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Five Habits of the Heart that Help Make Democracy Possible

Adapted from Parker J. Palmer, Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage
to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit (2011)

The human heart is the first home of democracy. It is where we embrace

our questions. Can we be equitable? Can we be generous? Can we
listen with our whole beings, not just our minds, and offer our attention
rather than our opinions? And do we have enough resolve in our hearts
to act courageously, relentlessly, without giving upevertrusting our
fellow citizens to join with us in our determined pursuit of a living
democracy? Terry Tempest Williams 1

Habits of the heart (a phrase coined by Alexis de Tocqueville) are deeply

ingrained ways of seeing, being, and responding to life that involve our minds, our
emotions, our self-images, our concepts of meaning and purpose. I believe that
these five interlocked habits are critical to sustaining a democracy:

1. An understanding that we are all in this together. Biologists, ecologists,

economists, ethicists and leaders of the great wisdom traditions have all given
voice to this theme. Despite our illusions of individualism and national superiority,
we humans are a profoundly interconnected speciesentwined with one another
and with all forms of life, as the global economic and ecological crises reveal in
vivid and frightening detail. We must embrace the simple fact that we are
dependent upon and accountable to one another, and that includes the stranger, the
alien other. At the same time, we must save the notion of interdependence from
the idealistic excesses that make it an impossible dream. Exhorting people to hold
a continual awareness of global, national, or even local interconnectedness is a
counsel of perfection that is achievable (if at all) only by the rare saint, one that
can only result in self-delusion or defeat. Which leads to a second key habit of the

2. An appreciation of the value of otherness. It is true that we are all in this

together. It is equally true that we spend most of our lives in tribes or lifestyle
enclavesand that thinking of the world in terms of us and them is one of the
many limitations of the human mind. The good news is that us and them does
not have to mean us versus them. Instead, it can remind us of the ancient
tradition of hospitality to the stranger and give us a chance to translate it into
twenty-first century terms. Hospitality rightly understood is premised on the
notion that the stranger has much to teach us. It actively invites otherness into
our lives to make them more expansive, including forms of otherness that seem
utterly alien to us. Of course, we will not practice deep hospitality if we do not
embrace the creative possibilities inherent in our differences. Which leads to a
third key habit of the heart

3. An ability to hold tension in life-giving ways. Our lives are filled with inner
and outer contradictionsour own behavior sometimes belies our aspirations,
while the world around us sometimes denies what we value and believe to be true.
If we fail to hold these contradictions creatively, they will shut us down and take
us out of the action. But if we allow their tensions to expand our minds and hearts,
they can open us to new understandings of ourselves and our world, enhancing our
lives and allowing us to enhance other peoples lives. We are flawed and finite
beings whose understanding is always partial and in need of correction. The
genius of the human heart lies in its capacity to use the tensions that come with our
limitations to generate insight, energy, and new life. Making the most of those
gifts requires a fourth key habit of the heart

4. A sense of personal voice and agency. Insight and energy give rise to new life
as we speak out and act out our own version of truth, while checking and
correcting it against the truths of others. But many of us lack confidence in own
voices and in our power to make a difference. We grow up in educational and
religious institutions that treat us as members of an audience instead of actors in a
drama, and as a result we become adults who treat politics as a spectator sport.
And yet it remains possible for us, young and old alike, to find our voices, learn
how to speak them, and know the satisfaction that comes from contributing to
positive changeif we have the support of a community. Which leads to a fifth
and final habit of the heart

5. A capacity to create community. Without a community, it is nearly impossible

to achieve voice: it takes a village to raise a Rosa Parks. Without a community, it
is nearly impossible to exercise the power of one in a way that allows power to
multiply: it took a village to translate Parkss act of personal integrity into social
change. In a mass society like ours, community rarely comes ready-made. But
creating community in the places where we live and work does not mean
abandoning other parts of our lives to become full-time organizers. The steady
companionship of two or three kindred spirits can help us find the courage we
need to speak and act as citizens. There are many ways to plant and cultivate the
seeds of community in our personal and local lives. We must all become gardeners
of community if we want democracy to flourish.

Terry Tempest Williams, The Open Space of Democracy (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock
Publishers, 2010), pp. 83-84.

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