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Exploring Complex Phenomena: Grounded

Theory in Student Affairs Research

Scott C. Brown Richard A. Stevens, Jr. Peter F. Troiano Mary Kay Schneider

As more sophisticated questions are raised deductive vs. inductive and naturalistic) and
about the learning students achieve on rely on different researcher roles (detachment
college campuses, educators must design and impartiality vs. personal involvement and
more sophisticated research studies to empathic understanding) (Garland & Grace,
answer them. This article provides an 1993). Because many aspects of the college
introduction to grounded theory, a powerful experience do not divide neatly into discrete
qualitative research method that can in- variables, qualitative methods of inquiry are
crease educators understanding of the the best suited for understanding the complex
complex student experience. phenomena that come together to form the
college experience (Gall, Borg, & Gall, 1996;
Understanding the undergraduate student Garland & Grace; Marshall & Rossman,
experience is of utmost importance to many 1995; Patton, 1990). Qualitative method-
educators (Upcraft & Schuh, 1996). How- ology is useful in exploring and describing
ever, as more sophisticated questions are the experiences of college students, especially
raised about student learning, student when little is known about the phenomenon
development, and student identity on college under study. A qualitative approach yields
campuses, more sophisticated research results that cannot be gathered using quanti-
studies must be designed to answer these tative methods. Although qualitative research
questions. Student affairs practitioners in means different things to different people, it
their component subspecialties are uniquely generally refers to research that leads to
positioned to make significant contributions understanding peoples lives, stories, behav-
to this endeavor because of their connections iors, or is about organizational functioning,
to college students. social movements, or interactional rela-
Although the contributions of quanti- tionships (Strauss & Corbin, 1990).
tative studies to the research literature have The grounded theory approach uses a
been significant, more researchers are systematic set of procedures to develop an
employing qualitative methods to get a better inductively derived grounded theory about a
understanding of the complex interactions phenomenon (Strauss & Corbin, 1990,
between the student and the college environ- p. 24). The procedures are based on the
ment (Attinasi, 1992; Baird, 1996). Quanti- systematic generating of theory from data,
tative and qualitative modes of inquiry have that is systematically obtained from social
different purposes (generalizability and research, and offers a rigorous, orderly guide
prediction vs. contextualization and inter- to theory development that at each stage is
pretation), approach (experimental and closely integrated with a methodology of

Scott C. Brown is Director of the Career Development Center and Adjunct Lecturer of Psychology and
Education at Mount Holyoke College. Richard A. Stevens, Jr. is Director of Residence Life and Education
at Northeastern University. Peter F. Troiano is Assistant Dean of Students and Adjunct Faculty Member
at Mitchell College. Mary Kay Schneider is Director of Student Programs at Georgetown University.

MARCH /APRIL 2002 u VOL 43 NO 2 1

Brown, Stevens, Troiano, & Schneider

social research (Glaser, 1978, p. 2). The to explore the nature of wisdom, how it
method, which Glaser and Strauss (1967) develops, and what conditions in college
originally developed, was designed to build affect its development (Brown, 1999).
new theory that is faithful to the area under
study and that illuminates a particular Research Design in Grounded
phenomenon. The constructs are grounded Theory
in the particular set of data the researcher Grounded theory draws on the strengths of
collects, and the usefulness of the constructs the separate scientific and interpretive
can be tested in subsequent research (Gall et research traditions of the two sociologists
al., 1996). This qualitative method is effective who developed the methodology (Glaser &
because it helps develop the building blocks Strauss, 1967). Grounded theory method-
for generalizable, empirical research. ology is predicated on the following eight
We explored grounded theory method- assumptions:
ology, with emphasis on (a) selecting ground- 1. The need to get out into the field to
ed theory as a methodology, (b) research discover what is really going on (i.e., to
design, (c) the role of the researcher, gain firsthand information taken from its
(d) research procedures, (e) data analysis, source).
and (f ) enhancing trustworthiness. The
2. The relevance of theory, grounded in
discussion of grounded theory draws on
data, to the development of a discipline
examples from studies related to the devel-
and as a basis for social action.
opment of wisdom, the formation of a gay
male identity, and experiencing learning 3. The complexity and variability of phe-
disabilities. nomena and of human action.
4. The belief that persons are actors who
METHOD take an active role in responding to
problematic situations.
Selecting Grounded Theory as a
Methodology 5. The realization that persons act on the
basis of meaning.
Selection of any research method is based on
the nature of the research question and the 6. The understanding that meaning is
preferences of the researchers (Strauss & defined and redefined through inter-
Corbin, 1998). The purpose of grounded action.
theory studies is to explore and understand 7. A sensitivity to the evolving and un-
how complex phenomena occur. For ex- folding nature of events (process).
ample, grounded theory was selected for a 8. An awareness of the interrelationships
research study on gay male identity develop- among conditions (structure), action
ment because the population from which to (process), and consequences. (Strauss &
select participants was small and little Corbin, 1998, pp. 9-10)
empirical research had been completed to
understand the variables associated with the Due to the grounding of theory in the
intersection of identity as it related to gay actual data collected, grounded theory
male identity (Stevens, 2000). Grounded resonates with both the people who experi-
theory study was selected for another study ence the phenomenon and those educators

