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Being born again 2.

Here I begin to say:

What is between .. two rows of "stars"
(Copied from The Bible)
is directly sites from King James Bible (which I have on my harddisk).
No comment is added (between the "stars", but color, italic letters, markings and
underline - is permitted. Not ONE letter (or sign) .. is changed.
We begin with a summary of "Being born again".
Jam 1:21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with
meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

We start with "a hunt" for - "The Implanted Word" and ask:
What can that be?

We come to:
Jam 4:5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, "The Spirit who dwells in us
Just to look at the expression "yearns jealously".
It is - an expressed LONGING - to COME BACK God.
The strength of that longing .. can be compared to jealousness .. because that feeling is
one of the few .. that can create that strenght.
[Remember. When we read The Bible .. and any other religious letter / book .. we must
think .. spiritual - or else we will loose the message. The most usual way .. is .. Through

To elaborate this statement .. with an example - that is widely misunderstood by most

people (that I have been in contact with):
Luk 14:26 "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and
children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.
If we don't think spiritual here .. we WILL loose the message.

If .. the things:
-Your Father have believed in...
-Your Mother have believed in...
-Your wife have believed in...
-Your children have believed in...
- Your brothers and sisters have believed in...
-EVEN - YOU .. have believed in...
...before you "met" Jesus - and you are not willing to change .. this belief - with the
things - JESUS teach you to believe in - "there is no salvation for you" ("he cannot be

my disciple").
Just to mention it.
"He cannot be my disciple" is also used in connection .. "to take up ones cross", meaning
the same (there is no salvation).
Luk 14:27 "And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My
If we are not willing "to take up our cross" .. and follow him - then there are no salvation
for us (cannot be my disciple). ["bear his cross" is in some Bibles translated to: "take up
his cross" - meaning the same.]

"To take up our cross" .. is to accept - the good things .. in connection to believe in Jesus,
WITH the bad things - to believe in Him (as - loosing friends, be teased for "being weak",
throwing away your time, etc.)
Those who suffered martyrdom .. in The Romans Arena .. did indeed - "take up their cross"
(or wore their cross).
These are two examples of the importance .. of obtaining the message .. in a spiritual
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Let us say that we have belived that: "An eye for an eye .. a tooth for a tooth", is justice.
Then Jesus is teaching us: "Love your enemies. Bless thoes who persecute you..."etc.
What shall we do?
We don't understand this "new form of justice" - that Jesus is teaching us.
Must we understand?
No, it is enough that we exept!

If we exept .. that we shall follow this line .. in spite of - that we don't understand - why,
then we will devellop an understanding for it.
This .. is developing .. a new personality (read: a new Soul).
The Spirit (Read: Our conscience) will lead us to a new understanding.
............Of what? ............
Of .. The Kingdom of God! (Read: Of the justice God want us to understand.)
Jesus is saying .. clearly enough .. that: He can only do, what he has seen His Father
"His Teaching" .. is therefore .. "His Fathers teaching" - out from that statement.

Then we can continue the summary.

We can conclude (from The Letter of James), that:

-"the word that is inplanted / engrafted in you" (1:21).. is
-The spirit God let live in us (4:5)..
-because it can save our souls (1:21).

The next we ask .. is:

Is there another book in The Bible, that can confirm this?

And the confirmation .. we find in:
1Co 2:11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in
Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.
We got here .. a better confirmation .. than what I had dared to hope for.
The next question we asked, was:
"When did it start"?
Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
the breath of life; and man became a living being.
My version of The King James Bible .. is using an expression .. that is wrong.
But .. most of "The Elder" have a Bible that use "living soul" .. wich is ONE of the
expressions that can be considdered - correct.

-The Norwegian Bible .. translation: 1930 .. is using "Living Soul".

-Some of The King James Bibles .. use the same expression.
-BUT .. the most important is:
These books (in the old testament) are translated from Aramaic.

- Living Soul is .. from Nefersh.

