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I did it, but could do it better. I did it. I did it well.

Can-do Can-do Check

Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture Starter A1
A1 Coursebook for Communicative Language Activities

NO Can-do 36 10 4 NO / /

1 1 Exchange greetings 1 //
Hello 2 Recognise Japanese characters 2

2 3 Use basic classroom expressions 3 //
Would you say that again? 4 Write your name and country in Japanese 4
3 5 Give a simple self introduction 5 //
Nice to meet you 6 Recognise the parts of a business card 6

4 7 Talk briey about your family 7 //
There are three people in my family 8 Tell someone about your family, using a family photo 8
5 9 Talk about your favorite foods 9 //
What kind of food do you like? 10 Oer someone a drink 10

11 Talk about your breakfast 11
6 12 Say what your favorite dish is 12 //
Where are you goig to have lunch 13 Talk with a friend about where to go for lunch 13
14 Read a menu 14
15 Order food and drinks at a hamburger shop 15
7 3 16 Say what kind of home you live in 16 //
There are three rooms in my home 17 Say what you have in your home 17

18 E Write an E-mail inviting someone to your home 18
8 19 Ask/Say where to put things in the room 19 //
It's a nice room 20 Visit / Welcome a friend 20
21 Show someone around your home 21
22 Recognise the name and address on signs 22
9 23 Say the time you do something 23 //
What time do you get up? 24 Talk about your daily routine 24

Daily Life
10 25 Talk about your schedule for this week 25 //
When is convenient for you? 26 Talk about when to have a party 26
27 Write a birthday card 27
11 28 Talk about your hobbies 28 //
What's your hobby? 29 Talk about what you do on your days o 29
Holidays and
12 30 Recognise information on posters and calendars for events 30 //
Shall we go together? 31 Say whether or not you will attend an event 31
Days o 1
32 Talk about whether or not you can go out with your friend 32
13 33 Recognise station and taxi signs 33 //
How are you going to get there? 34 Show a taxi driver a note and say your destination 34

35 Say how to get to a particular destination 35
14 36 Say how to get to a destination, using a map 36 //
It's a famous temple 37 Say where you are now over the phone 37
38 Recognise opening/closing times on shop noticeboards 38
15 39 Talk about what you want to buy 39 //
Cute! 40 Talk about where to shop for something you want 40

16 41 Make a brief comment on things in a shop 41 //
I'll take this 42 Read prices 42
43 Do some shopping 43
17 44 Read a short blog 44 //
It was fun 45 Say what you did on your days o 45
Holidays and
46 Say briey what you thought about your days o 46
Days o 2 47 Write a short blog about your days o 47
18 48 E Read a simple E-mail 48 //
I would like to visit Kyoto next time 49 Say what you did on your travels 49
50 Say where you want to go next time 50

2013 The Japan Foundation 2013 SANSHUSHA Publishing Co., Ltd.

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