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Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Mechanical Engineering Department

MEC0065 - Thermal Radiation
Professor - Francis
Name: Marleson Rondiner dos Santos Ferreira


Question 1-6: The blackbody is at temperature of 1200 K.

(a) The spectral intensity emitted to the black surface is given by:
e,b 2C1
i,b (, T ) = = 5 . (1)
(exp(C2 /T ) 1)

The values C1 , C2 are given in the Table 1 and T = 1200 K. Thus, for = 4 m in
Eq. 1, follows:
2 0.59552197 108 [W m4 /(m2 sr)]
i,b (, T ) = (2)
(4 m)5 (exp(14387.69/(4 1200)) 1) sr
1.19104394 108
i,b (, T ) = (3)
i,b (, T ) = 6110.77 W/(m2 m sr) (4)

(b) The spectral intensity emitted does not depend of , thus:

ib (, T ) = 6110, 77 W/(m2 m sr) (5)

(c) The spectral emissive power is given:

eb (, , T ) = ib (, T ) cos(). (6)

From the item (a) and replacing = 45 and = 4 m, follows:

eb (, , T ) = 6110.77 cos(45) W/(m2 m sr) (7)

eb (, , T ) = 4320.96 W/(m2 m sr) (8)

(d) The maximum spectral intensity emitted from this blackbody is:
max = . (9)
The value of C3 is given from the Table 1. Therefore,
2897.756 [m K]
max = = 2.4148 m. (10)
1200 K
The value of intensity is:
imax ,b = T 5 5
= C4 T 5 (11)
C3 (exp(C2 /C3 ) 1)

The value of C4 is given from the Table 1. Therefore,

imax ,b = 4.095790 1012 [W/(m2 m K 5 sr)] (1200 K)5 (12)

imax ,b = 10191.64 W/(m2 m sr) (13)

(e) The hemispherical total emissive power is given by:
eb (T ) = T 4 . (14)
The value of is given from the Table 1. Therefore,
eb (T ) = 5.67051 108 [W/(m2 K 4 )] (1200 K)4 (15)
eb (T ) = 117583.7 W/m2 (16)
Question 1-7: The hemispherical spectral emissive power is plotted in Figure 1 as a
function of wavelength. For wavelengths in the range = 0 to = 10 m, we have two
different temperatures as follow:


e b(. T), [W/(m m)]




Para T=6000 K
Para T=2000 K
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Wavelength , [m]

Figure 1: Hemispherical spectral emissive power of blackbody for different temperatures

A example of the code used in MATLAB is given by the Algorithm 1. The y-axis is
given in logarithmic scale. We note that the energy emitted at all wavelength increases
as the temperatures increase from 2000 K to 6000 K. Another characteristic is that the
peak spectral emissive power shifts toward a smaller wavelength as the temperature is
Question 1-10: The surface of the sun has an effective blackbody radiating temperature
of 5780 K.
(a) We can calculate the percentage of solar radiation emission for a visible range ( =
0.4 to = 0.7 m) in the following way:
1 = 0.4 m = 1 T = 2312 mK (17)
2 = 0.7 m = 2 T = 4046 mK (18)
From the Table 2, we have:
F01 T = 0.12003 (19)
F02 T = 0.48987 (20)
Therefore, the percentage is:
(F02 T F01 T ) 100 = (0.48987 0.12003) 100 (21)
(F02 T F01 T ) 100 = (0.36984) 100 (22)
(F02 T F01 T ) 100 = 37% (23)

(b) The percentage ultraviolet is calculate in the range = 0.1 mum to = 0.4 mum,

1 = 0.1 m = 1 T = 578 mK
2 = 0.4 m = 2 T = 2312 mK

From the Table 2, we have:

F01 T = 9.29 108 (24)

F02 T = 0.12003 (25)

Therefore, the percentage is:

(F02 T F01 T ) 100 = (0.12003 9.29 108 ) 100 (26)

(F02 T F01 T ) 100 = (0.120029) 100 (27)
(F02 T F01 T ) 100 = 12% (28)

(c) From the Eq. (9), we have

2897.756 [m K]
max = = 0.5013m or 0.5013 106 m. (29)
5780 K
The frequency is given:
=, (30)

where c is the speed of light in vacuum (see Table 1). Therefore,

2.99792458 108 m/s

= (31)
0.5013 106 m
= 5.98 1014 Hz (32)

(d) The maximum value of the solar hemispherical spectral emissive power is given by:

eb = 5
max (exp(C2 /(max T )) 1)

The values C1 , C2 are given in the Table 1. Thus, we have

2 0.59552197 108 [W m4 /(m2 sr)]

eb = (34)
(0.5013m)5 (exp(14387.69/(0.5013 8780)) 1) sr
3.7418 108
eb = (35)
eb = 8.301 107 W/(m2 m) (36)

Question 1-16: Blackbody radiation is leaving a small hole in a furnace at 1285 K.

