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In their meta-analysis, Kossek and Ozeki (1998) found a strong negative relationship

between work-family conflict and job satisfaction. They stated the the relationship
between job satisfaction and various w-f conflict measures is strong and negative across all
samples: People with high levels of conflict tend to be less satisfied with their jobs (pp.
141-144). While the relationship between work-family positive spillover and job satisfaction
has been tested, there is a dearth of empirical evidence. Researchers have suggested higher
workfamily positive spillover will be positively linked to greater job satisfaction (Crouter,
1984; Grzywacz, Almeida, & McDonald, 2002). The link between positive spillover and job
satisfaction relates to the transfer of positive skills, behaviour and values that in turn lead
to improved role performance (Hanson et al., 2006). Hanson et al. (2006) argued that this
improved role performance leads to reduced frustration with tasks and improved feelings,
which ultimately lead to enhanced role satisfaction, and empirical evidence supporting a
positive link between positive spillover and job and family satisfaction were found.
Consequently, employees able to positively utilize skills, behaviors and values from the
home or workplace should respond with improved job satisfaction.
In meta-analiza lor, Kossek si Ozeki (1998) au gasit o relatie puternica negativa intre conflictul
munca-familie si satisfactia in munca. Ei au afirmat ca relatia dintre satisfactia in munca si
diferite masuri ale conflictului munca-familie este puternica si negativa pe toate esantioanele:
Persoanele cu un nivel crescut al conflictului tind sa fie mai putin multumite la propriul loc de
munca (141-144). In timp ce relatia dintre spilloverul pozitiv munca familie si satisfactia in
munca a fost testat, exista o lipsa de dovezi empirice. Cercetatorii au sugerat ca o crestere a
spilloverului pozitiv munca-familie va corela pozitiv cu o satisfactie la job mai mare (Crouter,
1984; Grzywacz, Almeida, & McDonald, 2002). Legatura dintre spillover pozitiv si satisfactia
profesionala se refera la transferul de atitudini pozitive, comportament si valori care la randul lor
conduc la imbunatatirea performatei rolului (Hanson et al., 2006). Hanson i colab. (2006) a
susinut c aceast mbuntire a performanei rolului duce la reducerea frustrarii prin sarcini si
sentimente imbunatatite, care in cele din urma duc la o satisfactie sporita a rolurilor, si dovezile
empirice sustin o legatura pozitiva intre spillover pozitiv si satisfactia profesionala si familiala.
In consecinta, angajatii capabili sa utilizeze pozitiv abilitatile, comportamentele si valorile din
familie sau de la locul de munca ar trebui sa aiba o satisfactie sporita a locului de munca.

Mental health outcomes have been a major focus of both work-family conflict studies and
have also been explored in the few positive spillover studies. Strong and consistent links
between work-family conflict and psychological distress have been found (Allen, Herst,
Bruck, & Sutton, 2000). Major, Klein and Ehrhart (2002) found work-family conflict to be
directly related to psychological distress, and Frone (2000) found both work-family and
family-work conflict to be related to two psychiatric disorders. In effect, those with greater
negative spillover have worse mental health because of the detrimental of balancing the
strain of multiple and conflicting roles. Relating to positive spillover, both work-family and
family-work dimensions have been found to link with mental health (Grzywacz et al., 2002;
Hanson et al., 2006; Hammer, Cullen, Neal, Sinclair, & Shafiro, 2005).
Rezultatele privind sanatatea mintala au reprezentat un accent major al studiilor priviind
conflictele munca-familie si au fost de asemenea cercetate in cateva studii despre spillover
pozitiv. Au fost gasite legaturi puternice si consistente intre conflictul munca-familie si suferinta
psihologica (Allen, Herst, Bruck, & Sutton, 2000). Majorul, Klein i Ehrhart (2002) au constatat
faptul ca acest conflict munca-familie este legat de suferinta psihologica si Frone (2000) a
constatat ca cele doua conflicte munca-familie, famile-munca au legatura cu doua tulburari
psihiatrice. In consecinta, cei care au un spillover negativ in crestere au o sanatate mintala mai
grava din cauza ponderii tensiunii multiplelor si conflictualelor roluri. Referindu-se la un
spillover pozitiv, s-a constat ca ambele dimensiuni munca-familie, familie-munca, au legatura cu
sanatatea mintala (Grzywacz et al., 2002; Hanson et al., 2006; Hammer, Cullen, Neal, Sinclair, &
Shafiro, 2005).
Graves, Ohlott and Ruderman (2007) criticized the work-family literature for focusing on work
aspects rather than non-work aspects (e.g. family) and Graves et al. (2007) noted the importance
of understanding the greater roles a person has in their life. Similarly, Bishop, Scott, Goldsby and
Cropanzano (2005) noted the need to test effects from one domain (e.g. family) into another (e.g.
work), and Ford, Heinen and Langkamer (2007) suggested the influence of non-work factors on
job outcomes might be greater than initially evidenced. Further, Greenhaus, Collins and Shaw
(2003) highlighted the importance of family influences when they found quality of life was
highest for those more satisfied in family than work.
Graves, Ohlott and Ruderman (2007) au criticat literatura munca-famile pentru ca s-au focusat
mai mult pe aspecte ale muncii, decat pe non-aspecte ale muncii (de exemplu ale familiei) si
Graves et al. (2007 a notat importanta de intelegere a rolurilor

Haar (2005) tested the interaction effects of work-family conflict and family-work conflict on each other
and found intensification effects from conflict from the other role, such that high levels of both forms of
conflict lead to greater reductions in job satisfaction and organizational commitment when both types of
conflict were high. When testing the moderating effects of conflict between work-family and family-work
domains Haar (2005) stated conflict occurring in one domain simultaneously as conflict from the other
domain might have an intensification effect on job outcomes (p. 6). While we understand the direct
effects of work-family conflict and, to a lesser extent, positive spillover, what we do not have a clear
understanding of is how these aspects may influence outcomes together. The reason these interaction
effects require greater attention is that we are beginning to understand that employees can experience
high levels of positive and negative spillover simultaneously. For example, Demerouti and Geurts (2004)
reported 16% of respondents reported relatively high levels of both positive and negative work-family
spillover. Consequently, there is increased awareness of, and interest in, how work-family positive and
negative spillover influence employees attitudes and behaviors (Demerouti & Geurts, 2004; Frone,
2003). We suggest the argument for testing the interaction effects of both negative and positive spillover
dimensions on each other exists in the positive spillover theory.

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