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Starting from version, html-merge can be invoked from the command line.

To process an index file:

html-merge -i index_file output_file

To process a folder:

html-merge [options] -f input_folder output_file

-r recursive processing
-n sort by file name (ascending)
-N sort by file name (descending)
-c sort by file creation time (ascending)
-C sort by file creation time (descending)
-d sort by file modification time (ascending)
-D sort by file modification time (descending)

Note: File creation time is not supported on some platforms/file systems.

Attempt to use -c/-C switches on such platforms/file systems may
result in undefined file sort order.

Process exit codes:

0 - success
1 - invalid command line parameters
2 - processing error

To launch html-merge synchronously, use:

start /wait "html-merge.exe" <parameters>

Output is logged to the 'html-merge.log' file in the target folder.

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