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Eye of the Pharaoh


Michael J. Costa.

Copyright 1990 by Michael J. Costa.
Second Copyright was under the name,
The Flawed Emerald 1995. This was
later published by 1stbooks Library / in 2001.
Current Version 1.3 2006 MJC.
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by
any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without written permission from the author.
Copyright is normally secured during the life
of the author, plus 50+ years or so.
This book in its entirety was quasi-
Fictional when first conceived; events
mentioned in this book have entered
reality, such as the War on Terrorism,
Democracy in the Middle East, Irans
Nuclear program, & an initial
publication of this book in 1992 by my
therapist. Also, the autopsy of
Tutankhamun having revealed he was
not murdered (may have been an Asp
bite), and the Crypt in the Pyramid of
Khufu (Dr. Zahi Hawass having
borrowed this data in 2006). All these
events may be related to my ability of
Chronokinesis, the ability to influence
Time with the will. This book was
intended to be a Fictional novel based
on the life, death, and rebirth of King
Tutankhamun of 18 th Dynasty Egypt.

ISBN: 0-75965-956-7
(The Flawed Emerald, 2001).
Reprinted by Caf in March 2006.


0 : Foreword 5
1 : Genesis 7
2 : Atlantis 13
3 : Kemti 20
4 : Judgment Hall 34
5 : Osiris 38
6 : Sphinx 42
7 : EM-7 47
8 : Me, Myself, & Ay 53
9 : Love & War 62
10: En Route to Mennofer 75
11: Behind the Mask 92
12: The Nubian Expedition 102
13: Hunting in the Twilight 121
14: The Syrian Conquest 139
15: Final Sacrifice 150
16: In Waiting 159
17: 1922 175
18: The Present Time 185
19: The Future 207
20: A Pharaohs Dream 218
21: WWIII 239
22: Apocalypse 258
23: New Earth 274
24: Farewell. . . 281
About the Author 296

For Alura.

F O R E W O R D:

There was a time before there was a genesis, and in this time
a type of energy was present. It was through this energy that life was
created, and through this life the gods above survived on.
The pre-genesis time was somewhat boring, although
without boredom nothing could be created. It was in this time that I
was born. . . During this time zone, Time itself emerged from the
thoughts of the gods surrounding it. If thoughts never emerged from
anyone in this endless zone, life would not be possible.
What did the gods imagine? Surely had they not thought
creative thoughts the boredom would continue forever. I, however,
was not scared of the insane boredom that was present in every
empty corner of the space surrounding us. Nor did I question what
the surrounding space is, where it came from or how it and we were
Before the empty space appeared, I was lost in an eternal
darkness-- so dark that nothing could be seen, and no one would
have any idea of where they were. Somehow I managed to escape
the boredom by concentrating on creating life forms of various forms
and colors. It was through my dreams that life sprouted from the
eternal dark and eternal boredom. I was free, and fully conscious of
my environment. . . . So continues my existence in the space I
created. . . .

C H A P T E R O N E:
G E N E S I S.

It was during the time when the last scheduled planets were
created, that I was creating my last world. The entire solar system
was in near perfect order. There were gaseous planets located at the
outer rim, and solid worlds close to the yellow sun. I had
programmed the correct type of life for the previous worlds, along
with my current. Among the first entities to be created were merely
environmental objects. The best way to identify this world was to
add objects of similar coloration to my appearance. Since this planet
was the last one created, I strove to work slower.
I developed a unique form of larvae after the other
important factors were set in motion. This larva later formed into a
more useful life form. Naturally, the first created beings wanted to
view my progress from above. I enjoyed creating new types of
creatures that taunted the front-line, independent ones. Later, they
will become more interested because of my future accident.
A view of the marvelous landscape would intrigue any
passing entity. I shrouded the planet from them because I did not
care for interference. The landscape was not the only reason why it
was so marvelous. Newly formed life was in the process of creation.
Most of the inner planets had the same basic life forms.
The entities basically had four limbs, head and digestive functions.
Their intelligence would be added later.

One reason for the difference between the independent life
forms and my creations is that my creatures had an abundance of
scales. The other independent life forms closely resemble the humen
of the modern world. Also, my creatures had smaller eyes. . .
* * *
At long last, my creations were in perfect alignment with the
typical, creation schedule. My schedule was near completion. All
that was remaining was concerned with the final creations of this
solar system. After I had completed my work here, I could relax at
home in the barrier zone (also called Duat).
Any thoughts I had about leaving were soon eliminated. A
nearby world seemed to have trouble superficially. I temporarily left
this world to examine the outer altercations. Apparently, there was
indeed a dispute among the independent entities. A closer look
revealed a war among the creatures. This was no ordinary war. Two
opposing sides were bombarding both sides with the equivalent of
ten hydrogen bombs for every one missile. This war kept them
occupied enough not to take notice of my presence. This was planet
Achilles, Seths world. I only placed life here so we would be
I took a glance at the planet I was perfecting and noticed
something odd. In comparison to the size of the creatures I created,
the planet appeared somewhat small. If only there was something to
make it larger... Of course, the warring creatures would not notice
should I

- remove a portion of the unused half of "their" world.
Using evaporation as a cutting scalpel, I removed the
unused, unpopulated wasteland and attempted to annex it to mine.
Upon removing the asteroid, the other half continued to war. When
I was a great distance away, I heard a deafening explosion. I quickly
released my load and formed it into a sphere. I rushed towards the
explosion and saw many meteors flying in every possible direction.
The explosion was unexpected considering their primitive weaponry.
Further examination revealed the cause of the destruction. After I
had removed the great chunk of matter from the planet, they
managed to propel a missile down an empty volcano shaft. Since all
volcanoes lead to the core, and the core was exposed due to my
actions, destruction was immanent. The exposed meteors would
mutate any unprotected land on any close planet. I hated to look at
my freshly created world, given the mutation particles are scattered
across the solar system. Unfortunately, I was right.
I knew that the planetary shroud was removed when I was
delivering the asteroid to be annexed. Some close worlds, such as
Mars, knew about the explosion and evacuated their homes.
Unfortunately, my new planet collided with a series of these death
rocks. Earth and Mars have since been quarantined.
It was not a total loss. Besides the after effects of the
mutation process, there was still some traces left. The sphere I used
to create a satellite, or moon.

The independent creatures, illegally destroying a known
world, adjusted their mutation fallout to create life forms similar to
themselves once the particles hit something. In this case, the planet I
was perfecting was one of those targets. Although their plot did not
succeed, one result was still lingering. My planet, later known as
Earth, collided with a large amount of the mutation meteors along
with a limited group of non-toxic rocks and space dust.
I ventured toward my ailing world. I dared to look at its
cluttered surface, and dead creatures. To my surprise, something
was still alive. . . .
The environmental vegetation continued to survive. The
remaining life forms were rapidly going through severe changes.
Even the environmental creatures were altering. The meteor particles
brought a poisonous brand of dust with them. This dust was injected
into all bodies of superficial water, and was consumed by the
surrounding entities. Of course, there was the possibility that the
meteors might have dropped on the craniums of the creatures,
causing instant death. Either way, the particles hit the Earth's
surface, and the living beings were affected. Those that survived, if
any, were either removed, or had escaped through underground

I took a closer look at the mutation process that was already
in progress. The massive creatures I had created tumbled to the
ground like dominoes. The mutation dust clouds swarmed over their
carcasses as I stayed my distance. I watched in horror as the slime-
like resin enveloped the reptilian bodies, and transformed them into
something that any American girl would scream at.
Fortunately, the mutations had transformed again. This
new breed resembled a primitive form of the same creatures that
caused the entire tragedy. With the exception of hair, appearance and
less neurons, these new entities closely gave the appearance of a new
race. These mutations incurred a form of evolution.
In an attempt to free this world of uninvited guests, I once
again shrouded this world. I also made this area quarantined from
outsiders. Only life forms such as myself could pass through it. The
next time the shroud will be lifted is during the Twentieth Century,
Common Era.
* * *
About one million Duat years later, I held a council meeting
with some companions that were lingering in empty space. We
discussed the future operations that would occur on Earth's
superficial life forms. Someone floated towards me and mentioned
that we should create a new schedule for this world. I agreed. We
also communicated about individual experimenting to occur within
Earth. The schedule implied writing a new destiny for Earth.

Before we had actually started any type of experimentation,
the mutation process had to be slowed. We channeled the Arctic and
Antarctic cold fronts to the equator. This action slowed the
movement of any mutation entities from altering more life forms. It
also slowed the important creatures, soon to be called mammals.
Our actions would later be known as the "Ice Age".
While my comrades were debating, I left the scene. I visited
the memory storage moon orbiting within the barrier zone. In it, I
researched all the possible civilizations known about both
independent and independent mutations. I discovered one that was
of some use. I also checked the ancient records regarding other life
I intervened in their discussion, and told them what I found.
Aside from the failures and successes they made while I was gone,
they finally agreed to examine my discovery. I reminded them that I
am the sole creator of this world. I told them that any actions would
pass by me first. . . I am their host, and theyre my guest. The others
told me that they would assist me in any way, as long as they receive a
token in return.

C H A P T E R T W O:
A T L A N T I S.

I chose an independent life form technology to be one of

the first creations among the mammals. Since this creation was one
of the basic civilizations for the independent group, I considered it
relatively simple. The mammals that I selected to receive this
technology were the Bar-Bars or humans (humen).
The location of the civilization was not as simple. The
location had to be in an area of little importance to the humans. If it
were in an open area, the curiosity of the humans might trigger an
undesirable result. There was but one choice left.
I discussed my decision with the others. They agreed, and
told me that they would watch the advances of the new civilization
for me. It was not the idea of watching it happen that bored me. It
was merely the point that I have been through the situation more
times than I care to count.
We finally decided that the first civilization would be placed
on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Transporting the
Neteru (Independent guardians) there would be the next step. An
oceanic life style would be available to those of the first official
civilization on Earth.
Of course, this new island I rapidly created was not a
Garden of Eden. The humans would be forced to follow directions
dictated by the Neteru, and serve as their food if not as servants.

I included within the realm of the island vast quantities of
building material. This area was soon to be the only area of the
world with a massive abundance of natural resources. All forms of
crystals were present, along with many crude metals. Boulders of
limestone were positioned in the high cliffs. Oil, coal and Uranium
were literally piled along the rocky beaches.
There were also many forms of vegetation available. Some
environmental creatures were present, so the residents would have to
adopt some while they conquered the surrounding nomadic domains.
Since these humen were subject to the Neteru, they did not
require a religion. Naturally, the independent beings were
independent from all forms of religion. However, the humans were
far from being independent. The independent entities had all of their
questions answered during the first few months of their creation.
They did not question their existence anymore. Humans, apparently,
have trouble remembering.
One reason why the residents had to conquer all
surrounding nations is that the civilization and culture would spread
throughout the world. The same reason is valid for insecticide. In
order for the insecticide to function properly, the surrounding insects
must pass their new plague to other insects.

Neteru were transported by way of temporary landbridges.
Environmental life lured the humans across the landbridges, flanked
on each side by icy Atlantic water. After a considerable amount of
Neteru entered the peninsula, the landbridge was removed. Thus, the
island had new residents.
The next step was to organize them. While the nervous
creatures were listening to the words of the Neteru, I was mapping
the location for their cities, if not empires. Even though large tracts
of coral protected the island, another form of protection was
required. The island's central region, an area of graceful waterfalls
and temperate springs, was ideal for the headquarters of the state. A
system of ditches filled with fresh water would further protect the
inhabitants from invasion. Ringlets of land could be used for
farming, housing, and other government projects.
After some time passed, the islanders were organized.
Among the first items to be created were mainly statues dedicated to
the Neteru. One deity in particular resembled a bird-headed man,
later named Mordoxis (Hor-Ra). This deity was the master of all
those below him. This king was to be worshipped by the human
residents. Co-regents would be selected by this divine image. They
would therefore govern the island itself, when the god was removed.
Neteru mostly had tails and some had horns or other features like
environmental life forms, which perplexed the humans.

It was not a very long time later that the residents
discovered how to make weapons. They practiced firing bronze
arrows at the entrapped wildlife. After capturing some animals, they
sacrificed them to their treasured statues. They usually cut a slit
across its side, and let the bright blood drip down the altar. That was
what they considered a true sacrifice.
There were other forms of weaponry, which they used.
Piercing lances and spears, along with clubs and slings were prepared
for possible combat. Chariots were not used until a few years later.
Besides, where would they want to go in such a small island? The
only form of transportation was by boat or by horse.
Over a period of time, the fabled city of Atlantis on the
island of Atlantis, was near completion by its first rulers. The
birdman-shaped god had left the self-sufficient realm, and returned
to its home. Now was the time for combat! The residents of
Atlantis assembled their armies into different squadrons. They would
conquer, and perhaps capture, their threatening neighbors. What they
did capture, however, were many wildlife animals along with vast
riches. Even the mighty elephants were brought to shore by their
warships. The only area not conquered, was the area yet to form into
what is now Egypt. During that time, Egypt was still submerged, and
not yet lifted. Airships and technocrafts were next to be made,
which enabled Atlanteans to conquer farther in the world. Even
atomic weapons were tested during this time, aimed at passing alien
ships from afar. The other nations to be conquered were the product
of my guests. This included Sumer, Meso-America, & Chin.

After the glorious world war of the Atlantean conquest, the
neighboring nations were in debt to the Atlanteans for a long time.
Since the Atlanteans themselves no longer feared their opponents,
their armies slackened. They no longer cared to attack their
opponents. They arrogantly boasted that they were superior to
anyone who challenged their armies.
The Atlanteans downgraded their armies to simple guard
duty, and nighttime patrol. They began their interest in materialism.
They added luxury after luxury, so that the supreme Library in the
city of Atlantis looked no different than a commoners place. They
practically valued their luxury items more than both their society as
well as their lives.
The main purpose for the existence of Atlantis, is that every
country would develop the same way, and then finally unite into one
worldly country. When the Atlanteans refused to unite all its
surrounding nations, it gave the appearance of uselessness.
The visiting aliens saw the nuclear tests by the Atlantean
military and investigated. One day, while Mordoxis was entertaining
himself in the royal palace with a female Neter, artillery shots were
fired. He went to his balcony to look. Five fast alien airships
whisked by as atomic missiles were fired. Minerva, the female Neter,
warned Mordoxis about the balcony, but he slipped on it
nonetheless and fell into the gardens below, shed his mortal body
and flew up to the alien ships to protect them from the atomic blasts.
All to no avail.

According to the late Plato, . . . there occurred many
earthquakes and floods, and one grievous day and night befell them, when the
island was swallowed up by the sea and vanished. The ocean at that spot has now
become impassable and unsearchable. Of course, that is his way of
describing the event.
My view of the destruction of the island differs. The aliens
were spared, yet Atlantis was destroyed by an atomic chain-reaction
in its nuclear power facility by falling missiles, which were deflected
by Mordoxis spirit. After the island sank beneath the icy Atlantic
waters, I searched the area for possible survivors. Independent
entities floated away from the space of destruction. I fished the
independent creatures out of the ocean, and deposited them away
from the planet. The human survivors I scattered across the planet
randomly; thus why the cultures are similar but elsewhere.
Since the first civilization seemingly failed, I decided that a
civilization that was easily adaptable would be sufficient here.
Atlantis was an average form of civilization to the independent
beings that governed it. Apparently, the island project worked too
well for the humans who lived on it. I would need a type of society
that the humans could spread equally. I again went to the memory
storage moon and retrieved a portion of information. From the past,
information regarding the dependent mutations, better known as
humans, displayed a small number of possible civilizations. I chose
one that corresponded to the appearance of the previous Atlantic
civilization. The Cube Moon was the domain of Toth, our librarian.

However, this civilization would be on the mainland,

instead of the island frontier.

The Earth did not have any available land, so I had to
improvise. Considering the fact that the island had sunk, there would
be a gravitational imbalance unless something were to rise. Another
island would have to rise after Atlantis had departed. I closely
examined the continental regions, and found an empty zone in the
northeast area of Africa. Surely that would be a preferred section for
a new land mass.

C H A P T E R T H R E E:
K E M T I.

I left the last remnants of the island, and floated towards

Africa. In the region that I had selected, ocean calmly flowed across
the surface. The delta in Sudan was cluttered with nomadic tribes.
The coastline in Libya contrasted with the blowing sand dunes of the
Sahara desert. Rocky mountains in the Sinai Peninsula sparkled in
the sunlight. This was indeed the correct location for the second
official civilization on this planet.
I observed the delta region in the Sudan area. Lotus flowers
of various colors dotted the delta waters. Papyrus plants grew along
the Libyan coastline. Some mountain peaks rose from the water in
the central region. On these mountain apexes, certain species of blue
Lotus flowers blossomed. Shellfish found themselves on tall hills.
I concentrated my powers on lifting a vast land area that
might fill in the gap between the Sahara desert and modern Saudi
Arabia. Numerous earthquakes, similar to those that destroyed
Atlantis, occurred along the coastal regions. The water in the central
zones began to boil with volcanic activity. Water vapor steamed
from cracks in the delta. Surrounding trees fell during the process.
One mountain in the Sinai Peninsula expelled a large quantity of
molten gold. The turquoise mines were revealed, as were emerald
mines in the eastern division.

Then suddenly, something began to rise upward from the
forbidding waters. . . . The water boiled in outline formation.
Slowly, planes of rock ascended, and new mountains were formed.
Mountains east of the Sudan delta formed a barrier. These
mountains connected to the Sinai Peninsula and created an oceanic
passage. The coastal region in Libya was filled in. The delta started
to collapse and the water started to drain forward.
Within moments, a tremendous island rose from the sea.
Large sand dunes covered the traces of the Libyan coastline. Water
flowed northward in a staggered, winding passage. Salt deposits
formed in the western side of the island.
Some time passed. The island was now part of the
continent of Africa. The flowing water created a new delta near the
Sinai Peninsula. The space between modern Saudi Arabia and the
mountain range formed the modern Red Sea. Numerous deposits of
shellfish and coral polluted the land. The river emptied into the
modern Mediterranean Sea. This river, later referred to as the Nile,
would become the primary location for the new civilization. The
people that will fill this new land will come from the neighboring
nations of Sumer, and Nubia.
The river had flooded the same way it had in the Sudan
region. Silt was washed onto both banks of the river. The dark silt
contrasted with the glowing sands of the land.

The environmental creatures slowly crept onto the shifting
sands of this new desert terrain. Birds, such as ducks, ostriches and
sea gulls cautiously entered. Since trees have not formed yet, the
birds could not fly inward.
Humans from surrounding tribes curiously ventured
towards the delta. Carrying their belongings, they investigated the
new land. Some established temporary homes on the delta islands.
They noticed the Nile extending backward, in a southern direction.
A faction of the nomadic tribes made rafts by fastening together
strands of papyrus reeds. They fashioned poles by trimming the
reeds, and used them for movement on the raft. Soon they gathered
their rafts and floated upstream.
Another nomadic tribe entered, except they entered from
the west. They too were curious about this new land, and explored
the delta. These nomadic humans decided to stay for some time
within the delta region. They captured the temporary huts left by the
Limestone boulders sheltered those nomadic tribes that
headed southward. I examined their form of technology. The usage
of bronze weaponry along with pottery, simple jewelry and basket
making were common throughout the surrounding regions of the
A third party now entered the scene. Groups of warriors
entered from the south on rafts made of wood grown in Nubia.
They displayed limited technological advances. They possessed large
animal-skinned shields and large spears tipped with poison.

Within time, all of the groups met. They argued over what
territory they chose to cultivate. The first group established mud
brick houses along their section of the Nile. The Nubians decided to
build their realms in the southern area close to modern Aswan. The
other group decided to remain in the delta, where more resources
were located.
A few years after, the group in the central zone built many
cities. The humans in the northern delta region also built cities, but
they had to temporarily abandon their homes due to the flooding of
the river. The Nubians remained nomadic.
The river flooded once more. I selected one human from
each group to become the group's leader. To perform this correctly,
I visited them in my true appearance. When the humans first saw
me, there ignored me since I resemble more of a colored light than a
humanoid. I quickly altered my appearance to be recognized as a
humanoid. Although I still retained a glowing halo, the chosen
humans came before me.
I implanted knowledge into their minds regarding the
leadership, which they will use. I demonstrated the way they will lead
their united cities. A shepherd cane will represent their control over
their people. A whip will represent their control in the case of
discipline. The Nubians were excluded from this control.

I recoiled to my previous location and observed the possible
results. The area to be ruled needed first to be named. Judging from
the appearance of the land after the previous flooding, the land
would be named after the mud left from the flooding waters. The
area would be called Kemti, a term describing the dark land.
I went to the middle region and, as a humanoid, informed
the chosen leader to refer to his city as the Kemti of the south. The
delta civilization would therefore become the Kemti of the north. I
chose to remain within the boundaries of the southern state. My
humanoid form was called Horus Narmer.
I watched the southern realm expand its cities toward the
northern city-state. After several hours (my time), the southern state
reached its northern borderline and deposited a city there. The
Kemti of the delta region was in torment over the advancing army.
After the bordering city was created, the northern Kemti rallied its
forces and halted the southern realm from advancing any further.
The two states needed to be united in order for the states to
agree over their expanding territory. I selected a human from the
southern Kemti to unify the two nations. Menes, as he was called,
with my assistance talked to the leaders of the states. He asked the
delta people if they would agree to be part of the expanding realm.
In return, the southern armies would not overrun them. In time,
they finally agreed. The bordering city would be their capital.

With the establishment of the capital, known as Memphis, I
left the area for a short time. . . Memphis was also Men-nofer.
While I was away, someone had changed the location of the
capital, to a local city. Well, it didn't make a difference.
Once the civilization had begun, and if it prospered well
enough, it would be allowed to continue in an area selected within
the walls of the barrier. This realm would be in an area known as the
kingdom of the deceased, or Netherworld. In this region I would
oversee the extent of their prosperity, and later compare their
advancements to the previous independent entity civilizations. They
would also, once placed in independent shells, be placed on a future
planet to continue their existence.
Now it was time to introduce the main segment of the
civilization. In order for the people to continue their culture in the
land of the deceased, they first required a means of transportation to
Duat. The easiest way is simply a transport through a dimensional
hole, or doorway. That would be possible should there be a way of
hiding it from the surface. There is another way inward; a
complicated device that would use energy to transport the person's
corpse along with a limited quantity of possessions.
A current ruler, known to the humans as Zoser, was to be
the guinea pig of the experiment. I, his architect Imhotep,
constructed a newer form of tomb than the usual type. I started by
drawing on a stone plate and dictated to him. My drawing displayed
a staircase leading upward.

The tombs built before Zoser's time didn't have access to
the Netherworld. Instead, all pre-historical tombs and graves have
access to the spirit world, usually found in the fifth dimension (Aaru).
Only those regions I selected will go to the Netherworld within the
barrier, in seventh dimension, called Duat Magnus.
While the tombs and buried objects are on Earth, they are
recorded dimensionally. In other words, the tombs and graves are
photographed and re-created in the spirit world. Regardless of the
destruction of the tombs on Earth, the spirit tombs continue to
retain their structure the way when the buildings were first created.
Such are called their Ka forms, or duplicates.
The people can also be transmitted to the spirit world:
either appearing the way when the person died, or by appearing in a
preserved state. When they were preserved they resembled more of a
person than a monstrous ghost. Also, they usually survived the
transport into the ghost-free Netherworld. Their tomb possessions
were also available to use in the land of the deceased. After a deity
within the barrier zone (Toth) recorded their souls and memory, the
spirit automatically went to the spirit world. . . Spells and incantations
were required if the person was destined to live in the Netherworld.
Usually the spirit world would have the function of an airport station:
souls would rest there temporarily before being transferred. The
spells would direct the spirit into the region specified in the
Netherworld, or another place not as nicely lit.

When the drawing created by Imhotep was completed, he
instructed a crew of five-thousand workers to start building the
foundation. He also instructed many artisans to carve the stone
statues that would guard the many shrines within the tomb
Although previous tombs were in Mastaba form, Zoser's
tomb would be similar in construction. Imhotep insisted upon using
the Mastaba form in constructing the ascending monument. The
tomb would still contain the shaft to the burial room below.

When the entire project was complete, Zoser marveled at

the sight. A six level pyramid stood before him. A high wall
surrounded the region of the pyramid. Other religious objects were
organized in the area. Soon they will make true pyramids, and finally
the device will be added.
Some time later Zoser had died. Imhotep, as the funeral
priest, supervised the funeral activities. He directed statues to face
the horizon of the morning sun. A miniature boat of the sun deity
Re (or Ra) carried Zoser's mummified corpse down the river and into
a nearby lake. After the funeral procession, Zoser was placed in his
sarcophagus, and then in his tomb.
Although Zoser's tomb contained nothing special, it
promoted ideas concerning the pyramid form. Later, the people
would be exposed to the actual magic that allows a true pyramid to
be mystical. [Zoser is also spelled Djoser.]

I returned to the barrier zone to acquire something of
extreme value to the future pyramid builders. The barrier zone is
equipped with all the possible components of the Universe. The first
component is gravity, and the second is energy. My counterpart is
the third universal component, while I am considered a fourth-
component entity. The fourth component consists of spirit matter &
intellect. Earth contains second component, and a small amount of
third component. I returned to Earth with a short supply of the third
component. The third component has the power to change all forms
of energy and gravity by evaporation (transmutation of matter).
When I returned, I deposited the third component into
Kemti's mountain range. The excess I placed in an Atlantic region
near the Bahamas. Some is also in the Pacific. The third component
can easily be hidden within a crystal that matches its coloration. My
brand of the component is a dark green. Emeralds seem to hide the
component well. Emeralds will therefore be used on the apexes on
the pyramids.

I partly interrupted the reign of the pharaoh Sneferu when I

returned to Kemti. The pharaoh was engaging in his Sed festival at
the time. I chose not to disturb him by floating towards the desolate
Giza plateau. The plateau would be a satisfactory place for a pyramid
of suitable size. The successor of Sneferu will be the candidate for
this monument. I later incarnated into Sneferu to construct the
pyramids of his design, which gave rise to the later, more
magnificent structures.

Some time passed. . . The ailing pharaoh appointed his
successor and later died. Khufu was now the supreme ruler of the
land. Before Sneferu had died, he informed Khufu to build a
grandeur monument to demonstrate the power that the pharaoh
I floated above the new king during much of his existence.
After the pharaoh was officially crowned, I appeared to him in
humanoid form. Khufu was very curious, like most people in that
time period, about me. I floated towards an emerald mine. Khufu
followed and wondered why the emeralds had something swirling
within them. He cautiously held an emerald particle, and examined it
closely. I communicated to him that these emeralds had a magic
power, and that the emeralds will be placed within his pyramid. He
brought some emeralds (with third component) to his Memphis
I temporarily went back to the barrier system. I organized a
holographic image of Khufu's pyramid in an image chamber in the
barrier zone. Some of my associates ventured toward the four-
dimensional pyramid image. The Kemtic workers will unknowingly
build the pyramid according to the image I created. After they have
completed assembling the blocks, I will place the image over the
pyramid, thereby completing it. If the pyramid doesn't match the
image, the workers will need to cut away the excess stone.

Before I returned, I needed to travel through a time warp in
order to exist in the same time that I had left. I wouldn't want to
return in a time when Khufu was long since deceased. The time
warp was an average sized, funnel cloud. Inside the cloud, the sides
rotated in circular motions. I needed to find the location along the
walls of the cloud. I entered through a side, and I reappeared in the
place where I had left. [This was a time-tunnel.]
After Khufu had finished repairing the government's
progress, he started to construct his eternal tomb. He instructed his
workers to carve blocks from the enclosing hills, and to bring the
blocks by sled to the foundation of the tomb. Using copper blades,
the workers shaped the stone blocks into smooth cubes. After the
foundation was complete, he ordered the workers to start building his
tomb chamber below.
A few years passed, and during that time Khufu was
experimenting with the third component hidden within the emeralds.
He secretly deposited one of the emeralds in the well shaft slightly
below the tomb chamber. The emerald will be needed later. He also
displayed the effects of the third component before the high priests
of his time. They regarded the emeralds as magical rocks, and
recorded the information in their temple files.
Some time later, as the pyramid was raising itself toward Re,
Khufu decided that his tomb would be more protected if it were
more towards the center of the pyramid.

While Khufu was deciding the location for his burial room,
I was designing a side passage that was connected by an airshaft. In
this passage, an energy-collecting device was installed. This passage
would be closed off when the tomb was prepared for usage.
Khufu decided to have his burial place within the massive
structure of the pyramid. One problem was that he didn't know
where the center would be. He designated a secondary location for
his burial room in an area close to the ground, yet centralized. Tomb
robbers would have a difficult time entering the burial chamber with
all the security measures.
When the pyramid was growing, he discovered that his
chamber was too low for the tomb complex. His tomb-building
officials would not like what he was going to say. . . He decided that,
with all the supplies used, the tomb should have an official hall
passage leading to the actual chamber. He wouldn't want a tiny tomb
chamber in contrast of the large building containing it.
Some time later, Khufu finally decided to build his dream
tomb chamber. As long as the chamber didn't intersect with the
other internal functions, his tomb could be safely constructed.
In another part of the world, a different stone sculpture was
being constructed. A typical collection of concentric circles is what it
appeared to neighbors. This was made near Syria.

It was later used for astrological observances, although first
used for Khufu's magnificent escape. The stone rectangles encircled
a small Kemtic shrine. Within that shrine, an emerald containing the
infamous third component rested on an altar in the direction of
Khufu's pyramid. At a specified time, the third component in the
shrine will cast an energy beam from the summer solstice to the apex
of the pyramid. The third component in the pyramid would be
activated, and thereby transport Khufu's remains and some
possessions into a specified region in the barrier zone.
After some time had passed, Khufu had his pyramid
complex completed. Of course, Khufu's relatives and servants
needed to have their tombs established as well. After all the
limestone was polished into mirror-like walls, the apex was gilt with
the finest gold. Attached to the electricity producing gold, a third
component emerald gleamed in the sunlight. Inside the pyramid, a
solid gold tube protruded down towards the well below the first
chamber. This tube was connected to the emerald present there, and
to the top one. The energy from the beam would collect in the side
chamber, and later it would energize all remaining third component.
After some time, Khufu was preparing his funeral. He told
his son Khafre to build a doorway to the barrier in honor of the
lifeforms who helped him(us). Khufu died on his deathbed, and was
preserved in his Memphis palace.

His corpse was carried into his tomb along with his most
prized possessions. The officials deposited the mummy in his
sarcophagus, and laid his Canopic chest containing his separate
organs near the coffin. The granite walls matched his coffin, and
contrasted with the ivory Canopic chest. After the priests had said
their speech, they left through a tunnel since the main hallway was
blocked off from intruders. A false coffin was placed in the Kings
Chamber, to delude thieves, while the actual tomb was placed
secretly inside a crypt, hidden within solid stone, only accessible by
third component.
On the day of the summer solstice, the device at the
encircled shrine caught a beam of sunlight and projected it towards
the pyramid. When the beam hit its target, an earthquake of
unimaginable potency struck the plateau. First the top emerald
ignited and sent a surge to the bottom crystal. Then the bottom third
component went upwards and enveloped the king's chamber. The
king and his belongings vaporized and were escorted by the
component while traveling upwards. The green light burst through
the apex and destroyed all accompanying devices. The transport to
my dimension was complete.
The blocks of the pyramid were sealed with energy to
prevent the blocks from becoming unattached. Above the king's
chamber were five separate treasure chambers. The chambers would
also serve as temporary burial rooms should Khufu decide to change
the room again. The next day, the tomb officials reentered the tomb
to investigate the damages caused by the quake. They entered the
king's room and found it empty. Feeling satisfied, they left.

J U D G M E N T H A L L.

The time after a person dies, that person is escorted by a

deity who resembles a white light. That light is known as Anubis.
Anubis is represented by a jackal; an animal that lures people at night.
He leads the person's soul, or ba, to a place of judgment. Outside the
barrier zone is a long stream with stable memory flowing within it.
In order to enter, the soul must be stabilized from all positive and
negative forces. The memory of life entities from all regions of all
the universes and voids are located in the stream. The general
purpose of judgment is to make the memory in the soul balanced
enough to enter this stream. The people of Kemti were the first to
be introduced to the reality of the stream through a complex religion.
As difficult and elaborate the Kemtic religion may seem, it contains
more information than any place on Earth. The appearance of the
manner of the judgment was created so that the people could
understand it as well as respect their environment.
The function of the memory stream is to flow into a region
and to power it with neutral forces. Although the size of the stream
is difficult to comprehend, it has a similar function as a blood vein.
Each time a universe explodes and retrieves internal particles,
memory is expelled into the stream. The universe is a type of heart,

so it contrasts with the importance of the heart in the Kemtic
The hall of judgment that I created serves the stream by
neutralizing the soul's memory. In the future, the Kemtic people will
find a way to link Earth with the judgment hall, for faster usage. A
more direct connection is needed since souls enter the spirit world
first, and searching for them loses time.
Should there be a situation where the soul isn't balanced, a
different path will lead them to a place where the soul will be
neutralized by force. This place is commonly called the Seths World,
or Hell. All the unequal forces containing either positive or negative
deities will rebuild the soul to make it stable. Although the process
takes longer, it still is quite sufficient.
After the soul is stable, it is placed in an area to wait until it
is expelled into the stream. This region is designated as Heaven to
some. After judgment is properly exercised, the majority of souls are
waiting somewhere. There is another place for the souls to wait.
Other than the judgment hall, the Netherworld is filled with other
forms of entertainment, should someone prefer it besides the Heaven
region. The Netherworld is not Hell, it is a waiting area mostly.
The judgment hall is divided into fourteen regions. Twelve
of which are for the twelve hours of night (on Earth), in which there
are twelve deities in them. This is known in the Book of Gates. One

place is reserved for me, whenever I am available to oversee the
results of judgment. Another place is reserved for secondary deities,
or my replacement.
The Netherworld was once accessible by boat, so the
Netherworld was once filled with water from the Nile (and it still is).
In the center of the judgment hall is the location for the
judgment scale, where the soul is judged. The soul is positioned on a
platform so it can watch the results. If the scale is balanced, then the
soul can regain its tomb possessions. If the scale isn't balanced, then
the soul must wait to regain its separate belongings. On many tombs,
pictures of the judgment scale are drawn. The soul therefore knows
that it will proceed into the Netherworld. In some cases, the soul is
side-tracked from the hall of judgment and floats through dimensions
trying to find it. This wandering soul is commonly called a ghost.
They are not usually harmful, though they might return to the place
they left. Ghosts lack a real afterlife.
Every gate of the Netherworld is protected by certain lesser
deities, all armed with weapons. In the tomb pictures, they clutch
daggers. The type of weapon that they carry corresponds to the type
used by the entering soul. For example, if a person used a rocket
launcher in his lifetime, the demons guarding will also have rocket
launchers. Pharaohs were buried with weapons to use against these
demons, and to cut their wrappings when mummified.

There are other demons, which guard specified areas in the
Netherworld. The soul must read from the writings installed in the
tomb to know how to deal with the demons. The demons usually
guard the different levels of the Netherworld. Floating in the rivers
are replicas of the boat of Re. Sometimes the boats themselves
contain guardian demons. Of course, the sun doesn't rotate around
Earth as the people of Kemti say. However, a sun in the
Netherworld does rotate about the firmament there.
To evade the demons, one must present offerings to the
demons, which allows the demons to be occupied for a period of
time. Since many demons are part snake, an offering of rodents
might be sufficient. They also like currency, flowers, and drinks.
A soul might encounter foreign gods while in the
Netherworld. The reason is that certain gods were never introduced
during the time when the Kemtic religion was created. These gods
are also foreign to the other Earth religions.
Occasionally, the soul will discover the fire-spewing snakes
that protect every empty corner of the Netherworld. No doubt, an
excuse to explain what they are created the legend of dragons. The
snakes represent the spitting cobra found in Kemti. The fire spewing
cobras are depicted as a Uraeus on a pharaoh's headdress.
After a soul has passed its judgment, it is led by the good
deity (Horus) through all the dangerous passages of the Netherworld,
and to its destination.

O S I R I S.

Currently, I do not have a replacement in the Netherworld.

My replacement should be someone from Earth, to deal with the
specified Earth life forms' judgment. To find one, I viewed the
dynasties before Khufu's dynasty.
There was one pharaoh that I examined before the time of
the unification of Kemti occurred. This pharaoh ruled wisely
compared to the greedy tyrants of previous dynasties of the upper
kingdom. His name was Osiris, and he had a jealous brother named
Set (Seth). Set always hoped for a time when his brother would have
a serious accident and leave his reign to Set. Osiris wasn't interested
in Set's wishes. He had a tight control over his people, and never
allowed Set near the throne.
One day, while Osiris was enjoying his Sed festival, Set
plotted his brother's downfall. Set, with his comrades, ventured
towards the river carrying a large, coffer shaped box. He called
Osiris to him. Horus, Osiris' only son, continued to celebrate at the
festival. When Osiris arrived, Set told his brother to enter the box
while he would make Osiris disappear. Osiris cautiously agreed, and
entered the box. Once he entered, Set nailed the box lid to the box.
He then dumped the box in the river and watched it sink.

It seems that Set's trick had worked, though he was never
very good at magic. . . Osiris was trapped in a wooden box that
started to leak. The box seems to have a small hole in the unnailed
corner of the lid. The current carried the box down the Nile and into
the delta where it was caught by loose papyrus. For many days Osiris
was trapped there. He was assumed to be dead, so Set took control
of the country.
His sister Isis recovered Osiris body. She ordered the
people to preserve his body for the promised afterlife. When Set
heard of this, he stole the corpse from Isis and severed it into
fourteen pieces. Set didn't want Osiris to be revived and made to
rule over him again. With this idea in mind, he scattered the parts
over the country.
Isis was angry at Set, so she ordered a search party to regain
the parts of her mate. While this was occurring, Set found a mate
and produced some descendants.
When Isis found one of the parts, she ordered a shrine to be
built over that region. Eventually, Isis regained all the pieces and
attempted to place the pieces in the original order. She connected
the parts with a rare plaster, and proceeded to bury the complete
body inside a pyramid shaped mountain in the modern Valley of the
Pharaohs. When that was complete, Osiris was transported into the
Netherworld. Anubis received the soul and gave it the power to rule
in the hall of judgment. On Earth, Horus battled Set over the

throne. In one of the battles Horus lost an eye by a spear sent from
Set. Horus slipped through a dimensional hole and was found lying
on the floor of the judgment hall. Once passing the mysterious
guards, he found the deity of the memory storage moon. Toth, as he
was called, surgically repaired Horus' eye, and led him back to Earth.
The dimensional hole was closed so Horus was forced to ride on the
back of a Netherworld falcon. The falcon had the appearance of a
winged sun to the Kemtic people. While riding on the falcon, Horus
was in an excellent position to attack Set and his demonic comrades.
In the last battle between Horus and Set, Set died and was
transported into the Netherworld. Although Osiris reigned as
supreme ruler of the dead in the judgment hall (beside myself), Set
was given the power to rule in the area secluded to the rebuilding of
the souls (Hell). At least Set was given his wish to rule. . .
While on Earth, Horus (the Younger) was considered the
good god of Kemti, and was later worshipped. The descendants of
Set represented the presence of evil on Earth that the descendants of
Horus would probably battle. Osiris' mate, Isis, would be
worshipped as a protective deity in the future of Kemti, while Osiris
himself would be regarded as a myth and as the perfect image to die
in. Future coffins would bear his image. To die like him would be to
fuse souls with his, and to rule in the Netherworld as well.

I felt that Osiris would need a judgment hall of his own, so
a small replica of my judgment hall was built. He would preside over
the commoners' judgment, while I would judge the noble class, and
the pharaohs judgment. A shrine that had access to the scales would
be his window section of his judgment hall.
I would need other judges besides Osiris to substitute for
me whenever I leave the hall. The city gods could be used as
temporary judges, considering they have a better view of life on
Earth since I have not yet entered an embodiment in Kemti. The
city gods are merely independent entities helping the Kemtic
civilization to prosper. I selected many of the city gods to work as
judges in both judgment halls. Amon, an invisible form of the sun
god deity as well as a city god, would be my substitute for my
judgment hall.
Embodiments are only necessary when I choose to
investigate the improvements being accomplished on Earth.
Sometimes, on other worlds, I enter an embodiment to alter the
civilization or improve the rate of production. Since I am considered
a master deity, I am not required to enter the Netherworld after the
embodiment dies. Sometimes, however, I do enter to investigate the
procedure of judgment in the halls. Also, the memory of the
embodiment is stored like the rest of the life forms, so there is no
change concerning the memory storage moon.

C H A P T E R S I X:

S P H I N X.

Some time after the death of Khufu, Khafre was proclaimed

pharaoh. Like his ancestors, Khafre started his reign by the creation
of the foundation for his tomb. He would still build a pyramid.
Khafre wanted a more direct route into the Netherworld and beyond.
Most tombs in his era were designed according to the
rooms mentioned in the Book of the Dead. Since the book
mentioned a twelve-chambered realm corresponding to the twelve
hours of night, a structure needed to be built.
In the construction of the twelve rooms of Duat, slaves
captured during the reign of Shunefnut, a pharaoh of the second
dynasty, were used. Along the side of a mountain of stone there was
a tunnel leading downward into darkness. The slaves didn't erect
steps in this tunnel since it was only temporary. Slaves were well paid
with food, drink, linen, and housing.
At the end of the tunnel, two rooms could clearly be seen.
In the rooms were statues of the Netherworld gods. The slaves
building the rooms would alternate every ten hours. Between one
room and the exit tunnel was a deep shaft. Slaves tied with ropes
would be lowered down to construct the secondary shaft that is
parallel to six other rooms also filled with statues. Some slaves
carried djed pillars from the tunnel to be erected in the antechamber
as ceiling supports.

