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A List of 26 Common

Suffixes in English
A suffix is a letter or a group of letters attached to the end of aword to form a
new word or to change the grammatical function (or part of speech) of the
original word. For example, the verb read is made into the noun reader by
adding the suffix -er.Similarly, read is made into the adjective readable by
adding the suffix -able.
Understanding the meanings of the common suffixes can help you figure out
the meanings of new words you encounter. But as you work on building
your vocabulary, you might want to keep a few points in mind:
In some cases, the spelling of a root or base word changes when a
suffix is added. For example, in words ending in y preceded by
a consonant (such as the noun beauty and the adjective ugly), they may
change to an i when a suffix is added (as in the adjective beautiful and the
noun ugliness). Also, in words ending in silent -e (such as use and adore), the
final -e may be dropped before a suffix that begins with a vowel (as
in usable and adorable). As with all spelling rules, there are exceptions of

t all suffixes can be added to all roots. For example, the

adjective beautiful is formed by adding the suffix -ful to the
noun beauty, and the noun ugliness is formed by adding the suffix -
ness to the adjective ugly. But you won't find *ugliful in your
dictionary--or in standard English. (Throughout this website, an asterisk
in front of a construction shows that it's
considered nonstandardor ungrammatical.)

A suffix may have more than one meaning. With adjectives and
adverbs, for example, the suffix -er usually conveys
the comparative meaning of "more" (as in the
adjectives kinder and longer). But in some cases the -er ending can
also refer to someone who performs a particular action (such as
a dancer or builder) or to someone who lives in a particular place
(such as a New Yorker or aDubliner).
Don't be put off by these variations, qualifications, and exceptions. Just think
of these common suffixes as clues to the meanings of words. As in a
detective story, sometimes the clues are clear and fairly obvious. Other
times they can be puzzling or misleading. In any case, keep in mind that the
meanings of words are best determined by studying the contexts in which
they are used as well as the parts of the words themselves.

The table below defines and illustrates 26 common suffixes.

Common Suffixes
Noun Suffixes
Suffix Meaning Example
-acy state or quality privacy
-al act or process of refusal
-ance, -ence state or quality of maintenance, eminence
-dom place or state of being freedom, kingdom
-er, -or one who trainer, protector
-ism doctrine, belief communism
-ist one who chemist
-ity, -ty quality of veracity
-ment condition of argument
-ness state of being heaviness
-ship position held fellowship
-sion, -tion state of being concession, transition

Verb Suffixes
-ate become eradicate
-en become enlighten
-ify, -fy make or become terrify
-ize, -ise become civilize

Adjective Suffixes
-able, -ible capable of being edible, presentable
-al pertaining to regional
-esque reminiscent of picturesque
-ful notable for fanciful
-ic, -ical pertaining to musical, mythic
-ious, -ous characterized by nutritious, portentous
-ish having the quality of fiendish
-ive having the nature of creative
-less without endless
-y characterized by sleazy

oy a ensearte un truco que inmediatamente aumentar tu vocabulario de ingls con

muy poco esfuerzo. Cada vez que aprendas un adjetivo, es decir, una palabra que
describe sustantivos, tambin puedes hablar de su correspondiente estado de ser al
aadir el sufijo -ness.
En otras palabras, el sufijo -ness en ingls se conecta a adjetivos. Se usa para
formar sustantivos. Estos sustantivos abstractos expresan calidad o estado.
Confundido? Es mejor que practiquemos algunos ejemplos del sufijo -ness en ingls:

Adjetivo base Palabra con -ness

happy happiness
haepi haepi-nes
(feliz) (felicidad)
meek meekness
mik miknes
(manso) (mansedumbre)
kind kindness
kaind kaindnes
(bondadoso) (bondad)
mad madness
maed maednes
(loco o, enojado) (locura)
nervous nervousness
nehrvuhs nehrvuhs-nes
(nervioso) (nerviosismo)
bitter bitterness
bihtehr bihtehr-nes
(amargo) (amargura)
close closeness
clos closnes
(cercano) (cercana)
aloof aloofness
uh-luf uh-lufnes
Adjetivo base Palabra con -ness
(esquivo) (esquivez)
dark darkness
dark darknes
(oscuro) (oscuridad)
repetitive repetitiveness
re-petiht-ihv re-petiht-ihv-nes
(repetitivo) (repetitividad)
soft softness
saft saftnes
(blando) (blandura)
Esta regla es muy sencilla. Pues, recuerda que cuando aprendes un nuevo adjetivo,
agrgale -ness al final, y puedes describir el estado de ser de esa cualidad de que
ests hablando.

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