2 Journal of College Student Development

Exploring Complex Phenomena

who have a professional interest in it (Strauss broad range of information-rich participants

& Corbin, 1990). Grounded theory provides in the authors research (Patton, 1990). For
techniques and procedures to create an example, participants in one study were
inductively-deductively integrative theory. required to demonstrate a documented
learning disability. Purposeful, maximum
Role of Researcher in Grounded variation sampling was used to ensure
Theory diversity with respect to age, race, gender,
In contrast to quantitative methodology where academic major, ethnicity, social and eco-
the researcher is detached from the dynamics nomic status, type of disability, and time of
of the research process, the researcher in diagnosis (Troiano, 1999). In another study,
qualitative methodology is an integral part participants were selected based on several
of the process. In the qualitative paradigm, facets of their identity to explore identity
the researcher is viewed as the instrument intersections more thoroughly. Participants
through which data collection and analysis in this study were required to self-identify
are conducted. As such, the researchers as gay men and to have attended the studied
assumptions about the phenomenon being university for at least one full semester
explored are critical to the research and (Stevens, 2000).
should be clearly stated in the research report.
In grounded theory a researcher must Procedure
demonstrate theoretical sensitivity to the Although coding data is the essential com-
subtleties of the data, through being steeped ponent of the grounded theory method, if one
in the professional literature combined with does not have quality information from the
professional and personal experiences interviews, then coding can do little. Ground-
(Glaser, 1978). To enhance theoretical ed theory methodology provides only cursory
sensitivity, four techniques outlined in Strauss information regarding interview technique.
and Corbin (1990) are helpful: (a) basic The interview styles for these studies were
questioning of the data (i.e., who, when, why, based on a qualitative interviewing technique
where, what, how, how much, frequency, that employed a flexible outline of topics and
duration, rate, and timing), (b) analysis of questions (Patton, 1990). Interview styles
the multiple meanings and assumptions of a were not dictated by the grounded theory
single word, phrase, or sentence, (c) making method. Strauss and Corbin (1998) suggested
novel comparisons to promote nonstandard moving from broad to more specific questions
ways of looking at the data and providing as a way of coding more discriminately.
for a more dense theoretical conceptuali- Though a few initial questions were asked,
zation, and (d) probing absolute terms such the wording of the questions was not pre-
as never and always. determined, and the focus of the inquiry
evolved with the interviews (Patton).
Participants Interviewing in grounded theory has the
Because grounded theory explores complex specific intention of exploring students
phenomena where often little understanding experiences and placing them in context. The
exists, the selection of participants is interviews are designed to acquaint the
particularly critical. Intensity and maximum participant with the nature of the study, to
variation sampling are often used to select a establish rapport, to set a context for

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Brown, Stevens, Troiano, & Schneider