Opposite the secondary shaft were the four remaining
chambers. Another antechamber was at the end of the secondary
shaft. This chamber led to a long corridor, and at the end was a
large, damp cavern. A small tube-like shaft, parallel to the Nile's
bottom, allowed a specified amount of water to flow into the cavern.
Besides the creation of twelve rooms, Khafre also needed a
passage to my dimension somewhere within the cavern. According
to the book, the Netherworld is filled with water from the Nile. The
passage could simply be a doorway in the cavern. When this door is
open, boats carrying priests and pharaohs could float across. When
the door is closed, all the rooms would be flooded up to the first
antechamber or the water level of the Nile River.
In the near future, false doors representing the doorway
would allow souls to pass through. These false doors would decorate
the walls of future tombs.
Since boats would not fit down the tunnels and shafts, rafts
made of papyrus reeds would be necessary for travel. Also, the rafts
would represent the rafts used by Horus in the Book of the Dead,
and therefore be regarded as sacred.
Travel through dimensions is only possible when gods or
god-like entities are present. Humans do not know the difference
between independent life forms and real gods. However, when the
gods appear in humanoid form they are usually recognized.
Independent life forms travel using disc shaped vehicles, and are
sometimes noticed.

The door would lead directly into my portion of the
Netherworld, and therefore the judgment hall. After the person
arrives in the Netherworld, the person is led to a triangle shaped altar
where he is shown the results of his judgment. The boat is docked
directly behind him. On the other side (the side of the living) the
door has a tinge of green as the internal wind blows towards the
sightseer. This wind puts a ripple in the steady current of the calmly
flowing Nile water. The door resembles a standard, double door
usually found in a pharaoh's palace.
On the surface above, the mound of granite along the
tunnel casts a shadow over the builders. Khafre decided to create
something from this monolith of stone. A guardian animal should
protect its contents below, so a guardian shall be constructed. Part
lion and part human, a sphinx of grandeur size is the perfect guardian
of a dimensional door. Wind erosion helped with its shape.
With the face of its creator (Khafre) and the uraeus of a
spitting cobra (which represents a solar flare), this god of stone will
strike fear into the hearts of its enemies.
A small passage leading upward inside the sphinx leads to a
small temple, along with another side passage leading into the tunnels
below. In front of the sphinx are arms made of sun dried mud
bricks, and legs of similar material in the rear. Next to the coiled tail
is the location for Khafre's soon-to-be-made funeral boat. A mud
brick mastaba annexed to the sphinx will enclose the boat.

The Sphinx faces eastward, the direction of the morning
sun and therefore life. After the months of work building the giant
guardian, Khafre resumed work on his pyramid. His pyramid
represents his status in the society. Later generations will build
pyramids to make the plateau seem less mysterious, and less
Many years passed since Khafre started his career of
building. Now he is aged enough to test his creation. After a few
years, Khafre lies in his deathbed whispering secrets into his young
son's ear. He tells about all the work and magic that were used in his
creations. He also tells of future advice that his son will need.
When the time came to depart this world, Khafre knew it.
In the presence of third component, needed for his travels in the
Netherworld, another sense is added to his weakening five senses.
Soon afterward the great monarch was dead.
After the weeks of embalming, his body is laid in the coffin
in his tomb. Quite magically, his body rises upward and into a
papyrus barge docked at one end of the tunnel. The barge is directed
by a demon with an alligator head facing in the opposite direction.
The demon moves the barge slowly with a gold-handled oar. The
door opens slowly and the internal wind propels the boat inward.
Slowly the door closes after the papyrus barge floats into the damp
judgment hall.

Khafre is reunited with his ka, or secondary soul listed as
memory in the cube moon, and is shown to the scale of judgment.
His heart is on one of the scale platforms, while the feather of truth
is on the other. A creature awaits the results. If the judgment fails,
the creature will gladly swallow the heart and the soul will go to Set's
Amazingly Khafre passes the judgment, although most of us
were positive that he would fail. An image of Horus leads Khafre to
a Netherworld region to await his entrance into the Heaven section
of the Netherworld. Osiris compliments Khafre about his success at
the scales.
I moved towards a dimensional portal overlooking the
pyramids on Earth. The size of the pyramids allows one to see them
from orbiting Earth. Since they can be seen from space, independent
life forms can be assured of the location of the humans that are
under experimentation. The pyramids represent mountains, for there
is greater stability by observing the area: On one side is the
mountains of the peninsula followed by an area of water (Red Sea),
and opposite are pyramids with the Nile river. It is almost a mirror

C H A P T E R S E V E N:
E M - 7.

Aside from my dealings with aging world leaders, I also

wander about in the place I call home-- the barrier zone. This region
is the actual center of this universe. In it are numerous objects such
as memory storage moons, time-warp funnels, and a vast area of
third component. The component is so dense that I rarely know
what area I am in. In one corner is the location of the Netherworld.
Walls of gravity known as the barrier surround all of this. Outside
this barrier energy collects and is stored until the time comes to expel
it. Both stable matter and antimatter collect in this region. It is
neutral energy that bonds it to the gravity walls, some of which still
lingers there. Should the third component interfere with the stability
of the energy, then all the energy will be sent out in all directions ( the
so-called Big Bang theory states this) and will later recollect in the
gravity regions. Gravitational surges, or loose gravity strings, have a
tendency to collect energy in the form of a funnel. Once the energy
is collected, the funnel will propel it to the barrier (black hole).
Since the Netherworld occupies empty space, the color is
still black. From the outside, the coloration is also black. The
Netherworld is so noticeable that entities pass through its portals as if
the Netherworld is an open house.

The large amount of third component is in fact a place.
Third component is not energy, although it can change its appearance
to resemble any energy-containing object. Also, for entertainment we
change our shapes into objects of independent entity war machines.
In other words, we take the form of vehicles used by independent life
forms. Of course, no one is injured so there isn't any reason why we
should play in this manner. There are many things one may do in the
seventh dimension.
The emerald-green third component I call Emerauldium,
named for its color. The third component region I consider to be
called Emerauldia, not some other name of a sci-fi novel already
written. This may also be called Emeraldia, or EM-7 abbreviated.
Outside this universe is a vast wasteland in the dimension
zero called the Void. There are many voids in the Outside. The
Outside is too polluted to see clearly, so there is no way to examine
its size. Technically, it's too foggy to see clearly in the Voids. The
Outside is actually a persons body asleep on life-support in
Dimension 11. I wonder whose?
The number of spirals of time that they have completed
ages those life forms of Emerauldia. I call these spirals coils, and
each coil equals one's past and future for one duration of a standard

My age is about fourteen trillion coils for this duration.
There are some entities older by a mere million coils. I didnt start
counting until after Toth invented mathematics.
In the void directly outside this universe, energy strings and
gravity surges flow freely. Even separated dimensions float through
the winds of the zero-dimension. I view the void as an empty
microscope slide.
The barrier is somewhat circular, as it resembles a universe
within a universe. Energy collected by third component causally
floats through the barrier and along the gravity walls on the outer
Groups of universes that rotate around a voidal green star
are known as a universi. The green stars, some of which are in the
barrier with the third component, emit an unusual green light. This
light forms a branch to the voidal stream in which the life force is
stabilized after expulsion from the universi.
One-fourth component entity can fish for passing energy
and gravity to form a universe if necessary from a universe ledge.
Many voids can combine to form a voidal cluster, in which
many universes are present. Each cluster can be part of a secondary
void, a place where life begins at microscopic to universe size. If a
person wants to know how endless this process is, he should look
between two mirrors and see the endless corridors within.

Apparently, some people of the modern era jokingly
described some of our species as little green me. No doubt, some
probably glanced at some of us floating past the planet Mars, and
initiated that we were from Mars. Well, were not.
Humans could easily mistake independent life forms for
gods, since they travel in sun shaped objects. Humans also wonder if
there is intelligent life in space, as there is a lack of it here. They have
a tendency to cheat in life, so anyone outside of Earth has access to
the answers that the dependent mutations want. This region of the
solar system has been quarantined since the disaster. It will remain in
quarantine until the Earth's apocalypse.
The memory storage moons, commonly called cube moons,
float along the inside barrier. The reason that the moons are called
that is because all the memory is stored in diamond-glass cubes, as
white as arctic snow. So the moons should be named the diamond-
white cube moons.
Inside each memory storage Cube are memory grains. Each
grain contains the entire memory of the existence of one life form.
The idea of reincarnation is very true if all the grains are used by one
life force entity. The grains fill each cube entirely before the cubes
are emptied into the voidal stream.

There are other objects that float along the inside walls of
the barrier such as worlds of solid gold or other materials. A gold
moon I had once used as a definition for the idea of eternal gold.
Most tombs belonging to pharaohs promise an eternity of gold in the
Netherworld, so I use these types of moons to satisfy that remark. I
use these objects as a form of storage.
Other colors of third component frequently emerge from
the portals of the time funnels located in the southwest region. Also
found in that region are the endpoints of the black holes that clean
the universe of foreign debris.
Sometimes I create worlds from useless energy clots from
the barrier, and in these worlds are usually environmental life forms.
I could name these worlds as vacation planets, though no one would
travel there except new additions to the world.
The people of the modern century usually think that there is
only One God in the universe and beyond. If that were true, I would
be very bored. The others are merely my clones, as I am the First.
The idea, however, started in the mid-eighteenth dynasty before
Amonhotep the fourth (later Akhenaton) was tired of having to bow
before hundreds of statues representing many gods and demigods.
He devised a plot where he would create a new name for the sun god
and a new religion as well. He became angered at the statues of the
gods, who were in his way, so he destroyed them. As he thought
about his creations, I watched from above in disgust. The humans
were not supposed to assume control while on the Earth.

He not only created a new religion; he also allowed a new
form of art to exist. This art form is the only thing that I officially
allowed to exist before I started to enter an embodiment that would
put an end to the disaster. When he disallowed the worship of the
Neteru, because Amons Priests did want Aton as State Deity, things
started to turn ugly. I had to do something to prevent Civil War.
To enter an embodiment I needed to find an ideal setting
for me to enter. Something royal, some way that I could have access
to the throne is what I wanted. I needed to enter as a child, so I
could spend sometime learning the language and understanding the
tactics. Of course, I could enter into a grown adult and start from
there. But I needed to enter a situation where no one would expect
that I am a deity (unless of course I tell them that I am).
The current ruler besides Akhenaton was Amonhotep the
third. As I had been Amonhotep the third prior to discovering this
betrayal of his son, being a distant son was more preferable. There
was one problem: Amonhotep had another son who would continue
the work of Akhenaton if I did not intervene. This was Smenkhkara.
If all goes well, I should succeed.

C H A P T E R E I G H T:
M E, M Y S E L F, A N D A Y.

A loud noise filled the air as I entered into a region of bright

light, and strange noises surrounding me. That chillingly loud noise
was in fact my own voice, testing itself as I uttered my first few
words of exclamation. Who were these tall creatures joyfully
standing above me, talking among themselves?
Two arms were coming towards me, one of which lifted me
above the crowd while the other supported me. I cautiously lifted my
head, still speaking in my own language, and saw a scene of brilliant
light and colors. A large man wearing an animal skin ventured
towards my body and dripped a warm liquid across my face and
chest, washing the stained blood, which once covered me entirely.
The arms moved me back and forth, while the man with the
animal skin cut the cord connecting myself with that of my unseen
mother. Finally, after a couple of eons, the arms faced me towards a
beautifully aged woman, smiling at my presence. She spoke in a
foreign dialect as she wiped the liquid from my cheek. The arms
once again moved me, this time at a greater distance. The arms
rested me on a light cushion and then left me alone.
Some time after I was escorted to a dimly lit room, and I
was left lying on a large pillow and covered with an animal skin. The
arms went away as I drifted into sleep.

Later, the arms returned. As I opened my eyes I noticed the
darkness around me. The arms picked me upward and deposited me
on the lap of the aged woman. The woman forced my head into her
breast and made me drink from the area in front of me. . . After
some time I was filled with the white liquid and shown once more to
the room I had slept in. This time, however, I was not sleepy. I
chose to stay up and investigate my surroundings.
There was a frequent color of the objects that were around
my presence. The same color I noticed when I was outside. A
yellowish-red color was painted on every object I saw. The light
outside was the same strange color.

For many weeks and months later, I would go through the

same process of eating and sleeping in cool, dark rooms adorned with
golden art work. I soon learned to walk, and that greatly affected me.
Also, my speech had improved enough to understand the simplest
words and praises.
After I learned to walk, I was given a chair with golden
pictures drawn on it. My older brothers, Akhenaton and Smenkhkara
were involved in political affairs and seldom visited either my mother
or myself. My eldest brother Akhenaton was mean occasionally, but
his wife Kia was always nice to me. My father, Amonhotep the third,
was dying slowly in his palace. My alleged mother, Nefertiti, was
aging as well.

A few years later, someone introduced me to the art of
wearing earrings. Two golden circles with tassels of beads
represented the solar globe Aton, each circle hung from both of my
ears and weighed very much. Inside each circle was a vulture
crowned with a sun disk, representing Upper Kemti.
People called me Tutankhaton, which meant the Reflection
of Aton.
I was old enough to go to scribe school now. My mother
escorted me there from our Summer palace. This was the first time I
had left the palace, except during Winter when we were transferred
from the Winter palace.
The teacher introduced to me the writing utensils of the
times: a scribe platform, reeds from the delta, and different colors of
paint; mostly red and black. The teacher also showed me the scrolls
of learning (text books).
For many weeks, the teacher showed the class how to draw
the different shapes of the language, and to say what the shapes
represent. At sometimes it was boring. Sometimes I was whipped for
sleeping in class. Although, without it I would never be able to
communicate to the others once, if possible, I became Per-aa
(pharaoh in Egyptian).
The school also taught other subjects, such as wig tying and
the coloration of one's eyes to resemble the great falcon Horus.
Other subjects could be taught at home. Archery, a subject that the
generals taught, would be introduced later.

I walked home from the school to the palace one day and I
saw a mysterious sight: people rushed towards the Per-aa's barge and
removed a large golden statue of the sun. I had thought that Aton
had no image besides my brother Akhenaton. I guessed that he had
it made so that Aton would be represented as the gods before him.
When I returned home, my grandmother was very ill. The
high priest, as well as my uncle, told me that she was as sick as my
father who died not too long ago. My uncle Ay had also told me that
she did not have much time left. . . My sister-in-law Kiya offered to
adopt me should anything happen to my grandmother. Both of my
older siblings visited Tiye to aid her failing condition. I caressed my
princely lock of hair and remembered all the good times I spent with
Weeks later, she had died in her funeral bed. The priests
entered the palace with their embalming equipment and established a
tent outside. I watched through closed curtains the embalming
process to occur on my grandmother's corpse. It was similar when
Amonhotep the third died; at least he was furnished with nearly all of
his possessions.
Soon after, Kiya left my eldest brother for an unknown
reason, and took care of me. Akhenaton asked Meritaton to marry
him, except Smenkhkara already took her. Akhenaton made a deal
with him to allow Meritaton to be his secondary wife so that
Smenkhkara could be a co-regent with him. Smenkhkara agreed.

A couple years later, Smenkhkara left Akhetaton (the city of
Aton) and went to Thebes to reconstruct an Amon temple. When
Akhenaton discovered what he had done, he sent Smenkhkara into
exile along with Meritaton. Akhenaton then married his second
oldest daughter, Ankhesenpaaton. Within two years, they bore a
daughter called Ankhesenpaaton jr., and two years after Akhenaton
died of poisoning. . .
It was during this time that I left the scribe school and was
being prepared to become the per-aa.
First I needed to have a hair cut, to remove the princely
lock of hair and become bald. Next, my earrings would be removed.
Uncle Ay painted my shaven eyebrows black, and outlined my eyes to
match the falcon Horus. I needed to fast for a couple days before
entering the temple since the priests wanted me to be pure (and
therefore empty).
Further schooling would occur in the palace when I was not
When I was ready for the ceremony, the priests escorted me
by a gilded barge to the temple of Amon in the Karnak region. The
water below me calmly moved by the soft wind blowing from the
When we reached the temple, the people before me bowed
in honor of their future leader. No doubt, they wanted someone
who could clear the confusion set off by Akhenaton, and someone
who could protect Kemti's borders.

As I entered the giant temple gateway, I noticed many
papyrus columns along with many priests dressed as Netherworld
gods. A cool breeze blew in my direction, which lessened my
nervousness. Two obelisks guarded my path as I walked past the first
facade. A priest placed a crown on my head as he dictated
incantations regarding my soul's progress through the Netherworld
gates. Another priest at another gate also repeated the event. After
visiting many priests of Amon, and after acquiring many crowns,
headbands, and headdresses I was nearly exhausted.
The procession stopped at the entrance to the inner
sanctum. I was to enter alone. . . After minutes of walking, I arrived
at the doorway to meet a priest who told me my five names regarding
Horus and other gods.
I was allowed to enter into the darkness below me. The
stairs protruded downwards into the unknown, and probably into the
cave of some night creature or jackal who devoured any passerby. I
did not see any animal that might have been lurking in the darkness,
but I did notice a faint outline of a statue of the god Amon. I
kneeled before the statue, as this was always customary in Kemti.
The darkness triggered a nerve impulse in me that allowed me to see
the third component I had been carrying in my optic sensory area.
The greenish light traveled in all directions, and floated any place
where I turned my head.
I emerged later from the depths of the inner sanctum and
the crowd before me cheered with delight.

As I walked to the crowd, and likewise to the former
leader's chariot, I felt awkward knowing that I am now the high one
of the realm of Kemti.
I made my way to the chariot, thus avoiding the untamed
crowd of onlookers, and my uncle Ay greeted me by stating my
throne name Nebkheperure. I was placed on the chariot, and the
horses were given the signal. I raised a golden flail into the air and
the horses started to move.
I would arrive at the palace's back yard for the wedding
ceremony where I would be married to Akhenaton's former wife and
When I did arrive, many people were gathered, mostly
noblemen, priests and relatives. There were many flowers at the
kiosk where the marriage would occur. Lovely golden mandrakes
and cool lotus flowers moved in the soft wind. Ankhesenpaaton was
standing near a decorated pole holding papyrus flowers, which I
would intertwine with lotus flowers, and therefore demonstrate the
process of joining (the joining of upper and lower Kemti).

Sometime after the marriage, I walked with

Ankhesenpaaton through the yard of the summer palace. She was
very happy to meet someone as handsome as I was. She lifted my
striped collar up a couple inches to see the markings left by the
crowns I had worn that day. Her hand gently caressed the markings

and her head slowly moved towards my eyes. She sent a soft kiss to
my right cheek.

In the morning of the next day, I was led to the office of the
per-aa in the temple of Aton. Uncle Ay helped me to sit on the royal
throne of the Aton. As I gazed through the window of appearance I
saw numerous offering tables dedicated to serving Aton. The
sunlight poured over the open columns and through the open
doorway of the inter most pylons. Also I noticed many descriptions
of Akhenaton and his statues with arms raised in servitude of Aton.
Only the princesses were allowed to enter the temple, so they were
the only ones in the hall paintings within the walls of the summer
palace. Akhenaton was displayed rewarding his servants, and uncle
Ay was one of those servants who were rewarded from the balcony
of the window of appearance. The princesses sometimes helped their
parents reward the faithful servants of Aton.
While I was per-aa I performed the usual tasks of taxation,
repair work and trade. At this time, Aton's work was accepted. I did
not neglect what Akhenaton had done, since I was not yet informed
of any problems regarding the other gods including Amon. I did not
yet understand what he had done to make half the people of Kemti
angry, since my education did not mention any worldly affairs
including trade with other countries. I was not informed of the weak
Kemtic borderlines or of the confusion set off by the messenger of
Aton. No one could blame my innocence in this matter.

When I was twelve years of age, I received word that the
priests of Amon were angry and that they might revolt should
nothing happen to prevent that happening. I realized that I was not
repairing Kemti. I was probably damaging it further. I also realized
that my brothers were changing Kemti during their reign. Something
was needed to be done here. . .
Noticing what I was doing was wrong, I told the priests to
serve Amon and the other gods instead of the illegal Aton. The Aton
priests disagreed with my suggestion. They wanted to continue their
service to their god, and they didn't want interference. Since I was
per-aa, not realizing my power in this matter, I could change their
ignorance. I asked my uncle Ay what I should do about the situation.
He told me to believe by my heart where the right path is located.
I was now informed of what Akhenaton had done
throughout the years of his reign as per-aa. He had changed his
name from Amonhotep to his current, due to the religion he created.
He also moved the capital from Thebes to Akhetaton; I had thought
that the capital was Akhetaton. Among other things, I consider
Akhenaton to be one of the worst relatives I have ever had.
What he had done to Kemti I must now replace. He
changed his name; therefore I shall also change my name to match
the evil he has displayed. He made a new religion, so shall I replace
his with the original.

C H A P T E R N I N E:
L O V E A N D W A R.

I decided one day to move the capital back to Thebes, and

to pack everything of value in Akhetaton. The slaves carried the
cargo on their backs or pulled it by sled. I rode in my golden chariot
to visit the foundation of the new palace in a place neighboring the
region call Malkata in Thebes. I chose not to build the palace in
Malkata because it would interfere with the location of the chariot
house. A great amount of furniture from Akhetaton, still containing
the Atonist names, were moved separately. I changed the names of
all the court officials who had Aton inscribed in their names to
names consisting of Amon additions. For instance, I changed my
name Tutankhaton to Tutankhamon, and likewise I did the same for
my wife and step-daughter.
Once the new capital was established, I filled the rooms of
the new palace with golden objects and paintings from Akhetaton,
regardless if Amon was the supreme god. I know the priests of
Amon and other deities would not approve of my usage of Atonist
objects in the palace of Amon in Thebes. But after all, I am the per-
aa right? Why can't I do what I please in my capital?
When I turned fourteen, I noticed that there would be many
problems that I would have to deal with. First, my wife
Ankhesenamon was discussing about why we have not yet . . .
reproduced. Also, Kemti's borders needed to be guarded better than
they were.
I was informed of a merging party of desert raiders coming
from the west. The raiders carried dull pointed spears and razor-
sharp swords. A scout also told that the incoming raiders spun rock
slings as well. These raiders came from the Libyan section, a place
where they rarely attacked anyone but themselves.
I wondered why these unskilled people would dare to
attempt an attack. Although during my brother's reign, anyone could
attack and not be noticed by the royal guards that we have posted.
I ordered the royal army to prepare themselves for an attack
from the west. We collected as many bows, arrows, lances, and
shields as were available from the storehouses. The generals
organized the chariots and horses and displayed the chariot that I
would ride. The army would refuse to attack if the per-a didn't lead
them into battle.
My wife Ankhesenamon tied on my warrior belt and helped
me to wear the Setem priest garb. She slowly placed the blue leather
crown on my head, probably thinking that this will be the last time
that she would ever see me again. This low confidence in my ability
as a warrior really encouraged me. . . I placed my scarab bracelets
near the bow shield on my right arm, to protect me in battle. My
golden sandals retained a low margin of dust as I hurriedly put them
on. The troops waited impatiently outside the palace gates.

I exited the royal palace, disgusted with the fact that
enemies were approaching. I ordered General Nahtkmin to send a
squadron to temporarily keep the enemy busy while I made a few
adjustments to my chariot. The general left with about ten armed
soldiers and two chariots.
As I entered my golden chariot, I was aware of the
armaments before me: a bright golden shield, two composite bows
with two cases of bronze, poison-tipped arrows, and four gilded
spears or hand lances.
I gave the signal for movement to the charioteers, and
momentarily the chariots began to move. I snapped my whip
between two of the black stallions before me, and the horses quickly
galloped into the dust left from the first squadron. The other soldiers
followed me into the blistering sand winds.
A few moments later, the protruding army was in plain
view. I noticed that the first squadron was performing better than I
had expected. Perhaps they wouldn't need our assistance, but of
course I wouldn't want to leave them there by themselves. . . I drew
one bronze arrow from the first case closest to me and strung it on
the bow. I pulled back the cord from which the arrow rested and I
released it. The arrow flew into the air and plummeted onto a rock
nearby. I sighed at the result. I tried another arrow. This time the
arrow managed to dislocate a chariot wheel from one of my own
chariots. I am obviously not very good at archery.

I decided to use the hand lances instead. Sweat poured
from underneath my Setem helmet as I nervously ventured towards
my destination. Finally I came into close contact with the enemy. A
Libyan soldier, dressed like a peasant going to a funeral, lurched
towards my chariot holding a dull pointed spear. I quickly deflected
his spear and impaled him with a hand lance. Great globs of blood
poured from his fatal wound. I tried to clear myself of the awful
I retracted my half-broken spear from the dying intruder,
and threw it at another Libyan who was attempting to attack one of
my men. The broken shaft of wood penetrated the back of the
enemy. The enemy fell to the ground clutching his back, and was
overrun by a chariot.
I reached into my chariot and clutched another spear. I
threw it at another Libyan, and it landed between his shoulder and
upper vertebrae. The soldier melted into the sandy depths of the
desert floor.
I decided to stop attacking for a while to catch my breath
and I noticed some Libyans approaching my chariot. I repelled the
attackers with my scratched golden shield, and I drove into some
desert plants. I stopped the horses and exited my chariot. I would
have a better chance to eliminate the enemies from the ground since
they didn't ride chariots to my disadvantage. I hid among the dead
for a limited amount of time to calm my nervousness.

I caught up with General Nakhtmin during his final attack
on the Libyans. He asked me how I managed to locate him in the
density of the battle. I replied by saying that the battle was as
compact as the space between alligator teeth, and that locating him
was as easy as finding the tongue of the alligator. He asked why I
wasn't in my chariot. I did not intentionally abandon it in the midst
of the battle just so that some desert warrior could smash it into
spare parts.
I reloaded my bow for a possible final assault on the
cowardly Libyans. I aimed for the head of one enemy, and the arrow
plunged into the enemy's black heart instead. Well, at least
something worked.
I made my way towards a small band of Libyans using my
shield as a disguise. The enemies were so surprised at my appearance
that they didn't have time to attack. I shot two Libyans and wounded
the other four with my golden dagger.
Finally, after hours of fighting, the Libyans broke off the
attack. The enemies collected any remaining artillery and retreated
into the darkness of the desert. My troops were not as badly
damaged as the Libyans, regardless of the fact that we lost three
chariots in the battle.
Soon after, an immense dust storm chased our chariots back
home to the palace gates. Whirling sand dunes blocked our westward
path, so that no one could follow the Libyans any further.

After arriving at the palace, I ascended to my bedroom and
collapsed on the bed. Ankhesenamon entered and relieved me of
the warrior outfit that I was wearing for several hours. She gently
lifted my Setem helmet from the bed and placed it on a nearby table
platform. Quietly, she rubbed the dirt from the uraeus ornament that
virtually covered most of the helmet. She closed the outside curtains
so as to make the room darker. I watched as she removed her ornate
collar and casually abandoned it on a tripod platform.
I lifted my head onto a blue headrest and continued to relax.
As my eyelids started to close, I glimpsed Ankhesenamon leaving. . .
Later that night I awoke and ventured down the stairs. All
the palace lights were out, so I had to watch where I was walking. I
crept slowly in the direction of Ay's chamber and almost stumbled
against an alabaster statue of the deity Atum. Since the statue was
nearly life size it startled me. I continued to walk until I could feel
the balcony doorway. Two rows of stained black curtains guarded
the balcony, and an animal sculpture protruded from the doorway. I
slowly felt my way along the wall and entered the balcony. A bright
light flooded the balcony. I looked upward and noticed that there
was a full yellow moon tonight. There was a nice view of the
adjoining temple to the west and many flowering gardens to the east.

The next morning was a peaceful one. I awoke with
Ankhesenamon at my side. She was still asleep so I slowly peeled out
of bed.
I exited the palace after slipping into some casual clothing,
the usual kilt and sash with a bright golden collar. I chose not to
wear any other crown besides my blue nemes headdress with erect
uraeus attached.
I walked to the eastern garden and noticed many flowering
bushes and shrubbery with papyrus plants outlining the yard. The
servants quietly worked in the fields as I walked toward the chariot
house. General Nahtkmin observed the cleaning of the chariots
while I stood in amazement. Normally he would not be concerned
about the cleanliness of the chariots; only the sturdiness took his
attention. I asked him about the possible damages to the chariots
from yesterday's battle. He surprisingly was startled since he wasn't
informed that I was awake. He cautiously replied, "The chariots are
in perfect condition, my Lord Nebkheperure."
After a few hours, Ankhesenamon was awake. She was
worried for a short time since she did not know where I was either. I
returned to the palace and met her in the dining hall. The servants
were preparing breakfast when I arrived. When Ankhesenamon
noticed me, she was overjoyed. I took her by the hand and led her to
my designated chair. She lurched towards me and gave me a series of
kisses, and yes, on the lips and nose, too.

After a breakfast of fruit, bread, and roast duck, I entered
my throne room. I sat upon my gilded throne, placed my feet on the
highly decorated footstool, and gazed outside. Ankhesenamon came
in to visit me as I thought about what I should do to repair Kemti's
imperial wealth. The temples needed to be rebuilt, however there
wasn't enough gold in the vaults to repair even the smallest of
temples such as the ones donated to Sobek. I thought that the
country needed outside sources to fill the vaults entirely before any
work could be done. Surrounding countries stopped paying tribute
when my brothers reigned. The idea of tribute from former enemies
floated across my mind. . .
Meanwhile, I could make new laws regarding citizen's
private rights and taxation to fund the widespread renovation of the
temples and noble class.
I ordered the priests and lawmakers to come before me.
Within one hour, several nobles and priests entered the throne room.
I discussed with them how we could repair the will of the citizens
surrounding us. Currently, there appears to be some form of anarchy
among the people. I ordered new laws to be proclaimed. The laws I
just proclaimed are satisfactory for the moment, but new laws will be
needed for several weeks at least. The gold currently in the vaults can
be used for the creation of idols, which will be added to the temples
at a later date. During the time the temples are being reconstructed,
the idols will decorate the walls of the palace.

I received a cuneiform letter sent from the king of
Babylonia asking for a small quantity of gold. Since there wasn't very
much left in our vaults, I could only send about two minas of gold.
During the time of my father's reign, Babylonia and Kemti exchanged
gifts and established a regular trading system. After my father died,
all of the allies of Kemti waited impatiently for an answer to their
requests. They never received one during my brother's reign. Now it
was my turn to deal with Kemti's former allies. The allies possessed
many articles worth trading, but due to the gold decrease I couldn't
help the allies in their requests, at least not until more currency flows
The king of Babylonia didn't want his Assyrian vassals to
trade with Kemti, yet I allowed them to do so since they are worthy
of trade as well as Babylonia itself. The king of Babylonia worried
that the vassals might rebel once they received articles of trade from
I wasn't concerned with their problems. . . I have enough
problems such as rebuilding Kemti's walled civilization. Should they
decide to attack themselves I have no objection. I'll simply trade with
someone else.
I decided to pause from my dealings with the world's
problems, and consider my domestic problems for a while.
Ankhesenamon wanted to bear a son if possible, to rule in
my place should I ever become old. . . We already possess a daughter,
the one she and my brother delivered before he died. What's wrong
with having another?

I strolled out of the throne room and entered the palace
background yard. I stood beside a waist-deep, calmly flowing pool
and took notice of the flowering garden before me. The light blue
sky reflected the pure, non-polluted scenery as I watched an ibis
stretch its wings across the foreground. A fruit laden palm tree
graced the sky with its wavy leaves.
I took a few long breaths of the sweetened air and decided
to answer my wife's plea. Although I doubt that I will ever become
old; once my mission is complete I'll simply return to the barrier
system. There would be no reason to have a son when I could
merely appoint someone to the position of per-aa before I leave.
However, I could have some descendants if it will make my
eternal wife happy. Given my weakened physical condition, I could
only hope that she will even be able to produce any offspring.
A couple hours later, I returned to the palace.
Ankhesenamon was watching some ibis fly in the courtyard as she
stood firmly on the balcony platform. I slowly walked in her
direction. I noticed a fly moving across the hallway as I continued to
creep towards my beautiful counterpart. As I quietly stood behind
her, I gently stroked my hand across her shoulder and down her
darkened back. She almost jumped internally since she wasn't
expecting that to happen.
Ankhesenamon casually turned her head towards me, her
eyes glowing with an unknown radiance that made a sparkle in my

nervous system. I cautiously glanced directly into her radiant, dark
blue eyes, as if to see her soul behind them. I rubbed one of her
glowing cheeks as I focused my attention on her slow moving lips.
She, in some erie way, understood my intention as she responded by
giving me a ten-second kiss.
She apparently knows what I have reserved for her since she
is older than my current embodiment by a few years. I wondered
how we would be able to continue this experiment in the bedroom,
which is some distance from this balcony. She, in no doubt, is an
expert on love making due to the fact that she bore my brother
Akhenaton a shadowy daughter, now a couple years old.
I carefully led her up the stairs and down the hall to my
bedroom. Uncle Ay stared in confusion at our progress of walking
back to the bedroom when it isn't even dark outside. I told him to
check out the lower rooms for any locusts. He agreed and asked
what are we thinking of doing in the room. I told him not to be
concerned, and to do something well worth his time. I tried to think
of any other possible busy work to keep him occupied for some time.
I told him to leave us alone for a couple hours.
As we entered the bedroom, I removed the fixed head rests
from the bed, and placed four large cushions on it instead.
Ankhesenamon closed the window curtains enough to allow a brief
glimpse of sunlight inside. I added some oil to the lamps and lit three
of the torches. The orange flames lit the room like a large fire.

I removed my golden sandals and silently placed them on a
green platform. Ankhesenamon unstrapped her gown and folded it
while placing it onto a similar platform. I peeled back a blue colored
sheet from the bed, and attempted to make the cushions fluffier.
I drew myself closer to her. Her enigmatic gesture of love
flowed from her unwavering eyes; a sense of stability emitted from
her highly protected soul as she crept into my widespread vicinity. I
felt captured in the midst of this love-propelling creature, as a feeling
poured over me. The same feeling haunted me during the creation of
this planet. I wondered why this feeling came over me at this time.
Was it a feeling of wellbeing that echoed through my soul, or was it a
feeling of the utmost ecstasy that I could possibly endure, a feeling
that chased me between the eons that I have lived?
I helped her on to the bed as my arms gently embraced her
glowing embodiment. She definitely inherited her beauty from her
graceful mother. She tilted her head slightly upward when I
attempted to kiss her. I stroked my hands across her back and up her
shoulders, feeling the heavenly softness of her skin. She lifted her
bare legs onto the bed as I knelt beside her. I pushed her lovely
black lock of hair behind her shoulders and lifted her wig from her
head and tossed it from the bed and on one of the numerous
platforms that inhabit the bedroom. I pulled the sheet over our
partly nude bodies and wrapped my arms around her.

Ankhesenamon guided me through the entire procedure of
reproduction. . . While we were exchanging kisses, I noticed that a
growing pressure developed in my pelvis area. I remembered this
feeling of tense nervousness from another time, perhaps only a few
months ago. I casually kissed along her neck and across one of her
arms, and frequently glanced into her dark and glassy eyes. She
rubbed one of her ankles against my right leg, during the time I was
regaining my breath from the side of the tilted bed. Suddenly, I had
this weird feeling that I had to urinate, except that it wasn't urine that
was whirling within me. I soon knew that what I was experiencing
was something that the reproductive deity Min would only know. . .
Sensing that something was wrong with me, she guided me in the
final steps of reproduction.

Three hours later we remained in bed, no longer in an

interlocking embrace. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and
turned to face my enduring wife. She was lying with her face viewing
the ceiling. I counted the number of ankhs decorated on the walls as
I thought about what I had just experienced. No doubt that by now,
tiny sperm were swimming inside her, desperately seeking an egg cell.
I wondered what would occur in the near future.

C H A P T E R T E N:
O N R O U T E T O M E N N O F E R.

Several weeks later, I was preparing a journey to the ancient

capital of Kemti. Ankhesenamon was to accompany me on this
unusual trip into the past. I recall stories that were told about the city
when I was very young, stories that described how the former kings
governed the land that I currently walked upon. One such king by
the name of Narmer (or Menes) united the two states of Kemti into
one nation. These stories echoed to me as I boarded the flagship that
will take me there.
The ship had two masts and was gilded on the outside.
About ten oarsmen were located in the lower middle of the boat, and
two other men guided the ship from the rear. I was seated in the
central cabin on a temporary throne with my wife at my side in her
designated chair. Ankhesenamon nervously fanned herself with a
brightly decorated Ostrich feather fan. She seemed annoyed about
something, although I didn't quite know what it was that disturbed
her, nor did I venture to ask. One of my top generals, a man named
Horemhab, stood near a couple of court officials in my presence. I
had recently promoted him to the rank of high commander of the
forces of Ptah and Amon (names of squadrons). The other generals
remained within the boundaries of my Theban palace.

Minutes later, the ship slowly exited its harbor, and floated
down the canal intersecting the Nile. As it continued its short
passage into the Nile, I gazed from my throne room to examine the
palace gates silently pass by. I felt strange leaving my home only to
discover another palace at our destination.
I introduced to my wife a game called Senet. I wanted to do
something that would cause her to forget her troubles and relax on
our lengthy vacation. She turned her head to examine my offer and
agreed to play it for some time. I organized my playing pieces first
and allowed her to do the same. I let her roll the dice first, and I
watched her wipe tears from her swollen eyes. What could be
upsetting her I didn't know. She played as well as when we were
mere children of the ruling per-aa, not held up by the rules of the
noble class and not restrained by the many duties that we needed to
perform as king and queen.
During the time I was expected to move my pond, I noticed
Horemhab turn to the balcony and exit my chamber. The other
court officials continued to whisper among themselves. I looked
back towards Ankhesenamon, noticing her impatience, and quickly
moved my piece without thinking to a nearby square. A minute smile
emerged from her face, probably because of my careless decision. I
looked upon the game board, and to my judgment, noticed that she
was winning. I suppose that by losing, I changed her emotions into
something more suitable.

Four hours passed. After the priests allowed me to sign
some important documents stating public rights and some taxation, I
was relieved of my duties to them. I stepped from my throne and
walked in the cabin towards the balcony exit. As I passed some
nobles, I saw my wife glance at the opposing doorway.
The ship was approaching the hated city of Aton. I
remember proclaiming that whoever looks at or mentions anything
having to do with Akhetaton, that they be banished from Thebes
until they have forgotten their crimes. If I had allowed one of my
generals to proclaim it, they would no doubt have the criminals'
hands cut off, or have their eyes burnt by the solar rays of Re. I
noticed that all the crew on the left side of the ship turned their heads
away from the view of the abandoned city. All except me. I
deliberately stared into my past as the ship floated along the west
bank of the Nile.
As I defiantly stared upon the city of the traitor, memories
flashed before me. I recalled playing in the halls of the royal palace.
On some nights, dancers were employed to entertain the per-aa and
his company. I remembered how the princesses casually played in
the courtyard, with my brother Akhenaton presiding over official
activities, as well as going to the shrine of Aton to daydream. It was
these memories that encouraged me in my current events, for I knew
that it was possible to recreate those feelings that I once loved, those
memories that energized my veins.

I walked along the side passage of the ship towards the
front end to view the scenery. All that was visible was a long stretch
of water enshrined by large tracts of desert land. Large date palm
trees aligned the banks of the Nile. I could feel the lightly flowing
northern winds blow across the sails of the ship.
I was anxious to explore the sights of the ancient city that I
was to arrive at. I was told of the many statues and pyramids that
enclosed the city of Memphis. I felt as if I couldn't comprehend the
mysteries that would soon engulf me.
Walking back to my cabin, I visualized what the temple of
Ptah would appear as. When I was in Thebes, the town merchants
gave me an impression of what the surroundings in Memphis looked
like. They said that there were small shrines encircling the sacred
precinct of the temple of Ptah, and several sphinx-like statues
guarding it. However, most of the shrines had been not only
abandoned, but also destroyed by the followers of Aton. I would be
advised to add to these temples the necessary golden offerings that
my ancestors frequently brought in the name of Ptah.
I reentered my quarters, back into the boredom of traveling.
The noblemen watched me as I entered, then continued their silent
communication. Ankhesenamon, feeling better than she was when
she boarded, played a solitaire game of Hounds and Jackals. I
examined my limited cargo before I retired to my gilded throne. All
of my hunting gear accompanied me on this onerous journey into the

I continued to sit back in my elegant throne, enjoying the
way the boat rocked during its course across the Nile. Listening to
the chirping of the wild birds from outside made me want to start my
hunting expedition. The expedition supposed to occur sometime
after I have arrived in Memphis. This lengthy trip will be the only
time other than the expedition that I will be able to relax. The priests
and lawmakers will bombard me with work as soon as I arrive in the
Memphis, among other cities, needs much work on its
temples and economic system. I have been briefed on all the
necessary alterations that are desperately needed on selected zones
throughout the country.

