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Groningen Gangstalking

Performed Zerzetsung by local citizen spies and informants

Here I have all the patents that are being abused against me from
Groningen Netherlands by the IRS/Police/Mental care Lentis and Google
over there in conspiracy with its citizens Infragard gangstalking program
using its citizen spies, locals, snitches, provocation agents and other
neuroassholes playing theatre YES I FOUND ALL THE PATENTS
EXPLAINING V2K AND RNM right here below! It does not exist? Hell is
does! It seems Groningen is not so smart as they thought. Pf farmers. No
wonder they have to ask us to turn of their gass leaks, no wonder we are
the international city and not them. Hahahaha. This pathetic Cybernetic
mind hive team existing of a Volkswagen club with a Vietnamese guy and
his Indo girlfriend does electronic harassment on anyone over there he
does not like. He gets phone and internet data from the local cops and
creates a electronic harssment program he repeats through a ALICE
chatterbot he goes to Lentis mental care & police to nag about everyone
supposely protecting his little local farmer family over there from
Hoogezand. He talks bullshit with his friends to prevent anyone has the
gutts to get back and him to take revenge. With his ALICE chatterbot he
neuro programs a characteristic behaviour like psychopat or sociopath and
cooks the person to act out aggressive in Groningen. After this he entraps
the person with his local community of fake witnessess, without taking the
risk to confront anyone in real life he sends his fake ass friends. The local
police will believe the fake witness and you got a court case against you
were they demand money, this is his tactic. Below we fnd a picture of
him and his friends caught while gangstalking (picture found on the
web). If you read further you will fnd all the patents from Google that this
groups abuses, probably because they all grew up there they have family
members working there at the local police, mental care, IRS and Google.
Both the headquarters from the IRS and Google are in Groningen NL.

Read further below those are the illegal patents

that make up v2k (voice to skull) and RNM (remote
neural monitoring) Yes it dos exists and is being
abuses in Groningen combined with gangstalking
and street theatre to drive people insane!

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