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learn - aprender
switch - cambiar uno por otro
start - empezar
heard - pasado del verbo "hear"
specialize - especializar
had - pasado del verbo "have"
enroll - matricularse
pay - pagar
describe - describir
design - disear
attract - atraer
offer - ofrecer

Selecciona la palabra correcta.

1. I want to in that school.

2. That school in the arts.

3. I need English.

4. This week I work mornings but next week schedules with another
employee. She's going to work mornings and I'll work nights.

5. I need to the waiter for the food.

6. My English class at 9:00 AM.

7. This web free English lessons in the internet.

8. I the news on the radio.

9. He an accident but he's OK.

10. He the man as being tall and thin.

Otro Vocabulario

boring - aburrido
bilingual - bilinge
confusing - confuso
cool - expresin coloquial para "bueno"
full - lleno
Which - Cual
throughout - por todo
generally - generalmente
quickly - rpido
further - ms all
higher - ms alto
public - pblico
private - privado

Selecciona la palabra correcta.

1. color do you like - red or blue?

2. I don't like math class. It's .

3. The glass is of water.

4. My son started crying in the supermarket. You could hear him the store.

5. Are you in a public or school?

6. She is in English and French.

7. I don't understand this test. It's .

8. I like that movie. It's really .

9. It takes me an hour to clean the house.

10. He works very . He generally finishes his homework in a half an hour.


Pronombres Adjetivos Pronombres

Sujetos Posesivos Posesivos

I my mine

you your yours

he his his

she her hers

it its its

we our ours

they their theirs

Selecciona la palabra correcta.

1. am a teacher.

2. Is this my book or ?

3. The students need to bring books to class.

4. Michelle and I like pizza, but don't like hamburgers.

5. My sister and I don't share clothes. She wears her clothes and I wear .

6. I call my mom once a week. I tell her about my week and tells me about hers.

7. The house is very big. has five bedrooms.

8. Valerie can't find book.

9. My friend's car is fast but car is more economical.

10. I like to play on computer.

11. is a very interesting man.

12. Are going to the party on Friday?

13. live in Toronto.

14. This book is mine, but that book is .

15. Don't forget to bring towel to the beach.

16. That house is .

17. The other house is .

Busca el error en las siguientes oraciones. Escribe la oracin corregida.

He are a student. - He is a student.

1. This is she book.

2. The pencil is my.

3. These are yours books.

4. This notebook is our.

5. Her is a student.

Escribe las palabras en orden para construir las oraciones correctamente. Asegrate de que
escribiste correctamente las letras en maysculas o minsculas como corresponde y que escribiste
el punto o signo de interrogacin al final. Para corregir haz clic en el botn "Revisar."

1. you Do school like your new ?

2. school What teach does your ?

3. learning English I'm art in .

4. teacher from learn Spanish-speaking science I the .

5. in different specialize Different things schools .


Leccin 1 estudiamos las reglas de como formar los plurales en ingls. Hay muchas palabras que no
siguen estas reglas para formar el plural. Son palabras irregulares. Sigue una lista de
algunas palabras que son irregulares en el plural agrupadas por categoras.


child (nio) - children

man (hombre) - men
woman (mujer) - women

oo -> ee

foot (pie) - feet

tooth (diente) - teeth
goose (ganso) - geese

ouse -> ice

mouse (ratn) - mice

louse (piojo) - lice

is -> es

parenthesis (parntesis) - parentheses

diagnosis (diagnosis) - diagnoses

us -> i

cactus (cactus) - cacti

fungus (hongo) - fungi

No cambian en el plural

deer (venado, ciervo) - deer

fish (pez) - fish
moose (alce) - moose
sheep (oveja) - sheep

person (persona) - people

Cambia estas palabras al plural.

1. child

2. man

3. tooth

4. sheep

5. foot

6. deer

7. mouse

8. fish

9. goose

10. woman

11. cactus

12. moose

13. parenthesis


Los adverbios de frecuencia explican que tan frecuentemente pasa algo.

How often do you ______?

Qu tan frecuentemente _______?
always - siempre
usually - generalmente
sometimes - a veces
rarely - rara vez
never - nunca

El adverbio de frecuencia va antes del verbo excepto con el verbo 'to be' (va despus).

I always go to church on Sundays.

I am always tired after work.

Qu tan frecuentemente haces estas cosas? (No hay respuestas correctas o incorrectas.)

1. How often do you eat cereal for breakfast?

2. How often do you use a computer?

3. How often do you speak English?

4. How often do you exercise?

5. How often do you go to the movie theater?

6. How often do you watch TV?

7. How often do you read a book?

8. How often do you go to parties?

9. How often do you eat ice cream?

10. How often do you go to the park?

Escribe las respuestas en una oracin completa usando el adverbio en parentesis.
How often do you eat eggs for breakfast? (rarely)
I rarely eat eggs for breakfast.

1. How often do you eat a sandwich for lunch? (sometimes)

2. How often do you exercise in the morning? (usually)

3. How often do you swim in the ocean? (rarely)

4. How often do you smoke? (never)

5. How often are you sick? (rarely)

6. How often are you tired after work? (always)

7. How often do you use the internet? (sometimes)

8. How often do you cook? (always)

9. How often do you watch TV? (usually)

10. How often are you angry? (rarely)

Busca el error en las siguientes oraciones. Escribe la oracin corregida.

He are a student. - He is a student.
1. He somtimes exercises.

2. I cook never.

3. They always are tired.

4. How otfen do you watch TV?

5. She is a todler.

Los artculos the, a, y an

Las palabras "a" y "an" son artculos para indicar una cosa (como "un" o "una" en espaol).

a book a man a game

Se usa "an" cuando la palabra empieza con un sonido de vocal.

an apple an orange an eraser

Hay palabras que empiezan con una consonante pero el primer SONIDO de la palabra es un sonido

an hour (No se pronuncia la "h" en esta palabra.)

Tambin hay palabras que empiezan con una vocal pero el primer SONIDO de la palabra es un
sonido consonante.

a university (Pronunciamos esta palabra como si empezara con la letra "y" que es un sonido

Selecciona el artculo correcto.

1. bank (un banco)

2. hospital (un hospital)

3. elephant (un elefante)

4. desk (un escritorio)

5. school (una escuela)

6. umbrella (un paraguas)

7. city (una ciudad)

8. beach (una playa)

9. island (una isla)

10. order (una orden)

11. house (una casa)

12. antenna (una antena)

13. computer (una computadora)

14. university (una universidad) *

15. hour (una hora) *


por lo general en ingls aadimos S a una palabra para hacerla plural.

book - books

Si una palabra termina con S, CH, SH, o X aadimos "es." Con algunas palabras que terminan con
O, tambin aadimos "es" en el plural.
class - classes
Si una palabra termina con una consonante y luego Y, cambiamos la Y a I y luego aadimos ES. (Si
termina con una vocal y luego Y, no cambia.)
city - cities (ciudad - ciudades)
key - keys (llave - llaves)

Con algunas palabras que terminan con F o FE cambiamos la F o FE a VES en el plural.

leaf - leaves (hoja - hojas)
wife - wives (esposa - esposas)
Irregulares - Hay algunas palabras que cambian en el plural. Son irregulares.
man - men (hombre - hombres)
woman - women (mujer - mujeres)
child - children (nio - nios)
tooth - teeth (diente - dientes)
foot - feet (pie - pies)

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