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Analytical Modeling of Mode Selection and Power

Control for Underlay D2D Communication in
Cellular Networks
Hesham ElSawy and Ekram Hossain

AbstractDevice-to-device (D2D) communication enables the

user equipments (UEs) located in close proximity to bypass
the cellular base stations (BSs) and directly connect to each Cellular path
arXiv:1405.2017v2 [cs.NI] 12 May 2014

other, and thereby, offload traffic from the cellular infrastructure.

D2D communication can improve spatial frequency reuse and
energy efficiency in cellular networks. This paper presents a D2D range
comprehensive and tractable analytical framework for D2D-
enabled uplink cellular networks with a flexible mode selection rd
scheme along with truncated channel inversion power control.
Different from the existing mode selection schemes where the
decision on mode selection is made based only on the D2D link
distance (i.e., distance between two UEs using D2D mode of Fig. 1. D2D-enabled cellular network.
communication), the proposed mode selection scheme for a UE
accounts for both the D2D link distance and cellular link distance
(i.e., distance between the UE and the BS). The developed frame-
work is used to analyze and understand how the underlaying There are two main approaches for spectrum assignment
D2D communication affects the cellular network performance. between D2D links and cellular links, namely, the disjoint and
Through comprehensive numerical analysis, we investigate the shared spectrum assignments. It is well-known that rigid and
expected performance gains and provide guidelines for selecting
exclusive spectrum assignment results in a significant spectrum
the network parameters.
Keywords:- Device-to-device (D2D) communication, uplink cel- underutilization due to the high variability in user population
lular networks, interference analysis, mode selection, channel and their activity patterns across the spatial and time domains
inversion power control, stochastic geometry. [13]. Therefore, the shared spectrum assignment (also called
underlay spectrum access) for D2D devices is generally pre-
I. I NTRODUCTION ferred over the disjoint spectrum assignment approach [3].
However, with the underlay spectrum access, cross-mode1
Maximizing spectrum utilization via spatial frequency reuse interference may degrade the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-
has always been a major technical challenge for cellular ratio (SINR) for the ongoing transmissions and thus limit the
network designers. The challenge has become more acute with network performance. In this paper, we consider the underlay
the increased population of cellular users and their traffic re- spectrum sharing approach and develop a tractable modeling
quirements. Enabling device-to-device (D2D) communication paradigm to understand and quantify the performance gain
in cellular networks has recently been proposed as a promising for uplink communication in D2D-enabled cellular networks.
solution to improve the spatial frequency reuse and boost up The analytical framework developed in this paper uses tools
the throughput of cellular networks [1][4]. The main idea from stochastic geometry [14] and accounts for power control,
in D2D-enabled cellular networks is to permit transmitter- maximum transmit power of the UEs, and mode selection of
receiver pairs coexisting in close proximity to establish direct UEs in an uplink cellular network.
peer-to-peer connections between each other. That is, as shown Stochastic geometry is the only mathematical tool that is
in Fig. 1, if a transmitter has its designated receiver within its capable of modeling large scale wireless networks and capture
transmission range (also called proximity detection region), the effect of network topology on network performance (av-
the transmitter is allowed to bypass the base station (BS) and eraged over all network realizations) and provide general yet
communicate in the D2D mode (i.e., directly establish a peer- simple expressions for several important performance metrics
to-peer link with the receiver). D2D communication enables [13]. Stochastic geometry has been used to model, analyze,
short-range, low-power links to coexist with the cellular links and design of ad hoc networks, multi-tier cellular networks,
and thereby improve the spatial reuse of the available spec- as well as hybrid networks [13], [14]. For the sake of analytical
trum, decrease the power consumption in the user equipments tractability, we use the Poisson point process (PPP) to model
(UEs) via decreasing the required transmit power, and improve the cellular network topology as well as the spatial distribution
the total network throughput [3][12]. However, D2D commu- of UEs. It has been shown in [13], [15][18] that the PPP
nication poses a set of new technical challenges which include leads to tight bound for the cellular network operation which
interference management in the network, resource allocation
for D2D and cellular links, and adaptive mode selection and 1 We use cross-mode interference to refer to the interference between users
power control for the UEs. operating in the D2D mode and users operating in the cellular mode.

is as accurate as the bound obtained via the idealistic grid related approaches in the literature into two main categories:
based model. It is worth mentioning that our objective is not to instantaneous analysis approach and statistical analysis ap-
develop sophisticated interference mitigation and cancellation proach. In the former approach, a system objective function is
techniques for D2D-enabled cellular networks. Instead, our formulated based on the the instantaneous system information
main objective is to develop a tractable analytical framework (e.g., channel gains and link distances), which is assumed
to quantify the uplink transmission performance of underlay to be available. Then, the model is used to derive instan-
D2D-enabled cellular networks with a biasing-based mode taneous optimal decisions (e.g., power allocation, channel
selection scheme along with channel inversion-based power allocation, and mode selection criterion) [4][8]. Note that, the
control and identify the performance tradeoffs due to the instantaneous optimal decisions should vary with the rapidly
underlaying D2D communication. varying system parameters. On the other hand, the statistical
The major contributions of the paper can be summarized as approach exploits the systems statistical information (e.g.,
follows: the distributions of the UEs locations and channel gains),
It proposes a novel mode selection scheme for UEs in which are stable over a longer period of time (i.e., w.r.t.
which the mode selection decision accounts for both the instantaneous approach), to model the system and derive
the D2D link quality and the cellular link quality. More the statistically optimal decisions [9][12]. Since finding the
specifically, a biasing-based mode selection scheme with instantaneous optimal decisions may involve high signaling
parameter Td (the bias factor) is proposed in which a overhead to exchange the network information as well as high
potential D2D transmitter chooses the D2D mode if the computational complexity, often suboptimal heuristic solutions
biased D2D link quality is better than the cellular uplink [6][8] are sought. In contrast to the instantaneous approach,
quality, i.e., Td L(D2D) L(cellular) , where L(D2D) is a decision based on the the statistical approach (for example,
the D2D link gain (or link quality) and L(cellular) is the based on stochastic geometry analysis) may not be the best
cellular uplink gain. The proposed mode selection scheme solution in a particular point of time, however, it could be
captures the disabled D2D mode of communication (i.e., optimal over a longer time horizon.
when Td = 0), the enforced D2D communication (i.e., The authors in [9] exploit the statistical approach to propose
when Td = ), and the distance-based mode selection a simple power control mechanism for a D2D transmitter
as special cases. to ensure that the SINR violation for the cellular users due
For the proposed mode selection scheme along with a to cross-mode interference is maintained below a certain
truncated channel inversion-based power control for UEs, threshold. However, the analysis in [9] is limited to a single
we develop a tractable analytical framework to evaluate cell, a single cellular user, and a single D2D link. In [10],
the network performance in terms of SINR outage prob- the authors use the statistical approach to find the maximum
abilities for both cellular and D2D UEs, average transmit intensity of D2D devices that can be accommodated by the
power, average link capacity, and average total network uplink cellular network subject to an interference threshold.
capacity. The authors in [11] also use the statistical approach to find
Through extensive numerical analysis, we show that the optimal intensity and transmit power that maximize the
the proposed mode selection scheme outperforms the achievable transmission capacity for a D2D-enabled uplink
traditional mode selection scheme based on the D2D two-tier wireless network under outage probability constraints.
link distance only. Also, the results reveal interesting In [11], it was assumed that the two cellular tiers operate in
tradeoff in the network performance in terms of average disjoint bands and that the D2D links utilize both the bands.
transmit power and SINR outage probability (and hence Then, the authors derive the optimal D2D link density and the
link capacity) when the network parameters such as the fixed transmit power that they can use on each band. In both
power control cutoff threshold and bias factor for mode [10] and [11], power control and mode selection are ignored
selection Td are varied. and it is assumed that the D2D link distances are fixed. Mode
selection and power control problems for D2D-enabled uplink
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The related
cellular networks are considered in [12]. However, the mode
literature is reviewed in Section II. The system model, as-
selection decision is based only on the D2D link distance (i.e.,
sumptions, and the mode selection scheme are described in
it does not consider the distance between the D2D transmitter
Section III. Also, the methodology of analysis is outlined in
and the cellular BS). Furthermore, in [12], the maximum
this section. Section IV presents the analysis of transmit power
power constraint for the UEs is ignored and the coverage area
for cellular and D2D UEs for channel inversion-based power
of the tagged cell is approximated by a circle2 .
control. The SINR performance is analyzed in Section V. Sec-
Different from the exisiting D2D communication models
tion VI presents and discusses the numerical and simulation
in the literature, our proposed model is based on a flexible
results. The paper is concluded in Section VII. A list of the key
mode selection scheme which accounts for D2D link quality
mathematical notations used in this paper is given in Table I.
as well as the cellular link quality. The traditional D2D link
distance-based mode selection criterion is a special case of the
II. R ELATED W ORK proposed mode selection criterion. The analysis of the model
Motivated by the expected gains offered by the underlay 2 It was shown in [19] that, under a maximum transmit power constraint
D2D communication, research efforts have been invested to for the UEs, for uplink analysis, the circular approximation for the coverage
analyze and optimize its operation. We can broadly classify the of the tagged BS is inaccurate.

