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Dietary fiber is a plant-based nutrient that is sometimes called roughage or bulk. It is a type of
carbohydrate cannot be broken down into digestible sugar molecules. Fiber categorized as soluble and
insoluble fiber. Most plant-based foods contain both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Intake of Low fibre food makes the waste matter has a longer transit time through the body
increasing the time it has in contact with toxins and increasing their re-absorption into the bloodstream.

Types of Fibre
Soluble fiber is known to help decrease blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. It also helps lower
blood cholesterol. Good sources of soluble fiber include beans, lentils, oatmeal, peas, citrus fruits,
blueberries, apples and barley.

Insoluble fiber speeds up the passage of food through the digestive system. This helps maintain
regularity and prevent constipation. It also increases fecal bulk, which makes stools easier to pass.
Good sources of insoluble fiber include foods with whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, brown rice,
cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Benefits of Fiber
1. Digestion and regularity 5. Longevity
2. Heart health 6. Food allergies and asthma
3. Blood sugar regulation 7. weight management
4. Possible cancer prevention 8. cholesterol maintenance and more

Importance of Fibre
1. It increases the bulk of the stools, allowing the colon to excrete more efficiently
2. Fibre absorbs and retains water. This increased moisture eases the passage of waste from the
intestines minimising straining
3. Fibre binds to excess cholesterol and estrogens and escorts them from the body
4. It reduces constipation, hemorrhoids, herniations of the colon and the incidence of colon cancer

High-fiber Foods
All raw vegetables, Grass and green unfiltered juices, green smoothies and green salads
All raw fruits with its skins. Apples with the skin on (4.4 g) & Pears with the skin on (5.5 g)
Whole grains and beans as follows:
1. Lentils, have 16g of fiber per cup, cooked 5. Pearled barley, with 6 g per cup, cooked
2. Split peas are full of fiber with 16.3 g per 6. Popcorn 3.5 g per 3 cups make it a fiber-full
cup, cooked snack
3. Black beans, have 15 g per cup, cooked 7. Green peas have almost 9 g per cup, cooked
4. Lima beans bring in 13.2 g per cup, cooked

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