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Environ. Sci. Technol.

2000, 34, 686-692

use of virgin activated carbon for H2S removal at the ambient

Analysis of the Relationship temperatures, although the subject of recent studies (3, 4,
between H2S Removal Capacity and 13-16), is not common yet. The major difficulty seems to lie
with the fact that little is known with certainty about the
Surface Properties of mechanism of reaction on the carbon surface. Unlike
caustics-impregnated carbons, the reactions on virgin car-
Unimpregnated Activated Carbons bons are very complex since they involve the broad spectrum
of physical and chemical properties of the adsorbent. Most
FOAD ADIB, ANDREY BAGREEV, AND of the results reported so far have been based on an empirical
TERESA J. BANDOSZ* analysis of specific types of carbon, and sometimes they
appear to be contradictory (3-5, 9-12).
Department of Chemistry and the Center for Water Resources
and Environmental Research, of the City College of New York, The objective of this research is to identify the surface
New York, New York 10031 features of unimpregnated activated carbons of different
origins that are important for their performance as adsorbents
of hydrogen sulfide. Although many studies published so far
have explored the effect of dynamic conditions such as
The H2S breakthrough capacity was measured on two concentration of H2S, content of air, and humidity, we
series of activated carbons of a coconut shell and a bituminous underline here the role of carbon surface. The search for
surface characteristics of unimpregnated carbons is driven
coal origins. To broaden the spectrum of surface features
by disadvantages of caustics-impregnated carbons that have
the samples were oxidized using nitric acid or ammonium been used so far as effective H2S adsorbents. These disad-
persulfate under conditions chosen to preserve their pore vantages are as follows: (i) low temperature of self-ignition,
structures. Then the carbons were characterized using (ii) low capacity for physical adsorption, (iii) special precau-
Boehm titration, potentiometric titration, thermal analysis, tions used with caustics, and (iv) high costs of adsorbents.
temperature programmed desorption, sorption of nitrogen, The advantage of caustics-impregnated carbons used as H2S
and sorption of water. It was found that the choice of adsorbents is the fast kinetic of the oxidation reaction (2),
unimpregnated carbon for application as H2S adsorbent but they are efficient only till KOH or NaOH is not exhausted
should be made based on parameters of its acidity such as (15). The oxidation occurs in the liquid phase where high pH
number of acidic groups, pH of surface, amount of (around 10) provides high concentration of hydrogen sulfide
ions. The mechanism of H2S immobilization by the unim-
surface groups oxygen, or weight loss associated to
pregnated carbons significantly differs, but when the condi-
decomposition of surface oxygen species. The results tions for completion are attained (low concentration of
obtained from the analyses of six unimpregnated carbon hydrogen sulfide in air), the capacities of two categories of
samples suggest that there are certain threshold values of carbons are comparable (13). To broaden the spectrum of
these quantities which, when exceeded, have a dramatic materials, the carbons were oxidized with nitric acid and
effect on the H2S breakthrough capacity. ammonium persulfate (17-19). On the basis of the results
obtained, the relationships between the observed H2S
breakthrough capacity and the major properties of carbons
are analyzed. We explore the general features that either
Introduction govern the behavior of carbons as H2S adsorbents and/or
Problems associated with removal of odor from air have are common for the two types of materials chosen for this
become controversial issues, especially in urban areas. One study. The carbons were oxidized since all commercial
of the leading malodorants arising from sewage treatment carbons have some amount of oxygen-containing groups on
facilities is hydrogen sulfide (1). Activated carbons used for the surface. Those groups are known to significantly change
removal of H2S from sewage treatment plants are generally the catalytic activity and/or selectivity of carbons in various
