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Class 5 Science Half Yearly Exam 2014-2015


Half Yearly Exam, 2015-2016
Class- 5
Total marks: 100 Time: 1hr 40mins

Section 1: Biology.

1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (10)

a) All living things get rid of wastes they do not want is called....

b) The ability ... is called sensivity.

c) The main way living things release energy is called ..................

d) Kidneys clean the and make urine.

e) The main part of the cell is a jelly like liquid called the...............

f) Each plant or animal cell contains a .........

g) Plant cell wall is made up of ....

h) Food is broken down in the ..... system.

i) The roots, stem and leaves the water system.

j) Female parts of a flower need stigmas to catch ...

2. Explain the following terms: (2+2+2=6)

a) Wind Pollination:

b) Insect Pollination :

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Class 5 Science Half Yearly Exam 2014-2015

c) Seven main processes of life:

3. Write down two differences between asexual & sexual reproduction. (2)

Sl. No. Asexual Sexual

4. Label the following diagram with proper changes.

5. Draw a labeled diagram of the simple buttercup flower. (10)

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Class 5 Science Half Yearly Exam 2014-2015

(Total of Biology: . . . . . ./33)

Section 2: Chemistry.
1. Define the following terms: (10)
a. Risk assessment: .



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Class 5 Science Half Yearly Exam 2014-2015
b. Corrosive: ...

c. Indicator: .


d. Neutralisation: ................................................................................................................................


e. Diluted solution: ..


f. Decompose: .


g. Reactants:



h. Fire triangle:



i. Products: .....


j. Hydrocarbon: ...


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Class 5 Science Half Yearly Exam 2014-2015
2. Fill in the gaps in these sentences using words from the box. You do not need to use all of the
words: (12x0.5=6)

Some acids are safe enough to eat and drink but they are still ______________________. Acids are

often used in _________________________ to give them a tangy ____________________.

Citrus fruits, such as oranges and __________________, contain __________________ acid. Citrus

fruits also contain __________________ acid (vitamin C).

Vinegar is _______________________ acid, which is also known by its older name of

_____________________. Vinegar can be used to _____________________ the taste of some

foods. Vinegar can also be used to ____________________ foods (stop them going off) because

_____________________ cannot survive in acid. This is called _______________________.

acetic acid apples ascorbic bacteria change

citric colour corrosive drinks ethanoic

improve lemons pickling preserve taste

3. Write the full word equation: (6)

a. Methane + Oxygen +

b. Fuel + Water+ Carbon dioxide

c. Hydrochloric Acid +

d. Hydrogen + Oxygen + Sulphur

3or less 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and above

4. Write the strength of acids and alkalis in the pH color chart for universal indicator. (5)

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Class 5 Science Half Yearly Exam 2014-2015
5. Write differences between physical and chemical changes. (5)

Criteria Physical changes Chemical changes


Structural Changes

Produce new compound

Type of changes


6. What are the three factors make an explosion? (3)




7. What is a fuel? Give four examples. Write a word equation for the chemical reaction that
takes places when fuel burns. (5)

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Class 5 Science Half Yearly Exam 2014-2015



(Total of chemistry: . . . . . ./40)

Section 3: Physics:
1. Match the questions with the answers. Use the box on the left to write your choice. (6x0.5=3)
how fast someone travels during a journey a. Frictional force

Forces are measured in b. Speed

The force that allow us to walk is called c. Elastic

Km/h is the unit of d. Distance-time

Measuring mass in grams and volume in cm3 e. Density

After force taken away the thing that back to f. Newton

their original shape is

2. A man has a mass of 57kg. What is his weight on Earth? Show your working (5)

3. Complete the following table with appropriate unit of density. (5)

Material Mass (g) Volume (cm3) Density Float of sink in water?

U 40 10

V 50 100

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Class 5 Science Half Yearly Exam 2014-2015
W 80 20

X 100 50

Y 200 250

4. These pictures show the forces on a car and a skydiver.

a. What is causing the forwards force on the car? (1)

b. What things could be causing the backwards forces on the car? (1)

c. What is causing the downwards force on the skydiver? (1)

d. What is causing the upwards force? (1)

e. What will happen to her speed in picture D and E? Explain your answer. (2.5)

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Class 5 Science Half Yearly Exam 2014-2015

f. What will happen to the speed of the car in picture A, B and C? Explain your answer. (2.5)

5. State Archimedes Principle (2)


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Class 5 Science Half Yearly Exam 2014-2015

6. Using this distance-time graph answer the following questions.

a. How far did Jenny cycle?


b. How long did she stop for lunch?

c. During which part of her journey was she moving the slowest?

(Total of Physics: . . . . . ./27)
(Total marks: ../100)
Good Luck!
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