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Atypical Meningioma in young men

Nursaenah*, Yunni Diansari**, Selly Marisdina **, Anugrah Onie Widhiatmo***,


*)Residen, Departemen Neurologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya / R.S. Moh.Hoesin,

**)Staf Pengajar, Departemen Neurologi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya / RS.
Moh.Hoesin, Palembang
***)Staf Pengajar, Departemen Bedah, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya / RS. Moh.Hoesin,
****)Staf Pengajar, Departemen Patologi Anatomi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya / RS.
Moh.Hoesin, Palembang


Meningiomas are benign meningens tumor, that usually close to the dura mater and possibly
from cells associated with arachnoid villi. The incidence of Meningioma is approximately
15% of all brain tumors, the ratio of women and men 2: 1 with the highest incidence occurred
in the fourth and sixth decades. Meningioma in young men is very rare. Based on data from
the Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United State (CBTRUS) the incidence of
meningioma in men 3.61 per 100,000 population per year and age group of 20-34 yrs is 0.74
per 100,000 population per year. While the prevalence for Atypical meningioma WHO grade
II about 5%. This case report discusses Atypical Meningioma (WHO grade II) in young
males treated with craniotomy with total resection.

Male, 23 years old, treated in neurology department of moch. Husein hospital with severe
headache especially in the right side head for 4 months before admission, with neurologic
deficit of ODS papillary edema, multiple cranial nerve palsy, spastic duplex hemiparese with
motor strength in left arm and limb 3, right arm and leg 4+, And decreased consciousness
during treatment. Results CT-Scan head with contrast impression Meningioma in temporo
parietal dextra region with size 6.7 cm x 5.5 cm. Then performed craniotomy with total
resection in the tumor. Anatomical pathology results showed a Atypical meningioma (WHO
grade II). On the 3rd day post craniotomy the patient's condition improves with GCS 15, the
patient returns on the 10th day post craniotomy with 4+ motor strength on all extremities.
Two months after craniotomy, head Ct scan was performed with interpretation no residual

There has been reported a rare case of WHO grade II Atypical Meningioma in young men
who are responsive and have significant clinical improvement on the management of
craniotomy with complete resection.

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