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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74 (2011) 13041309

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Iron plaque formation on roots of different rice cultivars and the relation
with lead uptake
Jianguo Liu n, Xuemei Leng, Mingxin Wang, Zhongquan Zhu, Qinghua Dai
School of Environmental and Safety Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou, Jiangsu 213164, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The relationships between lead (Pb) uptake and iron/manganese plaque formation on rice roots were
Received 1 December 2010 investigated with three cultivars. The results showed that the rice cultivars with indica consanguinity
Received in revised form were more sensitive to soil Pb stress than the cultivar with japonica consanguinity. Pb concentrations
24 January 2011
and distribution ratios in root tissues were in the order: Shanyou 634 Yangdao 64 Wuyunjing 7, but
Accepted 27 January 2011
Available online 18 February 2011
Pb and Fe concentrations and distribution ratios in the plaques showed a reverse order. Mn
concentrations and distribution ratios in the plaques of Wuyunjing 7 were signicantly higher
Keywords: (P o 0.01 or 0.05) than those of Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6. The results indicate that iron/manganese
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) plaque on rice root can provide a barrier to soil Pb stress. The plaque will increase sequestration of Pb
on rice root surface and in the rhizosphere, providing a means of external exclusion of soil Pb to some
Iron plaque
& 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction exclusion of metals (Greipsson and Crowder, 1992; Hansel et al.,

2002). Whereas, Ye et al. (1997, 1998) reported that there is no
Under anaerobic conditions, aquatic plants such as rice have a difference between the presence and absence of iron plaque in
common feature that is the formation of iron plaque on the root plant Cu and Zn uptake of Typha latifolia. Iron plaque on rice root
surfaces. That is due to the release of oxygen and oxidants in the also affected patterns of metal uptake and accumulation, and
rhizosphere, and the subsequent oxidation of ferrous to ferric iron lower concentrations of Cu and Ni were found in the leaves of rice
with the precipitation of iron oxide or hydroxide on the root plants with plaque than in the plants without plaque (Greipsson
surface. In addition to Fe, the plaque contains a wide range of and Crowder, 1992; Greipsson, 1994). However, Liu et al. (2008)
other metal elements. In nature, the plaque element next in reported that iron plaque on rice root surface is of little signi-
importance to Fe is generally Mn (Taylor et al., 1984; Crowder cance in affecting uptake and accumulation of Cd by rice plant.
and Coltman, 1993). The main forms of iron plaque are the ferric Furthermore, those works were mainly conducted under hydro-
hydroxides, goethite, and lepidocrocite (Chen et al., 1980). Due to ponic conditions and/or different levels of Fe additions, few
the high adsorption capacity of functional groups on iron hydro- experiments were conducted under soil conditions with natural
xides, iron plaque may sequester a number of metal(loid)s by Fe concentrations.
adsorption or co-precipitation, and thus interferes with the Lead is a worldwide contaminant in the environments. Owing
availability of these elements in the rhizosphere and their uptake to industrial development and population expansion, the concen-
by and translocation in plants. So the presence of iron coating on trations of heavy metals in agricultural soils have also become
root surface may inuence metal uptake (Otte et al., 1989; Liu increasingly serious in China (Li et al., 2000; Ji et al., 2000). Pb is
et al., 2007). toxic to many organ systems of human body, especially to central
Although some studies have been conducted on iron plaque nervous systems of children (Wasserman et al., 1997; Silbergeld
and metal uptake in wetland plants, the results were not et al., 2000).
consistent with each other. Some of them indicated that the Paddy rice is one of the most important crops in the world,
formation of Fe and Mn precipitate (plaque) on root surface of especially in Asia. It was reported that there were differences
aquatic plants may provide a means of attenuation and external between rice genotypes in Fe content in iron plaque (Geng et al.,
2005). Our previous studies showed that rice cultivars varied
signicantly in Pb accumulation and tolerance (Liu et al., 2003).
Corresponding author.
However, limited information is available on the relationship
E-mail addresses:, between plant Pb uptake and Fe/Mn plaque formation on root, (J. Liu). for different rice cultivars. The present research was conducted to

