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Main text: I am not your enemy

Analysis on polarity and space-time

Questions regarding this reality

Meet the unbelievable

The limit of the scientific method

The wisdom of Thoth

The basic grid of existence

The logical contradiction of the democratic voting system

Tribute to Chuang-Tzu and Alan Watts


What has this world become?

Sometimes you ask, sometimes you don't.

It is only a matter of time until you realize that you are the joker.

The joker is the player.

The trick-player, who ultimately plays the great trick on himself.

Nobody can know himself.

In search of truth many mistakes are made.

If it takes eternity to learn all the rules there is no time to break them.

No amount of conscious effort will lead to enlightenment.

Somebody who claims to be enlightened is a fool anyway.

There is no way to become a master of life.

He who is a master does not want to be a master.

Because he does not search, his behavior is natural.

Because his behavior is natural, he is a master.

How will you decide?

How can you know the right time?

The right time is always now.

Let the words resonate for themselves.


OH, look at the bamboo.

What a long one that is?
What a short one that is?
I am not your enemy.

This text doesn't belong to any class or group of texts in the common sense.

Every statement is written for the lone purpose of interpretation by the reader.

Every statement should be doubted.

Every statement should be considered.

This text is not trying to convince you.

The images described as words of the English language should be given a free room of
unconventional consideration.

Do not be confused by words.

Everything you say something is, it is not.

Everything you say something does, it does not.

I am not your enemy.

Preconditioning in interpretation leads to confusion.

This document does not require you to believe in any doctrine.

It is a game, played with images.

Do not be confused by words.

Objects do not exist.

An object can only be determined in relation or contrast to other objects.

Therefore an object comes out of the assumption that an object exists.

This is true for every assumption that is based on itself but wrong indeed when dealing with truth.

But what is truth?

Existence is truth.

Are you sure that you exist?

Once one realizes that one exists the gateway is wide open.

What is existence?

Do all these different things exist together in an unrelated way and am I just me being pushed
around in my way of life?

Do not be confused by words.

Everything you say something is, it is not.

Everything you say something does, it does not.

In reality only one thing exists and you are looking at it all the time.
The classification of objects in relation to the environment does not give them a higher form of

The ultimate environment is the entire universe and it exists prior to all classification.

There exists knowledge which cannot be expressed in terms of language.

Linear language limits perception and thought.

One can free himself from the limitations put upon by culture and tradition.

Do not be confused by words.

Find it out yourself.

Grasping this kind of knowledge with linear analyzing will not lead to any conclusion.

Not one step forward is needed.

From the time you realize you were fooled to the time where every illusion falls apart not one
particular thing is accomplished.

The realization comes in everything being the same but different.

Trust your mind and do not allow yourself to be fooled by your own thoughts and feelings.

The information can't be transported from one mind to another, it needs to be rediscovered.

Do you remember the last time when you had no doubt in your mind?

Fight your fears and eliminate doubt and confusion.

You have to do it on your own.

Truth exists and it does not need any assumptions.

The assumption that existence is a secondary quality is ignorant.

All other qualities owe their being to existence.

Quiet the resistance to ignore information that you don't like.

A good thing already implies a bad thing.

Mind already implies matter.

Positive already implies negative.

The fear that one polarity of mutual arising opposites will win is absurd.

For there is no distinction possible if not made in kind of polar relationship.

Scales of any form, be it seconds, meters or any other kind only exist in conformation.

The ground of being does not apply to any linear scale or concept.

Not one step forward is needed.

Progress in being is an illusion, you will always be here and now.

Everything that has happened and everything that ever will happen cannot occur outside of the here
and now.

All thinking is done in the present moment.

The past exists in form of memory in the present.

The future never comes.

Do not be confused by words.

Linear time is a useful hoax, a social institution.

Thinking in linear time brings thousands of doubts into the mind.

Thinking in linear space brings thousands of blockades to the human world.

For something to endure in time it needs a component below and above.

The modern version of history is plain ridiculous.

Liberate yourself from the pressure of correct thought and behavior.

