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Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: _Ryan Straub, Alexa Carvelli, Briana Gallagher_______ Current Course: EDU 527
Hour[s] of this Session: 1+ __0_____ [#] Total Hours to Date: __1________________ [#]
Date of this session __5/31/17____________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: __Antonio Gabriele________________________________
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): ___2nd grade Math and ELA___________________
Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

The getting to know you questions, multiple intelligence survey, and learning style survey were very effective
methods for learning about Antonios interests and what type of learner he is. We learned that Antonio is an
auditory visual learner who enjoys visual projects and presentations, and understands information best when he
sees it. He remembers information through modeling and diagrams. Antonio understands verbal instructions and
prefers to discuss ideas he does not immediately understand. He thrives with expressing his thoughts and
opinions verbally, listening to and applying new understandings by talking them out, using his hands to create
models that represent his learning, and making unique distinctions relating to nature and the world around him.
Antonio has a naturalistic intelligence and is very aware of his surroundings. He is intrigued by nature and
enjoys learning opportunities dealing with natural events, like weather and the environment. Antonio does
extremely well in science using his high level of interest in nature. Antonios interpersonal learning style helps
him effectively communicate and interact in different learning environments. He loves talking with other
students and adults, and enjoys opportunities to use his social skills as part of the learning process. Antonio is a
good listener when he does not understand something. Although our multiple intelligences survey did not show
this, Antonio learns well when he is able to move around and be physically involved in the lesson. Antonio is
very active and has a lot of energy. He understands new material and remembers information when he is using
his tactile senses. Antonio enjoys creating things with his hands and is a bodily kinesthetic learner. We are
excited to incorporate several activities that enable Antonio to use this learning style.


Reflect on how your instructional activities, strategies, assessment tools link with the theories of education
presented in your coursework throughout the program.

This tutoring session linked closely with Howard Gardners theory of Multiple Intelligences. We plan on
engaging Antonios multiple intelligences by including different variations of learning and opportunities for
Antonio to process information. We learned that it will be beneficial to have Antonio work through concepts
verbally, with visual aids, though writing, and mostly through movement. We want Antonio to be physically
involved in our tutoring sessions through various hands-on learning activities.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: _Ryan Straub, Alexa Carvelli, Briana Gallagher_______ Current Course: EDU 527
Hour[s] of this Session: 1+ __1_____ [#] Total Hours to Date: __2________________ [#]
Date of this session __6/5/17____________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: __Antonio Gabriele________________________________
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): ___2nd grade Math and ELA___________________
Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

1. Task Cards Board We provided Antonio with several task cards for him to read and Velcro to the correct
column on the visual aid board. The columns on the board include character, setting, key events, problem, and
solution. We noticed that Antonio had a difficult time reading key events, so we supported him where
necessary, and eventually decreased the level of support. An effective feature of the visual aid board was that
Antonio was easily able to self-correct a given task card.

2. Fidget Spinner Addition and Subtraction - We provided Antonio with a fidget spinner to use as a
manipulative timer for this mathematical skill activity. He spun the fidget spinner, and then ran around to the
different index cards, which contained a series of addition and subtraction problems to solve. After the fidget
spinner stopped, Antonio counted up how many math facts he answered correctly in the allotted time. We then
repeated this activity two more times. Antonio loved the competition of trying to beat his score from the first


Reflect on how your instructional activities, strategies, assessment tools link with the theories of education
presented in your coursework throughout the program.

This tutoring session linked closely with Lev Vygotskys Zone of Proximal Development. Throughout our math
lesson, we did not just include addition and subtraction problems that Antonio would be able to do with ease.
Some problems were slightly more challenging than he has seen before, but through our support and motivating
activity Antonio was able to find most of the sums and differences. We used scaffolding where necessary until
Antonio felt comfortable on his own. We repeated this same model with the ELA task cards. Some of the task
cards included words that Antonio struggled with, but we assisted him in sounding them out and understanding
their meaning.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: _Ryan Straub, Alexa Carvelli, Briana Gallagher_______ Current Course: EDU 527
Hour[s] of this Session: 1+ __2_____ [#] Total Hours to Date: __3________________ [#]
Date of this session __6/7/17____________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: __Antonio Gabriele________________________________
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): ___2nd grade Math and ELA___________________
Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

1. Connect 4 As a pretest, Antonio completed 10 flashcards on Quizlet reviewing how to write and verbalize
multiplication equations using images of arrays. He was able to write most of these multiplication sentences
with ease, but struggled with finding the product. Through our activity of having Antonio physically create the
arrays and write equations using Connect 4 chips, Antonio started to develop fluency with finding products
using repeated addition and skip counting.