understanding the phenomenon, and then to cepts that are the building blocks of
obtain depth and details of the experience theory. (Strauss & Corbin, 1998,
(Seidman, 1991). Interviews are held until p. 13)
redundancy is reached. Participants may meet
together as one group to comment upon the For clarity, each of the three types of
tentative themes of the emerging theory and coding procedures is discussed separately
to explore lingering questions. below. However, the coding of data is not as
Interviews are transcribed to best repre- discrete as it may appear in the following
sent the dynamic nature of the living con- discussion. The nature of coding in grounded
versation (Riessman, 1993; Seidman, 1991). theory necessitates going back to the data for
Each of the verbatim transcripts is returned different pieces of information at different
to the participants for their review so they times. This action means exploring new
can remark on the accuracy of the document. topics to saturation and addressing variations
During the research, participants are assured as they arise. Consequently, the lines between
confidentiality through the use of pseudo- the three coding levels are blurred.
nyms in the reporting of data; once the data Open coding. Open coding occurs at the
are coded, connection back to the individual beginning of a study. The primary goals of
participant is almost impossible to trace. open coding are to conceptualize and cate-
Identification of the individual participant is gorize data, achieved through two basic
not paramount, because the concepts gener- analytic procedures: making comparisons and
ated by the participantsnot the individual asking questions of the data. Open coding
participantsare at the center of study begins the process of labeling many indi-
(Glaser, 1978). vidual phenomena. In time, a number of
individually labeled concepts are clustered
Data Analysis around a related theme. The individual
Grounded theory is a constant comparative concepts are gathered together to form more
methodology that combines data analysis powerful and abstract categories. For
with data collection, and the heart of data example, Stevens (2000), in his study of gay
analysis in grounded theory is based on three male identity development, generated from
types of coding procedures: open, axial, and the concepts addressing the feelings of
selective (Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Strauss support and rejection associated with envi-
& Corbin, 1998). The analytic goals of ronments such as residence halls, classrooms,
grounded theory are fivefold: and work settings, a more abstract category
of environmental influences that incorporated
1. Build rather than test theory.
these more specific concepts and their
2. Provide researchers with analytic tools associated properties and dimensions. The
for handling masses of raw data. researchers categories are sometimes words
3. Help the analysts to consider alter- elicited by the participants themselves, what
native meanings of phenomena. Strauss and Corbin (1998) called in vivo
4. Be systematic and creative simultane- Once categories are formed in open
ously. coding, they are fleshed out in terms of their
5. Identify, develop, and relate the con- given properties and dimensions. The prop-

4 Journal of College Student Development

Exploring Complex Phenomena

erties are characteristics of a category, the Actions and interactions are processes and
delineation of which defines and gives it facilitated and constrained under given
meaning (Strauss & Corbin, 1998, p. 101). conditions. Finally, consequences refer to the
Dimensions illustrate how each property can outcome of the phenomena as they are
vary along a continuum. For example, in the engaged through action and interaction. In
development of wisdom the property of axial coding, four analytical processes are
interactions with others might be dimen- occurring: (a) continually relating subcate-
sionalized by frequency (never to every day) gories to a category, (b) comparing categories
or amount of impact (little to transformative) with the collected data, (c) expanding the
(Brown, 1999). Properties and dimensions density of the categories by detailing their
provide the richness and description to the properties and dimensions, and (d) exploring
abstract category. Open coding is achieved variations in the phenomena.
by examining the transcripts by line, by Selective Coding. The final stage of data
sentence, or by paragraph, and sometimes by analysis in grounded theory is selective
scanning the entire document. coding, which builds upon the foundation of
Axial Coding. The second stage of data the previous open and axial coding efforts.
analysis is axial coding. Strauss and Corbin Selective coding is the process of selecting
(1998) described axial coding as the process the central or core category, systematically
of relating categories to their subcategories relating it to other categories, validating those
. . . linking a category at the level of relationships, and filling in categories that
properties and dimensions (p. 123). A need further refinement and development
coding paradigm involving conditions, (Strauss & Corbin, 1990, p. 116). Strauss
actions and interactions, and consequences and Corbin (1998) stated that this central or
actualizes this process. The focus of axial core category should have the analytic power
coding is to create a model that details the to pull the other categories together to form
specific conditions that give rise to a an explanatory whole and should be able
phenomenons occurrence. to account for considerable variation with
In this paradigm model, conditions can categories (p. 146). During this level of
exist as causal, intervening, contextual, or coding, theoretical saturation should be
all of these. Causal conditions refer to the reached. This means that no new properties,
factors that lead to the occurrence of the dimensions, or relationships emerged during
phenomenon, the subject under study, or the analysis.
central idea. Intervening conditions refer to Identifying the story is a key aspect in
a broad host of factors that can bear down formulating the grounded theory. The story
upon the phenomena. They are those con- assists in locating the most salient aspects
ditions that mitigate or otherwise impact of the data and turning them into several
causal conditions on phenomena (Strauss & general, descriptive sentences. The story must
Corbin, 1998, p. 131). Contextual conditions be told at a conceptual level, relating
are the specific set of conditions (patterns subsidiary categories to the core category.
of conditions) that intersect dimensionally at Patterns in the data are uncovered, which
this time and place to create a set of circum- enables the categories to be sequenced. Once
stances or problems to which persons respond the categories are sequenced, a researcher can
through actions/interactions (p. 132). begin to cover the wide array of consequences

