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Subject : English Language

Date : 31 March 2014
Time : 8.00 9.00 a.m.
Class : 3 Rafflesia
Number of Pupils : 25
Proficiency Level : Low to Intermediate
Focus : Language Arts
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Its Story Time The Grouchy Ladybug.
4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems
Content Standard : and songs.
4.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to plan, organize and produce creative
works for enjoyment.

Learning Standards : 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs, recite jazz chants and poems with correct pronunciation, rhythm and
4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on :
(d) stories
Lesson Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
(i) Sing the song entitled Ladybug with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.
(ii) To produce simple birthday hat based on the story The Grouchy Ladybug.
(iii)Respond to the story by answering the questions orally.
Teaching Aids : Picture puzzle, birthday hat template, letter cards.

i. CCTS Critical: Classify, Order,
i. Creative: Generate ideas
ii. Multiple Intelligences Verbal Linguistic, Interpersonal, visual spatial, Musical.
iii. Values Love for others, sense of belonging
iv. Olympic Values Respect for others, Pursuit of excellence, Joy of effort
Activity Teaching & Learning Strategy Notes
Set Induction Picture Puzzle Competition Example:
( 5 minutes)
1. Pupils are divided into a group of five.
2. Each group is given an envelope
containing picture pieces and some letters.
3. Teacher asks pupils to complete the
picture puzzle and rearrange the letters
based on the picture.

The letters: L A D U B Y G

The answer : LADYBUG

OV : Pursuit of excellence
MI : Visual spatial
Stage 1 Match the Picture Example:
(15 minutes) 1. Teacher asks pupils to remain in their
Appendix 1
2. Each of the group is given an envelope
containing pictures of animals mentioned in
the story The Grouchy Ladybug.
3. The envelope also contains word cards MI : Visual Spatial
to be matched to the pictures.
4. Each group is required to match the
correct word cards to the pictures.
5. The groups are to present their answer
in front of the class.
6. Teacher corrects the mistakes done by
the students.
7. Teacher connects the activity to the story
that they are about to read.
(15 minutes) 1. Teacher distributes text of the story 1. Do you enjoy reading the story?
entitled The Grouchy Ladybug.
2. Out of five smileys, how many smileys would
2. Teacher reads the story to the pupils. you give to this story?
3. Teacher stops from time to time and
3. Tell me one characteristic of the grouchy
chooses pupils at random to read a few ladybug.
lines from the text.
4. Of all the animals mentioned in the story,
4. After the storytelling session, teacher which do you prefer to fight if you are a
ladybug? Give your reasons.
asks pupils question regarding the ladybug
in the story. 5. If the Grouchy Ladybug is to held a birthday
party in his house which is the jungle and he
5. Pupils answer the question given by the
invited all of you to come, do you want to?
teacher orally.


(25 minutes) 1. Teacher gives a black and white ladybug Appendix 2
birthday hat template to the pupils.
2. Teacher shows and example of a
coloured birthday hat to the pupils. Ladybug Song Lyric
3. Pupils colour the hat according to their
choice of colour. Ladybug, Ladybug ...
4. After the hat is done, teacher distributes Landed On My Thumb,
a song lyric entitled Ladybug song. Crawled On To My Wrist,
5. Teacher demonstrates on how to sing And Crawled Up To My Elbow,
the song. Ladybug, Ladybug ...
6. The pupils sing the song on their own Crawled Up My Arm,
with their hats on. And Then She Flew Away!

Ladybug, Ladybug ...

Landed On My Toe,
Crawled On To My Ankle,
And Crawled Up To My Knee,
Ladybug, Ladybug ...
Crawled Up My Leg,
And Then She Flew Away!

Oh, Ladybug! Oh, Ladybug!

Oh, Won't You Be My Friend?
Oh, Ladybug! Oh, Ladybug!
Won't You Come And Visit Me Again?
Won't You Come And Visit Me Again?

Ladybug, Ladybug ...

Landed On My Head,
Crawled On To My Nose,
And Over To My Ear,
Ladybug, Ladybug ...
Crawled On My Neck,
And Then She Flew Away!

Oh, Ladybug! Oh, Ladybug!

Oh, Won't You Be My Friend?
Oh, Ladybug! Oh, Ladybug!
Won't You Come And Visit Me Again?
Won't You Come And Visit Me Again?

CCTS: Creativity
OV: Joy of Effort
MV: Sense of belonging
MI: Musical intelligence
Ladybug Says Example:
Closure 1. Teacher explains the rules of the game 1. Ladybug says stand up.
(5 minutes) to the pupils. 2. Sit down!
2. The rule is, only commands with the 3. Ladybug says touch your nose.
word ladybug in it should be followed by 4. Hold the table.
pupils. 5. Ladybug says wave goodbye.
3. If pupils follow the command though it
does not have the word ladybug, then they
are disqualified.
MV : Sense of belonging
4. Once the pupils understand the rules,
teacher shall give the commands.
5. Pupils are to listen and do the action
based on the rules.

Assessment : B4 DL1 E1
Teacher will be able to assess pupils ability
to demonstrate understanding of writing
simple sentences by checking their work in
constructing sentences.
Reflection :

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