Two days later we arrived at the city of Memphis. Many of

its citizens, all offering wreaths of Lotus flowers to my officials
greeted the boat as they departed. As my wife and I exited the
golden ship, the governor of Memphis and some of his officers
greeted us. As I had predicted, the governor wanted to distribute his
specified work to me as soon as possible.
The officials guided us to my newly constructed palace in
the heart of the city by way of chariots. As this was happening, I
noticed that many citizens were in the act of bowing on both sides of
our vehicles. I caught a glimpse of the pyramids while on the path to
the palace gates. The pyramids appeared as giant sloping mountains,
gleaming white in the sunlight.

As soon as I arrived at the palace, the priests informed my
uncle Ay that the investigation to the larger temples would
commence as soon as we had made our adjustments in the palace.
My uncle accompanied me on most of my major undertakings. We
unpacked our equipment quickly so as to not disappoint the priests.
I ordered that my hunting utilities be stored in my private suite until I
return, since I would probably require them later.
After an hour, we were ready to investigate the defiled
temples surrounding the palace. We rode on chariots to the
destination, a couple of miles away. At first glance, I gasped at how
the temples were treated. The shrines were the only section useable,
and the rest was covered with weeds and garbage. The temples were
used as public passages, as if no one respected what the temples
represent. No doubt the gods have neglected to communicate with
the priests in this corrupt region. Not a single statue stood where it
was originally placed, and those that had were dissected and
I would require a great deal of wealth and time to
reconstruct the temples that had fallen into ruin by the heretics of the
Aton. The priests had suggested that I find some source of foreign
currency to pay for the temple renovation. For now, I would use
what little there was collected from the taxes in Thebes to pay for the
The great pylons at the entrance were a home for all the
wild birds that would probably be in my hunting period.

Over the weeks that we were in Memphis, I selected from
various materials the items necessary for the creation of idols and
gilded statues that would adhere to the temples. The trade
expeditions brought back many jewels and articles of wealth that I
found to be vital for the temple renovations. The merchants offered
us pounds of carnelian and turquoise that was mined in areas near the
Sinai Mountains. Loyal traders exchanged Kemtic gold for silver,
iron, and copper and made gifts to the royal family. Some hunters
that accompanied the merchants brought preserved meat and mutton
along with fish found in Mesopotamia.
Local merchants and discoverers displayed their wealth of
jewels and bags of Natron, the chemical that aids in mummification.
Some miners, under the protection of local goddesses, presented
more gold for the reconstruction of the temples. They also
discovered large amounts of Emeralds. Since we do not have much
use for the green gems, the Emeralds are placed in temples for the
initiation of priests.
As I was standing in the midst of a temple sanctum, my eyes
outlined with kohl and my face painted with a greenish color
representing the true color of the gods (a reference to Emeraldians), I
thought about the many ways that I could repair the temples and
shrines surrounding me. I held in one hand an Emerald crystal and
watched as the sunlight gleamed inside of it, sending a bolt of green
light to my kilt. The priests had no way of knowing what was inside

I ordered the stonecutters and masons to prepare columns
for the temples. They agreed, and started to cut pillars from solid
rock in the hills overlooking the pyramids. Meanwhile, I presided
over certain ceremonies described in the Book of the Dead that were
performed in the central shrines of the desecrated temples. The
priests were commemorating their success with their per-aa of how
well they convinced me into reconstructing their temples. I felt as if I
was forced into the reconstruction process because they were too
negligent to do it themselves.
I sent a letter written in cuneiform to the leaders of an
Asian country, which lies to the east of Kemti. I informed them
about our ailments and suggested to them for support in the form of
currency. In return, they shall receive some specified artillery along
with a large group of prisoners of war, or in this case slaves. Also, I
suggested that they will acquire military assistance whenever they
need it.
I also sent a note to my viceroy of Nubia, known as Huy,
and informed him to see if he is able to produce something of value
from the Nubian lands. Normally he would easily produce varied
articles from Nubia, except now the borders separating Kemti from
Nubia were dissolving.
I asked my commanding general (Horemhab) if he would
attempt to expand the Asian frontiers to the direction of Syria. He
complied and later mumbled to himself. I had hoped that the
expansion to Syria would be successful.

I had learned when I was very young to trust no one around
me, regardless if they are present to protect me in my duties. It is
ironic that Ay had once convinced me that all of my courtiers are
sworn to serve the per-aa, to protect the per-aa, and are all under my
command. They would perform anything that I would proclaim. In
other words, I had no one to fear or have anyone to be light hearted
about. I was brainwashed into thinking that there isn't anyone who
could possibly cause harm to me or my royal family. And yet I felt
that the priests and noble class were in the act of ruling without the
true leader; and instead of overthrowing the per-aa, they simply
allowed me to unknowingly proclaim their wishes through my `loyal'
subjects. Of course I am not paranoid in my thinking that the priests
were trying to take control of the capital. There were situations
during the Middle Kingdom where priests took control of the capital.
Perhaps this was a miniature reappearance of those times.
After investigating the temples some more, I felt exhausted
and yearned for the relaxation that would be offered to me back at
the Memphis royal estate. I imagined hunting in the marshes near
the delta, chasing after ostrich in my chariot and shooting down blue-
billed ducks. Naturally, we didn't hunt just for sport: that would be
wasteful. After catching our prey, we used the animals for food as
well as for their beautiful feathers.

I waited until the investigation was complete before I
gestured to Ay that I was tired and wanted to return to the estate. He
agreed and privately escorted me to the palace grounds where
Ankhesenamon would be awaiting my return. When I returned to
the ten-acre estate overlooking temples and the Nile River, I thought
about using the temple columns located in Akhetaton, the abandoned
city of Aton. Other than spare parts, the temple of the heretic was of
no use to us. I am sure that Ay would approve of my decision in that
My wife greeted us at the front courtyard of the Memphis
palace with wreaths of colorful flowers. As I dismounted my gilded
chariot, she walked with me to the front gates. I told her about the
temple work that has kept me occupied during most of the day.
Observing the decorations of the new palace walls and
balconies, I moderately walked up the circular stairwell and hopefully
into my suite where my hunting gear has been collected. A new
palace has new locations for the rooms; therefore I had some
difficulty in finding my imperial suite. Although I do love exploring
new places, the idea of searching every floor for a simple bedroom
seemed ridiculous.
Eventually I found my room and searched for the
appropriate hunting equipment that I would use after I had rested. A
small collection of bows and poison-tipped arrows, along with other
items were placed before me.

Before I could leave the palace to go hunting, Ay brought to
my attention a letter from Babylonia. It read:
To Niphuria( meaning Nebkheperure), per-aa of Kemti: Thus
speaks Burnaburiash, lord of Karaduniash, thy brother.
All goes well for me. All hail to thee, thy house, thy wives, thy
children (what children?), thy country, thy nobles, thy horses, thy chariots.
When my fathers and thy fathers established between themselves
friendly ties they exchanged rich presents and almost never refused each other, the
one to the other, whatever beautiful thing they desired.
Now my brother has sent me a gift of two minas of gold, and I
wonder why. If now gold is abundant in Kemti, send me as much as thy fathers
did, but if it is scarce, send me at least half of it. Why didst thou send me but
two minas of gold?
Now the tasks I have in the temple are great, thus I have undertaken
them with zeal to accomplish them: therefore send me much gold.
As for thee, whatever thou desirest of my country, write to me and it
shall be brought to thee.
At the time of Kurigalzu, my father, the Canaanites all wrote to him:
`We are going to the frontier of the country in order to cross it, that is why we
wish to enter into relations with thee'.
Here is what my father replied to them:`Abandon the idea of making
an alliance with me! If you perform hostile

deeds against the per-aa of Kemti, my brother, in league with others, is it not I
who will have to go and punish you since he is allied to me?'
It was for thy father's sake that my father did not listen to them.
Now concerning the Assyrians, my vassals, I have written nothing to
thee as they claim. Why have they gone to thy country? If thou lovest me, they
must not be allowed to buy anything at all, nor trade; let them return empty-
It is as a present of good will that I send to thee three measures of
beautiful lapis lazuli stone and also five teams of horses in exchange for five
wooden chariots.
After receiving the letter, I immediately went to my royal
scribe's office and informed him about the letter and ordered a
response to be made. In the return letter I said:
To Burnaburiash, lord of Karaduniash. I have received thy letter
and ordered that an amount of ten minas of gold be brought in your honor. I
Nebkheperure, per-aa of Kemti, am in the process of rebuilding my temples as
well, so I too need of the gold in my storage vaults. I do not want to be rude in
this matter, but the fact remains that I need gold as much as thee do, so therefore
perhaps thee can wait until more currency flows in. As for the other items thee
have mentioned, those requests will be fulfilled. Thee shall receive five wooden
chariots along with some stones from Akhetaton to help with thy reconstruction of
thy temples.

Another letter was brought to my attention. It was from my
viceroy of Nubia. Huy said that the Nubians only sent about ten
bags of gold dust as tribute, and that some Nubians are restless and
might revolt. Since the Nubians have not as of yet revolted, I have
nothing to worry about.
I sent a return letter to him and told him to continue trying
to send more tribute. The tribute of gold dust will arrive at my
Theban palace and will be present when I return.
After all my other letters have been either been taken care
of or postponed, I started to gather my hunting utilities and left the
palace for some hunting in the desert.
I collected my bows and arrows and entered one of my
better chariots with stallions ready. Retinues of five or six chariots
were to follow me in my journey, but they would leave the hunting
for me and would collect the targets after I had shot them down.
Also, two greyhounds followed my retinue and I into the lush Nile
coastline. After this night, my archery skills might have improved to
some degree. I find hunting a great practice for such skills that might
be used on the battlefield.
As we approached our destination, I witnessed some ostrich
run from a roaming black panther. I waited until the panther was
driven off by a strong wind before I searched for the fleeing birds. I
steadily drove along the east bank of the river as I noticed the
location of the birds. I sat motionless in my gilded chariot, waiting...

Soon my wait was over. The ostrich saw our chariots and
quickly darted from the surrounding Nile plants. The chase had
begun! I cast out my whip between the stallions and off I went into
the open shadows of the night. One ostrich was directly in front of
me while the others ran past a hanging palm tree. I placed an arrow
on the bow, and steadily pulled back the cord and released the bronze
arrow at my target. The arrow missed. I tried another. This arrow
landed at the feet of the mighty bird, causing it to trip. I almost had
it in my sights when a group of dates fell from a neighboring tree,
causing the bird to run in panic. I exited my chariot, and ran at the
bird. I climbed on a curved tree trunk and shot a poison arrow. It
silently flew through the night sky, almost touching the stars
themselves. Suddenly, I heard a sharp wail and noticed an ostrich
several meters from my retinue. I quickly reentered my chariot, and
located the dying bird some distance away. We rode to where the
arrow struck a large, black tailed ostrich. My retinue picked up the
bird and suggested that we find the others before they wake the rest
of the surrounding swamp land creatures. The feathers of this
ostrich are extremely valuable, so we did our best to protect them.
We rode around for a couple minutes. I spotted something
on the grassy floor. It was a small ostrich egg. I told the rest of my
team to keep it so that we might hatch it at the palace, and therefore
have a pet ostrich.

We drove near the boundary of Lower Kemti in the Delta,
and I exited my chariot. The moon was a slim crescent as I searched
the stars to see the souls of my ancestors flying in the cosmos. I
looked around me to see if any birds were flying when I notice
something strange. There was a group of papyrus plants nearby. I
ran my hand between the stalks and grabbed a long papyrus stem.
The stem seemed special to me in a way, since it would signify the
night I captured my first Ostrich. I decided to keep it, and later I
would cover the tip in gold so as to preserve the moment forever.
I entered my chariot once more and continued to search for
suitable prey. A flock of green-billed ducks flew in my direction. I
shot at two ducks from my chariot and let the dogs retrieve them. I
stopped my vehicle, exited, and picked up a large stick that resembled
a spear. I tied my golden dagger to the top and prepared to launch it
at a clump of bushes at the other end of a Nile canal. I released the
spear, and to my surprise, hit an ostrich that had its head buried in
the sand. I regained my bloody dagger, and allowed my retinue to
transport the ostrich back to the palace.
I remained in the desert with some of my retinue to
continue to search for anymore items of value that the desert night
had to offer. I glanced at the stars, testing my knowledge of the
shapes that priests had once told me about in scribe school.

Later, I returned to the palace. I had difficulty finding the
palace in the cold desert night that entrapped me with the other night
When I returned, Ankhesenamon greeted me and allowed
me to follow her into the hallway. Some of my retinue stood at the
entrance, carrying our desert captives that I removed from the
animals' freedom.
I received a dispatch from my commander Horemhab
telling of his problems in Syria. He told in his letter that he
attempted to expand the Kemtic borders, but failed. The Syrians
were not the only enemies in that region. A colony of Hittite
renegades lived in areas near Canaan and were immovable by my
general's forces. He also told that he will return shortly with his
The renovation of the temples in Memphis had been
successful. The only part remaining was the fact that the temples
needed to be endowed with golden treasures and statues. This would
be difficult since there wasn't any available materials besides those
collected by traders and merchants.
I ordered a small pavilion to be constructed near the aging
temple of Thutmose III. I will go there by boat after my work is
complete in Memphis. All temples except for the temple of Aton will
be reconstructed and added to eventually.

Some time passed. Before we left for another city, we
visited the great sphinx near the pyramids. Accompanied by some
priests and high priests of Amon and of Amon-Re, I personally
walked up to the mysterious creature and read aloud the writings on
the stele left by Thutmose IV. It told of his rise to per-aa by allowing
the sphinx to be uncovered by the desert sands, and by the
renovation of internal structures within the creature of stone. In
return, he became per-aa and ruled wisely the remaining of his years.
The stele also mentioned something about a doorway at the bottom
of the sphinx, where priests could travel into the Netherworld and
back by using papyrus barges. The doorway was no longer used, so I
didn't know if it was still operational. It wouldn't really matter, since
the third-component in the emeralds we found is enough to allow
entrance into the Netherworld, or admit special sacred powers to the
owner. . .
After worshipping the sphinx for an hour or so, we
returned to the palace and resumed the act of packing our
possessions for the trip to the city where Thutmose III has his
temple. I secretly went to one of the recently fixed temples and
asked a favor of a certain artisan who works there. I told the artist
named Kamin to create a special ring for me. This ring would
contain an emerald containing the infamous third-component, and
would be appear as the sun emerging from a Lotus flower. The ring
would be ordinary gold and the base would take the shape of a
blossoming Lotus flower. I called it the ring of Emerauldia, or green

C H A P T E R E L E V E N:
B E H I N D T H E M A S K.

On my way to the temple of my ancestor Thutmose III, I

encountered many new sights along the riverbank. People were
dressed in the usual clothing, most of which were happily chanting
words of praise to my ship as we passed by.
We arrived by midday, and the cool northern winds blew
across the Nile causing ripples to be formed. The high priests of
Amon-Re led me to see the disintegrating columns of the aging
temple built by the great conqueror Thutmose III.
Within a week's time, I ordered a row of columns to be
created to extend the spaciousness of the temple. I also ordered
about ten statues, all bearing my image, to be placed along the edges
of the row of pillars. Inside the temple, a large golden statue of the
deity Amon-Re was centralized along with smaller items encircling it.
The great statue required seven stretchers needed to transport it from
the workshop to the temple.
Gold plated granite statues resembling Thutmose replaced
the damaged statues originally placed within the temple. Other
offerings included baskets of fruit from the peasantry, jars of wine
and beer, containers of preserved meat and fowl, and golden idols.
The priests themselves later secretly consumed all of the food.

Towards the end of the first week, I ordered all of the
current priests to come before me. Of those priests of Amon,
Amon-Re, and others, I selected priests of higher value to work in
the temples. The remaining priests, dating from pre-Akhenaton
times, I ordered to work in the temples that I will create in the near
I inspected the newly designed temple owned by the late
Thutmose III, and saw that there were no flaws in the reconstruction.
The capitals of the columns ended in Lotus bud shapes, and the
bases resembled the endpoints of papyrus plants. The ceiling made
dark shadows inside the temple, causing darkness to inhabit every
corner of the hieroglyphic writing along the walls.
After further inspection of the temple, I returned to the
estate. Uncle Ay greeted my return and asked me about the temple's
appearance. I replied that everything about the temple was
satisfactory. He told me that I should also construct a temple in the
southern hills neighboring the Nubians and the territory of Kush.
The temple there would be dedicated to the deity Khnum who,
according to ancient texts, formed a human's shape like clay on a
potter's wheel.
The offerings to that temple would be mummified rams,
along with the usual gifts.
Ay handed me a letter from Saqqara stating that a rare Apis
bull was recently born. The Apis bull is connected with the worship
of the god Ptah of Memphis. The bull is destined to be buried in the
Serapeum there.

On the return trip to Thebes, I ordered a temple shrine to
be built near the first cataract of the Nile. This will be the location
for the Khnum temple, which I will later add to. Back at the palace I
received the small amount of Nubian tribute and placed it in one of
the temple vaults.

Many months later, I noticed something different about my

wife Ankhesenamon. Either she was gaining weight or she was
starting to become pregnant. I asked the advice of one of my
advisors concerning her condition. He told me not to worry about it
since he claimed that her condition is merely a part of life.
I consulted one of my private doctors. I secretly ordered
that if Ankhesenamon doesn't produce a son and therefore bears a
daughter, that the girl infant be killed, and that the information
regarding the event be kept secret.
She will never know what happened to it except that it had
died shortly after birth, as if from natural causes. I have had more
than enough trouble from female offspring since I had many sisters,
cousins, half-sisters, etc. when I was young. Most of them over
teased me and made my early life a terrible routine. I couldn't except
another girl to be added to my life. The only males in my family were
Akhenaton, Smenkhkara, Dhutmose( from Nefertiti's side), and some
distant cousins who lived in the noble class. Of course if
Ankhesenamon ever found out what happened, I would wish that I
had joined Akhenaton in the cemetery.

While Ankhesenamon was busy being assisted by the nurses
during many weeks, I was adding to the temple of Amon in the
Karnak region. I presided over the filling of the sacred lake in the
temple, as well as other ceremonial events. I established a new pylon
gateway at the entrance of the temple. I also enhanced the
decorations of the inner sanctum by allowing inscribed pillars to
release the weight of the ceiling in the central shrine. The hypostyle
hall was cleaned of all weeds and cobwebs, and any other lingering
refuse. The original papyrus capitals of the columns were damaged
by the weather, so I needed to replace some of them. A row of
sphinx-like creatures was added to a colonnade along the edge of the
temple facade. I inspected the writings on the walls of some of the
gateways, and freed sand that was left by a recent desert storm. At
the festival hall of Thutmose III, I added two diorite obelisks stating
my name and some activities of major importance to the temple and
to the priesthood. In addition to the obelisks, a row of six granite
scarabs commemorated a peace treaty between Kemti and an Asian
Along the walls of the temple, artisans portrayed me in
some ceremonial acts that I performed. In small areas of the
pictures, my name was inscribed. A colonnade of papyrus columns
was added to an area that was empty of any stone artistry.
After all of this work was near completion, I started to work
on my house of eternity in the Valley of the Per-aa's.

For many weeks, I watched the stonecutters and builders
construct my unused tomb. They constantly hammered at solid rock,
causing dust to blow over their backs while working in the desert
heat. After one month, the first room was completed. The room
was connected to the outside world by two long passages and started
with a flight of twenty steps. The tomb chamber was close to the
tomb of Amonhotep II. My uncle Ay was overseeing the building of
a smaller tomb towards the entrance of the valley.
I remained in the palace most of the following weeks,
thinking about what would happen if my wife doesn't produce a boy
and the consequences that will follow. Should she actually have a
son, then I would be relieved knowing that I will have a prince on my
throne after I leave. However, if she has a daughter then I will have
no other choice but to eliminate it. I am not insane in my decision to
kill it because I know that there can be other chances to fill the
request of having more offspring.
One day during the time I was waiting for information
regarding my tomb, I left the palace for some duck hunting. I carried
with me two composite bows and ten poison arrows. I left with two
assistants from the palace.
Upon reaching a northern city neighboring Thebes, I
dismounted my chariot and carried my weapons into the Nile forest
and waited. For several hours, I watched birds fly through the trees
and thought about my wife and her future troubles. Those thoughts
distracted me while I hunted.

Several months later, when I was at age fifteen, my wife was
almost ready to deliver. She constantly gave nerve-destroying cries of
despair during the daylight hours, and woke up at various parts of the
night. During these precious hours, I was frantically walking about
the lengthy halls of the royal palace and occasionally ventured outside
for fresh air.
Finally, after a couple of endlessly exhausting weeks,
Ankhesenamon was in labor. She remained in labor for many painful
hours and I reassured her in every possible way I knew, which of
course isn't very many. One might say that during these desperate
hours I was many times more nervous than usual. I often wondered
why she had to undergo so much stress just to deliver one child, and
to hear of its sudden death should it be the one that is destined to
Minutes later, the nurse called out to the doctors to come in
at once. The doctors, carrying all of their special unpriestly
equipment, rushed into the room and organized their tools on a
nearby table.
During this time I waited outside to hear the results.
Minutes seemed like weeks as I pondered the result in my mind.
At last I heard a muffled wail and many shouts of relief.
The doctors came out of the room and went to the cleaning room to
wash their blood stained hands. I called one doctor to me and asked
about the unknown gender of the infant. To my amazement it was
alive. Unfortunately, it was also a girl. . .

The baby was shown to a room and laid to rest for some
time. A surgeon walked out of the cleaning room and quietly
discussed the future of the infant with me. He asked, "My lord
Nebkheperure, must we kill the infant now? Couldn't we wait until
Ankhesenamon has rested to inform her about its condition?"
I replied, "Everything will continue as planned. You will
proceed with your orders and kill the infant in any silent way that you
know of, and you will tell my wife that the baby has an innate illness
and will eventually die from it."
Minutes later, my doctor entered the room with a flask of
highly potent cobra poison. He started to administer the poison in a
mixture of cow's milk to the infant. The poison will actually start to
take effect within a couple of hours.
I stood by and watched as he made the baby drink from the
flask, and recovered the baby with a cloth. I reentered the room
where my wife is located, and tried to relieve her of her stress. She
appeared to be well enough to walk, but the nurses present forbade
her to do so. She probably wanted to see her child, like any mother
would want.
I exited her room and retraced my steps to the baby's room
where the doctor was waiting for the poison to take effect. Two
doctors entered Ankhesenamon's chamber and informed her about
the child's unstable condition. I heard sharp screams fly from her
room. I can imagine the turmoil that she was undergoing.

Hours passed. Ankhesenamon was calmed down enough
so that she no longer screamed at the doctors. I do not know for
sure, but it seems that she has accepted what will happen.
I watched as the baby was nearing its demise. Slowly, the
infant cried out and turned itself different directions. I closed my
eyes as the baby gave out one final shriek of terror, and was followed
by an erie silence.

I quietly exited the room, as sickened as I was, and returned

to my wife's chamber. She was expecting my answer. I told her what
occurred, as she wasn't surprised when I told her. She drew me
towards her, embraced me, and cried into my pleated kilt. For
several minutes she wept, while I attempted to control my emotions
as well.
A week passed. The infant was embalmed and mummified,
and placed into a small coffin that was later placed in a storage cache
near the Amon temple. Ankhesenamon continuously worshipped at
a local shrine of the deity Selqet, mourning the death of her second
child. During these daily routines, I spent some time with her trying
to expel her tightly sealed emotional difficulties.
After some more time with her, I escaped the situation and
went duck hunting. As usual, I gathered my important hunting
supplies and ventured off into the desert on my silver and gold plated

I sat on a blue colored cushion on the ground watching for
signs of flying ducks. I peered over stalks of papyrus to acquire a
closer view of four unprotected green billed ducks. I slowly armed
my bow and aimed for the back of one bird. As I released the cord,
the arrow silently flew across the murky turquoise water and pierced
the backside of a bewildered duck. The bird struggled and attempted
to escape the grasp of the poisonous bronze arrow. I restlessly
watched the bird toss and turn until it finally gave in to its fate.
I ordered my pet greyhound to retrieve the prey. Off he
went into the water and practically scared the remaining targets into
the air as he caught tonight's dinner in his mouth and brought it to
I changed my location and went closer to the water's edge
where I noticed a swarm of valuable prey partially hidden in the thick
Nile forest. I strung two arrows on my bow and released the cord.
The arrows darted at two unsuspecting birds and managed to
penetrate them with their bronze heads. I personally crept towards
the ducks and pulled out the arrows while I placed the ducks in
leather bags.
I remounted my chariot and decided to quit for the day. I
rode back to the palace with two bags filled with an ample amount of
ducks. Later, I checked on how my wife is handling her domestic

My personal assistant Maya introduced to me a rare letter
from Huy, my viceroy of Nubia. It stated that a group of Nubians
broke into the temple storehouses of the newly constructed Khnum
temple, and looted it from all available gold and produce. I ordered
my retainers to select new commanding generals from my personal
bodyguards to be allowed to protect the Khnum temple precinct
from any further invasion while I assemble my best troops to prepare
for warfare.
I ordered my generals Nakhtmin and Setkhatre to organize
the weaponry, and I ordered Horemhab to assist me with my other
duties. My uncle Ay would rule in my place until I return from battle,
if I return.
Horemhab ordered his squadron leader Ramses to collect
the royal weapons from the storage bins. I went in to discuss the
situation with Ankhesenamon. She lifted her head from a towel
moistened with tears and gave me a look of prohibition as her
answer. How foolish of me! She was mourning the death of her
child and now she is faced with the possibility of losing me as well. I
told her not to worry and that my mission is simply a routine
procedure. I told her that I will return and that leaving her would be
the last thing that I will ever do.

C H A P T E R T W E L V E:
T H E N U B I A N E X P E D I T I O N.

The armies, as well as they could possibly be armed, I

thought were not enough to deflect the Nubian threat. Although we
had many times more weapons than our adversaries did, I continued
to dwell on the fact that it might not be enough to stop them. This
would be my very first war, and the Libyan encounter would be
regarded as a mere battle or a practice run.
I established an organized fighting layout: first there would
be the archers and the rock slingers who would remove some of the
leaders; next were the spearmen and the other division of archers
mounted on chariots; and third would be the heavily armed troops
carrying axes, swords, spears, and shields. I would ride with a small
elite group of armored troops beside the second wave of archers and
I awaited in the overhanging balcony with my attendants
dressing me in my warrior outfit. First I wore my underwear and a
leopard skin across my abdomen, second I wore my golden sandals
and Setem blue leather helmet, and finally I was given a newly
designed breastplate of golden armor with colored glass decorations
in the form of wings. I also placed scarab beetle bracelets on my
arms and a bow shield made of leather. Some assistants colored my
eyebrows black, and tied on my warrior belt.

I quietly ventured into Ankhesenamon's room and grabbed
my iron dagger and removed it from its sheath. I next handled a
bottle of Asp poison and carefully dipped the dagger into it. When I
drew the dagger from the bottle, it was orange in color, which made
me wonder what else was in the bottle. I replaced the dagger in its
sheath and placed it along my belt.
Ankhesenamon casually entered the room and upon seeing
me, she morbidly greeted me. Although I didn't have very much time
before the army would require my attendance, I did however spend
some additional time with her. I slowly embraced her and calmly
stroked the back of her head, or rather her wig. I sensed that she was
deeply upset or moved by my future absence, even though I
promised that I would return. This reminded me of a certain pre-
Eighteenth dynasty per-aa named Sekenenre who also promised that
he would return from battle victoriously. Unfortunately he didn't
overthrow the evil Hyksos who are now imprisoned, and his failure
cost him his existence. I doubted that I too would fail, nor did I
possess very much confidence about the war.
I knew, like many others before me, that I had a chance to
win and if I dealt my actions correctly I would succeed.
I slowly released my arms around her and silently departed
from the room. As I traveled down the halls, I felt the shadows of
the ancients look down upon me and watch as I continued to ignore
them. Only they could tell if I win or if I lose.

It was midday when I mounted my chariot and drove west
to the ship that will transport us to Nubia. The servants were loading
the ship with all the necessary artillery for the war that will
commence a couple of hours later. The slaves brought extra supplies
to refortify the temple once we reach our destination.
Four hours later, due to the fast blowing desert winds and a
very calm current, we docked the ship at the first cataract of the Nile.
The generals ordered the removal of all weaponry from the ship, and
to place the cargo in the temple nearby. After some time passed, the
chariots were assembled and the horses were attached and covered
with armor.
In time, the army was organized to its potential. I ordered a
scout to patrol ahead in one of our fastest chariots. Some time
passed. The scout returned and told me that the Nubian army was
almost in view. The Nubians were not informed of our presence, yet
I assumed that they knew we would retaliate.
Minutes later, I decided to start my attack on the Nubians,
with or without my troops. I cracked my whip between the stallions,
and my chariot swam across the desert's graceful and forbidding
sands. I armed my bow as my chariot was operated by an invisible
cruise control. I released my bow cord and the ignited arrow rapidly
shot at a passing Nubian. The arrow pierced the enemy's heart with
an impact that would blow it off the judgment scales. . .

My chariot almost trampled over the bodies of fallen
enemies as my army attacked from behind me. I grabbed a spear
from inside my vehicle and threw it at a Nubian with a leather-
covered shield. The spear made a hole in the shield that he was
carrying, so I aimed my bow at the hole. I fired an arrow, which
actually went through the hole left by the now broken spear, and
injured the enemy in the head.
I witnessed some of my troops in front of me who were
attacking with spears and shields, the same weapons that the enemy
was using. I borrowed an ax from a dead soldier lying on the ground
and threw it at a Nubian who was pointing his deadly spear at me.
The battle-ax penetrated his cranium, and blood started to pour from
his mortal wound as he fell onto a spear that was caught in some
plants. The spear protruded from his back as he fell.
Two of my better greyhounds assisted me with my attack.
The dogs attacked the fallen Nubians as I rode my chariot over their
corpses. I glanced at the sun for a second, and thought about
something else than the war. I thought about Ankhesenamon, and
about the city of Aton. I don't think that my life was flashing before
me; at least I wasn't losing in the battle.
I ordered my generals to circle around the mass of Nubians.
All that I could see was a large black mass of people throwing spears,
and many running in panic and confusion. It occurred to me that the
reason the Nubians were attacking was to loot one of my cities.

I rearmed my bow and shot three Nubians who were
attempting to assassinate one of my generals. As I later discovered,
my secondary, top-notch general Setkhatre was killed in battle. I
tried to protect my troops as well as annihilate the enemy.
I picked up two spears and threw them at some
approaching enemies. One of them, a tall, stout Nubian caught the
spear in his abdomen, while the other was stabbed in the right
shoulder. I dismounted my chariot and started to attack from the
ground. Horemhab continued to fight from his chariot and thus
protected mine. I removed my iron dagger with its poisonous
residue and slashed at the enemy. I grappled with one enemy and
managed to dislocate his arm joint with a club, and later I stabbed
him with the full force of the dagger. The enemy fell to the ground
where I gave him a coup de grace blow to the head with a club.
I jumped onto the back of another Nubian and this time I
quickly slit his throat with my dagger. Unfortunately it only scratched
him as I soon discovered. He turned around and hit me with his fist
across my left jaw. I returned his blow with a kick to the pelvis and a
slash of my dagger to his right arm. He tripped on my club and I
hastily plunged my dagger into his chest. He lay very still on the
ground. I had hoped that I had killed him, finally.
I remounted my chariot and drove away from the battle site
for some time to apply medical attention to my light wounds. So far,
we were winning the battle.

I reentered the battle zone and saw some Nubians in
Kemtic chariots, which were probably stolen, advancing in my path.
Two thrown spears were about to collide into my chariot so I
deflected them with my gilded wood shield. One spear was stuck
onto my shield, with poison crumbling from it. I placed the shield in
my vehicle and picked up my golden bow. I strung two heavily
weighted arrows on the bow and shot at the Nubians. I saw one
Nubian catch the arrow in his mouth as he tumbled from the
speeding chariot and into a river of mud left from the recent
inundation of the Nile. As for the other warrior, he was driving off
of the roadway and his vehicle crashed into a fortress wall. I went to
investigate the location of the soldier. As I was nearing the place of
destruction, I felt two rough arms pull me from my vehicle and into a
sand dune. The Nubian, his right arm bleeding relentlessly, gave me
a bloody lip as he swung a club to my right jawbone. I caught the
next possible blow between my ankles and tripped the enemy with
his own club. I stood up and kicked him in his stomach and he
rolled to the side of the sand dune. I reached for my dagger but a
thrown rock forced me to drop it. I lurched towards the enemy and
strangled him with a broken spear. For several minutes I held the
wood shaft on his throat, and after several more minutes he fell into
a subconscious state. I reached for the spearhead and plunged it into
his heart, causing blood to form a small pool on his chest. I regained
my dagger and headed for my chariot.

I drove over to where my officers were attacking the enemy.
I witnessed many Nubians fall to the ground in the presence of the
archers of the third wave force, and many lances were thrown at the
enemy from that distance. I gathered some additional spears from
the last attack wave. As I drove along the roadway, I noticed that
one of my generals was lying on the ground in a death-like state. He
was very good at his job, and will be remembered at his funeral.
The sun was nearing its horizon when the final attack force
started to reach the major part of the opposing army. I led them in
this final termination of the enemy.
I drew out a gilded iron sword at shouted words of combat
towards my troops; words such as "charge!". I drove my chariot
towards the leaders of the Nubians. Drawing back on my bow, I
shot the right shoulder blade of the leader with a bronze arrow. He
fell to the ground and the remaining soldiers fled in panic at the loss
of their controller. My army captured as many as possible the enemy
soldiers to be used as slaves in our realm.
I chased after the retreating enemy and casually shot and
wounded many of the Nubians who had their back turned to me as
they ran home. My commander, Horemhab, joined me in my race of
capturing the opposition.
Finally, after a multitude of hours had passed, we captured
many soldiers and broke off the attack. I left a decree stating that
they owe us tribute if we were to spare their lives. The tribute would
visit us soon. . .

We drove back to the ship, my soldiers dragging the
prisoners of war that we would use as slaves. The slaves were tied in
chains made of bronze and were grouped together in sets of twelve
per group.
The temple regained its loss of golden treasures and of grain
as well as some stubborn slaves, which will help to repair any
unforeseen damages. The ship was loaded with the former soldiers
and driven back to the palace with any excess artillery and dead
officials in linen bags.
I escorted my partly damaged chariot into the ship's hull,
and talked to Horemhab for some time. He told me that I had
fought well, more than he expected of me. I made a few comments
about our army's prosperity, and told him about what happened to
one of our generals.

Three and one half hours later, we returned to the palace.

The ship was docked along the private canal intersecting the Nile
with the palace's gates. I carried some supplies to the palace for
storage and Horemhab ordered the slaves to be left in the temples
surrounding the capital. Later, I would donate male and female
slaves to the temple of Amon, the temple of Re-Horakhty, and that
of Amon-Re.
When I entered the palace, Ankhesenamon happily
welcomed me. She made cries of joy and called for a celebration to
be held in my honor. I enjoyed her presence more than usual, for
some unknown reason.

I climbed up the stairs and into my bedroom where
attendants removed my warrior armor and equipment. They placed
casual clothing on me, which included the double crown of the two
lands (the red and white crown), a long pleated kilt with a green sash,
and a silk cape. I also wore some sandals made of papyrus, and layers
of perfume and oils covered me. A short sleeved cloak covered my
top half, along with several pounds of jewelry. The armor, I had
thought, weighed more than the ornaments that I now floated in.

I walked slowly towards one of the larger entertainment

hallways, thinking about my life as Per-aa, about Ankhesenamon,
about what I lived through during my time as prince. These thoughts
visited me at many stages of my life here on Earth, in my first
embodiment of my current life span, and also at the barrier zone. Of
course, while in the barrier zone I could not possibly think of Earthly
events if I was there rather than here. Still, thoughts of past
adventures dawned on me at certain, unspecified times.
As I entered the hallway, trumpets and other instruments
called out to me in their delicate voices. The royal guards protected
me at my sides. Ay helped me on my armless throne, and
Ankhesenamon announced to the musicians to begin playing. Many
dancers and acrobats performed below my throne, which was on top
of a flight of stairs. I enjoyed the celebration and the fact that I was
still alive from today's minor problems.

I gazed down towards where the dancers were performing,
noticing how the mounds of perfume on their heads were starting to
melt and drip down their fast moving bodies. They moved gracefully
on the stage, each step carrying finesse and fascination.
My eyes grew tired as I watched the musicians play with
their harps and sistra, each note displaying love in a muted way. I
picked up my gold and blue colored shepherd cane, and slowly
turned it in the torch lit room. I thought to myself if I could be as
good a ruler as my distant ancestors who ruled with stability and with
wise decisions. I seemed to be doing well as a leader. Nearly all of
my political enemies are under control, except for the Syrians.
I sat on the throne feeling the weight of the double crown;
its awkward shape casting disfigured shadows on the walls behind
me. I glanced at my wife, who was probably enjoying herself. She
might want to have me enjoy the celebration as well since my
thoughts were not focused on my surroundings. I thought that she
was trying to release my cryptic emotions by bringing me here.
I called a beverage servant to come to my throne kiosk. He
moderately walked carrying a large tray cluttered with goblets of wine
and beer. He set down his tray and offered his fresh merchandise to
my wife and I. Investigating the produce for any hidden poisons, I
held a goblet to my lips and poured the liquid into my esophagus. It
tasted well enough to be offered at my table.

I glanced at Ankhesenamon, her eyes glowing by the light of
the torches and her lips smiling like a satisfied feline. Occasionally
she released a silenced laugh as she watched the playful antics of the
court dwarves. I admired her carefree lifestyle, that she could enjoy
life more than I am able to because of the fact that I am usually
leaning on morbid thoughts regarding life. I have trained myself to
denounce life as being perfect, since every time I am in an
embodiment among other entities I tend to feel out of place.
I stared into the depths of the wine goblet as I rotated its
sides and splashed wine onto the rim. I watched the bubbles form
when I swished the liquid in circles, the wine releasing rare fumes of
perfume into the air. I drank from the goblet and allowed the wine
to encircle my tongue as I thought about a peaceful setting that my
wife often brings me to. This magical place was some distance from
the palace, and it contained many aspects of nature, beauty, and well
being. I loved to go there, and I'm sure that she did as well. The
place wasn't a place for hunting, but it did inspire the same
satisfaction that I received from chasing after valuable targets in the
dim forest.
I lifted myself from my throne and ventured into the
darkness of the royal estate. I calmly walked towards the outer
balcony and gazed into the star filled sky, or simply the body of the
goddess known as Nut. I looked at the blinking stars and the
unmoving planets. This night was one of my better nights of this
interesting year.

I entered my bedroom and removed some of my jewelry
along with parts of the costume and placed them in a chest.
Removing the heavy crown from my head, I went to the adjoining
bathroom to wash off some of the lingering oils and perfume.
After rinsing myself with bottled water, I changed costumes
and walked back to the hall where servants were cleaning the floors
and furniture after the festival ended. I saw Ankhesenamon
observing the night sky through one of the windows. I called out to
her. She turned around and began to walk towards me. She asked
me why I had left the hall so soon. I replied that I was tired from
today's activities and needed to rest. Of course, by resting I could
also be watching the entertainment as I relaxed in my ecclesiastical
I escorted her outside the palace to observe the night sky
and the estate. I gazed towards a forest of palm trees and saw a flock
of birds fly across the crescent moon lit background. After some
time looking into the darkness, I turned towards Ankhesenamon and
slowly crept towards her. Although she was looking away from me I
sensed that she knew where I was standing. I allowed my right arm
to slowly orbit her shoulder as I gave her a kiss for a wonderful night
that she thoughtfully created.
We walked back to the palace hearing the sounds of
croaking frogs and the current of the Nile River flowing. Later that
night, we slept together in the same bed, something that we hadn't
done in a long time.

One week later, I sat upon my throne in the throne room
overlooking the main hallway. I was waiting impatiently for a
response from the Nubians regarding the tribute that they are
required to send. I personally conquered them and they still have not
replied to my order. Do they actually think that I won't execute them
should they not send the valuable tribute? What could be keeping
them occupied enough not to at least notify me of any progress in
the Nubian lands? I'm sure that Huy would tell me if anything were
wrong over there. Thoughts poured over me regarding the subject.
Perhaps something has delayed Huy, or perhaps the Nubians secretly
murdered him on his way to the palace.
Whatever the excuse is, it doesn't explain why my viceroy is
late with the tribute that I will use to make golden offerings to the
temples with. I desperately need the currency if I intend to remain as
Per-aa of the Two Lands.

Several weeks later, I continued to dwell on the possible

reasons why Huy is overdue with the tribute. One possible issue is
that perhaps the Nubians are busy making the tribute and that I am
simply impatient and greedy, although I doubt it. Another possibility
is that the Nubians' ships may have been destroyed, or something
similar. Of course, these possibilities are just conjecture since I have
not received very much tribute from any of my enemies.