We can solve this problem computing the total emissive power for a finite solid-angle
given by:
T 4 sin2 2 sin2 1
eb (1 2 , 1 2 , T ) = (2 1 ) (37)

(a) What fraction of the radiation is intercepted by the annular disk?
Note that 1 = 0 and 2 = 2 due to angular variation
over the annular disk. The
hypotenuse, h1 , for a radius r1 = 1 cm is h1 = 2 2
1 + 3 = 3.1623 cm and the
2 2
hypotenuse, h2 , for a radius r2 = 1.5 cm is h2 = 1.5 + 3 = 3.3541 cm.
Thus, we can calculate
r1 1
sin 1 = = = 0.3162, (38)
h1 3.1623
r2 1.5
sin 2 = = = 0.4472, (39)
h2 3.3541
and the Eq. (37) gives:
T 4 0.44722 0.31622
eb (1 2 , 1 2 , T ) = (2 0) (40)
eb (1 2 , 1 2 , T ) = 0.100 T 4 . (41)

Therefore, the fraction of the radiation intercepted by the annular disk is 0.100.
(b) What fraction of the radiation passes through the hole in the disk?
In this case, we have

sin 1 = 0, (42)
sin 2 = = = 0.3162, (43)
and the Eq. (37) gives:
T 4 0.31622 02
eb (1 2 , 1 2 , T ) = (2 0) (44)
eb (1 2 , 1 2 , T ) = 0.100 T 4 . (45)

Therefore, the fraction of the radiation through the hole in the disk is 0.100.

Question 1-17: The percentage of radiation incident is 90% in the wavelength range
between 0.33 and 2.5 m. Consider the sun as a blackbody at 5780 K. The temperature
of the black surface is 38 C = 311 K.

(a) We can calculate the percentage of solar radiation that the glass will transmit in the
following way:

1 = 0.33 m = 1 T = 1907.4 mK
2 = 2.5 m = 2 T = 14450 mK

From the Table 2, we have:

F01 T = 0.05211 (46)

F02 T = 0.96546 (47)

Therefore, the percentage is:

(F02 T F01 T ) 90 = (0.96546 0.05211) 90 (48)

(F02 T F01 T ) 90 = 0.91335 90 (49)
(F02 T F01 T ) 90 = 82, 2% (50)

(b) In the same way, we can calculate the percentage of radiation will be transmitted
through the glass. Thus, for T = 311 K, we have:

1 = 0.33 m = 1 T = 102, 63 mK
2 = 2.5 m = 2 T = 777, 5 mK

From the Table 2, we have:

F01 T = 0 (51)
F02 T = 1.64 105 (52)

Therefore, the percentage is:

(F02 T F01 T ) 90 = (1.64 105 0) 90 (53)

(F02 T F01 T ) 90 = 1.64 105 90 (54)
(F02 T F01 T ) 90 = 0.0015% (55)

Porto Alegre - October 2, 2013

Anexo: Valores adotados

Definio Smbolo e valor

Constant in Plancks spectral
C1 = 0.59552197 108 [W m4 /(m2 sr)]
energy (or intensity) distribuition
Constant in Plancks spectral
C2 = 14387.69[m K]
energy (or intensity) distribuition
Constant in Wiens
C3 = 2897.756[m K]
displacement law
Constant in equation for max.
C4 = 4.095790 1012 [W/(m2 m K 5 sr)]
blackbody intensity
Stefan-Boltzman Constant = 5.67051 108 [W/(m2 K 4 )]
Speed of the Light c = 2.99792458 108 m/s

Table 1: Radiation Constants

Temperature Blackbody
product T Fraction
m K F0T
500 1.30E-9
600 9.29E-8
800 1.64E-5
1900 0.05211
2300 0.12003
4050 0.48987
14400 0.96546

Table 2: Blackbody Function from the Book of Siegel

 Algorithm 1: Example of a Code in MATLAB

1 % Parameters
2 lambda =[0:0.1:10]; % [\ mu m ]
3 T =6000; % [K]
4 C1 =0.595521 97*10^ 8; % [ W *(\ mu m )^4/( m ^2 * sr )]
5 C2 =14387.69; % [(\ mu m )* K ]
7 % Hemispherical Spectral Emissive Power
8 e_lamb_b =2* pi * C1 ./( lambda .^5.*( exp ( C2 ./( lambda * T )) -1));
10 % Plot Hemispherical Spectral Emissive Power
11 plot ( lambda , e_lamb_b )

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