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The Greek father of medicine Hippocrates, advocated Spanish fly for Dropsy in the
5 century BC. Traditionally it has been used for warts, baldness, arousing libido, and inducing
miscarriage. The condition is chiefly produced because of the irritant property of cantharis, which
acts primarily on mucous membrane of urinary tract infection.
Source: Animal kingdom

N.O: Insecta, and

Zoological Lytta vesicatoria
Name: fabricus

Synonyms: Cantharis
vesicatoria, Blister
fly, Spanish fly

The Fly is of golden yellow--green colour, about 1/2 1 inch long. The head is
vertical & sharply narrowed behind, into a neck. Antennae filiform of 12 joint, black.
Body is elongated almost round and cylindrical. It has 2 wings, marked with
longitudinal streak.
This beetle lives on honeysuckle and olive trees in western Asia, Central and
Southern Europe, Hungary, Russia, as well as India.

Part used:-
The whole dried fly.

Active principle:-

History and authority:-

It was introduced in Homoeopathy by Hahnemann, and reproved by others in U.S.A.
The provings are given in full in Allens Encyclopedia.

NEW METHOD:- Percolation .
OLD METHOD:- Large and perfect insects are selected & pulverized to
a fine powder to prepare the M.T. and the dilution under, class IV.
Drug strength:- 1/10
Physiological action:-

1) Externally on Skin- causes irritation & counter irritant, produces blisters.

2) Internally it produces most violent inflammation of the whole G.I. tract, specially the lower
3) Stimulates the gastric secretion, dialates the gastric vessels & excites the muscular coat.
4) Elimination of kidneys causing acute inflammation of entire urinary tract.
5) Genital organs- Irritation, sexual excitement.
6) Nervous system- Irritation, delirium, convulsions.

Bladder affections, Burns, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Gonorrhoea, Kidney troubles, Neuralgia,
Pluerisy, Pregnancy troubles, Haematuria, and Skin affections.

Sphere of action:-
It acts on GI tract, Genito-urinary tract, CNS, Respiratory system, on Mucous & Serous

Uneasy, restless, dissatisfied, wants to be moved about constantly, sometimes moaning or
violently crying.

Mental Generals:-
Furious delirium, Anxious restlessness, Crying, barking; worse touching larynx or drinking water.
Constantly attempts to do something, but accomplishes nothing. Acute mania, generally of a
sexual type; amorous frenzy; fiery sexual desire. Paroxysms of rage , crying, barking. Sudden
loss of consciousness with red face.

Physical generals:-
Aversion: Tobacco, coffee
Desire: Meat
Appetite: Canine hunger
Thirst: Great thirst with burning pain in the throat and stomach
Sides: Right sided
Sleep: Sleeplessness, sleepy but cannot sleep due to sudden twitching.
Dream: Amorous, Anger, Anxious, of business, Vivid
Guiding symptoms:-
1. Pain; raw, sore,Burning in every part of the body, both internal and external, runs through
the whole remedy.
2. Constant and intolerable urging to urinate.
3. Burning, cutting pain in urethra during micturition.
4. Over sensitiveness of all parts.
5. Stool with scraping of intestines.
Complementary: Camphor.
Remedies that follow well:
Benefits/Uses of Cantharis:- Bell, Merc, Phos, Puls, Sep,
1. In cases of Severe Cystitis. Inimical: Coffea.
2. For Burns and Scalds. Antidotes: Acon, Apis,
3. Insect Bites and Stings. Camphor Kali nit.
4. Excessive Libido.
5. Gastritis, Diarrhea, and Dysentery

Dosage: 3x to 30c for internal use. 1x to 2x in water or vasaline for external use.
Repetition: Bears repetition well
Duration of action: 30 to 40 days (Clarke).

General modality:-

Agg: From coffee, before, during and after micturition.

Amel: From rubbing, from lying quietly on the back.

Dept. of Homoeopathic Pharmacy

Fr.Muller Homoeopathic Medical College
Deralakatte, Mangalore

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