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Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. xx, 20xx, p.

x-xx 1


(less than 10 words, format: 10pt Times New Roman, Bold Capital Letters)

Author1)*, Co-author2) (full name and surname of the author and all co-authors),

Tibor KVAKAJ1)*, Rbert BIDULSK2)

Address (affiliation, town and country of the author and all co-authors).
Technical University of Koice, Faculty of Metallurgy, Koice, Slovakia
Politecnico di Torino-Alessandria Campus, Alessandria, Italy

(format: 10pt Times New Roman, Italic Letters)

Received: xx.xx.xxxx

Accepted: xx.xx.xxxx

(format: 10pt Times New Roman)

Corresponding author: e-mail:, Tel.:, complete postal address (e-mail: Tel.: +421 55 602 4259, Department of Metals Forming,

Faculty of Metallurgy, Technical University of Koice, Letn 9, 042 00 Koice,


(format: 10pt Times New Roman, Italic Letters)

Abstract (format: 10pt Times New Roman, Bold Letters)

The abstract should be written in the past tense, because it refers to work which

was already done. Any equations and references are not allowed. It must state

the main object, scope, findings, describe the methodology, summarize of the
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. xx, 20xx, p. x-xx 2

results and state of the principal conclusions. The abstract must be minimally

with 100 words.

(format: 10pt Times New Roman)

Keywords: min. 3 - max. 6,

(min. 1 from database:

(format: 10pt Times New Roman)


The manuscript must be written in English. Your manuscript will be used as a

camera-ready document. It must therefore be clean, with no smudges, erasure

marks, pencil-or ink-corrections, creases or tears.

Use section titles for a clear structuring and an easy understanding of the text.

The manuscript should be divided into sections (and subsections, if necessary).

For example:

1 Introduction

1.1 Subsection text numbering

2 Experimental material(s) and methods

3 Results

4 Discussion

5 Conclusion

6 References
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. xx, 20xx, p. x-xx 3



1 Introduction (format: 10pt Times New Roman, Bold Letters)

(1) Papers submitted to Acta Metallurgica Slovaca have to be based on original

theoretical or experimental investigations.

(2) The Publisher takes no responsibility for injury and/or damage to persons or

property resulting from matter of product liability, negligence or otherwise, or

from any use or operation according to any methods, products, instructions or

ideas contained in the material published herein.

(3) Although all advertising material is expected to conform to the ethical

standards; inclusions in this publication does not guarantee or endorse the value

of such products or of the claims made by its manufacturer.

(4) Authors who plagiarize significant portions of their manuscript even from

their own work published previously will be placed on a database which will be

shared with all publishers and will be banned from publishing for a period of

three years.

(5) If English in manuscript is difficult to understand, editor will reject the paper

without technical review until it is readable by the reviewer.

(format: 10pt Times New Roman)

2 Types of contributions (format: 10pt Times New Roman, Bold Letters)

Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. xx, 20xx, p. x-xx 4

(1) Research papers: reporting experimental or theoretical research within the

scope of our journal.

(2) Review papers: examining the position in a topic of current interest.

(3) Technical notes: providing a rapid publication route for preliminary

announcements of the results of current work, or short accounts of new

techniques; typically 1000 words in length.

(4) Communications: conference reports, news from research institutes,

commentaries etc.

Papers of type (1) and (2) are reviewed by 1 of members of the Editorial Board

and further Reviewer will be select from list of potential Reviewers suggested

by corresponding author. Corresponding author suggest names, addresses, and

email addresses of 3 experts (minimum) in the subject of paper who are not

members of the editorial board of the journal, are not from author institution and

at least two of whom must be from a different country from author. Note that the

editor retains the sole right to decide whether or not the suggested reviewers are


(format: 10pt Times New Roman)

2.1 Manuscript format (format: 10pt Times New Roman, Bold Letters)
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. xx, 20xx, p. x-xx 5

Manuscripts should be typed on B5 paper, double spaced and Times New

Roman 10pt font should be used, with 2.5 cm margins (for bottom with 3 cm)

for the whole document on numbered pages.

The maximum length of manuscript is 10 pages.

The main title (less than 10 words, format: 10pt Times New Roman, Bold

Capital Letters), lists of authors and affiliations (format: 10pt, Times New

Roman, Italic, Full Name, Numbering), Section titles and Subsection titles

(format: 10pt Times New Roman, Bold Letters) and Text (format: 10pt Times

New Roman).

Use the SI - metric system for units and all quantitative data. The values and SI

unit present separately. Temperature in Kelvin is preferred where

thermodynamics are being discussed, otherwise degrees Celsius are obligatory.

Time in Hours (Minutes) is preferred where heat treatments are being discussed,

otherwise Seconds are obligatory.


