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The growth and development of plants are attributed by internal and external factors in

the plant environment. One of the key variables to be considered in the growth of such is the
nutrition. Among the essential nutrients plants need to thrive, most of them are found in soil.
Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and to a lesser extent calcium, magnesium, and sulfur are
called macronutrients, and these are the nutrients that plants need (Joe Urbach, 2015).

For optimal development of potted plants it is of the utmost importance that nitrogen is
supplied at a rate close to uptake. Many workers have demonstrated that for plants grown with a
restricted root volume growth rate is more dependent on nitrogen than other nutrients. In early-
days pot plant production, the nitrogen source was often of organic nature, rotted manure, hoof
and horn, giving a slow release nitrogen supply.


Known for being the richest source of Nitrogen, Urea is the most used fertilizer for plants
(especially the green ones). This is tilled in the soil in different forms and used as soil drench that
will result to rapid plants' growth cycle and will have a good effect on plants' shoot and root

On the other hand, composted horse manure is a suitable and good source of nutrients as
well as adequate amount of organic matter. It is an excellent fertilizer containing nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. It is about half as rich as chicken manure, but richer
in nitrogen than cow manure. Combining this with good quality of soil aeration and drainage
makes the plants healthier.


The concentration of elements varies according to the depth. Due to the addition of
fertilizers (urea and horse manure) there is an increase in phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium
concentration compared to that in control. The decrease in magnesium and calcium concentration
can be explained through the absorption of okra plants.


Analysis of the soil control indicated that the nitrogen content is low in the soil which
means that the soil requires the addition of fertilizer to complete the required amount of nitrogen
to the plant. The elemental concentration in okra horn indicated that the soil content of elements
is enough for okra to grow. The content of horn of element was not affected by the quantity of
fertilizers used. From the study results the manure is better than urea for growth and yield of okra

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