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Characterization of Urban Solid Waste in

Chihuahua, Mexico

Article in Waste Management February 2008

DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2007.10.023 Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Montse Meneses Mara de Lourdes Ballinas

Autonomous University of Barcelona Autonomous University of Chihuahua


Francesc Castells
Universitat Rovira i Virgili


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Waste Management 28 (2008) 24652471

Characterization of urban solid waste in Chihuahua, Mexico

Guadalupe Gomez a,b, Montserrat Meneses a, Lourdes Ballinas b, Francesc Castells a,*
Departament dEnginyeria Qumica, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 43007 Tarragona, Spain
Facultad de Ciencias Qumicas, Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, 31310 Chihuahua, Mexico

Accepted 31 October 2007

Available online 8 January 2008


The characterization of urban solid waste generation is fundamental for adequate decision making in the management strategy of
urban solid waste in a city. The objective of this study is to characterize the waste generated in the households of Chihuahua city,
and to compare the results obtained in areas of the city with three dierent socioeconomic levels. In order to identify the dierent socio-
economic trends in waste generation and characterization, 560 samples of solid waste were collected during 1 week from 80 households in
Chihuahua and were hand sorted and classied into 15 weighted fractions. The average waste generation in Chihuahua calculated in this
study was 0.676 kg per capita per day in April 2006. The main fractions were: organic (48%), paper (16%) and plastic (12%). Results show
an increased waste generation associated with the socioeconomic level. The characterization in amount and composition of urban waste
is the rst step needed for the successful implementation of an integral waste management system.
2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction dierent socioeconomic levels. Nevertheless, there is no

information about the waste composition for each level.
Inappropriate solid waste operation, storage, collection There was also a study in one Mexicali neighbourhood car-
and disposal practices entail environmental and public ried out in 1999 and 2000 (Ojeda-Bentez et al., 2003). All
health risks (World Resources Institute, 1996). Knowledge of these studies were carried out 68 years ago; since then
of solid waste composition is necessary for an adequate consumer habits have changed in Mexico, as have the char-
management of urban solid waste (McDougal et al., acteristics of the waste.
2002; Zeng et al., 2005). The variability in solid waste com- Waste characterization studies have been carried out in
position in Mexico is highly aected by population move- other countries too. Abu Qdais et al. (1997) in Abu Dhabi,
ments, resulting from the seasonal migration to the United Arab Emirates, obtained results showing a direct
United States. This fact has had an impact greater than relation between waste generation and income level. The
economic growth in the modication of regional consump- same authors presented a procedure to determine the min-
tion patterns (Buenrostro and Bocco, 2003). imum number of samples required for accurate assessment
Several studies have been carried out in Mexico about of urban solid waste composition in a given city. Bolaane
the composition of solid waste. Among them, Bernache- and Ali (2004) calculated the number of sample units as
Perez et al. (2001) conducted one with samples from house- a function of total housing units for dierent income cate-
holds in Guadalajara city. Another study by Buenrostro gories in Gaborone, Botswana. Nevertheless in their results
et al. (2001a) carried out in 1998, in Morelia city, showed there is no signicant proportionality between waste pro-
the waste generation rates of residential sources in three duction and salary levels of citizens.
Provided that in Chihuahua these types of research
about urban waste characterization have not yet been
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 977559644; fax: +34 977559621. undertaken, the purpose of the current study was the accu-
E-mail address: (F. Castells). rate determination of quantities and composition of solid

0956-053X/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2466 G. Gomez et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 24652471

