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Good morning Teacher Alejandro Magno Vique Lopez head-

teacher of the Escuela Particular Normal Superior Lic. Benito
Juarez, Teacher Demetrio Joel Rodrguez Pichardo academic
coordinator of the school, dear professors, staff of the school and
loved classmates.

Today Monday, November 28th of 2016, the 5th semester of English

Language teaching degree presents this civic event to pay tribute
to our flag, and then we ask all of you to behave correctly and to
be respectful to our national symbols.

Our flag is one of the main icons of our country, so we have to

take it to the top and to respect it because of its meaning.

Recibamos a nuestra ensea nacional con el debido respeto que

se merece y siguiendo los honores de ordenanza.


Mexican anthem is one of the most beautiful anthems in the world,

its a song of faithful witness of our independence struggle and the
heroes who gave us freedom, and it also represents our national
identity from other parts of the world.
Con mucho respeto y en posicin de firmes entonemos nuestro
glorioso himno nacional mexicano siguiendo los acordes

A continuacin despidamos a nuestra bandera nacional al lugar

de honor que ocupa en nuestra institucin.


Knowing our history and essential past events let us know where
we come from, as well to know how to avoid repeating the same
tragedies. Now some of our classmates will tell us the most
important dates of this week.

Now the student: _____________________________ will tell us a

message to reflect about the season that is coming, Xmas.

Our classmates of the 5th semester of English Language Teaching

degree and our tutor appreciate your attention to this ceremony;
we also thank the Physical Education degree students for their
support. We wish you a successful week.

Now the authorities of the school will tell us the general instructions.
Thank you!
November 28, 1799 By Royal decree, the settlement of
Acapulco is elevated to the category of city.

November 28, 1861, President Benito Jurez decides to

renew payments of Mexico's foreign debt.

November 28, 1867 The Mexican Government finally

agrees to send Maximilian's corpse back to Europe.

November 28, 1911 Emiliano Zapata set the Plan de

Ayala, in which he stablished farmers rights with the
slogan Reforma, Libertad, Justicia y Ley.

November 29, 1927 International telephone service begins

linking Mexico to Canada.

December 1st, international day against the AIDS.

December 2nd, international day of slavery abolition.

I wrote a letter to Santa
To make sure he would know
It's only two weeks until Christmas,
And we still don't have any snow.

Just didn't want his reindeer

To have to work too hard.
I was afraid they might get stuck
In the mud outside in our yard.

I mailed my letter on Monday,

Only two days ago.
As I dropped it in the mailbox,
It slowly started to snow.

It's been snowing ever since,

More as each day goes by.
I'm getting kind of worried now
That Santa will think I lied.

I'll write another letter,

And mail it off today.
Tell Santa not to worry,
There'll be lots of snow for his sleigh.

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