All words in Aramaic .. have - at least - 5 menings .. often more.
Nefersh can mean:
-Invisible creature (as .. through - "invisible" - the spiritual meaning, is not lost).
Living Soul (If we use: Living Being - then the spiritual part .. is lost. As a being can
be .. a pig, a bird, a fish - but "a soul" - has a SPIRITUAL message .. buildt - into
the expression. This must not be lost.)

"the man became a living soul"
is a message .. were the spiritual part .. is not lost - and therefore among the translations
that can be considdered .. correct.

-The Spirit of Life .. is translated from the word .. Ruah.

The next we do .. is to look upon - other meanings .. of these two words - to see if they
can be compared .. in some way...(???)
Nefersh .. can also mean: The Lowest Spiritual Condition.
Ruah .. can also mean: The THIRD-Lowest spiritual condition.
THESE .. CAN be compared.

So .. for two reasons .. we make a picture (and use "The Ladder of Development", as
a foundation):
1. It is easier to remember.
2. We can SEE of these meanings .. that - also SPIRITS are developing.
("The Third Lowest" .. "The Lowest".)

So .. this way .. we begin to see - a part of what we are searching for: The Kingdom
of God.
To understand - SOME of His Kingdom - is .. A Part of - Being Born Again.
We shall NOT be born again - as humans .. but .. where we started: AS LightBeings
(read: spirits or Gods - if you wish).

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Here it is something that MAY be .. of the MOST importaqnt trhing .. to mention.
When I say "Gods" (plural) .. I do not mean .. God (singular).
These are two (2) COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things.

We have .. many Gods - but we have .. only ONE God.

Psa 95:3 For the LORD [is] the great God, And the great King above all gods.
God .. is a King over Gods ... as
A Human King .. is a King over Humans.

So .. therefore we have many Gods .. but only ONE - "Highest God .. over all Gods".

One more thing, we can be aware of:

"God formed humans .. from the dust of the earth."

As it is down here .. it is up there (is an old phrase, connected to many religions).

Well .. it is true.
We can say it .. a different way (that MIGHT be more acceptable, for many).
The invisible .. "up there" - is the foundation for .. The Visible - "down here".

The first "Earth" (read: dust), was created .. in the higher realms.
It was of a high quality .. and .. contained The Power Of Life.
Meaning: Everything that was formed by it .. had the ability to live.

For a time .. the Gods (that was given the ability to dreate) .. created Adam.

His body was finished .. and they could not understand why he didn't raise up.
Pistis Sophia (The Spirit of Wisdom) .. sent her Arch Angel down to them, telling
to "Blow The Spirit of Life" into the nostrals of the body - to make it alive.

-ABILITY .. to live.
-MAKE it .. alive.
They are connected .. but not the same.
The Proverbs chapter 8 .. is about this spirit (yes, the whole chapter) .. and not about
Jesus .. as many claimes.
This IS .. extremely interesting reading.
Now we come back to:
"I was an alcoholic .. and was born again .. when I met Jesus."

As long as we - consciently - are aware of .. that this is not - The Meaning JESUS
had .. with this expression - we can accept it under:
Every level of development .. has its own truth.
But it is important .. that we don't start to believe in .. this definition (of being born
again .. by "meeting" Jesus).

To take some examples on .. Every level of development, has its own truth:
The second year at school, your daughter come to yo and show you - from her book
in Mathematics - and says:
LOOK HERE, daddy.
5 - 7 (five minus seven) is not possible.

OF COURSE you say: "That is correct".

It is too early for her .. to understand that the answer is -2 (minus 2).
Another level is:
What is The Square Root of -4 (minus four).
High up in the schools .. you are permitted to write:
The answer has no meaning .. therfore this calculation - has no answer.
AND .. the teacher will say: Correct answer.

In higher education .. you learn that the answer is .. i2 (where i [or j .. in some books],
is defined as - "Square Root of Minus One").

That .. "All levels of development .. has its own truth" - is true .. for all kind of
development ....... also spiritual development.

