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Introduction to Database System

Fall 2017
Lab Final Paper

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Name: Muhammad Hassan Riaz Yousufi

Registration No

Serial Number (of attendance


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Overall
Total Marks 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100
Ob. Marks

1) Understanding of question is part of paper. Therefore, no queries will be entertained during
2) abc_school.sql and northwind.sql files are uploaded on LMS. Use those files to attempt paper.
3) You can use any method or approach to solve a query unless you are explicitly instructed to use
specific approach.
4) Use proper indentation/formatting while writing queries.
5) You need to make a MS Word file of your solution + need to submit handwritten hardcopy too.
6) You need to write only queries on handwritten copy (not output table), but in MS Word file, you
need to write query (text form) + its output table (picture) if any.
7) Output table Column heading is given in paper, your output table column heading must match with it.
8) SOME ONE is always with You, so be Relaxed. SOME ONE is always watching You, so be Honest.
Keep Calm & stay Blessed.
abc_School Schema

Table Data

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 1
Q 1: Mistakenly, Student_Contact Table is deleted, now write a query to re-create it. See Schema for
its Structure. Also Insert data in it. (5 + 5 Marks)

create table if not exists Student_Contact(

PhoneNumber varchar(25),

StudentID int,

primary key (PhoneNumber, StudentID),

foreign key(StudentID) references Student (StudentID));

Insert into Student_Contact (PhoneNumber, StudentID) values ("0313-1234567", 1);

Insert into Student_Contact (PhoneNumber, StudentID) values ("0321-1234567", 1);

Insert into Student_Contact (PhoneNumber, StudentID) values ("0333-1234567", 2);

Insert into Student_Contact (PhoneNumber, StudentID) values ("0345-1234567", 7);

Insert into Student_Contact (PhoneNumber, StudentID) values ("0300-1234567", 8);

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 1
Q 2: Write a query that display total count of Male and Female Student. (2+ 8 MARKS)
Total Rows in Output: ___2______

Select s.Gender as Gender, count(Gender) as 'Total Strength'

from Student s

group by gender;

Q 3: Write a query that display all Students name, with their gender, Father Name and Mother Name

Total Rows in Output: __14______

select s.Sname as StudentName, s.Gender as Gender, f.GName as FatherName, m.Gname as


from Guardian m


Student s on s.MotherID = m.GuardianId


Guardian f on s.FatherId = f.GuardianId;

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 1
Q 4: Write a query that display name of only those students whose name are unique in School. (No
other student has that same name). (2+ 8 MARKS)

Total Rows in Output: __10______

Select s.Sname as 'Student Name'

from Student s

Group by s.Sname

having count(s.Sname)=1;

Q 5: Write a query that display Name of students with count of their real/step brother or Sister
enrolled in School. (2+ 8 MARKS)

Total Rows in Output: __14______

Select s.StudentId as 'Student Id', S.Sname as 'Student Name', count(f.Sname) as 'Sibling Count'

from Student S, Student f

where (s.FatherId = f.FatherID || S.MotherId = f.MotherId) and s.StudentId != f.StudentID

group by s.StudentId, S.Sname;

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 1
Q 6: Write a query that display all Father(Husband) Name in Alphabetical order from Guardian Table
with Total number of their Wives. (Use Nested Query to find Count of Wives). (2+ 8 MARKS)

Total Rows in Output: __5______

Select h.GName as 'Husband Name' , (Select Count(w.HusbandId)

from Guardian w

where w.HusbandId = h.GuardianId) as 'Wife Count'

from Guardian h

where h.HusbandId is NULL

order by h.GName;

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 1
Northwind DB Queries
Q 7: Write a query that displays list of all different first name of employees from employees table in
ascending order. (2+ 8 MARKS)

Total Rows in Output: __9______

SELECT DISTINCT e.first_name as 'First Name'

FROM employees e

ORDER BY e.first_name

Q 8: Write a query that displays total count of those order which has no shipping fee. (2+ 8 MARKS)
Total Rows in Output: __1______

SELECT COUNT(*) as 'Total Order with free shipping'

FROM orders o

WHERE o.shipping_fee = 0

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 1
Q 9: Write a query that displays Name of that Products in ascending order which has not been
purchased by any supplier yet. (2+ 8 MARKS)

Total Rows in Output: __16_____

SELECT p.product_name as 'Product Name'

FROM products p


purchase_order_details pod on = pod.product_id

WHERE is null

ORDER by p.product_name

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 1
Q 10: Write a query that display Customers First Name and Last Name that has maximum numbers of
invoices. (Note: You will not Hardcode your query.) (2+ 8 MARKS)

Total Rows in Output: __2____

SELECT c.first_name as 'First Name', c.last_name as 'Last name'

FROM customers c

INNER join

orders o

INNER join

invoices I on = o.customer_id and = i.order_id

GROUP by c.first_name, c.last_name



FROM customers c

INNER join

orders o

INNER join

invoices I on = o.customer_id and = i.order_id

GROUP by c.first_name, c.last_name

ORDER by COUNT( desc

limit 1

ORDER by c.first_name

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 1
Introduction to Database System
Fall 2017
Lab Final Paper (Version 2)