The next day I received word that the Nubians are
transporting their tribute and should arrive soon.
I ordered my servants to rapidly build a kiosk centralized in
the main hallway, which I would sit under in my throne. The canopy
would be standard: the top would be covered with sun mounted
cobras, the bottom would be encircled by a row of human headed
birds symbolizing conquered enemies. There would be lotus capitals
on the surrounding columns, and a frieze of purple grapes would
hang from the ceiling along the corners. I expected that there would
be a kingly amount of tribute from them, so that explains why I
chose the main hallway to build my kiosk. The floor was cleaned and
all other furniture was removed to allow space for the tribute
I changed my apparel to something that a per-aa was
accustomed to wear in the presence of foreigners. I wore a long
pleated kilt with a double sash containing my names, golden sandals
with anklets of gold, six bracelets on my arms and twelve necklaces
including the royal collar on my shoulders. I also wore one of my
better Atef crowns which I later changed to another crown since the
sun was reflecting off the cobras and piercing the eyes of my tribute
Ankhesenamon was elsewhere in the palace and didn't assist
me with the Nubian tribute bearers because I would rather perform
that myself. An hour later, my Nubian assistants appeared in the
hallway and bowed before me. I greeted them and ordered them to
wait until the Nubians arrive. One of my assistants, the scribe Kha,
waited near
the left side of the passage that leads to my throne, while Harnefer,
my accountant of the gold, stood near one of my generals. Some
other attendants stood nearby, ready to assist with the collection of
the tribute.
After a pause of some fifteen minutes, I saw some distance
away, ten ships of Nubian origin floated downstream and stopped at
the palace canal. A long procession departed from the ships and
slowly entered the palace gates, the people looking at the grounds
with amazement. After a few interesting minutes, I heard the wails of
cattle and the sounds of other tropical wildlife as the line of nobles
entered the hallway displaying wonders of gold and other rarely seen
A large crowd of ostrich feathered people stood before my
kiosk and lowered their tribute several meters in front of my throne.
Attendants laid bowls of carnelian and jasper at my feet, and
deposited large bundles of ivory and animal skin shields to the right
of the bowls of semiprecious stones. Blocking my path, perhaps
deliberately, were large bowls of gold rings and bags of gold dust,
enough to finance the construction of large golden statues of Amon
and Ptah.
Along the outside of the encirclement, attendants dumped
outstanding examples of Nubian artwork and folding furniture with
fur cushions. Folding stools with fur cushions along with armchairs,
folding beds, and bows and arrows were some of the other items. To
the left were teams of Nubian cattle and an odd looking animal called
a giraffe.

To the right of my throne were piles of ebony boomerangs
and elephant tusks encircling a gold plated chariot. A golden shrine
enclosed columns of spears and golden necklaces, and the shrine
supported a Nubian engraving of a certain type of wealth.
Huy, holding a crook and a flail, supervised the actions of
the Nubians as they laid their wealth on the floor of the palace. Huy
escorted the princes and princesses of Kush and Wawat (tribes in
Nubia) to the kiosk. An old classmate of mine, Hiknefer, escorted the
princes and bowed in honor of the per-aa.
After all of the long awaited tribute was counted and
collected, Huy ordered all the Nubians to bow before me. All of the
Nubians, princes alike, bowed in honor of their conqueror
After all of the traditional ceremonies were complete, I
descended from my throne and eagerly inspected every cubic inch of
the valuable merchandise. I ran my hands through the heaps of
jewels and buried my hands in the bowls of gold rings. I even
searched for rings of my size and wore some of them. I petted the
cattle and felt the smooth texture of the animal skins on the shields
and the furs on the furniture. The beautiful masterpieces sparkled in
the sunlit hallway, and the other golden objects gleamed brightly. I
introduced myself to the princes and princesses and talked to them
for sometime. They had indeed been very busy in the construction
of the various objects.

I left the main hallway and rewarded Huy with many golden
necklaces and collars in the courtyard. Just like when Akhenaton
rewarded his fellow servants such as Ay, so did I reward my viceroy
with golden collars. Huy then bowed and lowered his flail before me
and then departed with the Nubians to the ships.
I grouped the cattle and had them placed in the surrounding
farms. The giraffe remained within the palace walls and was fed
I stood alone in the midst of the tribute for a while,
contemplating my surroundings. I was amazed at the sight of the
tons of gold rings in front of my throne. There was enough to last
until my death, some years later. Some of the gold would be used to
make my golden coffins, which I will later use, that is if I ever see
them made.
I placed the rolls of ivory on my arms as if they were
bracelets, and investigated the pictures and artwork. This great day
was more like a holiday to me, as if it were my birthday and all of the
tribute were my presents. Of course, the tribute wasn't mine entirely;
some of it belonged to the country and the noble class.
After further examination of the produce, I left the hallway
and walked back to my bedroom where I removed some of my
costume and jewelry.
I walked outside where Ankhesenamon was watching some
birds fly past the strange looking giraffe. She asked what the animal
was, so I told her about the tribute from Nubia.

A few weeks later, I made plans to go hunting in the area
near the present day Aswan territory. Ay told me that I am required
to hunt some of the dangerous animals lurking in the desert during
my time as per-aa. These animals include panthers, leopards,
elephants, and lions. The reason why I am required to hunt these
beasts is to preserve the image of the per-aa as being the absolute
ruler and power on Earth.
I visited my warehouses where my slaves are kept. We had
a variety of slaves from different parts of the world. Some were
nomadic warriors who worshipped invisible gods, and others were
thieves, intruders, and traitors from former allies. I supervised the
installation of the slaves from Nubia, and had them counted and
made ready to serve in the royal palace among other places.
There was one thing about some of the older slaves that
caught my interest. The slaves that worshipped the false gods who
claimed that the deities were aiding them in their work were among
the slaves that I had in mind. They were in Kemti a very long time,
and perhaps long enough to form a civilization of their own since
most were educated in the fields of artistry, masonry, and some
political positions. If I could find a way of removing them from
Kemti, maybe they would create a world of their own in some distant
land. I know that the others would not approve in my decisions
regarding the older slaves. Perhaps I could contact my associates in
the barrier zone by communicating from the third component in my
ring, and inform them of this idea. They might assist me in this

I left the warehouses and entered the temple workshop
where artisans would be working on a statue made of solid gold. The
statue would represent the god Amon, standing with his scepter and
facing the viewer. The statue was so heavy that the carrying slaves
needed thirteen stretchers to transport it from the workshop into the
temple shrine. The statue would be decorated with the usual features:
the eyes would be outlined in lapis-lazuli, and the other features
would be decorated with other jewels. I informed the artisans to
insert a small Emerald in the statue's scepter, so that the sun would
focus its light through it and cause colored shadows to wash their
colors on the walls.
I also supervised the construction of a smaller statue
representing the god Ptah of the city of Memphis. This sculpture
would only require the standard amount of stretchers for
Other statues and idols of various deities were created and
later placed in their appropriate temple shrines along with local city
and town churches and shrines.
After further examination of the temple produce and
offerings, I returned to the palace. Ay ordered that my hunting
equipment be temporarily stored in one of the cedar wood ships that
I gilded with some of the gold from the tribute. When I return, the
entire fleet of newly constructed ships will be coated with gold, not
only to make them watertight but also to illuminate the Nile.

C H A P T E R T H I R T E E N:
H U N T I N G I N T H E T W I L I G H T.

The night before the day that I would travel to the second
cataract of the Nile for hunting, I had a strange nightmare. In my
dream, I was a prince of the royal family and my brothers Akhenaton
and Smenkhkara were ruling. I was busy playing with my relatives,
one of whom was my future wife Ankhesenpaaton. We were
occupied enough not to notice the troubles that were occurring
around us.
One day I walked past a closed room and heard many
shouts echoing from it. I thought to myself that there was a serious
argument occurring. I wondered if I had anything to do with it.
After several minutes of standing near the door and listening to every
ounce of emotional outburst, the door flung open and an angry
Akhenaton stormed out. He was too furious to notice that I was
secretly observing his absurd emotional situation when he quickly left
the hallway and turned towards his office. As curious of the situation
that I was, I peered into the room and saw my sister-in-law Nefertiti
crying to herself with tears draining from her kohl painted eyes.
In the next couple of weeks, which seemed like mere
minutes to me in the dream, I found myself sitting in my gilded chair
observing a royal ceremony in the main courtyard.

As I watched the ceremony from above in one of the ornate
balconies, I glanced at Akhenaton who was watching the activities
from the window of appearance. For some reason, I felt angry with
him. I concentrated on hopes that he would soon die and leave the
throne to me. Of course Smenkhkara was next in line to the throne,
so if I wanted access to the throne I would have to kill him as well.
I focused my attention on the disc of the sun god Aton that
cast a shadow on him. I concentrated all my powers on the sun disc
and soon enough something very strange happened. The cobra
uraeus on the ridge of the image of Aton blew a column of flame at
Akhenaton, causing him to burn into ashes and fall from the balcony
and into a large hole in the ground. The hole was an entrance into
the Netherworld, the place that he neglected all the time that he was
alive. He denounced the existence of Osiris when he was per-aa, so
it seems that the Netherworld gods had their revenge.
There were screams of panic and of fear encircling the
palace gates. I next focused my thinking on my second oldest
brother who was standing in front of me. The royal image of the
cobra stood erect on my forehead and directed its flame-throwing
powers on Smenkhkara, who was begging for forgiveness of his
wrong doings. Soon enough, the cobra image spat a vapor of flame
at him, engulfing his entire body and casting it into the image of Aton
that he worshipped.

I next envisioned that I was in command of an army,
attacking the forces of Syria. The opposing army consisted of human
headed birds carrying snakes, and winged snakes wearing Syrian
robes and riding on chariots. I attacked by using magical arrows,
which transformed the birds into dust. I also fought with the flame-
throwing uraeii on my forehead.
In the next scene, I was pictured in an embalming room,
where priests were wrapping my body with strips of linen. The
priests spoke various spells, which caused my mummified corpse to
glow with each incantation. Next they placed me in a series of
coffins and lowered them in the tomb. After a long expanse of time,
I regained my senses and attempted to escape my entombment.
Large golden wings protruded from my larvae-like corpse, and
allowed me to fly out of the coffins and into the adjoining room
where my organs were kept. Next, I inserted my preserved organs
into the empty spaces in my body and realigned them. After
organizing my corpse, I walked out of my tomb and into the daylight
visible outside of the tomb.
Some interference prohibited me from witnessing anything
else regarding the next life, so I reappeared in my coffin. Beside the
coffin, Ankhesenamon was crying and placed a wreath of flowers
encircling the crown on the coffin's forehead. A shadowy intruder
asked who was in the coffin. The priests said that the great Per-aa
Tutankhamon was inside. The embalming priest stated that the deity
in the coffin will meet Osiris in the judgment hall in Duat.
My vision began to fade and I heard someone calling out. . .

I tossed and turned in the bed as Ankhesenamon tried to
wake me from my curious adventure. I raised myself from the
clutches of a terrorizing dream and found myself drenched in
perspiration and embraced by a bewildered Ankhesenamon who
attempted to exonerate me from the dream.
I wondered if I had just a typical Kemtic dream, which was
a delusion of my opinion of the promised afterlife that the priests
endlessly attempted to brainwash us with. On the other hand, I
might have had a psychic revelation of my own demise set sometime
in the future.
In the past, I did hate my elder brothers enough to destroy
them, although there is no physical evidence that I had. I wondered
if my psychic abilities were the cause of their unexpected deaths, or
removal from office. Smenkhkara didn't die until after he was exiled,
so the facts still remain true: that both of my brothers died during the
time that I hated them, and not very far apart as noted in my dream.
Hours later, I discussed my dream with one of the priests of
AmonRe. He was impressed with my story, and offered me a
temporary cure consisting of his idea of magic. He molded an image
of me from a slab of wax, and spoke some words of sorcery over it.
He next dripped water over the image and covered it with a black
cloth. The priest told me that the image will protect me from harm
and cause my soul to be shielded from the demons that invented my
dream. I didn't exactly understand his point, but I took the image
and hung it on my bedroom wall.

In the morning, we entered the ship with our cargo and left
Thebes for the wildlife to inhabit.
After many dull hours had passed, I looked through one of
the open windows and watched the mountains of Nubia pass, with its
chirping birds gliding through the wind. The canal passage was
approaching so we gathered our simple luggage and lined up at the
exit, awaiting our destination.
Finally our ship came to a halt. The horses were tied and
exited the vehicle carrying some objects, while my personal servants
carried my hunting equipment. I was one of the last to leave, still
admiring the reflection in the waters of the golden barge that I
restlessly was forced to lie in for the duration of the cruise. I
watched the calm waves gently flow northward to the pyramids and
the exotic animals drinking from it at the sides of the river. I happily
turned towards the ship's exit and climbed down the ramp and onto
the aging florid trail that will lead me to the temporary pavilion that I
ordered to be constructed.
I walked along the flattened trail of wildflowers and brushed
my arm across one wheel of a golden chariot that was escorted by a
servant. Usually I would ride in a chariot to my place of residence
but this time I decided to walk because there wasn't very much space
to wander about on the ship.
After several minutes, we entered the decorated tent and
arranged our compact furniture in the areas that we desired. I
entered my section of the pavilion and rested on a gilded chair
waiting for them to unpack.

I waited for a while, staring into an opening of the tent,
watching the sluggish movements of the animals in the surrounding
forest. Finally, after my supporting attendants unpacked their
hunting equipment and sorted out mine, we left the tent to explore
the area.
It was midday when we reached an area covered with jungle
brush and protected by shallow caves filled with mysterious creatures
wailing in the darkness. We rode over to a hidden clearing in the
forest and it was there that we discovered something. A small pack
of lions roamed around an animal carcass ten meters to the west of
our chariots. There was no apparent danger to our chariots from that
distance. I told the others to encircle the area while I remained
within firing distance.
I glanced towards the lion pack and noticed that there were
some lion cubs playing with parts of the animal corpse. A thought
came to me. I wondered to myself if it were possible to capture one
of the lion cubs and store it in captivity until it was as tame as a house
cat. Then I could bring it with me in future hunts.
I armed my bow with two poisonous, bronze tipped arrows
and aimed steadily at one of the golden lions. The beast's dark mane
protected its underside so it was difficult to identify the appropriate
location to fire. I carefully pulled back the bowstring and released it
in the direction of a yawning lion. The arrow streamed through the
air like a speeding missile and punctured the inner lining of the lion's

The lion struggled with the arrow that was firmly extending
from the animal's gaping mouth. The lion tried to walk into my
direction but was forced to stop when streams of dark blood began
to emerge from its jaws. This event made the surrounding lions
nervous and excited.
I fired another arrow at a lion who was investigating the
ailments of the first fallen creature. The arrow penetrated the side of
the animal causing the lion to swing outward at the arrow shaft.
Several lions growled angrily during the event.
I called over to my assistants who were readily awaiting my
command. I told them to slowly creep towards the fallen lions and
collect them. Later, when they were some distance away, they would
skin the lions and deposit them nearby. The fur of the lions is very
valuable, and especially appropriate for a king.
I ordered the other soldiers to attack with spears and to
protect the lion cubs.
I silently approached a separate region consisting of large
boulders and rocks. There were some lions hanging off the rocks'
edges and others encircling the carcass.
I withdrew a Syrian scimitar, which was collecting dust in
the Theban museum, and slowly crept toward a sleeping lion. I
hastily grabbed the lion's tail, which of course woke him up, and
raised the blade above my shoulders. I then plunged the blade into
the angry lion's underside and withdrew after it slowly died.

After a couple exciting hours, we stealthily left the jungle
carrying lion skins and adorable lion cubs. As we approached a
passage in the direction of our barge I noticed a sleek black panther
crawling up our path. I halted my troops. Taking a set of poisonous
arrows from their scabbard, I strung an arrow on my bow and aimed
at the creature. After pulling back the bowstring and thereby
launching a gilded missile into the horizon, I stopped myself and
observed the result. Apparently the arrow scared the beast off into
the twilight. Disappointingly, I ordered the troops to retreat into the

When we returned to the palace, my family and friends

welcomed us with shouts of joy. The troops placed the lion skins in
a temple vault for temporary storage until the skins could be made
into priestly costumes.
I supervised the training of the lion cubs during the next
few weeks. I allowed myself to bathe my skin with the blazing solar
rays of the sun deity Re. Ankhesenamon occasionally brought
portable drinks to my outside tent, which was not very private since
my protective bodyguards aligned the entrance.
Over the next month my seventeenth birthday rose from
the sands of time. I wondered if I would live long enough to oversee
a time period of outstanding technology and wealth. Of course that
might be still another of my far-fetched dreams.

Over a period of about nine or ten weeks, the strict security
measures that prevented me from having any non-political fun
lessened. I began to direct my mirth to my wife rather than to my
Ankhesenamon and I, during this time, frequently played
together not only mental games but rare physical ones as well. For
instance we occasionally play-wrestled on the floor of my private
suite on the third floor of the palace.
I remember also having her exchange a bouquet of flowers
for a handful of a perfumed drink which I was holding. This event
occurred in an unused room of the palace. For an unknown reason I
enjoyed these ridiculous antics of affection.

Aside from those events, I began my interest in my

northern neighbors such as Syria and Persia. Since the last time one
of my generals attempted to annex Syria and failed, we have not
heard any word from that country. As for Persia, that nation has not
been mentioned since my ancestors were alive. I asked Horemhab to
watch any movements from those countries as necessary.
Weeks later, Ankhesenamon told me secretly that she would
like to once again attempt to bear a child. Of course, as unlikely the
subject was at the time, I did not know what to say. . . It seemed as if
it were yesterday that she was mourning the death of her second
born. I didn't know if I should or not, given the emotional trauma
that would accompany it.

The next morning, I awoke to find myself in the presence of
my uncle Ay who was eagerly waiting to announce the day's events as
he stood over my bedside. I sleepily rolled back the linen covers
from my bed and carefully sat erect so that I could view the papyrus
that Ay had been holding. He told me that my commander
Horemhab returned from Genrenne, a small town neighboring Syria,
and reported that the Syrians are growing restless and might possibly
attack in the near future. Besides the obvious bad news, Ay told me
that the temples recently received additional tribute and produce
from distant lands. The temples are fortified now from any possible
The now wrinkled papyrus displayed some relatively
unimportant documents, which required my authority and approval.
After signing the papyrus, I allowed myself to drift back to sleep for
about twenty minutes or so.
Some time later I dressed myself with the usual garments
and exited the bedchamber. I descended the flights of stairs to the
dining hall where I consumed a typical breakfast consisting of fruit,
bread, and preserved meat.
Next, I exited the palace and walked towards my temporary
mortuary temple and investigated the newly designed decorations. A
golden idol blocked my path when I attempted to visit the inner
sanctum. The artisans were probably mass-producing the statues
from the Nubian tribute.

I walked along some shrubbery in the palace garden and it
was there that I noticed Ankhesenamon secretly wading in the local
pool. I slowly crept towards the pool, almost kneeling in the
underbrush as I cautiously peered over a greenish hedge. I had
wished that I had a periscope with me so that I could view her more
accurately, or better yet a video camera. Of course, neither of which
was even thought of on this planet yet.
I watched as she silently dressed in her transparent gown
and gilt crown displaying erect cobras. After a final splash of her
right arm carrying water along the pool's edge, she turned towards an
exit and left the scene.
I kneeled on the grassy floor, my brain still consuming every
delicate minute of her actions. All of a sudden I heard an abrupt
voice call out my throne name from behind me. I half jumped;
startled that someone nearly caught me spying on my wife.
It was my honorable servant Maya who delivered a message
of some emergency to my attention. At least it was an emergency to
him. . . He told me that the royal army is now well equipped for
usage because of the new golden chariots, that arrived only minutes
ago from the workshops.
Forgetting my temporary espionage with my wife, I
wandered towards the balcony to oversee the new artillery that briefly
interrupted my peace. It was a grandiose sight to witness over twenty
gold-plated chariots ready to use against any possible enemy threat.

Later, I reclined on an animal headed couch on the second
floor balcony and gazed out towards the horizon. I watched the
clouds cast shadows over the city of Thebes and the sunlight reflect
off the hundred gilded gates protecting the city. The sky proclaimed
its pale blue ozone layer loudly when I attempted to search for the
gods who supposedly live there among the stars.
After daydreaming about the atmosphere and the guardian
deities who came to life when the priests read from the ancient papyri
scrolls, I sat up from my westbound position and watched the sun
float to its zenith.
I walked downstairs and visited my playful sisters in their
activities. I noticed that they took a great deal of their time just to
appear gorgeous when in reality they had bean shaped heads and tied
back wigs. Not that their appearance appalls me in any matter, it just
seems a waste when they try to cover up their deformities with dark
eye liner and rosy red lipstick. I do not believe that I am insulting
them by describing their true appearance; after all, they're not half as
beautiful as Ankhesenamon or others for that matter.
I ventured back to my bedroom and tried to organize the
household clutter that, at the moment, seemed to be dumped in
various positions about the room. I thought to myself that at my
current age I began to see things in a different way. Perhaps my
mind is maturing more than the rest of me.

In the evening, I walked outside and looked at the
constellations in the moon lit sky. I glanced back at the palace, its
papyrus shaped torches flickering against the granite walls, and the
flowering hedges waving by the cool desert breezes. The sight of it
can be most comparable with modern hotel resorts on tropical
islands similar to the floral found along the Nile.
As I watched a shooting star drift past the Big Dipper
constellation, I saw Ankhesenamon stroll towards me. She calmly
inched towards me, her protruding jawbones casting a shadow across
her cheeks. She quietly asked if I wanted to merely have sexual
contact with her in the bedroom suite. Of course I was aware of
what she meant by that statement. It seemed to be the right time for
that; but then again, when is the correct time for sexual intercourse
anyway? This would be my second time I have experienced it, and
her third. I suppose the idea gets better with age. . .
I slowly swung my right arm over her shoulder and drew
myself closer to her. I examined her light complexion and glided my
hand against one of her cheeks, concentrating on her poised mouth
parts. My other arm stroked along her clothed back and supported
her from my distant actions. I then lurched my cranium in the
direction of her sluggish gaze and delivered a delightful and alluring
kiss to her restless jaws. She then returned my kiss with a repetition
of her own magic, which in turn started a seemingly endless war of
lip osculation.

Taking a break from our current activities, we slowly
wandered up the stairs and into the bedchamber. It was dark and
shadowy so I lit two alabaster lamps, which brightened the room to
some degree.
I removed my kilt and some of the other items that I had
been wearing. I noticed that she did the same with her pleated gown
and gilt headdress.
She casually knelt beside me on the sloping bed, her eyes
scanning my every move. I bent down next to her and felt her
hairbrush against my bare right leg as I turned abruptly in her
As we both sat facing each other I began to feel rather
awkward for an unknown reason. I slowly soothed the aches along
her back and massaged her cheekbones as I sat there, unknowing
what to do next. The last time we did this she had guided me. Now
I am supposed to lead my actions the way she did some years ago.
Pondering what to perform next, I tilted my body over her,
gently caressing various parts of her beautiful anatomy. We then
began once more the lovely lip osculation that held us together like
super glue holding a ton of blocks.
She returned my actions with an equilibrium of her own
power of various forms of love making. I laid there unable to control
her actions until the time came when we engaged in (actual)
intercourse. It was then that I recognized that we would soon stop
all this bodily nonsense. . . .

Weeks later, I stared out from the highest balcony and
watched the current of the river ripple northward. The sun glistened
off the short waves, and reflected from the gilt barges that held my
country's possessions.
I wished to go hunting near the east bank of the Nile,
although this time I would not be alone. Ankhesenamon asked me if
she could assist me while duck hunting. I agreed, though she never
asked that question before so I asked myself why she would want to.
Hunting isn't the type of sport most girls of my time are interested in.
Most of them play with balls or fix the beady hair on dolls.
Well anyway, she did accompany me on this short voyage to
the Nile shore.
I gathered my hunting gear and together we left by chariots.
When we reached a suitable location I dismounted my chariot and
organized my utilities. We sat on cushions brought from the palace,
and I allowed her to hold my arrow supply. I leaned down from my
folding stool and picked up my golden bow, its curves glaring from
the sunlight.
As I was aiming at some green billed ducks, my pet lion cub
rubbed his furry mane along my legs. He seemed like a mere
housecat now, after weeks of training. His gaze interrupted my prey
and he made some hisses at the birds. Like any cat, the lion cub
wanted to jump at the birds after I had shot them down.
Ankhesenamon casually handed me an arrow after I had
shot some ducks, and continually handed me more arrows.

She pointed in the direction of a rare purple-billed duck,
partly hidden among the papyrus reeds while handing me a second
arrow. After I shot a copper tipped arrow at the duck, many ducks
were startled and flew away causing panic to the surrounding birds. I
then decided to wear the container of arrows and simply allowed her
to hold the arrows that she wished to fire.
Unknowingly the artisans and courtiers under the authority
of Ay were watching us. He had probably told Ankhesenamon to ask
me to go hunting with her so that they could record and draw the
events, which they would later use as candid paintings on the palace
I aimed at another duck, this time I aimed to the left of our
area. After I released the bowstring the arrow knocked the duck
unconscious and the lion cub retrieved it. The cub seemed to be
deciding whether to eat the bird or bring it back to us. Well, it
apparently played with it for some time before actually returning it.
The lion cub appeared to be no different from other cats, only that it
was larger.
After a couple hours, we returned to the estate and
deposited the bag of ducks in a storage room near the kitchen. I
retired to my throne room where I made a note on papyrus (this of
course being my diary) about my day's events. I occasionally made
notes about each day's activities whenever I thought that it was of
some importance.

Nine months have passed since Ankhesenamon and I have
had a unique, intimate relation. Over that time period she has
become very pregnant and yearns for the time when the process of
having a child is completed.
For weeks the nurses have attended her and advised me not
to interfere with her ailments or difficulties. I, once again, sought the
advice of the doctor who murdered the last infant and informed him
about the same conditions. He, I thought, was becoming annoyed
about my attitude concerning the infant. I ordered him to eliminate
the baby if it turned up to be a female, as usual. Because of this, we
had a long discussion about that topic.
At long last, Ankhesenamon was in labor and the doctors
were ready. My specialist was prepared with the necessary poisons
and waited with me by his side. He told me to at least watch during
the birth, and to not be discouraged if it's a girl. I knew that I was
not the only ruler who advised such demands, since other rulers of
other nations also have their reasons for something as horrible as
killing their own offspring.
I watched as the doctors removed the infant head first, and
I also noticed the stress on the part of Ankhesenamon who was
aiding in the removal of the infant. Next I saw the doctors cut the
umbilical cord. Finally, the doctors proclaimed that it was a girl. But
it wasn't long before we were all dumbfounded as I witnessed the
baby shriek and release all signs of life. It was now that we
discovered that the baby died of natural causes. . .

We all stood in an erie silence, unable to speak at the
unforeseen tragedy. Ankhesenamon lay there anxious to know what
just happened. The doctors and nurses cleaned their mess and left us
alone in a bitter silence. I knelt down beside her, with mixed feelings
scorching through my veins. I did not know what to say nor what I
could say about the disastrous event. I was all prepared to have it
eliminated and everything was running smoothly. I wasn't prepared
for what recently occurred. Not knowing what to tell her, I simply
rubbed against her and started to lament.
With tears streaming down my cheeks, I took a long
penetrating look into her questioning eyes, hoping for an answer. I
did not know why I was mourning; after all, I did acquire the result I
wanted. It just seemed to be the wrong timing.
A long pause followed. After I had told her what happened
she appeared to be both thankful and upset. I suppose that she was
relieved because of the pressure that she had to undergo and felt
better knowing that it was all over. No doubt she probably blamed
herself concerning her failures that she thought was her fault. She
probably considered that her ability to bear me a son was a problem
for me, etc. etc..
Although I had hoped the event would end in a similar
manner, I was still unprepared for the unimaginable. Well, now I am
relieved that that was over with. Perhaps tomorrow will be better. . .

C H A P T E R F O U R T E E N:
T H E S Y R I A N C O N Q U E S T.

Nearly a half of a year has past since the dreadful day the
third child of my wife died. I am now eighteen years of age, and I am
exploring vast undiscovered regions beyond the Canaanite lands. I
thought to myself that this location would be perfect for an extension
of the Kemtic culture to flourish unnoticed by the nomadic peoples.
The people that I have secretly chosen to fill this land were the older
slaves currently working near the cities bordering the long desert in
the west. I discussed my decision with my godly assistants in the
barrier zone by way of a third component broadcast signal from the
ring. They told me that I would first require a way to leave my
embodiment in order for them to forcefully expel the slaves into the
regions near Canaan. But perhaps I didn't wish to leave so soon.
After all, my embodiment just reached adulthood and I wouldn't
want to leave until it was older. They next informed me that they
would not be able to perform any actions while I, or any deity, was
remaining on Earth. As gods that they were, there was no legal way
to expel the slaves unless I leave. That meant, of course, by my
dying. I agreed and told them I would find a way to exit in the near
future. . . .
I soon learned from a scout that the city of Genrenne was
destroyed and looted by a Syrian dispatch. I was furious with the
news. I ordered a small elite group to investigate and guard nearby
cities until official action will commence.
I visited the royal armory and counted the number of
golden chariots available. I noted that there were many plain wooden
vehicles left from the first attack of the Libyans, many years ago.
These chariots will be used first for the front line troops who will
hopefully occupy the enemy until the major parts of the army are
Walking to the throne room, I ordered my bodyguards to
assemble the armor, which I will wear to battle, once we reach the
northern district. Also, I ordered some attendants to organize
supplies for the trip to Memphis (Mennofer).

Upon reaching Memphis, we assembled and gathered our

utilities and weapons alongside the harnessed chariots. Horemhab
carefully laced my stallions to the chariot's hull. I collected all the
necessary weapons, which I will need for the battle and installed them
in my Electrum chariot.
The armor I wore consisted of: a solid gold breastplate with
colored glass wing designs, a double buckled leather belt, six bracelets
and gauntlet styled bow shield, a leopard skin overlapping the
breastplate, and last of all a golden protective sash connected to the
kilt. I thought that, will all this armor and equipment, I was ready to
deal with the enemy.
In addition to the armor I also wore two full containers of
bronze arrows. I stood alone near my chariot, confident and dressed
to kill. . . .

On the distant horizon I spotted a wide line of horse drawn
chariots approaching. I heard various shouts and battle cries emitting
from that region. Desert winds blew across the surface causing
whirlwinds of sand and dust, which clouded the sky and shrouded
our enemy until I could see them strolling no more than a mile from
us. I mounted my sparkling chariot and called out to my troops to
send forth the first wave to meet our deceitful foes.
After minutes of watching the first wave encounter the
hated Syrians, I became both fearful and restless. I observed the way
the enemy attacked, with their long robes rippling in the wind and
their equally long beards absorbing every flicker of sunlight.
I watched and waited. I sent the second wave out to
obliterate the Syrians and waited further. After half an hour of sheer
boredom, I calmly reached for my bow and announced to my third
wave that I will personally lead them when the time is right.
The sun was nearing a clouded horizon when I had finally
decided to move towards them, escorted by the lance throwing,
shielded troops of the third wave. I raised my golden flail into the air
above me and gave a loud battle cry. After snapping my horsewhip
between my armored Stallions, my chariot staggered upon the ground
and dove into combat.
I steered towards the center of the battle to acquire a better
perspective of where I was going. I gazed to the

sides of my chariot where dozens of gold-clad chariots, the equivalent
of modern tanks, streaked the desert like a fine blade. I tried
carefully not to accidentally shoot one of our soldiers as I armed my
bow and aimed at various enemy soldiers.
I was close to one of the enemy chariots, the soldier
clutching a razor sharp scimitar directed towards my unprotected
neck. I quickly unsheathed and raised my iron dagger and made an
even cut as my dagger sliced the hand off the furious Syrian trooper.
After the blood covered hand dropped to the ground, I reached for
the Syrian blade and used it to decapitate the soldier. Watching the
bearded head fall from its presently bare shoulders made my stomach
feel a little queasy.
I picked up my compound bow and strung a few arrows on
it. I aimed at the abdomen of a trooper and released the bowstring a
little too early. The arrows penetrated the neck, pelvis, and hip joint
of the soldier instead of piercing the same target location. Forgetting
about aiming, I decided to simply fire arrows in the direction of the
enemy and allow fate to decide where they will go.
As fearless attendants were rapidly fanning me, I plotted to
charge from the rear, and therefore exit in the location of my
charging army. I veered to the left of the battle and encircled my
army until I was parallel to it. Next I raised my bow and shot no less
than fourteen unsuspecting and surprised Syrian guard troops.

Placing my bow in one of the side containers, I reached for
a handful of bronze-headed spears and a curved battle-ax. I drove
next to two Syrians and stopped my chariot between them. One
Syrian swung his scimitar from my left so I blocked it with a spear,
causing the spearhead to fall from the broken shaft. I stabbed the
other Syrian with the stolen scimitar and twisted it inside the enemy's
lower abdomen. Next I kicked the bloodied soldier from his vehicle
and leaned on the side rail, which permitted me to kick the blade
from the other enemy's hand. I quickly rotated the soldier's body so
that I could strangle him with the spear shaft, the wood rod under his
chin. I pulled back the shaft towards my breastplate and pulled the
enemy onto my chariot, forcing my dagger into his back causing
blood to pour onto my white kilt. After I had pronounced him to be
dead, I released my grip on the spear shaft and pushed him into a
speeding chariot, his head being caught between the spokes of a
chariot wheel.
I drove more towards the exact center of the battle,
shooting at Syrians and watching them fall and cry out in surrender.
At the center of the battle, Horemhab and I ventured in on foot
instead of driving since there wasn't any space to drive!
Carrying a curved bladed battle-ax and three spears, I ran at
the Syrians nearly tripping over the fallen soldiers. I spotted a Syrian
attempting to hit me with a rock shot from a sling, so I dodged it and
killed him with a spear.

I grabbed a Syrian by the beard and forced him to the
ground where I submerged a spear into his robed back. After
watching the robe absorb blood from the wound I pulled the spear
out and threw it at another soldier, blood slowly dripping from the
blade. I did not care that much about the horrible tactics we used to
kill the enemy, since that was the general way to attack.
It was growing very dark so we decided to break off the
unfinished attack and hoped that they knew it. After chasing the
living soldiers into the darkness we left with them a warning in
cuneiform stating that they required to send us tribute or else we
would destroy them forever. I collected anything of value to us and
remounted my chariot and turned to leave.

Later, I resided at the secondary palace in Memphis. I was

undressed and removed from all armors by loyal attendants working
in the palace. I am sure that Ankhesenamon is thinking about me
back in the Theban palace at this time.
After cleaning foreign blood from my dagger in the
washroom, I waited in my throne room and imagined what type of
tribute, if any, that I would receive from the Syrians who I allowed to
live. I reclined on my throne, thinking back to the time when I
communicated to my associates in the barrier zone concerning the
time when I'll choose to leave. Well, at least I didn't die in the war. . .

For two weeks I hadn't received word from Huy about the
tribute from Syria, although we did acquire annual tribute from
Nubia in the form of ivory and gold dust. I remained in the
Memphis estate because it was closer to Syria than was Thebes.
Ankhesenamon was informed about my (our) success in the Kemtic-
Syrian war.
One day, I reclined on one of my gilt thrones in the throne
room and recorded all of my important events in my papyrus scroll
diary. I mentioned that I was in a position to locate slaves from an
earlier time, group them, and thereby create a separate Kemtic nation,
which will pass on the technology to other lands. Later I would
combine these nations into one worldly country and thus dominate
the world, which was the general function of Atlantis.
Noticing that I was being watched, I put aside my diary and
walked out of the room and into the eastern courtyard. I sat upon an
ebony stool in the near center of the courtyard and watched the pet
giraffe stretch its long neck and peer into the courtyard. My
domesticated lion cub rubbed against me and roared softly. I stroked
his back and massaged his neck and rounded ears. I slightly glanced
at the golden collar, which protected his neck, sparkling in the given
Later I rambled outside to where the Nile River constantly
flows northward. I stared steadily to the north, where the pyramids
were created as well as where the future of Kemti lives.

During the middle of the third week, I received a notice
from Huy stating that the tribute from Syria is coming. I ordered the
preparation of one of the larger halls to be vacated and made ready to
hold whatever tribute will be offered.
I ordered my royal scribes, Kha and Ani, to gather their
equipment and be ready to count and record the tribute. My
accountant, Harnefer, stood ready with his scribe pad and ink balls.
In case they brought horses, I allowed my chief of the stables, Hati,
to stand beside the side entrance of the hall.
Walking into my bedroom suite, I informed my loyal
attendants to organize my priestly costume for the offerings that will
be presented to me by the princes or priests of Syria. First I was
enveloped in perfume and the earlier form of suntan oil. Next I was
given a clean, pleated kilt with a hanging inscription with my names
attached. I also wore leather sandals, ceramic anklets and golden
bracelets, a very ornate collar along with two pectorals and many
necklaces, and a blue silk cape. On my head I wore a green striped
nemes headdress and the blue Setem helmet.
Besides the fact I needed to have eyeliner drawn around my
eyes, I was apparently ready and well equipped to observe the
imported goods without hesitation. I strolled into the hallway and sat
upon one of my better thrones with Nubian fanbearers at my sides.
The Nubians were dressed in typical royal garb, as necessary.

I waited for hours in the hall, impatiently daydreaming
about the last time tribute had come in numbers all at one time. I
slowly turned the gold and ivory papyrus scepter in my hands,
reading the imbedded inscription carefully. To my left side laid the
magnificent crook and flail which the deity Osiris used as a burial
memento. Every per-aa since his time has used the crook and flail
during their lifetime.
Finally, at around noon, the Syrians marched into the hall
carrying their exotic produce. The Syrian guards, with their pink
colored robes, led teams of horses along the back wall. There were
many different species of horses, some rare and some common.
Behind the horses were carts displaying fabulous gold and silver
vessels, each containing fragrant odors which captivated the
imagination of all whom stood in its path. Chariots, some with gold
plating and others made of cedar wood and ebony, were quietly
displayed with soldiers carrying dangerous yet silenced weapons.
In my path were laid carts with baskets and silver containers
overfilled with gold rings and silver idols. Also, I found among the
articles pieces of Lapis Lazuli and volcanic glass in bundles. In other
golden goblets were the produce of many lands, along with vases
containing foreign ale and wine.
The attendants of the Syrians as well as the Syrians
themselves all bowed before the throne. After all the traditional,
ceremonial acts were done, I descended from the throne and
investigated the tribute and the officials.

After some time had passed, I led Huy and other officials to
a side courtyard and rewarded him with collars of semi-precious
stones outlined in gold. As for the remaining officials, I rewarded
them for their services to me and lent them free usage of the dining
hall for the banquet, which will soon follow.
I next ordered that the new tribute be collected and stored
in the adjoining storage vaults at the temple of Ptah. All personal
gifts made to the per-aa and his family, or simply everything that I
claimed to be considered mine, were presented to the royal barge
which I will sail on for the return trip to Thebes.

Long after the Syrians had left in their flagships, I watched

the outside through the window of my bedroom suite. I gathered
some of my possessions from the palace's closets and packed them in
storage cabinets for the return trip back to the royal palace in Thebes.
I picked up my treasured golden bow and slowly examined it,
remembering all the hunting trips that I had used it for. I gazed out
the window, half remembering the promise that I had made
concerning my escape from living among the living. I really did not
want to leave, but after all, everything that I had accomplished was
now flourishing in many colorful ways. For instance, I conquered the
Nubians, the Syrians, and hopefully the cowardly Libyans. I also
made peace with some Asian nations, and received both tribute and
produce annually.

Back in Thebes, I was welcomed by Ankhesenamon who
was a little worried about me, yet excited about what tribute was
brought in my honor. I gave her a silver amulet in the form of a
falcon in flight, which I received as one of the silver idols in a tribute
cart. She was thankful for the trinket, but insisted upon welcoming
me with a small series of wet kisses.
Apparently when I was staying at the Memphis estate she
was at Thebes catching birds with a net. The birds would usually be
kept in cages or set free over the courtyard.
The next day I ventured over to my unused tomb in the
Valley of the Per-aas, and inspected how the workmen carved the
inscriptions along the walls. My tomb now consisted of four rooms,
one of which was partially hidden by a moveable stone wall, and two
long passages ending with about twenty steps or so. In the future I
intend to enlarge it.

C H A P T E R F I F T E E N:
F I N A L S A C R I F I C E.

One glorious afternoon I was led by Ay and escorted by

Ankhesenamon to the Amon temple (in Karnak). Recently we
received some slaves from Syria and today I would use one of them
for a ceremonial ritual, which represents how Kemti is protected
from invisible boundaries.
I was greeted by several high priests in the hypostyle hall of
the temple. They led me to a breezeway in between the inner
sanctum and another passage. My uncle Ay stood in place of the
deity Amon because the statue was too heavy to be moved, or at least
that is what I was told. A male slave was placed before me and my
wife behind me. A semi-royal servant or scribe by the name of
Soneb recorded the event on papyrus.
I held in my right hand a Syrian scimitar, its razor sharp
blade gleaming by the torches. I was told to raise it above my head
and to hold the Syrian slave by the hair. Next I remained motionless
so that the situation could be recorded.
In a brief act of impatience, I accidentally thrust my fist
forward and decapitated the vile slave. By the looks on the faces of
the priests and that of Ay, I knew that I had done something both
wrong and untimely. Now I know enemies wont cross the borders!

