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The Role of Indonesian Police (INP) in Arrest and Disclosure of Prostitution Cases

Police as a law enforcement which is in charge of maintaining order and ensuring public
security, maintaining the safety of the state and maintaining the safety of persons, object and
communities including provide the protection and assist also providing for the obedience of
citizen and the communities to all of regulatory forms. Based on the 13 th article constitution No 2
of 2002 (Undang-undang No 13 Tahun 2002) about constabulary that state (1) maintaining public
order and security (2) enforcing the law and (30 providing the protection, supervising and service
to the community. Prostitution or also often called debauchery is a despicable act and not in
accordance with the moral, religious and cultural of Indonesian nations. Related by the
regulation of criminal act, in several countries in the world against prostitution and have a strict
regulate and prohibit this action but there also other some be silent.

This research explains the problem formulation about how the role of INP arrest and
disclosure the prostitution cases and whether being the factors that inhibiting the police in arrest
and disclosure of prostitution cases. In conclusion, the role the police in arrest and disclosure of
prostitution cases is (a) do an inquiry, this inquiry process is an action to preface the
investigation in order to prove a suspected person who taking the prostitution, (b) conduct the
investigation, investigation action according to the manner arranged accordingly with law to
search and collecting the evidence object which with such this evidence object makes the bright
spot of the criminal offense and in order to find the suspected person, (c) conducting the
collection of the evidence object, the investigator usually searching and seizure of the evidence

The inhibiting factors to INP in arrest and disclosure of prostitution cases are (a) internal
factors, first a law enforcement factors, the law enforcement officer must be professional in hard
skills, soft skill and also in intellectual ability to his duty that needed to be able carry out his
duties quickly, accurate and thoroughly and fulfilled of communitys justice, (b) external factors
that are (1) legal factors (2) factors of infrastructure facilities (3) factors of the communities and
(4) cultures factors.
Key word : Arrest, Disclosure, Prostitution.


Bagian ini menjelaskan dosis obat-obatan yang telah disebutkan dalam buku pedoman ini. Untuk
memberi kemudahan dan menghindari melakukan penghitungan, pemberian dosis disesuaikan
dengan berat badan anak. Kesalahan dalam menghitung dosis obat merupakan hal umum yang
terjadi dalam praktik rumah sakit di seluruh dunia, karenanya penghitungan sebaiknya dihindari,
sebisa mungkin. Beberapa dosis obat diberikan sesuai dengan berat badan anak mulai dari berat
3 kg hingga 29 kg.

Tabel obat untuk bayi umur < 2 bulan terdapat pada tautan di akhir halaman ini. Namun
demikian untuk beberapa obat (misalnya, anti-retroviral), sebaiknya dilakukan penghitungan
TEPAT dan PASTI dari dosis obat perorangan berdasarkan berat badan anak, bila
memungkinkan. Obat jenis ini dan obat lain yang dosis tepatnya benar-benar penting untuk
kepastian efek terapi atau untuk menghindari toksisitas, misalnya: digoksin, kloramfenikol,
aminofilin dan obat antiretroviral.

Pada beberapa obat antiretroviral, dosis yang direkomendasikan sering diberikan

berdasarkan keadaan luas permukaan tubuh anak. Tabel yang menggambarkan perkiraan luas
permukaan tubuh anak untuk berbagai katagori berat diberikan di bawah ini untuk membantu
penghitungan. Selanjutnya dosis pada tabel dapat digunakan untuk memeriksa apakah dosis yang
telah dihitung sudah tepat (dan untuk memeriksa pula apakah ada kesalahan penghitungan).

Dengan demikian anak yang mempunyai berat 10 kg dan tinggi 72 cm memiliki luas permukaan
tubuh sebesar:

Dosis obat berdasarkan luas permukaan tubuh anak (m2)

Catatan kaki:

Contoh: Jika dosis yang direkomendasikan adalah 400mg/m2 dua kali per hari, maka pada anak
dengan berat antara 15 19 kg dosis tersebut adalah:

(0.60.8) x 400 = 244 316 mg dua kali sehari

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