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At the of the 2 1 st is into a

beginning CenturyChina totally getting

as as
period of Allround development and the social structure well the economic

structure has great changedNearly at the same time the problem of

vulnerable in the new time

groups appearsIn factthe groups appearance

is the cost of reform and

open policyThe

vulnerable included
groups underlying society
compares with other social strata crowdsthe vulnerable groups all is at

the weak trend in each of social

position aspect lifepresentlythe
an one
problem of vulnerable groups has already become important that

effect society stability and advancementBut in these questionsthe

of the of vulnerable
question politics participation question groups

as the
especially outstandinglysuch nonsystem participationS

event well as
increasingvulnerable groups frequently arisingas illegal

crime and SO onThese mean that the of

peak arriving question aspiration
vulnerable and the condition of
groupspolitical participation

vulnerable is limitedThe
groupsparticipation politics extremely
article attempts to prompt the deep that shape the situation of

vulnerable groupsparticipationand then constructs the feasible mean of

strengthening groupsparticipation

The article first defined the concepts of vulnerable groupspolitics

on the vulnerable
participation correlatively,Focus groupsparticipation

of the status and characteristics It summarized the reason of vulnerable

situation at the social timeThe

groupspolitics participation reforming

first is the of vulnerable the

analysis groupsown reasonincluding

negative effect of traditional ideasthe limitation of their own economic

condition and the lowlihead of the quality of citizensOwn participating

in government Next it has promulgated the influence to vulnerable

groups while the correlative the national system is shortcoming from the

national limitation
system aspectincluding political systems aspectthe

of the mechanism of vulnerable

groupspolitics participationlegal

distress ofthe of vulnerable the

system aspect the fight groupsparticipating

social of the social has limited vulnerable

system aspect the irrationality system

it has the
groupspolitical participationFinally analyzed

of vulnerable groupspolitical participation situation from the concrete

correlation policy angle for example in the correlation policy

attention to the economic but

contentexcessively many paid problem

the the formulation the

neglect political issuein policy processlacked
channel of vulnerable groupsexpressing benefit as well in the policy

the of the vulnerable

implementationcausing phenomenon corruptdisturbing

to in the and SO on
groupsnormal politics participate activity

On the basis of summing up the above reasonsthe article finally

the concrete measure to vulnerable

proposes s engthen groupspolitical

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