It has been over a year since I last ventured to Memphis or
the delta region. I am currently nineteen years of age, as I wrote in
my papyrus diary. Another room has been added to my tomb within
the last few weeks. Everyone including my wife is succeeding in his
or her lives. I, however, am being taunted by haunting thoughts and
delusions resulting from thinking too much about when I will leave
the realm of the living.
I received a document from Dhutmose, a relative of
Nefertiti, stating that the city of Memphis has acquired all the
necessary tax payments and is prepared to donate some of it for the
production of temple idols and endowments. I was not too
concerned about it, since I regarded the document as the standard
daily news report.
The following week, Ankhesenamon and I were to be
transported to Memphis due to ceremonial reasons as well as affairs
of state. We boarded one of the golden sailing ships with limited
cargo on board. I brought with me some hunting supplies should I
have time to use them.
While on board, Ankhesenamon and I played games
including Senet and Tjau (thieves). I sat upon a regular throne in the
center of the ship and I wore a double cobra uraeus headdress on my
head. While sitting through most of the trip, I occasionally picked up
one of my elaborately decorated bows and playfully snapped the
bowstring against the shaft. This, of course, annoyed those standing
around me, so I deposited it behind my throne until we arrived at

On the way to Memphis, the ship slowly breezed by the city
of Akhetaton, the city of the criminal whose name only the members
of the royal family could say. I walked out of the throne chamber
and observed the shadowy remains of the city, which I only lived in
for a couple years. My wife might remember more about than I
would, considering she grew up there. Horemhab told me that it
would seem embarrassing to see a per-aa looking at a place that he
had condemned. It was quite obvious that none of the officials
would attest to my actions in this matter. I took a final glance at my
past and walked to the other side of the ship.
After arriving in Memphis, I was carried upon golden
carrying chairs to the office of the high priest of Ptah-Amon-Re. He
gave me the usual documents to sign and approve, and in addition he
informed me about something regarding the court system.
Apparently, there was a robbery in one of the temples dedicated to
Ptah and Amon. The suspect was caught after a primary
investigation of the surrounding residential areas. The priest wanted
me to tell them if the suspect was guilty or not. I thought it over and
informed him of my decision.
After some other discussion, I was asked if I wanted to
supervise the rendering of a new segment of the famous Book of the
Dead. I thankfully agreed, since it wasn't everyday that someone
made a part of history. . .
I was escorted out of the temple and into the royal palace
where I gathered my hunting supplies.

As I walked into the desert I thought to myself that this
would be my last hunt. Soon I would lend my throne to someone
else, as my spirit would swim through the celestial waters of the
secondary Nile in the Netherworld of Duat.
I sat down upon a smooth limestone block in a remote
clearing of the Nile's lush, tropical forest. This land was as clean as it
ever will be. There was no pollution or siltless deposits here, nor
chunks of salt rotting away temple walls. This was a place of peace
and it should have remained that way in the future.
This place was a complete sanctuary of wildlife. I noticed
many species of ducks, birds, and even some ostrich.
I carefully strung an arrow on my bow and aimed at some
ducks hovering over a papyrus patch. The arrow managed to kill a
duck, which my pet lion captured. The lion retrieved the duck
I placed the bloodied duck in a leather sack and examined
the corpse. I wondered why I admired the heads of ducks so much
as to make it known in the art world. I replaced the body in the bag
and sealed it.
I walked along the Nile bank as if it were a sandy beach on
some unknown tropical isle. I thought about everything that I had
done as per-aa and the results of my actions. I suppose there were
some acts that were uncalled for or stupid, but I seemed to knit those
problems into my web of knowledge easily. I thought to myself
about what would happen should I leave at this time.

One week later we returned to Thebes. The sky
was cloudless and sunny. I decided to inspect the area
around the palace and mortuary temple.
First I walked over to visit the inner sanctum of
the temple, as dark as it was. I lit a candle torch and read
the golden inscription on the altar. It read: This temple was
constructed for the mighty per-aa Tutankhamon-Nebkheperure on the
day of the half moon of Khonsu. May his heart live for millions of
years with the north wind energizing its veins in the sea of Duat.
After investigating other areas of the estate, I went
into the chariot house and talked to Horemhab secretly. I
told him: Should anything happen to me within the next
week, that he should take my place as Per-aa of the Two
Lands. He, of course, was awkwardly interested yet baffled
about my statement. I urged him to remember what I told
him, even if it never means anything in the near future.
Since I am the per-aa, he cannot argue about it.
I half jogged up the stairs and into my bedroom suite where
I had kept my secret diary. I hastily made some important
notes in it and stealthily climbed down the stairs and into
the chariot house. Horemhab was gone for the moment,
which relieved me. I assembled my horses and chariot
equipment and drove to the Valley of the Per-aas in the
western hills. I drove past the tomb that Ay had been
building and asked myself who it was destined for.
Disregarding it as personal, I drove towards my unused
It was dark inside so I lit a portable torch and climbed in
slowly. I made my way past odd-looking statues of fine quality and
into the `secret chamber'. I considered it to be secret because of the
sliding stone door that, when shut, made an even wall. The door will
later be covered with plaster and have painted scenes with some
I entered through the side of the door and into the room. I
placed the torch along one wall and opened the obsidian, pyramid
shaped altar. The top of the pyramid altar was a pyramid itself, and
the inside of the altar was partly hollow to allow a small object to be
placed inside.
Reaching inside the altar, I grabbed the Emerald ring
containing third-component and held it to the light. The third-
component swished in circles as light bounced off the sides of the
crystal. I held it to my heart and concentrated for an hour, thinking
about the temple of Ptah at the same time, for it was the priests of
the temple of Ptah that first made use of the Emeralds in the distant
During my meditation, I allowed the third-component to be
activated by my imploring thought waves. The ring will cast out the
component and allow me to leave my embodiment when the time is
right, and later it will return to the ring. Because of these mystic ways
of dealing with the simple way of death, no one living will ever
understand how I had died. The more important question is why I
died. . .

In a niche alongside a wall I placed my incomplete diary
scroll tied with black cord. I replaced the ring in the altar and exited
the room, closing the door behind me-- this time permanently.

Back at the palace I spent some time alone in my bedroom

suite, staring outside and into the sky. I briefly summarized my life
when I concentrated on the Emerald, thinking about everything that
I had remembered doing in this lifetime. My life was a fairly good
one. In all the millions of millions of lives that I have lived (usually
in an embodiment among lesser entities), not one could compare
with the emotions that have spurred and indulged the essence of this
one. It is true that I have loved and been loved in other lives, but
this one is somehow set aside from the others; for it was my decision
to allow the humans to exist illegally on this world and so it was also
my decision to marry one. . . .

At night I entered Ankhesenamon's room (downstairs on

second floor) and watched her sleep, with the curtain of transparent
linen drooping over the bed rail and partially enclosing her from the
outside. I looked at her face, how gentle she looked when she slept;
a true angel in disguise. I stared at her, every square inch, and tried to
force myself to remember her in this way. I noticed that her gown
was wrinkled, probably from turning in bed. I never wanted

to leave her or leave Kemti in any way. Perhaps, in a future
embodiment, I will return.
I slowly went downstairs to the main level. I entered a small
storage room and removed some bottles. I retraced my steps into my
bedroom and opened the bottles. Next I mixed the contents into
one container. There should be enough poison in the bottle to kill a
I took an ample amount of the poison and submerged it
into my wine filled goblet, and swished the wine until it formed
bubbles. I stared at the bottle from a distance. A long pause
followed. . . I took a series of deep breaths, and summoned up all my
courage, and in one giant gulp, I swallowed the wine, poison and all.
I waited until the next day for the poison to take effect.
The next morning I complained to Ay that I had a slight
fever. He was surprised because normally I would be ill in the winter.
Since the summer winds blew all the available toxic materials away,
there would be no reason as to why I was ill. Ay informed my doctor
Kenamon about my situation.
When Kenamon arrived, I was busy coughing and sweating
dangerously. Consequentially, I deposited the bottle of poison in the
royal garbage bin so that no one would find it. He gave me every
available medication, and I gave myself any remaining poison
secretly, and he could not understand why I was not well yet.

Each following day, the usual routine of having medication
poured into me along with secret doses of snake poison (it's a pity I
didn't use Asp poison), proceeded without problems. I coughed and
coughed. Sometimes I even coughed up drops of blood, probably
from the acid like residue in the poison, which tends to cause small
internal injuries.
I talked to Ankhesenamon and told her that I will always
love her regardless if nothing further happens to me. She hugged me
for a long time and left the room. For a moment, I was surrounded
by an eternal peace after she left.
I gathered my royal scepters, the crook and flail, and put on
my best possible attire. I would at least die in style. After glazing my
eyes with kohl, and spraying myself with layers of perfumes, I stood
up and looked at everything outside from the balcony.
Four hours passed until I felt a little dizzy and unaware of
my surroundings. Finally the correct time has come. . . I laid myself
on an animal shaped couch and crossed my arms, each hand holding
a scepter. I stared into the ceiling and concentrated on the third-
component from the ring. After twenty minutes I saw the
component dancing above me. I breathed in the component and
closed my eyes one final time.
The component forced me out of the embodiment and into
the seventh dimensional home I call Emerauldia. At that moment,
Tutankhamon-Nebkheperure, my embodiment, died.

C H A P T E R S I X T E E N:
I N W A I T I N G.

I was surrounded by darkness for an Earthly hour until I

entered the region of vast amounts of third-component orbiting
within the protective barrier zone. I first floated in the direction of
the cube moon where all memory of all life forms is stored. When I
reached the cube moon, I entered the memory of my previous
embodiment into the computer-like storage canal. Next, I prepared a
memory circuit for all of my former friends of the embodiment and
entered their judgment, which I had calculated while on Earth.
Sometimes I prefer to execute judgment while in an embodiment
rather than wait until they reach the distant judgment hall in Duat.
I noticed that my former Earthly wife had entered her
memory cube a while after I had entered the moon's atmosphere.
This means that she must have died shortly after I had left, or it
would seem. I saved the memory of all those who I thought were a
special part of my life, and I also placed the hated Akhenaton's
memory cube in the Void outside the Universe. That is the standard
course of action when dealing with evil, useless memory.
After I had completed all my work on the cube moon, I
turned toward an area where the dimensional image of Earth is
located. I saw my associates waiting for me to witness the expulsion
of the slaves I had wanted to release. . .

Before I decided to expel the older slaves into a new land
where they would become an extension of Kemti, I decided to
investigate my tomb for a while. Apparently I was not buried in my
original tomb but rather into the one that Ay had been making. Now
I know why he was building that other tomb near the entrance of the
valley! He stole my tomb and used it for someone else, or maybe for
no one at all, and instead he buried me in his. Oh well, perhaps
everything else is inside this new and unexpected tomb. Maybe Ay
was attempting to build a larger tomb for me while I was supervising
the creation of my actual house of eternity.
I entered the tomb in a semi-spiritual form. I allowed the
waters of the Netherworld Nile to flow into the tomb from a niche in
the walls of the tomb. The water took a visual image of the tomb
every place the waters poured. The image will become a separate
tomb in the Netherworld where I will be able to use it in the distant
Some people tried to break into the tomb and desecrate it.
They used copper tools stolen from a marketplace and hammered
along the sides of the entrance to gain access to the inside.
Eventually they broke in and stole many articles of wealth: gold
jewelry, gold fixtures on furniture, and anything else that sparkled in
the torchlight. I allowed them to pilfer some of the treasures
because, after all, what use would an eternal, non-human deity have
with Earthly possessions? I would only be able to use them in a
human form.

I waited inside the tomb for some time, watching the royal
necropolis guards apprehend and execute the thieves outside the
tomb entrance. The priests and guards attempted to realign the
contents of the tomb.
I reentered the empty shell of the embodiment, awkwardly
thinking about how trapped I was inside the solid gold coffin. While
in the embodiment, I constantly feared that someone would enter the
tomb, open the sarcophagus, and chop poor old Tutankhamon into
Osiris-like parts, and reduce the body to dust. Unfortunately that
didn't happen. . . .
I waited for about four Earth years more. This time more
thieves entered and stole the oils and perfumes from the alabaster
carrying cases. I also allowed them to do this. . . Next they
attempted to break in through all the shrines encircling the
sarcophagus and eventually to the mummy itself. This I would not
allow. I exited the mummy and appeared to them as a winged snake,
spewing fire at them. They quickly dropped their stolen artifacts and
exited the tomb.
The last to leave the tomb was the gang leader. I
transformed myself into a large snake and slithered above him on the
ceiling of the tomb. I dropped onto his head and encircled his neck.
I increased the pressure around his neck until he fainted. It was then
that I sunk my venomous fangs into his neck and propelled the
poison into his polluted veins. He died shortly after, and when the
necropolis officials came they were amazed at how he died. His
friends were found and sentenced. None ever returned.

I left the tomb and placed a forcefield over it, protecting it
until the correct time for its discovery.
I went back to the image (chamber) area in the barrier zone
and told the others to proceed with our plan. I selected a human to
unknowingly follow our orders until we reveal ourselves, or at least
one of us, to him. His name was a Kemtic definition of being born
from the Sun. His royal subjects knew him as Moses. I had decided
to use a royal figure since, because of my experience, royalty usually
had access to both knowledge and power.
Moses grew up in the palace of the military overlords who
descended from the ranks of Horemhab and Ramses of my reign.
He was well equipped with the knowledge of military strategy, so
therefore he could use it on the per-aa's men when the time came to
release the slaves. He was a fair diplomat and wise as well. He
possessed all the necessary traits for the savior that we had waited to
use for some time.
We implanted information regarding the slaves so that he
would know whom to release, if not all at the same time. We chose a
location that would seem fitting for a deity to reside. There was a
fairly active volcano in the Sinai region. I told one of my associates
to be the god who will communicate to Moses on the apex of this
volcano. We will tell him twenty or so codes of laws, which he will
distribute to, the former slaves so that they could live peacefully.

When Moses reached the mountain apex, my assistant
spoke to him in a human language and during the discussion he was
asked who he was. He told Moses, "I am." Moses then asked, "Are
you the one God we have sought for?" He finished his statement,
"That, I am."
We watched as Moses told the per-aa, now known as
Pharaoh, to release his people or else wicked deeds will befall the
Pharaoh and all who serve him. I wondered why the per-aa was
stubborn in his actions. I would have to speculate that the per-aa
didn't want to lose the slaves who had grown in number since I had
left. With more slaves he could build more cities and thus be more
The more this per-aa refused to release the slaves the more
I became angered. If I were given the same ultimatum, I would
indeed consider the possibilities first, and then expel the slaves. The
reason would then be the fact that the slaves have doubled in number
and could possibly revolt so it would seem a good idea to eliminate
some of them. For instance, I would remove some slaves and place
them in the army and have them killed in the duty of war, therefore
no one would realize they were removed.

Moses returned to the volcano and asked for assistance in

expelling the slaves. My companion told him to inform the Pharaoh
of certain incantations, which will be used to attack the Pharaoh

The Pharaoh will, upon witnessing the magical events, grow
more cowardly when dealing with Moses, and eventually remove the
bewitched slaves from his possession.
Moses was informed of the events, all which were naturally
occurring events, which were slightly enhanced to appear special. He
went to the per-aa's palace (whether the term per-aa or Pharaoh is
used, only the term Pharaoh will be used on the slave's behalf) and
commanded that the per-aa release his people, or rather the people in
question. The per-aa of course refused. Moses announced that many
plagues would smite Kemti until the per-aa does what Moses has
The first plague was the transformation of the Nile's water
into blood. The water was not actually turned into blood, but since
the slaves were in captivity for so long they forgot all the qualities of
the desert. The water was partially contaminated with an extra
amount of silt, the reddish mud left from the Nile's inundation.
The people could not drink from the water for several days
and were forced to drink water that was stored in the tombs of the
deceased. Others had to dig at the sides of the Nile for underground
springs or wells. [Stupidity was his greatest plague.]
The next plague was the introduction of frogs along the
Nile's banks, which bothered the commoners enough to complain.
Next was the infestation of lice, which troubled all the people of
Kemti with exception of the per-aa. Flies were the fourth problem,
which infested the local produce.

The fifth problem was cattle plague, which definitely had an
effect on the people, especially the royal cattle herders and priests of
the Apis bull. Seventh was the illnesses following the boils. After the
boils there were no other illnesses.
Moses went back to the volcano where he saw a small
eruption. He returned to the per-aa and told him to witness the side
effects of the volcano, this time magically. . .
The sky was filled with ash, which combined with the
weather to form a small hailstorm. The hail forced everyone inside.
They should have stayed inside for the next plague included the
rampage of locusts.
The volcano filled the sky with ash so thick that it blocked
out the sun. All the priests of the sun gods were worried and thought
to themselves that a reign of evil would begin following the darkness.
The darkness lasted a little over three days, but three days were
enough to convince everyone that Moses was an evil necromancer
and will destroy Kemti if the slaves were not expelled.
The next plague required an Emerauldian to personally
enter the atmosphere and evaporate the selected humans while in
natural form. The Emerauldian chosen was the same one who talked
to Moses because I did not wish to destroy the people I had once led.
The only part of him which was noticeable was the green third-
component which swirled in circles like a gas found on Earth. He
went to the unprotected people in Kemti and killed them where they
stood. The slaves, under the direction of Moses, had

painted their doorways with lamb's blood, symbolizing
freshly killed entities. The deity who finds the bloodied
doorframe will think that he has already been there, and
therefore the people will be protected. After noticing this,
the people will have to try something different in the future
to deceive the deity.
The final plague was the killing of the first born.
Why we chose to kill off the first born I still cannot fully
comprehend. Of course it wasn't my idea anyway, so there
is no reason for me to complain.

Finally, after all those infamous plagues had set

their course in history, the Pharaoh released the slaves into
the desert. The Kemtic neighbors either gave or were
stripped of their wealth to the slaves who will later be called
Israelites. Long after the slaves had left, the Pharaoh still
missed them so he decided to regain them or destroy them.
He led his forces to Sinai and it was there that the volcano
had blown its top. The explosion sent many things into the
atmosphere, especially godly noises which frightened all
who heard it. The explosion also caused a fault line to burst
which then caused the Red Sea to collapse and the waters to
form a bridge for the slaves to exit. Watching this, Moses
quickly led his people across the barren land between the
waters of the Red Sea to safety from the Pharaoh's

Later, Moses went to the apex of the mountain and called
out to the deity for the code of laws that he required. The
Emerauldian dictated the twenty laws, which another EM-1 recorded
as he fingered the stone tablets. Moses, upon reading all twenty laws,
decided to shorten the rules to ten basic laws, which the Israelites will
Some time had passed. Moses told the others to go find the
Promised Land on their own for he has conspired against his god.
This was the last we have heard from him from the mountain apex.
The remaining people led themselves into occupied land, occupied by
foreigners. The remaining slaves were not in the Promised Land
when they stopped moving. They were, however, in an area they
called Canaan, now known as Israel or Palestine. The Promised Land
was more in the direction of Persia.

I left the image of Earth after my work was completed. I

had hoped that the slaves have learned certain services while in
Kemti so that they could use them to create a new Kemti, which
would later be united to Kemti itself. That was the general reason as
to why I had left the embodiment of Tutankhamon. I hope, as most
gods experimenting with dependent mutations hope, that my sacrifice
had been successful and that the future will further the success of my
sacrifice. If that never happens, then I had left in vain.

After leaving the image chamber, I floated towards some
environmental planets that specialize in environmental life forms.
These planets are in a separate galaxy than that of Earth, and this
galaxy is closer to the barrier and the cell wall of the Universe than
any other galaxy, so it is therefore in a more private location. I was
too far away from Earth to notice anything strange or different about
its inhabitants. I also would not know if any intruder attempts to
enter the Earth's atmosphere through the forcefield that enshrouds it.
I scanned the jungle landscape and viewed the
environmental animals in action. There were plants of several forms
and colors encircling the wildlife. I thought to myself that this place
would be a suitable vacation resort for me, considering what I had
been through while in and out of Earth.
I decided to enter an embodiment of a certain species of a
rodent, thinking that living the life of a mouse was not only a short
vacation but also would be interesting to see how an environmental
life form enjoys the world.
After observing the type of rodent that I wished to enter, I
plotted the course of its time-set lifetime so that I would know when
it is scheduled to die, and entered by way of dimensional incision.
When I entered, I noticed that the gerbil-like rodent was recently
born in an incredibly dark cave decorated with jewels of crystallized
Carbon and Hydrogen.

As a rodent, I crawled through the tunnels of the labyrinth
made by the parent rodents. I discovered that many treasures were
etched into the tunnel walls, treasures that reminded me of human
greed should there be any humans on this world. The rodents would
have no use for these crystals so the sparkling objects would continue
to shine in the darkness for many generations unless some idiot
Emerauldian places dependent mutations here on this world. I don't
think that we are that careless, although environmental worlds are
made of the extras left over from the Universal explosion which
occurs at every Voidal heart'-beat. Because of this, any fourth-
component entity can rightfully add or remove anything from the
environmental class worlds.
I exited the tunnels by an above entrance leading to giant
jungle type trees and a small river trickling down the hill. The blue
sun hid behind snow-capped mountains in the North, while the
twelve moons were scattered across the clear sky and to the Western

For about five Earth years I lived in the rodent body,

absorbing every aspect of nature that I had missed while in that
temporary embodiment on Earth. After I had finished my vacation
on the environmental world, I exited the embodiment and allowed
the original soul to guide the rodent through the remaining years of
its existence.

While I was vacationing in the farthest part of the Universe,
someone else investigated my creations on Earth. As our records will
show, the intruder was an Emerauldian who, upon passing by Earth,
heard the desperate pleas of the dependent mutations calling out into
the cosmos. All of his actions were recorded dimensionally by the
cube moon in Emerauldia, which occasionally monitored any or all
actions in the area of Earth.
According to the records, the slaves whom I commanded
their release from Kemti now had a country of their own which was
being controlled by Roman influences. The Israelites were begging
for a savior to help rid the Romans from their realm, and their
combined pleas intertwined with the third-component in the
forcefield. This caused their pleas to be magnified enough to attract
the unwavering attention of any passing entity. I am sure that this
must have occurred often in this region of the galaxy.

The godly entity heard these pleas and entered an

embodiment and did so with a flashy entrance. He could not find
anyone who was giving birth at the time so he improvised: he
entered a virgin who at the time was sleeping. I bet that the girl was
somewhat scared when she discovered the next day that she was
I suppose that he was in a hurry because the slaves wishes
appeared to be an emergency to him. He had to act fast, at least in
acquiring an embodiment to control.

The now disguised Emerauldian, in the embodiment named
Jesus, lived in a similar way as I had when I was Horus
Tutankhamon. He worked as a carpenter and built objects of
execution during his first twenty years as a gifted human. He didn't
know about his special psychic powers until he was isolated in the
depths of a dark night while sleeping in the desert. That night he had
a revealing nightmare which displayed the powers that he didn't know
he had. Usually the general purpose of one's life, if that person is in
reality a true divinity or simply an Emerauldian, is revealed at a
specified time. Normally an embodiment would not have any innate
information unless that information is stored somewhere in the
subconscious part of the embodiment.
Years later, he experimented with his psychic, unhuman
powers unknowingly in the presence of others that attempted to
disprove his powers by numerous tests. He was then in a virtual trap
with himself which caused many sleepless nights for him. If only he
had toyed with his powers in private could he organize his powers to
influence his intent against the Romans who he wanted to eliminate.
If that had occurred, then he would not have stirred so much trouble
for him. He had kept his powers within reach so that no other
Emerauldian passing by would notice the ailments occurring on
He was nervous that the owner might return, so he made
references to me and called me his father, which later created his
downfall. Whenever he made an error, the humans recorded it in a
collection of scriptures.

Because of his overuse of powers, and his reasoning to drop
his disguise and proclaim himself a deity while in human form, he
created a new religion which caused the Israelite slaves to fall from
the track of prosperity. In other words, he single-handedly ruined
what I had sacrificed the life of Tutankhamon for. He ruined the
mental state of Israel and caused corruption to spread across the
fallen, one hundred gates of Thebes among other parts of the World.
He, I suppose unknowingly since it wasn't intentional, caused
everyone in every surrounding nation to consider the religion of
Kemti to be faulty. His new religion contrasted with mine to an
extent to allow me to persecute him as a traitor against the Universal
code of all Emerauldians in every part of the surrounding Void and
beyond. He became another Akhenaton, which must be either
destroyed or removed.
After he left the embodiment of Jesus, in an appropriate
manner considering his crimes, I caught up with him and exiled him
into a Voidal gap, what we Emerauldians call an eternal jail cell. His
crimes will not go unpunished. While on Earth he told the humans
that the end of the world would come when next he comes by.
Considering the fact that he won't return, and that the end of the
world is scheduled anyway, he didn't tell them anything that I
wouldn't. The humans will see an Apocalypse, but not the one
promised by their new God. He will be released after a few coils of
life have passed.

At the time before he left Earth, he returned in a ghostly
form to inform the humans that resurrection is possible only through
his religion. His appearance was probably an image created by his
third-component overcoat. He told the humans not to touch him.
I can understand why he didn't want them to touch him, and for two
logical reasons. The first is that if he were indeed a ghost the people
would touch nothing but air and thus be frightened. The second
reason would be that the people would touch the third-component
surrounding him and their hands would evaporate because there
would be nothing protecting them from the third-component.
Normally if third-component is exposed to the atmosphere, the air
coming in contact with it among everything else would evaporate.
When I say evaporate, I am not referring to the evaporation of water
by the sun. Third-component is an energy-evaporating, non-energy,
which can only be used by fourth-component beings.

After I had finally executed my decisions regarding Earth

and its surroundings, I entered an empty area of space near
Emerauldia and yet isolated in the seventh dimension. I told another
Emerauldian to watch my former humanoid embodiment's tomb and
tell me when a suitable civilization is near it and prepares to discover
it. After I told him, I decided to wait for a couple thousand Earth
years and sleep until my tomb has been found.

Less than two thousand Earth years passed since the
embodiment of Jesus had died. The year was 1917, and during this
time two professional tomb desecrators had been digging up the
remains of the ancients and displaying the items in museums. They
legalized their actions by insisting that their work was in the name of
science. . .
The Emerauldian I had appointed to keep watch woke me
up from my sleep of the centuries. He told me that the
archaeologists were in the area of my tomb. I removed the forcefield
from Earth so that I could view their actions more closely. This
action of mine caused the ozone layer to fluctuate.
I observed their actions while floating above them
dimensionally, noticing that my tomb was one of three which were
virtually intact. I pitied the fact that my tomb and two others were
the only ones not pilfered by generations of humans. Oh well. . . I
suppose it wouldn't make much of a difference. I waited until they
were in range and then led them to the site of my underground

C H A P T E R S E V E N T E E N:
1 9 2 2.

The archaeologists headed towards an ancient hut and

ordered it removed. After the workmen had removed the work hut,
someone discovered a step leading underground. One of the
archaeologists, a man by the name of Howard Carter, upon
discovering the step ordered the workmen to dig until the staircase
was found. The sixteen stairs of the tomb created by my former
uncle Ay stopped beneath them and halted at a door. Carter ordered
the staircase to be refilled until his assistant could be at his side for
the discovery.
On November 26, 1922, Howard Carter with his assistant,
the fifth Earl of Carnarvon, opened the tomb door and entered the
passage to the inner chambers. Mr. Carter poked through the door
with a torch and other equipment until he could see the golden
treasures reflect the candlelight back to him.
I watched from above and observed their exciting antics as
they scurried about the tomb. They installed an electric lighting
system in the tomb so that they could investigate further. After an
afternoon of looking at the various objects, they sealed and locked
the tomb. At night, the archaeologists returned to the tomb and
reopened it. They slightly pilfered the contents of the tomb while
they explored all four noticeable rooms.

Looking around the tomb and around the old city of
Thebes, I discovered that many of the monumental objects, which
came to life during my reign, were removed from view. I could easily
note that the temple fixtures were probably looted and destroyed
centuries ago, however they could have disappeared after I had left.
Someone must have deliberately tried to remove from the surface all
traces of my reign as Per-aa of the Two Lands. I remember telling
my top general Horemhab that after he became per-aa that he should
eliminate all traces of me from history, as I did Akhenaton, so that
my reign would not stick out in the middle of history like an awkward
item of mysterious origin. With this idea in mind, should the
Egyptologists never discover my tombs (one or the other) then my
existence would appear as a myth as does Osiris. Should the
archaeologists find my tomb after proclaiming my existence as
mythical, then they would also want to find the tombs of other
mythical characters such as Osiris, Anubis, Isis, or even Bata.
As I studied the actions of the archaeologists, I discovered
that Howard Carter was the actual Egyptologist and likewise the only
person that I had allowed touching or examining the possessions of
my former corpse. His assistants were of lesser value, so even
though greed started to settle in their minds, I allowed Carter to
continue his work and live until his work was completed. Carnarvon,
however, was only working as a patron contributor, that is he
supplied funds for the excavation and was not important to me.

Over the expanse of a few months, I overheard that
Carnarvon was going to acquire some of my possessions as payment
from Carter. The Americans who supplied the news reporters would
also gain some of the rare objects. I was aware that this type of
procedure was common in situations where gold bullion was found
in the depths of some pirate-free ocean, and that the praise "finders,
keepers" was coined. I would not allow a non-Egyptologist to claim
what is legally mine just so that the objects can sit on someone's desk
or shelf and collect dust where as in a museum it would be protected
as well as preserved and enjoyed.
I also heard that certain craftsmen and artists wanted to
copyright the reproductions of the jewelry and objects found in my
tomb. I do not object to reproduction making, but the fact that the
tomb contents were probably automatically copyrighted and patented
upon their creation. I only disagree about the idea that companies
assume that they have every right to privately create reproductions
when the reproductions should be public if there will be any space in
the future for a resurrection of the Egyptian (Kemtic) art.
I observed the manner in which the contents were removed,
and it didn't appear to be a careful manner at that. The chariots were
cut apart from the blackened reins and the discolored leather whips.
The chariots, furniture, and anything that wouldn't fit out the door,
were damaged.

I became angered when I received word that Carnarvon was
planning to keep some of my tomb possessions privately and away
from the museums. He already had some tomb contents from other
excavations stored safely within his castle in England. I would not
allow him to finish what the tomb robbers had, centuries ago, started
or to finish where they had stopped.
I had decided that all unnecessary personnel, and non-
Egyptologists or museum Curators, should be eliminated from view.
I would especially destroy all thieves before I eliminate all the extras.
While searching for an appropriate way in which the thieves
should be killed, I floated (dimensionally, as usual) above Lord
Carnarvon as he performed his daily hygienic habits and thought
about a clandestine way to kill him. I watched as he applied shaving
cream to his aging facial features and used a long razor to shave his
grey hair. Since he performed this daily, I discovered a superb way to
eliminate him. Remembering that Carter had brought with him a
canary with his excavation equipment one day, and that a hungry
snake entered the cage and ate the bird, gave me an idea. The people
of the modern era do not believe in protective curses so the canary
incident would be regarded as a bad omen, as would the death of an
English lord. This should persuade the common thieves that it is
wrong to steal from the ancients and they would return the stolen
items to prevent their own destruction.

I collected some insects and had them bite into some of the
poisonous creatures of the desert. Some of the insects I had released
in Carnarvon's tent in the city of Luxor, which used to be Thebes.
After a few days my intent was successful. One of the insects had bit
into Carnarvon's cheeks as he slept after a day of clearing one of the
rooms of the tomb. He awoke with blood draining from the insect
bite. He rushed into the bathroom and attempted to clean off the
infected blood from its wound. The effect would not happen
immediately, as it might seem.
In the evening, Carnarvon entered the bathroom, or rather
the washroom as tents did not exactly have bathrooms in those times,
and he started to shave himself. As he shaved, his hand moved
closer to the insect bite. I was waiting for that to happen. After what
seemed like an eternity for me, he finally scraped the bite with his
shiny razor blade, and infected blood began to seep from it. The bite
was later infected by outside sources such as 3,000 year old bacteria
from the tomb contents that he had temporarily stored in his
For several weeks in 1923, Lord Carnarvon was ill. He had
terrible nightmares, which I had bestowed upon him for his
treacherous deeds. From those dreams he had severe hallucinations
regarding my past embodiment and called out the name of
Tutankhamon before he awoke. He had blood poisoning in addition
to other contracted diseases. Slowly he would die, as I had foreseen.

After three weeks had passed, the fifth earl of Carnarvon
had died in Cairo. In order to allow him to enter the judgment hall in
the Netherworld, I needed a supply of energy from his surroundings.
I decided to drain all available electricity from Cairo where he was
staying, and convert the electricity into energy that I would use to
open the door to the judgment hall from the underground section
below the Sphinx. He would not of course enter the Sphinx as the
ancestors of modern Egypt had. The door needed to be open for the
dimensional entrance for the soul of Carnarvon to enter, not his
corpse. I would then judge and condemn him in my own Supreme
Court in Duat, the Netherworld region. The blackout that resulted I
considered to be related to the darkness of the Netherworld and
therefore significant to his death. In addition to his death, I required
an animal sacrifice for the Netherworld guards. All Kemtic tombs
had an animal sacrificed to the resident of the tomb so that the
resident would be allowed entrance into Duat. I chose to use his
favorite dog at his castle for the sacrifice, regardless if my actions
seemed cruel under the circumstances.
The ancient tombs were covered with curse-like inscriptions
to ward against evil, so some sacrifices were essential. The fact that I
am a deity contrasts with the idea that the dead needed to have a
sacrifice in order to be allowed entrance to Duat, and the judgment
hall. I didn't want to break a law of tradition so I allowed his dog to
die after howling in anguish at his master's passing.

Lord Carnarvon was buried on Beacon Hill overlooking his
estate, Highclere castle. Only his immediate family attended the
funeral and it was a simple burial as well. I thought it would be
necessary to find and desecrate his burial as he had done mine. This
would occur should I wish to enter an embodiment some years after
the work of my tomb has been completed.
The curses and incantations that the Kemtic people had
made for any ruler or me were merely invalid and didn't work at all.
It would be rather impossible to make something such as a curse
work unless the person is in reality a god in disguise. No human
could make something happen, or curse something, and expect it to
work just because they have heard rumors that divinities had special
powers long ago and have passed their powers to their offspring.
Curses, incantations, and spells have no real power unless enforced
by psychic senses. Lord Carnarvon did not die from a curse as had
been suggested. Nor have his associates died from similar
mythological spells that were created in ancient times. I would not
want the people of Earth to believe in refuse such as that, or have
them be scared by their enemies due to the occult of evil
necromancy. I do, however, want the humans to consider that the
real deities are watching them and can have some influence on the
lives of the humans. No one but me had killed those desecrators
around my tomb, and none of them had died of an unknown curse.

After the death of Carnarvon, anyone who I thought was in
defiance of my presence I executed. There was one human who
made some insulting remarks against my name, so when he was in
Cairo I caused him to be run over by a speeding automobile. That
was the second person who the humans said was killed by the
"Pharaoh's curse". Some other people committed suicide to prevent
a suffering death that would have happened had they remained alive
under the curse's spell'. An assistant to Carter allowed his ten-year-
old daughter into the tomb where she crawled into the Annex room
of the tomb. She would not exit due to the over excitement of the
gold and splendor that was in the tomb at the time. She had to be
pulled from the room because she was too spellbound to do this
herself. I don't know why the archaeologists even allowed children
to visit the tomb, let alone the contents of it.
I discovered that Carter also was involved with the unlawful
act of removing the tomb possessions for private collection. Among
the items he either attempted to steal, or had in his possession, were:
a near-life-sized wooden head protruding from a lotus flower, a
perfume box in the form of a double Cartouche, a small gilt bronze
flower from the shroud covering one of the shrines, rings of faience,
some linen fabrics and pieces of gilt wood.
The archaeologists apparently sold some of my possessions
to various people who bought other unearthed objects from Egypt.
They cannot sell something that they do not own, so therefore the
items must be returned.

Years later, Howard Carter was busy with the removal of
the embodiment's wrappings while in its golden coffin. He was
amazed over the 143 and more pieces of jewelry that covered the
body of Tutankhamon. He carefully unwrapped the decaying fabric
inscribed with spells to ease the afterlife,
and unraveled the golden amulets and burial ornaments which made
the embodiment glow with the knowledge of the past.
He discovered an iron headrest beneath the mummified
head of the corpse and an iron dagger at its side. These two objects
were created before the Iron Age was proclaimed by historians, and
were very valuable as well.
When the body was completely uncovered, Carter observed
the gilt skull cap on the head, and gold sheaths on the smaller
appendages. The body could have worn golden gloves if they had
the equipment in ancient times. Instead, there lay golden shells over
the fingers, toes, and the first known golden condom in history. . .

Back in the museums, any objects from the tomb that

consisted of wood was slowly deteriorating. The objects were
becoming adjusted to the foreign air of the modern times and started
to decay slowly. The tomb possessions should be kept in air-tight
containers for future preservation. The contents were contained in
dirty glass cases, placed in disorder and unrecorded by the curators,
and were among non-royal surroundings.

After all the required work was completed, Carter walked
away from the excavation. He returned to England and in 1933 he
became sick and remained ill for six years, a suitable conclusion to
the last person I knew who would even think of stealing from my
tomb. His illness was the final result of the assumed curse that has
killed off many of his friends and associates who worked on the
tomb and its contents.
Carter returned to Egypt but never bothered performing
another excavation, probably since if he had found another intact
tomb it would take too long to excavate it. On March 2, 1939, the
archaeologist who brought my past back to life, died. He had a
similar burial as his associate Carnarvon.
What Carter had done to the remaining, unlisted tomb
possessions had not yet ended. My former funeral belongings were
still floating among tuxedo wearing thieves. One of the collections
belonging to Lord Carnarvon was distributed unlawfully to the
current king of Egypt, King Fuad. This king passed on the
possessions to his son who later gave the contents to his niece Phyllis
Walker. She, apparently, had enough sense to return the objects to
the Egyptian Museum where they (I hope) still reside.
I left the scene of the excavation and floated over the rest
of the world, trying to educate myself of the two-thousand year
period, which I had missed while waiting for my tomb to be found. I
flew over America and decided to enter an embodiment to further
my education before it all ends at the Apocalypse, years later.

C H A P T E R E I G H T E E N:
T H E P R E S E N T T I M E.

As I floated above the United States, I observed new

introductions of technology being presented. I attempted to speed
up the known schedule for Earth, so in a few years the humans will
know about outer space and space travel, as well as what brought
about the original creation of the humans, known as Nuclear War.
Over the next forty years or so I watched and waited. I
watched as the humans frantically explored the new technology in
their possession, which was unknowingly distributed through their
weak subconscious minds. I find it very easy to put something into
their protoplasmic brains, as well as read what is recorded in it. Of
the information presented to them, theories of their own invention
resulted, and assisted in their education.
Some theories of the humans argued about how the humans
came into creation. I know more so than other deities, about how
the humans on Earth were created. First their ancestors on a nearby
planet, consisting of independent mutations which were mutated by
an explosion of independent life forms and a neutron star in nova
state, were involved in a semi-nuclear war. They were attacking using
unknown Earthly weaponry, and succeeded to destroy themselves,
and propel the mutant particles to Earth where the particles collided
and mutated with my creations.

I watched as the humans advanced with their new
inventions. The point at which I will stop the rapid movements of
the time schedule will be when the humans are at a similar position in
time as that of their indirect ancestors who, in a way, contributed to
their creation. After I stop the increased time line, I will next place
the schedule on automatic, as usual.
As I watched the United States proceed with their
technology, I noticed that it was becoming a superior nation in
contrast to the rest of the world. Not only did they send people in
space, mass produce nuclear arms, and reinvent teenage problems
such as: teen sexual contact, pregnancy, and drug abuse; they also
became corrupt. They advertised that democracy is the most
wonderful concept on Earth, and asked if not forced other nations to
accept it or believe in its ideals. This forced the other prospering
countries, prospering without democracy, to change their
government systems to match the American way of life and to
therefore succeed as they have. After they had a taste of the
American lifestyle, they next received the hated disadvantages that
were included. Their near-perfect nations started to fall apart from
their original, conservative floorplans. It was their mistake to accept
the American plague and to allow it to exist without a stable
government, which would have occurred had they continued using
their kings, dictators, or Prime ministers. Of course some nations
needed reformation in order to survive in the modern world. That
doesn't mean they all should. . .

America, to me, appears in the modern times to be a
secondary Atlantis: their urge for material items vs. their
overconfidence in war. There is much conflict between their mixed
religions, which are combined into their society. In Atlantis and
Kemti, there was no conflict of religions regardless if new concepts
were later introduced. Should a single religion be introduced into the
U.S., not for reasons against the "church vs. state" issue, then
perhaps all the religions can be united and there will be no future
problems, no holy wars, to force the decline of the American lifestyle.
This was one of the main issues describing the fall of the Kemtic
Empire. Hopefully the past in this case will not repeat itself.
Aside from the U.S., the democratic beliefs from the U.S.
have caused problems for the minor countries that dislike America
and what it stands for. These countries were the former enemy states
of Kemti and are now called "terrorist nations". They consider
themselves terrorists because they are too weak politically to be called
horrorists. They kidnap U.S. citizens and blackmail the U.S. for
items of value or else the American citizens suffer for the actions of
their nation. This is one of the most stupidest concepts ever thought
of, at least according to me. These terrorists can easily be dealt with
should I reclaim the throne of power through the future of an
Earthly embodiment, once I find one of value. . . I suppose I could
always resurrect Atlantis and have them take care of the problem
with the terrorists.