0147-6513/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J. Liu et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74 (2011) 13041309 1305

investigate the relationship and to understand some mechanisms 2.5. Determination of Pb concentrations in rice plants
causing the variations between rice cultivars with regard to Pb
uptake and accumulation. After DCB extraction, the roots and shoots were oven-dried at 70 1C to a constant
weight. The oven-dried samples were ground with a stainless steel grinder to pass
through a 100-mesh sieve. Pb concentrations of the samples were determined with an
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Solaar S4+Graphite Furnace System 97,
2. Materials and methods Thermo Elemental, USA) following HNO3HClO4 (HNO3:HClO4 4:1, V:V) digestion
procedures (Allen, 1989).
Data were analyzed with the statistical package SPSS11.5 and EXCEL2003 for
2.1. Soil preparation and analysis
Windows. Two signicant levels of P r 0.05 and 0.01 were used in presenting the
The soils for the pot experiments were collected from uncontaminated elds
(020 cm). After air-drying and passing through a 2-mm sieve, the following soil
properties were tested: (1) particle size with hydrometer method; (2) pH with pH
3. Results
meter (soil : distilled water 1: 2); (3) organic matter with sequential extraction
method; (4) cation exchange capacity with ammonium acetate method; and
(5) total Fe, Mn and Pb with AAS following H2O2HFHNO3HClO4 digestion Table 1 shows that the soil used was a sandy loam with a high
(Sparks, 1996). The testing results are shown in Table 1. proportion of sand and neutral pH. The soil contained a moderate
Four kilogram of soil was placed in each pot (18 cm in diameter and 20 cm in level of organic matter, CEC, Fe and Mn, and a low level of Pb.
height). Pb in the form of PbCl2 was added to the soil to obtain Pb levels of 500 and
1000 mg kg  1 (dry weight).
PbCl2 was dissolved in deionized water and poured into the soil slowly while 3.1. Effects of soil Pb treatments on plant biomasses of different rice
mixing the soil at the same time. The thoroughly mixed soils were stored in pots cultivars
and submerged in water (23 cm above the soil surface) for a month before rice
seedlings were transplanted. The soils without adding Pb served as control.
Table 2 shows that the effects of soil Pb treatments on rice
growth differed with rice cultivars, soil Pb levels and plant organs.
2.2. Rice plant materials
In general, Yangdao 6 and Shanyou 63 were more sensitive to soil
Pb stress than Wuyunjing 7.
Based on our previous studies (Liu et al., 2003), three rice cultivars of different Under soil Pb treatment of 500 mg kg  1, the biomass of
genotypes with diverse Pb uptake abilities were used in this experiment, and they Shanyou 63 increased by about 10%, as compared to the control,
are Shanyou 63 (hybrid indica, a high Pb accumulator), Yangdao 6 (indica, a and root and total weights of rice plant increased signicantly
moderate Pb accumulator), and Wuyunjing 7 (japonica, a low Pb accumulator).
(P o0.05). However, the biomass of Yangdao 6 decreased by about
Rice seeds were submerged in a water bath for about 48 hr at room temperature
(2025 1C) and germinated under moist condition (seeds were covered with two
8%, and the root weight decreased signicantly (Po0.05). The
layers of moist gauze cloth) at 32 1C for another 30 hr and the germinated seeds biomass of Wuyunjing 7 changed little.
were grown in uncontaminated soils. After 30 days, the uniform seedlings were Under soil Pb treatments of 1000 mg kg  1, root and shoot
selected and transplanted into the pots (3 plants per pot). The pot soil was weights decreased for all the rice cultivars. But the magnitudes of
maintained under ooded conditions (with 23 cm of water above soil surface)
decreases varied largely with cultivars and plant organs. With
during the rice growth period.
regard to root weights, the reduction rates were more than 20%
for Yangdao 6 and Shanyou 63, but less than 10% for Wuyunjing 7.
2.3. Experimental design With respect to shoot weights, the decreases were signicant at
Po0.01 level for Yangdao 6, and at Po0.05 level for Shanyou 63.
The experiments were carried out under open-air conditions. The pots were However, the decrease rate was only 5% for Wuyunjing 7, an
arranged in a randomized complete block design with ve replicates. 0.5 g of urea insignicant level (P40.05).
(containing 46% N) and 0.5 g of K2HPO4  3 H2O were applied to each pot at two Under soil Pb stress, the change rates in dry weights (decrease
times, one on the 3rd day before seedling transplant, and the other on day 20 after
or increase) were generally higher for roots than for shoots.
the transplant.

