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Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol, 38, No. 4, 391-400, 1990.


Department of Chemistry, Loyola University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois 60626

Abstract--Clay-modified electrode research indicates that adsorbed complexes are electroactive if the
adsorption sites are clay edges. Interlayer adsorbed complexes may be electroactive ifa charge shuttle is
added or if interlayer swelling is large. Conductivity of the film towards anionic species depends upon
the swelling of the clay, which depends on the electrolyte concentration and speciation. The diffusion
coefficients measured by electrochemical experiments agree well with alternative measurements.
Key Words--Adsorption, Clay-modified electrode, Conductivity, Diffusion, Electrochemistry.

Repository of The Clay Minerals Society and prepared

INTRODUCTION by stirring 10 g of clay in 200 ml of distilled water for
Modified electrodes have been extensively used in 48 hr, centrifuging the suspension at 500 rpm for 1 hr,
the last decade by electrochemists attempting to con- and collecting and freeze drying the supernatant. The
trol the direction and extent of electrode reactions. A freeze-dried clay was suspended (typically 5 g clay/liter)
variety of electrochemical techniques have been de- in deionized, distilled water and held in suspension for
veloped for the purpose of elucidating the formal po- a period of months. A drop of the clay suspension (1
tential of the electroactive substance and the diffusion ttl of the 5 g/liter solution) was dried on the surface of
coefficients of the reactants and products within the a Pt electrode for 10 min at 100~
film. Clay-modified electrodes have attracted the at- Typically, the entire electrode is next bathed in an
tention of many electrochemists because of the ion electrolyte solution for 5 min and then transferred to
exchange properties of the clay and because of the a solution containing the probe ion. On exposure to
unique layered structure of the material. No review of the bulk solution, the electroactive probe partitions
the clay-modified electrode field has been published in between the bulk solution and the film, thereby creating
the clay literature. A summary of the types of experi- a layer near the electrode surface, which is perturbed
ments performed to date and the information obtained in concentration compared with the bulk bathing so-
from those experiments may stimulate further input lution. For a cation-exchange modified electrode, such
from the clay community into the field of modified as montmorillonite-modifiedPt, the cation concentra-
electrode electrochemistry. tion is enhanced in the vicinity of the substrate Pt
(Figure 1). Current is observed if the probe is either
DESCRIPTION O F M O D I F I E D reduced or oxidized at the electrode surface. This oc-
ELECTRODES curs if the concentration of the probe is pinned to zero
By placing a film at an electrode surface and studying at the electrode surface via an applied potential (Figure
the redox reactions of a series of probe molecules, the 1). The magnitude of the current depends on the rate-
effect of the film on the transport of the probe to the limiting step in the overall electrode reaction. In Figure
electrode surface can be studied. A typical experiment 2, five possible (out of a multitude) rate-limiting steps
might consist of a modified electrode placed in a so- are diagrammed. The steps diagrammed are those that
lution containing an electroactive probe ion, as dia- might occur as the electroactive probe makes its way
grammed in Figure 1. The electrode (e.g., Pt, pyrolytic to the electrode surface in response to the potential
graphite, optically transparent SnO2) is encased in a step. Any one of the diagrammed reaction steps can
nonconducting support (e.g., glass, Teflon, inert glue be rate limiting. For example, a compound, Z, may
such as Tort Seal) so that a single surface is exposed. first be converted to its product, A (reaction 1), fol-
A modifying layer is attached chemically or by dis- lowed by fast diffusion to the electrode (reaction 2),
persion forces to the entire surface of the electrode plus fast electron transfer to form the reduced species, A
inert shield. The dimensions of the modifying layer (reaction 3), and fast diffusion away of the reduced
must be large enough to exceed the area of the entire species (reaction 4) and/or conversion of the reduced
electrode base. The thickness, w, of the modifying layer A to a final product, B. Any one of the above steps
ranges from submicrometer to a few micrometers. A may be rate limiting, giving a characteristic signature
typical clay-modified electrode was prepared in the au- to the electrode reaction. For many cases, the rate and
thor's laboratory by drying a small a m o u n t of clay on equilibrium constants for reactions 1 and/or 5 may be
Pt. Sample SWy- 1 was obtained from the Source Clays determined, as well as the equilibrium constants. Even
Copyright 9 1990, The Clay Minerals Society 391
392 Fitch Clays and Clay Minerals

E |
T 9
PT -'A-
Figure 2. Possible rate-limiting steps in an electrochemical
l I reaction. (1) An electroinactive species, Z, converts to A. (2)
A diffuses to the electrode surface. (3) A is reduced (or oxi-
dized) to its product A-. (4) A- diffuses away from the elec-
trode surface. (5) A- is converted to another chemical
species, B.