L IST OF KEY NOTATIONS will always have at least one UE to serve in the uplink. All
UEs have a maximum transmit power of Pu . In D2D mode,
Notation Definition two UEs are able to communicate directly (i.e., in single hop).
PPP constituted by the macro BSs A UE can bypass the BS and communicate with its intended
Intensity of macro BSs
PPP constituted by the UEs receiver if the receiver is located within the D2D proxim-
U Intensity of UEs ity Rmax . The D2D proximity Rmax is determined by the
D Intensity of potential D2D UEs maximum transmit power Pu of a UE and receiver sensitivity
min Receiver sensitivity   1
o Power control cutoff threshold min . That is, Rmax = Pmin u d
, where d is the path-loss
Rmax Maximum D2D communication range based on min 4
R D2D communication range based on o exponent for the D2D links . A UE which has its intended
1p D2D truncation probability receiver located within its D2D proximity is referred to as a
h Small-scale fading channel gain potential D2D transmitter (or equivalently potential D2D UE).
Required SINR threshold
Note that a potential D2D transmitter does not necessarily
Td D2D bias factor
Pd D2D mode selection probability select the D2D mode of communication. The communication
rc Distance from a generic UE to the nearest BS mode is selected based on the mode selection scheme to be
Distance from a generic potential D2D UE to its presented later in this paper. It is assumed that the probability
Conditional distance from a generic UE operating in of being a potential D2D transmitter is independent of the
rc transmitter location. Therefore, the potential D2D transmitters
the cellular mode to the nearest BS
Conditional distance from a generic UE operating in constitute a PPP with intensity D U.
cellular mode (for case #2) to the nearest BS
Conditional distance from a generic D2D UE
It is assumed that the intended receiver for a potential D2D
rd transmitter is uniformly distributed inside the D2D proximity
operating in the D2D mode to its receiver
Transmit power of a generic UE operating in cellular Rmax . That is, the probability density function (pdf) of the
mode D2D link distance is given by: frd (r) = R22r , 0 r
Transmit power of a generic UE operating in D2D max
Pd Rmax .
Pu Maximum transmit power of a UE Due to the maximum transmit power (Pu ) constraint, the
P2 Transmit power of a generic UE (for case #2) UEs use a truncated channel inversion power control in which
Conditional transmit power of a potential
P4 D2D UE operating in cellular mode the transmit power compensates the path-loss to keep the
c Path-loss exponent for cellular link average signal power received at the intended receiver (i.e., BS
d Path-loss exponent for D2D link or D2D receiver for cellular and D2D mode of communication,
2 Noise power respectively) equal to certain threshold o min [20,
Operation mode of a UE
chapter 4]. Therefore, a connection (i.e., cellular uplink or
( {cellular mode, D2D mode})
I Aggregate interference power D2D link) is established if and only if the transmit power
R Average link capacity in mode required for the path-loss inversion is less than or equal to Pu .
T Total network capacity
LX (.) Laplace transform of the pdf of X
Otherwise, the UE does not transmit and goes into an outage
P {.} Probability of an event (hereafter denoted by cellular truncation outage) due to the
E [.] Expectation insufficient transmit power. For the D2D UEs, the truncated
1{.} Indicator function channel inversion power control reduces the D2D proximity to
fX (.) pdf of random variable X   1
fX|Y (x|y)
Conditional pdf of the random variable X R = Pou d , and hence, the intensity of the potential D2D
given Y = y  2   2
UEs reduces to pD, where p = Rmax R
= mino
. Note
that (1 p) denotes the D2D truncation probability.
avoids the circular approximation for the BS coverage area Universal frequency reuse is used across the cellular net-
and also accounts for power control with a maximum transmit work. However, there is no intra-cell interference between
power constraint for the UEs in a multi-cell environment. cellular UEs. That is, each BS assigns a unique channel to
each of its associated UEs. Since all channels have similar
III. S YSTEM M ODEL , A SSUMPTIONS , AND interference statistics, we restrict our analysis to a one uplink
M ETHODOLOGY OF A NALYSIS channel which is shared by the D2D UEs in an underlay
A. Network Model spectrum sharing fashion.
We consider a D2D-enabled single-tier (i.e., macro-tier
only) uplink cellular network. The BSs are spatially distributed B. Radio Channel Model
in R2 according to the PPP = {mi ; i = 1, 2, 3, ...} with A general power-law path-loss model is considered in which
intensity , where mi R2 is the location of the ith BS. The the signal power decays at the rate r with the propagation
UEs (i.e., potential transmitters) are spatially distributed in distance r, where > 2 is the path-loss exponent. Due to the
R2 according to an independent PPP = {ui ; i = 1, 2, 3, ..}3 different propagation environments experienced by the cellular
with intensity U such that U  . We assume that each BS links and the D2D links, each type of link has its own path-loss
3 With a slight abuse of notation, we will use m to denote both the location 4R
i max is calculated based on the radio channel model to be presented in
of the ith BS and the ith BS itself, and the same for ui . Sec. III-B.

