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Validitas dan realibilitas variabel kepemimpinan (x1)

Case Processing Summary

N %
Case Valid 66 100.0
s Excluded
0 .0

Total 66 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of
Alpha Items
.865 6

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Cronbach's
Scale Mean Variance if Corrected Alpha if
if Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
P1 17.652 4.631 .584 .856
P2 17.606 4.335 .729 .829
P3 17.621 4.270 .816 .813
P4 17.667 4.164 .822 .811
P5 17.485 5.454 .264 .904
P6 17.576 4.340 .782 .820
Validitas dan Reliabilitas variabel k3

Case Processing Summary

N %
Cases Valid 66 100.0
Excludeda 0 .0
Total 66 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in
the procedure.

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of
Alpha Items
.868 6

Item-Total Statistics
Corrected Cronbach's
Scale Mean if Scale Variance Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Correlation Deleted
P1 17.773 3.840 .842 .814
P2 17.773 3.840 .842 .814
P3 17.712 4.393 .492 .875
P4 17.788 4.539 .409 .890
P5 17.697 4.153 .623 .853
P6 17.773 3.840 .842 .814
Validitas reliabel Kinerja Karyawan

Case Processing Summary

N %
Case Valid 66 100.0
s Excluded
0 .0

Total 66 100.0
a. Listwise deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of
Alpha Items
.791 6

Item-Total Statistics
Scale Cronbach's
Scale Mean Variance if Corrected Alpha if
if Item Item Item-Total Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted
P1 16.955 4.229 .752 .705
P2 16.955 4.567 .636 .737
P3 16.909 5.253 .322 .813
P4 16.970 5.414 .295 .816
P5 16.955 4.567 .675 .728
P6 16.848 4.838 .653 .738

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