waste generation in Chihuahua City by households with waste collection services. The average waste generation is
dierent socioeconomic levels. This is an essential prelimin- between 960 and 1000 tonnes per day, 60% of which corre-
ary step to determine the most appropriate urban solid sponds to waste generation in households (Garay, 2006).
waste (USW) management in the city. This proportion is similar to the value of 56% reported for
Chihuahua is the capital of the State of Chihuahua and is the city of Guadalajara, in Mexico (Bernache, 2003).
located in the northern region of Mexico. In 2005 Chihua-
hua City had 758,791 inhabitants (INEGI, 2005), grouped
2. Methodology
into 194,561 households and 525 neighborhoods (SCINCE,
2000). The main job activities in the city are developed in the
The characterization of solid waste in the city of Chi-
secondary and tertiary sectors. According to SCINCE
huahua consists of the following steps:
(2000) in Chihuahua 37% of the population is economically
active. Chihuahua is a city with a fast growing population.
In the city, 60% of the total USW is collected by the muni- 2.1. Organization of samples
cipal service and the remaining 40% is collected by private
The tool SCINCE por colonias 2000 (SCINCE by
Neighborhoods 2000) allows the localization of neighbor-
Table 1 hoods in the city and oers statistical and geographical
Classication in levels according to income range for the economically
active population in Chihuahua
information about them. SCINCE (2000) classies inhabit-
ants by ranges of income. Table 1 shows the classication
Income range in minimum Active Level (proposed
salarya (population) populationa classication)
levels according to the minimum salary range established
(%) by SCINCE (2000). The current study considers only three
<1 Salary 3 0
socioeconomic levels: Level I, Level II and Level III (see
12 Salaries 19 I Table 1). Level 0 is not considered in this study because this
25 Salaries 54 II population is extremely unstable; they usually change jobs
>5 Salaries 24 III often and also migrate to the US. Fig. 1 shows a map of
Note: In 2007 the minimum salary in Chihuahua was US $4.3 per day. Chihuahua City, with the location of the areas correspond-
Source: SCINCE, 2000. ing to the three mentioned levels.

Fig. 1. Map of Chihuahua City with detail of the sectors with dierent socioeconomic level.
G. Gomez et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 24652471 2467

2.2. Calculation of number of samples n zSD=R

Urban solid waste (USW) is a heterogeneous material, where n is minimum number of samples, z is score deter-
and its generation rates and composition vary from place mined from t Student statistical tables for standard normal
to place and from season to season (World Resources Insti- distribution, SD is standard deviation of population, equal
tute, 1996; Gidarakos et al., 2006). In order to estimate accu- to the standard deviation of the preliminary sample and R
rately the average quantities and composition of waste, it is is sampling error.
necessary to carry out a statistically designed sampling sur- The minimum number of samples needed to obtain a
vey. From a statistical point of view, the accuracy in deter- 10% error in the amount of waste was 162 for Level I,
mining these parameters will be enhanced by increasing the 162 for Level II, and 119 for Level III. Our study has been
number of samples to be analyzed; however, the number of conducted on 168 samples in Level I, 210 samples in Level
samples should be adapted to the available resources. II and 182 samples in Level III (see Table 2). The number
The procedure designed to determine the minimum of samples is slightly above the minimum number needed
number of samples needed to gather reasonably accurate to guarantee a 10% error.
data was based on the central limit theorem, also applied
by Abu Qdais et al. (1997). The number of samples was 2.3. Collection procedure
determined with a 99% condence interval and a 10% stan-
dard error. The samples were collected in the selected The method used for the collection of samples was
neighborhoods according to socioeconomic levels I, II mainly the Mexican standards (NMX-AA-022-1985;
and III, using the following equation: NMX-AA-061-1985; NMX-AA-091-1987) according to

Table 2
Results of the samplings survey for the three socioeconomic levels studied, Chihuahua City, April 2006
Number of residences Level I (number of samples 168 per Level II (number of samples Level III (number of samples
week) 210 per week) 182 per week)
Total waste for Resident Total waste for Resident Total waste for Resident
household (kg/week) households household (kg/week) households household (kg/week) households
1 27.3 3 27.4 5 13.9 5
2 2.2 2 18.5 4 20.0 4
3 17.8 4 10.2 2 17.4 4
4 29.5 2 21.7 4 31.5 5
5 6.9 2 20.4 4 15.4 4
6 10.5 4 35.2 4 57.3 5
7 4.4 4 22.5 5 24.2 4
8 11.1 4 13.7 4 37.0 6
9 8.0 6 8.9 2 13.4 4
10 18.7 2 19.7 6 20.3 5
11 19.2 2 5.4 1 17.4 5
12 27.2 5 14.9 3 38.6 5
13 8.6 5 6.3 2 8.8 4
14 25.5 8 16.9 3 15.0 5
15 15.8 4 35.6 2 21.4 6
16 14.0 5 21.5 4 14.5 6
17 14.3 2 13.5 6 20.0 3
18 18.7 3 17.5 4 26.8 5
19 15.0 4 19.6 5 11.0 5
20 11.8 3 16.9 4 32.2 5
21 15.7 4 33.7 4 15.8 4
22 20.2 2 21.4 5 19.6 5
23 15.7 3 13.4 4 22.8 4
24 7.2 4 17.5 3 19.1 5
25 16.4 6 46.5 3
26 13.8 3 40.2 5
27 9.3 2
28 16.3 1
29 10.7 4
30 13.0 3
Total 364.9 87 531.5 109 620.1 121
Standard deviation 0.495 0.494 0.425
Waste generation rate (kg 0.599 0.697 0.732
per capita day 1)
2468 G. Gomez et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 24652471