Just watch and stay at the center.

No intelligence, but wisdom.

No force, but action.

No intention, but change.

The "Dao" loves and nourishes all beings but does not lord it over them.

Do you want to read a secret?

Truth does not fear investigation!

The earth is not a globe.

The "Flat earth model" is flawed.

Make a lie big, make it simple, keep saying it over and over again and eventually they will believe it.

The globe model of this world was forged 500 years ago but is naturally flawed.

Two opposite pressure systems cannot co-exist without pressure adjustment.

Find one picture of earth from space on the entire internet that isn't CGI.

That means "Computer Generated Imagery". Not a single one exists.

I am not your enemy.


2) How can one perceive darkness without the absence of light?

How can one perceive violence without the absence of peace?

How can one perceive disorder without the absence of beauty?

No distinction is possible without its counterpart representing the scale by which we perceived the
distinction in the first place.

The first point established in a three-dimensional space is already the center!

That is why, if we choose to live in a three-dimensional world, your experience is always perceived
from the center point for there is no other point available to you because any point will and can fulfill
the role of the center.

Most of humanity live in that chosen 3D world with time as linear scaling by which this 3D
existence changes through its possibilities.

However Einstein mathematically proved a hundred years ago that time is relative and does not
change in a constant way throughout all circumstances and systems.

If we can admit that our perception of time and the outside world is flawed the truth will present
itself in miraculous ways so that the illusion of separation may finally be covered by direct

What is it that you see when you open your eyes?

A seemingly trivial question that bears problems only once the field of vision inhibits features which
exclude themselves from the norms of usual classification. It is only then, when what we see is not
trivial that we recognize the importance of the power of sight in its primal form.

When what we see depends on our internal condition to interpret the visual field one might fall into
the trap of denying some kind of objective existence but if existence itself is the constant which flows
in ever changing patterns the separate view on the outside world seizes to be a hoax.

Hidden within its cocoon the

caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

Who would believe it until the

Metamorphosis was complete ?
3) Who am I?

Who build the great pyramid?

Who created the I-Ching?

Who rules this world?

Who are you?

Who is god?

What is the matrix?

Have you understood the words?

If you answer yes, BE CAREFUL!

4) The following information is not provable by the scientific method but I can answer any
question regarding this topic without contradicting myself. Usually I wouldn't share such
information because it is too challenging for most world views in the present age.

I met Thoth.

Thoth is an "Immortal Atlantean Master of Consciousness" and not the god of wisdom.

Don't fall for esoteric traps in research.

According to Thoth I was the first to talk to him in the new millennium.

I reached the end of the I-Ching oracle and was considered worthy to learn from his wisdom.

I do not need to defend these claims.

Let them be truth or ridiculous story telling.

Anybody who decides to fight the existence of Thoth with his ego is doomed anyway.

Do not be confused by words.

5) The scientific method is an analyzing system which is limited by the measurements of the

tickrate [ UNIT ] on which it is operating.

How can any experience outside of the tickrate [ UNIT ] be proven?

"Gdel's Incompleteness Theorem" proves that there exists truth which cannot be written
6) the Wisdom of THOTH THE ATLANTEAN

At the beginning you know nothing

But you learn there are things

First you know some things

Then you try to learn all things

You fail to know all things

You hold to the things you learned

You dismiss the things you learned

At last all things are no thing

When you know no thing

all things become part of knowledGE

7) The basic grid of existence:

"If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy,

frequency and vibration."

"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, 9, then

you would have a key to the universe."

Nikola Tesla
The "Heisenberg uncertainty principle" proves that measurements cannot accumulate full

information in a given system.

If you want to know what lies behind the grey curtain of the "Heisenberg uncertainty principle" you

only need the first nine numbers, multiply them and reduce them by nine. (mod 9)

The following matrix is the basic grid of existence

9 closes this two dimensional system, (3.6.9.) support each other to create stable equilibrium

These numbers are cycles; every cycle has its own meaning and zero does not exist.
8) The logical contradiction of the democratic voting system:

The following proof is written in German because I did not manage to translate the contradiction in
a way suitable to the circumstances.