impregnated with caustic materials such as NaOH or KOH oxidation reactions (20, 21). Moreover, storage of activated
or are otherwise modified (2). Air currents around odor- carbon results in its oxidation, which affects the performance
generating facilities are initially washed in scrubbers, during as adsorbent and catalyst.
which they intake high levels of humidity, and are then blown
through activated carbon vessels. The residual H2S quickly Experimental Section
reacts with strong base and is immobilized. The presence of
Materials. Two activated carbons of different origins are
humidity facilitates the reaction (3, 4). The carbon bed is
chosen for this study. The first sorbent, RB3, is a peat-based,
mostly used as a passive support for the caustic. Furthermore,
pellet-shaped carbon (pellet size: 2 1 mm), manufactured
due to the energetic reactions of caustic materials, the
by Norit Americas Inc. The second, S208c, supplied by
impregnation decreases the ignition temperature of the
Waterlink Barnebey Sutcliffe, is a granular activated carbon
carbon and poses a hazard of self-ignition.
(irregular granules of about 5 1 mm) obtained from coconut
The application of virgin (unimpregnated) activated shell. Each carbon was washed in a Soxhlet apparatus to a
carbon for removal of H2S from air has been investigated constant pH of the leachate to remove the water-soluble
(5-12) ,and considerable removal capacities have been impurities and then dried in oven at 120 C. These initial
reported for carbons at temperatures around 200 C. The samples are referred to as N0 (Norit) and S0 (Waterlink
Barnebey Sutcliffe).
* Corresponding author e-mail: tbandosz@scisun.sci.ccny.cuny. The initial samples were oxidized with 15 M nitric acid
edu; telephone: (212)650-6017; fax: (212)650-6107.
Present address: The Graduate School of the City University of with a ratio of 5 mL of acid/g of carbon at room temperature.
New York, Department of Civil Engineering. Then the carbons were washed, dried, and designated as N1
Present address: Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endo- and S1. Two other oxidized samples were prepared using a
ecology, Kiev, Ukraine. saturated solution of ammonium persulfate as an oxidant in
686 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 34, NO. 4, 2000 10.1021/es990341g CCC: $19.00 2000 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 01/12/2000
1 M sulfuric acid at a ratio of 10 mL/g of carbon at room
temperature. These samples are referred to as N2 and S2.
Methods. H2S Breakthrough Capacity. Moist air (relative
humidity 80% at 25 C) containing 0.3% (3000 ppm) H2S was
passed through a column of either palletized or granular
carbon (length 370 mm, diameter 9 mm) at 0.5 L/min at
room temperature. The column was widened at the top 60
mm to a diameter of 23 mm to minimize the wall effect. The
H2S emission was monitored by an Interscan LD-17 H2S
continuous monitor system (electrochemical detector) in-
terfaced with a computer data acquisition program. The test
was stopped at a breakthrough concentration of 500 ppm.
The breakthrough capacity of carbon was then calculated
using the integrated area above the breakthrough curve
(difference between inlet 3000 ppm and breakthrough
concentration curves), the mass of carbon, and the flow rate.
Boehm Titration. The oxygenated surface groups were
determined according to the method of Boehm (22). One
gram of carbon sample was placed in 50 mL of the following
0.05 N solutions: sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate,
sodium bicarbonate, and hydrochloric acid. The vials were
sealed and shaken for 24 h, then 5 mL of each filtrate was
pipetted, and the excess of base or acid was titrated with HCl
or NaOH. The numbers of acidic sites of various types were
calculated under the assumption that NaOH neutralizes
carboxyl, phenolic, and lactonic groups; Na2CO3 neutralizes
carboxyl and lactonic groups; and NaHCO3 neutralizes only
carboxyl groups. The number of surface basic sites was FIGURE 1. H2S breakthrough results for N (A) and S (B) series of
calculated from the amount of hydrochloric acid that reacted samples.
with the carbon.
Potentiometric Titration. Potentiometric titration mea- Sorption of Nitrogen. Nitrogen isotherms were measured