exponent, namely, c and d , respectively, for the cellular links Lemma 1: For a cellular network with BS intensity ,
and D2D links. The channel (power) gain between two generic D2D range R, and D2D link biasing Td , the probability
locations x, y R2 is denoted by h(x, y). All the channel that a generic potential D2D UE selects the D2D mode
gains are assumed to be independent of each other, indepen-  c
c Td d 1 d c c
d , RTd
dent of the spatial locations, symmetric, and are identically is given by Pd = d R2 ,
distributed (i.i.d.). Therefore, for the brevity of exposition, R b a1 x
where (a, b) = 0 x e dx is the lower incomplete
hereafter, the spatial indices x, y are dropped. For analysis, gamma function. For equal path-loss exponents, the expression
only Rayleigh fading environment is assumed5 , hence, the for the probability reduces to Pd =
channel gain h is assumed to be exponentially distributed with 2  D2D mode
 selection  2
unit mean. An SINR capture model is considered where a R2 1 exp R2 Td . The intensity of D2D links
message can be successfully decoded at the receiver if and only is given by pDPd .
if the SINR at the receiver is greater than a certain threshold Proof: See Appendix A.
. If the SINR at the receiver does not exceed the threshold
, the link experiences an outage (hereafter denoted by SINR 3500


C. User Association, Mode Selection, and UE Classification


To ensure reliable uplink association and avoid the ping-

pong effects due to handovers, UEs associate to the BSs 2000

based on their long-term average link quality (and hence dis-

tance). That is, the UEs (i.e., potential transmitters) associate 1500

with their nearest BSs. Note that, in the D2D mode, for a
transmitter UE, the receiver UE does not need to be in the 1000

same cell. A flexible mode selection scheme based on the

biased link quality is applied to tune the tradeoff between 500

power consumption, interference, spatial frequency reuse, and

data offloading. A potential D2D transmitter chooses the D2D 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
mode if the biased D2D link quality is at least as good as the
cellular uplink quality. That is, a potential D2D transmitter
chooses the D2D mode if Td rdd rcc , where rd is the 3500

D2D link distance, rc is the distance between the UE and

its closest BS (i.e., the cellular uplink distance), and Td is 3000

a bias factor to control traffic offloading from the cellular

infrastructure to the D2D mode of communication. On one 2500

extreme, setting Td = 0 disables the D2D communication. On

the other extreme, setting Td = forces each potential D2D 2000

UE to communicate via D2D mode.

The network model with the aforementioned mode selection 1500

criterion is illustrated in Fig 2 for different values of bias

factor Td . It is worth mentioning that one main advantage 1000

of the aforementioned mode selection criterion is that it

correlates the locations of D2D transmitters and the D2D link 500

distances to the locations of the BSs which introduces an

inherent interference protection to the cellular uplink. That 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

is, the proposed mode selection criterion along with truncated (b)
channel inversion power control ensures that the interference
from a generic D2D transmitter received at a generic BS is Fig. 2. The black squares represent the BSs, the blue dots represent the
upper bounded by Td o , where the bias factor Td can be cellular UEs, blue lines indicate the uplink connections, red dots represent
users in truncation outage, and the green triangles represent the D2D trans-
used to control the interference temperature at the BSs. The mitters (D2D receivers are omitted for clarity of presentation). The network
set of D2D transmitters will form a Poisson hole process model is simulated for = 5 BS/km2 , D = U = 100 UE/km2 , min = -90,
(with random hole radii) with holes centered around the BSs o = 80 dBm, and (a) Td = 0, (b) Td = 1.
[14], [21]. Following the proposed mode selection scheme,
the probability that a generic potential D2D UE selects the Due to truncated channel inversion power control, not all
D2D mode and the intensity of D2D links are given via the of the UEs can communicate in the uplink. That is, UEs
following Lemma. located at a distance greater than Pou
from their nearest
5 Techniques to relax the Rayleigh fading assumption to general fading BS are not able to communicate in the cellular mode due the
channels can be found in [13]. limited transmit power. Therefore, the UEs are divided into

two subsets, namely, the covered6 UEs and the uncovered UEs. IV. A NALYSIS OF T RANSMIT P OWER OF UE S
Furthermore, D2D communication divides the set of UEs into Due to the random network topology along with the trun-
two other independent subsets, namely, the subset of potential cated channel inversion power control used by the UEs, each
D2D UEs and the set of non-potential D2D UEs. Therefore, UE will have different transmit power which depends on the
the complete set of UEs is divided into four non-overlapping operation mode (i.e., cellular or D2D) as well as the link
subsets as shown in Fig. 3. In the first case, UEs are neither distance. In this section, we derive the pdf as well as the
covered by the BSs nor are potential D2D UEs, hence UEs moments of the transmit powers of the UEs for each of the
in case #1 will not transmit and will experience truncation cases shown in Fig. 3. Note that UEs in case #1 are not
outage due to insufficient transmit power. UEs in case #2 transmitting. Hence, the transmit power of a generic user in
are covered by the BSs but are not potential D2D UEs. On case #1 is P1 = 0.
the contrary, UEs in case #3 are uncovered by the BSs but
are potential D2D UEs. Therefore, UEs in case #2 and case
#3 are forced to communicate via, cellular mode and D2D A. D2D Mode
mode, respectively. Only UEs in case #4 are covered by the A UE selects the D2D mode if Td rdd rcc . Note that
BSs and are potential D2D transmitters, and hence, only UEs only UEs in case #3 and case #4 can communicate in the
D2D mode. Let rd := rd : Td rdd rcc denote the con-

in case #4 have the opportunity to apply the aforementioned
selection criterion to select their operation mode (i.e., cellular ditional D2D link distance of a UE operating in the D2D mode
mode or D2D mode). Fig. 3 shows the classification of UEs, (i.e., conditioning on the mode selection). Then, due to the
connection type, the type of point process they constitute, and applied selection criterion, we have rdd Td rcc . Using this
their intensity. fact, the transmit power of a generic UE operating in the D2D
mode can be written as Pd = o rdd = {o rdd : rdd Td rcc },
Cellular and can be characterized via the following lemma.
Uncovered Covered Lemma 2: In a single-tier Poisson D2D-enabled cellular
Case #1 Case #2
network with truncated channel inversion power control with
Non-Potential D2D

Non-potential D2D & MBS uncovered Non-potential D2D & MBS covered
Point process: Poisson hole PP Point process: Poisson cluster PP
cutoff threshold o and bias factor Td , the pdf of the transmit
Connection: Outage
Connection: Cellular only
power of a generic UE operating in the D2D mode is given

Case #3 Case #4   2
2 c x c
Potential D2D & MBS uncovered Potential D2D & MBS covered 1
2x d () d e Td o
Potential D2D

Point process: Poisson hole PP Point process: Poisson cluster PP fPd (x) =   2 ,
Connection: D2D only Connection: Cellular or D2D 2 