3.2. Pb uptake and distributions in the plants of different rice

2.4. Cold DCB extraction of iron and manganese plaque cultivars

One entire plant (including shoot and root system) was sampled from each pot The differences among the rice cultivars in Pb concentrations
at day 40 after seedling transplant. The plant samples were washed thoroughly and distributions in roots are shown in Table 3.
with tap water and deionized water, and then separated into roots and shoots.
In general, Pb concentrations in root tissues and shoots were in
Iron and manganese plaque on the roots were extracted using a modied cold
dithionitecitratebicarbonate (DCB) method (Taylor and Crowder, 1983; Otte the order: Shanyou 634Yangdao 64Wuyunjing 7. The differences
et al., 1989; Liu et al., 2008). The entire root systems were rstly incubated for 2 h between the cultivars were signicant (Po0.05), except for the
at 20 1C in 80 ml 0.03 mol L  1 sodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7  2H2O) and difference between Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6 in shoot Pb con-
0.125 mol L  1 sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) with the addition of 1.6 g sodium centrations under soil Pb level of 500 mg kg  1. But Pb concentra-
dithionite (Na2S2O4), and the asks were shaken during the incubation. The
extracts were then transferred into 100-ml glass asks. Roots were rinsed three
tions in plaques showed a reverse order. They were the highest for
times with deionized water and the eluates were added to the DCB extracts. Wuyunjing 7, and the lowest for Shanyou 63, except for the
Finally the solutions were ltered into plastic containers for subsequent analysis. difference between Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6 of the control.

Table 1
Selected properties of the soil used in this experiment (n 3).

Soil type Soil texture Particle size (g kg  1) pH OMa CECb Total Fe Total Mn Total Pb
(g kg  1) (cmol kg  1) (mg kg  1) (mg kg  1) (mg kg  1)
Sand Silt Clay

Paddy soil Sandy loam 587.5 233.2 179.3 6.8 27.6 13.6 8981 683.9 36.5

Organic matter.
Cation exchange capacity.
1306 J. Liu et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74 (2011) 13041309

Table 2
Effects of soil Pb treatments on plant biomasses of different rice cultivars (n 3).

Cultivars Soil Pb concentration Root Shoot Total

(mg kg  1)
Dry weight RC a( 7%) Dry weight RC (7 %) Dry weight RC (7%)
(g pot  1) (g pot  1) (g pot  1)

Shanyou 63 Control 5.31 11.42 16.73

500 5.99n 12.81 12.48 9.28 18.47n 10.40
1000 4.18nn  21.28 9.87n  13.57 14.05nn  16.02
Yangdao 6 Control 4.34 9.88 14.22
500 3.91n  9.91 9.15  7.39 13.06  8.16
1000 3.27nn  24.65 7.92nn  19.84 11.19nn  21.31
Wuyunjing 7 Control 2.14 4.54 6.68
500 2.18 1.87 4.69 3.30 6.87 2.84
1000 1.93n  9.81 4.31  5.07 6.24  6.59

Relative changes under soil Pb treatment compared to the control. RC( 7%) ((weight of Pb treatment  weight of control)/weight of control)  100.
Signicant difference between Pb treatment and the control at P r0.01.
Signicant difference between Pb treatment and the control at P r0.05.

Table 3
Pb concentrations in rice plants and distribution in the roots (n 3).

