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aa co) (7) © en (1) (32) (58) (0) United States Patent Viani TRIGGER STOP laventor: Arthur Viani, 12219 SW. 131 Ave, Miami, FL (US) 33186, Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis Dilent is extended or adjusted under 35, USC. 154) by 0 days, ‘Appl. No. 09/680,917 Filed: Oct. 6, 2000 Int. C1? FAIA 3/00 us. cL *42169.03, 42/69.01; 4242.03; 8913 89/147; $9727.11 Pield of Search 4269.03, 69.01, 42/42.03, 42.01, DIG. 1 89/136, 147, 27.11 References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS ‘USQO63S4032B1 US 6,354,032 BL Mar. 12, 2002 (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent: 5887253 A * 1/1996. Jewell 262.01 Sonass A * 5/1909 Opeaia “281 Eoacau A * 3009 Kidd ‘neon * cited by examiner Primary Examiner—J. Wocdrow Eldred (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-—I. Sanchelima; A. Bordas on ABSTRACT ‘A teigger stop connector for semi-automatic freaems that have an enclosed striker assembly. Incorporated into fire- arms without major structural changes, the trigger step Connector is designed to increase firing speed and prevent & fulcrum effect eavsed when a trigger mechanism travels & distance beyond the point of fring of the firearm, thus increasing target precision when discharging the firearm. The trigger stop connector, replacing a common connector, is designed with specific conaet points to prevent verttavel of the trigger bar when operating in cooperation with the trigger of the firearm 2 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Mar. 12,2002 Sheet 1 of 2 US 6,354,032 BL Bg-22- PRIOR ART U.S. Patent Mar. 12,2002 Sheet 2 of 2 US 6,354,032 BL

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