After .. making this conclusion .. as a part of our foundation - we can continue.


If you look -almost - at the top of page, (right under the ladder) - you will se:

(read: spirits or Gods - if you wish)

Is .. spirit (in general) .. God?

Not the way we are talking about it - here.
Is spirit (in General) Gods?
The way we mean it here .. the answer is - Yes!
Are Angels .. spirits?
Are Angels .. Gods?
Some Angels - can be considdered to be Gods - others can not!
Are God (The Highest God) .. a Spirit?
According to Jesus .. the answer is .. Yes!
Joh 4:24 "God [is] Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

To narrow it down .. to our search .. we can say:

-Some .. will come to the level .. of "The Gods .. of The Creator-Gods".
-Other will reach the same level .. AS .. The Creator Gods.
This is .. according to my understanding .. of to-day.
(What will be my understanding of to-morrow .. to-morrow must show me.)

So .. in this manner (or connection) .. we talk about - the result of what we will
be .. after we are born again.
and we can clearly see .. that we come closer and closer to the promise of Jesus,
Joh 14:12 " Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will
do also; and greater [works] than these he will do, because I go to My Father.
We can .. again - through this .. see, that "The Power .. "The Sons of God" - misused,
must be a part of this.
Or else .. how can we do the same deeds .. that Jesus did - without this power?
So it is important .. that we prepare ourselves .. for the resposibility - that follow this
AND .. it is not wrong - to start - now!

More of "The Search" - and the results of it.

We look upon .. how far we have come .. in our understanding.

-We have a spirit.
-We have a Soul.
-Both are Lightbeings.

...and since God is "a LightBeing" (read: "a Spirit" .. if you wish) - THIS means:
To be created in His image.
To be born again .. means .. To be born in His image (again).


To say it a different way:

He is a God.
Therefore - We were created as Gods.
Jesus confirmes this .. and so does The Old Testament.

He is .. born.
As Gods .. we shall be born again.
Thus .. we become a symbol of Him.
Thus .. we become - alive (again).
If we don't understand this .. it will prevent us to understand .. the REAL meaning
of "Being Born Again".
-We can not understand .. that .. what we miss - is OUR Divine Nature!
-We can not understand .. that .. MISSING our divine nature, equals - being dead.
... And God is not lying - when he says "Those who eat from this tree, shall
surely die"...
So .. this is the foundation .. for understanding:
-What we have lost.
-What we are searching.
...What we are searching for - IS .. being alive .. again...

Being alive .. is .. Getting our divine (read : Godly - if you wish) nature back.
As long as:
1Co 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of
nor does corruption inherit incorruption.
our physical body .. can never be .. "in His image".
We began as LightBodies.
We shall be born .. as Lightbodies - again.

So let us look at another part .. that should show this, clearly enough:
1Co 15:51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed
1Co 15:52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet
sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
What is he talking about, here?

To be changed = To be born again .. which is equal to .. Be born by God.

(read: " = " as: "is equal to")
To become spirits .. we must be changed.

When this happends (after Jesus comes back) "The Dead" (in both meanings of the word
[or more correctly; the expression - as it is 2 words]):
Both :
-The people who have died (in the daily meaning) .. and

-People who are dead .. in the spiritual meaning.
...will be changed...

Joh 3:6 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is
AND .. since we are born of flesh - and "Flesh and Blood cannot inherit The Kingdom
of God" .. we MUST be changed - into something that is - "Born of Spirit", namely:
One of The Gods ("a spirit").
THIS is .. Being Born Again.

And just to mention it:

I have used The Bible .. step by step .. in this explanation.
I refer to ... and have shown ... every scripture - in every step of my explanation, so
everyone can chech the Bible - to see for themselves.
So, to gather together - the knowledge - we now have.

-We have a soul and a spirit.

