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Here is Tuesday's Teaching to further empower you on your journey on the success


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"When I was a child, my mother said to me,'if you become a soldier, you'll be a
general. If you become a monk, you'll end up as the Pope.' Instead, I bacame a
painter and wound up as Picasso."
~ Pablo Picasso

"Once you stop learning, you start dying."

~ Albert Einstein


Bases were loaded, it was the bottom of the ninth and Detroit were behind by three.
Ty Cobb comes up to bat, two batsmen before him had already been sent back to the
dugout. The pitcher winds up and throws, Cobb swings and misses. The pitcher
grins and sends down another sinker. Cobb let it go through to the catcher, but
the umpire calls it strike 2. Cobb faces up again, the pitcher grins even wider
and sends down a curve ball, Cobb read it right, leaned into it and slammed the
ball right out of the ballpark and Detriot win! After the game, Cobb is asked by
an intrepid journalist,"what went through your mind as you faced almost certain
defeat on that third ball?" Cobb looked at him and simply said,"If it is to be, it
is up to me."


In other words, forget blaming outside factors you have no control over, and take
control of your own thoughts and actions, hence your own destiny, something you do
have control over.

Because I spent a good part of my life in the personal and business development
business, I am often asked about the benefits and outcomes one can expect from
participating in development programs. Here are my "top 10"

1. Nobody is coming to my rescue.

I'm solely responsible for my personal and career life. I'm also free to choose who
will share parts of that life with me.

2. Leadership of others starts with self-knowledge and self-leadership.

How can I be expected to know and lead others if I don't know myself?

3. Negative self-talk develops negative habit patterns.

Learn to recognise negative self-talk and eliminate it, together with negative
criticism of other people in work and home environments.

4. Knowledge of personal and career values is the first fundamental step towards
developing sound work/life goals.
Effective decision making at work and at home is likewise based upon these same

5. Written down targets are the guide-posts of life.

Work/life targets are only wishes if not in writing and time dated.

6. Every success in life comes with a price tag.

Be prepared to willingly pay whatever price is necessary to achieve your aims. Be

aware of being in a comfy zone, for you are only growing when you take the first
step outside that zone.

7. Nobody does it alone.

Be a "giver" not a "taker." We all need the help of others in order to achieve
success. Therefore encourage and assist others to achieve what they want, before
achieving what you want. The people you help may just help you in return.

8. Continually appreciate the people who help you.

Frequently saying "thank you" applies equally at work and at home.

9. Communication skills start with me.

If I'm to effectively communicate with others at work and home, I must first learn
to communicate in a positive effective manner with myself. When with others I
should demonstrate genuine empathy and listening skills; seeking first to
understand, before being understood.

10. Continually add value to yourself.

Never cease learning new skills that can help you achieve your goals. Life long
learning is a reality.

'||' '||'

Hugs, Health, Happiness and Harmony :-)

RhinoRod & Pauline Hyatt

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