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Heaven is in the fourth dimension

The New Age movement

Is a new age dawning in which we will see an end, at last, to pain, strife and human
bloodshed? Might we see an end to the obsessions with power and material wealth - a
new age of peace and harmony? Those who belong to the New Age movement would
answer with an emphatic 'Yes'. These successors to the hippy movement of the 1960's
see the golden dawn on the horizon and want to prepare themselves for the coming
cosmic shift in human consciousness, when it will take a quantum leap up to another

Someone who fits the New Age stereotype perfectly would be a vegetarian living in a
commune in California who turns not to conventional medicine whenever they are ill
but to accupuncture and homeopathy, who is quite mystical about the power of
pyramids and crystals, who has hugged trees, who practises yoga or some other form of
meditation, and feels inclined towards certain Eastern religions, and who is convinced
of alien influences and of a conspiracy to conceal the real truth about what is happening
to humanity.

The movement is antimaterialistic and believes that what people need most of all is to
achieve a higher state of awareness by focusing much more on their inner lives and
getting in touch with their inner selves. If your life is a bit of a mess, the reasons are not
social or political or economic. The reason is that there is some imbalance, blockage or
discord between the inner centres of your self. (One system - the chakra system -
identifies 8 different centres which ought to be working in harmony with each other .)
In the words of one New Age prophet, Bob Frissell:

"We create our own reality. In fact, all we ever see 'out there' is simply an outward
reflection of our own inner state of affairs. If we see hostility and antagonism, it is
because of what is going on within us."

If only we can sort out that inner state of affairs we can create a foretaste of heaven on
earth. One important step in this process is getting back in touch with the lower,
subconscious self, which turns out to be the child within us. Bob again:

"You make connection with this lower self by learning to be playful again. It also means
being innocent, sensitive, and allowing your heart to open and reconnect with nature.
We cannot connect with this lower self by approaching life as a sophisticated adult.

"This lower self is not just our personal subconscious mind, it is the subconscious mind
of the entire planet with which we are connecting. We have lost this bond, we have
severed our relationship with the Earth, and we very much need to reconnect."
The world as we know it is about to end. The signs are obvious - the most obvious being
the natural disasters gaining in magnitude and frequency. At the climax of the crisis the
earth's magnetic field will collapse, millions will die but those who are adequately
prepared will find themselves in a new world - a world in the fourth dimension where
matter has become energy, and where thought and reality are one and the same. In place
of conflict and discord there will be global tranquility.

The only ones who can survive in the fourth dimension are those who are at peace with
themselves and can thereby radiate positive energy. Those trapped in negativity - the
negativity of fear, jealousy, arrogance and disdain - will immediately self-destruct as
their negativity rebounds on them. (Apparently, Jesus was trying to prepare us for this
by putting so much emphasis on love and peace, and a renunciation of any interest in
power and material wealth.)

People like Bob Frissell know this is going to happen soon, and they are ready for it.
They have been to India and spoken to Babaji - the 300 year old yogi - and they have
seen the video of Thoth, who was with us as a spiritual leader for 52,000 years, and who
left us on May 4th 1991 once he was happy with the level of consciousness that the
guys in California had reached (they know now how to create their own energy fields
that will protect them when the earth's magnetic field starts to collapse).

Worried that you won't survive the electromagnetic Armageddon? Perhaps you ought to
give away your mobile phone and your playstation and get your hands on a copy of the
book by Deepak Chopra which tells us where our chakras are and how to get them in
harmony? Time is running out.

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