I passed by modern Egypt during the 1967 war with Israel,
the country I had sacrificed for. I discovered that after Israel had
captured Gaza and the Gaza strip, a new state emerged from thin air.
This renegade Israelite nation was named "Palestine", named after
the previous name, Canaan. The residents of this minute nation
fought for liberation from Israel and did this from stolen Egyptian
land. Over a period of time, Israel would eventually return any
unoccupied land area taken from the war and give it back to Egypt.
However, unless Palestine is removed or a settlement between
Palestine and its mother country of Israel has been agreed upon,
Egypt will not have Gaza and other territories returned. I recall
riding my chariot across the deserted lands of Palestine during my
time as per-aa. That land area, no matter how valueless it may seem,
should be returned once again to refortify the former Kemtic Empire
and make me happy as well.
I returned to the United States and floated over the state of
California in 1970, searching for a suitable embodiment to enter. I
plotted a life time course for an embodiment, which is standard
procedure when creating a time schedule for an embodiment so that
the creator knows how long the life expectancy is, and entered it in a
memory cube in the cube moon. The embodiment should last at
least forty years before the scheduled Apocalypse occurs. After
investigating the future of the embodiment, I entered a time warp to
return to the 1970's where I would enter.

I chose from about 300 pregnant humans the appropriate
parents for the embodiment. I selected one human to be native from
a certain country to be the father, and the mother would have mixed
ancestry, similar to that of my former mother, Queen Nefertiti. The
similarities of my former parents of my former embodiment contrast
with my new parents in their ancestry and characteristics. I did not
require a royal bloodline this time, especially since this time I would
be in a democratic nation!
Nearly half a century since the discovery of the tomb, along
with its 3,000 year old bacteria lingering on its walls, I entered a
fertilized egg cell, which would later form into a usable embodiment.
I waited dormant inside the womb of an unsuspecting, female
dependent mutation for several months. During that limited time, I
was altering the fetus to equal my specifications. I entered various
cloned DNA samples from outside sources, in a sense I was cloning
the dead; and the sources were taken from some famous corpses and
some infamous ones. For example I took some DNA from my
previous embodiment so that the subconscious section of the brain
would allow stored knowledge from the past to exist in memory
waves. Another famous source was taken from one of my tomb
assistants; no, it wasn't Carter or Carnarvon. This assistant was one
of the American public's advertisement chancellors, better known as
William Randolph Hearst. I chose him to be part of the behavioral
components for the embodiment, considering his quiet attitude might
keep me out of trouble. . .

After all of my specifications were complete, I waited a
while before I would force the embodiment out of the womb. My
eyes were opened and all I saw was a red blur surrounding the
embodiment and strange sounds emitting from the outside of the
wall of skin which enclosed me. This was the second time in this
lifetime that I have experienced this.
On May 9, 1972 at 1:57am, I emerged silently from the
female human which I would later refer to as my mother. Apparently
the embodiment was not scheduled to be born for another two
weeks or so. I felt as if I was in a similar rush when I exited the
mother of Tutankhamon during that birthday long ago. I looked
upward and watched the flickering of the white fluorescent lights
during the time I was held by a doctor wearing a white jacket and
strange equipment.
After a couple days of adjusting myself to the hospital I was
transported to a church-like house. I only lived there for a short
time. Next I was moved again, this time to a seemingly larger
complex, something called an apartment. . . I lived there for some
time, at least until I could walk. During this time I was visited by
many strange looking humans who I did not readily recognize or
know unless my mother informed me of them. I played with some
of the residents of the complex and occasionally I was left alone in a
dark room next to a window of glass. Everything around me was
foreign; there was no golden objects surrounding me, no strange
animal-skinned priests chanting mumbo-jumbo incantations. I felt
scared here.

After about three and a half years had passed, I noticed
something different about my surroundings. For one thing, my
father was no longer present and when he visited me it was only on
weekends. I wondered what had happened while I was busy crawling
in my play-pen during those three years. I was speaking more now
and I could walk for four minutes until I became tired or bored. My
mother was gone most of the day, working at the hospital as a nurse.
I was frequently left alone with my older relatives who kept me
After four years had passed, I acquired a new father who
later took us on a trip to an island chain called Hawaii. I, of course,
had a window seat on the airplane. When the plane was in the air,
approximately 1000 feet above ground, I glanced out the window
tightly clutching my brown teddy bear and saw tiny specks of trees
and cars. I quickly backed away from the window, nervously
thinking that the window was open and that I might drop something
and never see that object again. . . From that day forth, I have always
disliked high altitudes. The rest of the trip was exciting, especially the
waterfalls and tropical scenery which I never saw while in Kemti.
Later we moved to a different city and lived there less than
a decade. The year was 1976, and the bicentennial of the U.S. was
being celebrated. I witnessed on the fourth of July many sparks in
the night sky, and many cheers called out. I never saw anything like
that in the desert.

One year later I visited a place called "Marine World Africa
U.S.A." and it was there that a strange feeling came over me. It was
that very same year that my former possessions were touring America
and other countries. As we were approaching the safari-like zoo on
the Bay Bridge, traveling westward, I felt for an unknown reason
satisfied with my surroundings. I no longer felt out of place while on
the bridge facing the museum, which held my precious belongings.
Although I never actually visited the museum, I did have a strange
familiarity with the contents of that museum and its surrounding
towns and facilities. The Marine World place was almost as
satisfying, since it contained animals from Africa, which I recognized
from memories that I had never experienced while in this current
The next year, in 1978, I had a new sibling to worry about.
He was born on April 23, 1978. Unlike other former brothers I had
once dealt with, this one seemed friendlier probably because he was
the only one that was younger than my current embodiment. I know
now for a fact that he's going to hate me for writing about him in this
book. . . .
After my younger brother was born, I needed to switch
bedrooms so that he could occupy my former room while I inhabit
an unused storage room. The night that I slept in my new bedroom,
I had a strange nightmare. The dream involved a girl I had never met
before in this life. She had dark hair, a fair complexion, and looked
exactly like the Ankhesenamon pictured in some history books. The
dream made me realize that I knew something that was unknown by

most people. Years later I would have various strange dreams which
included her. Sometimes she would be drastically searching for me,
while other times she would be near me. Either she would be
standing near me, or simply making love to my mental image. I have
had far too many dreams of this sort that I sometimes wonder if the
Egyptian version of afterlife actually exists. . .
At age 9 I left my previous residence and moved to a
different Californian city. Sometime after moving to the new city, I
had another dream involving Ankhesenamon. Although the dream
was activated because I had a minute `crush' on another girl at the
time who resembled her, the dream did show Ankhesenamon with an
image of me making love in a dark room. This was not a typical
dream for a nine-year-old. After watching a fictional Egyptian movie
the following day, I began my quest for some answers. I wanted to
know about ancient Egypt, better known to Egyptians as Kemti, so
that perhaps I would know the source of these peculiar dreams.
Some years later, I not only mentally triggered dreams but
also flashbacks which also informed me of some Kemtic knowledge.
When I researched the areas described in my dreams and flashbacks,
I became frightened as well as intrigued. I did not know at the time
how I could possibly create these ancient facts in my brain, unless of
course I have an unknown form of ESP. I later received the idea that
afterlife causes partial amnesia in the next life.

During the summer of the same year, I made numerous new
friends and met with some new neighbors. The new neighbors were
from the Arab State of Palestine. At first I accepted them and they
appeared friendly enough to be allowed inside my house. Later, as I
discovered, the neighbors had younger relatives who eventually
became hostile. . . A typical older brother of the younger children
friendly discussed how to control his younger siblings and their
actions toward my family. In time he directed his wrath towards me
because I had once told him that I did not believe in his god, Allah. I
have never heard of this deity before and I wondered where this
religion had started from since it was not of my intent or of my
creation in the past. I also denounced its existence and rejected it
entirely in a similar way that I had rejected the Christian religion on
the part of the traitor who created it.
Humans have always had a problem with religion whenever
a deity was not present to oversee their actions on Earth. There is no
reason as to why we gods should be required to observe the actions
of the dependent mutations at all times when their path will lead
eventually to destruction. The Arab's actions didn't therefore cause
me to be alarmed or surprised at his beliefs or his Arabian,
prehistoric actions. Apparently the Palestinians or any Arab nation,
have not evolved technically from the abyss of their creation. They
still throw rocks and slings at us.

According to my new enemies, they claim that they (have
the power) could sue me for every ounce of wealth that I possess.
This was brought up during one of our futile discussions. This is also
how, I conjecture, they acquired their wealth, by suing others and
collecting illegally. When I say illegally I refer to the way they claim
false evidence and of perjury in court. They, when called to do so,
tend to bring up the past as if it were current, and also pretend as if it
occurred in the present in order to win any case brought against
them. They constantly lie, especially in the name of their god, to
their parents or any other higher authority to attain false innocence
and to remain out of prison. This throwback manner of perjury has
won them many battles, or so it would seem, and has probably
allowed them to exist illegally as a state in Israel or any other piece of
stolen land that they have acquired.
My neighbors are probably part of the "Palestinian
Liberation Organization", or PLO. They constantly wreak havoc and
induce war-like attitudes towards those who are not part of their
religion, as well as lie to other people concerning their angry
neighbors, namely me.
As for them, all I can say is that since the last visitation by a
known deity, traitor or otherwise, they have not improved themselves
nor have they exceeded their child -like behavior when it comes to
judgment. Within the time expanse of 2000 years, I should at least
expect some improvement in their primitive condition.

When I was thirteen years of age, I had an operation to
remove some tissue, which was a small side effect from the extra
chromosome, which I had entered during the creation of the
embodiment. The side effect was the addition of an extra
chromosome, which caused me to have extra features such as
highlighted ESP, stronger temper, and other items of lesser value.
After the operation, and therefore after the opening of my
external wall of skin which encloses my organs, I discovered new
powers which I had never experienced. I now had the power to
determine the type of weather, which I wanted, whether it was a
thunderstorm or a mere shower of hail. This made me think that
these godly powers were part of the highlighted ESP which entered
me during the operation. The powers were probably simply the
excess fourth-component that lingered in space when I entered the
embodiment on Earth, since the planet was too small to contain all
of my universal powers.
These new powers were soon forgotten after 1987 through
1988 when I attempted to commence the scheduled Apocalypse from
the embodiment's standing point. It later became quite obvious that
I could not destroy the planet while in an embodiment as I had once
wished. In order for the Apocalypse to occur, I must exit the body as
I did with Tutankhamon in order to propel my intent to the third-
component outside this dimension. I decided to use my powers on
something else for a while.

One time during 1988 I had concentrated my powers on my
secondary tomb in the Valley of the Pharaohs. I had learned from a
travel agency that tourists were sometimes allowed to photograph
inside royal tombs. I knew that there always was and will be a certain
specialty concerning that tomb which I was buried in. I focused my
powers on a radioactive force field enclosing the tomb and emitting
from the third-component stored in the ring in the original tomb,
which I occasionally transferred over. The following month, I
witnessed a television show, which displayed my tomb in one of its
scenes. The host proclaimed that the video equipment had terrible
problems while taping the show inside the tomb. All the incidents
had stopped when they had left. This brought to mind the time I had
placed a forcefield over the tomb from my embodiment, a similar
forcefield as the one which protected it from discovery during the
time I was not here. Apparently my powers have the capability to
extend over the globe whenever summoned. I know that both
demon worshippers and Satanists would enjoy having my assumed
Late in 1988, I decided to record my life's history in order to
solve some of my urgent questions I had about my current life and
the others that had preceded it. I now knew that the concept of
afterlife was indeed true, in a couple of ways. . . None of which I
intended to pursue. I decided to write a book about my discoveries
which would be based on fact in addition to dreams and flashbacks,
but still remain fictional. I would call this journal, "The Flawed

The first page read as follows, ". . It was the night when the
last mutation asteroid fell to Earth, when the majestic, reptilian life
forms fell to their graves, that I noticed something odd beyond the
once-lush, desert background and polluted sky." I decided that this
story was leading nowhere. I was describing the aftermath of the
fallout from the war of their ancestors on planet Achilles, now
known as the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
It was during this same year that foreign governments were
busy with their civil wars, and a semi-Apocalypse was forming on the
horizon. The ending of some religious wars was also on the horizon,
and some political problems arose concerning hostages and weapons.
This didn't seem to concern me very much, so I didn't take interest in
foreign affairs unless it contained anything to do with ancient
monuments eroding in the sea of sand in Egypt.
I found out this year that my beloved country of Kemti was
now like its secondary realm, that of Mexico, in that it was a large
waste of land and pollution. The Aswan High Dam prevents silt
from entering the Nile valley, which in turn forms salt deposits,
which decays stone monuments. The main religion is Islam, along
with some Coptic Christian religions and other rare types as well.
The Egyptian government should have gone along with President
Sadat's idea to flood the salt deposits with ocean water and therefore
have their hydro-electric power there instead of ruining the Nile.

In an attempt to resurrect the Kemtic culture, I privately
worked on Kemtic, or rather ancient Egyptian, art during my spare
time. I seem to miss my past life so much to an extent that I secretly
write scroll-like letters to Ankhesenamon and other relatives. I then
keep these letters and read them before a copy of a wall mural
painted to resemble a section of the Book of the Dead. While I
dictate the scrolls, columns of incense rise from burning cylinders
encased in a wax pyramid.
In addition to the priestly rites of ancient times that I
perform while wearing a nemes crown made of striped material, I
also have successfully recreated the art of mummification. Some
former pets of mine, which have recently died, I have followed the
priestly directions for embalming. After using microscopic
instruments involved in the drying of the corpses, I next wrap layers
of cloth over the corpses and thereby complete the necessary
instructions for mummification. Although some of the work done in
order to create "mummies" is primitive when compared to the
embalming directions of the New Kingdom when Tutankhamon
lived, I have successfully created similar mummies to that of the Old
Kingdom era. Later, I bury the former pets in tombs of paper-
mache, painted to resemble Kemtic tombs. By preserving the
animals, I have also conquered any fears of handling deceased
creatures. I suppose that I would be considered a modern-day
Kemtic mortician.

Two years later, in 1990, I have begun to realize that I have
mistaken my neighboring enemies for someone else. Since they have
claimed that they are from the area labeled Palestine, and that their
country replaces the former area of Canaan which I had sacrificed my
life and career for, I have decided that they should not be my enemies
regardless if they are now. If the country that they are attempting to
create is indeed the original area, which I proclaimed in my death
wish, then there should not be any conflict between us. The new
generation of Canaanites should realize the actions that I had taken
to allow their existence and they should praise me for it instead of
attacking me for a confusion of religion, which I indirectly placed
upon them. This is of course the action that I undertook in my first
human embodiment in that ancient land long ago. I have not
recently made any type of agreement between the surrounding
countries although the state of Palestine has started its liberation
from its neighbors. Some nations such as Jordan have suggested that
Palestine should exist as a separate state within Israel, even though
this concept should have been completed during the building of the
foundation of Israel after Moses directed his followers past Sinai
3,000 years ago.
Among other subjects, which have disturbed me in the past,
not one has stirred my wrath more than the death sentence given to a
writer of fiction during 1989 by a religious monarch. The charge of
blasphemy given to author Salman Rushdie who wrote the

exaggerated novel called "Satanic Verses" should not be condemned
entirely for his fictionalized, Arab-styled book. I can understand the

reasons of the Ayatollah Khomeini for denouncing the book, which

is a fictionalized version of an Arabic collection of stories. I can also
understand why anyone would want to kill him for adding fictional
occurrences to the story, which would have been quite perfect if it
were unchanged by Rushdie. But to actually proclaim to the world
that the author should be eliminated only tells that the Ayatollah is
irrationally falling from his rocker. . . Perhaps Khomeini was
growing a little senile in his old age. Nevertheless, the Ayatollah's
actions were reasonable given the threat provoked to his religion by
the book.
No doubt the Ayatollah wanted to reaffirm the boundaries
of how far fictional stories are allowed to go. Some fiction stories
tend to be misleading when based on fact because they include all the
general facts and later include presupposed dreams that occur to the
main character. This is where the authors become in trouble. . .
Fictional stories must have limits, which must be reestablished by
demonstrations by those who disapprove of its content.
It may appear that I, a self ruling deity of the Netherworld
and of the realm of the living, also condemn the writer for his
seemingly unlawful act of circumstantial blasphemy, but I don't.
Some day I too will be in his position, fighting against reason for my
actions and defending my "natural" rights against the evil of the land.

Another subject that disturbs me in the present era is the
unofficial label, which has been applied to my former life. There
have been far too many references to the embodiment of
Tutankhamon as "King Tut". I can understand that during the
discovery of the tomb that people would want to refer to
Tutankhamon in a shortened version if they could not pronounce the
name correctly. The way the name should be pronounced is "Toot-
amone" (minus the ankh), and not as King Tut.
I have witnessed many products containing the name of
King Tut such as anything from dog food to a cartoon character.
Some people even name their pets King Tut, or even to partially
disguise the fact that they are using that name in an altered way. For
example, some products use the word king before a word similar to
"Tut", and then add an Egyptian advertisement to it so that in reality
they are stating the name in a disguised fashion.
People should learn to say the name correctly or simply say
the throne name Nebkheperure instead. It might not be clearly
noticeable, but whenever someone mentions the praise King Tut
when they refer to ancient Egypt or simply a golden object, I feel
In a different perspective I also feel offended when the term
king is used to refer to Tut. After all, I was a Pharaoh and not a king.
The term Pharaoh is closer to a god than an ordinary king so people
should realize that. Just because, given the present evidence of my
reign, some may assume that my role as Pharaoh was unimportant,

they should not degrade my image and call Tut a king and not a god-

During the remaining portion of the year I developed an

interest in politics. When I vacationed at the capital of America the
year prior to this one, I acquired a visual idea of how weakly the
American public governs itself. I witnessed its ceremonial
proceedings in the House of Representatives and noticed that the
representatives present only vaguely voted, if one can call their
actions realistically voting. I could perform far better in my old
throne room had I remained Pharaoh of the Two Lands. I noticed
that they only collected the votes of its people and used that to
determine their course of action when a bill is issued. When I was
proclaiming laws as Pharaoh, I only needed a few words from my
advisors and the rest consisted of well thought out knowledge and
my decisions were, although difficult when compared to the simple
tasks of the U.S. government, equally well planned. Perhaps I was
too intelligent for my own insurance considering I could probably
operate a similar American nation with ease when compared to that
of ancient Egypt. I am aware that times were far more complex back
then compared to the present since the government was isolated in
the midst of terrorist-like barbarians. Well, thank goodness for
civilization even though true civilization has not as yet been invented.
I have focused my attention on the Middle East rather than
the corrupt, second-world nations such as the one I am living in.
The Middle East still needs some improvement before I choose to
explore what it has to offer.

While at my stay in the District of Columbia, I observed
many demonstrations near embassies and national monuments, some
of which were parked outside Bush's window. One of those
demonstrations consisted of the members of a group called: the
Muslim Women for the Liberation of Mecca. They distributed
leaflets proclaiming the terrorism around the holy city of Mecca in
Saudi Arabia, practically next door to Egypt. The letters stated that
bombs were exploded during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca,
which naturally distracted those who travel there. The lovely nation
of Persia, or rather Iran, was to blame according to the document.
Apparently the U.S. had some involvement in this matter, why else
would the protesters come to Washington? The usual trade of lies
and false information created a partial cover-up for the event.
The demonstrators wish for a time of peace over the city of
Mecca without being decapitated for their actions. They simply want
to worship in peace and not have any interruptions. Since this Arab
section isn't the Middle East that I so wish to observe, then there is
no reason as to why I must listen to their political problems,
regardless if I am an off-duty deity.
Another demonstration which occurred outside the White
House lawn was the parade of pro-Khomeini activists who seemed to
be mourning, if not celebrating, the death of the Ayatollah. They
paraded in black garb and were transported in vehicles covered with
black garbage bags. Some even carried a large picture of the

I have heard from a travel agency of this year that on April
12 someone will open a "time capsule" from Atlantis. I can assure
that no such capsule was created and deposited near the Giza
pyramids long ago and has not since then been opened by scientists
of the modern era. If this is a hoax, then I will be thankful.
However, the only dangerous area near the Sphinx is the doorway to
my dimension well below the Sphinx and its pillar of fire on which it
rests. Should anyone, that is any Human, be allowed to pass through
without the proper equipment then they will surely evaporate into
neutral energy particles. Four lethal traps and many statues protect
the door. The first trap is the sliding wall separating the two
chambers: the antechamber and the door entry. The second trap is
the bacterium crawling silently on the walls, which will poison those
who come in contact with it. The third is the third-component entity
who guards the entrance and who only allows those with
authorization to pass. And finally the last device is the water tunnel
which powers the door to open or flood the chambers above if the
door is closed. Should the water tunnel break, and since it was 5,000
years since it was last officially used, then the investigator will
definitely drown. The ring of Emerauldia, which I had made while in
the embodiment of Tutankhamon, is the only known existing key
that will open the door without setting off the evaporation
mechanism. It's a pity that the ring is still buried with my original
tomb somewhere in the Valley of the Pharaohs.

Although the ring is not necessarily the only key that can fit
the lock on the door. There is some third-component somewhere in
the Bermuda Triangle, if only I could find it. This idea of mine is
starting to sound like the beginning of an adventure movie!
The only people who would learn anything from traveling
through this portable, stable, Emerauldian-made wormhole would be
scientists and astrologers. Usually a wormhole is created by the
passage of a third-component containing entity through dimensions
of gravity levels in the Universe. The wormhole is then closed by its
own accord after the entity has left. By placing a guardian who
consists of third-component I can therefore allow other entities to
pass through. The third-component allows the hole to remain stable
and not reclose upon itself.
I only hope that in the future dependent mutations can
agree upon something between themselves without fighting for the
right to communicate to the real deities. Perhaps if the dependent
mutations of future worlds can live without the aid of us gods, then
maybe they would not have to be so dependent upon us.

C H A P T E R N I N E T E E N:
T H E F U T U R E.

In the summer of 1991, I went to Hawaii for a long

vacation. We stayed at a Time-Share resort on the island of Maui
during the time of the solar eclipse, which unknowingly designates
the time for me to continue where I had left off when I left Kemti
and the embodiment of Tut. At this time my age would be after the
age of nineteen and exactly at the time when I had died back then.
After reaching the age of nineteen with the addition of a few months
then I am nearly the same age at which I died so that I can continue
my reign as Pharaoh in the current life. First I must be able to go to
Egypt sometime after reaching that age in order to reclaim my
powers which are hidden among my former possessions in the
Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Although I would not need to go there
immediately after I turn nineteen because at least I have attained that
age before I step upon the land of Egypt. Should I have entered
Egypt before that time, then my powers would not return to me until
I have become older.
That is enough of the mathematical reasons as to when I
must return. Now I must plan the right time when I will return to
the aging desert of my nightmares. . .
In the spring of 1992, during the partial spring break from
College, I flew to Egypt via EgyptAir airlines from either New York
or Washington D.C.. I boarded the plane

wearing a green with black striped nemes headdress, and some
Kemtic-like jewelry. As I turned to see the Arabian passengers at my
sides, they beamed their eyes towards the nemes headdress and
glanced at me strangely. Some of the touring Egyptologists on the
plane made silent joking remarks in my direction and the tourists
eyed me suspiciously. I ignored their pitiful gestures, and located my
window seat where my accompanying relatives were parked. I sat
down and longfully stared out the oval window portal and thought to
myself about the long journey ahead.
Midway through the flight, the attendants served dinner,
which consisted of either steak or freshly caught cod with a light
sauce. I was served a soft drink to calm my nerves and after the meal
I wore the provided earpieces so that I could listen to the radio.
Soon afterward, I drifted to sleep.
Someone poked at me at morning to awaken me from a
very good dream. The plane had landed safely in the Cairo airport
and we were persuaded outside and into the lobby where we would
collect our baggage. After organizing our luggage we pursued
towards a Limousine rental shop and ordered one to escort us to our
Cairo hotel. I sat in the middle of the car, stretching my long legs
upon the reversed portable seat before me, and I made room for my
relatives. During the trip to the hotel, I briefed over a tour book and
rehearsed some lines in Arabic. We were driven down Said Street
and to the Ramses Square where our hotel was located.

At the hotel I removed the nemes and unpacked. It was
very early in the morning, so I entered one of the beds and attempted
to adjust my sleep habits to the Egyptian time zone. I looked over
the tour book as I went to sleep. My other relatives didn't want to
disturb me so they went down to the Hotel lobby and gift store.
Later, I ventured down to the lobby and played some
American video games using piastres instead of quarters. After a
couple dozen games or so, I walked outside the hotel and took a long
stare at the pyramids of Giza on the horizon.
The next day I visited the Egyptian museum in Cairo. I
consumed the entire day as I observed the artifacts behind glass
containers. The first floor contained some possessions from my
former relatives and some from other monarchs of the time. I spent
a half hour on the first floor. As I slowly walked up to the second
level, a spasm attacked my veins and I felt burdened with the weight
of time. This level contained nearly all of my tomb possessions so I
expected something strange to happen to me. I carefully crept
towards the first glass container and touched it. A small spark of
hidden energy emitted from the casing and shot through my
fingertips and into my soul. I paused for a few seconds,
contemplating my next action. I firmly placed my palm against the
already dusty display case and concentrated my powers to receive the
energy. After a moment, I looked over the object and proceeded to
the next object.

I stared at one of the golden coffins, admiring the extensive
restoration work by the archaeologists. I knelt next to it and lowered
my head in a gesture of loyalty to the ancient times that brought me
here. Extending both of my arms to the case while in the position of
subliminal servitude to the sarcophagus, I received the mortal
knowledge, which was mysteriously contained within its gilt walls. In
a sense, I was bowing in honor of my past. I stood up and orbited
the coffin mumbling Kemtic words: "Nefer, heq t'etta, i-a un-a maaxeru
er Neteru. . . i-na net'ti tef-a Amonhotep ma ari neken-f. . ."
I left the coffin and continued my search for all of the tomb
artifacts contained in the museum, and each object brought to mind
memories that I had experienced a long time ago.
The sun was nearing the horizon of the pyramids when the
closing hour of the museum passed. On my way out, I stopped by
the gift shop and purchased some reproductions of my possessions.
One of the reproductions was an alabaster chalice inscribed with the
words: "May you spend an eternity, you who love Thebes, sitting
with your face to the north wind, your eyes beholding happiness."
The next day I returned to the museum, this time taking a
greater interest in the other artifacts and the goods in the gift shop. I
spent half a day there, and the other portion at the Giza plateau
where I watched dust storms forming at the edge of the pyramids.

During the latter half of the first week, I ventured to the
Giza necropolis and visited the dead. Also, I purchased many objects
to fill my souvenir bag at the Khan el-Khalili bazaar located east of
the museum.
After the first week in Cairo, I next departed on a Nile
cruise boat and headed towards Luxor and Karnak where Thebes
used to be. I held my passport and I.D. in hand while boarding the
cruise liner. When we were shone to our cabins I left the scene and
walked to the top section of the boat where I had a semi-magnificent
view of the protruding Nile River as it coils to the south.
At night I strolled on the main deck and met a girl who was
reading my life's story by the deck's floodlight. I noticed that she
wore an engagement ring on her right hand as the green, front cover
of the book titled Eye of the Pharaoh cast a shadow over her
darkened wrist. I casually and quite nervously mentioned the word
hello to the young and partly beautiful yet commonly featured
woman. She briefly glanced upward and gave me a returning
comment and reread a passage in the book. Although I did not
intend to disturb her, the thought that she was reading the only if not
first book I have ever written did send a spark to my attention. I
asked her what she was reading in that green draped, hardbound
version of my career, as she motioned to paragraph three on page
211 with a slow sweep of her finger. I next asked her how the story
entertained her, and so she replied to me that it was both interesting
and confusing. I could understand her statement easily. . . .

I wondered if I should inform the young girl of the fact that
I wrote the fictional novel that she firmly held in her hands. Drawing
some courage from my inner soul, I filled a glass with ice tea and sat
on a chair beside her. I told her, "I wrote that book, you know. . . I
hope that it will enthrall your inner self more than it did mine."
She replied, "You. . . You wrote this masterpiece of
science fiction?"
"Well, I wouldn't really consider my autobiography fiction.
. . I did spend many weekends writing about my unknown past, so,
in a way I suppose you may call it fiction," I answered. " Well, I
would not want that statement to interfere with the general flavor of
the book which you recently consumed."
After more discussion about the book, I retraced my steps
back to my room where I planned the next day's events.
When the ship stopped at Karnak, we exited and toured the
ruins of the temple where Tutankhamon and other kings were
crowned. I ventured into the Hypostyle hall wearing my green, tied
back nemes headdress, and squatted upon the dusty floor of the inner
sanctum where I almost started to worship the god Amon. I stayed
in that position for an hour, meditating about the past and thinking
about the future. For a souvenir, I reached out and picked up an
ancient rock from one of the broken pillars. I thought to myself that
this rock is of more value than a piece of the Berlin wall.

Later that day the ship stopped at Luxor. I exited the ship
and ventured to a local store where I bought some postcards. My
relatives also walked around the city and I visited the Luxor museum
where my golden sandals are displayed. Some ancient statues of
Thebes were stored in the museum and some were of Tut's time. I
secretly stroked my hand against the statues, feeling the smooth
texture and familiarity of its construction. In the museum's gift store
I purchased a miniature gold mask that closely resembled the original.
I remember making a mask like that when I was in high school.
In the late afternoon, I investigated the Luxor temple. After
a quick observation, I deduced that the temple was in a similar
condition when I had first found it in the life of Tutankhamon. I
noticed that a colonnade from ancient times bearing Tut's insignia
was still attached to the temple. It was interesting to know that
something from my reign still existed in the modern era.
I watched the sun dive beneath the horizon in the evening
from the front of the ship. I then traveled back to my cabin and
organized my souvenirs in their place. As I lay back on the mattress
of the bed, I examined the craftsmanship of the reproductions
closely. If all the reproductions were this good (resin replicas), then
perhaps I will not require the original possessions which I will
attempt to repossess in the distant future.

The following morning I awoke early. I went to the dining
area and had breakfast. Next I exited the ship and took a ferry across
the river to the Valley of the Pharaohs. I told the guard to open the
entrance to the tomb, as I would be the first of many who would
explore the tomb on that day.
As I descended the stairs I almost stumbled due to the rush
of invisible power which shot at me from below. I had expected
these power waves to exist considering the fact that the forcefield
was no longer in use so therefore it must be directed towards me for
future use. I felt as though I was in a battlefield without a
bulletproof vest.
I quietly entered the tomb searching for more power rushes,
energy strings, or ancient radiation. What I did find were unpainted,
unfinished walls enclosing the antechamber and annex. The burial
room was accessible by a wooden deck, which had a high fence,
which protected the sarcophagus from unwanted visitors, including
me. The fence did not prevent me from climbing over, however. I
walked to the treasury and looked at the inscriptions along some
walls in that area. Next I visited the golden coffin and wiped the dust
off of the glass lid.
I peered into the lapis lazuli eyes of the coffin and thought
to myself about why I had to leave. After all, I was in no hurry back
then. I could have waited a few years before I departed. Now, due
to my late decision, I am forever separated (while on Earth) from

both my past career, and my beloved wife Ankhesenamon who is
buried somewhere.

After two hours of replenishing my memory, I slowly

emerged from the cavity of my past and continued to roam about the
valley with some ideas in mind. I walked and greeted the morning
sun as I drifted towards the tomb of Amonhotep II, in the direction
of the original tomb for the use of my past burial. The ring of
Emerauldia drew me in the direction of the unfinished cache, which
protected it. I felt the countless rays of energetic destiny emitting
from below the surface of the rock piled ground in the hills to my
west. I walked on top of smooth limestone piercing the still lawn of
boulders in the higher ground above the tomb of my greater ancestor
Amonhotep. Voices from the past echoed to me from below the
very surface on which I stood, causing me to be drawn to the level of
my ankles. I scratched at the topsoil and commenced a slow and
tiring dig. With the aid of a passing fellah carrying a blunt shovel to
which I offered an Egyptian pound, I began a long search for the
opening staircase of my lost entombment.
After four hours of digging, we managed to discover a stone
step protruding downward. I felt as excited as Howard Carter must
have felt when he removed the rubble from the entrance of the tomb
to which I was buried and almost forgotten. Another hour of
excavation followed as we determined the exact opening portal of the
cache. The time was nearly at noon, and some tourists passed by

with the look of awe upon their gloomy faces, which dripped with

The time was one o'clock in the afternoon when we finally

reached the granite filled passage. I climbed over the boulders and
broken diorite pillars. The antechamber was only four meters away
when I heard a booming voice from behind. There was a tour
director of medium height standing at the entrance of the passage.
He demanded my authorization or a temporary archaeologist
passport, which gave me permission to dig in this zone. I informed
him that I already was issued a passport by the chairman of the board
of the international archaeologist committee. He gave me a crooked
grin and decided that my bluff was enough for authorization, so he
turned away and walked to the nearby rest house. I resumed my
exploration and hoped that my luck would not turn sour.
I entered the polluted antechamber and searched for a wall
with two jagged lines that would form an entrance to the secret
chamber. I crept through the roughly polished tunnel connecting the
back chambers with the entry. In between the second and third
chamber I discovered an airpocket along the western wall. I lit a
match and watched the trapped air from the hidden chamber cause
the flame to flicker gently. I called the Arab from the entrance to
enter the tomb with his shovel. When he answered my call, I
grabbed his shovel and inserted the blade in between the cracks and
pushed a rock below it. I added weight to the handle of the shovel
and eventually forced the wall to open at one side. I silently entered
and lit a torch.

In the chamber I stood alone, searching through heaps of
dust on the floor for any object of value. My fingers penetrated
through 3,000 years of decomposition and discovered an obsidian
pyramid at the center of the room. I quickly brushed aside the
decayed fabrics that had once covered the altar and tossed them into
the surrounding dust. My hands handled the apex of the pyramid
and I lifted it from its platform.
Inside the obsidian art treasure I reached in and picked up a
large emerald bezel on top of a 23k gold ring in the form of a lotus
flower. Inscribed along the edge of the ring were these words: "The
power of Ptah is triumphant, victorious is the owner of the green sun
who knows not Re but is forever the victor of his enemies. . ."
I placed the ring on my third finger and noticed that it fit
almost perfectly. I carefully replaced the top of the pyramid onto its
altar of volcanic glass.
I stood up from my kneeling position and searched the
walls for a niche. Inside one wall was a false doorway, which
contained a lightly gilt, wooden box in the form of a local Kemtic
shrine. Opening the clay sealed lock with a pocket knife, I opened
the box and discovered a black cord enclosing a long papyrus scroll.
This was the diary I had written long ago, and finally I have found it!
I hastily ripped the cord from the scroll and unraveled it. Using a
brief hieroglyphic decoder, I managed to decipher the first word. It
was in no doubt my diary from the past.

C H A P T E R T W E N T Y:
A P H A R A O H ' S D R E A M.

With all of my power once regained, I exited the tomb

carrying the scroll, which I will later give to an Egyptologist to
decode. I thanked the Arab for his help and told him to inform the
council about the discovery, so that I will at least acquire credit for
something of the ancient world.
I walked in the breezy afternoon, glaring at my energized
ring containing the infamous third-component. I held it to the sun
and allowed the rays to reflect from its uncut surface. I decided that
I should not bathe in this glory alone. My decision was to locate my
wife's tomb and to give her the breath of life so that she may
accompany me in both my afterlife and my current.
Walking in the hot sun allowed me to grow tired so I took a
brief rest on top of a granite obelisk, which had fallen during some
restoration work a year ago. I stared to the mountains of the Valley
of the Queens where my search would commence. Some people
started to walk towards me from the rest house ten meters away.
One of them was an advanced Egyptologist who acquired knowledge
of my discovery. Another was a director of antiquities at the Luxor
museum. The remaining few were merely Arabs dressed in peasant
garb carrying excavation equipment. They asked me where I would
dig next.

I told them that I would begin searching for the tomb of
Queen Ankhesenamon in the Valley of the Queens after I had rested.
During the rest period, the baffled scientists wondered in amazement
of my physic ability to locate my old tomb. They nearly bombarded
me with simple questions to satisfy their quarrelsome worries.
It was four in the afternoon when I drew enough energy
from my will to force myself upon another equally important
discovery. I was now armed with a dark brimmed hat, a leather whip
(for protection), a light weight jacket and a brass handled shovel.
We walked along a path where famous queens had their
palaces of eternity decked in the mountainside. I raised my hand,
which wore the ring and glanced to the north. The sun sent a bolt of
light to the emerald, which then sent a light beam towards the valley.
The light beam directed itself to a side in the mountains. I told the
assistants to walk in that direction.
When we approached the designated location the emerald
cast a light in the corner of the valley. We walked to the site and
started digging.
After another three hours, the sun lowered itself to the
clouded horizon and thus sending cool winds across the desert. Our
shovels hit something. I cleared away the sand with a portable dust
blower and brushed off excess dust with a five inch brush. There
was a step with the Cartouche of my wife's name inscribed upon it. I
was delighted.

Without taking a break from our discovery, I ordered the
workmen to start removing the enclosing rubble from the staircase.
Stone by stone were removed and each minute increased my
enduring excitement.
We worked until six that evening until the staircase and the
first passage were cleared. The Egyptologist found some alabaster
lamps and unguent containers with both the names of my wife and
that of my former embodiment. I knew that she was buried here,
though I did not know when.
At 6:30 PM the antechamber was uncovered and some gilt
furniture came to light. The objects were similar in design to those,
which were buried with Tutankhamon. At seven o'clock, we posted a
guard and went to the local restaurant and ordered dinner. The
curator of the Luxor museum met us there and we discussed our
findings of the day. Although I did not have a valid permit to dig,
they allowed me anyway since I single-handedly found my old tomb.
Two hours later I returned to my cruise ship and changed
my clothes and took a relaxing shower. I returned to the site at 8:41
PM and assisted the men with their spotlight and camera equipment.
I opened the burial chamber with a crowbar and beamed
my flashlight at the hole. The light bounced off a gold covered wall,
probably a burial shrine containing the coffins. The men were
amazed although the sight looked all too familiar to me. . . After
clearing away the plastered door, we entered the sepulcher in silence.

The crewmen at the entrance directed the spotlight towards
the stairwell and the cameras would record the findings. I inched
along the side of the golden wall and discovered the entrance with
the doors still sealed after 3,000 years. I allowed one of the workmen
to photograph the clay seal with its nine jackals representing the nine
chosen enemies of Kemti. The rope knot was carefully loosened
with a slippery gel that caused the withered rope to be preserved
upon its removal. I held the ancient bronze door handle in my right
hand and I swiftly pulled back the door with ease of its fragile hinges.
The door was at first stuck in place until some lubricant was added,
and then the door was opened easily.
Upon the opening of the first set of doors, many artifacts
came to light: first there was an ivory jewel box heaped with golden
jewelry, next were ceremonial garments, and finally there was a
shroud dotted with roses of gilt bronze covering the next shrine. I
wasn't positive as to why there were shrines in this tomb, since
usually shrines were meant for pharaohs and not their queens.
Two more golden shrines were uncovered and following the
removal of more artifacts the stone sarcophagus appeared in the
midst of our discovery. I told the others to clear a way along the
walls of the inner sanctum and that of the antechamber for room to
place the coffins. The workmen lifted the stone lid from its home
and placed it on the side of the sarcophagus. Next, shovels were
placed within the cracks between the coffins for their removal.

From the granite sarcophagus three gilt coffins of similar
description were removed. I waited impatiently as the lid of the
intermost coffin was being removed. After the archaeologists took
the lid from its place I directed a high powered flashlight onto its
contents. There, laid before me in the form of the goddess Isis, was
the mummy of my former loving wife, Ankhesenamon. Not
knowing what to say, I knelt down beside her and glided my hand
across her folded arms as newly formed tears blurred my vision.
Although in reality she was my oldest niece, I regarded her not only
as my wife but also as my purpose for living. . .
Finally, my eternal quest was at an end. I have both
regained my ancient knowledge and the kindest, most caring creature
I ever knew in my environment of the times. I intended to resurrect
her using my combined ancient powers so that she may assist with
my future progress that she would not have witnessed otherwise.
I did not discover her tomb for the fame and fortune that
my predecessors Carter and Carnarvon had, but for the continuing
presence of eternal perfection which inspired my past by knowing
someone who accepted me, not only as a deity, but as a person--
something that never existed in any of my lifetimes beforehand. I
regarded her as a perfect example of the potential ability that all
dependent mutations can acquire, which is of course why I allowed
them to exist on a planet made for life forms of greater value. I not
only loved her as a person, but as a perfect being; probably the
reason I created her. . .