2. Cloud Formation We highlighted Antonios naturalistic intelligence through this activity. We provided
Antonio with a list of directions to read one at a time and complete a task. He started with a jar of water and
took shaving cream to cover the top of the jar. He was quickly able to identify what the shaving cream
represents with his love of nature and the environment. Next, Antonio took the food coloring and squeezed it
onto the shaving cream to visualize the rain-like effect in the water. Throughout our discussion in this activity,
we quickly realized that Antonio is an expert with the characteristics and formation of clouds. We adjusted the
lesson and challenged him to recall some different types of cloud formations and the similarities and differences
among them.


Reflect on how your instructional activities, strategies, assessment tools link with the theories of education
presented in your coursework throughout the program.

This tutoring session linked closely with Jean Piagets theory of Constructivism. His theory revolves around the
idea that students learn more by doing, rather than by being told. We used this strategy in both the math and
ELA lessons. There was a constant theme of Antonio physically constructing things to assist with his learning
process. He created multiplication arrays using the Connect 4 chips, and made clouds with using a jar of water,
shaving cream, and food coloring to visualize different components of cloud formation. Antonio also
strengthened his reading skills through analyzing different instructions and then physically making the
instructions come to life in an activity that interests him.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: _Ryan Straub, Alexa Carvelli, Briana Gallagher_______ Current Course: EDU 527
Hour[s] of this Session: 1+ _3______ [#] Total Hours to Date: __4________________ [#]
Date of this session __6/12/17____________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: __Antonio Gabriele________________________________
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): ___2nd grade Math and ELA___________________
Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

1. Sight Words App Antonio completed as many levels as he could on the game Word Machine on the app
called Sight Words as a warm up activity. This was truly an effective method for assessing Antonios prior
knowledge relating to recognizing sight words. This enabled us to increase the rigor in our lesson and challenge
Antonio to read some of the more challenging sentences including sight words. It also gave Antonio the
confidence needed to take risks while reading, and the excitement of competition in the activity by attempting to
reach the highest level of the game.

2. Big Dice Game One of Antonios favorite sports is football. The Big Dice Game activity allowed Antonio
to bring football to life while strengthening his multiplication skills. Antonio would roll a die down the hallway
and throw the second die a short distance in the same direction. He acted as a quarterback trying to hit a moving
target. Antonio chased after the dice to complete the following task: create a multiplication equation from the
two numbers on the dice, write the equation as repeated addition, and create an array on the mini whiteboard
with expo markers. Antonio was very successful with this lesson, mainly due to the fact that he was so
motivated to complete the task and get to another dice roll. Motivation has proven to be a major key to success
in Antonios learning.


Reflect on how your instructional activities, strategies, assessment tools link with the theories of education
presented in your coursework throughout the program.

This tutoring session linked closely with Blooms Taxonomy. Instead of having Antonio memorize
multiplication problems, we increased the rigor for his learning by having him create multiplication arrays on a
mini whiteboard with expo markers. Antonio used to big dice to create a multiplication sentence, write the
problem as repeated addition, and make a unique array with different diagrams for each problem. He developed
fluency with finding each product by this higher order thinking activity. Our post-test was a BrainPOP
multiplication array assessment on the most difficult setting.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: _Ryan Straub, Alexa Carvelli, Briana Gallagher_______ Current Course: EDU 527
Hour[s] of this Session: 1+ _4______ [#] Total Hours to Date: __5________________ [#]
Date of this session __6/14/17____________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: __Antonio Gabriele________________________________
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): ___2nd grade Math and ELA___________________
Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

1. Telling Time Bingo - We provided Antonio with a Telling Time BINGO playing card with 8 clocks
displaying specific times. Briana and I competed against Antonio, while Alexa called out the times. The goal
was to listen to the time and check to see if your clock matches. This activity was very effective because it
enabled Antonio to use his visual auditory learning style. He listened to the time and matched it up with the
visual representation of the time. Antonio also thrives when competition is involved. He wanted nothing more
than to beat Briana and I, and he did!

2. Noun/Adjective Matching Activity We were able to assess Antonios prior knowledge of nouns and
adjectives through a 10-question Kahoot quiz. He was able to answer 8 out of 10 correctly. Our activity started
with 25 words spread out on the floor. Antonio picked them up one at a time, read them, and placed them on the
correct side of the hallway. There was a noun side and an adjective side. We timed him as he completed this
activity twice. His goal was to beat his time from one attempt to the next. With the elements of competition and
being able to move around while learning, Antonio exceled with this activity and answered a perfect 10 out of
10 on his post test.


Reflect on how your instructional activities, strategies, assessment tools link with the theories of education
presented in your coursework throughout the program.