MARCH /APRIL 2002 u VOL 43 NO 2 5

Brown, Stevens, Troiano, & Schneider

of various conditions, giving the story the students. This process varied by rate of
specificity. At this point, the data are now speed and amplitude of effect, and occurred
related not only on a broad conceptual level, each time the core process of reflection,
but also at the property and dimensional assessment, and application occurred.
levels for each major category (Strauss & In addition to the three different coding
Corbin, 1990, p. 133). This mapping forms procedures, attention to process is critical,
the basis of the theory. The theory is actually because it bridges action and interaction
considered grounded when it is validated sequences to one another. This feature of
against the data and mapped out narratively grounded theory is absent in other method-
and when states of transition and intervening ologies. In these studies, the linking of
conditions are incorporated as well. Gaps that sequences is done by being sensitized to:
are discovered in the categories are filled to
1. The change in conditions that impact
add conceptual density as well as conceptual
the action and interaction over time.
specificity to the theory.
A grounded theory story is illustrated in 2. The action and interaction response to
the following example from the study of that change.
wisdom development (Brown, 1999). Parti- 3. The consequences that result from that
cipants entered college, which provided action and interaction response.
opportunities for them to interact with others
through a broad range of experiences. These 4. Describing how those consequences
students entered the college environment with become part of the conditions influenc-
their personal biographies (i.e., personal ing the next action and interaction
characteristics, accumulation of past experi- sequence. (Strauss & Corbin, 1990,
ences, etc.), which influenced their orientation p. 143)
to college, as well as to life and to specific
situations they encountered. Participants Process is examined in terms of passage
engaged in numerous college experiences, of time to get a sense of how, when, and how
from the most formal and structured, to the often the phenomenon occurs (Glaser, 1978).
most spontaneous and informal, which is The next step in the completion of a
made available through the institution, grounded theory is the creation of a condi-
including courses, internships, student tional and consequential matrix, an analytic
activities, work, and living situations. The device to stimulate analysts thinking about
college environment also provided oppor- the relationships between macro and micro
tunities to interact with a large number of conditions/consequences both to each other
diverse people (e.g., faculty, staff, peers) in and to the process (Strauss & Corbin, 1998,
a range of settings (e.g., class, residence p. 181). The matrix enables the researcher
halls, student organizations, work). However, to consider (a) impacting conditions, potential
participants only developed wisdom through consequences, and systematic relations
their experiences and interactions when they among the conditions; (b) action and inter-
reflected on the experience, assessed and action sequences; and (c) consequences to the
evaluated its different aspects, and applied integration of college experiences. In the
it to their lives in some manner. Wisdom was study on the development of wisdom,
recognized by the researcher and defined by operationalizing the conditional matrix was