(Letter of James 1:21 and 4:5 - confirmed by 1 Chor 2:11)
-The search we do .. is .. "To Be Born Again" - which is the same as "To Be Born
by God".
-This leads us to a greater knowledge .. about ourselves.
a) We once were Gods.
b) We disobeyed God .. by eating of .. "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil".
c) This led to .. that we lost our GodHood (read: we lost our divine nature).
d) Jesus suffered, died and conquered the death - for 2 reasons:
1) He should show us .. what we could be.
2) So that we could get our divine nature .. back.
e) Through getting our divine nature back - one of his promises to us - becomes true.
f) We shall do the same deeds .. that He did - yes even greater deeds.
...showing us - more clearly - what we can be...("1" .. over)
g) This will lead to a change .. that means .. that THIS is - Being born of Spirit.
h) This way .. we will return to our origin .. which is: His image.

Then we should have .. a view of .. the origin we can base on - in this search.
So we continue.

The prayers of Jesus .. for his Apostles - show us - an extended part of this search.
Here we can see .. more and more clearly .. a hidden initiation.
So let us try to find it.

We have touched it .. in the first "chapter" .. of this explanation.

"I and The Father .. is one."
Now we will go to a deeper understanding .. of what this means.
Joh 17:22 "And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just

as We are one:
This is a little early to start with .. as this scripture contains - one of the greatest
secrets in The Bible.
But since we have done it .. so let us take another .. that has the same reference:
Joh 17:5 "And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had
with You before the world was.
What more do we need?
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This is mentioned on the next page, but not so thorough as here. I had forgotten
that I had included this - but I let it stay. [Here is also: Jesus .. the firstborn etc.)
Eph 1:4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be
and without blame before Him in love,
This is "The glory that you gave me (I have given to them)..." in Joh 17:22.
AND .. here we can see .. where we are .. now:
Rev 3:5 "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, and I will not blot out his
from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.
We were "holy and without blame" (Eph 1:4) [read: free of sin].
That should be a very good foundation .. for being in: "The Book of Life".
Well, we ARE there.
There are many things more, in this connection, but one - that might be important.
Col 1:18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn
from the
dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.

Rev 1:5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the
ruler over
the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,
Jesus was .. The Firstborne - from the dead.
When we are borne again .. we will belong to the same people, that Jesus started.
Then it is natural .. that we can do the same deeds (read "works", if you wish), that HE
Joh 17:20 " I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through
their word;

Joh 17:21 "that they all may be one, as You, Father, [are] in Me, and I in You; that they
may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.
This is a prayer .. that includes .. me and you.

This way .. we can see .. that we are included in this initiation. (Joh 17:20).
That we also shall be one with them (Jesus and God) [Joh 17:21]
-To beleive that God has sent Jesus to us .. is a part of .. "Beleiving in Jesus".
-To take up your cross (or: wear your cross) .. is a part of .. "Believing in Jesus".
...And here .. we take up our cross - by doing this search...
Joh 16:13 "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all
truth; for
He will not speak on His own [authority,] but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will
you things to come.
A guidence to the whole truth (or: as it says here: "into all truth" - which should
mean the same) .. sounds more and more - as an initiation.
Here we can see .. what we were MEANT to learn .. from The Tree of Knowledge
(also called: The Tree of Wisdom).

We will be able to .. prophesying - as the promise includes:" and He will tell you things
to come ".
Well .. this should be - in accordance to - that we will be among The Gods, again.
AND .. in accordance to the promise of Jesus .. that we will do the same deeds that
He did (he told us about "The End of Time" and the signs in connection with his
second coming).

He stopped the storm.

He commanded the figtree to die.
Two things .. that doesn't need any interpretation - but can be read - as if you read
your history-book.

So .. what we see here .. is a transformation (as we already have looked at) so huge,
that we would have great problems - to imagine it.

BUT .. here are so much - that we should elaborate - again.

***** You, Father, [are] in Me, and I in You...
What does this mean?
It means the same, as: "I and The Father is One."
Here we can begin to see .. "different languages" with "same meaning".
Another example is:
When you read : "The Law that was written in the heart of the gentiles."
You read about: "The word that is inplanted / engrafted in you."
It is the same.