where ip is the peak current o b s e r v e d in amperes, n is
cf W X the n u m b e r o f electrons i n v o l v e d in the reduction pro-
cess, A is the area o f the electrode in c m 2, D is the
Figure 1. Diagram of a clay-modified electrode. Underlying diffusion coefficient for the o x i d i z e d species in cm2/s,
Pt electrode is encased in an insulating material (cross hatched v is the rate at which the potential is swept (V/s), and
area) and covered with clay. Concentration of cationic species
in solution (x ~ oo) is enhanced within the clay film (x < w) Co* is the concentration o f the o x i d i z e d species before
due to the negative charge of the clay and is depleted within the electrochemical perturbation is applied, in m o l e /
the diffusion layer (x < d) at the surface of the electrode via c m 3 (Bard and Faulkner, 1980). F o r linear diffusion,
a reduction/oxidation reaction at the electrode. Diffusion oc- E* is m i d w a y between the reduction and o x i d a t i o n
curs primarily perpendicular to electrode surface in the x di-
rection compared with y and z directions parallel to the elec- peaks.
trode surface. I f the electrochemical e x p e r i m e n t is carried out at a
m o d i f y i n g layer, the s a m e relationships hold, except
that the area o f the c o n d u c t i v e channel can n o w play
in the simplest diffusion-reaction m e c h a n i s m (reac- an i m p o r t a n t role in defining the type o f diffusion be-
tions 2 and 4 are rate limiting) i n f o r m a t i o n can be h a v i o r o b s e r v e d ( A m a t o r e et al., 1983a, 1983b; Sa-
o b t a i n e d f r o m the electrochemical experiment, which batani and Rubinstein, 1987). F u r t h e r m o r e , if the dis-
is directly related to the presence and c h e m i s t r y o f the tance 6 s a m p l e d by the electrochemical e x p e r i m e n t is
m o d i f y i n g film. C u r r e n t is l i m i t e d either by diffusion m u c h smaller t h a n the layer m o d i f y i n g the electrode,
o f the redox couple or associated counterions within w (Figure 1), the e x p e r i m e n t can be considered to be
the film.

T h e current in an electrochemical e x p e r i m e n t de-
pends, in s o m e explicit fashion, on three parameters:
the diffusion coefficient, D; the accessible area o f the
underlying electrode; and the c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f the
species within the film. F o r example, in cyclic v o l t a m -
etry, the potential at the surface o f the underlying elec-
trode is swept in a linear fashion f r o m s o m e initial
potential, El, negative to s o m e switching potential, Es,
and back again to the Ei (Figure 3). I f a species is present
whose f o r m a l potential for reduction, E ~ lies between O~ " ' - 0 . 2' V
Ei and Es, a current corresponding to the reduction o f
c, Eo Es
the species will be o b s e r v e d in the negative sweep, and
a current c o r r e s p o n d i n g to the o x i d a t i o n o f the reduced Figure 3. Cyclic voltametric experiment for the reduction
material will be o b s e r v e d in the positive sweep. T h e of Fe(CN)6 3- (4 raM) at a bare Pt electrode in 0.7 M NaC1.
In the forward potential sweep past E~ (from Ei to E,) a re-
current, plotted against potential, will have a peak shape duction peak is observed. In the reverse potential sweep past
i f linear (perpendicular to the electrode surface) dif- E~ (from Es to E3 an oxidation peak is observed. The bar
fusion to the electrode surface occurs. T h e peak current defines 0.1 ~tA of current. The peak height, measured from
can be described by: the extrapolated baseline, is dependent on scan rate, diffusion
coefficient, and concentration of the complex. The formal
potential for the reduction is determined from the midpoint
ip = (2.69 x 105)n3/2AD'/2vV2Co*, (1) between the two current peaks.
Vol. 38, No. 4, 1990 Clay-modified electrodes 393