Intensity: Intensity: c (Td o ) d dc , TPduo c

0 x Pu . (1)
The moments of the transmit power can be obtained as
Fig. 3. Classification of UEs (MBS stands for macro BS).    2 
c c c
(Td o ) 2
+ d
, Pu
Td o
E [Pd ] =    2  . (2)
c c c
() 2 d
, Td o
D. Methodology of Analysis and Performance Metrics
Due to the assumed power control along with the random Proof:: See Appendix B.
locations of the BSs and UEs, the transmit powers of the UEs
and the SINRs experienced by the receivers are random. First, B. Cellular Mode
we characterize the transmit powers of the users in each of
There are two cases where a UE operates in the cellular
the aforementioned cases. We characterize the transmit power
mode. The first case is that the UE is not a potential D2D
via its probability density function (pdf) and its th moment
and Pu is sufficient to invert the path-loss towards the nearest
(for > 0). Then, we characterize the SINR by deriving
BS such that the received power at the BS is equal to o (i.e.,
its cumulative distribution function (cdf). Having the transmit
UEs in case #2). The second case is that the UE is a potential
powers and the SINRs characterized, several insights into the
D2D UE and its uplink quality towards the serving BS is better
network performance can be obtained. In this paper, the main
than the biased link quality towards the D2D receiver (i.e., case
performance metrics are the SINR outage probability, the link
#4 when rcc Td rdd ). Note that UEs in case #2 have
capacity, and the total network capacity. The link capacity per
no option
 except to communicate in the cellular mode. Let
unit bandwidth is obtained by using Shannons formula. The   1 
Pu c
total network capacity is the sum capacity of all operating links rc := rc : rc ro denote the conditional cellular
normalized per unit area and it reflects the spatial frequency distance of a UE in case #2 (i.e., conditioning on that the
reuse efficiency. UE is not in truncation outage). Then, the
n transmit power o of
6 We use the term covered to denote that a UE does not experience truncation
a generic UE in case #2, P2 = o rcc = o rcc : rcc Prou ,
outage and can be served in the uplink by at least one BS. can be characterized via the following lemma.

Lemma 3: In a single-tier Poisson D2D-enabled cellular

network with truncated channel inversion power control with 2

cutoff threshold o , the pdf of the uplink transmit power of a    2
 min 1, Td d
rd d
P rcc <

generic covered non-potential UE (i.e., in case #2) is given = 1 min 1, Td d + !
u c
by 1e o

c Pu
2 c (Td o ) d d
, max(Td ,1)o
2x c 1 e( o )
2 x c
! .
fP2 (x) = 2
 , 0 x Pu . (3) 2

u c
Pu d Pu () d
1e o
c oc 1 e( o )

The moments of the transmit power can be obtained as The moments of the transmit power P4 can be obtained as
c Pu c
o 2 + 1, o

+ 1, max(Td ,1)o c
E [P2 ] = . (4) 1 2
E[P4 ] = n

1 e( o )
c c o !
() 2 P rc < Trdd


P u c
() 2 1e o

Proof:: According to the PPP assumption of the locations 2

+ d
d c c Pu c
of the BSs, the cellular link distance rc is Rayleigh distributed Td o 2 d
+ 2
+ 1, max(Td ,1)o

with the pdf frc (r) = 2rer 0 r [17]. Due to the  2
! .
c 2 
+ c d P u c
truncated channel inversion power control, the transmit power 1e

() d 2
Pu o

of the cellular UE should be P2 = o rcc and P2 Pu . Hence,

the pdf of the transmit power can be obtained as fP2 (x) =
( o ) c
2 1 x
2x c e
Proof:: See Appendix C.

c o c
We end this section with the following corollary, which
2 , 0 x , which gives (3). gives the moments of the transmit power of a generic UE
2 1
2y c
( yo ) c
operating in the cellular mode.
R Pu
0 2 dy

c o c
R Pu Corollary 1: The moments of the transmit power of a
The moments of P2 is obtained as 0
x fP2 (x)dx. generic user operating in the cellular mode is given by
pPd D pPd D h i
E[Pc ] = (1 )E [P2 ] + E P4 (8)
Let P4 be the conditional transmit power for a poten- U U
tial D2D UE operating in the cellular mode (i.e., con-
h i
where E [P2 ] and E P4 are given in Lemma 3 and
ditioning on the mode selection for a UE in case #4),
Lemma 4, respectively.
and rc := rc : rcc Td rdd be the conditional cel-
Proof:: Since the two events (i.e., being a non-potential
lular link distance of a UE in case #4 operating in
cellular UE [i.e., in case #2] and being a potential cellular
the 7
n cellular mode . The transmit power P4 = o rcc =
o UE [i.e., in case #4]) are mutually exclusive, the transmit
o rcc : rcc Pou rcc > Td rdd can be characterized power of a generic user in the cellular mode can be expressed
via the following lemma. as Pc = 1{user
h is in case #2} P2 + 1{user is in case #4} P4 . Hence,
Lemma 4: In a single-tier Poisson D2D-enabled cellular
E[Pc ] = E 1{user is in case #2} P2 + 1{user is in case #4} P4 .
network with truncated channel inversion power control with
Exploiting the mutually exclusive property of the two
cutoff threshold o and bias factor Td , the pdf of the transmit
events, we have E[Pc ] h= Pi{user is in case #2} E [P2 ] +
power of a generic potential D2D UE (i.e., in case #4), which
is operating in the cellular mode, is given by P {user is in case #4} E P4 which proves the corollary.

 2    2
2 1 d x c Consider an arbitrary UE operating in mode {c, d},
2x c Pu (Td x) d
e o
where c and d denote the cellular mode and D2D mode,
fP4 (x) =  2
!, respectively. The SINR experienced at the receiver associated

rd d P u c
with the test UE, which can be located in an arbitrary location
P rcc < c d
c o P u 1e o
y R2 , can be written as
Pu o ho
0x (5) SINR =
max(Td , 1) 2 +
Pci hi ky ui kc +
Pdj hj ky uj kd
ui c uj d
where | {z } | {z }
Ic Id
7 The notation rc is selected to reflect the two conditions for the consid-
ered cellular link distance, namely, conditioning on being in case #4 and where the intended signal is always equal to o ho due to
conditioning on the cellular mode operation. the employed power control. The random variables Ic and

Id denote the aggregate interference caused to the link aggregate interference and outage, if the density of the PPP
under investigation (which operates in mode ) from the UEs and the interference exclusion region around the test receiver
operating in the cellular mode (who are represented by the are carefully estimated [13], [15], [23], [24]. The accuracy of
PP c ) and the UEs operating in the D2D mode (who are Assumptions 1 and 2 will be validated in Sec. VI.
represented by the PP d ), respectively. The SINR outage From the aforementioned assumptions, the outage probabil-
probability can be calculated as ity for a generic D2D link is given by the following theorem.
Theorem 1: In a single-tier D2D-enabled cellular network
 with BS intensity , D2D biasing factor Td , and truncated
P {SINR } = P o ho + Ic + Id
  channel inversion power control with cutoff threshold o ,
the outage probability for a generic D2D UE is given by
2 + Ic + Id