So now you - also .. can begin to see - that The Scripture considder (take consideration
of) that "every level of development, has its own truth".
Therefore we will find, the same statement in The Bible - many times .... written different

The authors of these books - seemed to be aware of this (read: The authors of these books,
wrote - led by the spirit).

The end of this, will be .. a kind of summary.

Here we look at .. what we have read about .. with a deeper explanation.
Now we will bring in .. something we havent looked at, earlier:
Eph 1:4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be
holy and without blame before Him in love,
Now - we read about:
Joh 17:22 "And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just
as We are one:
...mentioned earlier...
-What are we reading about, here?
Before the creation began .. God created us - in his mind (called: The Book of Life, in
The Bible).
He gave us a name (each and every one of us).
He gave us a purpose (each and every one of us).
He made us .. holy - and without blame (read: without sin).
This is the glory .. Jesus is talking about .. in "Joh 17:5" and "Joh 17:22", to mention
some of the places He talks about this. (Both verses are mentioned at page 7.)
-This .. we are reading about, here.

After this .. we were manifested (read: created).

We got "Our Right to Choose" (by many - considdered as: "Our Free Will", which is
related to this, but not - quite the same. "The Free Will" .. is a Spirit, that will liberate
us. AND - as far as I understand to-day .. is a gift - given by The Holy Spirit.
We "exchange it" .. by giving back .. "Our Right to Choose". BUT - I make aware of,
that I MAY have misunderstood .. parts of this message.
What I am SURE of .. is - That "The Free Will" .. is a spirit that will liberate us.)

After getting our Right To Choose .. we developed - the the person we are to-day
(to shorten .. and simplify it - but keeping the correct "picture" [read: "connection" - if
you wish]).
This is VITAL to understand .. in our search for .. "Being Born Again".
Being born again .. is .. Being born by God.
What can The Bible tell us about .. about this - using - The Last Expression?
1Jo 3:9 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he
sin, because he has been born of God.
"His seed remains in him" can mean 2 things:
1. The way we have sex to day - is a sin.
2. The origin (of his belief) remains in him (read: He recognize the glory automathically),

because it is "written in his DNA" (to try to put words on it) - when he hears or reads
about it.
It does not matter .. if we look upon it .. from both levels of development.
But .. that we choose ONE of them .. as a foundation for our initiation - is also ok.

For those who are interested .. you will find following scriptures about this:
-Job 25:4.
-Joh 1:13 (The Gospel of John).
-Gal 4:4.
-1 Jo 3:9 (the one mentioned here).
-1 Jo 4:7
-1 Jo 5:1
-1 Jo 5:4
-1 Jo 5:18
1Jo 2:1 My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if
anyone sins,
we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
The last one .. is one of the things I am talking about, when I say:
"The PREACHING of .. The TEACHING of The Bible ... and
The TECHING of The Bible"
has a gap that is pretty big .. so big - that if you should build a
bridge over that gap .. you would need wings."

The preaching: It is impossible to be free of sin.

The teaching: Every one .. who is born by God .. does not sin.
HERE .. we can find a reason - for this:
1Jo 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we let this statement .. stand alone .. we WILL come to a wrong conclusion.
From birth (read Job 25:4) we are BORN in sin.
Only .. through Jesus .. we can be FREE of sin.

AFTER we are free (The Sacraments) .. we can CONTINUE to "Be Born Aagain"
(which is the same as: "To Be Born by God") and try .. never to sin again.
If we SHOULD do it (sin again) .. then we have a comfort (read: then we - under
grace) can be forgiven for this sin (1 Jo 2:1).
This is not meant to be "a sleeping pillow" for us - only "a last resort".

Then we can continue to .. the meditations - that will help us - to achieve "this
gift" : To Be Born Again.
There is only one thing left to understand - and "Being born again 3", will begin
with this.
Hint: What does "The Powers of Imagination" .. means to us?

Greetings Aage.


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