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The vice president said that we should contribute.

PLAIN LANGUAGE The vice president (urged, pleaded, demanded)…

- clear simple style that uses everyday words We must consider this problem.
Use plain language to express clear meaning. Do
not use showy words and ambiguous expressions The newspaper was affected by the strike.
to dazzle or confuse readers. Write to express ________________________________.
ideas, not to impress others.
The power of a verb is diminished when it is
Personnel assigned vehicular space in the needlessly converted to a noun. Acquire-
adjacent areas are hereby advised that utilization acquisition, establish, to establishment and
will be suspended temporarily Friday morning. develop – development. These nouns receive the
central emphasis in the sentence.

FAMILIAR WORDS Strong: The city acquired park lands recently.

Weak: Acquisition of park lands was made
Familiar words are more meaningful to readers. recently by the city.
Clear messages contain words that are familiar
and meaningful to the receiver. Avoid long or Strong; Both companies must approve the
unfamiliar words that have simpler synonyms. merger.
Substitute short, common , simple words. Don’t Weak: Both companies must grant approval of the
give up a precise word if it says exactly what you merger.

Less Familiar Words Simple Alternatives
Concrete nouns help reader visualize the
ascertain meanings of words
conceptualize In business writing, help your reader “see” what
encompass you mean by using concrete language.
hypothesize General Concrete
operational a change in our budget a 10 percent reduction
option in our budget
perpetuate that company’s product Smart 3-G
perplexing a person called Mrs. Tan, the
reciprocate administrative
stipulate assistant, called
terminate we improved the assembly line we installed 25
utilize advanced Unimate robots on the assembly line
find out
guess Including highly descriptive, dynamic adjectives
check makes writing more vivid and concrete. Be
working careful, though, not to overuse them nor to lose
choice objectivity in selecting them.. a thesaurus (on
continue your computer or in a book) helps you select
troubling precise words and increase your vocabulary
require General: The report was on time.
end Vivid: The detailed 12-page report was submitted
use on time.

General: Rick needs a better truck.
Precise verbs make your writing forceful, clear Vivid: Rick needs a rugged, four-wheel-drive
and lively Dodge
Our Salesperson will contact you next month.
Our salesperson will (telephone, write, visit)… JARGON
Jargon, which is terminology unique to a certain other words is a writing fault called redundancy.
profession, should be reserved for individuals who
understand it.
absolutely essential repeat again
Protocol adequate enough reason why
Mode advance warning true facts
Exfoliation basic fundamentals
Calcareous ooze big in size
Infrared processing flags combined together
consensus of opinion
continue on
SLANG each and every
exactly identical
Slang sounds fashionable, but it lacks precise few in number
meaning and should be avoided in business final outcome
Replace outdated expressions with modern

Clichés are expressions that have become CONCISE WORDING

exhausted by overuse. These expressions lack not
only freshness but also clarity. Improve your writing by imagining that you will be
fined P10 for every unnecessary word.
below the belt
better than new Flabby phrases
beyond the shadow of a doubt
easier said than done At a later date
exception to the rule At this point in time
fill the bill Afford an opportunity
first and foremost Are of the opinion that
hard facts At the present time
Despite the fact that
Due to the fact that
Feel free to
Good communicators vary their words to avoid For the period of
unintentional repetition. The unconscious
repetition of words creates monotonous and
boring reading

Employees will be able to elect an additional six Some wordy prepositional phrases may be
employees to serve with the four previously replaced by single adverbs.
elected employees who currently comprise the
employees’ board of directors. To ensure in a careful manner
representation, swing-shift employees will be in the normal course of events
electing one swing-shift employee as their sole as a general rule
representative. in all probability
in very few cases

Employees will be able to elect an additional six LONG LEAD-INS

representatives to serve with the four previously
elected members of the employees’ board of Delete unnecessary introductory words. The meat
directors. To ensure representation, swing-shift of the sentence often follow the words THAT or
workers will elect their own board member. BECAUSE

I am sending you this announcement to let you all

REDUNDANT WORDS know that the office will be closed Monday.