= 1 exp
      equation (11).
2 Proof:: See Appendix D.
= 1 exp LIc LId The outage probability for a generic cellular uplink is given
o o o
(10) by the following theorem.
Theorem 2: In a single-tier D2D-enabled cellular network
where the second equality follows from the exponential distri-
with BS intensity of , D2D biasing factor Td , and truncated
bution of ho and LX (.) denotes the Laplace transform8 (LT)
channel inversion power control with cutoff threshold o ,
of the pdf of the random variable X.
the outage probability for a generic cellular UE is given by
To find the exact distribution of the SINR we have to find
equation (12).
the LT for the interference experienced by the test receiver
Proof:: See Appendix E.
from both the PPs c and d . Although we have assumed
Note that equation (12) can be reduced to a closed-form for
that the complete set of UEs is modeled via a PPP, as
integer values of c . For instance, with c = 4, equation (12)
has been discussed earlier, neither c nor d is a PPP.
reduces to equation (13).
In particular, the set of interfering cellular UEs c can be
The average link capacity for a generic UE operating in
modeled via a softcore process (e.g., Strauss process) and
mode can be obtained as follows:
the set of interfering D2D UEs d can be modeled via a
Poisson hole process with random radii of the holes. Note that R = E[ln (1 + SINR )]
although the set of all cellular UEs on all channels constitute (i)
a Poisson cluster process (i.e., clustered around the BSs due to = P {ln (1 + SINR ) > t} dt
the truncation outage probability), the set of interfering UEs Z
P SINR > et 1 dt
(i.e., UEs operating on the same channel) constitutes a softcore =
point process due to the orthogonal frequency assignment Z0
(et 1) 2
(ii) (e 1)
within the same cell. Hence, only one UE is allowed to = exp LIc
use a given frequency channel within the Voronoi cell of its 0
 t o 
serving BS. Unfortunately, neither the Poisson hole process (e 1)
LId dt (14)
nor the softcore point process is analytically tractable [14], o
[15]. For analytical tractability, we approximate each of the where (i) follows because ln (1 + SINR) is a strictly positive
point processes with an equi-dense PPP. Note that in our random variable. Note that the LTs of the aggregate interfer-
approximation we will ignore the mutual correlations between ence experienced by a generic D2D link and a generic cellular
the positions of the simultaneously active UEs. However, link are derived in Appendix D and Appendix E, respectively.
the correlations between the interfering UEs and the test
transmitter and receiver are captured by accounting for the VI. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS
interference protection induced by the system model. The A. System Parameters and Model Validation
assumptions are stated formally as follows.
Assumption 1: The set of interfering UEs operating in the We first validate our model by simulations and then present
cellular mode (c ) constitutes a PPP and that the transmit some numerical results for a D2D-enabled cellular network.
powers of the UEs are independent. Unless otherwise stated, we set the BS intensity to = 5
Note that, as discussed in [22], the dependence between the BSs/km , the UE intensity to U= 50 UE/km2 where 50% of
neighboring Voronoi cells imposes a weak correlation among the UEs are potential D2D transmitters, the maximum transmit
the cellular link distances, and hence, transmit powers of the power Pu = 1 W, the receiver sensitivity min = 90 dBm,
UEs are correlated due to the power control policy. the cutoff threshold = 70 dBm, the path-loss exponents
Assumption 2: The set of interfering UEs operating in the c = d = 2
4, the D2D bias factor Td = 1, the SINR threshold
D2D mode (d ) constitutes a PPP. = 1, = 90 dBm, and the number of channels |S| = 1.
Exploiting Assumptions 1 and 2, simple yet accurate ap- In the simulation setup, we realize a PPP cellular network
proximations for the distribution of SINR can be obtained. It with intensity in a 400 km2 area. Then, we realize the UEs
is worth mentioning that the PPP approximation for different in the simulation area. In each simulation scenario, we first
point processes was shown to be accurate in estimating the schedule the realized UEs according to the following criterion.
A non-potential D2D is scheduled for cellular uplink transmis-
8 Hereafter, L (.) will be denoted as the LT of X. sion if and only if, (a) it can invert its channel to the serving

  2  2       2  2     !
2 Ud d
2 2 d 2 2
P {SINRd } = 1 exp E Pd d 1 + 1 E Pc d 1 + 1 .
o |S| o d d o d d

2   2  2 Z !
2 Ud c 2
y c x
P {SINRc } = 1 exp 2 E Pd c
 1 dy 2 E Pcc
1 dx .
o |S| o 
1 c y c + 1 o () c x
c + 1
s s !
c =4 Ud h i p  h i
P {SINRc } = 1 exp 2 E Pd arctan Td E Pc arctan( ) . (13)
o |S| o o

(i.e., nearest) BS, and (b) there is no other scheduled cellular 1

Cellular analysis

user in the same Voronoi cell. A potential D2D transmitter 0.9

Cellular simulation
D2D analysis o = -70 dBm
D2D simulation
that selects the D2D mode of operation is always scheduled 0.8
o = -60 dBm

for D2D transmission. However, if a potential D2D transmitter 0.7

Outage probability
selects the cellular mode, it is scheduled for transmission 0.6

according to the criterion for selection of cellulatr mode (i.e., if 0.5

the aferomentioned conditions (a) and (b) are satisfied). After 0.4
o = -50 dBm

scheduling all of the realized UEs, if there are still idle BSs 0.3

(i.e., BSs which are not serving any cellular users), to ensure
that the saturation condition is satisfied, we introduce UEs
randomly and uniformly over the simulation area until all idle -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2
SINR threshold (dBm)
4 6 8 10