For once in thirty-three centuries, we were finally together,
even if it is in spirit for the time. I carefully lifted her from her bed
of eternity and carried her past the Arab onlookers who displayed
anything less than passion for my actions. I doubt they'll ever
understand what I am performing, and I hope that they will never
have to go through with what I am dealing with.
I transported her to a lion-headed couch and gently placed
her wrapped corpse on the platform. Using a steel blade I cut the
bandages from around her facial area, revealing to the world the third
oldest daughter of the famous Nefertiti. I noticed some golden
jewelry hanging from the surrounding linen strips so I placed them in
my jacket pocket.
I removed the ring of Emerauldia from my pocket and
placed it over her heart, assuming it was still there. Next, I held both
of her tightly clasped hands and hung my head over her body, deeply
concentrating on my creative powers which will cause her to live
again, and this time in a new form. Within minutes, her entire body
glowed in an erie Emerald bath of light. During this process a copy
of her soul was being entered into the Emerald which in turn will
enter her new embodiment.
Although I wasn't watching the entrance to the tomb, I did
sense the presence of other humans entering the tomb. These people
were from the government. One Arab was the Minister of Defense
while another was the President himself,

accompanied by several bodyguards and assistants, each displaying
heavenly awe upon their grief stricken faces. They probably never
saw a true deity before, so I can understand what they were thinking
at the time. I also wondered if I had committed an unusual crime by
performing what they saw. Whatever they thought, it was of no
concern to me.
Her body slowly floated from the platform and was
suspended in air for several minutes. I rotated her body in circles,
like a spoke between chariot wheels. As she spun in mid-air, parts of
her were changed in form: her face became more fleshy and dark
colored, her arms and legs looked almost new, and her abdomen was
bare from the wrappings. As each new part flashed in color and
became new, a jingling sound similar to the rattle of a sistrum,
streamed through the still air. I concentrated even more, almost
knocking myself unconscious as I squatted to the stone floor of the
Between spasms of power I glanced upward and watched
her spin, noticing that her hair was once again a midnight black, and
her complexion was a light tan. I suffered incredibly, as I never
before attempted to resurrect something prior to the accumulation of
my powers. My body hurt in several places as I forced the eternal
powers of a god from the recesses of my cranium and of my heart. I
suffered more than that of my opponent Jesus, who hung bolted to a
cross. Now we were even. . . Know this: Horus was the true KRST.

Her body was now lowered onto the lion couch and I was
relieved from my suffering. I slowly stood up and stared into the
closed eyes of this new girl who I just brought from the Netherworld.
The onlookers gathered around the platform and seemed amazed yet
nervous about what happened. I turned around and eyed the
President and his entourage calmly. The Egyptologist was speechless
and so were the remaining excavators, who probably only expected to
see ancient artifacts and not a godly resurrection.
I clothed her from some of the enclosed ceremonial
garments and removed the numbered stickers, which the
archaeologists had placed for identification. A bright camera flash
nearly blinded me in the electric-torch lit room. I glanced behind me
and heard a small apology from the cameraman who shot us.
Raising her head with my dust covered hands I opened her
eyes and gave a blow of Emerauldian power over her. One eye
opened and stared into the depths of the tomb behind me, which
made me wonder if she knew that she was alive or still buried in the
past. Next, her second eye opened which directed itself to me. She
blinked and then stared at me with surprise. I doubted that she
would be able to recognize me, considering my current embodiment
resembles more of her father than that of my old self. I massaged
her left cheek with my right hand and sent an age-old reserved kiss to
her forehead. She attempted to sit up and perhaps to escape, but I
forced her down until I informed her about who I am and of the
current time in which she lived.

I lowered myself until I was parallel to her breast, and spoke
softly to her. I told her, "Rise my dear Ankhesenamon, and look
beyond the grave at your new life ahead. . . " I paused. "Do you
remember who I am?"
In the English language that I entered into her vocabulary
she asked, "Are you Ptah, God of Gods, or are you Ay?. . . I was told
that I might see you one day by the priests of Amon. . ."
She still thought that she was dead, so I attempted to
communicate to her in a slightly different way. "No, I am the
afterlife of your husband who left you long ago. I am sorry that I left
you without saying goodbye since you would have felt even more
terrible if I had. I was Tutankhamon, though you may call me either
Tut or (Horus) Ptah-Amon-Re, as I am the creator god for which
the name represents."
She replied, ". . . O Tutankhamon, you will never know how
long I have waited to meet you again in the realm of the dead (no
doubt she continued to think that she was in Heaven and not alive).
I have thought about you day and night since you departed from my
reach. . . Why have you returned and where. . where am I?"
I told her that she was in her tomb in the Valley of the
Queens, and that I returned to her to ask her forgiveness in the
matter of eliminating our former offspring. The idea still bothered
me, even after thousands of Earth years. She didn't know what I was
referring to so I dropped the subject rather than getting myself into

I helped to lift her from the lion couch and escorted her
past the government agents and to the entrance. The other people in
the tomb followed us out the subterranean passage and outside the
One of the government agents drew me aside. He asked me
if I wanted this event to be kept secret, so I told him to classify
anything regarding the resurrection and to publicly announce the
discovery of the tomb and of its contents. The Egyptologist and his
followers asked me whether I wished to keep any of the contents, so
I told him to place the artifacts in a museum for now.
We walked to the ferryboat and went across the Nile,
staring into each other's eyes like cats about to strike. I could not
release my emotions for my situation was too intense and I would
not know what to do anyway. At the other side of the river, we
walked around the city of Luxor searching for a suitable hotel in
which we would communicate our feelings in a relaxed state.
At the hotel we chose a suite in the corner of the seventh
floor. There was a grandeur view of the river to the west, although
the windows were too tinted to see much else. I sorted out some
clothes I had bought from the hotel gift store and asked her to try
them on. After that, we entered the enclosed Jacuzzi where we held
each other in the rising steam. As I held her, my arms embracing her
newly formed back and my head staring into the opposing wall, I
thought that my life was once again perfect.

After the long bath in the circular hot tub, we ventured
through the darkness and into the large bed located at the center of
the room. I pulled up the polyester cover after we had entered. I
stared at her in the darkness as former memories echoed to me from
the grave. She seemed more beautiful now than when I was pharaoh,
given the fact her body was now renewed. We exchanged kisses after
the movements of our mouth parts silenced each smile, as if dessert
wasn't enough. . .
Some time later, we discussed the future: the future of our
relation and of my effect on the world. The tomb possessions from
both of our tombs, those that won't decay in the years ahead, will be
used since this is our afterlife regardless if the Netherworld is the
more appropriate place to use them.
I had a different idea in mind. I had a plan which would
unite all the "terrorist nations" and Arab countries into one empire.
That way, the individual terrorists will not be able to ruin the world
without consent of the emperor. The funds that would contribute to
this plan will come from those countries in the past who had an
illegal hold over Egypt as well as the ancient part of the country.
One of those nations is, no doubt, Britain. When my tomb was
discovered, Britain paid for the excavation and hoped to claim what
is mine for their private usage. I will not allow future lands to
perform this illegal action again.

The next day I returned to the cruise boat and informed my
relatives that a friend will be accompanying us throughout the rest of
our voyage. When I was asked who it was, I stated that the person
was an assistant of my publisher and was also involved in the
distribution of my book. I hoped that this ruse would be followed
without question.
The government of Egypt daily monitored my whereabouts
as well as Ankhesenamon's, and occasionally a representative was
brave enough to ask a few questions. The ship stopped at the city of
Aswan where the dam holds back the majority of the river. After
staying there for one night, we flew over to Abu Simbel and
photographed Ramses's temple. I considered Ankhesenamon to now
be a mere girlfriend rather than inform everyone that she had at one
time been my wife. It was easier on my conscious, too.
At the end of the cruise we flew to an area around the Red
Sea and stayed at a resort stationed there. The government persisted
in following us to whatever place we visited. Whether or not the
government actually believed in afterlife it didn't matter, for what
they observed in that dark tomb appeared as the act of a god and not
of a grieving human who tried to have once again what he had lost.
They clung to me in a similar way in which their ancestors clung to
the idols they worshipped. But, who am I to complain?

Towards the end of my vacation in Egypt, I asked the
President to take care of Ankhesenamon while I am gone for I have
my American life to finish before I can return. Before I left her in
the president's care, I told her goodbye. If only I had told her that
before I died, then perhaps I would not feel so terrible about saying it
now. This time, at least, she understood my intentions. Her
gleaming smile waved back to me as I left in a silver-plated Mercedes,
compliments of the Minister of Defense.

Back in the United States, I finished a partially incomplete

course in college. At home I frequently looked at pictures from my
trip and the souvenirs which reminded me of the pleasurable stay in
my old country. The fabulous ring with its magical powers I kept
hidden from view in a selected area in my closet marked "Egypt".
Since I am the only person in my family who is interested in that
subject, I decided that the ring was safe there.
The summer was almost beginning, so I called the President
of Egypt on his private phone via satellite. I was not scheduled to go
anywhere during the summer so I decided to once again visit my old
land and perhaps discuss my future with the embassy of Egypt. I
would not enter as a tourist but rather as an ambassador, from the
The president warned against my coming due to several
suggestions of war among the Arab nations. I was not scared easily
by the idea of war, so I told him to prepare the red carpet for his
private jet, which I would ride.

When I arrived in a private airport in Cairo, the country
appeared to have a persistent illness. That illness is war. Ever since I
was pharaoh, there was a frequency of ill-fated treaties, which
resulted in a minor battle. I was adjusted to understand those
problems, so should I bring together all the nations with poor
agreements then perhaps there will be no future ailments when peace
treaties are called for.
A Limousine to the presidents office from the airstrip
transported me. Ankhesenamon was waiting impatiently in the office
when I arrived. The President had a worried look on his face when
he turned to me from a row of windows. He briefly informed me
that the nations of Syria and Libya were slowly amassing weapons of
various character, some were chemical and some were traditional. He
also received word that Libya had purchased ten nuclear rockets from
a spy in the Soviet Union. This would be devastating information for
the United States should Libya use the rockets and other combined
arms against U.S. protectorates in the Middle East, such countries as
Egypt itself. One aspect of good news is that the U.S. supplies
weapons to Egypt, although there were not enough personnel to
operate them. Even if Egypt were united with Israel in a war against
these opponents, with the combined artillery of both countries, they
still would not have enough manpower to use them.

For two weeks I stayed in Cairo, learning some political
concepts and tactics from the president's officials. I watched the way
he handled his occupation. I also attempted to smooth my already
glossy relation with my former love, who seemed to be changing in
the modern era.
During the middle of the third week, the president and
some agents paraded down the main streets in Cairo in honor of a
political holiday. The sight reminded me of the time former
President Sadat paraded about the city in remembrance of the Yom
Kippur War, during which renegade agents killed him.
Halfway through the parade I noticed a speeding black car
in a collision course with the President's Limousine. I called out to
him from inside the car to sit down and to stop waving to his fans.
He told me not to worry. Moments later, the speeding car allowed a
black draped arm holding a semi-automatic weapon to fire a series of
slugs in the direction of his open window. I drew myself backwards,
almost splashing my wife's margarita into the lap of a secret service
agent armed with a silenced Uzi. The president was shot twice: once
in his upper right shoulder, the other scraped his neck causing a semi-
massive blood spill. Although he was wearing a bullet resistant vest,
it didn't prevent the armor-piercing bullets from shattering his career.
We dragged him inside, in care of his mortal wounds. I grabbed the
agent's gun and sprayed the speeding car with enough missiles to
destroy all its windows.

We drove to a local hospital and delivered him to an
emergency room where doctors took care of him. I went back to the
president's office and called the vice-president on line #2 over the
radio. The vice-president was in Peru at the time, exploring
archaeological findings, which he compared to Egyptology.
Since the vice-president could not be reached I decided,
with the permission of the Minister of Defense, to temporarily
control the land as acting-president. This decision made a few
thousand sparks of interest to Ankhesenamon, who ached to see this
happen. Finally, as it would seem, that something of this nature
would again happen to me; that I would be a ruler under similar
circumstances as when I first became pharaoh.
Instead of the traditional coronation procedures, which take
months of planning, and that the nation needed an immediate ruler
to supervise its health, I quickly armed myself with the rank of
Supreme President. Should I remain in power after the wars, only
then will I agree to the coronation procedures.
Without waiting for my enemies to attack, as if the
assassination attempt wasn't a declaration of war, I decided to wage
war against our immediate enemies. I sent an advisor to France for
the accumulation of emergency tribute, which would pay for the
wars. As France once sponsored Egypt as well as participated in
some of its disputes, I could see no reason as to why it wouldn't help.

As my first act as president, I ordered that all the borders
and boundary lines of Egypt be frozen until the dispute is stable.
This would prevent the foreign agents from entering and thus
prevent anymore problems such as the one that just occurred.
I ordered that all military artillery and soldiers be mobilized
for attack on the western border, as Libya is the prime enemy in this
war. I called the Prime Minister of Israel to accompany us, that is
join forces, in this battle and all that follow as we would be working
under the floorplan established by Sadat. After all the American
made and traditional military equipment was activated, I noticed that
at least one-half were still in the harbors and hangers -- waiting for
I placed the ring of Emerauldia on my third finger as I
thought about what I should do next. I decided that I would
resurrect all the mummified, ancient Egyptians found in museums
across the world to operate the vehicles of war still remaining. Since
they were already dead, there won't be any casualties of war. . .
In order to make my idea possible, I needed to be in an area
at the center of Egypt, this place was the pyramid of Khufu. I
ordered that a couch from my wife's tomb be placed inside the crypt
of Khufu on which I would sleep due to the power drain that occurs
whenever I attempt to resurrect something from the past.
Ankhesenamon was nervous about my decision, though I was
confident this time.

The next day I laid down upon the ancient platform in the
burial chamber of that great pharaoh, holding the ring with its
magical powers. In my hands I held my original scepters of power,
the crook and flail (taken from the museum under direct order). I
concentrated on the ring as Ankhesenamon stood by me and
watched curiously. Soon, the entire chamber was engulfed by green
light. I concentrated upon my feelings of my past; I thought about all
those people I knew and who served me. I probably didn't take
much interest about them back then, but now I was upset that I
didn't acquire a better relation with them. Nevertheless, I thought
about everyone who I had met during my time as pharaoh (what I
called "per-aa"), and all those who lived in Kemti.
The energy surrounding me pulsed with activity as I was
now in deep thought. As I later discovered, all the mummies of the
ancient world rose up from their glass cases and flew from their
captivity as wings sprouted from their bandaged bodies. They looked
like giant butterflies, storming in clusters and entering the war
machines, which later charged through enemy lines. Their
instructions came from me as I lay near the sarcophagus of a great
ruler. I controlled their thoughts easily, and I also concentrated on
falcons, which flew above them so that I could oversee their
The next day, Libya surrendered at the hands of my "spirit
brigade". I ordered my troops to collect all foreign vehicles for use
on our side, against Syria.

Over the next month, the nations of Syria, Libya, Palestine,
Iran, Iraq, Turkey (where Hittites used to be), Lebanon and Jordan
succumbed to the power of the ancients under my declaration. The
nations of Israel and Sudan were united with Egypt by their own
accord. Saudi Arabia took no part in this activity, however.
I ordered that all conquered lands be united with Egypt to
form an empire. This empire was labeled "The New Egyptian
Empire", and the national flag was composed of many smaller
sections, each of which constituted the original nation's flag. Egypt's
flag was once again green with a crescent moon and three stars, with
the added insignia of ancient Egypt: the scepter of Ptah encircled by
waves of fire and water. The scepter emerged from a blue Lotus
flower, and above was seven four-pointed stars.
The manner of government is the following: ministers are
over each section or city, Prime ministers over each ten ministers.
Vice-presidents control each former country, while four "pharaohs"
control four combined regions with a vice-emperor for every two
pharaohs. At the apex is the Supreme Pharaoh or emperor of the
entire realm. The emperor will be chosen by a two-thirds vote of a
congress of ten representatives. The emperor will appoint each vice-
emperor. Each pharaoh will be elected by a secret ballot by the
Prime ministers who in turn are elected by the ministers. The
ministers are thus chosen directly from the people, as are the ten
selected representatives. Well, something like that. . .

After the war, I visited the president at the hospital. When I
told him what happened, he was shocked and pleased as well. I
asked him if I could be his co-regent rather than reigning alone with
the permission of the president's subjects. A long pause followed. I
knew that he wouldn't want a foreigner to rule, although Egypt was
dominated by foreign rule long in between my two lives. Given his
unfortunate situation and his inability to rule directly, he agreed upon
a temporary contract, which proclaimed me as ruler of Egypt and of
its empire. When he is better, only then will I have to leave office.
Although the president would be the ruler of Egypt, he would not be
the emperor of the territory, which I acquired, meaning that I would
still be the emperor of the New Egyptian Empire.
I decided that if I am destined to rule as emperor, then I
must appear as such. I ordered a palace, large in size and functions,
to be built in the territory bordering Egypt and Sudan. I also
proclaimed that all of my tomb possessions that are usable in this life
be brought to me. These objects will fill the palace combined with
Ankhesenamon's artifacts so that the palace will look as if it were
from ancient origin. After all, most people of the world have in the
past already seen the tomb possessions so, in a sense, who will miss
The next week I returned to California and informed my
relatives that I will live in the empire most of the time, and
occasionally return to visit. They didn't realize that I caused the
empire to form, and were concerned.

I later discovered that the only reason I was allowed to rule
was in part due to my alleged powers, one of which is the power of
resurrection. I performed what was necessary, though I did not
intend to proclaim myself as a god as did someone else in the past. . .
Besides, who will complain during my scheduled Apocalypse?
The organization of the empire was running smoothly.
Soon enough will the empire appear as some of the past, such as the
Roman Empire. I always wanted to have a large area to rule, without
enemies disturbing the progress of my subjects. That was my wish
even before I entered the embodiment of Tutankhamon. I seem to
have the power to resurrect almost anyone from the past, all except
my past embodiment. The reason is simple: should I bring back my
past body, then the soul within me will have to leave and therefore
send my current embodiment into oblivion. Besides, it wouldn't
work anyway; the body is too destroyed to attempt a resurrection.
Only those preserved, or who have recently died without the soul
being erased, can relive in this world under my permission.
The next problem was the confusion of religion. With my
presence here, many humans will start to worship me as their
ancestors worshipped Jesus as a spiritual leader. I did not want this
to happen. All I can do is to say that if they want to worship a god,
then they must prove their worthiness to me and therefore worship
anyone from the past who they think has achieved "enlightenment".
This will prevent them from worshipping false deities.

C H A P T E R T W E N T Y O N E:
W W I I I.

Ten years later I introduced an invention of mine which I

had thought about during 1985. With the assistance of Japan and of
the American NASA, we were able to construct an "Aero-
Amphibious" vehicle capable of various functions. Such functions
are its ability to drive like an ordinary automobile with a jet engine, to
fly like a jet fighter and fire similar weaponry, and to submerge like a
submarine. The vehicle's construction consists of synthetic
"Diamond glass" consisting of man-made Diamonds (crystallized
Carbon), melted Quartz flattened into a glass form, Beryl for
reduction of radiation if struck by an atomic warhead, and other
bomb-resistant materials. The same Diamond glass can be formed
into transparent domes, which can protect cities or important sites
from Nuclear Warfare. The vehicle will appear as a sports car in
normal mode, preferably a Ferrari with hidden, foldable wings
consisting of Diamond glass which, when folded and thus hidden
from view, look like a modern siding along the car's surface. The
wings are stored in a built-in shaft in between the first and second
windows, also consisting of that material. Underneath the car there
are emergency wings, which can only be used when in the air, for the
wings must rotate on axles under the wheels and can therefore
operate when airborne.

The vehicle, called the "M.C. Futura", so named by its
creator, has various weaponry systems such as: landing skis which
fold out automatically when approaching frozen water formations,
computer intelligence, frontal silenced machine guns (over 80 caliber)
aside from small missile ports which fire arrow-ribbed, heat-seeking,
laser deflective missiles, solar panels on top, rear, and wing ceilings, a
bumper siding which stretches across the entire vehicle, and a rear
harpoon gun with cable that also fires magnetic explosive charges.
Also there are: depth-charge passages which drops explosives when
under or on the surface of water, stabilizer wings in rear, and
enclosed window in rear which displays the license plate, backlights,
and smokescreen tubes. Located at the back window is a high
powered strobe light which is similar to smokescreen when used at
night. It can also serve as a distress signal. In the front there is an
infra-red, blue light filtered camera which can use its telescopic lens
to detect what the radar/sonar cannot. For fuel, the M.C. Futura can
allow Antimatter to fluctuate in a magnetic storage area in rear, or it
can rely on solar power unless fusion is possible.
Should aircars be used in the future, then the vehicle can be
modified to fit those standards. Instead of wheels, the M.C. Futura
will glide on propeller jets made from a Tungsten coated alloy
consisting of Platinum, Steel, and Iron. Either way, the M.C. Futura
will be invincible in the air, land, or sea, ideal for Navy Seals.

Other features include a rear parachute to reduce speed, oil-
slick funnels, frontal periscope, side stabilizers, retractable rocket
booster, which detaches and can be carried by a trailer, and dark
tinted windows or laser reflective, mirror-like windows.
Engineers at NASA and in Japan have designed various
forms of M.C. Futuras. The rear harpoon gun can shield itself by
lowering itself into the rear trunk and cover the top part
automatically so that it resembles an ordinary sports car. One well-
planned idea was to use it as an escape car for secret agents or spies.
I am sure that any "James Bond" fan would love to drive one,
although it is far more complex than a space shuttle to operate. For
instance, the only way one may enter is by fingerprint identification
located on the door handles and on the ignition button. The on-
board computer automatically researches all potential driver prints
and should the print be invalid then the person will not be able to
activate the controls. Also, should the vehicle be in a bad situation in
the air, then a nuclear bomb will detonate after being dropped. The
vehicle will be safe while in the "eye of the storm" and protected by
the Diamond glass plates. Another use for the bomb is when
someone tries to illegally operate or steal the car, for when they do
attempt to steal the vehicle the bomb will explode. This will make it
very difficult for the corrupt IRS to steal. There is also an emblem
on the hood which emits an electric shock when some foolhardy
teenager attempts to steal this "trophy".

Other inventions which I had thought of in my early days
are: a sledmobile with the complexities, weaponry, and design of a
M.C. Futura, a space vehicle that drops capsule-like space stations at
each location, whether it is a planet or an outpost. The space vehicle
will hold each space station or probe like a test tube holder, each
space station will be contained within a rocket which will launch itself
upon its detachment from the spacecraft. The spacecraft itself will
be unmanned, contain escape ships with vital information if crashing
is a result, contain a 360 degree laser cannon powerful enough to
destroy a medium size asteroid, and be powered by both solar cells
and antimatter unless fusion is possible. The vehicle is called the
"Space Station Carrier Transport", or SSCT. The purpose is to allow
small or portable space stations to enter an orbit with a selected
planet so that future craft can refuel or stop while investigating a
planet or spaceport.
Another space station possibility is a "Windmill" space
station which allows a specified section to have artificial gravity --the
section that is rotating around a central core accessible by an internal
passage. It would also contain laser weaponry and could be used as a
long term spacecraft, if necessary.
One of the more practical inventions is a wire which
supplies cooled Oxygen from a generator worn along a belt, used for
air recirculation under a Latex mask for those who are a "Master of
Disguise". It would be very profitable in the future for spies, etc..

For either suspended animation or for hibernation from an
illness, I suggest the modified version of a "sleep capsule". This
capsule will be powered by antimatter or fusion (both are selected as
an easy source aside from using Nuclear power) and will contain
liquid Oxygen combined with 10% liquid Nitrogen, 2% liquid
Helium, and a liquid, or amorphous version of Chlorophyll. The
Chlorophyll will cover the surface of the body to prevent ice crystals
from forming, and can also appear in mask form to protect the head
regardless if covered by a helmet. The capsule will be constructed
from a variety of alloys including Diamond glass, Platinum, Stainless
Steel, Iron, Tungsten and Diamond fiberglass (synthetic Diamond
glass). The computer will be of gold so that it will last the duration
of hibernation, even if not awakened for thousands of Earth years.
Finally, there is another invention of optional character.
The car of the future will contain an unbreakable needle consisting of
either Tungsten or Diamond glass on the bottom of the car. This
needle will be like a giant record player when driving on the road
which will contain individual tracks with engraved musical notes.
The music will be emitting from the on-board stereo should someone
not prefer the built-in compact disc player. The road will be like a
giant record when the car travels across it. The road will be covered
with metal so that the music is preserved. By covering the road with
metal and not the concrete part then, during an Earthquake, the
music will continue to function even if the road beneath is separated.

Aside from my glorious inventions, I resided at a tropical
home among the Hawaiian Islands. This home, formerly known as
the "M.C. Futura Mansion", named because of the built-in garage and
runway installed alongside one facing of the house, is very complex
although I designed the general floorplans while in High School.
There are five levels in all, two of which are underground. There is
also a Diamond glass dome over the entire estate, just in case of
World War III.
Although the estate retains a typical rectangular shape, it
contains more artistry than the White House and more integrity than
the Pentagon. The first level contains: a central living room, a family
room adjacent to the car showroom where on display are some
privately collected sports cars, most of which are M.C. Futuras in
disguise. Also in the first level there are: a Ball room, planetarium,
indoor pool, playroom, "fun house", video library, aquarium with
Aqua-lab installed (scientific study and laboratory), robotic cafe,
lounge, dining room and kitchen, den, eight car garage aside from the
M.C. Futura launching bay which appears as a fence surrounded with
vines which later unfolds to form launching bay, arcade room,
exercise room, one bedroom with bathroom, amusement park ride
installed, and a miniature hospital with minimum functions. There
are five main halls and a secret elevator in the library, which leads to
upper and lower levels. All windows are bullet-proof, and in the
front yard there is a pyramid and fountain.

In the second level there are: five bedrooms, four guest
rooms, six bathrooms, office space (almost similar to the Oval Office
in the White House), game room, pet room, indoor race track for
remote control vehicles, sun room, six hallways and an open area
overlooking a hallway on the first level. The master bedroom
includes a fireplace, balcony, mirror maze leading to "secret" closet
where computer services and television (security) monitors are
stationed, secret elevator accessible by a false wall, bathroom with
sauna, and enough space for a double King-size bed. Also on the
second level are stairs and a public elevator.
On the third or top level, includes a penthouse with one
bedroom and a secret elevator located in a closet. All secret elevators
are connected so that the owner may travel to various parts of the
house without being seen. Also inside there is a spa, a breezeway for
the helicopter pad outside, two halls and a fireplace.
Outside the penthouse there is a radar station with three
disks, solar panels and skylight windows, a greenhouse, outdoor pool,
a laser cannon used to remove areas of the dome above if necessary,
and a storeroom with a hidden breezeway leading to the gun storage
room. Along the edges of the third level there is a metal fence.
Down to where the first level of the basement there is: a
library with hidden door leading to a storage deposit, a secret jail
along a secret elevator leading from the master bedroom. Also, there
are: a bedroom and bath, a secret passage leading to a "tomb"
beneath the pyramid;

(the tomb contains some sleep chambers and artifacts), a monorail
subway with station accessible only by a passage leading from the
map room, two mazes and many halls. Hidden from view is the M.C.
Futura hanger where the cars are lowered by elevator from the car
showroom via a turntable, which selects which car to be used. Next
to the hanger is the weapons and supplies garage, and finally there is
the elevator that leads to the above runway and secondary garage or
release chamber. Thick, reinforced concrete walls separate the rooms
mentioned, the same type of material used to hold the dome in the
ground. The subway monorail system leads to the underground vault
constructed of Diamond glass, Platinum and Steel. The vault
connects to the house by a concrete wall. The subway tunnel
encircles the entire house and can stop at various places if desired.
The vault is adjacent to a storage room and accessible by a
hidden door. Also hidden by a secret door is the stairwell leading to
the last level of the house. There are many secret passages and doors
throughout the entire estate.
Finally, there is the last level or second basement. This
room can best be defined as a low level bomb shelter, considering the
weight, which rests over it. Inside this level there is a water filtering
room, a recycle center (for paper, metal, and glass), two storage
rooms, the stairwell, a laser work station and the power room. Inside
this power room there dwells an antimatter storage area and a
neutron accelerator. Both are connected to the backup power area.

Other than the estate there are two other residences which I
designed. One is a circular step-pyramid located in South America
near Peru. It is used as a secondary tomb and it contains many
rooms, most of which contain statues, possessions, and temple
furnishings. This tomb is covered by a Diamond glass dome and
contains all the once revived souls returned to their Earthly
embodiments, or mummies, and are preserved in sarcophagi
throughout the tomb. All of the mummies that were used to form
the Egyptian empire, and therefore nearly all of the mummified
Egyptians of the world, are resting in this palace of eternity. The
tomb has seven levels and is energized by solar panels. Outside the
tomb are statues and sundials.
The second tomb built in my honor is located near Luxor,
Egypt. This tomb is made of granite and limestone blocks covered
with green diorite plates sealed with gold. The overall shape is that
of a seven-sided prism, rather than the traditional pyramid. The walls
are etched by lasers to draw the hieroglyphs necessary for a tomb to
be complete. Outside the prism tomb complex are two circular step-
pyramids used as storage bins. Both are energized by solar cells, and
contain similar items as that of the original in South America. There
are seven smaller pyramids of circle design encircling the prism, and
each has a mirror directed towards the top of the prism where light is
collected and used as energy.
Inside this prism tomb complex are fourteen levels.

Within those levels are: a grand temple at the apex
including many courtyards filled with exotic statues from various
sections of the times, pillared rooms, a treasury and subsidiary storage
rooms, an Osiris chapel, an underground water passage leading to
twelve golden gate chambers guarded by robots with lasers, two
ferryboats leading to the water passage and departing from
underground passages linking the two storage tombs, a large burial
chamber at the center of a great maze, and other less important areas.
The prism expands one mile in length and one-third mile in width.
There is an oval shaped Diamond glass dome over the entire
complex with two separate domes over the two pyramids.
In the burial chamber there are golden shrines enclosing a
scarab shaped sarcophagus, which opens to a lower chamber where
the actual burial room is centralized in the midst of godly statues.
There is a unique sleep chamber encircled by a shrine of Diamond
glass with statues of the primal gods protecting it. The above burial
room contains some personal possessions and much information
regarding the life of the owner.
In each of the twelve chambers, each representing the
twelve rooms of the Netherworld, are golden offerings and gilt
statues of certain deities who supposed to live there. This tomb is
truly a masterpiece, and not only the largest tomb complex ever
made, but also the best one I could possibly design and own. This
tomb is much larger than my past one, and much more deserving as

Those inventions already mentioned were organized in my
dreams long before the time when I resurrected my former wife,
which can only be explained as a lucky chance. It isn't everyday that
one may find something he has lost a long time ago, so it was only an
exception when I discovered Ankhesenamon's burial pit. Because of
this, the inventions would have been made regardless if she was
found, although it might have taken a longer time for the inventions
to surface from the depths of ignorance should I had not been in a
royal or semi-royal surrounding when I ordered their creation.
My inventions will shape the future of the world even if
there is nothing left to shape should anything be destroyed by the
possibility of Thermonuclear war.

One year has passed since my inventions held a firm grip on

the world's industry and technical age. The nation of Iran recently
broke free from the empire of Egypt once it acquired a substantial
amount of nuclear weapons. The thought of that didn't seem to
matter, although Iran directed its interest to the USSR rather than
other countries of the world. Iran seemed to take the path of Libya
when it acquired nuclear warheads from Russia. Soon enough,
World War III started to bubble from the fathoms of incompetence
when my empire directed its warring attention to Iran. Russia
protected Iran, and America protected my empire. Finally, Nuclear
war was inevitable.

I transported all furniture and items of value from the
palace in the Egyptian empire to the M.C. Futura residence and the
prism tomb near Thebes. The palace was the only area not protected
by the Diamond glass domes. Although many zoos and wildlife
centers were protected, nothing protected the open land of Africa.
Only those animals in the wild were subject to mutation from the
radioactivity from the nuclear fallout.
To state what happened is simply that America and Russia
were annihilated and Iran was completely flattened. The empire still
remained yet it suffered from fallout and acid rain. Those areas
protected by the domes were safe and not subject to the second
degree mutation that occurred around them. I consider the mutation
process to be second degree because of the fact that the life forms
were mutated once and that was during the creation of the humans.
This second degree was slightly different in the formation of giant
insects and mutant humans in the form of crossbreeds which
consisted of humans and reptiles combined to form anything less
than dragons.
My family and friends were safe within various domed cities
around the world. I slept in a sleep chamber with Ankhesenamon
sleeping in her own capsule only a few feet away. The capsules are
programmed to awaken the user at a specific time whenever
summoned. We were positioned in the tomb chamber beneath the
pyramid at the M.C. Futura Mansion in the Hawaiian Islands,
safe from destruction.

Six months later the computers awakened us. The capsule
door raised itself from the canopy and slid downward so that my
head would be facing the outside. I carefully peeled away the molded
Chlorophyll from my face so that I could breath from the outside air.
My body temperature was stabilized, and I continued to peel away
excess Chlorophyll.
I cautiously sat up and viewed the room. I walked over to
Ankhesenamon's capsule and deactivated the sleep mechanism. I
next started to peel away the blanket of Chlorophyll from her body
and place it in the computerized regenerator for future usage.
I noticed that she started to blink so I gently rubbed her
arms to signal to her that everything, so far as I know, is okay. She
slowly climbed upward from the ice covered capsule, with Oxygen
steaming into the surrounding air. I checked the computer readouts
from satellite signals and determined that there were still lingering
radiation sources covering the world and the oceans.
I walked to the vaulted door and entered the computerized
password by use of the hieroglyphic control panel. I used
hieroglyphs instead of letters for greater security since not everyone
in the world knows how to translate it. The door slowly opened and
gases from the inside flushed in between the edges of the door to the
outside where they mingled with six-month-old trapped air.

We exited from the hidden passage and went into the
storage room neighboring the jail cell where the elevator is. I
activated the false wall, which revealed the secret elevator to us and
so we entered and traveled to the second level. I exited the elevator
and walked in the closet of the master bedroom and activated the
security cameras. For an hour I sat at the control table and studied
the computer charts describing the world's situation.
I decided that I would personally investigate the destruction
while riding in one of my M.C. Futuras. I told Ankhesenamon to
wait at the estate until I return. She orbited her arms around me and
delivered a farewell kiss to my restless lips. I informed her that I
would return in one piece unlike Osiris.

I traveled to the car showroom and selected a vehicle

labeled the "M.C. Future Limousine", so named for the added cargo
space in back. The floor turned clockwise and the opening in the
floor matched the chosen vehicle and connected with the elevator.
The car slowly lowered into the hanger while I leaped down the
adjoining staircase. I met the Limousine and entered it. I started up
the engine and allowed the floor tracks to deposit the vehicle in the
weapons garage where the car was refueled, cleaned, loaded with
arsenal and checked by computer.
I entered the car again after investigating the report, the car
next being raised by the second elevator and into the launch bay. I
activated the runway to unfold outside the house and prepared to

I quickly placed a helmet over my head and tightened the
straps and infra-red visor. Next, I punched in the flightplan into the
car's central computer and activated "flight mode". The wings
extended from the sides and the missile and gunports opened. The
rear engine was exposed and other systems were operating within
reason. I started up the exhaust port and the engine propeller
spinned violently. I switched on the control panel and the rocket
booster ignited sending the vehicle roaring out of the runway and
through a portal in the dome, which opened automatically. I glanced
back to the twenty acre estate and watched Ankhesenamon wave
from the moving sidewalk.
I flew around Hawaii and hours later I observed the
desolate California coast, with its broken buildings hiding among
piles of vaporized bodies, blackened with soot. I glided to LA and
observed some cruise ships still functioning along the coastline, some
of which were irreparable while others were in mint condition. I
decided that I would use these ships to salvage the world of its lasting
products that I can build the future on and perhaps the new
generation of humans into everlasting civilizations.
I parked my vehicle at a cruise liner control tower and
explored the ruins with care of the lingering radiation. I collected
some souvenirs and placed them in the trunk near the rear harpoon
gun. For security measures, I wore a gauntlet which controls the
M.C. Futura by remote control. I searched among the rubble for
anything of value as I neared a cruise ship.

I silently boarded a cruise ship from a small boat and
climbed onto the main deck. I entered the control room and noticed
that it was empty, so I climbed upward to the top deck. It was there
that I watched a girl in her late twenties practice Tae Kwon Do with a
mannequin. She wore black tights and was bare foot as she kicked at
the air. I judged that she was slightly over six feet in height with dark
hair and eyes. I approached her quietly and she sensed that I was
nearing so she quickly turned around. Her beady, deep-set eyes met
mine and she gave a wail as she ran towards me, for reasons
unknown. Perhaps she was using Cocaine or something. . . She flew
in a jump-kick course in my direction, and she was moving too
quickly for me to deflect her. Her right foot came in contact with my
lower facial area and sent me tumbling backwards. I started to stand
up when she delivered five quick kicks, which dislodged the cartilage
in my nose causing it to spill blood onto the floor behind me. I
struck at her with a force that should have knocked her unconscious,
except that she caught the blow between her raised ankles. This was
starting to become quite embarrassing for me, since this battle
contrasted with my past. Next she pushed me against the rail and, by
pressing her foot against my mouth as if to suffocate me, she
attempted to push me over the rail and twenty meters into the ocean.
I quickly grabbed a Japanese Shuriken (throwing star) from my belt
and tossed it into her brain. After that, I knocked her overboard,
thus ending her life.

I wondered why she was trying to assassinate me, although
it could have been the radiation that was affecting her. Well, it was
of no matter so I ventured below deck and looted the gift shop of its
valuables. As I was returning back to the M.C. Futura, I bandaged
my nose with some gauze.
Later, I seized control of some of the cruise ships, loaded
them with salvaged products, and drove them back to the estate. I
would use these products to finance the empire in its growth, as well
as future civilizations, which will form from the domed cities.
When I returned to the estate, Ankhesenamon saw my
wounds and asked me what happened. I told her that I slipped on
the deck of one of the cruise liners I parked outside. Upon hearing
that she wandered outside and searched for the ships from one of the
hills nearby.

Two years later, after all salvaging operations were complete

and the tombs and storage bins were filled, I flew in a M.C. Futura
over certain areas of the world. I went to Egypt where I captured my
past embodiment in its coffin of gold and plastered its body parts
together. Next I submerged the corpse in gold and replaced it in the
solid gold coffin, which is far too short for me to use a second time.
My height was about six feet and five inches so I could only use the
second and third coffins for my future burial.
I entered my former palace and organized it so that I could
still rule except I would be in the estate rather than the palace at the

I left the area in one of the M.C. Futuras and flew across
Iraq where I spotted some aircraft flying in my path. There were ten
"Wolf-vipers", jets of immense strength and firepower, soaring across
the ionosphere with their draped back wings and dual rocket engines.
The planes must be the remnants of the arsenal of Iran, which were
flown sometime after the atomic bombs were dropped. I angled the
coarse of my flight to intercept them and when I reached their
position a shower of missiles rushed towards me. I dove into the
ocean where my vehicle transformed into a submarine and fired
torpedo-missiles directly from beneath the surface of the water, using
the ocean as a shield from their rapidly firing bullets. My missiles
collided with theirs, and their bullets sunk softly into the ocean.
I rotated the M.C. Futura 360 degrees upward and launched
two "Gull tube" rockets at the planes. The rockets opened and fired
a tornado of miniature missiles at the jets. Of those ten jets, six were
After waiting under water for several minutes, I changed
back to flight mode and launched into the stratosphere firing my
triple-cannon laser cannon at the remaining jets. Two were instantly
liquefied and the others were partly damaged on the wings. I rose up
between the two jets and allowed the vehicle to spin counter-
clockwise while firing a multitude of armor-piercing bolts made of
explosive materials. The jets attempted to use Diamond glass-
shattering Ultrasound which only confused the radar, however. The
jets were splattered against the wind.
Victorious, I flew back to the estate in Hawaii. On the way
home I stopped by the prism tomb complex and checked on the

M.C. Futuras stored there. I activated the sleep chambers to be ready
should we use them in the near future.
When I returned to the island Ankhesenamon welcomed
me and asked if there was any adventure out there. I responded that
some jets from the Stone Age tried to force me to give them a light.
I informed her that soon we would once again sleep in the capsules
and examine what the future holds for us. But before I chose to
enter the crypts of sleep, I stopped by one of the Sperm banks in the
domed "forbidden" city in Nevada where I deposited some genetic
material that they can use to repopulate the Earth so that I will have
something to look forward to in the future.
I went to the other domed cities and opened them for
future business. Using the on-board computers in the lab stationed
at a control tower within the cities, I contacted the space stations and
informed them to awaken us in, say a hundred years or so. They
agreed and sent me their wishes and farewell signals.
I went back to the estate and locked it from the inside.
Next I transported our belongings to the prism tomb complex, and
stopped by the tomb in South America to deliver some articles of
information to the memory banks. We took a last look at the island
and flew to the empire where we would rest for a long, long time.

C H A P T E R T W E N T Y T W O:
A P O C A L Y P S E.

One hundred Earth years later, the ruler of my former

empire who managed to escape unscathed by my security traps
awakened us. My body was still thirty-two years old although the
equipment could not be used for deterring the aging of our bodies
should we attempt to freeze ourselves again. He addressed me as
"Grand Emperor of the Past", probably a rank higher than his own.
The future was cleansed from the radioactive fallout which
fell from the last World War. The people no longer fought or had
wars among themselves. They learned that greed isn't a logical path
in life and nor is violence. They had perfected themselves from the
wishes and dreams that I had programmed into the tomb's
computers. The people in general slightly resembled the aliens who
drove their flying vehicles over Earth a long time ago. They were
partly bald, were thin and had mutant eyes that contained infra-red
We were escorted to various points on Earth where
prosperity ruled over tyranny, and areas that resembled the garden of
Eden, had that place actually existed. We were informed that the
humans had made contact and peaceful relations with life forms of
other planets.