a normal electrochemical experiment within a new me- erences should be consulted. Once Co* is known, the
dium. Here, D, Co*, and E~ will be determined by the value o f D can be determined from Eq. (1).
chemistry o f the modifying layer. A second method for determining D is available. I f
All of the parameters accessible to the electrochemist the current at the electrode is governed not only by
depend upon the competitive exchange reaction as linear diffusion along the x dimension (perpendicular
shown for a trivalent/monovalent exchange reaction: to the electrode), but in the y and z directions (parallel
to the electrode surface) (Figure 1), as would occur for
A 3+ + 3 N a X = A 3 + X 3 + 3 N a +, (2) an electrode whose area is small with respect to the
diffusion layer, 5, the current transient observed if the
where A 3+ is an exchanging trivalent species, N a X is electrode potential is stepped from some potential pos-
a single clay site containing a N a counterion, and itive o f the formal potential (no observed current) to
A3+X3 is the clay exchanged with the trivalent species. some potential well negative of the formal potential is:
The selectivity coefficient for the exchange is:
it'~2 = nFAD'/2C0*/II'/2 + bCo*nFADt'~/1-l'/zR. (5)
K m = [Na+]3[A3+X3I/[A3+][NaX] 3. (3)
In Eq. (5), n is the number o f electrons involved in the
redox reaction, F is the Faraday constant, b is a con-
The magnitude o f D is directly dependent on the
stant whose value is about 2, R is the radius o f the
distance, d, between equilibrium sites, and exponen-
electrode (usually about 10/~m), and A, D, and Co* are
tially dependent on - E / R T , where E is the activation
defined as for Eq. (1) (Yap and Doane, 1982; Heinze,
energy necessary to leave the equilibrium site, R is the
1981; Aoki and Osteryoung, 1984). A plot o f it '/2vs. t '/2
natural gas constant, and T is the temperature (Jost,
yields a slope, S, and an intercept, I, which can be
1952). E is related to Kin, or analogously, to Ku, for a
combined to give:
divalent species. As the energy o f interaction between
a site and an intercalated molecule increases, the dif- S/I = bDWR, (6)
fusion coefficient diminishes. Also, as the number o f
from which D can be determined in the absence o f
sites increases, the distance between sites decreases, so
concrete knowledge o f the film concentration.
that the distance traveled in any one "'hop" is small,
Finally, combining expressions for divalent and tri-
and the observed diffusion coefficient decreases. Ex-
valent exchange with the Nernst equation yields an
perimentally, if A and Co* are known, D can be ob-
expression for the shift (AE) in the observed formal
tained from a plot o f ip vs. ~'/~.
potential in the film (E~pp) with respect to the solution
The magnitudes o f Co* and E~ for any bathing so-
formal potential (E~ of the couple (Fitch, 1990):
lution are also determined by the value o f the selec-
tivity coefficient. I f the species sampled is A ~+, then AE = E~ - E~
Co* in Eq. (1) is equal to [A3+], and the measured cur- = (RT/nF) In (Kn/Kllx[NaC1]
rent will depend upon the magnitude of Kui, [NaX], + (RT/nF) In CNa. (7)
and IN.a+]. Concentrations o f and, hence, currents for
A 3+ should be suppressed in the presence o f large con- In Eq. (7), [NaC] is the number o f exchange sites oc-
centrations o f N a +. Experimentally, Co* can be deter- cupied by N a +, and CNa is the analytical concentration
m i n e d by u l t r a v i o l e t - v i s i b l e ( U V - V I S ) a b s o r p t i o n of N a +, which approximates the equilibrium concen-
measurements at an optically transparent electrode (Ege tration o f N a + i f the bulk solution volume is large with
et al., 1985) by operating under conditions where the respect to the volume o f the film on the surface o f the
exchange reaction (2) is forced to completion, or by a electrode. If a clay-modified electrode is exposed to a
coulometric measurement of the total charge, Q, within solution containing only the N-a electrolyte and a tri-
the film. The charge can be related to the total number valent exchanging complex, the potential shifts posi-
o f moles in the film through the simple relationship: tive as a function o f the analytical concentration o f the
trivalent complex, CAm, and the total number of ex-
Q = nFN, (4) change sites, Cx, ifCN~ is constant, as shown in Figure
4. The shift in potential is a function o f the magnitude
where F is the Faraday constant and n is the number of the trivalent/N.a exchange constant. Naegeli et aL
of electrons involved in the reduction (or oxidation) (1986) showed that the potential shift in Nation (a
process. N is the number o f moles of electroactive cation-exchange polymer)-modified electrode should
species present and can be converted to a concentration shift by 59 mV per decade in the electrolyte concen-
if the volume o f the film is known. This conversion is tration. This shift is shown as line AB in Figure 4.
usually accomplished by combining the measurable Experimentally, a clay-modified electrode is placed
area of the film with a value for the clay film thickness, in an electrolyte solution containing the test ion o f
as estimated in a variety of ways (White and Bard, interest. The uptake o f this ion can be monitored by
1986; Carter and Bard, 1987; Fitch et al., 1988; Itaya performing multisweep-cyclic voltametry and observ-
et al., 1987; Liu and Anson, 1985; Inoue et al., 1988). ing the increase in the reduction and oxidation peaks
For details on estimating the film thickness, these ref- with time. When a steady state voltamogram has been
394 Fitch Clays and Clay Minerals



1 I I I i . I I
0.6 0 -0.6
E (V)
Figure 5. Uptake of 0.1 mM Cr(bpy)33+in 0.01 M Na2SO4
by SWy-1 montmorillonite-modified Pt electrode as mea-
sured by increases in current with time (bar marks 0.5 #A).
Peak II first increases (upper) and then decreases as peak I
increases (lower). Arrows mark location ofisopotential points.
lsopotential points can aid in the analysis of the rate of con-
version of the electroactive species associated with peak II to
Figure 4. Plot of difference between apparent formal poten- the electroactive species associated with peak I. From Fitch
tial for the reduction of A~+ within the clay film and formal et al. (1988).
potential at a bare electrode (AE) as a function of the divalent
and trivalent exchange constants, KII and Kin, the total num-
ber of exchange sites present, Cx, and the bathing solution
concentrations of A3+, CAIII , and Na +, CN~. AE is offset by a pendent process, the rate of conversion between the
constant related to the exchange constants and Cx. In all cases, two species was determined.
potential shifts positive with bathing solution concentration
of As+, CAm. The 59 mV/decade change in potential with CONDUCTIVITY OF C L A Y - M O D I F I E D
[Na+] (line AB) was predicted by Naegeli et al. (1986).
Current observed at a clay-modified electrode de-
pends on both the porosity of the clay film and on the
reached, the electrode is transferred to a solution con- nature and n u m b e r of sites responsible for the parti-
taining the electrolyte only, allowing freely diffusing tioning of the complex into the film. The porosity can
substrate to be washed from the open pores. Following be affected by the initial preparation of the film and
transfer, the scan rate, v, is varied in the cyclic volta- the bathing solution. Ghosh and Bard (1983) obtained
metric experiment to determine if the peak current swollen (porous) films by drying clay in the presence
varies with u'~as predicted (Eq.(1)). If the concentration ofpolyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The presence of PVA was
within the film is independently determined, the dif- thought to force the clay into a swollen configuration
fusion coefficient can be deduced, as described above. suitable for charge transport through the film. Liu and
In some experiments, the clay-modified electrode is Anson (1985) and Ege et al. (1985), however, indicated
soaked for an extended period of time in the electrolyte that conductive films could be obtained without the
solution containing the substrate. A cyclic voltamo- addition of PVA.
gram corresponding to presumably, the steady-state The electrolyte and solvent can play a role in the
concentration of the substrate within the film is then conductivity of the film. (Electrolyte, in an electro-
obtained. Two difficulties arise from this method. As chemical experiment, is always present to complete the
noted below, film reorientation can occur during ex- current circuit between the clay-modified "working"
tended soaking. Additionally, the method results in electrode and the "counter" electrode.) Itaya and Bard
some loss of information. For example, Fitch et al. (1985) compared the currents obtained for Fe(bpy)32+
(1988), in tracing the uptake of Cr(bpy)3 a+ into an aero- at pillared and nonpillared clay-modified electrodes in
gel SWy-1 smectite clay-modified Pt electrode (Figure aqueous and nonaqueous media. In nonpillared clay-
5), observed two discrete reducible species. The species modified electrodes, currents for Fe(bpy)32+ were sup-
reduced at the more positive potential was clearly the pressed in aqueous solutions of Li +, K +, and tetraethyl-
product of some reaction involving the first appearing a m m o n i u m cation (TEA+). In nonaqueous solutions,
species in the clay. By observing the entire time-de- currents were reduced in the presence of NaC104 in
Vol. 38, No. 4, 1990 Clay-modified electrodes 395

