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Team diamond

Know your products

How does one make money?

Alan Sickman
Crown diamond
I had been in the military for 27 years with 3 years to
compulsory retirement. A friend approached me and
asked if I was interested in a change of career and
an opportunity to earn unlimited income potential,
whiles working at my own pace, with no boss and
no contracts. I was definitely interested, because my
military career was ending anyway. That was how I
started my 25 year career in MLM.
Fast forward to why I joined Max International:
another friend who is not into MLM brought me the
information about a new product that had a solid
science backing. I did my research and I tried the
products. My health improved remarkably in the short
time after starting the product.
I have never missed a dose since then. Obviously, with
my experience in the MLM industry, I knew that once
you found a product that worked, business was done,
so I joined Max and I have never looked back. Given
the chance, I would do Max all over again.

Chris & Tammy Gingras

Crown Diamond
On the verge of bankruptcy, we felt we needed a
miracle to turn things around. By choosing the Max
opportunity, we were able to achieve a lifestyle we
once thought was out of our reach.
We now live, work and play together in a business and
relationship that is debt free. For us, the promise of
success is secondary to the power of the Max products
to improve the health and wellness of people around
the world.

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 3

Gren Guadamor
Max Double Diamond, Philippines
I was a Bike Messenger prior to coming in contact with
Max International. I joined Max after recovering from
Fatty Liver and Renal failure. With no university degree,
my biggest challenge was credibility, especially at
a time when Max was not officially present in my
I was poor and so were most of my friends and
network of people. How would they join this
company? I capitalized on the one thing I had; a health
breakthrough I had whilst on the Max products.
After 2 years of pushing Max underground with my
health breakthrough as my selling point, Max officially
launched in Philippines and I achieved Diamond rank
a year later. I am currently a Double Diamond associate
but I am aiming for higher.
At this level, I feel like I am living a fairytale. I can
have whatever I ever wanted and help my family and
friends out of poverty with this same Max plan.

Rachel Thomas
Max Diamond, Malaysia
Money is not a problem in my country, because the
economy is doing pretty well. However, because
of the many negative MLM experiences, it was not
easy for me to get started with Max International,
especially since I had personally lost $2 million dollars
in my previous MLM company.
I decided to try the products, because at my age, I had
many medical challenges. My husband also suffered
terrible diabetes and needed shots of insulin to
sustain him. After 2 months on Max One, my husband
was completely weaned off insulin because his blood
sugar had become so well controlled.

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I myself have benefitted significantly from the anti-
aging effects; I look and feel much younger than my
actual age. I decided to partner with the company and
I am building a business based on the product and I
am achieving significant success. By the official launch
date of Max in Malaysia in 2014, I was a diamond

Kelvin and Annie Owusu

Max Diamond, Ghana
As ambitious medical doctors with brilliant careers
ahead of us, my wife and I were not willing to ruin
our reputations over some MLM product that people
claimed was good. However, my mother being a
very adventurous woman decided to try the product
anyway, and the experience was life changing.
Amazing recovery of energy, improved sleep, mental
clarity; she told me she had never felt younger. After
this kind of report, what could we say? Other friends
and family also tried the products as well, with
awesome feedback each time.
We decided to partner with this company with
amazing products backed by science, and it is the best
decision we have ever made in our lives. Changing
financial status and improving health is definitely
something that we can be proud of.

Dr. Albert Sedohia

Max Diamond, Ghana
I joined Max International to challenge the status quo
and live the life I want to live not the one I had to live;
and to make a positive impact on my generation.
The Max products and Riboceine technology is the
future of preventive health and I am blessed to be a
partner and an agent of this great revolution.

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 5

Nana Kwasi Osafo Osei
Platinum Associate, Max Ghana
I want to touch as many lives as possible through the
overwhelming Max Science and the unbelievable
Max opportunity.
I want to affect peoples lives with better health and
give them wealth at the same time! I want to take
control of my financial future and have great fun with
the time freedom.
I want to inspire a new generation of dreamers and
achievers, leaving a legacy of change.

