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Long-term Plans

Book of Lee: Where I will be in 1 year

May 15th, 2017 Danny Lee

1. Live a Christian Life

a. Daily devotion (morning + night)
i. Never forget the Gospel
b. Constant prayers
c. Values your offering (10%)
i. Dont be frugal. Everything belongs to God
2. Healthy body
a. Exercise frequently
i. At least 5 times a week
ii. Gym
1. Focus on shoulders, chest and back
iii. Outside
b. Finish a triathlon
i. Swim + run + bike
ii. Cycle
1. Goal: 20km/1h
iii. Swimming lesson

c. Be able to control temptations
i. Porn
ii. Games
iii. Movies
d. Never slack
i. Managed + planned stressful time is better than idle, slacking time
3. Healthy mindset
a. Habits and responsibility
i. Refer to the Habits doc
ii. Feelings < responsibility
iii. No excuses
b. Avid reader
i. Many successful people have been avid readers be like them
c. Creative and ideaful person
i. Ideas are gifts from God. Dont let them go. Write them down
d. No other things can satisfy my needs other than God
i. Stay League-Free FOREVER
4. Skills
a. Strong academics
i. Great SAT + AP scores
ii. Bio 12 + SAT bio
1. August 26th, 2017 (Register for July 28th, 2017)
iii. Study for May exams
2. Solve as many questions as possible
b. Skillful coder
i. GFG
ii. Finish projects
1. LifeTime
2. RelapseReport
c. Music
i. Focus on mastering one song at a time record
1. Jazz Piano
a. Jazz Band
2. Guitar
3. Harmonica
d. Interpersonal
i. Leadership
1. Leaders are there to serve, not to exert power on others
ii. Teamwork
1. Be more understanding + communication
5. Relationships
a. Loving and compassionate
i. Smile more
ii. Listen; dont cut people off
b. Humbleness
i. Kill your ego
ii. You are not better than anyone
c. Secure & confident
i. Kill your insecurity
ii. Remember that you are Gods child
iii. Dont be defensive; laugh it off

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