6 Journal of College Student Development

Exploring Complex Phenomena

achieved by tracing the various conditional eses about connections between categories
paths to determine how, where, and with and their properties, and help integrate
what consequences the integration of college clusters to generate theory (Glaser, 1978;
experiences occurred (Brown, 1999). Trac- Strauss & Corbin, 1998).
ings help ensure that the theory is not merely Although some researchers code all data
descriptive, but a systematic determination by hand, alternatives now exist. As recently
of the relationships between concepts (Glaser, as 15 years ago most qualitative researchers
1978; Strauss & Corbin, 1998). were coding with handwritten notes and strips
Another aspect of the data analysis is of paper. Qualitative data analysis computer
theoretical sampling of concepts that are programs have now evolved, and they now
relevant to the emerging theory. Theoretical meet the needs of qualitative researchers.
sampling is cumulative, increases the depth Weitzman and Miles (1995) emphasized that
of focus, notes variation, and occurs in all computer programs do not analyze data; the
three phases related to coding. Sampling is researcher does, but computers provide
initiated in the open coding process, where connections for the researcher to consider
theoretical concepts have yet to be dis- during the meaning-making process. One
covered. Sampling in axial coding is designed author used NUD*ISTs (Nonnumerical
to uncover and validate the relationship Unstructured DataIndexing, Searching,
between concepts. As relationships are being and Theorizing) NVivo program to aid in the
identified, sampling is undertaken to deter- coding process. The program allows the
mine the accuracy of these relationships. The coding of individual words, phrases, or
discriminate sampling during selective coding paragraphs within their context and links to
is characterized by its directed and deliberate other data coded in the same manner. The
nature. At this point negative cases are traced program also allows for visual modeling as
back to their origins to uncover at what point categories emerged. Additionally, data
and under what conditions the phenomenon collection can be achieved through other
diverged. Theoretical sampling is terminated means such as observation and document
once theoretical saturation is reached. analysis.
Theoretical saturation is achieved when Finally, after performing the three stages
(a) no new data emerges regarding a category, of data analysis, a completed grounded theory
(b) the category is dense enough to cover can be judged on its elegance, characterized
variations and process, and (c) relationships by the fewest possible concepts with the
between categories are delineated satis- greatest possible scope, and as much
factorily as well. variations as possible in the behavior and
Aids for Data Analysis. In addition to problem under study (Glaser, 1978, p. 125).
coding and sampling, a major tool in data This type of research sheds light on complex
analysis is the use of memos and diagrams, phenomena, with particular emphasis on how
which provide a history of the data analysis it occurs. Grounded theory answers process-
and help develop the theory. Memos and oriented questions, connecting the conditions
diagrams provide a fund of analytic ideas, that give rise to a certain complex, dynamic
help determine gaps in the researchers phenomenon: capturing a moving picture
thinking process, raise data to a conceptual rather than a snapshot. In sum, grounded
rather than descriptive level, present hypoth- theory generates a rich, tightly woven,

MARCH /APRIL 2002 u VOL 43 NO 2 7

Brown, Stevens, Troiano, & Schneider

explanatory theory that closely approximates and become part of the discussions and
the reality it represents (Strauss & Corbin, ideas exchanged among relevant social
1990, p. 57). and professional groups?
(pp. 270-272)
DISCUSSION With the framework that Strauss and
Enhancing the Trustworthiness of Corbin (1998) outlined, trustworthiness is
Qualitative Research strengthened by the concepts of Lincoln and
Guba (1985). In general, trustworthiness is
In the qualitative paradigm, the concept of
bolstered by the amount of time spent in the
trustworthiness refers to a conceptual
field and with the data, triangulation of data
soundness from which the value of the
(exploring data from different sources,
research can be judged (Marshall & Ross-
methods, investigators, and theories), an
man, 1995). This soundness is likened to a
alertness to the subjective lenses and sub-
qualitative form of reliability and validity
sequent biases that the qualitative researcher
used in quantitative research. However, the
brings to the study, and mapping what works
concepts of reliability and validity are
within the boundaries and limitations of the
inappropriate for grounded theory. Strauss
study (Denzin, 1978; Lincoln & Guba).
and Corbin (1998) posed eight general
Trustworthiness is also strengthened by
conceptual questions to provide one way to
exploring negative cases that illuminate more
assess the trustworthiness of a grounded
varied and sophisticated expressions of the
phenomenon (Glaser, 1978). According
1. Are concepts generated? to Lincoln and Guba, trustworthiness is
achieved by the satisfactory attainment of
2. Are the concepts systematically
four constructs that relate to credibility,
transferability, dependability, and con-
3. Are there many conceptual linkages, firmability, which together established the
and are the categories well developed? applicability, consistency, and neutrality
Do categories have conceptual density (p. 143) of the study. All four constructs must
(richness of the description of a be attained for the research to be considered
concept)? trustworthy. Each of these constructs is
4. Is variation within the phenomena built described below.
into the theory (how differences are
explored, described, and incorporated Credibility
into the theory)? Credibility is a construct that refers to how
much the data collected accurately reflects
5. Are the conditions under which the multiple realities of the phenomenon
variation can be found built into the (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Credibility is
study and explained? primarily produced through prolonged
6. Has process been taken into account? engagement with the informants and tri-
angulation of the data (Denzin, 1978; Lincoln
7. Do the theoretical findings seem
& Guba). Credibility is achieved through
significant, and to what extent?
sharing with each participant the verbatim
8. Does the theory stand the test of time transcript of the individual interviews, and