Soil Pb concentration Cultivars Root tissue Plaquea Total Pb concentration Pb concentration in

(mg kg  1) of root (mg g  1) shoot (mg g  1)
Pb concentration % Pb concentration %
(mg g  1) (mg g  1)

Control Shanyou 63 8.34 a 26.10 23.62 a 73.90 31.96 a 7.43 a

Yangdao 6 6.72 b 22.63 22.98 a 77.37 29.70 a 5.48 b
Wuyunjing 7 4.12 c 14.02 25.27 b 85.98 29.39 a 3.82 c
500 Shanyou 63 2299 a 91.28 219.56 a 8.72 2519 a 114.36 a
Yangdao 6 1747 b 87.98 238.73 b 12.02 1986 b 115.49 a
Wuyunjing 7 998 c 78.57 272.33 c 21.43 1271 c 90.97 b
1000 Shanyou 63 6201 a 93.72 415.68 a 6.28 6617 a 273.24 a
Yangdao 6 5199 b 91.51 482.67 b 8.49 5682 b 245.91 b
Wuyunjing 7 4239 c 88.58 546.32 c 11.42 4785 c 228.75 c

Different letters beside the data in the same treatment indicate signicant difference between the cultivars at P r 0.05.
Pb concentrations in plaques are also based on root dry weights.

With regard to Pb distributions in roots (between root tissues 1000 mg kg  1, only 10% or much less of Pb absorbed by rice plants
and the plaques), Pb distribution ratios in root tissues were much was restrained in the plaque. Concerning the differences among the
higher for soil Pb treatments than for the control, but the ratios in rice cultivars in Pb distributions, the distribution ratios in root
the plaques were much lower for soil Pb treatments than for the tissues were in the order: Shanyou 634Yangdao 64Wuyunjing
control. Pb distribution ratios increased with the increase of soil 7, but the ratios in the plaques showed a reverse order, with the
Pb levels in root tissues, but decreased with the increase of soil Pb highest for Wuyunjing 7 and the lowest for Shanyou 63. The
levels in plaques. On the differences among the rice cultivars, Pb differences among the rice cultivars in Pb distribution ratios in
distribution ratios in root tissues were in the order: Shanyou shoots varied with soil Pb levels.
634Yangdao 64Wuyunjing 7. But Pb distribution ratios in
plaques showed a reverse order, which were the highest for
Wuyunjing 7 and the lowest for Shanyou 63. 3.3. Fe and Mn concentrations in rice plants and distribution in the
With respect to Pb accumulations in rice plants (Table 4), roots
Shanyou 63 was much higher than Yangdao 6, and Yangdao 6 was
much higher than Wuyunjing 7, irrespective of in root tissues, Fe concentrations in different parts of rice plants and distribu-
plaques or shoots. The differences between two cultivars of indica tion in roots are displayed in Table 5. On Fe concentrations in root
consanguinity (Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6) and the cultivar of tissues and in plaques, they were signicantly higher (Po0.01)
japonica consanguinity (Wuyunjing 7) were very enormous. for Wuyunjing 7 than for Yangdao 6, and signicantly higher
On the distributions of Pb in different parts of rice plants, it (Po 0.01 or 0.05) for Yangdao 6 than for Shanyou 63, irrespective
varied with rice cultivars, soil Pb levels and the parts of rice plants. of soil Pb levels. The magnitudes of the differences among the rice
For the control, Pb distribution ratios in different parts of rice plants cultivars were higher under soil Pb treatments (500 mg kg  1 and
were in the order: plaque4shoot4root tissue, about half or more 1000 mg kg  1) than for the control. The differences among the
of the Pb absorbed by rice plant was stored in plaques, about 22 rice cultivars in shoot Fe concentrations varied with soil Pb levels.
33% in shoots, and about 1117% in root tissues. But for soil Pb On Fe distribution in rice roots, absolute majority of Fe
treatments, most of the Pb was accumulated in root tissues (from accumulated in the plaques (more than 98.5%), and only less than
about 68% to about 85%), about 619% in plaques, and about 913% 1.5% of Fe was transferred into root tissues. Fe distribution ratios in
in shoots. Pb distribution ratios in the plaques dropped sharply the plaques of three rice cultivars were in the order: Wuyunjing
with the increase of soil Pb levels. Under soil Pb treatment of 74Yangdao 64Shanyou 63, but the ratios in root tissues showed
J. Liu et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74 (2011) 13041309 1307

Table 4
Pb accumulations and distributions in different parts of rice plants (n 3).