Equations must be prepared in Equation Editor for Word. Type mathematical and chemical

equations have to exactly as they should appear in print. All new symbols must be listed and

defined immediately after each equation, as follows:

Z exp D (1.)
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. xx, 20xx, p. x-xx 6

where: Z [s-1] - Zener-Hollomonov parameter

[s-1] - strain rate

QD [kJ/mol] - activation energy of deformation

R [kJ/(Kmol)] - universal gas constant

T [K] - temperature

Figures and Tables

Figures and tables must be numbered with Arabic numerals with clear and brief captions. The

captions are placed below figures and above tables. Results are presented in Fig. 1 and in Table

1. Accepted are original photographs and printouts of good quality (minimum 300 dpi) and in an

acceptable format (TIFF, JPG save at maximum file size) with width dimensions 8 cm, 6 cm or 4

cm. All figures will be printed black and white. Please indicate your preference for colour on the

web side only.

Table 1Table Caption

No Processing conditions
1a 400 debinding
1b 600 debinding
2a 400 debinding, ECAP-BP
2b 600 debinding, ECAP-BP
3a 400 debinding, sintering, ECAP-BP
3b 600 debinding, sintering, ECAP-BP
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. xx, 20xx, p. x-xx 7

Fig. 1 Figure Caption (width dimension 8 cm)

Fig. 2 Figure Caption Fig. 3 Figure Caption

(width dimension 6 cm) (width dimension 6 cm)

Fig. 4 Figure Caption Fig. 5 Figure Caption Fig. 6 Figure Caption

(width dimension 4 cm) (width dimension 4 cm) (width dimension 4 cm)


Conclusions must be comprehensive and not written like a report.

Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. xx, 20xx, p. x-xx 8

The editor retains the sole right to decide whether or not the reference is

used. The references must be from verifiable source and preferably from

SCOPUS or Web of Knowledge database. References must be numbered

serially. In the text refer to them by a number in square brackets [10, 15, 20-22].

Give the full reference in a list at the end of the paper min. 20. There are

essentially four types of reference entry: journals, books, conference

proceedings and web side. They should be formatted as follows:


Names of all authors: full name of journal, volume, year, number (special issue,

issue), pages, doi (if exist)

[1] R. Bidulsky, M. Actis Grande, J. Bidulska, T. Kvackaj,: High Temperature

Materials and Processes, Vol. 30, 2011, No. 3, p. 199-203, doi:


[2] R. Koiko, M. Zemko, T. Kuskuli, T. Kvakaj, A. Kovov: Acta

Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. 13, 2007, SI. 1, p. 397-404

Note: if Names of authors are more than 6, use: Name 1 author et al.: full name of journal,

volume, year, number (special issue, issue), pages

[3] B. Baretzky et al.: Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, Vol. 9, 2005,

No. 1, p. 45-108


Names of all authors: title of book, edition, publisher, city, year

Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. xx, 20xx, p. x-xx 9

[4] M. Besterci: Dispersion-strengthened aluminium prepared by mechanical

alloying, first ed., CISP, London, 1999

[5] T. Kvakaj: Metallurgical and geometrical substance of quality development

in flat rolled products, first ed., troffek, 1999, (in Slovak)

Note: if is Chapter of book, Names of all authors: title of chapter, title of book,

editors, publisher, city, year, pages, doi (if exist)

[6] T. Kvakaj, J. Bidulsk, R. Koiko, R. Bidulsk: Effect of Severe Plastic

Deformation on the Properties and Structural Developments of High Purity

Al and Al-Cu-Mg-Zr Aluminium Alloy. In.: Aluminium Alloys, Theory and

Applications, edited by T. Kvakaj, R. Bidulsk, InTech, Rijeka, 2011, p. 3-

26, doi:10.5772/14425

Conference Proceedings:

Names of all authors: title of article, name (only) of conferences, place, publisher (or editor),

volume (if applicable), year, pages, doi (if exist)

[7] J. M. Martn, B. Navarcorena, I. Arribas, T. Gmez-Acebo, F. Castro:

Dimensional Changes and Secondary Porosity in Liquid Phase Sintered Al

Alloys, In.: Euro PM 2004, Wien, EPMA/Shrewsbury, Vol. 4, 2004, p. 46-53

Names of all authors: title of article, name of conferences, place, publisher (or editor), CD-ROM

(number of article, pages), year

[8] T. Kvakaj, M. Kr, M. Kvakaj, J. Bidulsk, J. Bacs, L. Nmethov:

Mechanical properties of hot rolled IF steel, In.: Hot forming of steels and

product properties, Grado, AIM/Milano, CD-ROM (no. 29), 2009

Acta Metallurgica Slovaca, Vol. xx, 20xx, p. x-xx

Web side:

As a minimum, the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed.

Some further information, if known (Names of all authors, title, reference to a source

publication, DOI, etc.), should also be given.

[9] [11.1.2010],


Authors are grateful for the support of experimental works by project .


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