the procedure developed by Bernache-Perez et al. (2001). Table 3

Samples were collected by three dierent teams, each of Waste composition fractions
them composed of three persons. The neighborhoods cho- Waste fractions Waste components
sen were previously visited by the corresponding team to Organic Food, animal excrements, wood, garden trimmings
get acquainted with the work area. Households of each Paper Oce paper, bills, milk box and juice box (paper that
neighborhood were randomly visited and invited to partic- does not t into other category)
Newspaper Newspaper, magazines
ipate in the waste characterization program. A small ques- magazine
tionnaire about the number of people per household, Cardboard Corrugated board, boxboard, egg containers
address, collection frequency, their opinion about the cur- Plastics Film PE, small plastic
rent waste system and their willingness to recycle waste was Plastic PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS
responded to by the households participating in the pro- containers
Metals Ferrous, non ferrous
ject. These households were provided with black plastic Aluminum cans Aluminum cans, other aluminum
bags for waste disposal, which were marked with a four Clear glass Containers of solid foods or liquids
digit code for each household. The questionnaire included Color glass Container of beer, wine, foods
an explanation with certain rules for waste collection, for Fine residue Ground garden, ne residues that pass the sieve
instance, that personal hygiene waste (child disposable Vegetal ber Material used in apparatus for air conditioning
Synthetic ber Material used for cleaning
diapers, adult disposable diapers, feminine pads, etc.) Batteries AA or AAA batteries
should be placed in an separate plastic bag and that all Miscellaneous Nappies/sanitary products, small toys, shoes, cotton,
solid waste generated should be later deposited in the black textiles, hair, other waste (small construction waste
plastic bag. material)
Sample collection was carried out in each chosen house-
hold, each day during one week in April 2006. The rst
day, the black bags were collected and discarded to ensure bag with the waste generated in each household was trans-
that the waste to analyze had been generated in the last ported in a truck to a place where it was sorted.
24 h. Every day, when the waste was collected, a new black
plastic bag, marked with the same digit code, was given to 2.4. Classication of fractions
each household for waste collection within the next 24 h.
The second day, the family returned the black plastic bag Each bag was weighed and registered on a sampling
with the waste and received a new black plastic bag. The sheet. The waste was manually separated into 15 dierent

Fig. 2. Photographs of the six main waste fractions considered took during the waste characterization.
G. Gomez et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 24652471 2469