Soil Pb Cultivars Root tissue Plaque Shoot Total Pb

concentration accumulation
(mg kg  1) in rice plant
(mg pot  1)
Pb accumulation % Pb accumulation % Pb accumulation %
(mg pot  1) (mg pot  1) (mg pot  1)

Control Shanyou 63 44.29 a 17.40 125.42 a 49.27 84.85 a 33.33 254.56 a

Yangdao 6 29.16 b 15.93 99.73 b 54.49 54.14 b 29.58 183.04 b
Wuyunjing 7 8.82 c 10.99 54.08 c 67.40 17.34 c 21.61 80.24 c
500 Shanyou 63 13774 a 83.40 1315 a 7.96 1427 a 8.64 16516 a
Yangdao 6 6830 b 77.44 933 b 10.58 1057 b 11.98 8820 b
Wuyunjing 7 2176 c 68.08 594 c 18.57 427 c 13.35 3196 c
1000 Shanyou 63 25921 a 85.39 1738 a 5.72 2697 a 8.88 30356 a
Yangdao 6 17002 b 82.82 1578 b 7.69 1948 b 9.49 20528 b
Wuyunjing 7 8181 c 80.04 1054 c 10.32 986 c 9.65 10221 c

Different letters beside the data in the same treatment indicate signicant difference between the cultivars at Pr 0.05.

Table 5
Fe concentrations in different parts of rice plant and distribution in the root (n 3).

Soil Pb concentration Cultivars Root tissue Plaquea Total Fe concentration Fe concentration in

(mg kg  1) of root (mg g  1) shoot (mg g  1)
Fe concentration % Fe concentration %
(mg g  1) (mg g  1)

Control Shanyou 63 684.36 c 1.31 51485 c 98.69 52169 c 233.42 a

Yangdao 6 749.68 b 1.27 58268 b 98.73 59018 b 208.79 b
Wuyunjing 7 862.19 a 1.18 72468 a 98.82 73330 a 195.85 b
500 Shanyou 63 715.43 c 1.35 52394 c 98.65 53110 c 239.37 ab
Yangdao 6 798.42 b 1.29 60984 b 98.71 61782 b 258.74 a
Wuyunjing 7 995.46 a 1.21 81596 a 98.79 82591 a 236.53 b
1000 Shanyou 63 732.09 c 1.48 48716 c 98.52 49447 c 265.56 a
Yangdao 6 853.77 b 1.39 60637 b 98.61 61491 b 271.36 a
Wuyunjing 7 1101.49 a 1.29 84478 a 98.71 85580 a 238.43 b

Different letters beside the data in the same treatment indicate signicant difference between the cultivars at Pr 0.05.
Fe concentrations in plaques are also based on root dry weights.