ethanol and methanol, but not in dimethylformamide. portant in charge conduction. No attempt, however,
If the clay was pillared, all currents were diminished, was made to control the total electrolyte concentration
presumably by loss of cation-exchange sites. The dif- (pH was varied by addition of N a O H and HC1); hence,
ferences observed between solvents for the nonpillared the swelling changes discussed above might have af-
clay, however, were eliminated on pillaring, suggesting fected the results. Furthermore, pH can affect the ad-
that solvation of the electrolyte is important in con- herence of the film to the electrode surface i f a graphite
ductivity. The pillared clay, having an interlayer dis- electrode is used. Lee and Fitch (1990) found that re-
tance of about 7 ~ , excluded the anion, Fe(CN)63-. duction currents for Fe(CN)6 a- were affected by the pH
Lee and Fitch (1990) examined SWy-1 montmoril- changes if a pyrolytic graphic electrode was used but
lonite-modified electrodes for a variety of film prepa- not ifa Pt electrode was used. pH can change the amount
ration and electrolyte conditions in order to elucidate of fixed charge at the electrode surface, arising from an
the role of swelling. Inasmuch as the arrival of the oxide layer or deprotonated hydroxyl groups. Reduc-
anion, Fe(CN)63-, at the electrode is constrained pri- tion currents for Fe(CN)63- were not affected by the
marily by the available pore space, it was chosen as a applied electrode potential.
marker of film structure effects. A clay film formed Charge transport for clay-adsorbed electroactive
from spinning of the electrode showed a single well- species depends not only on the hydration driven po-
defined X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) peak at 11/~, rosity of the film, but also on the n u m b e r and activity
whereas a clay film formed by oven or air drying showed of the reactive sites. Ideally, all cations adsorbed by
a diffuse XRD peak centered at about 18/~ plus peaks the clay film will participate in the electrode reaction.
at 11 and 3.1 ~k. The single diffraction peak observed In practice, only a few contribute to the observed cur-
for the spin-coated electrode was attributed to the for- rent. Rudzinski and Bard (1986) found that only 15-
mation of a well-ordered film. The multiple X R D peaks 30% of Ru(bpy)32+ adsorbed at SWy- 1 montmorillonite
observed for the air- and oven-dried electrodes were and pillared SHCa- 1 hectorite-modified electrodes were
attributed to the presence of random orientations of electroactive. Inasmuch as the external surface area of
the clay platelets that resulted in edge-to-face cross- SHCa-1 (measured by N2 BET) was only 13% of the
linking of the film. These initial structural differences total surface area, the authors concluded that the in-
were observed in the conductivity of the films. A spin- terlayer adsorbed species did not contribute signifi-
coated electrode exposed to 0.02 M NaCI gave a time- cantly to charge transport in pillared-clay electrodes.
invariant value for Fe(CN)63- reduction currents im- These results are consistent with those of Ege et al.
mediately upon exposure to the electrolyte. In contrast, (1985), who found that about 18% of the adsorbed
an oven-dried electrode exposed to 0.02 M NaC1 showed Ru(bpy)32+ at SWy- 1 and SHCa- 1 electrodes was elec-
a reduction current for 0.4 m M Fe(CN)63- that was troactive.
initially lower than that obtained for the spin-coated King et al. (1987) found that complexes in clay films
electrode and approached that of the spin-coated elec- formed from suspensions of SWy-1 exchanged with
trode over a 30-rain time period. This was interpreted M(bpy)32+ (M = Fe, Os, Ru), Fe(phen)32~, and N,N'-
as the inhibition of swelling of the air- or oven-dried dimethyl-4,4'-bypyridinium (methyl viologen, MV 2+)
electrode by the presence of edge-to-face crosslinking showed no electroactivity. On immersion of the ex-
bonds. In the presence of a larger electrolyte concen- changed film into a bulk solution containing additional
tration the oven-dried film showed a faster increase in complex in the presence ofNa2SO4, electroactivity was
the reduction current for 0.4 m M Fe(CN)63-. observed that was consistent only with the additional
The m a x i m u m r e d u c t i o n c u r r e n t for 0.4 m M complex. Added Fe(bpy)32+ did not shuttle charge to
Fe(CN)63- was a function of the nature of the cation of the Os(bpy)32+ adsorbed to the clay surface at ion ex-
the supporting electrolyte. In the presence of CsCl and change sites, as might be postulated from reactions (8)
KC1, no current for Fe(CN)6 ~- reduction was observed, and (9):
whereas in the presence of LiC1, NaCI, and Na2SO4,
the current was dependent upon the concentration of -~ Fe(bpy)32+ ~ e- + Fe(bpy)33+ (8)
the cation. The electrolyte concentration dependent re- Fe(bpy)33+ + Os(bpy)32+(Clay-)2 + 1/2SO42-
duction of F e ( f N ) 6 3- w a s interpreted as resulting from Fe(bpy)32+ + Os(bpy)33+(Clay-)2(V2SO42-) (9)
the change in the face-to-face interlayer distance due I
to known differences in hydration of the electrolyte King et al. (1987)
cation (Norrish, 1954; Sposito and Prost, 1982; Suquet
et al., 1975; M6ring, 1946). The oxidation mechanism shown in Eq. (9) was one
Inoue et al. (1988) attempted to determine the effect of several discussed by King et al. (1987). It is consis-
of edge vs. interlayer sites in the conductivity of an tent with the fact that bipyridyl complexes are strongly
aerogel clay film with respect to Ru(bpy)32 a n d adsorbed by clay surfaces and not likely to be desorbed.
Fe(CN)63- while working at a glassy carbon electrode. The change in Os complex charge on oxidation must
They concluded that edge adsorption sites were im- be accommodated by anion adsorption, which the au-
396 Fitch Clays and Clay Minerals

