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Tugas Kelompok ke-4

(Minggu 10/Sesi 15)

Buatlah sebuah deskripsi 1 halaman Font: Times New Roman, ukuran: 12, spasi: 1,5.

Coba Anda cermati realitas pembangunan di Indonesia khususnya dalam aspek ekonomi,
pendidikan dan kesehatan. Tunjukkan salah satu isu sebagai masalah mendasar dari ketiga
aspek dimaksud dan bagaimana seharusnya negara ini lakukan untuk menciptakan keadilan
sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia ini? Lalu apa yang bisa Anda lakukan juga untuk
mendukung tercapainya keadilan sosial itu bagi sesama yang lain di republik Indonesia ini?

CHAR6019 Character Building: Pancasila


In essence, social justice for all Indonesian people, have a meaning that all
Indonesian people get fair treatment both in the economic, education and health so as to
create a fair and prosperous society in the implementation of state life. The fifth moral
principle also expressed their human equality in social life there is no difference in the
position or therein all strata of society have rights which should be obtained fairly. In addition
moral principle-5 also contains the value of justice that must be embodied in a common life
(social life). Justice is based on and inspired by the essence of human justice is justice in
man's relationship with himself, man with another human being, man and society, state and
nation and the human relationship with God.
In the development strategy of the region, Indonesia is concentrated only in Java, It
may be quite contrary to the noble values of the five moral principle all. Aspects of economy,
education and health of the islands of Java and other islands so lame, social injustice occurs.
See structural scope, it is indeed the most appropriate social justice can only be cultivated by
the state, because the policies taken by the state to have the greatest impact on the
development of the economic aspect, education and health of a country. So, from this
perspective, it is the state that bears the responsibility for it and to bring about justice for all
its people.
As good citizens, we must be able to support the achievement of social justice that
is fair and civilized in Indonesia. It is a way to practice and implement a grain of five
precepts include developing actions that sublime that reflect the attitude and atmosphere of
kinship and mutual cooperation, fairness, maintaining the balance between rights and
obligations, respect the rights of others, like giving relief to others, away from extortion
attitude toward others, not being wasteful, not luxurious lifestyles, not to do anything that is
detrimental to the public interest, likes to work hard, and appreciate the work of others.

CHAR6019 Character Building: Pancasila

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