a reverse order, irrespective of soil Pb levels. Nevertheless, the Many researches showed that Pb phytoxicity resulted in oxidative
magnitudes of the differences among the rice cultivars were small. stress and retardation of plant growth. The inhibitory effects may be
Mn concentrations in different parts of rice plants and dis- due to interference with enzymes essential for normal metabolic
tribution in roots are displayed in Table 6. Mn concentrations in and development, photosynthetic processes, water and mineral
plaques increased with the increase of soil Pb levels for three rice nutrients absorption, and changes in cell ultrastructure (Stefanov
cultivars, but Mn concentrations in root tissues decreased with et al., 1995; Paivoke, 2002; Zeng et al., 2006).
the increase of soil Pb levels. In general, Mn concentrations in root It has been reported that plant species differed greatly in their
tissues of Wuyunjing 7 were signicantly lower (Po0.01) than tolerance to soil Pb stress (Rooney et al., 1999; Paivoke, 2002),
those of Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6, but Mn concentrations in and the genotypes within a same plant species also differed
plaques of Wuyunjing 7 were signicantly higher (P o0.01 or greatly in their tolerance to soil Pb stress (Liu et al., 2003). But
0.05) than those of Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6 (except for the the mechanisms have not been fully understood.
differences between Wuyunjing 7 and Shanyou 63 of the control). It was reported that deposition of iron oxide plaque or coating
With regard to Mn distributions in the roots, most of Mn was on rice root ameliorated the toxic effects of Cu, Ni, and Cu +Ni on
absorbed in plaques (about 6388%), only about 1237% was plant growth (Greipsson and Crowder, 1992; Greipsson, 1994).
accumulated into root tissues. Mn distribution ratios in root However, other reports showed no differences in root and shoot
tissues of Wuyunjing 7 were signicantly lower (Po0.01) than dry weights and leaf elongation between presence and absence of
those of Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6, but the ratios in plaques of the plaque, when Cu or Ni were added to solutions (Ye et al.,
Wuyunjing 7 were signicantly higher (Po0.01) than those of 1997).
Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6. In our present research, effects of soil Pb stress on rice
biomasses varied largely with cultivars. Under relatively lower
soil Pb treatment (500 mg kg  1), the biomasses changed little
4. Discussion (P 40.05) for Wuyunjing 7, but those increased largely for
Shanyou 63 (signicant at Po0.05 for root weight), decreased
4.1. Variations among rice cultivars in Pb tolerance and the relation obviously for Yangdao 6 (signicant at Po0.05 for root weight).
with iron and manganese plaque formation on roots Pb is not an essential element for rice growth and metabolism, the
stimulating effects of relatively lower level of Pb on rice growth
The levels of Pb in soils that are toxic to plant are not easy to may be another response of rice plant to Pb stress, but the
evaluate, and the toxic symptoms of Pb in plant are not very specic. underlying mechanisms need further research.
1308 J. Liu et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74 (2011) 13041309

Table 6
Mn concentrations in different parts of rice plant and distribution in the root (n 3).

Soil Pb concentration Cultivars Root tissue Plaquea Total Mn concentration Mn concentration

(mg kg  1) of root (mg g  1) in shoot (mg g  1)
Mn concentration % Mn concentration %
(mg g  1) (mg g  1)

Control Shanyou 63 16.62 a 34.34 31.78 ab 65.66 48.40 a 432.75 a

Yangdao 6 17.59 a 36.66 30.39 b 63.34 47.98 a 426.35 a
Wuyunjing 7 12.37 b 26.90 33.62 a 73.10 45.99 a 375.48 b
500 Shanyou 63 15.58 a 28.94 38.25 b 71.06 53.83 b 384.92 a
Yangdao 6 14.28 a 28.82 35.27 b 71.18 49.55 b 336.76 b
Wuyunjing 7 10.49 b 15.60 56.76 a 84.40 67.25 a 336.32 b
1000 Shanyou 63 12.75 a 18.44 56.38 b 81.56 69.13 a 178.66 c
Yangdao 6 12.38 a 21.00 46.57 c 79.00 58.95 b 217.53 b
Wuyunjing 7 8.73 b 11.76 65.51 a 88.24 74.24 a 242.31 a

Different letters beside the data in the same treatment indicate signicant difference between the cultivars at P r 0.05.
Mn concentrations in plaques are also based on root dry weights.