Eugene Kwapong-Nyarko
Platinum Associate, Max Ghana
For me, Max International could not have come to
Ghana at a better time than it did. When I graduated
from the University and completed my national
service, reality check hit me when after several job
interviews, one panel laughed off my answer to a
question on remuneration.
At this point, and with each passing day and interview,
options remained fewer for me. I was desperate and
prepared to settle for less by joining the rat race and
taking whatever was on the table. It was in those
moments I heard about Max from my brother, and
what a single positive affirmation can do to a life.
Saying YES to the Max Opportunity changed
everything in my life. Why Max? I have and continue
to be empowered to live a life of significance thereby
affecting those around me in terms of health and
Finance. Max has allowed me to not only dream big
again but to begin to live my dreams.
To whom it may concern, I dare you to find max.

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 6

Dr. David Parker-Allotey
Platinum Associate, Max Ghana
I joined Max for an opportunity to improve my
financial situation. In my short time with the company,
I have already started seeing evidence that this is very
possible. I am a medical doctor with nine (9) years
working experience. In those 9 years, I had never
taken a leave/vacation and enjoyed it as such. I always
spent my leave working in other hospitals, something
we call locum, all to make some additional income to
supplement what I was making as a full time doctor.
Yet I always seem to be behind on my financial targets.
My dreams were fading away and age was catching
up fast with me. The financial freedom max has given
me within this short period has been incredible. I
have been able to do things I never believed possible.
I am now able to plan vacations and actually enjoy
spending time with my family. I want to be able to
have an impact on the health of every member of my
family through the amazing products we have and
help as many people as possible to also achieve the
financial freedom I have seen with Max International.

Dr. Makafui Dzakpasu

Gold Associate, Max Ghana
As a Doctor my primary desire is to see my patients
smile and to be cheerful. This I achieved with most of
them but had a few who will always come back with
the same symptom repeatedly even after in-depth
investigations and treatment. This most often became
a headache for me. Thanks to Cellgevity, Maxs flagship
product this is a thing of the past.
It is rewarding to see my passion fulfilled by Max.
Moreover, Max has proven to be a very transparent
and reliable system that rewards effort and offers me
a wider social capital.

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 7

Hectoria and Francis Wuobar
Gold Associates, Max Ghana
The products made the difference for us. I gave my
first product (Cellgevity) to my mum who at the time
had a diabetic foot ulcer that just would not heal.
Within two weeks the ulcer had reduced in size and
almost healed. This did it for me at that moment and I
knew this product was going to do great things.
This coupled with the financial benefits from an
amazing compensation plan that came with it was just
one of the many things that kept us in Max. We were
amazed by the great benefits of the Max products as
we shared with family and friends.
Seeing their health improve by the day, made it
easier for us to get involved in the business of Max. Of
course, we ask why pay for these amazing products,
when you can get them for practically free.

Micah Oben
Gold Associate, Max Ghana
I first joined max international because my dad who
suffered from recurrent paralysis for 21years had a
breakthrough with Cellgevity. It became a passion to
see that I partner with Max and get these breakthrough
products to the rest of the world so I could save a life
just as my dads was saved.
A few months into the business, I discovered there
was so much more the opportunity has to offer.
With the kind of personal development and financial
security the opportunity offers, I see an avenue to help
young people especially young women develop their
personality while enjoying good health and financial
freedom, something that I have always wished to do.
I am Micah Oben, I am Max International, and we are
Max International!

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 8

Harriet Acquah
Gold Associate, Max Ghana
Since childhood, I have always dreamt about building
my own business and giving my family a great life, and
more importantly transforming lives of the poor all
over the world but from an overflowing well. Having
spent 6years working in the oil and gas industry,
I could tell that that was not the way to make my
dreams a reality. When I was introduced to Max, not
only did my dreams become clearer and feel even
more possible, I knew I could touch lives the way I
always wanted to. The future is no more bleak, it is now
very possible with Max.

