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Introduction Figure 1 shows a 1m x 1m square control volume containing ar which moves diagonally through the solution domain with the given velocities. Table 1 indicates the parameters you will need to specify for the stated boundary conditions. In order to assign thermal boundary conditions, you will need to activate the energy equation in Fluent (Define —> Models — Energy). The purpose ofthis question is to complete an investigation into numerical diffusion. Eage Type Parameters Volociy inlet ‘T=100K; u=v=5mis, AB AC Velocity inlet T=100K: BD Velosty inlet T-OK CD__Volocty iniot__T=0K: Table 1: Boundary Conditions * c D waves m/s Figure 1: Square control volume featuring air which ‘moves diagonally through the domain ‘You should complete the following steps: 1) Create and dlscretise the solution domain using a mesh scheme which gives uniform square (quad) elements. Specify 16 elements on the horizontal and vertical edges. 2) Using 1° order discretisation for all low equations, set up an Inviscid simulation which comprises the ‘boundary conditions described In Table 1. Note: forthe pressure equation, you will need to use Standard clscretsation as this is the name for first order discretisation, fr this particular equation), 3) Characterie the static temperature distibution in the domain using both qualitative and quantitate methods. Quantitative analysis must include plots of temperature along a line linking points A and D, which Is perpendicular to the fow direction, for the boundary conditions listed in Table 4. 4) Repeat parts (2) and (3) as many times 25 you deem necessary to investigate the effects of (i) mesh resolution, (i) the order af discretisation and (i flow direction. Ensure that each mesh you use is uniform. You can change the flow direction by adjusting the boundary conditions according to the flow angle. Deliverable: In no more than 750 words, produce a clear and concise technical report which includes the following sections: @) Introduction and Methodology: Srietly describe the problem set up including justification for any decisions ‘you make. You must include Images of all the meshes you use n your simulations. 'b) Results This section must include both qualitative and quantitative results as described in step (3) on the: Previous page. You can include any other results which you seem necessary. Discussion and Conclusions: Based on your results, discuss the effects of changes In gid slze, the order of discretisation and flow direction. Comment on the stens you have taken to reduce the most common sources of numerical error. Describe the accuracy of your results in the context ofthe ‘idea’ c2se, for which no diffusion should occur. Your discussion should explore how you can reduce numerical dfusion n other CFD simulations and how you can implement good practice based on your analysis ‘Question 2 Introduction Figure 2 shows the backward-facing step which you will be familiar with from Tutorials (3) and (4). The purpose of this question is to Investigate the impact of wall treatment and the sensitivity of Boundary conditions on the flow solutions, wall Inlet Outlet Walle wall Figure 2: Backward-facng step. You should complete the following steps: 11) reste a solution domain which has a step height equal to the height of the init. You can specify a scale of ‘your choice. The position ofthe inlet and the outit in relation tothe steps also your choice. 2), Discratse the solution domain using structured elements in conjunction with grid stretching to resolve the You should complete the following steps: y 2 3) 4 3) 8 ‘Create a solution domain which has a step height equal to the height ofthe Inlet. You can specity a scale of ‘your choice. The position ofthe inlet and the outlet in relation ta the step is also your choice Discretise the solution domala using structured elements in conjunetion with grid stretching to resolve the ‘expected flow gradients. ‘Set up an incompressible flow simulation with the inlet boundary conditions calculated using a Reynolds Number of 64000, which uses the step height asthe characteristic length. ‘Select one sultable turbulence model which utises @ wall function approach, You will need to determine the fist cel helght near the walls based on the associates crteri, This wil require an Iterative approach don until the correct y' values are obtained, as described in the lecture slides. You can use the mean y" value, averaged on all the wall surfaces in order to determine this. Next, you should investigate the sensitivity of flow solutions to the horizontal grid resolution. Based on your result from step (4), keep the vertical grid resolution the same to ensure the wall functions remain valld. ‘Assess the senstvity of the horizontal grid resolution using the reattachment length and plots of the ‘maximum positive velocity {see Tutoral 4). Identity 2 horizontal mesh resolution which gives results that you deem to be accurate, with justification, Now select a turbulence model which utlses 2 non-wall Function approach. Keep the horlzontal ald spacing the same as that obtained in part (5), but again you should iteratively adjust the vertical grid spacing using the relevant y*criterla, for this type of wall treatment. Once you have generated the grid, comoare the solution with the final one trom step (5}. You should make your comparison using both qualitative and quanttative analysis. 7) Finally, using the grid resolution obtained from step (6) (non-wall function approachl, investigate the effect cof moving the outlet position on the flow results. Ensure you select atleast two outlet positions, ane wich you seem to be adequate and the other which would lead to an i: posed problem. Deliverable: [As with question 1, complete a clear and concise technical report of no more than 750 words, which includes the following sections: a) Introduction and Methodology: Briefly describe the problem set up Including justification for any decisions you make. Include all relevant information on your boundary conditions, speciying any parameters you use. Include images of some of the meshes used in your simulations, 'b) Results: This section must Include both qualitative and quantitative results as described In step (5} on the previous page. You can include any other results which you seem necessary: €) Discussion and Conclusions: Based on your results, dscuss the effects of grid changes on the solution, Including the method you employ o ensure correct y' values, depending on the near-wall treatment. Discuss ‘the impact of outlet position and how you would decide on the best location for this. Comment on the steps you have taken to reduce the most common sources of numerical error. ‘Marking Crtor ‘Both questions are worth equal marks. For each question the marks willbe allocated accorcingly: Intraduction and methodology (10%) Results (30%) Discussion and conclusions (408) resentation style (20%) For each of these categories, you will be marked based on your abilty to communicate concisely and effectively, whether or not you have included the requested information and the insight provided based on your interpretation (of the results. Only incude relevant information in the main body of your report. Ifyou wish to include residual plots for example, these can be put in an appendix. The maximum word count of 750 words, ner question, onty applies to the main body text; igure captions will nat be considered in the word count.

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