It can be seen from present results that Shanyou 63 and (500 mg kg  1 and 1000 mg kg  1) than for the control. The dis-
Yangdao 6 (with indica consanguinity) were more sensitive to tribution ratios of Fe in iron plaques of different rice cultivars
soil Pb stress than Wuyunjing 7 (with japonica consanguinity). were in the order: Wuyunjing 74Yangdao 64Shanyou 63, but
Our results also showed that Fe and Mn concentrations in the the ratios in root tissues showed a reverse order. In general, Mn
plaques of Wuyunjing 7 were signicantly higher (Po0.01, concentrations and distribution ratios in plaques of Wuyunjing
oro0.05) than those of Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6, and the 7 were signicantly higher (Po0.01 or 0.05) than those of
magnitude of the difference among the cultivars was higher for Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6, but Mn concentrations and distribu-
soil Pb treatments than for the control. tion ratios in root tissues of Wuyunjing 7 were signicantly lower
So iron and manganese plaques on rice roots may provide a (Po 0.01) than those of Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6.
barrier to soil Pb stress in Pb-contaminated soils. So it can be concluded that formation of iron and manganese
plaque on rice root can increase the sequestration of Pb on root
surface and in the rhizosphere, providing a means of external
4.2. Variations among rice cultivars in plant Pb uptake and the
exclusion of soil Pb. But the functions of iron and manganese
relation with iron and manganese plaque formation on roots
plaque were limited, only effective in relatively lower or moder-
ate Pb-contaminated soil (for example less than 1000 mg kg  1),
Literature reports indicated that presence of iron plaque because Pb distribution ratios in the plaques dropped sharply
inhibited uptake of heavy metals by plants, and Cu concentrations with the increase of soil Pb levels (Tables 3 and 4). Under soil Pb
were lower in the plants of Lobelia dortmanna and Phragmites level of 1000 mg kg  1, only 10% or much less of Pb absorbed by
australis in the presence of plaque than when it was absent rice plants was restrained in the plaque. Under higher Pb levels,
(Christensen and Jensen, 1998; Batty et al., 2000). However, the the capacity of iron plaque in sequestrating Pb may turn to
results of Ye et al. (1997) also presented that the plaque of Typha saturation.
latifolia did not alter Cu uptake and translocation but increased Ni
uptake and translocation. Ye et al. (1998) also showed that Zn was
absorbed fairly equally on root surfaces with and without plaque, 5. Conclusions
but the roots with plaque absorbed more Pb, but less Cd, than
those without. The presence of plaque did not alter Zn, Pb, and In general, Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6 (with indica consangui-
Cd translocation in the seedlings of Typha latifolia in nutrient nity) were more sensitive to soil Pb stress than Wuyunjing 7 (with
solutions. japonica consanguinity). Pb concentrations and distribution ratios
Our present research showed that there were great differences in root tissues were in the order: Shanyou 634Yangdao
among three rice cultivars in plant Pb uptake, specically 64Wuyunjing 7. But Pb concentrations and distribution ratios
between the cultivars of indica consanguinity (Shanyou 63 and in iron plaques showed a reverse order. On Fe concentrations in
Yangdao 6) and the cultivar of japonica consanguinity (Wuyunj- plaques, they were signicantly higher (Po 0.01) for Wuyunjing
ing 7). Pb concentrations in root tissues and shoots in the order: 7 than for Yangdao 6 and Shanyou 63. Fe distribution ratios in the
Shanyou 63 4Yangdao 64 Wuyunjing 7. But Pb concentrations in plaques were in the order: Wuyunjing 7 4Yangdao 6 4Shanyou
plaques showed a reverse order. With regard to Pb distributions 63, but the ratios in root tissues showed a reverse order. Mn
in roots, Pb distribution ratios increased with the increase of soil concentrations and distribution ratios in plaques of Wuyunjing
Pb levels in root tissues, but decreased with the increase of soil Pb 7 were signicantly higher (Po0.01 or 0.05) than those of
levels in plaques. Pb distribution ratios in root tissues were in the Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6, but Mn concentrations and distribu-
order: Shanyou 634Yangdao 64Wuyunjing 7. But Pb distribu- tion ratios in root tissues of Wuyunjing 7 were signicantly lower
tion ratios in plaques showed a reverse order, and they were the (Po 0.01) than those of Shanyou 63 and Yangdao 6.
highest for Wuyunjing 7 and the lowest for Shanyou 63. On the basis of our results, it can be concluded that iron and
Meanwhile, Fe concentrations in the plaques were signi- manganese plaques on rice roots can provide a barrier to soil Pb
cantly higher (Po0.01) for Wuyunjing 7 than for Yangdao 6, stress in Pb-contaminated soils. The plaque will increase the
and signicantly higher (Po0.01 or 0.05) for Yangdao 6 than for sequestration of Pb on the root surface and in the rhizosphere,
Shanyou 63 (Table 5). The magnitudes of the differences among providing a means of external exclusion of soil Pb. But the
the rice cultivars were higher under soil Pb treatments functions of plaque are limited, only effective in relatively lower
J. Liu et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 74 (2011) 13041309 1309

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