surements were performed with a DMS Titrino 716 automatic using an ASAP 2010 (Micromeritics) at -196 C. Before the
titrator (Metrohm). The instrument was set at the mode when experiment, the samples were heated at 120 C and then
the equilibrium pH was collected. Subsamples of the carbons outgassed at this temperature under a vacuum of 10-5 Torr
of about 0.100 g in 50 mL of 0.01 M NaNO3 were placed in to constant pressure. The isotherms were used to calculate
a container maintained at 25 C and equilibrated overnight the specific surface area, SN2; micropore volume, Vmic; volume
with the electrolyte solution. To eliminate the influence of of mesopores, Vmes; and total pore volume, Vt. All of the above
atmospheric CO2, the suspension was continuously saturated parameters were calculated using Density Functional Theory
with N2. The carbon suspension was stirred throughout the (DFT) (23, 24).
measurements. Volumetric standard NaOH (0.1 M) was used Sorption of Water. Water sorption experiments were
as titrant. The experiments were done in the pH range of carried out at 20 C using Micromeritics ASAP 2010 with a
3-10. Each sample was titrated with base after acidifying the vapor sorption kit. The instrument was equipped with a
carbon suspension. homemade thermostated system controlled by a Fisher
pH of Carbon Surface. The sample of 0.4 g of dry carbon Scientific Isotemp Refrigerated Circulator. Samples were first
powder was added to 20 mL of water, and the suspension heated at 120 C and outgassed to 10-5 Torr. HPLC-grade
was stirred overnight to reach equilibrium. Then the sample water used as an adsorbate was free of any dissolved gases.
was filtered, and the pH of the solution was measured. Using ASAP 2010, water uptake is able to be measured starting
Thermal Analysis. Thermal analysis was carried out using from very low relative pressure (p/po 10-3) (4, 19, 25). Each
TA Instruments thermal analyzer. The instrument settings point of the isotherm is recorded after equilibrium is reached.
were as follows: heating rate, 10 deg/min; and either air or The isotherms were measured to relative pressure about 0.3.
nitrogen atmosphere with 50 mL/min flow rate.
Temperature-Programmed Desorption. Temperature- Results and Discussion
programmed desorption (TPD) was conducted on a Pulse The breakthrough performance of initial and oxidized
ChemiSorb 2705 (Micromeritics) using helium as a carrier carbons is summarized in Figure 1. The breakthrough
gas. The dried carbon samples of about 0.2 g were placed in capacities measured for N0, N1, N2, S0, S1, and S2 are 95.8
a U-shaped quartz reactor and heated at 120 C for 3 h under ( 5.11, 47.7 ( 0.64, 28.2 ( 1.83, 111.8 ( 4.5, 14.5 ( 2.3, and
a helium flow (40 mL/min). Then the flow was changed to 11.5 ( 1.4 mg of H2S/g of carbon, respectively. However, the
18 mL/min, and after the baseline was stabilized, the time periods for initial carbons after which 500 ppm is reached
temperature was raised to 1000 C at a rate of 10 deg/min. are similar, so the shape of the breakthrough curves shows
The decomposition products of surface oxygen-containing slightly better performance in the case of S0 material.
groups (CO, CO2, and H2O) were measured by a thermo- Oxidation with nitric acid and ammonium persulfate sig-
conductivity detector. Three series of experiments were nificantly decreases the capacity, especially for S series of
carried out for each carbon sample in order to distinguish carbons. In both cases, ammonium persulfate oxidation
the products of desorption. In the first step, the combined caused the most dramatic decrease in the performance. This
amount of CO, CO2, and H2O was determined. In the second decrease was expected due to a decrease in pH as a result
step, the TPD curve for CO was measured using a cold trap of the introduction of more acidic groups. It supports the
with liquid nitrogen located before the detector. Then the proposed pathways of H2S oxidation on unimpregnated
curve representing CO and CO2 was recorded using a cold wood-based carbons presented elsewhere, where the pH of
trap with dry ice. The instrument was calibrated by injection surface was pointed out as an important factor (16). To link
of precise volumes of the pure gases (CO and CO2). the measured capacity of unimpregnated carbons to their