categories, listed in Table 3, which were selected according sponds to the lowest socioeconomic level or Level I. The
to the possibility of recovering the corresponding materials. waste generation rate shows a positive correlation with
Then each one of the fractions was weighed and the results the socioeconomic class, which is similar to what was
were recorded on a sampling sheet. Waste collection con- observed in a study undertaken in Morelia in 1998 (Bue-
tinued for six more days following the same procedure. nrostro et al., 2001a). Although per capita generation rates
This work was supported by personnel from the Departa- in Chihuahua in April 2006 show a positive trend from the
mento de Aseo Urbano Municipal (Department of Muni- lowest to the highest socioeconomic strata, the dierence is
cipal Urban Cleanliness) and students from the not statistically signicant.
Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua (Autonomous Uni-
versity of Chihuahua). Photographs of the six main waste 3.2. Urban waste composition in Chihuahua
fractions realized during the waste fraction classication
are shown in Fig. 2. Table 4 shows the quantity per capita per day of USW
generation for each fraction. The quantity of the organic
3. Results fraction was higher for Level III than for Level II and
Level I. The highest socioeconomic class generates larger
3.1. Waste generation rate amounts of organic fraction.
Level III generated more newspapermagazines and
A total of 560 collected samples came from 80 house- cardboard than the other levels. A possible explanation
holds (24 from Level I, 30 from Level II and 26 from Level for this is that the capacity to aord these products is
III), selected randomly during 1 week in April 2006. The higher in households from Level III with the highest socio-
quantity of USW collected during the study period was economic level.
365, 532 and 620 kg, respectively, for each socioeconomic Level II has the highest quantity of aluminum cans
level studied. The total quantity of solid waste analyzed among all levels, while in level III the domestic service col-
was 1517 kg, which was generated during the 1-week lected the aluminum cans for sale in the recycling industry.
period by 105 residents of the neighborhoods studied. Meanwhile households in Level II and Level I do not have
Table 2 shows the results for the three socioeconomic lev- domestic service so they may discard them in the waste.
els above-mentioned, the total solid waste collected per Also it should be taken into account that in Level I the
household and the number of residents per household. households buy small quantities of products in aluminum
The average solid waste generation rate per neighbor- cans because of their high price.
hood was 0.599, 0.697 and 0.732 kg per capita per day, The fraction of colored glass, found in more expensive
respectively, for levels I, II and III. The average solid waste products, was higher in Level III (0.010 kg/(
generation rate for Chihuahua in April 2006 was 0.676 kg than in the other levels. Level III also shows the highest
per capita per day with an average 3.9 residents per quantity of vegetal ber used in Chihuahua in cooling sys-
household. tems, in spring and summer seasons. Households in Level
The average generation rate was highest in the highest III (the highest socioeconomic level) have more cooling sys-
socioeconomic level or Level III: 0.732 kg per capita per tems and consequently they produce more waste of vegetal
day. The lowest rate 0.599 kg per capita per day corre- ber than the rest of the population.

Table 4
Amount per capita and weight percentage of USW fractions by socioeconomic level, Chihuahua City, April 2006
Fractions Level I Level II Level III
kg/( % kg/( % kg/( %
Organic 0.283 47.2 0.334 48.0 0.356 48.6
Paper 0.054 9.0 0.062 8.8 0.060 8.1
Newspapermagazines 0.013 2.2 0.039 5.6 0.047 6.5
Cardboard 0.015 2.5 0.013 1.9 0.023 3.1
Plastics 0.051 8.6 0.054 7.8 0.054 7.4
Plastic containers 0.023 3.9 0.029 4.2 0.030 4.0
Metals 0.016 0.3 0.011 0.8 0.012 0.3
Aluminum cans 0.002 2.7 0.006 1.6 0.002 1.6
Clear glass 0.038 6.3 0.024 3.4 0.031 4.2
Color glass 0.003 0.5 0.007 1.1 0.010 1.4
Fine residue 0.006 1.0 0.013 1.9 0.012 1.6
Vegetal ber 0 0 0.01 1.5 0.02 2.8
Synthetic ber 0 0 0 0 0 0
Batteries 0 0 0 0 0 0
Miscellaneous 0.095 15.8 0.093 13.3 0.075 10.3
Total 0.599 100 0.697 100 0.732 100
2470 G. Gomez et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 24652471

Table 5
Fractions generated in Chihuahua and other Mexican cities
Fractions Chihuahua Guadalajara*a Mexicali*b Morelia*c
kg % kg % kg % kg %
Organic 246,101 48.0 939,089 54.0 5787 55.6 175,450 57.1
Paper 82,455 16.1 123,473 7.1 916 8.8 33,881 11.0
Plastic 60,956 11.9 156,515 9.0 629 6.1 24,125 7.9
Metals 12,394 2.4 26,086 1.5 198 1.9 5621 1.8
Glass 28,581 5.6 69,562 4.1 364 3.5 14,422 4.7
Others 81,949 16.0 424,329 24.4 2506 24.1 53,601 17.5
Generation rate kg/( 0.676 0.580 0.592 0.629
The classication of waste composition for these studies was reduced to six fractions for this comparative analysis.
Source: Bernache-Perez et al., 2001.
Source: Ojeda-Bentez et al., 2003.
Source: Buenrostro et al., 2001a.