thors suggested is unlikely due to surface-anion charge Type-II adsorbed complex gradually replaced type-I
repulsion. As a consequence, they concluded that all adsorbed complex. Its peak was lost on exposure to
complexes adsorbed in amounts less than the CEC are electrolyte and was not recoverable. An extremely sharp
electroinactive, even in the presence of a charge shuttle. reduction peak for type-II adsorbates was attributed to
The observed electroactivity, they suggest, must arise attractive interactions between adsorbates leading to
from ion-pair adsorption in excess of the C E C and can dimerization. The potential of the type-II adsorbate
be correlated with the n u m b e r of edge sites present, as peak was strongly dependent on halide concentration.
confirmed by increased magnitude and rate of devel- The authors concluded that type-II adsorbate involved
opment of the reduction peak associated with the up- ion pair adsorption in regions of film disorder.
take of the complex from solution into a clay-modified Similar behavior was noted by Brahimi et al. (1989).
electrodes in the order laponite > montmorillonite > A Laponite-modified electrode in which electroactive
fluorohectorite. This series corresponds to changes in (ferrocenylmethyl)dodecyldimethylammonium
the edge site for an approximately constant total basal (FDDA +) was adsorbed in amounts less than or equiv-
area. Similar results were observed for methyl violo- alent to the CEC showed no electroactivity. Only
gen. Fitch et al. (1988) also found that Cr(bpy)33+ in F D D A adsorbed, via van der Waals forces or an ion-
clay films formed from Cr(bpy)33+-exchanged SWy-1 pairing mechanism, in excess of the CEC resulted in
suspensions were electroinactive; however, if a Na- an electroactive clay-modified electrode. M a x i m u m
exchanged SWy-l-modified electrode was placed in adsorption of the complex was at 3.2 CEC for F D D A
Cr(bpy)33 extensive electroactivity was observed. They as for the surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium(CTA+).
suggested that the method of film preparation plays an The adsorption o f C T A resulted in a positively charged
important role in access to the adsorbed complex. clay surface, as evidenced by uptake of Fe(CN)63- and
Unlike King et al. (1987), White and Bard (1986) exclusion of methyl viologen (MV2+). Neutral ferre-
found that adsorbed methyl viologen (MV) at STx-1- cenium was postulated to partition into the CTA + bi-
modified electrodes was electroactive. The complex layer.
could be reduced easily but could not be reoxidized. In summary, electroactivity of cationic species in
In conjunction with electron spin resonance and spec- clay-modified electrodes is variable. Complexes ad-
troelectrochemistry, they concluded that a MV 2+dimer sorbed at face surfaces in amounts less than or equal
was formed in an initial reduction step. The dimer was to the CEC are not directly electroactive. A charge
strongly adsorbed to face or planar surfaces of the clay, shuttle is required to access these nondesorbable species.
rendering it immobile and, hence, electroinactive. U n - Even in the presence of a charge shuttle, electroactivity
like the trisbipyridine complexes, the methyl viologen may not be observed. Adsorbed Os(bpy)32+ was not
adsorbed on the planar surfaces was found to be elec- oxidized in the presence of mobile Fe(bpy)33+ (King et
troactive if a charge shuttle, Fe(CN)63-, was added to aL, 1987), whereas adsorbed MV 2 was accessible via
the solution: Fe(CN)63- (White and Bard, 1986). Access to these
strongly adsorbed sites appears to depend on the meth-
~ Fe(CN)64- ~ Fe(CN)63- + e- (10) od of film preparation, which affects porosity of the
Fe(CN)63- + I/2(MV+)z ~ MV 2+ + Fe(CN)64- (11) film (Fitch et al., 1988). In addition to these strongly
I adsorbed sites, complexes can be adsorbed in excess
of the CEC via ion-pairing mechanisms. These com-
Castro-Acuna et al. (1987), working with MV2+/STx - 1 plexes may be localized at edge sites and give rise to
modified electrodes, found that the addition of poly- much of the electroactivity observed at clay-modified
pyrrole resulted in electronically conductive films, electrodes.
whose capacitance was large in the presence of MV 2+.
The MV2+/polypyrrole clay films showed evidence of
greater clay organization (narrower X R D peaks, small- ELECTROCHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS
er interlayer spacings) than pure polypyrrole clay films. One of the attractive features of clays for use in elec-
These effects were observed electrochemically by the trode modification is the high reactivity of the clay
presence of symmetrically shaped oxidation and re- surface with organics. This feature can be exploited to
duction peaks. localize an organic substrate in close proximity to the
Carter and Bard (1987) investigated currents asso- electrode to enhance an electrochemical process. Inoue
ciated with tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) at STx- 1 modified and Yoneyama (1987) capitalized on this feature by
electrodes. Two types of adsorbed complexes were ob- causing the electropolymerization of aniline supported
served electrochemically. Type I was associated with in the clay. Aniline was concentrated near the surface
a two-electron transfer involving 10% of the ion-ex- of the electrode by adsorption into the clay film due
change sites. Its peak was lost on exposure of the elec- to soaking of the clay-modified electrode in the aniline
trode to electrolyte, but was recoverable. No potential solution. Following concentration, a steady current was
shifts associated with the electrolyte were observed. passed through the film to cause an oxidation. After
Vol. 38, No. 4, 1990 Clay-modified electrodes 397