TABLE 1. pH and Numbers of Functional Groups from Boehm
Titration (mequiv/g)
sample pH carboxylic lactonic phenolic basic
N0 7.72 0.00 0.12 0.00 1.00
N1 4.47 0.31 0.41 0.32 0.45
N2 3.59 0.56 0.81 0.33 0.49
S0 6.89 0.17 0.02 0.12 0.51
S1 4.58 0.29 0.32 0.35 0.26
S2 3.66 0.65 0.42 0.65 0.12

surface features, the detailed analysis of carbons was carried

out with the stress on features important for the sorption
process such as surface chemistry and structural parameters.
To check the extent of oxidation process, Boehm titration
was performed (22). The used bases enable us to identify the
number of carboxyls, lactones, and phenols. The results
obtained along with the pH values of carbon surface are
collected in Table 1. Comparison of the initial materials shows
that the S0 sample is more heterogeneous than N0. In the
case of N0 carbon, only lactonic groups represent strong acids.
The samples also differ in the amount of basic species; the
N0 sample has twice the basic groups as the S0.
Oxidation with nitric acid significantly increases the
number of acidic groups, decreases the number of basic
groups for both carbons, and creates carboxylic acids in the
case of N1 material. The decrease in the number of basic
species as compared to the initial samples is likely due to the FIGURE 2. Acidity constant distributions for N (A) and S (B) series
conversion of insoluble components of inorganic matter such of carbons.
as carbonates into soluble nitrates. On the other hand,
oxidation with ammonium persulfate is more effective for The presence of oxygen groups on the surface of carbons
S2 than for N2. The S2 sample shows a significant increase is also detected by means of TPD. The obtained TPD curves
in the number of carboxylic and phenolic groups along with are collected in Figure 3. The most acidic groups (carboxyls,
a 75% decrease in the number of basic species. lactones) are desorbed as CO2 in the temperature range of
More details about the strength of acidic and basic groups 200-650 C, while less acidic (phenols, carbonyls) and basic
present on the surface of our carbons are derived from groups (pyrones) are desorbed mainly as CO or CO + CO2
potentiometric titration experiments. The method of analysis, at the temperature range between 500 and 1000 C (27, 28).
assumptions, and numerical approach used (SAIEUS) are The amounts of volatile products formed during TPD
described elsewhere (17, 18, 26). The distributions of acidity experiments are collected in Table 3. As expected, the total
constants for species on the surface of carbons are shown amounts of CO and CO2 desorbed from oxidized carbons
in Figure 2. As proposed elsewhere, the species having pKa significantly increases as a result of oxidation (27). The
smaller than 8 are assigned to strong carboxylic acids, and presence of water is a result of the decomposition of
those with pKa greater than 8 are assigned to phenols (18). carboxylic groups. The TPD data confirm the results of
The results obtained for initial carbons indicate the existence titrations and clearly show that oxidation with ammonium
of a larger number of strong acids in the case of S0 as persulfate creates more oxygen groups on the carbon surface
compared to N0, which is in agreement with the results of than does oxidation with nitric acid. The peak at 730 C
Boehm titration. However, the surface groups seem to be representing CO2 on the TPD curve for the N0 sample is likely
more heterogeneous in the case of the N0 sample where more related to the presence of carbonate impurities. The titration
peaks are revealed (at pKa about 4.2, 5.6, 6.8, and 7.5). results showed that these species disappear after oxidation.
After oxidation with nitric acid, a slightly larger number Another method providing fast and meaningful informa-
of groups is detected for N1 carbon with disappearance of tion about surface chemistry is thermogravimetric analysis
the peak at pKa of about 6.8 present for the initial material (TG). The TG curves along with the weight derivatives (DTG)
(Figure 2A). This peak is likely related to the presence of obtained for both series of samples from the experiments
inorganic matter, which was removed from the carbon during performed in nitrogen appear in Figure 4. Although tests are
acid treatment. The changes in the acidity after oxidation carried out starting from room temperature, curves are
are more pronounced in the S series, as shown from the plotted from 120 C to take away the adsorbed water
Boehm titration results. The S1 sample shows a significant interference. The data are corrected accordingly so that the
increase in the population of groups with pKa smaller than weight at 120 C is considered as 100%. The weight losses for
5.5 (Figure 2B), along with the creation of new strongly acidic our carbons in the temperature ranges related to the presence
species, beyond the limits of our experimental window (17). of strong and weak acids (28, 29) are reported in Table 2. For
After oxidation with ammonium persulfate, even though the initial carbon, N0, the total weight loss is around 5% with
peaks at similar positions are revealed for both carbons, the a significant peak between 500 and 800 C (Figure 3). This
number of groups is larger in the case of S2 material. Those peak likely represents the decomposition of the basic species
results indicate similarity in the quality of groups created and/or inorganic matter that significantly contribute to the
using the same oxidant (18). chemistry of this material (highest ash content). After
The results obtained from acid/base titration are in general oxidation, the total weight loss for both N1 and N2 carbons
agreement with the pH values collected in Table 1. They is similar, but small differences exist at the low temperature
represent the average acidity of the carbon surface indicating range where strong acids are expected to decompose (28).
that S0 is more acidic than N0, but after oxidation only small Although similar behavior is observed for the S series, no
differences in pH remain between both carbons. significant weight loss in the temperature range of 500-800