BSs are active (i.e., each BS has a scheduled UE for which Pu

is sufficient to invert its path-loss so that it can communicate
in the uplink). All UEs employ the channel inversion power Fig. 4. Model validation.
control. The simulation is repeated 10000 times.
Fig. 4 validates our analysis and shows that the derived
model accurately captures the SINR outage. This figure man- power of D2D UEs (see Fig. 5(c)). In order to conduct a fair
ifests that a PPP with the proper intensity and exclusion comparison, we look at the point where both of the mode
areas can approximate the interference generated by different selection schemes result in the same intensity of admitted D2D
PPs with correlations among the transmitters. The figure also UEs (distance threshold = 290 in Fig. 5(b)). Note that the
shows the effect of power control cutoff threshold o on different values of the admitted D2D UEs achieved by the
the SINR outage probability. The SINR outage decreases distance-based mode selection scheme can be achieved via the
with increasing o for two reasons. First, the intensity of proposed scheme by manipulating the bias factor Td . Fig. 5
scheduled D2D UEs decreases with increasing o due to the shows that the proposed mode selection scheme outperforms
D2D truncation probability. Hence, the interference coming the distance-based mode selection scheme. That is, for the
from the D2D UEs decreases, which decreases the SINR same intensity of scheduled D2D links (see Fig. 5(b)), the
outage for all scheduled UEs (i.e., D2D and cellular UEs). proposed mode selection scheme offers a lower SINR outage
Second, a higher o implies a stronger desired signal power probability for cellular users (see Fig. 5(a)) and lower average
with respect to the interference power, and hence, a SINR transmit power of D2D UEs (see Fig. 5(c)).
outage probability. Note that increasing the cutoff threshold The superiority of the proposed mode selection scheme
also increases average transmitted power by the UEs due to is due to the following reasons. First, the proposed mode
the channel inversion power control. However, the contribution selection scheme correlates the D2D link distance with the
of increased o towards the useful signal power dominates cellular link distance, and hence, imposes interference protec-
its contribution towards the aggregate interference power, and tion around the cellular BSs. That is, for a potential UE, the
therefore, it improves the overall SINR outage probability. D2D transmission mode is selected if and only if the power
received from that UE at the nearest BS is less than Td o .
B. Proposed Scheme vs. Distance-Based Mode Selection On the other hand, the distance-based mode selection scheme
Scheme neglects the cellular link distance and schedules the D2D links
To compare the proposed mode selection scheme (which is according to a predefined D2D link distance threshold. That
based on the bias factor Td ) to the traditional mode selection is, regardless of the cellular link distance, the D2D transmitter
scheme (which is based only on the D2D link distance), we chooses the D2D mode if the D2D receiver is located at a
plot Fig. 5. The comparison is in terms of the SINR outage distance less than a predefined threshold. Hence, there might
probability for cellular users (see Fig. 5(a)), the intensity of be a D2D transmitter which is very close the a BS and selects
admitted D2D links (see Fig. 5(b)), and the average transmit the D2D mode, and thus, creates high cross-mode interference.

the power control cutoff threshold o . Td is a crucial design
parameter that controls the extent to which the D2D mode
communication is enabled in the cellular network. As has
Cellular UE SINR outage probability 0.6
been mentioned before, Td = 0 completely disables the D2D
0.5 communication and Td = enforces all potential D2D UEs
to communicate in D2D mode.

We study the effect of Td in Figs. 6-9. Fig. 6 shows that

increasing Td increases the SINR outage probability. The
0.2 reasons behind the degradation in SINR outage probability
with increasing Td are as follows. First, increasing Td increases
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320
D2D distance threshold (m) the intensity of UEs selecting the D2D mode, and hence,
increases the intensity of the interfering transmitters. Second,
increasing Td decreases the interference protection around
the cellular BSs, and hence, the SINR outage probability
of cellular users increases. Finally, for Td > 1, the UEs
spend more power to invert the channel towards the D2D
receiver when compared to the power required to invert the
channel towards the nearest BS in the cellular mode. Hence,
D2D intensity (UE/km )

Td > 1 enforces a high transmit power for the D2D UEs,
2.5 which deteriorates the overall SINR performance. Note that
2 the cellular UEs experience a lower SINR outage probability
1.5 (Fig. 6). This is due to the interference protection around the
1 BSs induced by the proposed mode selection scheme along
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320
with the channel inversion power control (see Fact #1 in
D2D distance threshold (m)
Appendix E), which is not the case for the D2D receivers.

Proposed 0.9


Average transmit power (W)

Outage probability



SINR outage probability for a cellular UE Td=0
0.3 SINR outage probability for a cellular UE Td=0.1
SINR outage probability for a cellular UE Td=1
0.2 SINR outage probability for a cellular UE Td=10
SINR outage probability for a D2D UE Td=0.1
0.1 SINR outage probability for a D2D UE Td=1

0.05 SINR outage probability for a D2D UE Td=10

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
0 SINR threshold (dBm)
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320
D2D distance threshold (m)

(c) Fig. 6. Effect of Td on SINR outage.

Fig. 5. Comparison between the proposed mode selection criterion and the
distance-based mode selection criterion (for Td = 1, = 1 BS/km2 , and While Fig. 6 shows a negative impact of enabling D2D com-
o = 70 dBm) in terms of a) SINR outage probability, b) admitted D2D munication in cellular networks, Figs. 7-9 show the positive
link intensity, and c) average transmit power.
impacts. For instance, Fig. 7 shows that there exists an optimal
Td that maximizes the rate (R) for a generic potential D2D,
which is calculated as
For Td = 1, the proposed mode selection scheme enforces all
potential D2D UEs, which have a better cellular link quality,
1 (1 Pd )
to communicate in the cellular mode. Hence, only the D2D R = Pd Rd + Rc . (15)
2 (1 Pd )pD + (U pD)(1 Op )
UEs with relatively good D2D link quality communicate in
the D2D mode which decreases the average transmit power of
D2D UEs. At low Td , most of the D2D UEs operate in the cellular
mode (i.e., Pd is very small) where the channel is shared
by (1Pd )pD+(UpD)(1Op ) users on average. Note that we
C. Design Parameters divide the cellular rate by 2 in equation (15) because the data
In the following results, we study the effect two main requires at least two hops to reach its destination. Increasing
design parameters on the performance of underlay D2D- Td increases Pd and more potential D2D UEs select the D2D
enabled cellular networks, namely, the bias factor Td and mode where each UE exclusively uses the channel in the time

domain9 , and hence, the average transmission rate of a generic cutoff threshold o because of the higher transmit power
potential D2D UE increases. However, increasing Td beyond required for channel inversion.
its optimal value degrades the average rate, despite the fact
that each D2D UE exclusively uses the channel in the time 0.18
o = -75 dBm
domain, due to the high interference from the D2D network. 0.16 = -80 dBm

This highly deteriorates the SINR performance. 0.14

= -85 dBm

Average transmit power


= -75 dBm
o = -80 dBm
0.035 0.08
= -85 dBm
Per potential D2D UE rate (nats/Hz)




0.02 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bias factor Td

Fig. 9. Effect of Td on expected transmit power of a potential D2D UE.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bias factor Td
Figs. 4-9 also reveal that the power control cutoff threshold
is a very crucial design parameter that affects all of the perfor-
Fig. 7. Effect of Td on the expected rate of a generic potential D2D UE. mance metrics. On one hand, Figs. 4-8 show that increasing o
improves the network performance in terms of SINR outage as
Fig. 8 shows another figure of merit for underlay D2D well as expected link capacity. On the other hand, Fig. 9 shows
communication in cellular networks. The figure shows that that increasing o increases the transmit power consumption of
with proper adjustment of bias threshold Td , the total network the UEs by increasing the average transmit power. In order to
capacity, which is calculated as T = Pd pDRd + Rc , can see the effect of cutoff threshold more clearly, we plot Fig. 10.
be maximized. In particular, D2D communication improves
the spatial frequency reuse efficiency, and hence, increases 1

the total network capacity. However, for high values (i.e., 0.9

higher than its optimal value) of Td , the total network capacity 0.8

deteriorates as a result of the poor SINR performance due 0.7

to the increased intensity of interfering D2D UEs and the 0.6


decreased interference protection region around cellular BSs. 0.5


0.2 SINR outage probability for a D2D UE Td=10
SINR outage probability for a D2D UE Td=1
0.1 SINR outage probability for a D2D UE Td=0.1
D2D truncation probability
Network capacity (nat/Hz/km )

0.11 -90 -85 -80 -75 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50
Power control cutoff threshold o (dBm)


0.09 (a)

0.07 1
SINR outage probability for a cellular UE Td = 10
SINR outage probability for a cellular UE Td = 1
0.06 0.9
o = -75 dBm
SINR outage probability for a cellular UE Td = 0.1
o = -80 dBm Cellular truncation outage probability
0.05 0.8
o = -85 dBm
0.04 0.7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bias factor Td


Fig. 8. Effect of Td on the total network capacity T .