electrolysis, the polyaniline product was observed by is the photoexcited state, and D is some solution elec-
cyclic voltametry. Interestingly, major growth of the tron donor. A photon excites M (Eq. (12)), which is
polyaniline reduction peak was observed over the next reduced by some donor present (Eq. (13b)). The re-
12 hr. The authors suggested that the original elec- duced form diffuses to the electrode and is oxidized
trolysis did not involve difficult-to-reach (interlayer) (Eq. (14)). The goal is to harvest the electron in Eq.
aniline, which was, however, observed in subsequent (14b), while reducing the effect o f any quenching re-
cyclic voltametry. actions (Eq. (13a)). Another advantage o f supporting
Following the same rationale, Rusling et al. (1988) this reaction in clay at the electrode surface is an in-
attempted to combine the adsorption o f organics with creased rate o f excitation (Eq. (12)). The rate o f exci-
the CEC of clays to enhance the electroreduction of the tation is increased due to large concentrations of M in
aryl halogen, dibromobenzene (DBB). The reduction the clay as a result o f an ion-exchange reaction. Also,
of the nonpolar DBB is difficult to achieve in an aqueous diffusion to the electrode surface (Eq. (14a)) is increased
medium. Addition of an organic capable of forming a due to localization o f the material at the electrode sur-
micelle, cetyltrimethyl a m m o n i u m bromide (CTAB), face.
resulted in the formation of an organic layer near the K a m a t (1984) prepared Na-montmoriUonite (Crook
electrode surface if the electrode potential was suffi- County, Wyoming)/colloidal Pt-modified SnO2 elec-
ciently negative ( - 0 . 9 V). The organic layer produced trodes. These electrodes were dipped into a solution
an environment favorable for the localization of DBB of thionine for 15 rain and then transferred to a 0.1 M
near the electrode surface, even in the presence o f an H2SO4 solution. Reversible cyclic voltametry was ob-
aqueous environment. The authors hoped that the tained corresponding to a fraction o f the total thionine
presence o f a clay layer at the electrode surface would adsorbed. A photovoltage m a x i m u m was observed at
stabilize the formation of the CTAB micelle at less 600 n m corresponding to the So-S1 transition in so-
negative potentials and, hence, aid in the localization lution. K a m a t (1984) concluded that trapped free dye
and reaction of DBB near the electrode, at the expense molecules within the clay generated the photovoltage
of less applied potential. To provide a charge shuttle effect.
to the DBB-containing CTAB miceUe, the authors re- Further utilization o f clay lies in its potential to i m -
duced Co(bpy)32+ in the presence of bipyridine to part chiral selectivity to the reaction. Yamagishi and
Co(bpy)2-. The oxidized form of the charge shuttle A r a m a t a (1984) found that a clay-modified electrode
should have been maintained in the clay film by ex- exposed to D-Ru(phen)32 showed no increase in cur-
ploitation o f the cation-exchange properties of the clay. rents (a measure o f the concentration) on exposure to
The reduced cobalt species diffused to the micelle and additional solutions of D-Ru(phen)32 but that it
reacted with the localized DBB to reform the oxidized s h o w e d an i n c r e a s e in c u r r e n t on e x p o s u r e to
cobalt species, resulting in the catalytic reduction of L-Ru(phen)32 (For a comparison o f D and L enantio-
Co(bpy)32+. Although the reaction was carried out in mers, see Figure 6.) Their conclusion was that the
the clay layer modifying the electrode, no decrease in primed (D-Ru(phen)a 2 clay accommodated the L form
the applied potential was observed; however, a slight o f the complex via stereoselective packing. In a similar
increase in the catalytic current, indicating a slight in- fashion, Fitch et al. (1988) observed larger reduction
crease in the reaction, was observed. currents from a racemic vs. an enantiomeric solution
The clay-modified electrode has been used to sup- of Cr(bpy)33 They concluded that the racemic solution
port RuO2 near the electrode surface (Ghosh et al., allowed for more efficient packing of the complex on
1984). In this application, a catalytic current for the the clay surface.
reduction o f Ru(bpy)2[bpy(CO2)2] was observed in Potentially of more interest to the clay chemist was
which Ru(bpy)2[bpy(CO2)] shuttled charge to a sub- the finding by O y a m a and Anson (1986) that clay itself
strate, thought to be RuO2. The authors suggested that can participate in the redox reaction. Neither a pyro-
RuO2 was involved in the oxidation o f H20. lytic graphite or a clay-modified pyrolytic graphite elec-
Clay-modified electrodes may find use in photo- trode showed a measurable reduction current for H202.
reactions. The photocatalytic system may be described Addition o f a charge shuttle, Ru(NH3)63 resulted in
by the general equations: the catalytic reduction of the shuttle. The reaction
mechanism suggested is shown in Figure 7. The active
M + hv = M*, (12) site for H202 reduction was suggested to be Fe in the
M* ~ M, (13a) clay structure.
M* + D = M - + D +, (13b) For weakly adsorbed species, analytical enhance-
M - --, M-(x=0), and (14a) ments m a y occur. Wielgos and Fitch (1990) d e m o n -
M-~x~0) = M + e-, (14b) strated the analytic use o f the CEC o f the clay to en-
hance the concentration of a Ru(NHz)63 near the
where M is a photosensitive species, the subscript (x electrode surface. They found that optimal concentra-
-- 0) refers to the electrode surface, hv is a photon, M* tion enhancements (two orders o f magnitude) occurred
398 Fitch Clays a n d Clay Minerals