Emmanuel Owodoo Kwaansah

Gold Associate, Max Ghana
I joined Max, after being exposed to the opportunity
at a BOM. I had very little knowledge about the
products, except that they worked, so I gave Cellgevity
to my father and both of my in-laws. After two weeks
on the product, I could not believe the feedback I
received: increased energy level, improved sleep
quality. As they continued on the products, the health
improvement was even more phenomenal, especially
when the chronic conditions began to regress.
I only wish Max had come to Ghana earlier, because
I know my mother would still be alive if she had had
the chance to use these products.
I noticed an increase in my own energy level when I
started Cellgevity; in fact, my wife started preparing
sumptuous breakfast for me even without being
prompted! Why? Something had drastically changed
in the bedroom lol! After these product experiences
I decided to give the business a shot, and in 9 days
I achieved the rank of Bronze and to my uttermost
surprise, I was paid GHS 1,911.53 for just a few days
work. Which was just about how much I was paid

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 9

monthly in my previous full time job. This further
convinced me that Max International truly rewarded
hard work, and I set to work, and by the end of my
second month, I was a Gold Associate.
I have committed to do Max and do it to the best of
my ability. I am MAX!

Bernard Adu Frimpong

Silver Associate, Max Ghana
After getting to know about the max opportunity,
I realized that they have great products backed by
science and the business aspect can help transform
my life and that of people around me.
I joined Max International because of my mother. She
has always been there for me and I felt this was the
best opportunity to give back to her. With max, I can
see that the future is so bright. It has been an amazing
experience working with Max.
The opportunity to build my own business and earn
residual income cannot be overemphasized. With this,
I can give my mum the best of life and build a legacy
for my generations to come.

Daniel Opare-Addo
Silver Associate, Max Ghana
I pray each day to be a blessing to life and be blessed
by life. I joined Max International to live a fulfilled life
by putting family first and my prosperity just next to
it. As a trained Electrical Engineer working with IBM,
I knew deep down in my heart that I was capable of
more than just a regular pay cheque. After 6 months
of running my Max Business part-time, I achieved 5
times my IBM salary from this great opportunity.
My story totally change again when my mums
negative cardiac condition miraculously switched to

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 10

positive during the first week she tried the RiboCeine
technology in Cellgevity. I went ahead to share
Cellgevity with my father-in-law who was hospitalized
for over 6months with broken limbs (as a result of a
motor accident), diabetes and a very challenging
cardiac condition all coexisting.
I witnessed the second miracle when he started
responding well with a great appetite and an amazing
healing effect of both limbs as a result of the power of
the Riboceine Technology. Today hes walking and Im
motivated each day to get others to enjoy the positive
and extraordinary power of Riboceine, as well as the
financial freedom Max International has to offer to
many families.

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 11

Max International is also known as THE GLUTATHIONE COMPANY.
Our aim is to enhance the bodies ability to produce glutathione.


Glutathione is your bodys natural defense against toxins, pollution, and more:

Produced naturally in every cell of your body

The bodys most powerful anti-oxidant

The cells natural detoxifier

Strengthens the immune system

Neutralizes many different types of free radicals

Protects against oxidative stress

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 12


Maintains energy Strengthens immune Detoxifies the liver &

production system cells

Improves mental focus Improves quality of Reduces the effects of

& clarity sleep stress

Improves the skin Enchnaces athletic performances

Over 100,000 studies on glutathione at online research database site PubMed

(Medical Reference website for most medical research carried out)



Glutathione levels naturally begin to decline at a rate of 10% every decade

from the age of 20 years. The bad news for us today is that levels are falling
much faster.

What is causing gluthathione levels to decline faster today than previously?