This tutoring session linked closely with Howard Gardners theory of Multiple Intelligences. We engaged
Antonios multiple intelligences by including different variations of learning and opportunities for Antonio to
process information. He listened to different times and looked for visual representations of those times on
clocks, and strengthened his understanding of nouns and adjectives through movement. We met Antonios
visual auditory learning style and used Howard Gardners theory of Multiple Intelligences to set Antonio up for
success in this tutoring session.
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: _Ryan Straub, Alexa Carvelli, Briana Gallagher_______ Current Course: EDU 527
Hour[s] of this Session: 1+ _5______ [#] Total Hours to Date: __6________________ [#]
Date of this session __6/19/17____________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: __Antonio Gabriele________________________________
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): ___2nd grade Math and ELA___________________
Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

1. Making Slime - Antonio read the step-by-step instructions in order to make the slime. Our initial plan was to
follow the instructions together and create the slime. However, Antonio was able to follow the instructions and
make the slime on his own. I have never seen Antonio read so fluently and comprehend all the information.
This may be due to the fact that slime is probably the thing that most intrigues him in the world. He has
mentioned slime in every tutoring session, and now he got to make it. I believe our tutoring sessions have been
successful because we have motivated him and sparked his curiosity. When Antonio is engaged and motivated
he has endless potential.

2. Rolling the Big Dice to create different three-digit numbers and compare them This was another successful
activity because Antonio got to move around while creating and comparing different three-digit numbers. He
used the equal sign, greater than sign, or less than sign to compare the numbers, and we had him record his
results on an anchor chart. The visual representation was helpful for Antonio to think critically about each pair
of numbers.


Reflect on how your instructional activities, strategies, assessment tools link with the theories of education
presented in your coursework throughout the program.

This tutoring session linked closely with B.F. Skinners theory of Behaviorism. We constantly used praise as
positive reinforcement throughout this lesson. Antonio responded well and continued to read thoughtfully, make
the slime carefully, roll the dice properly, and compare the three-digit numbers correctly. We also gave Antonio
the choice of how he wanted to take the posttest on Quizlet. He chose the matching version of Quizlet because
he wanted to be timed. Once he was timed, we allowed him to do it again because he wanted to beat his time.
The positive reinforcement throughout this lesson motivated Antonio and made him more invested in his
Saturday Morning Tutoring Project Log

Teacher candidates will be required to keep a log of hours and write a reflection about each

Your names: _Ryan Straub, Alexa Carvelli, Briana Gallagher_______ Current Course: EDU 527
Hour[s] of this Session: 1+ _6______ [#] Total Hours to Date: __7________________ [#]
Date of this session __6/21/17____________________ Time: 6 PM to 7 PM
Students Name: __Antonio Gabriele________________________________
Grade and Subject Area (or other description): ___2nd grade Math and ELA___________________
Reaction to Effectiveness of Instructional Activities Which Took Place during the Tutoring Session,
provide at least two specific examples:

1. 3D Boat Manipulative - Antonio is a naturalistic learner who loves to touch, feel, hold, and piece things
together. The main challenges he faces are with reading fluently, sounding out difficult words, learning and
retaining some sight words, and decoding text. Due to the 3D printer issues, we could not have Antonio build
the 3D boat that consists of the base of the boat, a paddle wheel, two posts, and a rubber band. We did show
Antonio a picture of what the finished product would have looked like, and he read the four-step instructions list
that he would have used to complete the task. Despite the lack of resources, our activity engaged and motivated
Antonio to read carefully and make conclusions relating to facts and opinions about his observations of the boat.
The 3D learning tool increased Antonios attention to detail while reading, helping him excel with todays
lesson of differentiating between facts and opinions, and generating and identifying words associated with
opinion and fact statements.

2. Multiplication Twister This activity gave Antonio several opportunities to move around while practicing his
multiplication facts and skills. Our pretest included different variations of repeated addition and multiplication
arrays that enabled Antonio to correctly answer most of his pretest questions. In the twister activity, Antonio
and Andrew competed against each other in finding the product to multiplication questions. With the increased
level of body movement and friendly competition, Antonio was able to answer questions more quickly and
without the use of arrays. He mainly used repeated addition in his head with his increased focus, and scored a
perfect 10 out of 10 on his Kahoot posttest.


Reflect on how your instructional activities, strategies, assessment tools link with the theories of education
presented in your coursework throughout the program.

This tutoring session linked closely with Lev Vygotskys Zone of Proximal Development. Throughout our math
lesson, we did not just include multiplication problems that Antonio would be able to do effortlessly. Some
problems were slightly more challenging than he has seen before, but through our interventions and teamwork
with Andrew he was able to persevere through the problem solving process. We gave support and used
scaffolding where necessary until Antonio felt comfortable on his own.

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