D /_
Figure 7. A charge shuttle, Ru(NH3)6 3+, carries an electron
Figure 6. Spatially unique trisdiimine metal complexes (en-
from electrode surface to a fixed electroactive site within the
antiomers) of the form ML3 in which L is a ligand containing
clay, X, which catalyzes the reduction of H202. Reaction
two N groups, such as phenanthroline or bipyridine. D is the
mechanism proposed by Oyama and Anson (1986).
mirror image of L. The two enantiomers can be resolved by
their optical polarization.

only o n the c o m p e t i t i v e e x c h a n g e reaction, b u t also o n

in the m o s t dilute electrolyte s o l u t i o n t h a t was able to the c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f the c o m p e t i t i v e ion a n d the total
s u p p o r t the e l e c t r o c h e m i c a l reaction. n u m b e r o f o c c u p i e d e x c h a n g e sites (Figure 4) has only
recently b e e n recognized. As a c o n s e q u e n c e , early re-
p o r t s o f f o r m a l p o t e n t i a l s are o f little physical signif-
A s i n d i c a t e d a b o v e , q u a n t i t a t i v e d a t a are accessible icance. T h e situation w i t h respect to the diffusion coef-
f r o m the e l e c t r o c h e m i c a l e x p e r i m e n t f r o m the value ficient is better, e v e n t h o u g h d a t a can b e i m p r o v e d via
o f the f o r m a l p o t e n t i a l o f the i n t e r c a l a t e d c o m p l e x a n d b e t t e r e s t i m a t i o n o f the accessible c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f the
f r o m the m e a s u r e d diffusion coefficient. U n f o r t u n a t e l y , electroactive substrate, as d i s c u s s e d a b o v e . T h e elec-
the fact t h a t the value o f f o r m a l p o t e n t i a l d e p e n d s n o t t r o c h e m i c a l l y d e r i v e d diffusion coefficients o f several

Table 1. Electrochemically derived diffusion coefficients within clays.

Clay Electrode Electrolyte Species D (cm2/s) Reference

Metal complexes
Na-mont I + PVA 2 SnO2 0.1 M N a 2 S O 4 Ru(bpy)32+ 3 1 x 10 H Ghosh and Bard (1983)
SWy-1 SnO2 0.1 i Na2SO4 Os(bpy)3 3+ 1.2 x 10-12 Ege et aL (1985)
SWy-1 SnO2 0.1 M N a 2 S O 4 Fe(bpy)32+ 1.2 x 10 -~2 Ege et aL (1985)
Na-mont graphite 0.2 M CH3COONa Os(bpy)a 3+ 3.5 x 10-11 Liu and Anson (1985)
(pH 5.5)
Na-mont graphite 0.2 m CH3COONa Co(tpy)22+ 4 1.8 x 10-11 Liu and Anson (1985)
(pH 5.5)
Na-mont (Fe pillared) SnO: 0.1 M Na2SO4 Fe(bpy)32+ I x 10 -,2 Itaya and Bard (1985)
SWy-1 Pt 0.01 M Na2SO 4 Cr(bpy)3 3+ 7 x 10-12 Fitch et al. (1988)
Hydrotalcite SnO2 0.1 M Na2SO4 Mo(CN)s 4- 8 x 10 -12 Itaya et aL (1987)
Hydrotalcite SnO2 0.1 M Na2SO4 Fe(CN)63- 8 x 10-12 Itaya et aL (1987)
Hydrotalcite SnO2 0.1 M Na2SO4 Ir(C1)62- 8 x 10 -12 Itaya et aL (1987)
Organic species
STx-1 SnO2 0.05 M NaCI MV s 9 l0 -12 White and Bard (1986)
STx-1 Pt 1M Na2SO4 TTF + 6 3.7 x 10-s Carter and Bard (1987)
STx-1 Pt 1M Na2SO4 (TTF)27 4.8 x 10 -1o Carter and Bard (1987)
Laponite glassy 0.05 M Na2SO4 FDDA + s 9.1 x 10 -11 Brahimi et aL (1989)
Laponite + CTA 9 glassy 0.05 M Na2SO4 Fc 1~ 2.9 x 10 -10 Brahimi et aL (1989)

i mont = montmorillonite.
2 PVA = polyvinylalcohol.
3 bpy = bipyridine.
4 typ = terpyridine.
5 MV = methyl viologen.
6 TTF = tetrathiafulvalene. Monomeric TTF is suggested to reside outside of the interlayer giving rise to a large value
for D.
7 (TTF)2 = tetrathiafulvalene dimer.
s FDDA + = (ferrocenylmcthyl)dodecyldimethylammonium.
9 CTA + = cetyltrimethylammonium.
10 Fc = ferrocene.
Vol. 38, No. 4, 1990 Clay-modified electrodes 399