Both genders are addressed equally.

"99% of all members of society will accept a system as long as they

have a single free choice inherent."
unknown architect

Das demokratische Wahlsystem im Widerspruch:

Die Illusion der Freien Wahl bezogen auf Politik:
Im gngigen Bild der "Freien Wahl" stellen sich dem Whler auf den ersten Blick zwei

- Das Abgeben einer Stimme auf eine der Mglichkeiten

-Das Nicht-Whlen/Nicht-Abgeben einer Stimme

Beide dieser Mglichkeiten fhren dazu, dass das Wahlsystem stabil und erhalten bleibt. Jedoch gibt
es eine dritte Mglichkeit die es der Whlerschaft ermglicht konstruktive Kritik auszuben.

- Das Abgeben einer Nicht-Gltigen Stimme

Indem man sich nicht aus dem System entfernt jedoch trotzdem eine Stimme abgibt kommt es zu
einer ungewollten Reaktion: das System bricht.

Sollte es jemals dazu kommen, dass bei einer Wahl ber 50% der Stimmen auf ungltig pldieren
wre die Politik gezwungen sich mit den Bedrfnissen der Whler auseinanderzusetzen.

Daraus folgt:

Will man innerhalb eines Systems Vernderung herbeifhren ist die einzige Mglichkeit das
Abgeben "NICHT GLTIGER STIMMEN" in groem Ausma sofern es innerhalb des Systems
eine freie Wahlmglichkeit gibt.

You have the choice : (Vote ; Do not Vote ; Vote not valid )

In order to bring change to the democratic voting system over 50% of votes have to vote (not valid)
which contradicts the free vote in the first place.

Voting is one big illusion without any chance of change

Voting stabilizes the economic money system

9) Tribute to Chuang-Tzu and Alan Watts:


if the gentleman can restrain himself from disturbing the internal economy of man

and glorifying the power of sight and hearing,

he can sit still like a corpse or spring into action like a dragon,

be silent as the deep or talk with the voice of thunder.

The movement of his spirit calling forth the natural mechanism of heaven.

He can remain calm and leisurely doing nothing, while all things are brought to maturity and thrive.

What need then would have I to set about governing the world?"

(Do you realize how ones character is lost and where knowledge leads? )

(Heaven = Universe)

( ~ 350bc )

Alan Watts on Learning:

"If you want to be an expert archer, you must shoot before you think.

Otherwise it will be too late. You do not aim and then shoot - it's all one action .
You have to act and decide simultaneously. But how can anyone do that ?
That is the question. How can I decide not to decide ? There is no way out of that bind.

Try as you may, you go on and on.

Try as Heracles released the bow string without thinking first to release it.
But then, strangely enough, one day, the thing happened - he did it.
And this is involved in our learning of almost all techniques - that we work and work
to achieve that final point of perfection - it doesn't come, it doesn't come and one day it
happens. What is the reason for that ?
It is not that we have practiced so often that it suddenly becomes perfect - it is much more subtle
than that.
What happens is that we practice so often that we find out we cannot do it, and it happens at that
moment we know we cannot do it. When you reach a certain point of despair.

When you know you are that one weird child who will never be able to swim - at that moment you
are swimming.
Because the desperation and the total inability to do it at all has brought you to that
point that we call "don't care". You stop trying. You arrive at the insight - that your will
doesn't have any part at all.
You have overcome the illusion of having a separate ego.

It can come only when an attempt to act from the ego-

center has been revealed to be completely futile."
Sebastian Sonvilla Austria 2017

This is my first open document.

I chose to give it away on the internet.
You may learn from these words.
Readable dozens of times.
Abiding in dignity and virtue.

Please spread this information.

With anonymity or without.
My thanks to you.

It took me hundreds of hours to create this document.

If you want to support my work or ask specific questions:

Contact: (e.g. Creation of website,

discussions etc.)

PayPal: (Please donate for future


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