, Omega 3 helps to build a strong bone. Fish oils allow the body to create
caliciferrol. It is essential vitamin D for bone building-calcium. The bone building
calcium helps take in minerals in the bone and increase the capability to form new bone.

In conclusion, consuming excessive saturated fat is unhealthy option because it can clog
or block the flow of the blood, it is possible cause of heat disease. Conversely, unsaturated
fat has not merely nutritional value but also improve the overall condition of health for
several reasons. For one thing, omega fat acid contained in the fish help to make the blood
less adhesive. It can prevent blood clog. Secondly, it makes the overall blood circulation
better and improve the well- being. Most important of all, omega three supports to build
strong bones.

Jane B. R. (2010) Campbell Biology (9th Edition). 9 Edition: Benjamin

Walter C. W. (2005) Eat, Drink, and Be healthy: FREE PRESS

Steven D. Ehrlich,(2011) available at: ( Accessed 17 November


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