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Assignment 3.

Article Summary
In chapter five, the author describes a series of studies conducted according to the qualitative
research approaches, identifies their defining features and highlights the differences among them
according to the approach used. I choose to review two of them; narrative study and grounded
theory study. A narrative study of a Canadian Chinese school girl called Ai Mei Zhang focused on
her ethnic identity and how it was shaped by expectations both from home and school. The
grounded theory studys main aim was to develop a theory on the behavioral process of African
American women based on integrating physical activity into their lifestyle. Creswell, 2013, main
points show how these studies fit the defining features of their respective research approaches
It is critical to note how the narrative study identified the conflicts that could arise especially in
relation to values that Ai Mei could incorporate as hers. The importance of such a research clearly
came out as values are usually expressed in the stories of conflicts told (Harland et al, 2011). In
the grounded theory study, sampling procedures and sample size were considered. The limitations
encountered involved the study population and chosen methodology. However, they used peer
checking and member debriefing to ensure that the conclusions were grounded in the data. This
shows the importance of understanding ones research approach (Fossey et. Al. 2002) such that
ways of coping with limitations can be applied when they arise.
The narrative study is important as it could help others in the same situation. This include persons
dealing with diverse student populations and helping them to get a healthy self-esteem, understand
their uniqueness and prevent negative instances like bullying. The grounded theory generated a
theory of why African American women do not engage in physical activities. This could help find
ways of encouraging them to engage in such activities and maintain healthy lifestyles hence
avoiding diseases associated with poor lifestyle for example diabetes and heart diseases.
Further Research
In the narrative research, ways of implementing school curriculum to suit the needs of diverse
groups could be a topic of further research. In the grounded theory, further research could be on
guiding women in planning their physical activity using minimum acceptable and maximum
possible criteria.
Creswell, J. (2013), Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches;
Third edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Inc.
Fossey E, Harvey C, McDermott F& Davidson L (2002), Understanding and evaluating
qualitative research; Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 36:717732
Harland T, Pickering N & McLaughlin M (2011), Stories of Value: Researching Values Through
Narrative Inquiry; Higher Education Development Centre and Bioethics Unit University
of Otago

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