TABLE 3. Weight Loss in Different Temperature Ranges and
Ash Content (%)
sample 120-500 C 500-800 C 120-1000 C ash content
N0 1.36 2.61 5.70 3.40
N1 4.05 4.08 10.73 3.01
N2 3.55 3.77 9.60 1.71
S0 0.59 1.60 4.21 0.00
S1 4.95 8.70 17.85 0.00
S2 5.58 6.64 16.26 0.00

FIGURE 3. Thermodesorption spectra.

TABLE 2. Amounts of Gases Thermodesorbed at Different

Temperature Ranges (mmol/g)
120-500 C 500-1000 C
sample CO CO2 H2O CO CO2 H2O total
N0 0.03 0.06 0.14 0.55 0.22 0.05 1.05
N1 0.10 0.45 0.16 1.68 0.40 0.01 2.80
N2 0.06 0.73 0.17 2.79 0.54 0.00 4.29
S0 0.08 0.35 0.14 2.08 0.31 0.02 2.98
S1 0.09 0.54 0.10 2.58 0.53 0.01 3.85
S2 0.11 0.99 0.27 4.22 0.49 0.00 6.08

C is found for the initial sample, S0 (Figure 4, Table 3). This FIGURE 4. Thermal analysis results for TG (A and C) and DTG (B
suggests that unlike N0, S0 is low in basic species and/or and D).
inorganic matter (practically zero ash).
In the process of hydrogen sulfide adsorption on activated measured at -196 C using density functional theory (DFT)
carbons, structural parameters should play an important role (23, 24). The specific surface area, volume of micropores
(4, 5, 14). They are calculated from nitrogen isotherms (Vmic), volume of mesopores (Vmes), and total pore volume


TABLE 4. Structural Parameters Calculated from Nitrogen
Adsorption (DFT)
sample SN2 (m2/g) Vmic (cm3/g) Vmes (cm3/g) Vt (cm3/g)
N0 790 0.31 0.06 0.47
N1 790 0.31 0.08 0.50
N2 800 0.33 0.05 0.49
S0 1030 0.39 0.02 0.52
S1 970 0.37 0.03 0.50
S2 880 0.32 0.04 0.46

FIGURE 6. Water adsorption isotherms at 20 C.