8 Journal of College Student Development

Exploring Complex Phenomena

drafts of the emerging concepts and cate- parameters of the research (Marshall &
gories and even through convening a final Rossman, 1995), and to the applicability of
group meeting to share the completed one set of findings to another setting.
grounded theory. For qualitative researchers, Transferability is strengthened by illumi-
the triangulation of data covers a range of nating the research from a variety of
collection modes such as interviews, obser- participants diverse perspectives and
vations, or focus groups. Another method of experiences, as well as from the contributions
data collection is document analysis. Troiano of the peer debriefers. The descriptions of
(1999) supplemented participant interviews the research, the participants, the method-
with an analysis of students most recent ology, the interpreted results, and the
learning disability diagnostic testing, and emerging theory provided this data (Lincoln
individual education plans. & Guba, 1985; Marshall & Rossman). If
Negative case analysis is also an im- assumptions are met and the population is
portant concept in achieving credibility. adequately described, future researchers
Negative case analysis includes the careful should be able to make determinations about
examination of the individual or individuals the practical application of this inquiry in
who appear to be the exceptions in the other settings. The burden of demonstrating
research (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). To transferability rests with another researcher
increase credibility the researcher must or practitioner who attempts to transfer
explore these cases thoroughly enough to findings based on the sample of one study to
understand the differences and incorporate another analogous setting.
them into the model, which provides the
flexibility and variation needed to strengthen Dependability
a grounded theory model (Strauss & Corbin, Dependability ensures that the data represent
1998). the changing conditions of the phenomenon
Peer debriefers assist in clarifying under study. The hallmark of grounded theory
aspects of data analysis that may have been is that it incorporates the different conditions,
missed by the researcher and remained in an properties, and dimensions of the phenom-
inchoate form. The peer debriefers review enon discovered through the grounded theory
each transcript and help test emerging designs methodology. An inquiry auditor ensures that
and hypotheses to keep the inquirer honest the processes of the method are audited
(Lincoln & Guba, 1985, p. 77). The peer (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). The inquiry auditor
debriefers serve as sounding boards for the guarantees grounded theory procedures are
researcher, offering different lenses to analyze followed through understanding the coding
the data and serving as meaning makers. and examining the emerging theory and its
Credibility is satisfactorily achieved because categories and verifying that they are used
the theory is grounded directly in the data correctly. This person uses the raw data and
derived from the participants and reflects the the researchers findings throughout the
levels, dimensions, and conditions of their research to conduct this verification. This
experience. objective auditor ensures stakeholders
participants, readers, dissertation committees,
Transferability and the likethat emerging codes, concepts,
Transferability refers to the theoretical and theories are dependable (Lincoln &

MARCH /APRIL 2002 u VOL 43 NO 2 9

Brown, Stevens, Troiano, & Schneider

Guba; Strauss & Corbin, 1998). of the study emerge from the participants,
ensuring that the data spoke for itself, not
Confirmability as a mouthpiece of the biases and assump-
Confirmability examines the objectivity of tions of the researcher.
the research; that is, another researcher can In sum, student affairs researchers can
confirm the study when presented with the increase contributions to the understanding
same data. An audit trail provides the of students higher education experiences. A
necessary materials to confirm the research. confluence of many different streams has
The audit trail for many grounded theories given unprecedented opportunities to pro-
includes the raw data (audiotapes, verbatim fessionals in this field: the shift from teaching
transcripts, and researcher notes from the to learning, greater accountability from
interviews and focus groups), and coding and multiple stakeholders, and a general renais-
memos from each round of interviews. sance in undergraduate education. Grounded
The inquiry auditor, discussed in the theory can be an effective tool in concep-
previous section, also verifies the product of tualizing complex phenomena, providing
the research (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). language to describe it, detailing how it
Pursuant to grounded theory, this individual occurs, and ultimately, student affairs
examines the integrative or key categories, educators contributions to this process.
the selection of a central category (sometimes {Student affairs researchers ability to
called core category), and their inter- advance (a) knowledge about student learning
connections in developing the emerging and developmental experiences and (b) higher
theory, and confirms the product. Using educations readiness to define success in
materials from the audit trail, the inquiry terms that include our efforts has created an
auditor provides an objective perspective ideal professional opportunity.
separate from the meaning-making process
of which peer debriefers were a part. Unlike
Correspondence concerning this article should be
the peer debriefers, the inquiry auditor is
addressed to Scott C. Brown, Director, Career
informed but detached from the meaning- Development Center, Mount Holyoke College,
making aspects of the study. Additionally, 50 College Street, South Hadley, MA 01075;
confirmability is achieved when the findings

10 Journal of College Student Development

Exploring Complex Phenomena

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