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Several years ago, archaeologists discovered a partially destroyed tumulus in the area between the two villages Frutak i Kujava
near the town of Danilovgrad in Montenegro. The area is located in extremely fertile region which surrounds the lake Skadar
and its tributaries.

The tumulus which originally had a diameter of 20 meters and a height of 1,75 meters was badly damaged by farming.
Eventually plowing exposed a stone dolmen cist.Inside archaeologists discovered two bronze spearheads, a bronze needle, a
bronze bracelet, a bronze armlet and a bronze fibula. Unfortunately I don't have any more info about this tumulus nor pictures
of the artifacts found in it. I would really appreciate any help in locating additional information about this tumulus.

Anyway, the area where this first tumulus was found had many more ancient tumuluses which managed to stay undisturbed
until the present day. There were 6 more tumuluses in Frutak and 4 more in Kujava. So the archaeological investigation in the
area continued.

In 2014 a team of archaeologists lead by Predrag Lutovac opened the second tumulus. Inside of the tumulus archaeologists
discovered two stone dolmen cists.
The cists were surrounded by two concentric stone circles, one inside the tumulus and one marking the outer edge of the
Archaeologists believe that the edge of the tumulus was marked with a stone circle not only to prevent the tumulus soil erosion
but also in order to separate the land of the dead from the land of the living.

The data available about this archaeological site is extremely limited and confusing. It amounts to few news articles and one
video interview. From this I was not able to determine how many people were buried in the tumulus. I believe that from what I
can gather there were all together four people buried in the tumulus. I can't wait to see the DNA data retrieved from the
remains. I'd say we are in for a surprise... :)

This is the picture of the skeleton of the person buried inside the bigger dolmen cist. It is a skeleton of an adult male. He was
buried in a fetal position. According to the archaeologists this symbolises rebirth after death and points to a belief that the
death was seen as a new birth.
The tumulus was originally provisionally dated to the early Bronze age to the period around 1850 BC, but the latest results have
moved the dating even further back in time, to around 2400 BC. According to the archaeologists the tumulus was built by the
people who belonged to the early bronze Age Ljubljana culture.

Inside the tumulus archaeologists discovered ceramic artifacts.

They also discovered bronze bracelets but unfortunately I don't have any pictures of these bracelets.

And finally, archaeologists discovered this mysterious bronze disc like object.
Now are you seeing what I am seeing? Are you seeing the concentric groves, the holes which look like they were drilled in the
metal and used for screws or some kind of bolts or rivets? What is this and what was it used for? How was it made? And am I
the only one who can see a Celtic cross shape in it?
This discovery is already rewriting Europeanhistory. But I believe that what is to come is going to be even more interesting.

According to the archaeologists only inMontenegro there are between 3000 and 5000 tumuluses of which only 10 have been
excavated. What else will be found when all the other tumuluses are excavated and how will this change our understanding of
the Early European Bronze Age?

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