Fig. 8 shows that enabling D2D communication can also
be exploited to decrease the transmit powers of the potential
D2D UEs. With Td = 1, a potential D2D UE chooses the -90 -85 -80 -75 -70 -65 -60
Power control cutoff threshold (dBm)
-55 -50

mode which costs less transmit power for channel inversion,

and hence, Td = 1 is the optimal biasing factor that minimizes (b)
the transmit powers of the UEs. Note that the reduction in
transmit power is more prominent for higher values of the Fig. 10. Effect of power control cutoff threshold o on SINR outage and
truncation outage at Td = 1 for a) D2D links and b) cellular links.
9 The channel is reused in the spatial domain by cellular and other D2D
UEs. Both Figs. 10(a) and 10(b) show that increasing the cutoff

threshold decreases the SINR outage probability for both acceptable truncation outage probability while implementing
the D2D links and cellular links. However, increasing o an interference management technique (e.g., cognition) to
requires a higher transmit power to invert the channel between improve the SINR performance.
transmitters and receiver pairs which increases the truncation The analysis and results shown is this paper present a
outage. That is, at low values of o , the SINR dominates pessimistic evaluation for the D2D communication. That is,
the outage probability due to the low power of the useful in addition to the PPP assumption for the cellular BSs
signal. On the other hand, increasing the cutoff threshold which gives pessimistic bounds on the performance metrics
o increases the power of the useful signal and decreases [15], [17], [18], the one channel assumption along with the
the SINR outage probability at the expense of increased aggressive spectrum access for the UEs operating in the
truncation outage probability. As has been mentioned earlier, D2D mode introduce massive cross-mode and intra-mode
increasing o increases the average transmit power per UE interference. Furthermore, assuming that the D2D receiver is
in both cellular and D2D modes (as shown in Fig. 9), which uniformly distributed around the D2D transmitter implies that
increases the aggregate interference. However, the contribution larger D2D link distances are more likely to occur, which
of o to the useful signal power dominates the increased increases the transmit power of the D2D devices and the
aggregate interference power and results in an improved SINR associated interference. Nevertheless, under these pessimistic
performance. assumptions, underlay D2D communication has shown per-
It is worth mentioning that the behavior of truncation outage formance improvement in terms of spatial frequency reuse,
differs in the D2D case from that in the cellular case due to the link capacity, and total network capacity, for the cellular
different distance distributions between the transmitter receiver networks. Furthermore, D2D communication can be exploited
pairs. In particular, increasing the cutoff threshold significantly to decrease the cellular truncation outage probability which
limits the D2D communication due to the assumed uniform results due to the maximum limited power control. Therefore,
distribution of the D2D link distance. Note that for D2D we expect significant performance gains for the D2D underlay
applications in the context of social networks, where shorter network with interference coordination (e.g., via cognition)10
D2D link distances are more likely to occur [25], [26] (which and assuming different D2D link distance distribution (e.g., in
is different from the assumed distribution for the D2D link the context of social networking). Note that the analysis in this
distance), the effect of the cutoff threshold on the D2D paper can be extended to capture interference coordination via
truncation will be less prominent. cognition among the D2D UEs using the same methodology
as presented in [28].
The results show that enforcing all potential D2D UEs
D. Discussions
to communicate in the D2D mode results in a significant
The proposed analytical framework is general and captures degradation in network performance. This is because, wih
the distance-based mode selection scheme as a special case. Td > 1, the interference signal power received at a BS from an
More specifically, by setting Td = and manipulating the individual D2D transmitter is greater than the intended uplink
D2D link distance via the truncation outage (i.e., by varying signal power 0 (i.e., the interference power is Td 0 ). Hence,
o ), our model reduces to the distance-based mode selection the performance gain in terms of the spatial frequency reuse
scheme. The results show that setting a high value of Td efficiency is offset by the performance degradation in terms of
for any value of o results in a high degradation in SINR the SINR performance, and consequently, the overall network
performance. This implies that considering the D2D link performance deteriorates.
distance only as the mode selection criterion will not provide Finally, we emphasize that although the framework is
an efficient solution to the mode selection problem. On the developed for single-tier cellular networks, extension of the
other hand, the proposed mode selection scheme accounts for framework to multi-tier networks is systematic and straight-
both the cellular link distance and D2D link distance and forward. In fact, as shown in [19], if all network tiers have
introduces a fine-tuned control for mode selection via the bias the same cutoff threshold and path-loss exponent, the multi-tier
factor Td . Based on the operators objective, a suitable value of network analysis reduces to the single-tier network case and
Td can be selected using the presented framework. Compared the developed framework captures this special case. The model
to the mode selection scheme based on the D2D link distance can be extended to more general cases with different cutoff
only, the proposed scheme results in a 25% reduction in the thresholds and path-loss exponents, for the different network
SINR outage probability for cellular UEs and a 15% reduction tiers, via the same methodology as in [19].
in the average transmit power of the D2D UEs for the same
intensity of scheduled D2D UEs.
The results show that the power control cutoff threshold o VII. C ONCLUSION
introduces an important tradeoff for the network performance.
We have proposed a biasing-based mode selection method
On one hand, increasing o improves the SINR performance
for D2D-enabled cellular networks. The extent to which D2D
by decreasing the SINR outage probability and increasing
communication is enabled and the amount of traffic offloaded
the link capacity. However, increasing o requires a higher
to the D2D communication mode is controlled via the bias
transmit power to satisfy the power control cutoff threshold
and increases the truncation outage probability. One solution to 10 It was shown in [27], [28] that interference coordination via cognition
this problem is to set o to a relatively low value to ensure an highly decreases the outage probability in multi-tier cellular networks.

