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Aging symptoms:

1. Physical : stamina
2. Mental : cognition, clarity, focus
3. Sexual : desire, libido

Theories of aging:

1. Biological : telomerase
2. Psycho-social : environment, foods, smoking

Mesenchymal stem cells rapidly decline (quality and quantitiy) with age. Tissue repairing time gets
longer. chronic inflammation (inflammaging)

Chronic inflammation:

undetected, constant make stem-cell ineffective

markers: IL-6, TNF-alpha, CRP

Stem-cell sources:

embrio (5-7 days)

fetal tissue (4-6 weeks)
umbilical cord
tissue stem cell (fat cell, bone marrow, blood)
induced pluripotent stem cell skin to liver cell

SVF: stromal vascular fraction (fat cell) no need to cultur

Endothelial cell

Peripheral blood

Pada individu dengan abdominal obesitas terdapat banyak stem sel di sel lemak abdominalnya. Tapi stem
sell tersebut tidak efektif sel lemak avascular, dan dinding sel lemak tebal sehingga kerja terhambat

Stem cell therapy

1. screening sampling:
age (autologous), severity of disease, lab test, clinical trial gov
2. culturing processing
kemenkes & BPOM approved, cGMP facility, competency
3. implantation
competency of doctor, administration, 11 hospital, Rejasilindo (asosiasi dokter), lab

Cell Assisted Plastic Surgery

dr. Enrina Diah
reconstructive ladder:
heal by secondary intention free transfer tissue
autograf : lemak, tulang rawan dan tulang, kulit, gabungan
allograf: silicon, titanium

breast augmentation:

implant bisa pecah

fat transfer abdominal fat to breast. Kurang vascular kista
o fat (1cc) : 1jt adiposity, 1 jt adiposa stem cell. Stem cell 300x > bone marrow.
Stem cell endothelial growth factor

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