The ruler informed me that all the national religions of the
world were united once again into the old Egyptian religion. They
did not necessarily worship animals but rather respected them, those
that were left. Since the Kemtic religion was the origin of all of the
twentieth century religions, and that they were finally reunited, I felt
as if I no longer needed to bother with the dependent mutations in
their prosperity. They seemed to have mutated into dependent life
forms rather than what they were when I ruled over them. They
continued to worship a deity, so they were still not perfect even if
they did advance a little.
The entities discovered the art of time-travel, which made
me wonder if they are indeed the aliens from the past who invaded
with their flying disks. A new Atlantis was rising on the horizon with
multiple, intricate cities and much wealth collected for public use. I
imagined what type of space vehicles they used. . . They did use
something of the science fiction ideas, however. It was like watching
real science fictional starships float from out of a comic book
whenever I observed their vehicles travel from the towering
superstructures that they had built.
The pyramids, as I had foreseen, were reduced to dust or
were hidden with layers of radioactive dust. This just proves that
nothing, no matter how much is put into a masterpiece, can last
against time. The domed cities were the only thing I accomplished
that still remained on this torn-apart planet that I had sacrificed for.

I returned to the prism tomb to operate one of the M.C.
Futuras in storage. It seemed to have collected some layers of dust
over the years, although the antimatter was still functioning within
reason. I removed the dust with some linen straps from my burial
chamber and cleared away some debris from the widened control
panel. I switched on the security mechanism and placed my index
finger on the flat identification screen at the ignition starter control.
The screen lit up with a green light and scanned my fingerprint and
steady pulse as I entered the car. After the computer confirmed my
I.D., I directed the vehicle to launch from its slanted position into the
outside domed atmosphere. The engine shook with ancient power
and forced the vehicle through the hidden doorway and out of the
tomb. I directed the M.C. Futura around the prism superstructure
and through the connecting escape tube to the outside where I
noticed a flat roadway extending to the horizon.
I followed the roadway where it stopped at a cemetery. I
stopped the car and went out to investigate. I walked along concrete
markers until I found a tombstone that struck my interest. I read the
names and discovered that this stone stele represented the remnants
of my family who must have died within the hundred years I was
asleep. I reached out to a plot of flowers and removed some mutant
roses and carnations. Thinking about the conclusion of my two lives,
I slowly bent down and placed the flowers alongside the marker. I
knelt beside it and concentrated for a gloomy hour. I never should
have left them for my own private purposes, I thought.

Realizing that Ankhesenamon might just be the last
remaining relative that I currently possess, I chose to celebrate one
last time with her before I depart to the other worlds that I longed
for before the tragedy that kept me here started. I reentered the
vehicle and orbited the Earth one final time.
After ten hours, mostly dedicated to the automatic pilot, I
arrived at the site where I last met Ankhesenamon. I carried with me
a bottle of champagne dated from 1992, the year I repossessed her
from the Netherworld, and two long glasses. She stood only forty
feet away, busily talking to the Prime Minister. I summoned my
courage and stealthily crept towards them. Holding the slippery
bottle in my right hand, gripping it tightly, I took each step slowly as
I forced myself to remember everything that has happened to us in
the last few millennia.
Hesitating, I walked next to her and asked her, "Uh,
Ankhesenamon, may I talked to you for a while?"
She drew herself away from the officer and proceeded to
answer my interruption. "Yes, what is it my dear Tutankhamon?"
"Don't call me that, pleeease!" I said. "Why can't you refer
to me by my current name? Oh, never mind. . . I wanted to ask you
if you would like to come to the beach with me and --say, celebrate
for a couple hours."
"But what for? We just slept for a hundred years, why spoil
the future by bringing up the past?" she asked politely.

She had a point. Why would I want to interrupt her from
learning about the future, which would not have been revealed to us
had I not brought her from the ghost world?
I walked over to the officer and informed him that we were
going to be alone for a while. He understood and departed swiftly. I
glanced over to where she was standing, noticing that she was
distracted by something as she repeatedly stared at the colonized
moon. Oh, did I say colonized? I apologize for leaking that
information to the twentieth century. . .
"Ankhesenamon, I have known you longer than I can
remember. I met you when we were children, and at the wedding
which determined our future. Although we are eternally bonded, we
must know when to depart. That doesn't mean that we must separate
at death, as I am sure you know.
What I am trying to say is that I must leave you and I want you to
remember me in a good way and not as a grieving eternal ruler who
wants to cling to tradition along with his possessions, especially that
of his memorable companion."
Tears started to flood her eyes as a smile broke along her
cheeks. She brushed the sunlight from my expression as she held my
face in her delicate hands. "I know. I just wanted us to be together
for eternity, and you just destroyed that perspective with your love
for me. . .", she said softly.
"It doesn't have to end this way, you know. Here, have
some champagne. Its in the year of our Anniversary", I informed
her with delight.

I poured her a glass and so we drank calmly beneath the sun
as it drifted into the depths of night. The cry of a sea gull shattered
the silence between us as we stared into each other's eyes. The cool
wind blew across our bodies as gently as the snow falling from a
winter's night. I calmly raised her left hand and placed a ceramic ring
with my old name of Tutankhamon inscribed upon it to her third
finger in the place of a marriage ring. I lowered my head to her and
presented a lip massage to her closed jaws. I disconnected a
medallion with her name imprinted upon it from her neck and placed
it about my own. This way we each have something to remember
each other by, once we are separated.
As we sat under the planet Venus sipping old champagne, I
crawled towards her until our shoulders were barely touching and
embraced her with my partly bare arms. I slowly massaged her
slightly vigorous vertebrae along her back with one arm, while the
other rubbed her cheekbones as we exchanged meaningful kisses. I
took a healthy breath from the surrounding air and blew it over her
exposed ear, causing her to emit a silent chuckle. I directed my lips
along her elegant and elaborately formed neck. I formed a
questionable hypothesis that perhaps I should resurrect people more
often considering the extremely well job I perform. . . We laid down
upon the sandy shore and continued our embrace and of our
exchanging of exaggerated kisses along our glistening mouthparts.

The next week I commanded the empire to build me a
funerary ship of immense size to equal the prosperity that they have
achieved. The boat will be over a hundred yards in length and will be
plated with 18k gold so that it will sparkle in the sunlight. It will
contain seven levels, and harbor all of my current and former
possessions, including a space for Ankhesenamon to wait until the
end is near. I remembered placing third-component near some
islands during the creation of the humans. Those islands formed
what is now labeled the Bermuda Triangle, and the past states that
many vehicles entered and never returned; probably a result of energy
evaporation that occurs whenever matter is near third-component.
One month later the ship was completed to my satisfaction.
I assisted the troopers in the moving of my possessions from the
prism tomb to the ship. The funeral craft radiantly glowed by noon.
The ship supported a Diamond glass shrine on the apex, and in that
shrine there were seven coffins, two of which were buried with the
original embodiment thousands of years ago. It is there that I shall
lay when the Triangle of Bermuda arrives and delivers me out of the
embodiment from which I will commence the scheduled Apocalypse.
They deposited the glamorous ship into a Hawaiian harbor
where I walked around the Mansion one last time. I entered the
pyramid tomb and thought about everything that I had done while on

The next day I led Ankhesenamon to the ship, each of us
wearing funeral type clothes or what we would prefer to leave in. I
wore a long white cloak sequined in white gold, a belt containing a
Samurai sword and my original daggers in their sheaths, golden
sandals reminiscent of the past jeweled with Emeralds, a headband
with royal insignia attached, and a medallion with my wife's name
inscribed. She wore similar garments such as: a white robe with
royal insignia etched on the back, her old crown of golden cobras, a
ring with my former name inscribed on it, two bracelets and gilt
sandals. I carried a staff similar to that of Ptah (the deity to whom I
represent while on Earth) made of a solid shaft of Platinum, an ankh
made of blackened leather, the original scepters of power, and of
course the ring of Emerauldia which brought Ankhesenamon back to
the world of the living.
We walked slowly to our destination, holding hands and
mumbling quietly to ourselves. A crowd of dependent life forms (the
current form of humans) who bid us farewell met us as we boarded
the craft that will lead us to Heaven. The ruler gave me his
condolences as well as a firm handshake in a gesture of reflection. I
told him that he and his people will be spared and perhaps placed on
a future planet at a later date, unlike those who I lived with in the
twentieth century who will be transferred to a different Universe
where they will be neutralized in a different manner than the way I
attempted to bestow upon them.

While the ship transported us to the Triangle, I reflected
upon my past. I influenced many cultures: Atlantis, Kemti, Maya
and Inca (the Aztecs influenced themselves), Japan and parts of the
Americas. All of those civilizations succeeded in their own way,
although none were more attached to me than that of Kemti, to
which I allowed two different times to coexist with similar prosperity.
I will make sure that after Earth is destroyed and later evaporated
into an energy ball, that Ankhesenamon will exist secretly in the new
world with a clone of myself to keep herself company throughout all
eternity, as that was her wish.
The wind blew strongly outside as we neared the location of
our exit. I knew this as I lay in my raised sarcophagi thinking about
my greater task in the near future. I will have to create a new world
from the evaporated particles of this and other close worlds to satisfy
not only the schedule, but also my ancient quest so that I may leave
this area and explore the first created worlds. Should nothing have
happened to Earth after the completion of my creations long ago,
then I would not be here now to regret it. I would also be currently
stationed at the long perfected worlds which I completed during the
time after the explosion of the inner nucleus of the Universe. Long
after the end of the New World and therefore during the relapse of
the Universe, the souls who inspired me will fill both my memory
and the Voidal stream, forever.

I crossed my arms in Osirian style, each hand holding a
scepter across my chest. The staff of Ptah lay between my legs and
against my abdomen separate from the other scepters. I wore a
nemes headdress underneath the Diamond fiberglass helmet which
supplied Oxygen to me since the lid to the coffin was already tightly
closed. The helmet contained a communication device near the
tinted visor, which allowed me to be informed when we reach our
I heard fierce waves of ocean water clash against the sides
of the ship, causing it to rock violently. Thunderstorms of immense
size struck the ship with devastating power, and massive hurricanes
flooded the decks with enough water needed to capsize the entire
ship if were not already water-tight. Lightning bolts sent forth beams
of static electricity which lit the weather vanes like Christmas trees. I
saw all of this through the holographic projection from the ring of
Emerauldia, which I wore on my right hand.
I waited as the lightning flashed over the top of the ship like
sunlight behind a newly formed rainbow. Soon we would be near the
area within the Triangle that contains the precious third-component.
Many people once thought that the Triangle contained a worm hole,
or dimensional passage. If only people knew about the real contents,
and if they did not accidentally discover it as a great way to eliminate
their garbage problem, then perhaps they would respect the deity
who placed it there.

Eventually we reached the center of the Triangle where all
storms subsided and an erie silence presided over all regions around
the ship. A low humming sound echoed from the center, a few
meters to the west of our ship. I activated the third-component in
the ring, which contributed to the noise. The component swirled
around me and then departed into the Emerald cloud of gas-like
third-component outside of the ship. The component returned,
except that it had enlarged in amount. It probably absorbed some
while in the cloud. The component enveloped my embodiment,
evaporated it into neutral energy, and thus freed me from my
enslavement of protoplasm. I floated freely, once again a full sized
Emerauldian. I seemed to feel much better after being freed from
my entrapment of thirty-two Earth years.
All of the fancy burial furnishings were by no means lost.
After leaving the evaporated embodiment, I recorded all the items
surrounding me including the rare garments and weapons. These
recorded objects will exist either deep in the future, or within the
next world with a cloned embodiment of my past body.
I next floated throughout the ship and entered
Ankhesenamon's chamber, transforming myself into a humanoid
form, still glowing with third-component in gaseous state. She
almost screamed at my presence, but subsided when I informed her
that I was still myself although different in appearance. I told her to
be calm as I painlessly evaporated her into a fiery energy ball.

After evaporating the ship into a cloud of neutral energy
particles, I ventured into outer space where I placed the fiery ball of
pure energy in orbit around the Earth. I returned to the surface after
placing a declaration in orbit stating to all alien life forms to keep
their distance while the Apocalypse is happening.
I activated the Apocalypse by forcing myself into the core
of the planet where I detonated a power surge, which caused all
mountains to become volcanoes and to erupt sending rivers of
molten lava to flood all superficial landscape regions. I returned to
the sky and forced the moon to orbit the Earth in a faster pace
causing violent storms and hurricanes to inhabit every corner of the
planet. Earthquakes of very high potency shook away all superficial
buildings and engulfed all underground sanctuaries like a giant cat
swallowing a hundred small birds. The only regions that were safe
from total annihilation were the regions included in my empire, as I
promised the inhabitants that they would be spared from destruction.
I flew across the sky as the remaining third-component
encircled the atmosphere with its gas-like form taking the shape of
giant green clouds. I revealed my true form to all of the deceased
people of Earth to whom I influenced directly. The eyes of the dead,
mummies included, opened as I glanced upon them. All of the
preserved chosen people of Kemti awoke from the sleep of the
centuries and transformed into new forms and exited the circular
step-pyramid in South America.

The chaos from pre-history returned and commanded the
living as nine-headed dragons from ancient mythology ruled the sky.
Shu, the apparent god of the sky, left his post allowing chaos to rule
and therefore caused the entire atmosphere to crash down upon the
surface. The sky, in this sense, was truly falling. The outer ozone
layer dissolved completely as it had nothing to protect. All the
psychics remaining in the world suddenly lost all of their powers as I
passed by them. The former psychics lived as commoners within the
domed cities of my empire.
Those who were not chosen by me melted into liquid
protoplasmic waste as I dived before them and evaporated their
remains into compressed energy. Any remaining enemies of my past
embodiment(s) were burned alive and instantly decomposed into
dust, which was later evaporated by third-component. Set, the god
of evil, returned from the Netherworld and conquered those who I
had not yet judged or evaporated. Other deities came back from the
realm of the dead and executed their decisions at their will according
to the schedule.
The mountains that did not become volcanoes fell from the
impact of meteors that had once surrounded the Earth. Rivers,
including the blessed Nile, flooded and therefore enveloped all
surrounding cities so that they resembled Atlantis. Those that passed
the test of judgment, the daily judgment that I perform when in the
Netherworld, took the throne of the living and ruled for almost an
eternity, or at least until I was done with the destruction.

The scheduled revelation by my opponent Jesus will not
occur as he said since he acquired that information illegally from the
hidden schedule that I created while visiting the Cube Moon. The
remaining information that he noticed will occur, that is the kingdom
of the current deity will be revealed to the people chosen by that
deity. To better organize the reason for condemning him I will state
that he deliberately attempted to finish the schedule created by me to
satisfy his futile vision of his future. We have had private wars
among ourselves in the past and likewise in the future, if some
imprudent Emerauldian had not linked the future to the past in the
past. At one time I created a world on his planet without his
permission. His creations were suffering from his torturous acts that
I could not resist the temptation to correct his mistakes. When he
returned and saw what I had done to perfect his errors, he became
very furious and sent me into a Voidal gap where I existed for several
eons. When I returned to the same Universe I noticed that he equally
destroyed my perfected worlds out of vengefulness and rage. We
both knew that we had broken common Emerauldian rules, except
that he now broke more rules than I did. We started a "leap frog"
routine where out of every other planet that we perfected, the planet
would be fixed so that no one could correct any such errors placed
upon it. After some time we separated. I left the Universe and went
into the Void for a couple eons. I entered this Universe and it was
there that I was forced to go to trial on his behalf.

We were stationed in the Netherworld. The high clergy of
the Voidal Components gave me my sentence from the code of
Emerauldian law. I was asked to briefly define what we were doing
to ourselves. All Emerauldians are supposed to create realms where
life can be neutralized and later placed in the Voidal stream where it
would function at the end point of the stream as a source of neutral
thought energy which operates the supreme council of the Voidal
regions. Since we were technically "fooling around" and not
succeeding in the neutralization of life energy that is stated in our job
occupation, we were condemned to supply energy to the Void for as
long as necessary until our crimes are removed. He, the Emerauldian
known on Earth as Jesus and in Emerauldia as Zyllercleia-Zorphunel,
purposely escaped his trial by transforming into neutral components
and exiting into the Void. I was compelled to follow him and later
bring him to justice. I had no idea that he would later discover my
world, create a new religion which would silently destroy the peaceful
concepts known on my world, and later attempt to destroy my planet
for his own selfish reasons. He must have thought that by claiming
my world as his own that he might free himself of the blame by
neutralizing the life energy of Earth and therefore bring this product
to the council to free himself of his sins. If I had not discovered his
errors on Earth that led me to his capture, he might have escaped
unscathed and left me alone for the council to blame.

After the Apocalypse under my control ceased, I rotated
around the planet and evaporated all areas in my vicinity. Soon
enough the entire planet of Earth was a huge fire ball of neutralized
energy suitable for the Void, along with partly neutralized life energy
emitting from the souls of the creatures that I both protected and
indirectly created. All of the souls entered their cubes on the Cube
Moon, with exception of those I had condemned that now exist in
Voidal gaps.
I heard a voice from outer space after I had organized the
energy particles and deposited them near the moon. The voice was
from the council! They told me that I was free from blame by
neutralizing the necessary life energy and that I was free to go
anywhere I chose to go after forming the next planet from the energy
ball. With new internal energy resulting from both relief and delight,
I happily transformed the energy ball into a New World in its primary
stages. I added the planets of Mars, Venus, and the asteroid belt of
former planet Achilles into a new planet called "New Earth". The
moons of Earth and Mars would continue to orbit the New World
after its completion.

C H A P T E R T W E N T Y T H R E E:
N E W E A R T H.

The orbiting sphere of searing rock and minerals continued

to burn with the essence of rebirth. Mountains of liquid Magnesium
and Iron cooled until they were firm, while lakes of lethal gases
seethed by the light of the new blue star I created in place of the
former yellow sun. The new ozone, silvery green in color, protected
the enhanced layers of atmosphere now being held in place by the
pillars of light seeping from the core.
I waited several rotations of the new planet around its
turquoise sun until the landscape was ready to install the intricate
wonders that the new entities will explore. Rivers of silvery green
water flowed from the pyramidal mountain located at the center of
the planet. Alongside these rivers I placed the seeds of life which will
later blossom into independent life forms. Aside from the seeds, I
erected monuments of stone that will form into their cities,
metropolises, and countries. Some distance from the monuments
and therefore along the rivers' edges was the location for all of the
environmental entities, plants included. Various forms of vegetation
from the past Earth were planted in the mountains bordering the
three divided sections that determine which areas are designated for
the specific places for the entities of the past to exist.

The new planet was divided into the three following
sections: 50% goes to the New Kemti, a place where my former
friends of ancient Egypt along with the other nations that I had
influenced will exist and continue in their productive lives that I
promised them, 25% is contributed to the past environmental entities
from a wide range of selections from throughout the history of the
original Earth, and the remaining 25% will be blank from any such
life form. The reason it will be empty is that the Earth suffered too
much from the physical destruction of its former self by the reigning
dependent mutations of the times, so in remembrance of that
suffering I allowed this area to be blank from any innovative
Encircling the New World is a ring belt of dissipated
meteors forming a ring cluster similar to that of Saturn. It will cast a
shadow upon the surface and function as a time keeping device for
the future entities, in addition to the three moons orbiting the planet.
The former moon of Earth will continue to keep in place all
colonization utilities so that, once the protective forcefield allows the
entities to pass through, the entities may use the creative services left
by the former residents.
The pyramidal mountain guarding the three sections by
being located at the center of the superficial landscape was essentially
hollow. It contained many levels, and each of those levels contained
something of my design from that of my past lives.

Inside the pyramidal mountain I inserted a clone of each
tomb that I had designed in my two lives, and each tomb contained
the original furnishings and possessions. Each tomb was on a
different level so that the secret inhabitants would not become
confused when passing by. The funeral ship, which entered the
former Bermuda Triangle, was positioned inside the mountain in one
of the hidden reservoirs. I made a clone of both of my past
embodiments inside the prism tomb and a separate unit near the
circular step-pyramid on the fourth level from the apex. I created a
unique, limestone monumental tomb on one of the middle levels
where Ankhesenamon in her new form will reside. Additional spaces
have been made for other relatives or important figures of the past
that I have saved from erasure.
All of the hidden life forms who will live inside the
pyramidal mountain will live separate lives outside the mountain, but
this will only occur when they are asleep inside the mountain. When
they awaken inside the pyramidal mountain they will only think that
they have experienced a strange dream, and when they sleep, a new
body will be born outside the mountain and within the boundaries of
the civilization of independent entities. This will limit the birth rate
among the entities and allow the entities inside to no only live forever
(well, almost forever), but to also have realistic dreams that will
contribute to their creativity when their subconscious lives exist.
Each dream will end only when the dream-life is deceased.

When the independent entities were completed and living
on the surface building their civilizations, I examined the top of the
pyramidal mountain. It was there that I placed the tomb of Osiris,
similar to his other tomb in the former Valley of the Pharaohs on
Earth. He was entombed in a shaft tomb in which were seven
different levels, each level containing part of his memory. His court
room in the Netherworld will continue to remain intact, although he
may not used it as much as when entities from Earth were judged. I
will continue to reign as supreme judge of Duat in my court of the
Netherworld regardless if I do not have a replacement to operate the
laws when I am not present.
The mountain will become a separate Netherworld once the
original is reduced in size because of the fact that the original was
increased in size when Kemtic priests added to the Book of the Dead
in ancient times. The Netherworld was only enlarged to hold the
various passages made by the priests while on Earth as they added to
their complicated religion.
The independent entities no longer needed to build time
capsules or tombs since this is their promised afterlife. Everything
that was provided for them in their Earthly burials will remain with
their fortified, resurrected embodiments. Even the glorious tombs
they established will align the rivers aside from their cities so that
they may refer to those areas as their homes.

The entities no longer required temples since they were no
longer dependent upon the knowledge and assistance of us deities.
The only area where I placed those enormous temples was inside the
mountain itself.
I left the New Kemti region and investigated the
environmental entity establishment. There were all types of animals
and plants available, whether herbivore or carnivore they only fed
upon the plants and animal species available. There was no
interaction whatsoever by dependent mutations, as they are not
considered to be of environmental origin. Some creatures from pre-
historic eras, such as the environmental "dinosaurs", were among the
more rare types available. Most were from the time of the creation of
dependent mutations to the present, including all mutant creatures
resulting from World War III to the Apocalypse.

I waited several thousand New Earth years until the entities

were developing space technology and space craft. At this time I
lowered the energy level of the forcefield to allow them to pass
through and not collide with meteors from space that would damage
the superficial regions on the planet. They began their interest in
interstellar life and launched some manned space craft to the
colonized moon where they examined the previous technological
advances made by their predecessors. Soon in the future, like all if
not most independent life forms, they will venture into space and
leave behind their mother planet to the gods of the past. The other
creatures will then live in peace.

I retreated to the mountain where I observed the collected
environmental creatures of my past embodiments exist as separate
lives from that of the environmental section of New Earth. All of
my former pets existed immortally inside this hollow shell of a
mountain that appears massive on the outside and like Heaven on the
inside. The mountain is a true paradise similar to that of the desert
oasis, which were sprinkled over the Kemtic desert as I remember
from my Kemtic life.
I now view the purpose of life as an alternative to the
boredom of death. Although in death, one never needs to feel pain
or the suffering of losing anything, while in life there are many
complications. Some of which lead to excitement, which is
something one can never experience in death-- unless of course
someone intrudes in the Netherworld while I am not present. . .
Besides the general purpose of life that states that one must be
neutralized before being granted the freedom of entering a stream of
pureness, life is the only way one may achieve something that could
not be achieved otherwise. Although I prefer death because it
appears more comfortable than the complexities of living, the
concept of life does possess some good points; if the ancients ever
understood this then perhaps they would not always concentrate on
boredom. The civilization of Kemti was indeed dead for it was so
boring that the priests once proclaimed that their civilization will
never change in the future. They accepted death, and focused on
that mostly.

In a final act of remembrance and of care to those who I
had lost in the past, I chose to enter one of the cloned embodiments
of my past to inform my closet friends a permanent farewell. I may
or may not return to this Earth as I have other, long forgotten worlds
that I had created and must return to in the near future.
I chose to enter my more ancient embodiment this time,
that of the Pharaoh Tutankhamon-Nebkheperure. I decided that I
would first visit my former palace friends before I break an eternal
bond with Ankhesenamon, now known as Ankhesenptah for after all
I am Ptah, God of Gods, creator and destroyer of Earth and of many
other worlds.
But for now they may call me Nebkheperure, "Lord of the
Existences of Re". I have always preferred that name because it
contains more truth in it than my others.

C H A P T E R T W E N T Y F O U R:
F A R E W E L L. . .

I awoke from a sarcophagus of gold in the midst of ancient

statues bearing the royal insignia of ancient Egypt. I slowly raised
myself from the clutches of withered linen strips soaked with resin.
As I peeled away the inscribed strips and transverse straps bearing
the names of Osiris and his sister Isis, I brought to my attention my
current whereabouts. Hidden in the darkness of the prism tomb
there lay a life-sized statue of Ptah wrapped in mummiform and
glaring towards my coffin. I reached out to a nearby platform and
picked up a gilt mirror and observed its shadowy reflection in the
forbidding darkness. The picture in the mirror was that of an
incredibly beautiful young tyrant whose name has been lost to the
decades of decadence. I observed the mirror reflection for a couple
minutes, thinking to myself in the process.
I rose up from the bed of eternity for this shall be the only
place the embodiment shall rest after I have replaced it from any
further usage. Walking in the unforeseen bitter darkness
corresponding to the drudges of life, I examined all of the given
possessions that I will take a last look upon for there will be no
further usage for them while in my natural form. I exited the tomb
and strolled off into the hidden paradise of the mountain.

Through the passages inside the mountain lit by the
phosphorescent glow of protective Emerauldium, I walked along the
banks of the flowing rivers contained within the mountain and
exiting to the outside world. As I marched along the water's edge I
thought about my final creations of this Earth and that of the entities
to whom I dedicate it to. I walked until I could see the pyramidal
tombs of my former associates and upon witnessing this I increased
my pace.
As I approached the tombs of my followers and loyal
companions, I noticed them slowly depart and investigate the
surrounding foliage. I recognized one of them. It was Maya, my
chief executive of the palace's grounds. I called out to him. He
looked around, glanced at me, and returned my call. "Tutankhamon!
It's so good to see you again! he answered. "I was often wondering
where you would turn up."
I replied by stating, "Yes, Maya, it is fortunate to see you as
well. You wouldn't believe what was found in your tomb by those
insane little critters, the archaeologists as they call themselves."
"Well, I wouldn't be too concerned about that. Where are
you headed off to now?" Maya questioned.
"I thought I might see a few friends before I go exploring
the rest of the galaxy. Life can be so boring sometimes that I often
wonder what's the point, so I observe the past through the eyes of
the future," I stated.
"Well, good luck with your research, my friend."

I departed my conversation with Maya, and walked further
along the curve of the river to where I met other old friends.
Leaning against a hollow log was my general Nakhtmin. I greeted
him from behind causing him to jump in surprise. "Ah,
Nebkheperure! How are things in the Netherworld anyway?" he
"Not too bad since the last time I visited. I don't suppose
you're up to anything lately," I said.
"No, just the usual. . . Win any wars lately?" he asked.
"Only the final world war among the democratic imbeciles.
My last war will be attempting to say goodbye to Queen
Ankhesenamon, but other that that I am free," I stated.
"Good luck in the future as always, my dear friend or rather
my lord. . ."
"You need not worry about my rank here, Nakhtmin.
While in this domain all of you will be treated as equals, for there will
be no further wars or anything upsetting here," I informed him.
"Damnation! How do the gods expect a former general to
live a life of peace when it is our loyal duty to practice combat? I
suppose I could adapt, though. . ."
"Don't worry Nakhtmin. I am sure there will be something
entertaining here for you. If not, I could place you on a neighboring
planet that specializes in combat," I stated. I walked away after
bidding him farewell.

Strolling along I entered an open courtyard where I
discovered three of my better military personnel: Setkhatre, Ramses,
and Horemhab. Two of those three became Pharaohs while the
other died in combat. I noticed that they were in a shallow
conversation when I introduced myself. Ramses was the first to turn
around, and when Horemhab looked at me a silent "Oh, no" emitted
from his clenched jaws. I greeted Setkhatre first, and later rotated my
speech to the others. Finally it was Horemhab's turn. He told me,
"Hello Tutankhamon. . . I hope you didn't mind my destroying your
images after you left us. I only did what the priests told me-"
"Disregard your previous actions against me. You did well
in covering up my existence after I had left. Should anyone have
discovered that I had been a Pharaoh, then perhaps I would not be as
mysterious as Osiris was in those times," I sternly informed him.
Inspired by new energy caused from relief of his actions,
Horemhab gratefully told me a fond farewell.
The others talked to me for some time and later retreated
back into their houses of eternity where they drifted into sleep and
therefore created another life outside of the mountain. I continued
to walk through the dim paths in search of others who I had missed.
To the north of my passage I found the location of three more
candidates on my list. The people were from the scribe section of
the palace and worked fairly well in their lives.

The people were Hati, Harnefer, and the scribe Ka. Hati
was examining his burial possessions when I arrived and Harnefer
was stacking limestone blocks into a pyramid as I introduced myself.
"Oh, hello Tutankhamon. I didn't expect a god like yourself to visit
rekhyet (commoners) such as ourselves," remarked Harnefer.
Obviously he was troubled by his surroundings, so I
attempted to comfort him. "Harnefer, although you were always a
loyal servant to the royal family, you were never considered to merely
be common rekhyet. All of you were well liked by the residents at
the palace and by your own families, so there is no reason as to why
you must downgrade yourselves because you want an explanation as
to why you were included in this mountain retreat. I now realize that
I may not have paid much attention to any of you in my previous life
but that is no logical answer as to why you cannot be included among
my possessions--"
"Possessions! Is that how you describe us? We may have
been suitable clergy to the family when we were alive, but that is no
way to consider us. That is what all of you pharaohs ever call your
favorite subjects, as possessions. Well, I may have been classified as
your belongings at one time, but I'll be damned if I ever become
anything more important than a king's possessions!" he replied.
"Never mind. I shouldn't have disturbed you. . . If you
want to attain a higher status, I suggest you find another appointed
ruler in your next life," I answered with bitter disgust.

I silently marched away from the half built limestone
pyramid and towards a central clearing to the North of my position.
Alongside a set of twelve red granite statues, I discovered several
large tombs sprouting from the grassy floor. There were many
octagon-shaped steles inscribed with royal names enclosed by
cartouches. I read the names and found to my eagerness that they
were of the royal dynasty of my reign.
The names are the following: Meritaton, Maketaton,
Neferneferuaton, Neferneferure, Setepenre, and that of
Ankhesenptah. I soon realized that the eldest sister of these names
was not present. Long before I had been born as Tutankhamon,
there was a seventh sister that had died. She would have been the
oldest of the seven daughters of my brother Akhenaton and his wife
Nefertiti. As far as what I was told, she had died rather mysteriously
although I was informed that she had drowned in a Nile canal near
the Summer palace.
I cautiously inched along the walls of the sepulchers,
breathing quietly as to not disturb the critics lying in their sarcophagi.
Approaching the tomb of Ankhesenptah I reached out and grabbed a
lit torch attached to a pillar.
I silently entered and removed the heavy golden lid to the
coffin, allowing trapped dust blow from inside to fill the burial
chamber. I gazed inside and noticed that the coffin was empty. I
raised my head to meet a shadow on the back wall. Turning abruptly
I yelled as Ankhesenptah's eyes met mine.

"Don't ever, ever do that again," I nervously mumbled.
"What were you looking for, my decomposed remains?" she
asked. Removing a hood of white material enclosed by golden
serpents, she stumbled backwards.
"I was looking for you." I drew closer and attempted to
deliver a subtle kiss to her before she swiftly backed away.
"And why may I ask were you searching for me? Were you
planning on an excavation or simply wishing that I were in the coffin
so that you could hack my remains to pieces? You would enjoy that I
think--", she inquired.
"You think too much", I stated.
"You would enjoy the experience to finally remove my
presence from your long forgotten life so that you may continue
existing in some far away galaxy. . .," she muttered.
"I wouldn't know about that, Ankhesenptah. I do,
however, wish that I may be free from the eternal curse you sweetly
placed upon me long ago-- a curse that only you could remove. That
was one of the reasons as to why I resurrected you on the former
planet Earth," I said.
"What curse? What are you suggesting. . . That I would
subconsciously place an eternal spell upon you that would prevent
you from marrying anyone else due to our relationship?"
Ankhesenptah asked sternly.
"You know more than you can think or even imagine."
"Why do you persist in accusing me about your ills?" she

"I only persist to gain knowledge, the knowledge that has
been long since buried in the past-- knowledge that only you
possess," I told her.
I remembered the times long ago when Ankhesenamon
lived with me in the Winter palace of Aton. She took care of me as if
I was her younger brother, or offspring. She had access to
knowledge that no one else knew other than the king and queen,
which were naturally her parents and my elder brother with his wife.
Later, when I became Pharaoh of the Two Lands, she attempted to
be a co-regent with me. It seemed that I handled the act of ruler so
easily that it seemed that anyone could rule without problems.
Apparently Ankhesenamon realized this and, after I had departed,
she tried to take over my reign as did Hatshepsut many years prior to
my reign. If only she had direct access with the priests, should Ay
had not been so ambitious, she would be able to take the title of
Pharaoh and rule in my place according to my wishes. I would have
appreciated that had she not tried to commit treason by asking one of
the Hittites to be her husband and likewise a foreign ruler, which
would donate much tribute to his country. Noticing this act of
crime, which should have scarred her for all eternity, I suggested to
myself that Ankhesenptah could not be trusted to live by my side
forever. I hinted to my sub-consciousness that she should stay
within the mountain with a useless clone of myself to mourn, as this
would be her punishment. I am still, and always am, the supreme
judge of the Netherworld, regardless of her remorse.

A long pause followed. Ankhesenptah grew impatient as
she spoke. "How could a mere human such as myself possibly affect
an all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-sensing master god, like you
Tutankhamon or whatever you are, and also place a curse that has
powers stronger than even the greatest of deities. . . ?" she strongly
pointed out.
"If I knew the answer then why am I asking you?"
"Ahh, so you really are not a supreme deity after all," she
"I. . . I didn't say that Ankhesenptah. I am merely an
antibody while in a Universe and when I am outside, and therefore in
the Void, only then can I be considered the god you just implied."
She grew wearisome and incorrigible as I spoke. Slowly
orbiting a plant decorated with balls of oxidized feldspar, she turned
to me and raised her right arm in a position of anger. She swung her
arm delivering a loud slap across my left cheek as she motioned
towards me.
"I don't care what you are. . . You will not leave me here
for eternity alone with a motionless caricature of the man I once
loved and worshipped." Pools of tears streamed from her darkened
eyes and formed a shallow puddle below her ankles.
"The standard rules of any Emerauldian states that we must
not become attached or involved with our creations to the extent that
we must remain with them for eternity," I told her calmly.

"The Hell with the rules! We can be together anytime.
After all, you are a god and you can make that happen if you really
wanted to," said Ankhesenptah.
"I am bound by the rules of Universal conduct which I
must perform. I am. . . sorry."
"Sorry? Is that all you-- a master deity of immeasurable
power-- can possibly utter to your only true love?" she questioned as
more tears fell from her glamorous eyes.
"Well there were others who fit that description. . ."
"Who? Who else besides me await for your enduring love
that causes flowers to bloom, and enriches those who you create?"
she blurted out.
"How about Sakhmet, my wife who was appointed to me by
Kemtic priests. Or perhaps the goddess Hathor, or Athena. Even
Venus would be sufficient. There are many who I have encountered
throughout my lives," I told her.
"Why not me? What have I done that they have not?"
"You are just too perfect. . . Perhaps at a later date I will
clone you and only then could we share the future together
throughout eternity," I said. At that moment she lurched towards me
and held me tightly while giving me the kiss of the centuries. . .
Together we walked along a river, exploring the beautiful
decorations amongst the cave walls with green butterflies fluttering
about the limestone tombs. We entered a chamber similar in
construction to the place that she once brought me to enjoy.

I walked through the thick foliage, searching for scarab
beetles hidden in the papyrus underbrush. Ankhesenptah sat quietly
on a jagged stone, her face gleaming by the internal light of the
mountain. Her precious eyes, now dried, focused on my
surroundings and possibly on mine.
I stood alone in the forest of my creations thinking only of
remorse that I should leave this perfection to the times that do not
age. . . I realized that my creations will miss me as soon as I have
departed, although I knew what must be done. I cannot remain here
forever; I must know when to leave this place that has captured my
being to a higher extent than was originally perceived. I felt
saddened to think that I have become incredibly attached to this
place. This maybe the last time I remain with the dependent
mutation worlds for this long of a period. I only stay due to the high
standard of programmability that they possess.
I departed the forest and walked alongside a river until it
stopped abruptly at a blank wall. I squatted on the sandy floor and
stared at the endpoint of the river as it exited from the mountain and
to the outside. I imagined that this river was the Nile as it entered
the Netherworld and flooded the inner chambers of the former
Sphinx. Yes, the creation known as Kemti was indeed one of my
favorites, even if it sprouted from the remnants of Atlantis.

I returned to the prism tomb where I discovered
Ankhesenptah waiting for my departure. I slowly walked, absorbing
every ounce of information about my surroundings so that I may at a
later time recreate this region if I found it to be necessary.
Ankhesenptah became somewhat nervous as she spoke.
"So, this is it. You're finally leaving."
"Yes, I am leaving. . . for now."
She asked in a strange fashion, "May I go with you?"
I knew that she would ask something like this. "You already
know that you cannot come with me. Although, you will always be
with me," I stated while directing my right palm over my heart.
"Tut. . . I mean Ptah, I want you to know something."
"Yes Ankhesenptah? Make your statement quickly, I
haven't much time left."
"I. . . I will always and forever love you. I know now that I
cannot force you to stay here for eternity. . . I just wanted you to
know this before you leave me here in the frightening darkness."
A long pause (about five minutes) followed as we
exchanged glances. "I know, Ankhesenptah. . . Good-bye my little
Lotus flower."
"Farewell my great lord Ptah, and my. . . uncle."
We embraced each other one final time before I left her and
entered the prism tomb alone.

I hurriedly walked to the top level of the tomb where I
entered an elevator shaft that led me to the sarcophagus. I entered
the massive golden coffin and inserted two phosphorescent contact
lenses into my eyes as I lowered myself onto the bed of eternity.
These lenses will be a reminder to all those who disturb my mortal
remains as I am an Emerauldian and the lenses will glow in the
darkness of the tomb as does third-component glows by the light of
neutral energy.
I reached out of the coffin and handled a Platinum staff
with the praise: "Ptah-Amon-Re, creator of Atum and of Geb,"
inscribed on its shaft. I held this staff with both hands after
wrapping my embodiment with the usual mummification strips.
Over my head and shoulders I placed a Diamond glass helmet with a
huge Emerald positioned at the center of the forehead, a silent
reminder of my rank. I closed the lid after one final breath of the
entrapped air, and drifted into sleep.
A few moments later, I emerged from the embodiment and
floated from the prism tomb. I drifted from the tomb of Osiris,
proclaiming to him that he will take my reigns of this world and rule
once more over my empire since I will no longer exist in this region.
I left the mountain and flew out of the forcefield, taking one last look
upon my New World. Directing my flight plan to the outer reaches
of the galaxy, I quickly darted past the Andromeda galaxy and into
deep space.

Thoughts of the past haunted me, from the time of the
disaster that kept me on Earth to the final perfection of the New
World, but I placed these thoughts behind me and made room for
the future.
I entered the region of my favorite galaxies, those that I had
perfected long before the Milky Way was even conceived. The
independent entities lived happily on and near these worlds. The
white color of the stars reflected from my natural color and divided
into neutral energy as it penetrated through my third-component
form. For many more eons I stayed and watched my first creations,
enjoying all of their future actions and forgetting about my
unfortunate past.
Some time later I left the Universe as it began its relapse
into a fiery ball of compressed energy from which new life will
blossom and neutralized life energy will exit and enter the Voidal
stream to seek its unknown future. I left the third-component
garment behind in the cloud of Emerauldium in the Universe's
nucleus, as I will no longer need of its use until my next life time
As I entered the Void, I checked the number of coils that I
have completed. Each coil equals one life time, and once all the
possible coils have been completed then something (sorry, its
classified) wonderful is scheduled to happen. So far I have
completed over fourteen trillion since my exit from the eternal
boredom. After checking the coil chart I left the Void and entered
the Darkness once more.

I remained in the Darkness for some time as I recorded all
of my knowledge into the fourth-component that constitutes my
existence. I concentrated on everything that I have accomplished in
this life and of the future. Once the fourth-component Ameba splits,
it will be the same knowledge in both parts. The parts will combine
with another Emerauldian's half and become one, possessing the
knowledge and personality of both foreign halves and therefore
reproduce into another Emerauldian or fourth-component entity.
I concentrated on everything that I could remember about
all of my existences into one component. At that moment the
component split and floated away where it combined into another
entity. I would now exist in at least two different lives. I would next
record the content of those two lives in the future. But that, of
course, is another story. . .

About the Author:

Michael J. Costa is a freelance novelist, an Occult
Archaeologist specializing in Egyptian religion & magic systems and
Roman history, and a member of various Egyptology groups and the
Society for Creative Anachronism. He currently lives in the East Bay
Area, Northern California, USA (3/2006). His published works
include: The Flawed Emerald, Tears for Isis, Aegyptus Cryogenta;
Superphysics, etc.; Applied Superphysics & Occult Archaeology.

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