species are given in Table 1. Electrochemical estimates netics of electron transfer to organic molecules at solid elec-
of the diffusion coefficient for Ru(bpy)32 in a hydrated trodes in organic media: J. Electroanal. Chem. 146, 37-45.
Amatore, C., Saveant, J. M., and Tessier, D. (1983b) Charge
clay compare well with those obtained from alternative
transfer at partially blocked surfaces. A model for the case
measurements (l 0 -s to l 0 ~0cmVs (Habti et al., 1984)). of microscopic active and inactive sites: J. Electroanal.
The small diffusion coefficients (typical solution value Chem. 147, 39-51.
= 10 5 c m 2 / s ) correspond well with what is known Aoki, K. and Osteryoung, J. (1984) Formulation of the dif-
about the interaction o f these species with clay surfaces. fusion-controlled current at very small stationary disk elec-
trodes: J. Electroanal. Chem. 160, 335-339.
Strong interactions o f T T F (Van D a m m e et al., 1984), Bard, A. J. and Faulkner, L. R. (1980) Electrochemical
M V (Raupach et aL, 1979; Hang and Brindley, 1970), Methods: Wiley, New York, 218 pp.
and the trisdiimine species (Krenske et aL, 1980; Berkheiser, V. E. and Mortland, M. M. (1977) Hectorite
Schoonheydt et aL, 1978; Velghe et aL, 1977; Farmer complexes with Cu(II)- and Fe(II)- 1,10-phenanthroline
chelates: Clays & Clay Minerals 25, 105-112.
and Mortland, 1965, 1966; Berkheiser and Mortland,
Brahimi, B., Labbe, P., and Reverdy, G. (1989) Electro-
1977; Abdo et aL, 1981; Ghosh and Bard, 1984; chemical behavior of clay modified electrodes in the pres-
DellaGuardia and Thomas, 1983) with the surface ox- ence of cationic surfactant: J. Electroanal. Chem. 267, 343-
ide layer have been observed by UV-VIS, nuclear mag- 349.
netic resonance, and electron spin resonance tech- Castro-Acuna, C. M., Fan, F.-R. F., and Bard, A.J. (1987)
Clay-modified electrodes. Part VIII. Electrochemical be-
niques. These small values indicate that the activation havior at montmorillonite and polypyrrole-montmorillon-
energy required to j u m p from site to site is quite large. ite films on platinum and glassy carbon electrodes: J. Elec-
troanal. Chem. 234, 347-353.
SUMMARY Carter, M. T. and Bard, A. J. (1987) Clay-modified elec-
trodes. Part VII. The electrochemical behavior of tetrathi-
Clay-modified electrodes are useful in certain elec-
afulvalenium-montmorillonite modified electrodes: J.
trochemical applications. Diffusion coefficients ofelec- Electroanal. Chem. 229, 191-214.
troactive species can be estimated from the electro- DellaGuardia, R. A. and Thomas, J. K. (1983) Photopro-
chemical data. Quantitative information about the cesses on colloidal clay systems. Tris(2,2'-bipyri-
nature of the exchange reaction via electrochemical dine)ruthenium(II) bound to colloidal kaolin and mont-
morillonite: J. Phys. Chem. 87, 990-998.
data remains untapped, as yet. This is unfortunate be- Ege, D., Ghosh, P. K., White, J. R., Equey, J.-F., and Bard,
cause the magnitude of Kin, Kt~, and various associated A.J. (1985) Clay-modified electrodes. 3. Electrochemical
rate constants should be accessible from the electro- and electron spin resonance studies ofmontmorillonite lay-
chemical experiment. Future work needs to focus more ers: J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 107, 5644-5652.
Farmer, V. C. and Mortland, M. M. (1965) An infrared
specifically on more accurate determination of C0" and
study of complexes of ethylamine with ethylammonium
D. This will require a better measurement o f the thick- and copper ions in montmorillonite: J. Phys. Chem. 69,
ness o f the clay layer or determination of Co* and D 683-686.
under conditions of nonlinear diffusion. Furthermore, Farmer, V. C. and Mortland, M. M. (1966) An infrared
an understanding of the mechanisms o f charge trans- study of the co-ordination of pyridine and water to ex-
changeable cations in montmorillonite and saponite: J.
port, control of the pore dimensions to enhance trans- Chem. Soc. (A), 344-351.
port properties, and complete elucidation o f the role Fitch, A. (1990) Preliminary note: Apparent formal poten-
of the electrolyte in ion-exchange reactions and charge tial shifts in ion exchange voltammetry: J. Electroanal.
conduction are required. As these factors are mapped Chem. (in press).
out, the technique will become more generally appli- Fitch, A. and Fausto, C. L. (1988) Insulating properties of
clay films towards Fe(CN)63 as affected by electrolyte con-
cable in the determination of ion-exchange selectivity centration: J. Electroanal. Chem. 257, 299-303.
coefficients and diffusion coefficients for clay chemists. Fitch, A., Lavy-Feder, A., Lee, S. A., and Kirsh, M.T. (1988)
Montmorillonite face surface associated Cr(bpy)a3 moni-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS tored electrochemically: J. Phys. Chem. 92, 6665-6670.
Ghosh, P. K. and Bard, A. J. (1983) Clay-modified elec-
This work was partially supported by N S F Grant trodes: J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 105, 5691-5693.
Chem 8707710. The author acknowledges helpful talks Ghosh, P. K. and Bard, A. J. (1984) Photochemistry of
with J. W. Stucki at the University o f Illinois, Urbana- tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) in colloidal clay suspen-
sions: J. Phys. Chem. 88, 5519-5526.
Champaign, Illinois, and the comments of the review- Ghosh, P. K., Mau, A. W.-H., and Bard, A.J. (1984) Clay-
ers and the editor. modified electrodes. Part II. Electrocatalysis at bis(2,2'-bi-
pyridyl)Ru(II)-dispersed ruthenium dioxide-hectorite lay-
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