that the sorption capacity of S0 carbon is much higher than

N0. This result is expected since the S carbon has more
oxygenated groups and more developed microporosity (25,
26). After oxidation with nitric acid, water uptake significantly
increases for the N1 carbon, while for the S1 only a small
enhancement is observed. This difference follows the effect
of oxidation described above. After oxidation with ammonium
persulfate, the amounts adsorbed for N2 and S2 are almost
the same due to similar surface chemistry and structural
parameters (Table 1, Table 4).
To identify the surface parameters crucial for the en-
hancement of the hydrogen sulfide adsorption capacity, the
dependence of the measured capacity on the surface features
described above was analyzed. No direct relationship between
the performance of carbons as H2S adsorbents and the
parameters of pore structure was found; however, higher
FIGURE 5. Pore size distributions for the N (A) and S (B) carbon micropore volume along with smaller pores result in en-
series. hanced capacity (Figure 1, Figure 5, and Table 4). As we
indicated elsewhere for wood-based carbons (16), im-
(Vt) are collected in Table 4. The initial carbons differ in mobilization of hydrogen sulfide within pore structure is a
surface areas and pore volumes; the porous structure of the result of its dissociation in the preadsorbed water film to
S material is more developed than the N. Comparison of the HS- ion and adsorption of the latter followed by its oxidation.
data indicates that in the case of N carbon oxidation does The extent of dissociation depends on the local pH in the
not affect the pore structure, while for the S series a small pore system, which is governed by surface chemistry. Taking
decrease in the surface area and micropore volume is noted into account these findings, the dependence of breakthrough
along with a slight increase in the volume of mesopores. capacity on six quantities affecting dissociation of hydrogen
Detailed changes in the pore structure of the S carbons are sulfide in the pore structure has been analyzed based on the
seen in the pore size distributions presented in Figure 5. It performance of the six samples studied. These are pH of
is interesting to note that while oxidation with nitric acid carbon surface, number of basic groups, total number of
decreased the volume of pores smaller than 10 (a peak acidic groups, water adsorption at 30% relative humidity,
centered at around 7 ), oxidation with ammonium persulfate weight loss between 500 and 800 C [associated with the
left these pores almost intact with a significant decrease in destruction of weak acids such as phenols and carbonyls
the volume of pores represented by peak at about 15 . (20, 21)], and amount of surface groups oxygen (Figure 7).
The results reported in the literature indicate that in most In all cases, a good linear correlation was not found. Analysis
cases the presence of moisture enhances the adsorption and of the plots presented in Figure 7 suggests that there is a
oxidation of hydrogen sulfide (3, 4, 13). According to the certain threshold value in each of those parameters beyond
mechanism proposed by Hedden et al., dissociative adsorp- which significant changes in the capacity occur. An estimate
tion of hydrogen sulfide has a significant impact on its of the threshold values may be as follows: a surface pH of
oxidation (10). A similar conclusion was reported in our more than 4.5, 0.5 basic groups/g of carbon, 0.85 mequiv of
previous study (16). It is well-known that the affinity of acidic groups/g of carbon, around 3 mmol of adsorbed
activated carbon to retain water depends on the number of water/g of the carbon material, around 3% of weight loss
oxygenated groups present on the surface (19, 25, 30), which between 500 and 800 C, and 2 mol/m2 of surface groups
are considered as primary adsorption centers. Further oxygen. An increase in pH and the number of basic groups
adsorption of water on the already adsorbed water molecules beyond the reported values increase the capacity, whereas
leads to the condensation in small pores even at relatively an increase in the other four parameters (number of acidic
low humidity. To investigate the affinity of our carbons to groups, weight loss, surface groups oxygen, and water
retain moisture, water adsorption isotherms were measured adsorption) significantly decreases the performance of
at relative pressure smaller than 0.3 at 20 C. Figure 6 shows carbons as H2S adsorbents.


FIGURE 7. Dependence of H2S breakthrough capacity on: (A) pH of carbon surface, pH of carbon suspension (with dissolved H2S); (B)
number of basic groups; (C) number of acidic groups; (D) water uptake at p/po ) 0.3 and 20 C; (E) weight loss at 500-800 C; (F) amount
of surface groups oxygen.