value Td . We have developed an analytical paradigm to eval- nearest BS and D2D receiver, respectively. Then, from the pdf
uate outage and rate in the proposed D2D-enabled cellular of rc and rd given in Appendix A, the pdf of Xc can be
network. The results have shown that underlay D2D com- ( o ) c
2 1 x
2x c e
munication is capable of improving the system performance obtained as fXc (x) = 2 , 0 x ,
c oc
in terms of spatial frequency reuse, link capacity, and total 2x d
2 1

network capacity. Significant performance gains in the total and the pdf of Xd can be obtained as fXd (x) = 2 ,
d (o R) d
network performance can be expected from underlay D2D d
0 x o R . According to the mode selection scheme
communication with the deployment of interference manage- we have Pd = {Xd : Xd Td Xc } and due to the maximum
ment methods. The analysis has revealed that enforcing all transmit power constraint, we have Pd Pu . Then, given that
potential D2D UEs to communicate in the D2D mode, or se- a user is operating in the D2D mode, the pdf of its transmit
lecting the D2D mode according to the D2D link distance only power is given by
results in a degraded network performance when compared to
the proposed mode selection scheme. Z
fXd |Td Xc (x|y)P {Xd y} fTd Xc (y)
The developed analytical framework has revealed two im- fPd (x) = dy
x P {Xd < Td Xc }
portant design parameters for D2D-enabled cellular networks, Z 2 1

namely, the bias factor and the power control cutoff threshold. 1 2x d
In particular, the bias factor controls the interference protection P {Xd Td Xc } x min (yT , P ) 2d
Td d d u
for cellular users and the intensity of enabled D2D commu- 2 2

y c

nication. The results have shown that there exists an optimal min (Td y, Pu ) d
2y c e o
2 2 dy
D2D bias factor that depends on the network objective. The Pu
c oc
power control cutoff threshold controls the tradeoff between

2 1 Z Pu 2 1
2x d Td 2y c
the SINR outage and truncation outage. An appropriate value = 2
of the cutoff threshold that balances between the two outage d Pu d P {Xd Td Xc } Td c oc
probabilities can be obtained by using the developed frame-   2

2 y c
 2 Z 1
2y e

work. The presented framework can be extended to include y c o
e dy + dy

interference management techniques in order to improve the Td c o c

performance of D2D-enabled cellular network. c

2 1 T x c
2x d () d e d o
=   2  , 0 x Pu . (16)

c (Td o ) d dc , TPduo c
Since the intended receiver is uniformly distributed in The th moment of Pd is obtained as
R Pu
x fPd (x)dx.
the communication range (proximity) of the potential D2D
transmitter, the pdf of the D2D link distance (rd ) is given by
frd (r) = R 2 0 r R. According to the PPP assumption

of the locations of the BSs, the cellular link distance rc is P ROOF OF L EMMA 4
Rayleigh distributed with pdf frc (r) = 2rer 0 r Let Xc = o rcc , then the pdf of Xc can be obtained as
[17]. The probability of selecting the D2D mode can be ( o ) c
2 1 x
2x e , 0 x Pu . According to
expressed as fXc (x) = 2
c ( u ) c
c o 1e o
d n o
rdc the mode selection scheme we have P4 = Xc : Xc X Td ,
n o

P Td rd d > rcc = P rc > 1
Tdc and the pdf of P4 can be obtained as


r 2c
Z R n o
T c Pu fX (x|y)P Xc y f Xd (y)dy
= e d dr Z
c| T
0 R2 fP4 (x) = d
n o d

2 Xd
d   c  d
 2 ! x P Xc < Td
c Td
(i) 1 d c R c
= ,  2
d R 2 d Td

Z Pu 2 1 x c 1
Td 2x c e o 2y d
! =  2
!   2 dy
2d 2 
x c P u c
d Pu d

where (i) follows from changing variables x = r c c o 1e o Td

Tdc  2   2
and integration.

2 1 x c
2x c Pu d (Td x) d e o

=  2
2 2

n o u c
Xd c d
P Xc < Td
c o Pu 1e o
Let Xc = o rcc and Xd = o rcd denote the unconditional 0x
. (17)
transmit powers required to invert the channel towards the max(Td , 1)

Note that both the random variables Xc and Xd have the finite between d , Pd , and h, and (iii) is obtained by exploiting the
support domain [0,n Pu ]; therefore,
o the value of Td will affect moment generating functional of the PPP [14] and the fact that
the probability P Xc < X Td
. For Td 1, we have there in no interference protection around the D2D receivers.

For the interference at the test D2D receiver from cellular
  Z Td Pu T x c 2 1 UEs, an approximate LT of the aggregate interference on a
Xd 1e d o 2x d
P Xc < = ! 2 dx D2D receiver located at the origin from other D2D transmitters
Td 0

u c
1e o d Pu d is obtained based on the assumption that the interfering cellular
UEs constitute a PPP with intensity rather than a softcore
+ P {Td Pu Xd Pu } process and that their transmit powers are independent. The
2 intensity is a consequence of scheduling only one user per
d Td d
= 1 Td +   2
! BS to avoid intra-cell interference. The approximate LT is
P u c
obtained as
1e o

c Pu
c (Td o ) d d
, o
!. (18)
2 Pci hi kui kd
" P #

d P u c
d Pu () d
1e o
LIcd (s) = E e ui c

For Td > 1, we have
sPci hi kui kd
Y h i
= Ec EPc ,h e
2 1 T x c u c
  Z Pu
Xd 1e d o 2x d Z 
P Xc < = 2 dx
h i
= exp 2 EPc ,h 1 esPc hx xdx
Td 0

u c d
1e o d P u 0
d 2 2
= exp s E Pc
1+ 1 (21)
1 d d
=   2
P u c
1e o

where c is the PPP representing the locations of the inter-
c Pu
c (Td o ) d ,
d Td o fering UEs in the uplink. Note that we use d as the path-loss
!. (19)
2 c
  2 exponent between any two UEs. Based on Slivnyaks theorem
d P u c
d Pu () d
1e o
for PPPs [14], the obtained LTs are valid for any D2D receiver
located in a generic position.
Then we combine
n (18) o
and (19)
n in a compact
o form to arrive at (6).
Note that P Xc < X d
= P rc < Trdd . The moments of P4 are
evaluated by 0 u x fP4 (x)dx.

The theorem is proved by obtaining the LTs of Idd and Icd and
then substituting back in (10). An approximate LT of the aggregate
interference on a D2D receiver located at the origin from other D2D
transmitters is obtained based on the assumption that the interfering
D2D UEs constitute a PPP rather than a Poisson hole process. The The theorem is proved by obtaining the LTs of Idc and Icc
approximate LT is obtained as for a BS located at the origin. First, we derive an approximate
LT of the interference from the cellular UEs. Note that orthog-
Pd hi kui kd
" P #

ui d
i onal channel assignment per BS brings correlations among
LIdd (s) = E e the locations of interfering UEs which highly complicate
the analysis. Therefore, the derivation here is based on the
(ii) Y h d
following two facts and one key assumption.
= Ed EPd ,h esPdi hi kui k
ui d Fact #1: The UEs associate to the nearest BSs and all UEs

2 Ud
Z h d
employ truncated channel inversion protocol. Therefore, the
= exp EPd ,h 1 esPd hx xdx average interference received from any single interfering UE
|S| 0

Ud 2
 is strictly less than o .
= exp s d E Pd d 1 + 1 (20)
|S| d d Fact #2: Each BS assigns a unique channel to each UE,
where d is the PPP representing the locations of D2D hence, the intensity of the interfering UEs is .
transmitter, Ex,y [.] denotes the expectation with respect to the Key assumption: The interfering UEs constitute a PPP and
random variables x and y, (ii) follows from the independence their transmit powers are independent.

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