Stress-toxins-sleep deprivation
Sun exposure-smoking-alcohol-poor diet

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 13

Lower levels of gluthathione are linked to oxidative stress and cellular
Oxidative stress associated with over 74 major diseases

Increased cellular inflammation leads to lower quality of life

Glutathione levels are difficult to raise

Oral glutathione too fragile to survive ingestion

Little/no bioavailability for standard delivery of glutathione

Glutathione levels would drop naturally as we age, declining by 10% each
decade This decline is associated with the onset of chronic illnesses as a result
of oxidative stress.
Due to aggravating factors, the levels are dropping much faster than the 10%,
which is in part responsible for the earlier onset of chronic illnesses today.

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 14

August 2016: 127,473 articles on Glutathione in National Library of Medicine/
National Institutes of Health Database. Source:


Obesity Immune signaling Angina

Endothelial dysfunction Stable and unstable angina
Alcohol abuse Inflammation Heart attacks Positive stress tests
Heavy metal poisoning


Emphysema (COPD) Hepatitis A, B and C

Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Herpes zoster/shingles
Asthma Influenza and Bird Flu
Chronic bronchitis Upper respiratory, gastroenteritis
Tobacco abuse MRSA HIV
Common Viral Infections


Migraine Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia

Alzheimers disease Lou Gehrigs disease
Parkinsons disease Huntingtons chorea
Multi infarct dementia Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Autism ADHD Depressions

Every cancer studied including:

Brain Head and neck Thyroid Lung Esophagus Stomach

Intestine Liver Pancreas Kidney Uterine Ovarian

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 15

Leukeumia (acute and chronic) Prostate Multiple myeloma
Lymphoma Others


Infertility Spontaneous abortions Cataracts

Pre Menstrual Syndrome Mascular Degeneration


Wrinkling and sagging Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Acne Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Psoriasis Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Atopic dermatitis Systemic Sclerosis Behcets Syndrome
Eczema Fibromyalgia

How then, can we effectively maintain our glutathione levels? You need a
proven restorative agent!


Riboceine, developed by the world renowned scientist, Professor

Herbert Ngasawa for Max International, is the solution.

Riboceine has been formulated into the following products from Max

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 16


Cellgevity supports the production and function of glutathione; including

supporting the removal of harmful toxins and neutralizing free radical damage.
Flagship product from Max International, made up of the patented Riboceine
and 12 other synergistic antioxidants. It is the most powerful antioxidant
combination on the market today.


A patented technology from Max International that effectively
delivers Cysteine to your cells for the onward production of
glutathione by your cells.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

A powerful endogenous antioxidant known to combat various
forms of oxidative stress and to recycle other antioxidants. Very
useful in diabetics with nerve related symptoms, also in chronic
fatigue, HIV/AIDS, cancer and Liver disease

Broccoli Seed Extract

Protects against DNA damaging electrophiles and helps cells
neutralize toxins and carcinogens so they are eliminated from
cells. It helps to induce the antioxidant enzymes used in phase
II detoxification to boost antioxidant activity for as much as
three days, in other words it prolongs the life span of other

Curcumin (Tumeric Extract)

An antioxidant that fights free radicals and induces phase II
enzymes that support the glutathione detoxification pathway,
i.e. it aids in the recycling of glutathione.

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 17

Protects against brain disease e.g. Alzheimers by increasing the
levels of BNDF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor).

An antioxidant known to have cardio-protective properties
by reducing LDL (bad cholesterol) and raising HDL (good
cholesterol) levels, it may also be protective against obesity and

Grape Seed Extract

An antioxidant with cardio protective properties as well as anti-
inflammatory activities.

A supporting flavonoid antioxidant that scavenges free radicals
that can damage cells. Useful in preventing atherosclerosis,
Diabetes as well as Chronic fatigue. Also known to boost stamina
and athletic performance (including Sexual performance).

