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Working towards Part 2

Sue Sentance

BCS Certificate in Computer Science Teaching

17th December 2014
Structure of webinar
30 mins presentation (roughly)
30 mins Q & A by chat
What do you have to do for Part 2
Some examples from the pilot
What sort of project?
The project should be something that is useful to you as part of your
work. This could be because it:
is a working example that can be referred to directly in your teaching
can be used in your work with students (e.g. for use by students, for
assessment, teaching content, admin utility, pastoral work).
The project should be robust (this is a key learning experience).
The project should exemplify a range of programming techniques.
These will be different depending on whether you are working towards
the Primary or Secondary certificate.
What do these criteria mean?
Iteration (if appropriate for the program)
Input and output functionality
Variables with different data types

Secondary (as above plus )

User-defined functions, including parameter passing
Data structures such as an array
Saving of data to a file or database
Implementation of a GUI
Validation checks built into the program
Menu-driven functionality
Sorting/searching algorithm
Exception handling
Server-side scripting
For secondary add additional
features, e.g.
Read items in from file,
database or array
Work out what coins to give
Vending machine as in change
demonstration to KS3 Add a feature to add new
students learning Small items to the machine
Basic Keep a track of how much
stock there is and whether
there is any left
Fantastic example
demonstrating how
The Machine primary example computers process
input and produce
output. Scratch
version and cardboard
Caesar Cipher demonstration
This project uses some
interesting algorithms
so shows computational
thinking, as well as
having a direct purpose
in teaching students
about encryption.
Tests and quizzes are popular
Good idea for a project.
However look at possibilities for using
functions (so that asking the question,
checking the question answer etc is all
done via a function) and storing the
questions in a file or database this
makes it a secondary project.
You can use hardware
Guitar Tuner using Gadgeteer projects too. This is
using Gadgeteer, but
also Arduino or
Raspberry Pi projects
Guitar Tuner using will demonstrate a
Gadgeteer and VB.NET range of skills.
How to practise programming..
Work through a series of graduated small programs
Find a program that you are happy with and make small changes.
Follow through a series of exercises online or attend a 10-week
course on programming (look up your local Master Teacher)
Allocate time each week
Find resources where there are solutions to check (e.g. Python
Developing your skills gradually
One example project for learning - Password system
1. Enter password - check correct - get feedback
2. Give three tries - adds a loop and a complex condition
3. Have a list of passwords using a list/array and check
4. Use a function for the "checking" code so that you can re-use it.
5. Introduce a username as well as a password - two fields
6. Edit the function so that you can pass the username in and get the password out (parameter passing)
7. Save username and password in a file
8. Save username and password in a database
9. Add new user and save the password - registration
10. Add some validation to a new password - must have a letter/number/etc.
11. Add some validation to the adding of a new user (make sure username does not exist already)
12. Save the username database online - access via code that access the server
13. Develop a GUI so that you have boxes to type in the username and password AND SO ON!
Moving on algorithms
Can you program (also in Scratch not just text-based languages)

1. A linear search
2. A bubble sort
3. A binary search
4. A stack
Choosing your project
What do you need to do in school?
How can your programming skills help you to do this more easily?
What is your Computing knowledge useful for?

How can I make my idea work in practice?
What skills will I need?
Where can I get these skills (as your e-assessor in your proposal)
What CPD events locally will help me? What online material will help me?
Submit your proposal to your e-assessor

Be as specific as you can be

Explain what you want your project to do
Explain what skills it will demonstrate
Time to chat
What are your ideas?
What skills do you still need?
Do you need more support?

Other suggestions for webinars please!
Have a refreshing break from school!

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