Repetition of words to achieve emphasis or I am writing this letter because Professor Lydia
effective transition is an important writing Brunton suggested that your organization was
technique . The needless repetition however, of hiring trainees.
words whose meanings are clearly implied by
NEEDLESS ADVERBS look forward to sending your shipment as soon
as we receive your payment.
Eliminating adverbs such as very, definitely, quite, N: We are sorry that we must reject your
completely, extremely, really, actually, somewhat, application for credit at this time.
and rather streamline your writing. Omitting these P: At this time we can serve you on a cash basis
intensifiers also makes you sound more credible only.
and businesslike.
Reader Benefits
We actually did not really give his plan a very fair Smar communicators know that the chance of
trial. success of any message is greatly improved by
emphasizing reader benefits. This means making
Professor Bell offered an extremely fine course readers see how the message affects and benefits
that students definitely appreciated. them personally.
Note: overemphaiss of the pronouns I and me
EXPLETIVES reflect the writer’s interests instead of the
In the study of language, expletives are sentence
fillers such as there and occasionally it. Avoid I/we attitude: I am very pleased that I am able to
expletives that fatten sentences with excess offer my customers our Filipino First investment
words program.
You attitude: You are the first of our customers to
There are three vice presidents who report be offered our Filipino First investment program.
directly to the president I/we attitude: We are happy to announce the
It is the client who should make application for opening of our new bank branch in Newton to
licensing. meet all banking needs.
You attitude: You will now be able to use our new
Newton branch for all your banking needs.

Inclusive Language
A business writer who is alert and emphatic will
Advanced Writing Techniques strive to use words that include rather than
1. Conversational Language. Most business exclude people. Some words have been called
letters, memos and reports replace conversation. sexist because they seem to exclude females.
They are most effective when they convey an If a physician is needed, he will be called.
informal, conversational tone instead of a formal, Every homeowner must read his insurance policy
pretentious tone. carefully.

