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The videos had a connection between them. Everything talked about the chemistry.

In the first video was about the chemistry like the science of everything. The chemists were only
the people with a white coat could study it and that they were always in contact with the
reactions chemicals, but in the reality it was not this, because when you were cooking you
already were making chemistry. When you clean your house, the products that you use are
chemicals. The video said that our bodies are also made of chemicals. The medicine that you
took was also a chemical product. How did you get the aliments that you ate? They were
obtained thanks to the chemical products like the fertilizers. We are surrounded of chemistry and
the chemistry was studied from the chemical reactions that surprised many before but at this
moment is the most normal.

Next, the video present "the fathers of the chemistry", gave a brief explanation of their theories
and contributions to the history of the chemistry. For example: it started with Democritus that
was the first in asking about the composing of the Matter and for this, he discovered that there
was a substance that after dividing it many times, it arrived to a substance that it cannot be
separated more to this substance he called an atom and for finally, it told of Schrdinger sated
that electrons traveled in different orbitals around the nucleus rather than being distributed within
an electron configuration of shells and energy levels.

Another video was "Interview with Humphrey Davy about Sodium" here Davy Humphrey was
interviewed by a woman with the purpose of knowing to the discoverer of the sodium. He
explained that the sodium is an element natural of the periodic table, he discovered in 1807 in
England. The characteristic are: soft, silvery white, highly reactive, metal and silvery luster. This
element is very abundant in the earth and very important too. But Davy didn't discover only the
sodium. He also discovered the nitrous oxide, this substance was very important before because
in the surgery didn't has something to temporarily absent the sensitivity of a part of the body for
that the people didn't feel a horror pain. Thanks to the nitrous oxide (anesthesia) began to

The follow video was "Rosalind Franklin - A Digital Story" was about a woman that she
developed leading edge technology called x-ray crystallography, it used to determine the
structure of atoms and molecules, but it occurred a bad situation, one of the colleague of
Rosalind took without permission the picture of DNA that she had developed and he showed it to
her friend, James Watson. They used this picture for write the structure of DNA double helix.
For this, they awarded the Nobel Prize in 1692. But the real winner must have been Rosalind

The others two videos were about "Robert Boyle" explained the famous Boyle's law. The
materials were a small balloon and a syringe. From of them was realized the Boyle's law. The
balloon was introduced in a syringe and after, it pushed the piston until the balloon, but the
balloon didn't happen anything because the air escapes from the front keeping the atmospheric
pressure the same. By another hand, Happened the same, but when pushed the piston, it hole was
blocked increasing the amount of atmospheric pressure. In conclusion, this experiment explained
that the volume is inversely proportional to the absolute pressure of a gas. Robert Boyle was a
natural philosopher, chemist, physicist and inventor. He was also a prominent Christian

For finally, the last video was struggle and triumph-the legacy of George Washington Carver.
He was scientist, educator, and humanitarian. The exact day and year of his birth is unknown; Is
believed to have been born in January, 1864, before slavery was abolished in Missouri. He taught
freed slaves the necessary cultivation techniques to be self-sufficient. It was based on his
research and promotion of alternative crops to cotton such as peanuts and potatoes. He wanted
poor farmers to cultivate alternative forms as a source of their own food and other products to
improve their quality of life.

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