The 15 fractions presented in Table 4 were aggregated in lower than that of other Mexican cities. The remaining
Table 5 into six main groups in order to compare the fractions (paper, plastic, metals, glass, and others) are pres-
results of this study with other existing studies: ent in a higher percentage. A possible explanation for this
behavior is that the proportion of organic fraction in waste
1. Organic. decreases with the increase of the gross domestic product
2. Paper: composed of paper, newspapermagazines and (GDP). There is a signicant dierence of GDP between
cardboard. Chihuahua and the other cities. Data for 2006 shows that
3. Plastic: composed of plastic and plastic containers. the increase in the GDP was 6.3% in Guadalajara, 4.3%
4. Metals: composed of aluminum cans and metals. in Chihuahua, 3.6% in Mexicali, and 2.2% in Morelia
5. Glass: composed of clear glass and color glass. (INEGI, 2005).
6. Others: composed of ne residue, vegetal ber, synthetic Another possible explanation for the dierences in the
ber, batteries and miscellaneous. proportion of the six fractions between Chihuahua and
other Mexican cities could be because the present study
Fig. 3 shows the dierences between the six fractions for was carried out in April 2006, while in Guadalajara it
the three socioeconomic levels. The highest socioeconomic was conducted in JuneAugust 1997; in Mexicali, in
level (Level III) has a higher percentage of organic waste MayJune 1999 and in MarchApril 2000; and in Morelia,
and paper than Level I or II. For plastic, metal, glass in FebruaryMarch 1998. Furthermore, compared to the
and other fractions, the dierences between the three levels 560 samples from 80 households during one week analyzed
are not signicant enough to allow conclusions about the in this study, Bernache-Perez et al. (2001) analyzed samples
inuence of the socioeconomic level on these fractions. from 300 households in Guadalajara, Ojeda-Bentez et al.
(2003) analyzed 1380 samples in one neighborhood during
3.3. Comparison of solid waste composition eight weeks in Mexicali, and Buenrostro et al. (2001a)
assessed 262 samples from three dierent socioeconomic
A comparison of solid waste composition in Chihuahua levels in Morelia.
with that of other Mexican cities is presented in Table 5. It
shows that Chihuahua city has an average organic fraction 4. Conclusions

The characterization of USW was performed in Chihua-

0.40 hua households during one week in April 2006 in order to
Nivel I
0.35 quantify the waste generation and the waste composition
Nivel II
0.30 and to identify possible socioeconomic trends in the waste
Nivel III

generation. Three dierent areas from the city with clearly
dierent socioeconomic levels were studied: Level I with an
average income of 12 income minimum salaries, Level II
with 25 minimum salaries and Level III (highest economic
0.10 level) with more than ve minimum salaries. A total of 560
0.05 samples were taken from 80 households during one week,
0.00 weighting a total of 1517 kg. The average USW generation
Organic Paper Plastic Metals Glass Others
for Chihuahua in April 2006 was 0.676 kg/(
Waste fractions
The highest waste generation corresponds to households
Fig. 3. Quantity per capita of six fractions for three socioeconomic levels. in Level III, with the highest economic income, while the
G. Gomez et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 24652471 2471

lowest waste generation corresponds to households in Guadalajara metropolitan zone, Mexico. Waste Management &
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els studied. INEGI. Insituto Nacional de Estadstica Geografa e Informatica, 2005. II
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minacion de la Generacion, Mexico.
We would like to thank Promep Mexico for nancially NMX-AA-091-1987. Mexican Ocial Standard NMX-AA-091-1985.
supporting this research. The authors also thank Departa- Secretaria de Comercio y Fomento Industrial. Calidad del suelo-
mento de Aseo Urbano de Chihuahua, Rebeca Mendoza, terminologa. Mexico.
Joel Acosta and Ricardo Marinelarena for their help in this Ojeda-Bentez, S., Armijo de Vega, C., Ramrez-Barreto, M.E., 2003.
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