Milk Thistle Seed Extract

A powerful antioxidant used to support a healthy liver by
supporting the removal of harmful toxins and heavy metals
that are stored in the liver. In addition, helps reduce blood sugar
in Diabetes, LDL and reduces insulin resistance.

Vitamin C
An exogenous antioxidant that is considered a network
antioxidant and known to support the immune system. Most
commonly known antioxidant

The essential catalytic component of the enzyme glutathione
peroxidase (Gaps) and is required for its function. The glutathione
peroxidase enzyme is responsible for the detoxification of lipid
peroxides, and glutathione is absolutely required to regenerate
this enzyme.

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 18

Useful in restoring energy, increasing stamina, boosting sexual
performance, promoting longevity and improving quality of

Black Pepper
Shown to assist in the absorption of Selenomethionine, Vitamin
C, and Curcumin. Health benefits of black pepper include relief
from respiratory disorders, impotence and heart disease.

Aloe Extract
Aloe Extract has the most bio-active content of acemannan, the
active ingredient in aloe. Aloe is known to support the immune
system and has antioxidant functions.


Whether on the basketball court or the boardroom, the football field or

the classroom, how about the bedroom, MaxATP is your key to sustained
performance. MaxATP harnesses the power of Max Internationals patented
RiboCeine technology along with ten other essential nutrients to support
the cellular production of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), your cells natural
energy source and Glutathione, the bodys master anti-oxidant.
Unlike energy drinks, there is no crash or fatigue following a spike in energy.
With MaxATP, you just feel and perform at your mental and physical peak,
from start to finish.

Replenishes energy and fights fatigue

Neutralizes free radicals and oxidative stress
Improves recovery after physical exercise

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 19


Max N-Fuze is Nutritional Replenishment that is specifically designed to

provide both direct and indirect anti-oxidants along with important vitamins
and nutrients. This proprietary blend works together to help support your
bodys glutathione levels and defend against outside influences and attackers
like free radicals, chemical toxins, and heavy metals. Max N-Fuze assists your
cells in functioning at optimal levels.
Use Max N-Fuze once a day as a stand-alone vitamin supplement or with any
of Max Internationals glutathione supporting products.

Contains important direct and indirect antioxidants

Supplies important vitamins and nutrients
Supports and enhances Glutathiones function


The Meta-Switch system is an innovative and unique diet system designed for
synergy. Two amazing products, Switch Supplement Capsules and Curb Snack
Bars, that are created to work together as part of an effective healthy diet and
exercise routine.
Making Meta-Switch part of your daily routine will help assist you with
your weight management in a healthy manner with no caffeine or other

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 20

Help curb hunger Support a healthy metabolism
Promote good digestive health
Phone app to help track progress


There are two categories of Max Products:

Those that supply the building blocks for the body to produce
glutathione, e.g. Cellgevity, Max One, Max ATP, GXL, Switch.

Those that enhance the bodys ability to utilize the building

blocks of glutathione, e.g. Max N-Fuze.

Therefore, regardless of which Max products you take, the bodys production
of glutathione will increase.
An increase in glutathione production will result in an enhancement of
the bodys ability to clear toxins because glutathione is the bodys master
detoxifier! You have probably read on the Internet from multiple sources that
your body accumulates toxins over time, and these accumulated toxins lead
to disease.
Detoxing or cleansing is an important way of clearing these accumulated
toxins. Unfortunately, most people do not do this often enough, as such
whenever they undergo a cleanse they will experience cleansing illness, or
detox reaction.
Some detox symptoms include:

01 02 03 04
Headache General body aches Bloating Diarrhea/

05 06 07
Fatigue/low Frequent urination Mild aggravation of preexisting
energy conditions

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 21

NOTE: These are not side effects. Not everyone will experience them.
Usually starts on the 3rd day after starting Max products (could be earlier)
and lasts approximately one week. Once you have a detox reaction the
first time, it is not likely to return if you stay on the products, because your
glutathione levels will be optimum. However, if you go off the products
and restart later, you may experience detox reaction again.