To explore the existence of a threshold in the pH value If the surface reaction (eq 4) is the rate-limiting step of
of the carbon surface at our experimental conditions, the H2S oxidation process (31), the degree of H2S dissociation
simplified calculations were performed based on the mech- should be high enough to start its oxidation on the surface
anism of H2S oxidation at low temperature (<100 C) and (HS-ads H2Sgas). Combining eq 1 to eq 3, the following
humid conditions proposed in the literature (10-12, 31). It expression can be derived to calculate the equilibrium HS-ads
involves (i) H2S adsorption on the carbon surface, (ii) its concentration:
dissolution in water film, (iii) dissociation of H2S in adsorbed
state in water film, and (iv) surface reaction with oxygen: log (HS-ads) ) log (KS) + log (KH) + log (Ka) + pH +
log (H2Sgas) (5)
H2Sgas 98 H2Sads (1)
where log (Ka) ) -7.2 (32). Solubility of pure H2S at 25 C in
KS water is equal to 0.125 mol/L (32), which corresponds to KS
H2Sads 98 H2Sads-liq (2) ) 3.1. Adsorption constant, KH depends on the interaction
of H2S with carbon and should be determined independently
as a ratio of H2Sads to H2Sads-liq. For our evaluation, we assumed
H2Sads-liq 98 HS-ads + H+ (3)
that H2Sads is not higher than the solubility of pure H2S in
water. For 3000 ppm of H2S in the gas phase, it follows that
2HS-ads + O*ads 98 2Sads + H2O (4) KH ) 330. Substitution of KS, KH, and Ka values in eq 5 gives

where H2Sgas, H2Sads-liq, and H2Sads are concentrations of H2S log (HS-ads) ) -4.2 + pH + log (H2Sgas) (6)
in gas, liquid, and adsorbed phases, respectively; KH, KS, Ka,
and KR are equilibrium constants for related processes This simplified expression suggests that, for all carbons with
(adsorption, gas solubility, dissociation, and surface reaction average surface pH >4.2, concentration of HS- in the
constants); O*ads is dissociatively adsorbed oxygen; and Sads adsorbed state will be equal to H2S in a gas phase (100%
is the concentration of surface compounds as end products adsorption + dissociation), which is required for effective
of the surface oxidation reaction. H2S removal. The dependence of the ratio of concentration


of HS- in the adsorbed state to the concentration of H2S in and its negative effect on the contact of dissociated HS- ions
a gas phase (HS-ads/H2Sgas) on the pH of carbon suspension with the carbon surface in micropores.
in water (with dissolved H2S) calculated using eq 6 is plotted Although we realize that the number of data analyzed in
in Figure 7A. The estimated value of pH is lower than the first this paper is too small to formulate the well-defined new
dissociation constant (pKa) of H2S. This supports our carbon specification for industrial applications, the indication
hypothesis presented elsewhere that a pH value only high of the existence of the threshold in surface acidity has been
enough for mild dissociation of H2S is sufficient for its effective demonstrated. This would suggest that, if unimpregnated
removal (16). In such a situation physically adsorbed H2S, carbons are to be used as hydrogen sulfide adsorbents, their
upon dissociation in the water film to hydrogen sulfide ion long storage after the manufacturing process is not recom-
(HS-), becomes vulnerable to attack by oxygen and can be mended due to air oxidation of the carbon surface and a
oxidized to elemental S and sulfur oxides (8, 16). As seen decrease in the surface pH.
from Figure 7A, both calculated and experimental results
show the same trend expressed by a sharp increase of Acknowledgments
adsorption capacity in the range of pH between 4 and 5. This research was supported by The New York City Depart-
Although calculated above threshold pH is equal to 4.2, the ment of Environmental Protection. The authors thank
threshold estimated from the data presented in Figure 7A Professor Amos Turk for encouragement and discussions.
seems to be higher than 4.5. The discrepancy with the The help of Ms. Anna Kleyman in performing experiments
calculated value of pH is due to the fact that pH >4.2 was is appreciated. T.J.B. wishes to thank Dr. Jacek Jagiello for
obtained from the simplified expression without the exact providing SAIEUS program.
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Received for review March 25, 1999. Revised manuscript
chemistry of carbon. A reduced capacity is observed when
received August 27, 1999. Accepted December 1, 1999.
the affinity for water adsorption is too high and exceeds about
3 mmol/g of carbon. This is due to the filling of small pores ES990341G


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