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Name: Muhammad Hassan Riaz Yousufi

Registration No

Serial Number (of attendance


Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Overall
Total Marks 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100
Ob. Marks

1) Understanding of question is part of paper. Therefore, no queries will be entertained during
2) birth_certificate.sql and northwind.sql files are uploaded on LMS. Use those files to attempt paper.
3) You can use any method or approach to solve a query unless you are explicitly instructed to use
specific approach.
4) Use proper indentation/formatting while writing queries.
5) You need to make a MS Word file of your solution + need to submit handwritten hardcopy too.
6) You need to write only queries on handwritten copy (not output table), but in MS Word file, you
need to write query (text form) + its output table (picture) if any.
7) Output table Column heading is given in paper, your output table column heading must match with it.
8) SOME ONE is always with You, so be Relaxed. SOME ONE is always watching You, so be Honest.
Keep Calm & stay Blessed.
Northwind DB Queries
Q 1: Write a query that list of all different category name from products table in ascending order. (2+ 8

Total Rows in Output: ___16_____


FROM products

ORDER BY Category

Q 2: Write a query that displays Total customer count in each order_date. (2+ 8 MARKS)
Total Rows in Output: _28_____

SELECT o.order_date as 'Order Date', COUNT( as 'Total Customer'

from customers c, orders o

where = o.customer_id

group by (o.order_date)

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 2
Q 3: Write a query that displays Name of that Products in ascending order which has not been ordered
by any customer yet. (2+ 8 MARKS)

Total Rows in Output: __21____

SELECT p.product_name as 'Product Name'

FROM products p


order_details od on = od.product_id

where od.order_id is null

ORDER by p.product_name

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 2
Q 4: Write a query that display Customers First Name and Last Name that has maximum numbers of
invoices. (Note: You will not Hardcode your query.) (2+ 8 MARKS)

Total Rows in Output: __2____

SELECT c.first_name as 'First Name', c.last_name as 'Last name'

FROM customers c

INNER join

orders o

INNER join

invoices I on = o.customer_id and = i.order_id

GROUP by c.first_name, c.last_name



FROM customers c

INNER join

orders o

INNER join

invoices i

on = o.customer_id and = i.order_id

GROUP by c.first_name, c.last_name

ORDER by COUNT( desc

limit 1

ORDER by c.first_name

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 2
Birth_Certificate Schema

Table Data

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 2
Q 5: Write a query that display all Father(Husband) Name in Alphabetical order from Parent Table with
Total number of their Wives. (Use Nested Query to find Count of Wives). (2+ 8 MARKS)

Total Rows in Output: _5____

Select h.PName as 'Husband Name' , (Select Count(w.HusbandId)

from Parent w

where w.HusbandId = h.ParentId) as 'Wife Count'

from Parent h

where h.HusbandId is NULL

order by h.PName;

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 2
Q 6: Write a query that display Name of children with count of their real/step brother or Sister. (2+ 8

Total Rows in Output: ___14___

Select c.ChildrenID as 'Children Id', c.Cname as 'Children Name', count(f.Cname) as 'Sibling Count'

from Children c, Children f

where (c.FatherId = f.FatherID || c.MotherId = f.MotherId) and c.ChildrenID != f.ChildrenID

group by c.ChildrenID, c.Cname;

Q 7: Write a query that display name of only those children whose name are unique. (No other child
has that same name). (2+ 8 MARKS)

Total Rows in Output: __10___

Select c.Cname as 'Baby Name'

from Children c

Group by c.Cname

having count(c.Cname)=1;

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 2
Q 8: Write a query that display all Childrens name, with their gender, Father Name and Mother Name

Total Rows in Output: __14____

select c.Cname as 'Baby Name', c.Gender as 'Gender', f.PName as 'Father Name', m.Pname as 'Mother

from Parent m


Children c on c.MotherID = m.ParentId


Parent f on c.FatherId = f.ParentId;

Q 9: Write a query that display total count of Male and Female Children. (2+ 8 MARKS)
Total Rows in Output: __2____

Select c.Gender as Gender, count(Gender) as 'Total Strength'

from Children c

group by gender;

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 2
Q 10: Mistakenly, Parent_Contact Table is deleted, now write a query to re-create it. See Schema for
its Structure. Also Insert data in it, present above in table. (5 + 5 Marks)

create table if not exists Parent_Contact(

PhoneNumber varchar(25),

ParentID int,

primary key (PhoneNumber, ParentID),

foreign key(ParentID) references Parent (ParentID));

Insert into Parent_Contact (PhoneNumber, ParentID) values ("0313-1234567", 1);

Insert into Parent_Contact (PhoneNumber, ParentID) values ("0321-1234567", 1);

Insert into Parent_Contact (PhoneNumber, ParentID) values ("0333-1234567", 3);

Insert into Parent_Contact (PhoneNumber, ParentID) values ("0345-1234567", 5);

Insert into Parent_Contact (PhoneNumber, ParentID) values ("0300-1234567", 8);

The STRUGGLE youre in TODAY is developing the STRENGTH you need for TOMORROW
Version 2

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