How do you handle detox reaction?

Drink the normal 3L of water and you should be fine. This will speed up the
ability of the kidneys to remove the toxins from your circulation. Which means,
shorter duration of symptoms.


Earliest changes you are likely to see include:

Increased energy Better sleep

Reduced joint pains

Faster recovery from exercise, or rather longer exercise tolerance

Medium to long-term benefits:

Better functioning liver due to enhanced detoxification and anti-

oxidant effects of increasing glutathione

Improved mental clarity

Improved immune system response

Improved kidney clearing of drug metabolites

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 22

NOTE: Always take our products in addition to your regular medications
(if any). Do not stop your prescription medication to start our supplement.
Our products work with all prescription medication. You can consult your
doctor if you want further clarification

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 23

The aim of Max as a company is to get as many people as possible to benefit
from the Riboceine technology. To facilitate this, Max is willing to build you up
as a responsible businessperson to carry their product to the world.

How does one make the money work?

Qualifying for commisions

Purchasing two or more products per month will activate and qualify your
business centre for all potential forms of commisions

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 24

100 Personal Volume (PV) qualifies you for
Preferred Customer Bonuses (25% commission on each sale)
Fast Start Bonus ($25 to $150 qualifying packs)
Prime Bonus (up to $1,500 per month)
Binary Team Bonus ($200 to $40,000 per month)
Matching Check Bonus (up to 50%)
Global Bonus Pool (1% of Global CV)
Max Living Bonus (up to 1,500 per month)
Carry Forward Volume

There are generally 2 major ways to make money:

By getting customers to purchase the product.

By building a team of business associates.

As an associate of Max, you can retail the Max products for profit, or get the
customers to purchase directly from Max at no extra cost other than wholesale
or loyalty price.

Wholesale is the price you pay if you make a one-time purchase

directly from the company.

Loyalty price is the lowest price you can purchase a product from
Max. You only get this price if you agree to make at least one
purchase a month for at least 3 months as a preferred customer.

Advantages of Preferred Customer Purchases to the customer

Customer enjoys loyalty price.

No registration fee.

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 25

Customer can benefit from free products.

Can convert into a business partner later.

Advantages of Preferred Customer Purchases to the Associate

Easiest way to earn a commission. Get paid up to 25% for each

product purchased by a customer.

Cheapest price of products for your clients.

Get as much as 50% of volumes per product added to your personal


To sign on other partners, you need to do the PIF Cycle:

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 26


COMMISSION 1 2 3 4 5
Fast Start
Preferred Customer
Prime Bonus
Binary Team Bonus
Global Bonus
Matching Check
Max Living Bonus

How much do you want to earn? Use this table to guide you!

How To Sign Up a New Partner

1 Sign into your virtual office (aka Backoffice); go to

2 Select My Business 3 Select Enroll New Associate

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 27

4 Select Enroll New Associate (PLACE)

5 Select position where you would like to place your new partner.

Always ensure placement

is done on the extreme left
or right of your binary tree.
To ensure everyone along
the line benefits from the
incoming volumes.

6 Skip step 1 to 3 and go straight to step 4; Enter shipping details.

7 Complete the final step (step 5) by entering all required details and
checking all necessary boxes and buttons.

Generate a username and

password for your new partner
(this can be changed later)

Team Diamond New Associates Brochure 28

Resources To Help You Get Started

From Max International
Max App
Log in with your credentials form Max International
From Team Diamond
Mega App
Password: maxteamdiamond
Periscope App
Follow @kely2g, @mi4jesus, @blue2kay

Your life today is the result of

your attitude and decisions of
the past.

Your life tomorrow, will be the

result of the DECISIONS youre
going to make today!
Life is a Decision.
Seize Your Opportunity

One Dream - One Vision - One Team - One Mission

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