Big words, complex sentences, and abstractions Sensitive writers today try to use sex-neutral
make writing sound formal and distant. terms sich as letter carrier instead of mailman.
Smart writiers, use I sparingly and you liberally. Sensitive writers and speakers replace common-
Formal: All employees are herewith instructed to gender pronouns with alternte inclusive
return the appropriately designated contracts constructions.
to theundersigned. Sexist: Every attorney has ten minutes for his
Conversational: Please return your contracts to summation.
me. Inclusive: All attorneys have ten minutes for thei
F: Pertaining to your order, we must verify the summations.
sizes that your organization requires prior Attorneys have ten minutes for summations.
to consignment of your order to our shipper. Every attorney has ten minutes for a summation.
C: We’ll send your order as soon as we confirm Every attorney has ten minutes for his orher
the sizes you need. summation.
F: The writer wishes to ifnorm the above-
referenced individual that susequent payments Emphasis
may henceforth to be sent to the addres cited a. Through mechanics
below. Underlining. Underlinign draws the eye to a word.
C: Your payments shoul d now be sent to us in Italics and boldface . You can use italics or
Lakewood. boldface for special meaning and emphasis.
2. Positive Language. The tone of the letter is Font changes Changing from a large font to a
considerably improved if you use positive rather small font or to a different font adds interest and
than negative language. It’s uplifting and pleasant emphasis.
to focus on the positive. Moreover, positive All caps: printing words in ALL CAPS is like
language generally conveys more information shouting them.
than negative language does. Dashes: dashes—if used sparingly—can be
Negative: We are unable to send your shipment effective in capturing attention.
until we receive proof of your payment. Tabulation: listing items vertically makes them
Positive: We are happy to have your business and stand out:
1. First item week, and I have purchased a computer and
2. Second item software that generate graphics.
3. Third item I appreciate the time you spent with me last
Other means of achieviing mechanical emphasis week. As a result of your advice, I have purchased
include the arrangement of space, color, lines, a computer and software that generate graphics.
boxes, columns, titiles, heading and subheadings. Mixed construction. Writers who fuse two different
b. Through style grammatical constructions destroy sentence unity
• Use vivid words. They can picture ideas clearly. and meaning.
General: One business uses personal selling The reason I am late is because my car battery is
techniques. dead
Vivid and emphatic: Avon uses face-to-face selling The reason I am late is that my car battery is
techniques. dead. (the construction introduced by the reason
• Label the main idea. If an idea is significant, tell is should be a noun clause beginning with that,
the reader. not an adverbial clause beginning with because.)
Unlabeled: explore the possiblity of leasing a site,
but also hire a business consultant. Misplaced modifiers. Sentence unity can also be
Labeled: explore the possibility of leasing a site; destroyed by the separation of phrases or clauses
but most important, hire a busienss consultant. from the words that they modify. Keep phrases
• Place the important idea firs or last in the and clauses close to the words they describe
sentence. We will be happy to send a park map for all
Productivity is more likely to be increase she motorists reduced to a one inch scale.
profit-sharing plasna re linked to individual Whether you travel for business or for pleasure,
performance rather than to group performance. charge everything to your credit card in Canada
Profit-sharing plans linked to individual or the United States.
performance rather than to group performance Dangling modifier
are more effectie in increasing productivity. To receive a degree, 120 credits are required.
Profit-sharing plans are more effective in When filling out an emplyment application, the
increasing productivity when they are linked to personnel manager is not filling out the
individual performance rathe than to group applciation.
• Place important idea in a simple sentence or in Parallelism
an independent clause. The market for industrial goods includes
You are the first trainee that we have hired for manufacturers, contractors, wholesalers, and
this program. those concerned with the retail fucntion.
Although we considered many candidates, you
are the first trainee that we have hired for this Active and passive voice. Most writers prefer
program. active verbs because such verbs tell the reader
Although you are the first trainee that we have clearly what the action is and who or what is
hired for this program, we had many candidates performing that action. Passive verbs can be
and expect to expand the program in the future. employed to perform certain necessary functions.
Deemphasis They are helpful in at least three strategies:
To deemphasize an idea, such as bad news, try • Emphasizing an action or the recipient of the
one fo the following stylistic devices: action.
• Use general words • Deemphasizing negative news.
Vivid: our records indicate that youa re recently • Concealing the doer of an action.
fired. In business writing, as well as in personal
General: our records indicate tha your interactions, some situations demand tact and
employment status has changed recently. sensitivity. Instead of using a direct appraoch with
• Bury the bad news in the middle of a setence or active verbs, we may prefer the indirectness that
in a dependent clause. Instead of placing a passive verbs allow. Rather than making a blutn
negativfe poitn where it is conspicuous and announcement with an active verb (Tyler made a
perhaps painful to the reader, include it in a major error in the estimate), we can soften the
dependent clause. sentence with a passive construction ( a major
We cannot issue you credit at this time, but we do error was made in the estimate).
have a plan that will allow you to fill your Paragraph coherence.
immediate needs on a cash basis. Three ways to create paragraph coherence are :
We have a plan that willa llow you to fill your • Repetition. Repeating a word or key thought
immediate needs on a cash basis since we cannot from a preceding sentence helps guide a reader
issue you credit at this time. from one thought to the next. This redundancy is
necessary to build cohesiveness into writing.
Unity. Unified sentences contain only related
ideas. • Use of pronouns; and
Zigzag writing. Zigzag sentences often should be • Use of transitional expressions.
broken into two sentences. Sentence and paragraph length. Generally, short
I appreciate the time yous pent with me last sentences are moe easily understood.
Comprehension decreases when sentence length
Sentence length Percent of people who
0-8 words 100%
9-15 words 90%
16-19 words 80%
20-28 words 50%

The average length is between 15 and 20 words.

This doesn’t mean that all sentences should be 15
or 20 words long, however. Effective paragraph
contain a mixture of sentences, some shorter and
some longer.
In business letters, first and last paragraphs are
often very short (one to four typed lines). Other
paragraphs in letters and in most reports should
average about six lines, with ten lines being the

The Seven C's of Business Letter Writing

Effective letter writing boils down to knowing why

you are writing a letter, understanding your
reader's needs and then clearly writing what you
need to say. Every letter should be clear, human,
helpful and as friendly as the topic allows. The
best letters have a conversational tone and read
as if you were talking to your reader. In brief then,
discover the Seven-Cs of business letter writing.

You should be:

• Clear
• Concise
• Correct
• Courteous
• Conversational
• Convincing
• Complete

When you write a letter, you are trying to

convince someone to act or react in a positive
way. Your reader will respond quickly only if your
meaning is crystal clear.

Put yourself in the reader's shoes and write in a

friendly and helpful tone. Don't represent your
company as one that cannot make a mistake and
must always be in the right. Try not to reply in the
normal bland and defensive way of organizations-
write a sincere and helpful letter.

Show you are interested in the reader's

circumstances. If he or she has mentioned
something personal in the letter, refer to it in your
reply. This builds a bridge between you and the
reader. Read the original letter carefully and see if
there is something you can put in your letter to
show your interest.

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